If you have questions about how to use SocketStream, here is a useful sources:
- SocketStream.org
- Google Group
- GitHub
- IRC channel #socketstream
- Twitter @socketstream
To submit an issue please use SocketStream issue tracker.
We would love for you to contribute to SocketStream source code it even better. To disscuss Minor or Major changes please use Google Group or SocketStream issue tracker
Before you can contribute to SocketStream, you need to install or configure the following dependencies on your machine:
- Git - control version system (GitHub istalling guide)
- Node.js, usually we use latest version of Node.js, but it's alwas better to check the current version in the package.json.
Fork the main SocketStream repository
Clone your (forked) Github repository:
git clone [email protected]:<github username>/socketstream.git
- Go to project repository
cd socketstream
- Add the main SocketStream repository as an upstream remote to your repository
git remote add upstream https://github.com/socketstream/socketstream.git
- Install
npm install
- Make some code changes and run Grunt tasks to make sure your code passed required tests:
- You can also run specific tasks separately, to see all available tasks run:
grunt --help
Available tasks
jshint Validate files with JSHint. *
mochaTest Run node unit tests with Mocha *
default Default task which runs all the required subtasks
test Test everything
- Create and checkout a new branch off the master branch for your changes:
git checkout -b new-stuff-branch master
- Make sure your changes passed the tests:
- Commit your changes with descriptive commit message, please describe what you have done as detailed as possible
git add -A
git commit
- Push your branch to Github:
git push origin new-stuff-branch
Create a pull request
Once your patch is reviewed and merged, please delete your branch and pull yours and master changes from the main (upstream - SocketStream) repository:
git push origin :new-stuff-branch
git checkout master
git branch -D new-stuff-branch
git pull --ff upstream master
You are all set! Thank you for your contribution!