This project is forked from LunarVim
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neovim
nvim -v
bash <(curl -s
- Or Clone this repo into your config
git clone ~/.config/nvim
- To enable git push and pull commands make a SSH key and connect your repositories using SSH
first create an account here Waka Time
To see all files icons, you must be installed nerd font Nerd Font, I recommend download JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
unzip ~/Downloads/
sudo mv *.ttf /usr/share/fonts
sudo pip3 install pynvim
sudo npm i -g neovim
sudo npm i -g pyright
sudo npm i -g bash-language-server
sudo npm i -g live-server