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146 lines (99 loc) · 11 KB

2.0.0-rc.6 (2018-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • DEV_DOCS: add missed line in development on the latest Nebular sources (#182) (3b84981)
  • docs: update font spacing (#193) (7e2a41a)
  • docs: update menu component to react to expand (add a relevant class) (#206) (18ccdf6), closes #180
  • docs: use correct tag in usage example (#186) (b2333a9)
  • menu: don't collapse menu which has a selected item (#225) (5c489f3)
  • menu: fix items not being prepared when passed through input (#181) (2e9d14a)
  • search: fix search not un-subscribing from events (#185) (691e100)

Code Refactoring

  • auth: move token storage out of token service (c8273da)
  • theme: remove user context menu (#231) (959bd4a)


  • security: add new security module with acl implementation (#187) (86b2784), closes #164
  • auth: ability to configure social link (#205) (86b2784), closes #171
  • bootstrap: update bootstrap to 4.0.0 release (including ng-bootstrap, angular) (#226) (f047f14), closes #160 #223 #224
  • checkbox: expand checkbox variables for easier customization (6b93924), closes #143
  • context-menu: add context menu component (13799a5)
  • popover: add new awesome popover component (7dbefd6)
  • popover: add popover-border-radius theme var (#254) (baf1a61)
  • ssr: add server-side rendering support (c826187)
  • tabset: add lazyLoad property to nb-tab so that it loads content before it is actually shown (#227) (270995d), closes #144
  • theme: add capability append component to the layout top by its factory (#253) (515636c)
  • user: allow use base64 images for user picture (#238) (28338a7)


  • theme: NbUserComponent no longer has context menu. We've completely moved context menu in the separate component. So, to migrate from the previous version you have to remove user menu items
<nb-user [menu]="items"></nb-user>

and use NbContextMenuDirective:

<nb-user [nbContextMenu]="items"></nb-user>
  • auth:
  1. NB_AUTH_TOKEN_WRAPPER_CLASS renamed to NB_AUTH_TOKEN_CLASS and you should use useValue instead of useClass when providing a token: { provide: NB_AUTH_TOKEN_WRAPPER_TOKEN, useClass: NbAuthJWTToken }, to { provide: NB_AUTH_TOKEN_CLASS, useValue: NbAuthJWTToken },

  2. setValue method removed from NbAuthSimpleToken, NbAuthJWTToken, tokens only accept read-only value when created through constructor now.

  3. Token Storage moved out from NbTokenService into a separate NbTokenStorage. If you need to change the storage behavior or provide your own - just extend your class from basic NbTokenStorage or NbTokenLocalStorage and provide in your app.module:

  { provide: NbTokenStorage, useClass: NbTokenCustomStorage },
  • checkbox: Checkbox check mark color variable (radio-fg) is expanded. There are three variables instead to set a color depending a the checkbox state:
  • checkbox-checkmark - base color
  • checkbox-checked-checkmark - color when checkbox checked
  • checkbox-disabled-checkmark - color when checkbox is disabled

2.0.0-rc.5 (2018-01-31)

Bug Fixes

  • docs: remove comma between shorthand properties in themes table (#130) (#133) (b36a409)
  • docs: update marked version (#124) (f4c970e)
  • header: fix layout header test (#153) (b97ee8f)
  • menu: remove hardcoded max-height (#122) (a753bee), closes #65
  • menu: stop sidebar adding display: none to collapsed item span t… (#155) (4c10d2a)
  • search: fix tests some time not passing on search (#176) (254ddd3)
  • sidebar: only expand sidebar when item has children elements (#158) (3a47dbf), closes #23
  • travis: fix karma config for browserstack (#156) (d5a4873)
  • travis: remove git depth to allow commits comparison (#150) (4704d9e)
  • travis: stop randomly failing builds (#126) (3740e08)


  • auth: warn about empty token, return falsy result (ad8afb0)
  • badge: add new badge component (#111) (a9324b4)
  • cards: new card types (f15470a), closes #139
  • search: add input to be able to customize info label (#147) (12a55dc), closes #21


  • auth: now if login/register returns no value for token, unsuccessful NbAuthResult is returned

2.0.0-rc.4 (2017-12-31) 🎄

This release features an update to angular 5+, rxjs 5.5+. Make sure to update these dependencies in your project.

Bug Fixes

  • auth: fix scrollbar cutoff issue with auth (#87) (893d56a)
  • auth: fix typo in request password sub-title (#105) (336b05e)
  • theme: fix an issue when scrollbar didn't reset after a route change (#91) (9c77dad)
  • theme: remove stock bootstrap box-shadow (#72) (7d7b3ab)
  • theme: scrollbars color in IE (#66) (b5b500c)


  • logout: let logout.component use form configs (#78) (41d0f78)
  • dependencies: update dependencies (angular 5+, rxjs, bootstrap, smart-table) (#108)


  • dependencies: since angular and rxjs are updated please make sure to look through the corresponding changelogs for the details

2.0.0-rc.3 (2017-10-26)

Bug Fixes

  • auth: fix auth service isAuthenticated, onAuthenticationChange not returning a boolean, fix #15 (30a1d47)
  • buttons: remove transition from buttons (7e3f56d)
  • js-theme: fix defaut font, fix e2e & unit tests (cff8561)
  • layout: prevent layout expansion when some child with overflow:hidden has an element with width larger than layout width (82e4dfc)
  • user: fix user component context menu showing an icon not correctly, fix #25 (f723e54)


  • dependencies: update bootstrap & angular, accompanying fixes (angular cli kept as previous due to build issues) (3660f9a), closes #42
  • font: update default font value (5b93759)
  • theme: support hidden property (#31) (f26922a)