- Create README (f6b46d1)
- Decrese cam jpeg quality to 12 (b324a30)
- Try hand open-close model (148cc70)
- Test card detection model (bda7cc0)
- Becem-gharbi [email protected]
- Run inference from EI generated library (0094ad5)
- Add server for CAM streaming (68626b1)
- Add log enable/disable option (529d703)
- Return predictions on predict (loop prev) (34caa7d)
- Add led controller (dcf32b5)
- Set static IPfor WiFi (7eacca1)
- Create webapp for streaming and data collection (ea05860)
- Create EICam (9ec55d9)
- Create _handlePredictions method (ac5ad76)
- Rename EIcam members (aa24be4)
- Correct typos (d62df02)
- Disable led controller by setting intensity to 0 (1f70760)
- Becem-gharbi [email protected]