diff --git a/.idea/contro-bot.iml b/.idea/contro-bot.iml
index b232c1b..7621d4d 100644
--- a/.idea/contro-bot.iml
+++ b/.idea/contro-bot.iml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
diff --git a/.idea/misc.xml b/.idea/misc.xml
index a971a2c..6f5e356 100644
--- a/.idea/misc.xml
+++ b/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index e8a6ff9..6935753 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
+import asyncio
import os
-import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-import datetime, time
+import time
+from datetime import timedelta
-import asyncio
+import discord
+import dotenv
import wavelink
+from discord.ext import commands
from wavelink.ext import spotify
-import dotenv
from utils import create_embed
TOKEN = os.getenv("CONTRO_TOKEN")
class Bot(commands.Bot):
def __init__(self) -> None:
@@ -24,39 +24,42 @@ def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__(command_prefix=">", intents=intents, help_command=None)
- async def setup_hook(self) -> None:
- # Lavalink sunucularını bir liste içerisinde tanımla
- lavalink_servers = [
- {"uri": "wss://narco.buses.rocks:2269", "password": "glasshost1984", "secure": False},
- {"uri": "wss://lava.horizxon.tech:80", "password": "horizxon.tech", "secure": False},
- {"uri": "wss://", "password": "reedrouxmusicisgay", "secure": False},
- {"uri": "wss://lava1.horizxon.tech:443", "password": "horizxon.tech", "secure": True},
- {"uri": "wss://lava2.horizxon.tech:443", "password": "horizxon.tech", "secure": True},
- ]
- # SpotifyClient'ı bir kere oluştur
- sc = spotify.SpotifyClient(
- client_id='0c7f24e228844860a8a920d2e69ed11d',
- client_secret='be5c4415a8bc461a83f744822a803edf'
- )
- # Her bir sunucuya bağlanmayı dene
- for server in lavalink_servers:
- try:
- node: wavelink.Node = wavelink.Node(uri=server["uri"], password=server["password"], secure=False)
- await wavelink.NodePool.connect(client=self, nodes=[node], spotify=sc)
- print(f"Connected to lavalink {node.uri}")
- break # Eğer başarılı bir bağlantı kurulduysa döngüyü kır
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Failed to connect to {server['uri']}. Error: {e}")
+ # async def setup_hook(self) -> None:
+ # # Lavalink sunucularını bir liste içerisinde tanımla
+ # lavalink_servers = [
+ # {"uri": "wss://narco.buses.rocks:2269", "password": "glasshost1984", "secure": False},
+ # {"uri": "wss://lava.horizxon.tech:80", "password": "horizxon.tech", "secure": False},
+ # {"uri": "wss://", "password": "reedrouxmusicisgay", "secure": False},
+ # {"uri": "wss://lava1.horizxon.tech:443", "password": "horizxon.tech", "secure": True},
+ # {"uri": "wss://lava2.horizxon.tech:443", "password": "horizxon.tech", "secure": True},
+ # ]
+ #
+ # # SpotifyClient'ı bir kere oluştur
+ # sc = spotify.SpotifyClient(
+ # client_id='0c7f24e228844860a8a920d2e69ed11d',
+ # client_secret='be5c4415a8bc461a83f744822a803edf'
+ # )
+ #
+ # # Her bir sunucuya bağlanmayı dene
+ # for server in lavalink_servers:
+ # try:
+ # node: wavelink.Node = wavelink.Node(uri=server["uri"], password=server["password"], secure=False)
+ # await wavelink.NodePool.connect(client=self, nodes=[node], spotify=sc)
+ # print(f"Connected to lavalink {node.uri}")
+ # break # Eğer başarılı bir bağlantı kurulduysa döngüyü kır
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # print(f"Failed to connect to {server['uri']}. Error: {e}")
bot = Bot()
async def on_ready():
bot.startTime = time.time()
- await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=f'{len(bot.guilds)} server'))
+ await bot.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online,
+ activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching,
+ name=f'{len(bot.guilds)} server'))
await bot.tree.sync()
count = len(bot.guilds)
print(f'Logged on as {count}, your bot {bot.user}!')
@@ -66,12 +69,13 @@ async def on_ready():
async def hello(interaction: discord.Interaction, user: discord.Member):
await interaction.response.send_message(f"Hello {user}")
async def on_message(message):
# komutları mesaj olarak görmesin diye
await bot.process_commands(message)
async def on_member_update(before, after):
guild_id = 306081207278501890
@@ -80,7 +84,8 @@ async def on_member_update(before, after):
if discord.utils.get(after.roles, name="Çavuş") and discord.utils.get(before.roles, name="Er"):
await after.remove_roles(discord.utils.get(after.roles, name="Er"))
- if discord.utils.get(after.roles, name="Çavuş") is None and discord.utils.get(before.roles, name="Çavuş") is not None:
+ if discord.utils.get(after.roles, name="Çavuş") is None and discord.utils.get(before.roles,
+ name="Çavuş") is not None:
await after.add_roles(discord.utils.get(after.guild.roles, name="Er"))
# if after.guild == guild:
@@ -99,24 +104,28 @@ async def on_member_update(before, after):
# role = discord.utils.get(after.guild.roles, name="Çekiliş")
# await after.remove_roles(role)
async def uptime(ctx):
uptime = str(timedelta(seconds=int(round(time.time() - bot.startTime))))
embed = discord.Embed(title="Uptime", description=uptime, color=ctx.author.color)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def load(ctx, extension):
await bot.load_extension(f'cogs.{extension}')
await ctx.send(create_embed(description=f"Loaded cog!", color=discord.Color.green()))
async def unload(ctx, extension):
await bot.unload_extension(f'cogs.{extension}')
await ctx.send(embed=create_embed(description=f"Unloaded cog!", color=discord.Color.green()))
async def reload(ctx, extension):
@@ -127,13 +136,16 @@ async def reload(ctx, extension):
except Exception as e:
await ctx.send(embed=create_embed(description=f"Error: {e}", color=discord.Color.red()))
async def cogs_load():
for fn in os.listdir("./cogs"):
if fn.endswith(".py"):
await bot.load_extension(f"cogs.{fn[:-3]}")
async def main():
await cogs_load()
await bot.start(TOKEN)