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Get PIXI.js to run with ease. Needs pixi.js (


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 (o Grenchen Institute of Technology o)


A library to get PIXI.js to run with ease.

Version B. Working on it.
Checkout the branch "Version_A" for the old, bloaty but stable version.

+  Controller support will be added in the B version.

By Beni Yager @ 2016, 2017, 2018

Needs pixi.js.

++ Opens a PIXI-Screen in the given div and uses your 
	loop function for game logic.
++ Resizes automagically all your stuff when the 
	window is resized.

Create a div with a given size and give it an id:

	width: 400px;
	height: 400px;

Create the div:
<div id="pixiscreen"></div>

Create a loop function and call initialize:

function loopfunction() {}
RUNPIXI.initialize("pixiscreen", loopfunction);

// OR: RUNPIXI.initialize("pixiscreen", loopfunction, 0xRRGGBB)
//     where 0xRRGGBB is your background color in RedGreenBlue-Hex.
// OR: RUNPIXI.initialize("pixiscreen", loopfunction, "transparent")


That's about it.

The main stage can be scrolled with the (0.6.0: ctrl +) arrow keys and (0.6.0 not) asdw.
There are more and more functionalities, see the documentation below.


To download RUNPIXI into your project with composer, add those lines to your composer.json:


    "repositories": [


            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
    "require": {
        "ben0bienterprises/RUNPIXI" : "dev-master@dev"


Now you can load RUNPIXI by typing "composer update" into your console.

+ New function ApplyFilter
+ New function CreateColorShader which creates a simple colouring (used for whitening some stuff for tilting it afterwards.)
+ New function getRedFromHex_normalized, gets a value between 0.0 and 1.0 from an RGB hex value like 0xFF0033.
+ New function getGreenFromHex_normalized
+ New function getBlueFromHex_normalized
0.6.4 + Center the screen horizontally and something with scroll boundaries (which is not functional yet).
0.6.3 + Set background color to your desired value or to transparent. Finally.
0.6.2 + Return global mouse position with RUNPIXI.instance.GlobalMousePosition().x/y or RUNPIXI.MOUSE().x/y
0.6.1 + Reset scroll, zoom and rotation factor with Ctrl+Enter.
+ Additional ctrl-key pressed in RUNPIXIKEY. Changed some method parameter lists.
+ Only arrow keys WITH ctrl now for scrolling. ASDW removed.
+ Use isKeyCode instead of keycode in RUNPIXIKEY.
+ Check for isKeyCode and use keyChar for the code instead of keyCode.
+ Changed parameters for registerScrollKey.
+ RegisterKey in a private method.
+ RUNPIXI.instance.registerScrollKey - easy function to register keys just for scrolling.
+ Renamed RUNPIXI.InvertScrollX to RUNPIXI.Scroll_InvertX - invert x scrolling?
+ Renamed RUNPIXI.InvertScrollY to RUNPIXI.Scroll_InvertY - invert y scrolling?
+ Registering the scroll keys with the new method.
+ Hook for the registerscrollkeys function.
+ New object class: RUNPIXIKEY - for registering custom keys with RUNPIXI methods.
+ REMOVED RUNPIXI.ScrollRateMax, RUNPIXI.ScrollWithKeys.
+ RUNPIXI.instance.registerKey - register a key with an onup and a ondown function.
+ RUNPIXI.instance.clearAllKeys - clear all registered keys.
+ New scroll engine. Using keys with registerKey.
0.3.5 + BugFix for getScreenSize();
0.3.4 + RUNPIXI.instance.setResizeFunction - set a function (with event parameter) which is called on resize.
0.3.3 + Return the renderer with RENDERER();
0.3.2 + Return screen size with getScreenSize();
+ Inverted Scrollrate.
+ You can use RUNPIXI.InvertScrollX and RUNPIXI.InvertScrollY to determine if it is inverted.
0.3 + Removed all jQuery references, you can now use this library without jQuery.
0.2 + Capture the whole screen: getScreenToTexture and getScreenToArray
+ It'sa working.
+ Scrolling (needs update, it's to much code.)
+ Creating and applying shaders. (Only one at a time.)	

+ Only public functions and variables are described here.
+ RUNPIXI is a class with a static instance, RUNPIXI.instance.
+ HTML Documentation will follow later.

RUNPIXI creates three (3) containers/stages for your stuff. 
They are attached to the root stage (which RUNPIXI also creates):
	+ An immobile HUD stage (Foreground)
	+ A scrollable main stage (Main/Scroll)
	+ and an immobile background stage. (Background)

ISSUE: v0.6.4 is not done yet.

RUNPIXI.instance 	: The static (singleton) instance of the RUNPIXI class.
RUNPIXI.ScrollRateMax	: Maximum scroll rate in pixels.
RUNPIXI.Scroll_InvertX	: true|false : Invert the scrollrate horizontally?
RUNPIXI.Scroll_InvertY	: true|false : Invert the scrollrate vertically.


		hexColor: A color in the format 0xRRGGBB (Red, Green, Blue)
	+ Gets the normalized value from the hexColor, that is 0.0 for 0x00
	  to 1.0 for 0xFF. 
	  e.G. getRedFromHex_normalized(0xFF99AA) returns 1.0

RUNPIXI.initialize(pixicontainerID, mainLoopFunction, [backgroundColor])
		pixicontainerID: The id of the DOM element where pixi should be rendered.
		mainLoopFunction: The function which should be called each frame.
		backgroundColor: Optional: Hex Color (0xRRGGBB) or "transparent"
	+ Initializes the pixi screen in the given DOM element and sets the main loop function.
		This is the function for what this library is made for.
	--> See RUNPIXI.instance.initialize and RUNPIXI.instance.setMainLoopFunction

	+ Returns RUNPIXI.instance.SCROLLSTAGE()

	+ Returns RUNPIXI.instance.HUDSTAGE()

	+ Returns RUNPIXI.instance.BACKSTAGE()

	+ Returns the pixi renderer.

	+ Returns the global mouse position as x/y-object.

	+ Sets the PIXI scale mode to PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST for pixel perfect rendering.

	+ Returns the screen size as object with x,y,w,h (x=w, y=h)

RUNPIXI.CreateSprite(texture, x, y, rotation, anchorx, anchory, scalex, scaley)
	--> See RUNPIXI.instance.CreateSprite (below)

RUNPIXI.Sprite(texture, x, y)
	--> CreateSprite with some predefined parameters:
		Anchor is 0.5
		Scale is 1
		Rotation is 0

RUNPIXI.CreateFragmentShader(name, shaderCode)
	--> See RUNPIXI.instance.CreateFragmentShader (below)

RUNPIXI.CreateVertexShader(name, shaderCode)
	--> See RUNPIXI.instance.CreateVertexShader (below)

RUNPIXI.ApplyShader(pixiSprite, shaderName)
	--> See RUNPIXI.instance.ApplyShader (below)

	--> See RUNPIXI.instance.GetShader (below)

RUNPIXI.GetScreenAsTexture(width, height)
	--> See RUNPIXI.instance.getScreenAsTexture (below)

RUNPIXI.GetScreenAsArray(width, height)
	--> See RUNPIXI.instance.getScreenAsArray (below)


		pixicontainerID : The id of the DOM element.
	+ Initializes PIXI in the given DOM element.
		You do not need to use that function directly, use RUNPIXI.initialize instead. 
		This is the main function of this library.
		The element should be a div and should have a given width and height.
		RUNPIXI will notice a resize and adjust the renderer to it, though.

		m : Function
	+ Sets the function which is called each frame. You do not need to use that function directly.

		m : Function
	+ Sets the function which is called after resize.

	+ Returns the foreground container/stage.

	+ Returns the scrollable (by RUNPIXI) container/stage, the middle one.

	+ Returns the background container/stage.

	+ Return the pixi renderer.

	+ Returns the screen size as object with x,y,w,h (x=w, y=h)

RUNPIXI.instance.CreateSprite(texture, x, y, rotation, anchorx, anchory, scalex, scaley)
		texture : The texture to create the sprite from.
		x	: The x position of the sprite on the stage.
		y	: The y position of the sprite on the stage.
		rotation: The rotation of the sprite on the stage.
		anchorx : Anchor position x on the sprite.
		anchory : Anchor position y on the sprite.
		scalex	: X scaling of the sprite.
		scaley	: Y scaling of the sprite.
	+ Returns a PIXI.Sprite with all the given parameters. 
		Short function to not write each of this lines every time.

RUNPIXI.instance.CreateFragmentShader(name, shadercode)
		name : The name you give that shader.
		shadercode: The shader code. 
			(I use $('#myshaderscript').html() and <script type="pixishader" ...>)
	+ Creates a fragment (formerly pixel) shader, saves it under the given name 
		in RUNPIXIs shader list and returns it.

RUNPIXI.instance.CreateVertexShader(name, shadercode)
		name : The name you give that shader.
		shadercode: The shader code. 
			(I use $('#myshaderscript').html() and <script type="pixishader" ...>)
	+ Creates a vertex shader, saves it under the given name 
		in RUNPIXIs shader list and returns it.

RUNPIXI.instance.ApplyFilter(pixiSprite, shaderName)
		pixiSprite : Any PIXI object which has a .filters variable. (NOT shader!)
		shaderName : The name of the shader in RUNPIXIs shader list.
	+ Applies the given shader to filters of the given PIXI object. NO type comparison is done, be careful.

RUNPIXI.instance.ApplyShader(pixiSprite, shaderName)
		pixiSprite : Any PIXI object which has a .shader variable. (NOT filters!)
		shaderName : The name of the shader in RUNPIXIs shader list.
	+ Applies the given shader to the given PIXI object. NO type comparison is done, be careful.

		hexColor : A color in the form 0xRRGGBB.
	+ Creates a colouring shader with the given color. The name is sh_color_yourcolor. Just use the color you gave for the name, too.

		name : The name of the shader in RUNPIXIs shader list.
	+ Returns the given shader if it exists.

RUNPIXI.instance.getScreenAsTexture(renderWidth, renderHeight)
		renderWidth  : The desired width of the resulting image.
		renderHeight : The desired height of the resulting image.
	+ Returns the content of the screen in a PIXI.RenderTexture scaled to the given width and height.
		If width or height are <= 0, it will take the size of the original for that value.

RUNPIXI.instance.getScreenAsTexture(renderWidth, renderHeight)
		renderWidth  : The desired width of the resulting image.
		renderHeight : The desired height of the resulting image.
	+ Returns the content of the screen in a 1-dimensional array, [RGBA](4)*width*height
		scaled to the given width and height.
		If width or height are <= 0, it will take the size of the original for that value.

	+ Returns the Mouse position as x/y-object.

	+ Clears all registered keys.

RUNPIXI.instance.registerKey(keychar, iskeycode, needsCtrl, downfunction, upfunction, downparams, upparams)
		+ keychar: The key code or character to be checked.
		+ iskeycode: false/true - check for a code or a character?
		+ needsCtrl: must the control key be pressed additionally?
		+ downfunction: the function called when the key is pressed down. (once)
		+ upfunction: the function called when the key is released. (once)
		+ downparams: Parameters for the down function. Wrap them in an object.
		+ upparams: Parameters for the up function. Wrap them in an object.
	+ Registers a given key with two given functions and their parameters for that key.
		The functions MUST take ONE parameter. You can use this parameter as you want.

RUNPIXI.instance.registerScrollKey(keyCharacter, direction, isKeyCode, needsCtrl)
		+ keyCharacter: The key code or character to be checked.
		+ direction: The direction of scrolling when this key is pressed. ("up", "down", "left", "right")
		+ isKeyCode: false/true: check for a key code or character?
		+ needsCtrl: If true, CTRL must be pressed additional to the given key.
	+ Registers a given key for scrolling in a given direction.


Get PIXI.js to run with ease. Needs pixi.js (







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