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BDK Manager for iOS / Swift

This package makes it easier to work with bdk-swift on iOS by providing good defaults, simple setup and modern SwiftUI compatible convenience functions and variables.

It is still a work in progress and not ready for production.


Add this github repository as a dependency in your Xcode project.
You can then import and use the BDKManager library in your Swift code.

import BDKManager


To initalise a BDKManager you need to tell it what bitcoin Network it should use, what SyncSource the wallet is going to connect to for blockchain data, and where the Database should store information. The two supported sync source types by BDK on iOS at the moment is Esplora and Electrum API servers. You can specify a custom URL to a private server, or if none is supplied it will default to the public Blockstream APIs.

let network = Network.testnet // .bitcoin, .testnet, .signet or .regtest
let syncSource = SyncSource(type: SyncSourceType.esplora, customUrl: nil) // .esplora or .electrum, optional customUrl
let database = Database(type: DatabaseType.memory, path: nil, treeName: nil) // .memory or .disk, optional path and tree parameters
bdkManager = BDKManager.init(network: network, syncSource: syncSource, database: database)   

Load wallet

To create a new mnemonic, descriptor and load the wallet:

do {    
    let wordCount = WordCount.words12 // .words12, .words24
    let mnemonic = generateMnemonic(wordCount: wordCount)
    let descriptorType = DescriptorType.singleKey_tr86 // .singleKey_tr86, .singleKey_wpkh84
    let descriptor = bdkManager.descriptorFromMnemonic(
        descriptorType: descriptorType,
        mnemonic: mnemonic,
        password: nil) // optional password
    bdkManager.loadWallet(descriptor: descriptor)
} catch let error {

To load wallet from an existing descriptor:

let descriptor = "wpkh(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeSitUfdxhsVaf4BXAASVAbHypn2jnPcjmQZvqZYkeqx7EHQTWvdubTSDa5ben7zHC7sUsx4d8tbTvWdUtHzR8uhHg2CW7MT/*)"
bdkManager.loadWallet(descriptor: descriptor) 


The wallet can either be synced manually by calling sync(), or at regular intervals by using startSyncRegularly and stopSyncRegularly. On every sync, the @Published parameters .balance and .transactions are updated, which means they automatically trigger updates in SwiftUI.

bdkManager.sync() // Will sync once

bdkManager.startSyncRegularly(interval: 120) // Will sync immediately, then every 120 seconds
bdkManager.stopSyncRegularly() // Will stop the regular sync


A working SwiftUI example app is included in the repo. It has very basic functionality of showing the balance for a descriptor address. In this case the bdkManager is an @ObservedObject, which enables the WalletView to automatically update depending on bdkManager.syncState. The two files required:


import SwiftUI
import BDKManager

struct WalletApp: App {
    @ObservedObject var bdkManager: BDKManager
    init() {
        // Define BDKManager init options
        let network = Network.testnet // set bitcoin, testnet, signet or regtest
        let syncSource = SyncSource(type: SyncSourceType.esplora, customUrl: nil) // set esplora or electrum, can take customUrl
        let database = Database(type: DatabaseType.memory, path: nil, treeName: nil) // set memory or disk, optional path and tree parameters
        // Initialize a BDKManager instance
        bdkManager = BDKManager.init(network: network, syncSource: syncSource, database: database)
        // Load a singlekey wallet from a newly generated private key
        do {
            let wordCount = WordCount.words12 // .words12, .words24
            let mnemonic = generateMnemonic(wordCount: wordCount)
            let descriptorType = DescriptorType.singleKey_tr86 // .singleKey_tr86, .singleKey_wpkh84
            let descriptor = bdkManager.descriptorFromMnemonic(
                descriptorType: descriptorType,
                mnemonic: mnemonic,
                password: nil) // optional password
            bdkManager.loadWallet(descriptor: descriptor)
        } catch let error {
        // Or load a wallet from an existing descriptor
        //let descriptor = "wpkh(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeSitUfdxhsVaf4BXAASVAbHypn2jnPcjmQZvqZYkeqx7EHQTWvdubTSDa5ben7zHC7sUsx4d8tbTvWdUtHzR8uhHg2CW7MT/*)"
        //bdkManager.loadWallet(descriptor: descriptor)
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {


import SwiftUI
import BDKManager

struct WalletView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var bdkManager: BDKManager
    var body: some View {
        VStack (spacing: 50){
            Text("Hello, wallet!")
            switch bdkManager.syncState {
            case .synced:
                Text("Balance: \(")
            case .syncing:
                Text("Balance: Syncing")
                Text("Balance: Not synced")
            Text(bdkManager.wallet?.getAddress(addressIndex: ?? "-")
        }.onAppear {
            bdkManager.sync() // to sync once
            //bdkManager.startSyncRegularly(interval: 120) // to sync immediately, then every 120 seconds
        }.onDisappear {
            //bdkManager.stopSyncRegularly() // if startSyncRegularly was used

Public variables

BDK Manager has the following @Published public variables, meaning they can be observed and lead to updates in SwiftUI:

.wallet: Wallet?
.balance: Balance
.transactions: [TransactionDetails]
.walletState // .empty, .loading, .loaded, .failed
.syncState // .empty, .syncing, .synced, .failed

Public functions

BDK Manager has the following public functions:

init(network: Network, syncSource: SyncSource, database: Database)
descriptorFromMnemonic(descriptorType: DescriptorType, mnemonic: String, password: String?) -> String?
descriptorFromXprv(descriptorType: DescriptorType, xprv: String) -> String
loadWallet(descriptor: String)
startSyncRegularly(interval: TimeInterval)
sendBitcoin(recipient: String, amount: UInt64, feeRate: Float) -> Bool

Since the wallet is a BDK Wallet, the corresponding functions are also available on .wallet:

getAddress(addressIndex: AddressIndex) -> String
getLastUnusedAddress()  -> String
getBalance() throws -> Balance
sign( psbt: PartiallySignedBitcoinTransaction ) throws
getTransactions() throws -> [Transaction]
getNetwork()  -> Network
broadcast( psbt: PartiallySignedBitcoinTransaction ) throws -> Transaction