- 490fabd feat: isNotNull implemented, tests added.
- e2d2d5d feat: hasObj.
- implemented.
- tests added.
- f54c2f6 feat: toPromise.
- implemented.
- test cases added.
- 45e8cf9 update: arrayIntoChunks refactor.
- odd length input check and decimal value check.
- mergeObjects docstring update.
- 03c6626 docs: documentation updated.
- a9252fc docs: README.md updated.
- b0af41d docs: README.md updated
- 1989a01 scripts: husky replaced with custom hooks path.
- 19e7682 update: sortObjectByKey custom type acceptance.
- e182377 docs: mergeObjects docstring updated.
- cd28a44 chore: package moved to @bhaireshm/ez.js
- 4fd96f8 feat: titleCase.
- implemented.
- test cases added.
- ac416a8 scripts: release.sh updated.
- 33f0461 docs: titleCase updated.
- 900255a docs: titleCase updated.
- 53748d1 docs: Updated documentation
- a16f98d configs: π§ sonarcloud.properties updated
- e31ffe1 fix: isFn null check.
- e05522a fix: removeEmptyProperty - array's nested values.
- 2673531 fix: isEmpty updated.
- 5326a71 fix: isObj test cases.
- c14e89c script: updated.
- ff1bf99 script: updated.
- 9609952 script: update branches.
- 9e2ac52 script: release.sh.
- b1a9ce4 script: release.sh.
- 895b53b script: pre-commit hook.
- ddafcc0 update: listed below.
- isArray, isBool, isFn, isNull, isNum, isRegExp new functions added.
- isStr, isObj modified.
- docs updated.
- 0db6de3 update: proto to prototype check.
- a5dfbbe fix: sonar-lint.
- The 'proto' property is deprecated.
- 3e292bf chore: case method rename.
- a7b4936 chore: case method rename.
- c148f69 update: toPascalCase -> pascalCase
- 84c6644 fix: sonarlint-severity-low
- af2f7c5 fix: sonarlint-severity-medium
- b2d7396 configs: sonar-cloud properties updated.
- cf73d20 configs: sonar-cloud properties file added.
- bd4bec8 docs: README.md updated.
- a1140a9 docs: README.md updated.
- 376bf43 docs: modified.
- e51ec74 feat: migrate to typescript, basic configurations.
- 63075a3 types: AnyObject added to required files. docs: configuration changed to typedoc.
- a46dbd1 config: lint-staged, pre-commit updated.
- f67d3aa update: dataFormatter.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 95b180c types: getNestedValue updated.
- 405b459 update: removeEmptyProperty.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- de65a3b update: sortObjectByMultipleKeys.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- f30b135 update: sortObjectByKey.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 12d1ab6 update: toPascalCase.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 90df8fb update: shuffleString.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 22cabf7 update: shortenString.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 6e90f54 update: reverseStr.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 070d2a4 update: printPretty.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- d78638f update: objectToQueryParams.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- dce68f0 config: jest updated.
- a882687 update: getUniqueArray.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- df22e1d update: constant patterns added.
- 3062742 update: getDiffInHrs.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 2d4c28e update: getDates.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 05fc23c update: isURLValid.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- d17579f update: modifyArray.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 9cce68a update: uniqueArrayOfObjects.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 2fc3df6 update: generateRandomString.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- bfa927f update: currencyFormatter.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- d7cad57 config: jest updated.
- af8f166 update: isStr, isNum, isObj, dateDiff.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- compareObjects, isStrHasSpecialChar.test, convert change type checks to respected methods.
- db254f9 update: isStr, isStrHasSpecialChar.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- b32858e chore: todolist added
- 7f8d0d6 chore: pre-commit command updated. chore: script updted.
- 0feab4c update: mergeObjects.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 049c42f fix: isEmpty checks.
- 2483935 update: hasOwnProperty.
- changed the logic.
- test cases added.
- 91e63f0 config: jsDoc to typeDoc.
- 0ddaf97 update: add2Matrix ts conversion.
- f910ed6 chore: version check pattern updated in release script.
- d94cc78 chore: dataFormatter todo list added. chore: sortObjectByKey var rename.
- dc7b4e7 update: convert.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 038b54b config: tscnofig, package.json updated.
- exports updated.
- e40ad85 config: tscnofig, package.json updated.
- exports updated.
- 02e4f96 update: compareObject.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 24bbb0f update: isEmpty.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 5cb3ad2 update: checkObject.
- object check changes.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 50e2d88 update: getNestedValue.
- using own methods for checks.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- f422ee0 update: camelCase.
- converted to typescript.
- test cases added.
- 85e6d94 update: tsc and test cases.
- arrayIntoChunks.
- config changes.
- e4194a1 update: some functions converted to ts.
- 7ad8804 CONTRIBUTION.md updated.
- e412011 fix: uniqueArrayOfObjects more than 3 getting replicated.
- 2d1cf1f Update README.md- 79c40ec Update CONTRIBUTION.md- 7ae30b0 CHANGELOG.md updated.
- 1835b3a update: release script modified.
- f9c46e5 update: regExpPatterns constants added.
- bc0b047 update:
function added. - 025df3c update:
will now remove empty values from array as well. - 8f8bb19 docs: modifyArray jsDoc updated.
- 78890b6 update: rename
. - bfd9d6d update:
nested logging implemented. - 96382fe Create LICENSE
- ecaf261 configs: jsdoc2md.json updated.
- 0d2bec7 docs: CHANGELOG.md updated.
- 4e43fab chore: publishh command added in release script.
- f140595 configs: rollup updated for typescript imports.
- 6a4654d docs: CHANGELOG.md updated.
- 7b7736e docs: all method's docstring modified.
- b837836 update:
file added to updateCHANGELOG.md
- 628a2fd fix:
nestedObject merge. - 9a2d2f8 update: release script.
- 7b7736e docs: all method's docstring modified.
- b837836 update:
file added to updateCHANGELOG.md
- 628a2fd fix:
nestedObject merge. - 9a2d2f8 update: release script.
- a393b4a docs:
jsDoc updated. - 1e34607 update: release script updated.
- c2ab04d chore: release script
- 454234e update: release scripts updated.
- bb7f951 docs: README.md updated.
- 27cbb4d docs: reverseStr - jsDoc updated.
- 6305cf2 docs: contribution.md release commands added.
- 952e389 configs: release script updated.
- 8449c24 fix: pbcopy command not found issue.
- 7fac164 chore: wrong version was updated
- 3ddd353 configs: git
hook ognored for release branchs. - 0eb8da1 configs: release scripts added.
- f8908a7 update: #23 - Generalize examples.
- c57162a configs: unwanted pkgs and content removed.
- e88f4c1 configs: rollup unwanted pkgs removed.
- a2224dd fix: (#19) strToNum().
- If
is empty, passed object will be returned.
- If
- 9f2d2f9 configs:
configuration modified.- using
format beacuse works everywhere and usually used as a fallback in case ESM does not work.
- using
- 6d77420 fix:
strToNum().- If
is empty, passed object will be returned.
- If
- 5bff614 configs:
configuration modified.- using
format beacuse works everywhere and usually used as a fallback in case ESM does not work.
- using
- d48b451 docs: listed below.
- author information and git repo information added in package.json.
config updated.DOCUMENTATION
file separated.- jsDoc updated for
- 0acbe9a 0.0.12
- 129f129 configs:
source mapping removed and comments removed from distribution. - 16ef444 docs: contribution.md file updated.
- c3b1c2e docs: compareObject, dateDiff jsDoc updated, contribution.md file added.
- f469840 chore: files moved to respective folders.
- 5177b87 configs: git hook post-commit updated.
- 1bb1ccd chore: removed commitizen
- 076ff58 chore: merge into master
- a3fc8bb configs: git
hook updated. - 2ebf55d configs:
- conditional merge into default branch. - 169abcf configs: git
hook modified. - 6e98fb5 configs: git
hook.- Perform distribution, testing and docs creation only if the 'src' folder contents are modified.
- e4dd8bf configs: git
hook updated. chore: ts-node package removed. - 4991cf6 configs: git
hooks ctrl_plus_c handled. - 5b83fc5 configs: configurations updated.
settings.- code formatted using prettier.
- bd6589e chore: changelog check
- 703b897 docs: checking changelog implementation
- 07d11f0 docs: changelog implementation and git prepare-commit-msg hook added
- 246a551 docs: printPretty - jsDoc.
- 109aa0b update: unwanted files deleted.
- 339c642 0.0.11
- 7ccc1ee fix: hasOwn to hasOwnProperty.
- 4e26809 0.0.10
- 635022e chore: code formatted.
- 3917c88 update: add2Matrix jsDoc added. batchscript deleted.
- 7bd52ef configs:
sync. - 14b65f6 0.0.9
- 69f5c5c configs: all configs updated.
- 54e340e chore: code formatted.
- a97a40f configs: git
hook updated. - 239000d configs: modification.
, gitpre-commit
hook.- document updated.
- two packages installed.
- b219567 configs: added.
- 566a945 eslint: formatted.
- 353c783 configs: git
hook added. - fe20136 config: git hook added.
- a32cbcb configs: updated. update: scripts converted to modules.
- e6727ed config: eslint added and formatted.
- 67fc80d docs: sprints doc added.
- 55d0107 chore: comments and const to function.
- 7c13468 docs: template updated.
- 28fb104 docs: template typo.
- 81710e1 chore: docs template added.
- 23be3e8 0.0.7
- 76117d9 docs: updated. chore: jsdoc2md config updated. chore: cleanup.
- 56f7ceb π¦ version update.
- d02764f docs: updated.
- 3d370d4 docs: jsDocs added for functions. update: hasOwnProperty - updated.
- 7182735 docs: jsDocs added for functions. update: hasOwnProperty - updated.
- 1c71de8 0.0.4
- 6def389 update: removed unwanted packages and folders.
- 9ba2f07 docs: jsdoc2md implemented,
- d655852 chore: types updated.
- unwanted files removed.
- 47250e0 chore: function name changes.
- 8075c92 README.md updated.
- da38e77 docs: added.
- 2c91a3f docs: added.
- b9ea081 update: filename and methods names sync.
- a02dfc6 chore: docs.
- e32e84a chore: docs folder removed
- 91b082b docs: jsDocs implemented.
- 14eadb8 update: rollup integration.
- 04d02f3 update: files moved.
- 0f49488 update: unsed files removed and required files added. update: exports separated.
- d67a530 Update.
- default export changes.
- packge.json file updated.
- webpack config updated.
- a7b96e6 update: getNestedKeyValue method added.
- cbcb86a update: data checks added.
- 5b9568c update: data formatter method added.
- c152ebd build: script added.
- cb1eaa4 1.0.16-0
- 1188aae 1.0.15