diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 161919b..2acebff 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -265,6 +265,17 @@
and become a goat farmer
You don't need to worry about goat system updates; they're self-maintaining.
Goats don't need to be trained on new software; they adapt intuitively.
No need for goat cloud migration; they find their place under the sun.
+ Goats aren't concerned about logging levels as long as it is not fatal.
+ There are no legacy goats.
+ Goats security is checking the fence, not sitting in a room listening to someone for hours.
+ If you tell your friends that you are a goat farmer, no one will ask you to “fix his goat.”
+ People do not ask you if you play DnD.
+ You don't have to cover your goat from watchful eyes.
+ No one gives you a bad review about the performance of your goat.
+ Small goats grow and no one cares.
+ If a goat dies, the other goats don't stop working.
+ If you try to force a goat, it will kick your ass.
+ You don't get blamed if your goat does not run. Laying and standing are totally fine.