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executable file
193 lines (165 loc) · 5.52 KB


**Mirage-JS** is a lightweight developer library that gives developers access to a customizable and interactive video chat component. With a short setup process, a developer can write custom animations and filters or use our robust presets, and can integrate that with a video chat component built on peer to peer webRTC technology. This enables clients access to real time multimedia interactions drawn on 2d canvas overlays.


  1. Install it from npm
npm install --save mirage-js
  1. In client-side Javascript file require mirage-js.
import { Mirage } from 'mirage-js';
  1. On the server, navigate to our socket-logic file on node_modules (if server is in root directory, require from './node_modules/server/mirageSocket.js');
const mirageSocket = require('./node_modules/server/socketLogic.js');

Client side API methods

Begin component logic, this method should be coded after all the other methods have been coded


Gain access to Mirage object

const mirage = new Mirage();

Insert CSS styles for component


Insert component onto fixed position on DOM


Add your own filters

mirage.putFilters = ['blur(5px)', 'saturate(20)'];

Add your own images/emoji

mirage.putImages = ['',

Run your own functions and animations within select events. They take no input, but 'state' is accessible, see below

'initial' event triggers immediately after mirage process begins

mirage.on('initial', (state, filters, images) => {

'preStream' event triggers immediately before local stream becomes available

mirage.on('preStream', (state, filters, images) => {

'localStream' event triggers immediately after local stream becomes available

mirage.on('localStream', (state) => {

'streams' event triggers (both local and remote streams accessible)

mirage.on('streams', (state) => {
    // console.log(state);

'onData' event triggers (data channel becomes accessible for sending data)

mirage.on('onData', (state) => {
    // console.log(state);
    state.rtcState.dataChannel.send(JSON.stringify({onData: "yo you're up in the data channels"}));

'onMessage' event triggers (incoming data becomes accessible)

mirage.on('onMessage', (state, dataObj) => {
    // console.log(state, dataObj);

Data becomes available to 'non-initiator' client (available via state.rtcState.dataChannel property)

mirage.on('nonInitiatorData', (state) => {
     // console.log(state);


As of now there are five states, which are properties on a state object that is accessible within the event methods

Filter State

state.filterState = {
  filters: ['blur(5px)', 'brightness(0.4)', 'contrast(200%)', 'grayscale(100%)', 'hue-rotate(90deg)', 'invert(100%)', 'sepia(100%)', 'saturate(20)', 'none']; //default filters
  addFilters: (filterArr) => { //add filters, suggested to do through putFilters method
    if (filterArr != undefined || filterArr.length > 0) {
      filterArr.forEach((ele, idx) => {
        if(this.filters.indexOf(ele) < 0){

Room State (access chat client or room information)

state.roomState = {
  vendorUrl: //window url
  chattersClient: // you and peer's socket ID
  chatterThisClient: //your socket ID
  roomID: //shared room object on server

Media State

state.mediaState = {
  peerBooth: //DOM element container for remote canvas and video
  peerVideo: //remote video
  peerCanvas: //remote canvas overlay
  peerContext: //remote context of canvas
  myBooth: //DOM element container for local canvas and video
  myVideo: //local video
  myCanvas: //local canvas overlay
  myContext: //local canvas context

Anime State (animation data)

state.animeState = {
  anime: //object of default functions, paste, bounce, orbit
  animeBtn: //DOM button with event listener to choose animation
  currAnime: //DOM display element for current animation
  currentAnimation: current chosen animation function
  raf: //request animation frame variable
  rafObj: //object collection of rafs
  currentImg: //current selected image
  emojis: //array collection of images
  emoBtns: //DOM buttons for image selections

RTC State

state.rtcState = {
  localStream: //local video stream
  remoteStream: //remote video stream
  dataChannel: //data channel shared between clients

Element State (DOM nodes)

state.elementState = {
  clearButton: document.getElementById(clearId);
  joinButton: document.getElementById(joinId);
  materialBtn: document.getElementById(materialId);
  demo: document.getElementById(demoId);
  fixedComponent: document.getElementById(fixedId);
  boothComponent: document.getElementById(boothId);
  connectElement: document.getElementById(connectId);
  disconnectElement: document.getElementById(disconnectId);

## Our Team
* Kevin Liu - [](
* Morgan Christison - [](
* Blake Watkins - [](

## License