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Syllabus |
The syllabus for the front-end web development course. |
/syllabus |
- Course expectations
- Designer vs. Developer
- Layers of the Web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- HTTP, DNS, domain names, browsers and servers
- A hostile development environment
- Text editors, browser dev tools, and terminal emulators
- Intro to version control
- Getting started with Git and GitHub
- Working with Git branches
- The pull request workflow
- What is a markup language?
- Basic HTML element syntax
- HTML document structure (doctype, html, head, body)
- Block-level vs. Inline Elements
- Web image formats
- What is CSS?
- Brief history of CSS
- CSS syntax: rules, selectors, declarations, properties and values
- The cascade, specificity and inheritance
- The CSS box model
- CSS display and positioning
- What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?
- Media Queries
- Intro to Flexbox
- What is JavaScript?
- Brief history of JavaScript
- Intro to the DOM
- Responding to events in JavaScript
- What is web accessibility?
- Accessible HTML and ARIA
- Browser and device testing
- Compression and minification
- Modern web deployment
- What is an API?
- APIs in Client-Side JavaScript
- AJAX and XHR