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mpitid edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 19 revisions


Build the tests like this

make release_tests


To run the test first do:

cd release/tests/test_server

and then start Erlang:


Install the ts framework


To run all test suites do


Note that running all tests will require several hours, so you may want to run the test cases for a single application

ts:run(Application, [batch]).

or even part of the test suite for an application, for example

ts:run(emulator, bs, [batch]).

to run all test suite modules starting with bs (i.e. all modules that test the bit syntax).

To run a specific test case in a module, the full name of the module and test case must be spelled out:

ts:run(emulator, bs_bincomp_SUITE, byte_aligned, [batch]).

Run ts:help() to show some help.

There will currently be 15 or so failed test cases in the kernel application.

Examining the results

Open the file release/tests/test_server/index.html in a web browser. Or open release/tests/test_server/last_test.html when a test suite is running to examine the results so far for the currently executing test suite.