diff --git a/lib/iris/_concatenate.py b/lib/iris/_concatenate.py
index be953f3437..824ec66406 100644
--- a/lib/iris/_concatenate.py
+++ b/lib/iris/_concatenate.py
@@ -5,11 +5,16 @@
 """Automatic concatenation of multiple cubes over one or more existing dimensions."""
 from collections import namedtuple
+import itertools
 import warnings
+import dask
 import dask.array as da
+from dask.base import tokenize
 import numpy as np
+from xxhash import xxh3_64
+from iris._lazy_data import is_masked_data
 import iris.coords
 import iris.cube
 import iris.exceptions
@@ -34,6 +39,35 @@
+def hash_array(a: da.Array | np.ndarray) -> np.int64:
+    def arrayhash(x):
+        value = xxh3_64(x.data.tobytes())
+        if is_masked_data(x):
+            value.update(x.mask.tobytes())
+        return np.frombuffer(value.digest(), dtype=np.int64)
+    return da.reduction(
+        a,
+        chunk=lambda x, axis, keepdims: arrayhash(x).reshape((1,) * a.ndim),
+        combine=lambda x, axis, keepdims: arrayhash(x).reshape((1,) * a.ndim),
+        aggregate=lambda x, axis, keepdims: arrayhash(x)[0],
+        keepdims=False,
+        meta=np.empty(tuple(), dtype=np.int64),
+        dtype=np.int64,
+    )
+class ArrayHash:
+    def __init__(self, value: np.int64, chunks: tuple) -> None:
+        self.value = value
+        self.chunks = chunks
+    def __eq__(self, other: "ArrayHash") -> bool:
+        if self.chunks != other.chunks:
+            raise ValueError("Unable to compare arrays with different chunks.")
+        return self.value == other.value
 class _CoordAndDims(namedtuple("CoordAndDims", ["coord", "dims"])):
     """Container for a coordinate and the associated data dimension(s).
@@ -332,6 +366,49 @@ def concatenate(
     axis = None
     # Register each cube with its appropriate proto-cube.
+    arrays = []
+    # 1 collect list of arrays
+    for cube in cubes:
+        if check_aux_coords:
+            for coord in cube.aux_coords:
+                arrays.append(coord.core_points())
+                if coord.has_bounds():
+                    arrays.append(coord.core_bounds())
+        if check_derived_coords:
+            for coord in cube.derived_coords:
+                arrays.append(coord.core_points())
+                if coord.has_bounds():
+                    arrays.append(coord.core_bounds())
+        if check_cell_measures:
+            for var in cube.cell_measures():
+                arrays.append(var.core_data())
+        if check_ancils:
+            for var in cube.ancillary_variables():
+                arrays.append(var.core_data())
+    # 2 unify chunks of arrays that have matching shape
+    hashes = {}
+    def grouper(a):
+        return a.shape
+    arrays.sort(key=grouper)
+    for _, group in itertools.groupby(arrays, key=grouper):
+        group = list(group)
+        indices = tuple(range(group[0].ndim))[::-1]
+        argpairs = [(a, indices) for a in group]
+        _, rechunked_group = da.core.unify_chunks(*itertools.chain(*argpairs))
+        for array, rechunked in zip(group, rechunked_group):
+            hashes[dask.base.tokenize(array)] = (
+                hash_array(rechunked),
+                rechunked.chunks,
+            )
+    # 3 compute hashes
+    (hashes,) = dask.compute(hashes)
+    hashes = {k: ArrayHash(*v) for k, v in hashes.items()}
     for cube in cubes:
         registered = False
@@ -339,6 +416,7 @@ def concatenate(
         for proto_cube in proto_cubes:
             registered = proto_cube.register(
+                hashes,
@@ -380,7 +458,7 @@ class _CubeSignature:
-    def __init__(self, cube):
+    def __init__(self, cube: iris.cube.Cube) -> None:
         """Represent the cube metadata and associated coordinate metadata.
@@ -413,7 +491,7 @@ def __init__(self, cube):
         # Collate the dimension coordinate metadata.
-        for ind, coord in enumerate(self.dim_coords):
+        for coord in self.dim_coords:
             dims = cube.coord_dims(coord)
             metadata = _CoordMetaData(coord, dims)
@@ -836,6 +914,7 @@ def concatenate(self):
     def register(
+        hashes,
@@ -915,73 +994,56 @@ def register(
                 msg = f"Found cubes with overlap on concatenate axis {candidate_axis}, skipping concatenation for these cubes"
                 warnings.warn(msg, category=iris.warnings.IrisUserWarning)
-        # Check for compatible AuxCoords.
-        if match:
-            if check_aux_coords:
-                for coord_a, coord_b in zip(
-                    self._cube_signature.aux_coords_and_dims,
-                    cube_signature.aux_coords_and_dims,
+        def get_hash(array):
+            return hashes[tokenize(array)]
+        def get_hashes(coord):
+            result = []
+            if hasattr(coord, "core_points"):
+                result.append(get_hash(coord.core_points()))
+                if coord.has_bounds():
+                    result.append(get_hash(coord.core_bounds()))
+            else:
+                result.append(get_hash(coord.core_data()))
+            return tuple(result)
+        def check_coord_match(coord_type):
+            for coord_a, coord_b in zip(
+                getattr(self._cube_signature, coord_type),
+                getattr(cube_signature, coord_type),
+            ):
+                # AuxCoords that span the candidate axis can differ
+                if (
+                    candidate_axis not in coord_a.dims
+                    or candidate_axis not in coord_b.dims
-                    # AuxCoords that span the candidate axis can differ
-                    if (
-                        candidate_axis not in coord_a.dims
-                        or candidate_axis not in coord_b.dims
-                    ):
-                        if not coord_a == coord_b:
-                            match = False
+                    if coord_a.dims != coord_b.dims:
+                        return False
+                    if get_hashes(coord_a.coord) != get_hashes(coord_b.coord):
+                        return False
+            return True
+        # Check for compatible AuxCoords.
+        if match and check_aux_coords:
+            match = check_coord_match("aux_coords_and_dims")
         # Check for compatible CellMeasures.
-        if match:
-            if check_cell_measures:
-                for coord_a, coord_b in zip(
-                    self._cube_signature.cell_measures_and_dims,
-                    cube_signature.cell_measures_and_dims,
-                ):
-                    # CellMeasures that span the candidate axis can differ
-                    if (
-                        candidate_axis not in coord_a.dims
-                        or candidate_axis not in coord_b.dims
-                    ):
-                        if not coord_a == coord_b:
-                            match = False
+        if match and check_cell_measures:
+            match = check_coord_match("cell_measures_and_dims")
         # Check for compatible AncillaryVariables.
-        if match:
-            if check_ancils:
-                for coord_a, coord_b in zip(
-                    self._cube_signature.ancillary_variables_and_dims,
-                    cube_signature.ancillary_variables_and_dims,
-                ):
-                    # AncillaryVariables that span the candidate axis can differ
-                    if (
-                        candidate_axis not in coord_a.dims
-                        or candidate_axis not in coord_b.dims
-                    ):
-                        if not coord_a == coord_b:
-                            match = False
+        if match and check_ancils:
+            match = check_coord_match("ancillary_variables_and_dims")
         # Check for compatible derived coordinates.
-        if match:
-            if check_derived_coords:
-                for coord_a, coord_b in zip(
-                    self._cube_signature.derived_coords_and_dims,
-                    cube_signature.derived_coords_and_dims,
-                ):
-                    # Derived coords that span the candidate axis can differ
-                    if (
-                        candidate_axis not in coord_a.dims
-                        or candidate_axis not in coord_b.dims
-                    ):
-                        if not coord_a == coord_b:
-                            match = False
+        if match and check_derived_coords:
+            match = check_coord_match("derived_coords_and_dims")
         if match:
             # Register the cube as a source-cube for this proto-cube.
             self._add_skeleton(coord_signature, cube.lazy_data())
             # Declare the nominated axis of concatenation.
             self._axis = candidate_axis
-        if match:
             # If the protocube dimension order is constant (indicating it was
             # created from a cube with a length 1 dimension coordinate) but
             # a subsequently registered cube has a non-constant dimension
diff --git a/lib/iris/_lazy_data.py b/lib/iris/_lazy_data.py
index 40984248d1..66701871c0 100644
--- a/lib/iris/_lazy_data.py
+++ b/lib/iris/_lazy_data.py
@@ -34,11 +34,14 @@ def is_lazy_data(data):
     """Return whether the argument is an Iris 'lazy' data array.
     At present, this means simply a :class:`dask.array.Array`.
-    We determine this by checking for a "compute" property.
-    result = hasattr(data, "compute")
-    return result
+    return isinstance(data, da.Array)
+def is_masked_data(a):
+    """Determine whether the argument is a masked array."""
+    return isinstance(da.utils.meta_from_array(a), np.ma.MaskedArray)
 def is_lazy_masked_data(data):
@@ -48,7 +51,7 @@ def is_lazy_masked_data(data):
     underlying array is of masked type.  Otherwise return False.
-    return is_lazy_data(data) and ma.isMA(da.utils.meta_from_array(data))
+    return is_lazy_data(data) and is_masked_data(data)