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Bùi Minh Đức edited this page Dec 29, 2023 · 26 revisions

Murphy's Law states, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". It's a proverb from the late 1940s, and while it may not be as academically accurate and influential as Newton's laws of motion, it's generally acknowledged in some fields as a rule of thumb. Even when you push your luck, things can unexpectedly go south, so it's always good to prepare for the worst.

Despite having technological advancements of the last 50 years, your 6300 4G still remains prone to human errors. Detailed documentation does not shield you from incorrectly modifying your phone, which could render it unbootable or worse. Backups exist as a fallback to help prevent data loss or even return to the previous state in case it does happen.

  • To export your contacts in the built-in Contacts app, go to Contacts → Options → Settings → Export contacts. From there, choose to either save to a CSV file on your SD card, send through Bluetooth to other devices, or upload to Web services such as Google Contacts and Outlook.
  • On debug-enabled devices, you can sideload certified apps such as D3SXX's kaios-backup or Fiachra1993's kaios-sms-backup which uses Firefox OS APIs to export your text messages to JSON or CSV files.
  • Built-in Calendar app allows syncing events through Google, ActiveSync or CalDAV accounts. If you only have a small number of events, you can migrate each of those to your online calendars. strukturart's greg also allows syncing events with Nextcloud.
  • Each entry in the Notes app can be shared over texts, Bluetooth or email.
  • Captured photos and videos are stored under DCIM. Recorded voice files are stored under audio.
    • To change whether to save files on phone's internal storage or SD card, go to Settings → Storage → Default media location.

Back up application data and system preferences

adb pull /data/local/webapps
adb pull /data/local/permissions.sqlite
adb pull /data/local/config
adb pull /data/local/storage

Back up system partitions

mkdir -p /sdcard/dumps
for P in $(ls /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/);
   busybox dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/$P of=/sdcard/dumps/$(basename $P).img