- local "Windows" "10 x64" "build 17763", R 4.1.2
- win-builder (devel and release)
- Windows Server 2022, R-devel, 64 bit (rhub)
- Ubuntu Linux 20.04.1 LTS, R-release, GCC (rhub)
- Fedora Linux, R-devel, clang, gfortran (rhub)
- r-release-macosx-arm64|4.2.1|macosx|macOS 11.5.2 (20G95)|Mac mini|Apple M1||en_US.UTF-8
0 errors √ | 0 warnings √ | 0 notes √
- Fedora Linux testing fails due to a problem compiling ‘RPostgreSQL’
- This update removes dependencies on retiring packages rgdal, rgeos, and maptools.
- This update replaces dependencies on raster and sp with dependencies on terra and sf (where possible).
*Previous version caused a note on Debian, presumably due to a change in how the news file is rendered