When using Context Menus for BlackBerry 10 you will need to include the Cordova plugin contained in the ext folder shown above in the file listing.
NOTE: This is only for BlackBerry 10 devices, and it is not needed for PlayBook BlackBerry 10 styling
Installing the bbUI.js plugin in your WebWorks installation is quite simple. You first locate your WebWorks installation directory. On Windows the default path is typically C:\Program Files\BlackBerry\BB10 WebWorks SDK a.b.c.d
In this directory you will find a plugin directory. Simply create a com.blackberry.bbui sub directory and copy all the contents from the above ext directory into your new sub directory. It will end up looking like the following:
- index.js
- client.js
- plugin.xml
Add the plugin to your WebWorks 2.0 project using "webworks plugin add com.blackberry.bbui".