+ |
+ # File 'elasticgraph-schema_definition/lib/elastic_graph/schema_definition/schema_elements/field.rb', line 89
+class Field < Struct.new(
+ :name, :original_type, :parent_type, :original_type_for_derived_types, :schema_def_state, :accuracy_confidence,
+ :filter_customizations, :grouped_by_customizations, :sub_aggregations_customizations,
+ :aggregated_values_customizations, :sort_order_enum_value_customizations,
+ :args, :sortable, :filterable, :aggregatable, :groupable, :graphql_only, :source, :runtime_field_script, :relationship, :singular_name,
+ :computation_detail, :non_nullable_in_json_schema, :backing_indexing_field, :as_input,
+ :legacy_grouping_schema, :name_in_index
+ include Mixins::HasDocumentation
+ include Mixins::HasDirectives
+ include Mixins::HasTypeInfo
+ include Mixins::HasReadableToSAndInspect.new { |f| "#{f.parent_type.name}.#{f.name}: #{f.type}" }
+ def initialize(
+ name:, type:, parent_type:, schema_def_state:,
+ accuracy_confidence: :high, name_in_index: name,
+ runtime_metadata_graphql_field: SchemaArtifacts::RuntimeMetadata::GraphQLField::EMPTY,
+ type_for_derived_types: nil, graphql_only: nil, singular: nil,
+ sortable: nil, filterable: nil, aggregatable: nil, groupable: nil,
+ backing_indexing_field: nil, as_input: false, legacy_grouping_schema: false
+ )
+ type_ref = schema_def_state.type_ref(type)
+ super(
+ name: name,
+ original_type: type_ref,
+ parent_type: parent_type,
+ original_type_for_derived_types: type_for_derived_types ? schema_def_state.type_ref(type_for_derived_types) : type_ref,
+ schema_def_state: schema_def_state,
+ accuracy_confidence: accuracy_confidence,
+ filter_customizations: [],
+ grouped_by_customizations: [],
+ sub_aggregations_customizations: [],
+ aggregated_values_customizations: [],
+ sort_order_enum_value_customizations: [],
+ args: {},
+ sortable: sortable,
+ filterable: filterable,
+ aggregatable: aggregatable,
+ groupable: groupable,
+ graphql_only: graphql_only,
+ source: nil,
+ runtime_field_script: nil,
+ singular_name: singular,
+ name_in_index: name_in_index,
+ non_nullable_in_json_schema: false,
+ backing_indexing_field: backing_indexing_field,
+ as_input: as_input,
+ legacy_grouping_schema: legacy_grouping_schema
+ )
+ if name != name_in_index && name_in_index&.include?(".") && !graphql_only
+ raise Errors::SchemaError, "#{self} has an invalid `name_in_index`: #{name_in_index.inspect}. Only `graphql_only: true` fields can have a `name_in_index` that references a child field."
+ end
+ schema_def_state.register_user_defined_field(self)
+ yield self if block_given?
+ end
+ @@initialize_param_names = instance_method(:initialize).parameters.map(&:last).to_set
+ prepend Mixins::VerifiesGraphQLName
+ def type
+ original_type.to_final_form(as_input: as_input)
+ end
+ def type_for_derived_types
+ original_type_for_derived_types.to_final_form(as_input: as_input)
+ end
+ def customize_filter_field(&customization_block)
+ filter_customizations << customization_block
+ end
+ def customize_aggregated_values_field(&customization_block)
+ aggregated_values_customizations << customization_block
+ end
+ def customize_grouped_by_field(&customization_block)
+ grouped_by_customizations << customization_block
+ end
+ def customize_sub_aggregations_field(&customization_block)
+ sub_aggregations_customizations << customization_block
+ end
+ def customize_sort_order_enum_values(&customization_block)
+ sort_order_enum_value_customizations << customization_block
+ end
+ def on_each_generated_schema_element(&customization_block)
+ customization_block.call(self)
+ customize_filter_field(&customization_block)
+ customize_aggregated_values_field(&customization_block)
+ customize_grouped_by_field(&customization_block)
+ customize_sub_aggregations_field(&customization_block)
+ customize_sort_order_enum_values(&customization_block)
+ end
+ def json_schema(nullable: nil, **options)
+ if options.key?(:type)
+ raise Errors::SchemaError, "Cannot override JSON schema type of field `#{name}` with `#{options.fetch(:type)}`"
+ end
+ case nullable
+ when true
+ raise Errors::SchemaError, "`nullable: true` is not allowed on a field--just declare the GraphQL field as being nullable (no `!` suffix) instead."
+ when false
+ self.non_nullable_in_json_schema = true
+ end
+ super(**options)
+ end
+ def sourced_from(relationship, field_path)
+ self.source = schema_def_state.factory.new_field_source(
+ relationship_name: relationship,
+ field_path: field_path
+ )
+ end
+ def runtime_script(script)
+ self.runtime_field_script = script
+ end
+ def renamed_from(old_name)
+ schema_def_state.register_renamed_field(
+ parent_type.name,
+ from: old_name,
+ to: name,
+ defined_at: caller_locations(1, 1).first, defined_via: %(field.renamed_from "#{old_name}")
+ )
+ end
+ def to_sdl(type_structure_only: false, default_value_sdl: nil, &arg_selector)
+ if type_structure_only
+ "#{name}#{args_sdl(joiner: ", ", &arg_selector)}: #{type.name}"
+ else
+ args_sdl = args_sdl(joiner: "\n ", after_opening_paren: "\n ", &arg_selector)
+ "#{formatted_documentation}#{name}#{args_sdl}: #{type.name}#{default_value_sdl} #{directives_sdl}".strip
+ end
+ end
+ def sortable?
+ return sortable unless sortable.nil?
+ return false if type.list?
+ return false if type.unwrap_non_null.boolean?
+ return false if text?
+ return false if type.as_object_type&.has_custom_mapping_type?
+ true
+ end
+ def filterable?
+ return true if type.fully_unwrapped.name == "GeoLocation"
+ return false if relationship || type.fully_unwrapped.as_object_type&.does_not_support?(&:filterable?)
+ return true if filterable.nil?
+ filterable
+ end
+ def groupable?
+ return groupable unless groupable.nil?
+ return false if parent_type.indexed? && name == "id"
+ return false if relationship || type.fully_unwrapped.as_object_type&.does_not_support?(&:groupable?)
+ return list_field_groupable_by_single_values? if type.list? && type.fully_unwrapped.leaf?
+ return false if nested?
+ return false if text?
+ true
+ end
+ def aggregatable?
+ return aggregatable unless aggregatable.nil?
+ return false if relationship
+ return false if nested?
+ return false if text?
+ type_for_derived_types.fully_unwrapped.as_object_type&.supports?(&:aggregatable?) || index_leaf?
+ end
+ def sub_aggregatable?
+ return false if relationship
+ nested? || type_for_derived_types.fully_unwrapped.as_object_type&.supports?(&:sub_aggregatable?)
+ end
+ def argument(name, value_type, &block)
+ args[name] = schema_def_state.factory.new_argument(
+ self,
+ name,
+ schema_def_state.type_ref(value_type),
+ &block
+ )
+ end
+ def mapping_type
+ backing_indexing_field&.mapping_type || (resolve_mapping || {})["type"]
+ end
+ def list_field_groupable_by_single_values?
+ (type.list? || backing_indexing_field&.type&.list?) && !singular_name.nil?
+ end
+ def define_aggregated_values_field(parent_type)
+ return unless aggregatable?
+ unwrapped_type_for_derived_types = type_for_derived_types.fully_unwrapped
+ aggregated_values_type =
+ if index_leaf?
+ unwrapped_type_for_derived_types.resolved.aggregated_values_type
+ else
+ unwrapped_type_for_derived_types.as_aggregated_values
+ end
+ parent_type.field name, aggregated_values_type.name, name_in_index: name_in_index, graphql_only: true do |f|
+ f.documentation derived_documentation("Computed aggregate values for the `#{name}` field")
+ aggregated_values_customizations.each { |block| block.call(f) }
+ end
+ end
+ def define_grouped_by_field(parent_type)
+ return unless (field_name = grouped_by_field_name)
+ parent_type.field field_name, grouped_by_field_type_name, name_in_index: name_in_index, graphql_only: true do |f|
+ add_grouped_by_field_documentation(f)
+ define_legacy_timestamp_grouping_arguments_if_needed(f) if legacy_grouping_schema
+ grouped_by_customizations.each { |block| block.call(f) }
+ end
+ end
+ def grouped_by_field_type_name
+ unwrapped_type = type_for_derived_types.fully_unwrapped
+ if unwrapped_type.scalar_type_needing_grouped_by_object? && !legacy_grouping_schema
+ unwrapped_type.with_reverted_override.as_grouped_by.name
+ elsif unwrapped_type.leaf?
+ unwrapped_type.name
+ else
+ unwrapped_type.as_grouped_by.name
+ end
+ end
+ def add_grouped_by_field_documentation(field)
+ text = if list_field_groupable_by_single_values?
+ derived_documentation(
+ "The individual value from `#{name}` for this group",
+ list_field_grouped_by_doc_note("`#{name}`")
+ )
+ elsif type.list? && type.fully_unwrapped.object?
+ derived_documentation(
+ "The `#{name}` field value for this group",
+ list_field_grouped_by_doc_note("the selected subfields of `#{name}`")
+ )
+ elsif type_for_derived_types.fully_unwrapped.scalar_type_needing_grouped_by_object? && !legacy_grouping_schema
+ derived_documentation("Offers the different grouping options for the `#{name}` value within this group")
+ else
+ derived_documentation("The `#{name}` field value for this group")
+ end
+ field.documentation text
+ end
+ def grouped_by_field_name
+ return nil unless groupable?
+ list_field_groupable_by_single_values? ? singular_name : name
+ end
+ def define_sub_aggregations_field(parent_type:, type:)
+ parent_type.field name, type, name_in_index: name_in_index, graphql_only: true do |f|
+ f.documentation derived_documentation("Used to perform a sub-aggregation of `#{name}`")
+ sub_aggregations_customizations.each { |c| c.call(f) }
+ yield f if block_given?
+ end
+ end
+ def to_filter_field(parent_type:, for_single_value: !type_for_derived_types.list?)
+ type_prefix = text? ? "Text" : type_for_derived_types.fully_unwrapped.name
+ filter_type = schema_def_state
+ .type_ref(type_prefix)
+ .as_static_derived_type(filter_field_category(for_single_value))
+ .name
+ params = to_h
+ .slice(*@@initialize_param_names)
+ .merge(type: filter_type, parent_type: parent_type, name_in_index: name_in_index, type_for_derived_types: nil)
+ schema_def_state.factory.new_field(**params).tap do |f|
+ f.documentation derived_documentation(
+ "Used to filter on the `#{name}` field",
+ "Will be ignored if `null` or an empty object is passed"
+ )
+ filter_customizations.each { |c| c.call(f) }
+ end
+ end
+ def
+ argument schema_def_state.schema_elements.first.to_sym, "Int" do |a|
+ a.documentation <<~EOS
+ Used in conjunction with the `after` argument to forward-paginate through the `#{name}`.
+ When provided, limits the number of returned results to the first `n` after the provided
+ `after` cursor (or from the start of the `#{name}`, if no `after` cursor is provided).
+ See the [Relay GraphQL Cursor Connections
+ Specification](https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm#sec-Arguments) for more info.
+ end
+ argument schema_def_state.schema_elements.after.to_sym, "Cursor" do |a|
+ a.documentation <<~EOS
+ Used to forward-paginate through the `#{name}`. When provided, the next page after the
+ provided cursor will be returned.
+ See the [Relay GraphQL Cursor Connections
+ Specification](https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm#sec-Arguments) for more info.
+ end
+ argument schema_def_state.schema_elements.last.to_sym, "Int" do |a|
+ a.documentation <<~EOS
+ Used in conjunction with the `before` argument to backward-paginate through the `#{name}`.
+ When provided, limits the number of returned results to the last `n` before the provided
+ `before` cursor (or from the end of the `#{name}`, if no `before` cursor is provided).
+ See the [Relay GraphQL Cursor Connections
+ Specification](https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm#sec-Arguments) for more info.
+ end
+ argument schema_def_state.schema_elements.before.to_sym, "Cursor" do |a|
+ a.documentation <<~EOS
+ Used to backward-paginate through the `#{name}`. When provided, the previous page before the
+ provided cursor will be returned.
+ See the [Relay GraphQL Cursor Connections
+ Specification](https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm#sec-Arguments) for more info.
+ end
+ end
+ def to_indexing_field_reference
+ return nil if graphql_only
+ Indexing::FieldReference.new(
+ name: name,
+ name_in_index: name_in_index,
+ type: non_nullable_in_json_schema ? type.wrap_non_null : type,
+ mapping_options: mapping_options,
+ json_schema_options: json_schema_options,
+ accuracy_confidence: accuracy_confidence,
+ source: source,
+ runtime_field_script: runtime_field_script
+ )
+ end
+ def to_indexing_field
+ to_indexing_field_reference&.resolve
+ end
+ def resolve_mapping
+ to_indexing_field&.mapping
+ end
+ def paths_to_lists_for_count_indexing(has_list_ancestor: false)
+ self_path = (has_list_ancestor || type.list?) ? [name_in_index] : []
+ nested_paths =
+ if !nested? && (object_type = type.fully_unwrapped.as_object_type)
+ object_type.indexing_fields_by_name_in_index.values.flat_map do |sub_field|
+ sub_field.paths_to_lists_for_count_indexing(has_list_ancestor: has_list_ancestor || type.list?).map do |sub_path|
+ "#{name_in_index}#{LIST_COUNTS_FIELD_PATH_KEY_SEPARATOR}#{sub_path}"
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ self_path + nested_paths
+ end
+ def index_leaf?
+ type_for_derived_types.fully_unwrapped.leaf? || DATASTORE_PROPERTYLESS_OBJECT_TYPES.include?(mapping_type)
+ end
+ high: 3,
+ medium: 2,
+ low: 1
+ }
+ def self.pick_most_accurate_from(field1, field2, to_comparable: ->(it) { it })
+ return field1 if to_comparable.call(field1) == to_comparable.call(field2)
+ yield if field1.accuracy_confidence == field2.accuracy_confidence
+ _ = [field1, field2].max_by { |f| ACCURACY_SCORES.fetch(f.accuracy_confidence) }
+ end
+ def nested?
+ mapping_type == "nested"
+ end
+ def runtime_metadata_computation_detail(empty_bucket_value:, function:)
+ self.computation_detail = SchemaArtifacts::RuntimeMetadata::ComputationDetail.new(
+ empty_bucket_value: empty_bucket_value,
+ function: function
+ )
+ end
+ def runtime_metadata_graphql_field
+ SchemaArtifacts::RuntimeMetadata::GraphQLField.new(
+ name_in_index: name_in_index,
+ computation_detail: computation_detail,
+ relation: relationship&.runtime_metadata
+ )
+ end
+ private
+ def args_sdl(joiner:, after_opening_paren: "", &arg_selector)
+ selected_args = args.values.select(&arg_selector)
+ args_sdl = selected_args.map(&:to_sdl).flat_map { |s| s.split("\n") }.join(joiner)
+ return nil if args_sdl.empty?
+ "(#{after_opening_paren}#{args_sdl})"
+ end
+ def text?
+ mapping_type == "text"
+ end
+ def define_legacy_timestamp_grouping_arguments_if_needed(grouping_field)
+ case type.fully_unwrapped.name
+ when "Date"
+ grouping_field.argument schema_def_state.schema_elements.granularity, "DateGroupingGranularity!" do |a|
+ a.documentation "Determines the grouping granularity for this field."
+ end
+ grouping_field.argument schema_def_state.schema_elements.offset_days, "Int" do |a|
+ a.documentation <<~EOS
+ Number of days (positive or negative) to shift the `Date` boundaries of each date grouping bucket.
+ For example, when grouping by `YEAR`, this can be used to align the buckets with fiscal or school years instead of calendar years.
+ end
+ when "DateTime"
+ grouping_field.argument schema_def_state.schema_elements.granularity, "DateTimeGroupingGranularity!" do |a|
+ a.documentation "Determines the grouping granularity for this field."
+ end
+ grouping_field.argument schema_def_state.schema_elements.time_zone, "TimeZone" do |a|
+ a.documentation "The time zone to use when determining which grouping a `DateTime` value falls in."
+ a.default "UTC"
+ end
+ grouping_field.argument schema_def_state.schema_elements.offset, "DateTimeGroupingOffsetInput" do |a|
+ a.documentation <<~EOS
+ Amount of offset (positive or negative) to shift the `DateTime` boundaries of each grouping bucket.
+ For example, when grouping by `WEEK`, you can shift by 24 hours to change what day-of-week weeks are considered to start on.
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def list_field_grouped_by_doc_note(individual_value_selection_description)
+ <<~EOS.strip
+ Note: `#{name}` is a collection field, but selecting this field will group on individual values of #{individual_value_selection_description}.
+ That means that a document may be grouped into multiple aggregation groupings (i.e. when its `#{name}`
+ field has multiple values) leading to some data duplication in the response. However, if a value shows
+ up in `#{name}` multiple times for a single document, that document will only be included in the group
+ once
+ end
+ def filter_field_category(for_single_value)
+ return :filter_input if for_single_value
+ return :list_filter_input if index_leaf?
+ return :fields_list_filter_input unless type_for_derived_types.list?
+ case mapping_type
+ when "nested" then :list_filter_input
+ when "object" then :fields_list_filter_input
+ else
+ raise Errors::SchemaError, <<~EOS
+ `#{parent_type.name}.#{name}` is a list-of-objects field, but the mapping type has not been explicitly specified. Elasticsearch and OpenSearch
+ offer two ways to index list-of-objects fields. It cannot be changed on an existing field without dropping the index and recreating it (losing
+ any existing indexed data!), and there are nuanced tradeoffs involved here, so ElasticGraph provides no default mapping in this situation.
+ If you're currently prototyping and don't want to spend time weighing this tradeoff, we recommend you do this:
+ ```
+ t.field "#{name}", "#{type.name}" do |f|
+ # Here we are opting for flexibility (nested) over pure performance (object).
+ # TODO: evaluate if we want to stick with `nested` before going to production.
+ f.mapping type: "nested"
+ end
+ ```
+ Read on for details of the tradeoff involved here.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Here are the options:
+ 1) `f.mapping type: "object"` will cause each field path to be indexed as a separate "flattened" list.
+ For example, given a `Film` document like this:
+ ```
+ {
+ "name": "The Empire Strikes Back",
+ "characters": [
+ {"first": "Luke", "last": "Skywalker"},
+ {"first": "Han", "last": "Solo"}
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+ ...the data will look like this in the inverted Lucene index:
+ ```
+ {
+ "name": "The Empire Strikes Back",
+ "characters.first": ["Luke", "Han"],
+ "characters.last": ["Skywalker", "Solo"]
+ }
+ ```
+ This is highly efficient, but there is no way to search on multiple fields of a character and be sure that the matching values came from the same character.
+ ElasticGraph models this in the filtering API it offers for this case:
+ ```
+ query {
+ films(filter: {
+ characters: {
+ first: {#{schema_def_state.schema_elements.any_satisfy}: {#{schema_def_state.schema_elements.equal_to_any_of}: ["Luke"]}}
+ last: {#{schema_def_state.schema_elements.any_satisfy}: {#{schema_def_state.schema_elements.equal_to_any_of}: ["Skywalker"]}}
+ }
+ }) {
+ # ...
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ As suggested by this filtering API, this will match any film that has a character with a first name of "Luke" and a character
+ with the last name of "Skywalker", but this could be satisfied by two separate characters.
+ 2) `f.mapping type: "nested"` will cause each _object_ in the list to be indexed as a separate hidden document, preserving the independence of each.
+ Given a `Film` document like "The Empire Strikes Back" from above, the `nested` type will index separate hidden documents for each character. This
+ allows ElasticGraph to offer this filtering API instead:
+ ```
+ query {
+ films(filter: {
+ characters: {#{schema_def_state.schema_elements.any_satisfy}: {
+ first: {#{schema_def_state.schema_elements.equal_to_any_of}: ["Luke"]}
+ last: {#{schema_def_state.schema_elements.equal_to_any_of}: ["Skywalker"]}
+ }}
+ }) {
+ # ...
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ As suggested by this filtering API, this will only match films that have a character named "Luke Skywalker". However, the Elasticsearch docs[^1][^2] warn
+ that the `nested` mapping type can lead to performance problems, and index sorting cannot be configured[^3] when the `nested` type is used.
+ [^1]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.10/nested.html
+ [^2]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.10/joining-queries.html
+ [^3]: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.10/index-modules-index-sorting.html
+ end
+ end
+ |