From 93b0f8d80921b0ce65713427b681cd436968d1b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bjarne Johannsen <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 00:14:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update
--- | 32 ++------------------------------
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index db2e28e..e0f7744 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -94,37 +94,9 @@ State estimation is an essential part of any mobile roboticapplication
Fig. 7. Overview of the State Estimation.
-Madgwick’s algorithm is applicable to inertial measurement units (IMU) consisting of gyroscopes and accelerometerssensor arrays that also include magnetometers. It shows a 36% lower orientation standard deviation error then Kalman-basedapproaches. The algorithm uses a quaternion representation, This representation is numerically more efficient and required by the ROS common messages. Allowing accelerometer and magnetometer data to be used in an analytically derivedand optimised gradient descent algorithm to calculate the direction of the gyroscope measurement error as a quaternion derivative. The orientation is calculated by two main processes. In the first step gyroscope measurements are processed with a correction algorithm, which depends on the parameter ζ. To minimize the error caused by the bias and the drift, they are used to calculate the orientation with the quaternion propagation starting from the orientation estimated at the previous step. Afterwards the accelerometer and magnetometer measurements are fused with a tuning parameter β by the gradient descent algorithm. The output of the gradient descent algorithm is then used to correct the orientation estimated by considering only gyroscope measurements. In order to have reliable input for the Extended Kalman Filter the standard deviation of thefused 9-dof output is determined and set accordingly in the covariance matrices. The process model for the extended kalman filter used is driven by the accelerometer. The robot base frame is chosen to carry the IMU which is placed in the center of rotation which is represented by the middle point between both powered wheels. A constant velocity model is used with the accelerometer as an input to the system. Due to the application constraints of a mobile robot on an airport runway, it is known that the vehicle will remain flat on the ground and not be significantly tilted. This assumption simplifies the state to a 2D state with only 6 elements. The state vector is defined as:
+Madgwick’s algorithm is applicable to inertial measurement units (IMU) consisting of gyroscopes and accelerometerssensor arrays that also include magnetometers. It shows a 36% lower orientation standard deviation error then Kalman-basedapproaches. The algorithm uses a quaternion representation, This representation is numerically more efficient and required by the ROS common messages. Allowing accelerometer and magnetometer data to be used in an analytically derivedand optimised gradient descent algorithm to calculate the direction of the gyroscope measurement error as a quaternion derivative. The orientation is calculated by two main processes. In the first step gyroscope measurements are processed with a correction algorithm, which depends on the parameter ζ. To minimize the error caused by the bias and the drift, they are used to calculate the orientation with the quaternion propagation starting from the orientation estimated at the previous step. Afterwards the accelerometer and magnetometer measurements are fused with a tuning parameter β by the gradient descent algorithm. The output of the gradient descent algorithm is then used to correct the orientation estimated by considering only gyroscope measurements. In order to have reliable input for the Extended Kalman Filter the standard deviation of thefused 9-dof output is determined and set accordingly in the covariance matrices. The process model for the extended kalman filter used is driven by the accelerometer. The robot base frame is chosen to carry the IMU which is placed in the center of rotation which is represented by the middle point between both powered wheels. A constant velocity model is used with the accelerometer as an input to the system. Due to the application constraints of a mobile robot on an airport runway, it is known that the vehicle will remain flat on the ground and not be significantly tilted. This assumption simplifies the state to a 2D state with only 6 elements.
- and are the position and heading of the mobile robot platform represented in the map frame. and are the linear and angular velocities of the robot represented in it's the base frame. The process model is defined as:
+ and are the position and heading of the mobile robot platform represented in the map frame. and are the linear and angular velocities of the robot represented in it's the base frame.
is the measured acceleration, R(θ) the rotation matrix between the robot base frame and the fixed map frame. andn represent white noise. The robot platform is equippedwith multiple sensors which can be reduced to the quantitiesbeing measured: position , heading zθ, velocity , and yawrate . For example the GNSS can be seen as an absolute position sensor. This holds only if it can be assumed that the noises of the decomposed measurements are uncorrelated.