Name | Description |
IBAN | International Bank Account Number |
Name | Description |
Pharmaceutical product documents | Curated by Brian Reid |
Name | Description |
A list of free email provider domains | Curated by T. Brian Jones |
Intellectual properties1 sources
Name | Description |
A library of over 60,000 free eBooks | Project Gutenberg |
Open Library | Curated by the Internet Archive |
Name | Description |
Data.World | |
Common last names | Names from the US Census Bureau (up to the year 1990) |
A Global Exhaustive First and Last Name Database | Curated by Debdut Karmakar |
Statistics Canada | Statistics Canada provides information on Canada's economy, society and environment |
Last names occurring 100 or more times (up to the year 20002) | Curated by the US Census |
Male given names | Curated by Wikimedia |
Woman given names | Curated by Wikimedia |
Unisex names | Curated by Wikimedia |
Name | Description |
Common passwords |
Name | Description |
Public United States data | @UnitedStates project |
Data.World | is an enterprise data catalog, legally structured as a Public Benefit Corporation |
Data Lumos | Valuable government data resources powered by Open ICPSR |
Literature with expired copyright to experiment on exact data matching also known as fingerprinting ↩
There is a 72-year restriction on access to the full Census, the most recent year available is 1950, released on April 1, 2022. ↩