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Documentation / Deploy from source for windows

Deploy from source for windows


Qt 5.15.2 and Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 have to be installed. Make sure to select MSVC 2019 or later on both installations. Please add the Qt binary folder to your PATH variable, this is necessary for compiling translations and ui files using tools provided in the Qt installation, e.g.:

$env:PATH += ";C:\Qt\MSVC2019\bin"

Download OpenCV 4.7.0 or build it from source. Your OpenCV build should contain a file OpenCVConfig.cmake. To build with CUDA you need an OpenCV build which supports CUDA. In this case download NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit API as well.

Finally, install cmake 3.14 or newer, git and git-lfs.

Clone iVS3D

Clone iVS3D recursively to include the neural network models for our plugins.

git clone --recursive
Set-Location -Path iVS3D

Configure, build and install with cmake

New-Item -Path "build" --ItemType Directory
Set-Location -Path build
cmake \
  -DOpenCV_DIR="<path to opencv folder containing OpenCVConfig.cmake>" \
  -DWith_CUDA="ON" \

You can disable CUDA by using -DWith_CUDA="OFF". Note that by default, iVS3D will be installed to C:\Program Files, which requires admin privileges to access. You can change the install location by running:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="<path to your prefered install location>" ..

Use cmake -L .. to see all available configurations:

Once you are happy with your configuration you can build and install your project by running:

cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --install .

The install step will setup the folder structure and copy the plugin binaries to their appropriate location. Once both steps finished you can run iVS3D:


Cmake configuration options

Cmake configuration options are added using the -D flag. Following options are available when configuring your iVS3D build:

Option Type Default value Description
Build_Plugins BOOL ON Enable compilation of plugins
Build_Tests BOOL OFF Compile test suite
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STRING Release Use Debug to include debug symbols
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX STRING C:\Program Files install location
Install_Models BOOL ON Copy onnx models for plugins to install location
OpenCV_DIR PATH Path to OpenCVConfig.cmake
Update_Translations BOOL OFF Regenerate translation files from source code (runs lupdate.exe)
With_CUDA BOOL ON Use CUDA to accelerate computations on the GPU. This requires CUDA, CUDNN and an OpenCV build with CUDA support to be installed!