# HELP telegram_bot_api_last_delivery_error time and message for the most recent error that happened when trying to deliver an update via webhook
# TYPE telegram_bot_api_last_delivery_error gauge
telegram_bot_api_last_delivery_error{bot="username",msg=""} 0
# HELP telegram_bot_api_max_conns Maximum allowed number of simultaneous HTTPS connections to the webhook for update delivery
# TYPE telegram_bot_api_max_conns gauge
telegram_bot_api_max_conns{bot="username"} 0
# HELP telegram_bot_api_pending_updates number of updates awaiting delivery
# TYPE telegram_bot_api_pending_updates gauge
telegram_bot_api_pending_updates{bot="username"} 1
# HELP telegram_bot_api_response_time gauge of bot api response time
# TYPE telegram_bot_api_response_time gauge
telegram_bot_api_response_time{bot="username"} 65
# HELP telegram_bot_api_up true, if api is up
# TYPE telegram_bot_api_up gauge
telegram_bot_api_up{bot="username"} 1