housing_price_index |
Measures the price changes of residential housing. |
Dependent variable. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/USSTHPI |
date |
Our date column. |
season |
The seasons of the year: fall, winter, spring, summer. |
gross_domestic_product |
A monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a period. |
When this increases, housing_price_index increases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDP |
total_expenditures |
Total US government spending. |
When this increases, housing_price_index increases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/W068RCQ027SBEA |
producer_price_index |
A price index that measures the average change in prices received by domestic producers for their output. |
When this increases, housing_price_index increases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PPIACO |
total_unemployed |
Total number of unemployed people. |
When this increases, housing_price_index decreases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/U6RATE |
more_than_15_weeks |
Number of people unemployed for more than 15 weeks. |
When this increases, housing_price_index decreases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/UEMP15OV |
not_in_labor_searched_for_work |
Number of people not in labor force but searched for work and are available for hire. |
When this increases, housing_price_index decreases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU05026642 |
multi_jobs |
Number of people with multiple jobs. |
When this increases, housing_price_index decreases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12026620 |
leavers |
Number of people who voluntarily quit one job and are actively seeking employment elsewhere. |
When this increases, housing_price_index decreases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS13023705 |
losers |
Number of people who've been involuntarily terminated from a job. |
When this increases, housing_price_index decreases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/U2RATE |
federal_funds_rate |
The interest rate at which banks lend reserve balances to other banks overnight. This is a measure for short-term interest rates. |
When this increases, housing_price_index decreases. |
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS |
sp500 (S&P 500) |
An American stock market index based on the market capitalizations of 500 large companies having common stock listed on the NYSE or NASDAQ. |
When this increases, housing_price_index increases. |
http://www.irrationalexuberance.com/main.html?src=%2F |
consumer_price_index |
Measures changes in the price level of a market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. |
When this increases, housing_price_index increases. |
http://www.irrationalexuberance.com/main.html?src=%2F |
long_interest_rate |
Long-term interest rates refer to the yield on 10 year bonds. |
When this increases, housing_price_index decreases. |
http://www.irrationalexuberance.com/main.html?src=%2F |