This document lists deprecated constructs in the SDK, with their expected time ⌛ of further deprecations and removals.
API / Feature | Deprecated (warning) | Deprecated (error) | Removed | Notes |
ChatDomain#stopTyping |
2021.11.29 4.24.0 |
2021.12.29 ⌛ |
2022.01.29 ⌛ | Use ChatClient#stopTyping instead |
ChatDomain#keystroke |
2021.11.29 4.24.0 |
2021.12.29 ⌛ |
2022.01.29 ⌛ | Use ChatClient#keystroke instead |
QueryChannelsController#mutedChannelIds |
2021.11.23 4.23.0 |
2021.12.09 4.24.0 |
2022.12.21 ⌛ | Use ChatDomain.mutedChannels instead |
ChatDomain#downloadAttachment |
2021.11.23 4.23.0 |
2021.12.21 ⌛ |
2022.01.18 ⌛ | Use ChatClient#downloadAttachment instead |
ChatDomain#setMessageForReply |
2021.11.23 4.23.0 |
2021.12.21 ⌛ |
2022.01.18 ⌛ | Use ChatClient#setMessageForReply instead |
ChatDomain#replayEventsForActiveChannels |
2021.11.24 4.23.0 |
2021.12.21 ⌛ |
2022.01.18 ⌛ | Use ChatClient#replayEventsForActiveChannels instead |
ChatDomain#online |
2021.10.26 4.21.0 |
2021.11.24 4.23.0 |
2021.12.20 ⌛ | Use ChatDomain#connectionState instead |
QueryChannelsController#newChannelEventFilter |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.08 4.22 |
2021.11.08 4.22 |
Use QueryChannelsController::chatEventHandler instead |
QueryChannelsController#checkFilterOnChannelUpdatedEvent |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.08 4.22 |
2021.11.08 4.22 |
Use QueryChannelsController::chatEventHandler instead |
ChatUI#uiMode ui-components |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
2021.12.09 4.24.0 |
This behavior is not supported anymore. Our SDK already use Day/Night themes that follow the standard process Android provide to support them. If you want to force your app to use Dark/Light mode, you need tu use `AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode(AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_NO |
ProgressCallback#onProgress(Long) client |
2021.09.28 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
2021.12.09 4.24.0 |
This function is not used anymore. Use ProgressCallback#onProgress(Long, Long) |
ChatNotificationHandler client |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
2021.12.09 4.24.0 |
If you want to continue using our implementation, you can use our NotificationHandlerFactory to create the default implementation we provide. If you need a more customized implementation, you need to implement NotificationHandler interface |
NotificationConfig attributes client |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
Attributes to customize notifications are not used anymore. You need to override those Strings/Drawable into resources of your app |
ChatClient#cdnUrl client |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
Use ChatClient.fileUploader() to add custom file uploading logic instead |
ChatClient#cdnTimeout and ChatClient#baseTimeout client |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
2021.12.09 4.24.0 |
Use ChatClient.okHttpClient() to set the timeouts instead |
DeviceRegisteredListener client |
2021.09.28 4.19.0 |
2021.09.28 4.19.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
This class is not used anymore |
ViewReactionsViewStyle#bubbleBorderColor client |
2021.09.28 4.19.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
Use bubbleBorderColorMine instead |
NotificationConfig attributes client |
2021.09.28 4.19.0 |
2021.09.28 4.19.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
Some attributes are not needed anymore |
NotificationLoadDataListener client |
2021.09.28 4.19.0 |
2021.09.28 4.19.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
This class is not used anymore, you will be asked to build your notification |
ChatClient#searchMessages client |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
Use the ChatClient#searchMessages method with unwrapped parameters instead |
ChatDomain#createDistinctChannel offline |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
Use ChatClient::createChannel directly |
ChatDomain#removeMembers offline |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
2021.11.10 4.22.0 |
Use ChatClient::removeMembers directly |
User#name extensionclient |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
Use class member instead |
User#image extensionclient |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
Use class member instead |
Channel#name extensionclient |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
Use class member instead |
Channel#image extensionclient |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
Use class member instead |
ChatClient#getMessagesWithAttachments client |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
Use getMessagesWithAttachments function with types list instead |
ChannelClient#getMessagesWithAttachments client |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
2021.10.12 4.20.0 |
Use getMessagesWithAttachments function with types list instead |
created_at , updated_at , isTypingEvents , isReadEvents , isConnectEvents , isSearch , isMutes in Config class are all deprecated. ui-components |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.25 4.17.0 |
2021.08.25 4.17.0 |
Use createdAt , updatedAt , typingEventsEnabled , readEventsEnabled , connectEventsEnabled , searchEnabled and mutesEnabled instead |
MessageListViewModel#currentUser ui-components |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use MessageListViewModel#user.value instead |
ChatClient.Builder#logLevel(String) client |
2021.07.01 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use ChatClient.Builder#logLevel(ChatLogLevel) instead |
ChatDomain#sendMessage(message: Message, attachmentTransformer: ((at: Attachment, file: File) -> Attachment)?,) offline |
2021.06.14 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use ChatDomain#sendMessage(message: Message) instead |
Multiple MessageListView tint related attributesui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Override drawables instead |
Multiple MessageInputView tint related attributesui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Override drawables instead |
ChannelListHeaderView.streamUiActionButtonTint attributeui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Override drawable instead |
ChannelListView.streamUiMutedChannelIconTint attributeui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Override drawable instead |
Multiple AttachmentOptionsView tint related attributesui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Override drawables instead |
MessageListViewStyle#warningActionsTintColor ui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Override drawable instead |
MessageListViewStyle#iconsTint ui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Override drawables instead |
AttachmentSelectionDialogStyle#pictureAttachmentIconTint ui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use the AttachmentDialogStyle#pictureAttachmentIcon instead |
AttachmentSelectionDialogStyle#fileAttachmentIconTint ui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use the AttachmentDialogStyle#fileAttachmentIcon instead |
AttachmentSelectionDialogStyle#cameraAttachmentIconTint ui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use the AttachmentDialogStyle#cameraAttachmentIcon instead |
ChannelListViewStyle#mutedChannelIconTint ui-components |
2021.06.10 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use the ChannelListViewStyle#mutedChannelIcon instead |
AvatarView.OnlineIndicatorPosition.TOP ui-components |
2021.06.01 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use the OnlineIndicatorPosition.TOP_RIGHT constant instead |
AvatarView.OnlineIndicatorPosition.BOTTOM ui-components |
2021.06.01 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use the OnlineIndicatorPosition.BOTTOM_RIGHT constant instead |
SocketListener::onDisconnected client |
2021.05.17 | 2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use method with DisconnectCause instead of it |
ChatClient#onMessageReceived client |
2021.05.14 4.11.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use the ChatClient.handleRemoteMessage method instead |
ChatClient#onNewTokenReceived client |
2021.05.14 4.11.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use the ChatClient.setFirebaseToken method instead |
ChatNotificationHandler#getSmallIcon client |
2021.05.14 4.11.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use the NotificationsConfig.smallIcon instead |
ChatNotificationHandler#getFirebaseMessageIdKey client |
2021.05.14 4.11.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use the NotificationsConfig.firebaseMessageIdKey instead |
ChatNotificationHandler#getFirebaseChannelIdKey client |
2021.05.14 4.11.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use the NotificationsConfig.firebaseChannelIdKey instead |
ChatNotificationHandler#getFirebaseChannelTypeKey client |
2021.05.14 4.11.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use the NotificationsConfig.firebaseChannelTypeKey instead |
Old serialization implementation client |
2021.05.10 4.10.0 |
2021.06.30 4.13.0 |
2021.09.15 4.18.0 |
See the 4.10.0 release notes for details | offline |
2021.05.07 | 2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use instead |
ChannelController#channelData offline |
2021.05.07 | 2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use ChannelController::offlineChannelData instead |
MessageInputViewModel#editMessage ui-common |
2021.05.05 | 2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
Use MessageInputViewModel::messageToEdit and MessageInputViewModel::postMessageToEdit |
ChatDomain#currentUser offline |
2021.04.30 | 2021.07.13 4.14.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Subscribe to ChatDomain::user and handle nullable state |
MessageInputView#setSuggestionListView ui-components |
2021.04.13 | 2021.04.27 4.10.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Setting external SuggestionListView is no longer necessary |
ChatDomain.usecases offline |
2021.04.06 | 2021.05.06 4.10.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Replace this property call by obtaining a specific use case directly from ChatDomain |
MessageInputView#setMembers ui-components |
2021.04.07 | 2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.05.05 4.10.0 |
Use MessageInputView::setUserLookupHandler instead of manually passing the list of users |
ChannelListView's empty state methods ui-components |
2021.04.05 | 2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.05.05 4.10.0 |
These methods no longer need to be called directly, setChannel handles empty state changes automatically |
MessageListItemStyle#messageTextColorTheirs ui-components |
2021.03.25 | 2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Use MessageListItemStyle::textStyleTheirs::colorOrNull() instead |
MessageListItemStyle#messageTextColorMine ui-components |
2021.03.25 | 2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Use MessageListItemStyle::textStyleMine::colorOrNull() instead | ui-components |
2021.03.19 4.8.0 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Use the new ChatUI implementation |
GetTotalUnreadCount#invoke |
2021.03.17 4.7.2 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Use ChatDomain::totalUnreadCount instead |
GetUnreadChannelCount#invoke |
2021.03.17 4.7.2 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Use ChatDomain::channelUnreadCount instead |
ChatClient#unMuteChannel client |
2021.03.15 4.7.1 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Use the unmuteChannel method instead |
ChatClient#unBanUser client |
2021.03.15 4.7.1 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Use the unbanUser method instead |
ChannelClient#unBanUser client |
2021.03.15 4.7.1 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Use the unbanUser method instead |
ChannelController#unBanUser client |
2021.03.15 4.7.1 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
Use the unbanUser method instead |
ChatDomain.Builder constructors with user params |
2021.02.26 4.7.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use ChatDomain.Builder(context, chatClient) instead |
ChatDomain#disconnect |
2021.02.25 4.7.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Use just ChatClient#disconnect instead |
setUser (and similar) methodsclient |
2021.02.03 4.5.3 |
2021.05.03 4.10.0 |
2021.08.24 4.17.0 |
Replaced by connectUser style methods that return Call objects, see the updated documentation for Initialization & Users) |
MessageListViewModel.Event.AttachmentDownload ui-common |
2021.01.29 4.5.2 |
2021.02.29 4.7.0 |
2021.03.29 4.8.0 |
Use DownloadAttachment instead |
subscribe methods with Kotlin function parametersclient |
2021.01.27 4.5.2 |
2021.03.27 4.8.0 |
2021.06.23 4.12.1 |
Use methods with ChatEventListener parameters instead (only affects Java clients) |
ChatUI(client, domain, context) ui-common |
2020.11.09 4.4.2 |
2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
2021.03.22 4.8.0 |
Use ctor with just Context param instead |
User#unreadCount client |
2020.11.05 4.4.2 |
2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
2021.03.22 4.8.0 |
Use totalUnreadCount instead |
ChannelController client |
2020.11.04 4.4.1 |
2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
Renamed due to conflicting name with a type in the offline library, use ChannelClient instead |
Chat interfaceui-common |
2020.10.27 4.4.1 |
2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
Use ChatUI instead |
MessageListView#setViewHolderFactory ui (old) |
2020.10.15 4.3.1 |
2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
Use the more explicit setMessageViewHolderFactory method instead |
SendMessageWithAttachments use case offline |
2020.09.30 4.3.0 |
2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
- |
ChatObservable based event APIs (events() )client |
2020.09.18 | 2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
2021.04.21 4.9.0 |
Replace with direct subscribe calls on ChatClient and ChannelClient , see migration guide |
ChatClient#flag(userId) client |
2020.07.28 | 2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
2021.03.22 4.8.0 |
Use the more explicit flagUser method instead |
ChatDomain.Builder#notificationConfig offline |
- | 2020.12.14 4.4.7 |
2021.03.14 4.8.0 |
Configure this on ChatClient.Builder instead |
Call#enqueue((Result<T>) -> Unit) core |
- | 2020.12.09 4.4.7 |
2021.03.09 4.8.0 |
Use enqueue(Callback<T>) instead (only affects Java clients) |
Pagination#get client |
- | 2020.10.12 4.3.0 |
2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
Use toString instead |
MessageListItemAdapter#replaceEntities ui (old) |
- | 2020.10.05 4.3.0 |
2021.02.22 4.6.0 |
Use submitList instead |