diff --git a/narps_open/core/common.py b/narps_open/core/common.py
index e40d4e9a..c40f2907 100644
--- a/narps_open/core/common.py
+++ b/narps_open/core/common.py
@@ -63,3 +63,24 @@ def list_intersection(list_1: list, list_2: list) -> list:
     - list, the intersection of list_1 and list_2
     return [e for e in list_1 if e in list_2]
+def list_to_file(input_list: list, file_name: str = 'elements.tsv') -> str:
+    """
+    Create a tsv file containing elements of the input list.
+    This function is meant to be used in a Nipype Function Node.
+    Parameters :
+    - input_list: list
+    Returns:
+    - output_file: path to the created file
+    """
+    from os.path import abspath
+    output_file = abspath(file_name)
+    # Write un element per line
+    with open(output_file, 'w') as writer:
+        for element in input_list:
+            writer.write(f'{element}\n')
+    return output_file
diff --git a/narps_open/pipelines/__init__.py b/narps_open/pipelines/__init__.py
index 6c5239ca..e73fa697 100644
--- a/narps_open/pipelines/__init__.py
+++ b/narps_open/pipelines/__init__.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 # List all the available pipelines and the corresponding class for each
 implemented_pipelines = {
-    '08MQ': None,
+    '08MQ': 'PipelineTeam08MQ',
     '0C7Q': None,
     '0ED6': None,
     '0H5E': None,
diff --git a/narps_open/pipelines/team_08MQ.py b/narps_open/pipelines/team_08MQ.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9766c3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/narps_open/pipelines/team_08MQ.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1050 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+""" Write the work of NARPS team 08MQ using Nipype """
+from os.path import join
+from itertools import product
+from nipype import Node, Workflow, MapNode
+from nipype.interfaces.utility import IdentityInterface, Function, Merge, Split, Select
+from nipype.interfaces.io import SelectFiles, DataSink
+from nipype.interfaces.fsl import (
+    # General usage
+    FSLCommand, ImageStats,
+    # Preprocessing
+    FAST, BET, ErodeImage, PrepareFieldmap, MCFLIRT, SliceTimer,
+    Threshold, Info, SUSAN, FLIRT, ApplyXFM, ConvertXFM,
+    # Analyses
+    Level1Design, FEATModel, L2Model, FILMGLS,
+    FLAMEO, Randomise, MultipleRegressDesign
+    )
+from nipype.interfaces.fsl.utils import Merge as MergeImages
+from nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths import MultiImageMaths
+from nipype.algorithms.confounds import CompCor
+from nipype.algorithms.modelgen import SpecifyModel
+from nipype.interfaces.ants import Registration, WarpTimeSeriesImageMultiTransform
+from narps_open.pipelines import Pipeline
+from narps_open.data.task import TaskInformation
+from narps_open.data.participants import get_group
+from narps_open.core.common import (
+    remove_file, list_intersection, elements_in_string, clean_list, list_to_file
+    )
+# Setup FSL
+class PipelineTeam08MQ(Pipeline):
+    """ A class that defines the pipeline of team 08MQ """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.fwhm = 6.0
+        self.team_id = '08MQ'
+        self.contrast_list = ['1', '2', '3']
+        self.run_level_contasts = [
+            ('positive_effect_gain', 'T', ['gain', 'loss'], [1, 0]),
+            ('positive_effect_loss', 'T', ['gain', 'loss'], [0, 1]),
+            ('negative_effect_loss', 'T', ['gain', 'loss'], [0, -1])
+        ]
+    def get_preprocessing(self):
+        """ Return a Nipype workflow describing the preprocessing part of the pipeline """
+        # IdentityInterface node - allows to iterate over subjects and runs
+        information_source = Node(IdentityInterface(
+            fields = ['subject_id', 'run_id']),
+            name = 'information_source')
+        information_source.iterables = [
+            ('run_id', self.run_list),
+            ('subject_id', self.subject_list),
+        ]
+        # SelectFiles node - to select necessary files
+        file_templates = {
+            'anat': join('sub-{subject_id}', 'anat', 'sub-{subject_id}_T1w.nii.gz'),
+            'func': join(
+                'sub-{subject_id}', 'func', 'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold.nii.gz'
+                ),
+            'sbref': join(
+                'sub-{subject_id}', 'func', 'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_sbref.nii.gz'
+                ),
+            'magnitude': join('sub-{subject_id}', 'fmap', 'sub-{subject_id}_magnitude1.nii.gz'),
+            'phasediff': join('sub-{subject_id}', 'fmap', 'sub-{subject_id}_phasediff.nii.gz')
+        }
+        select_files = Node(SelectFiles(file_templates), name = 'select_files')
+        select_files.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.dataset_dir
+        # DataSink Node - store the wanted results in the wanted directory
+        data_sink = Node(DataSink(), name = 'data_sink')
+        data_sink.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.output_dir
+        # FAST Node - Bias field correction on anatomical images
+        bias_field_correction = Node(FAST(), name = 'bias_field_correction')
+        bias_field_correction.inputs.img_type = 1 # T1 image
+        bias_field_correction.inputs.output_biascorrected = True
+        # BET Node - Brain extraction for anatomical images
+        brain_extraction_anat = Node(BET(), name = 'brain_extraction_anat')
+        brain_extraction_anat.inputs.frac = 0.5
+        # FAST Node - Segmentation of anatomical images
+        segmentation_anat = Node(FAST(), name = 'segmentation_anat')
+        segmentation_anat.inputs.no_bias = True # Bias field was already removed
+        segmentation_anat.inputs.segments = False # Only output partial volume estimation
+        segmentation_anat.inputs.probability_maps = False # Only output partial volume estimation
+        # Split Node - Split probability maps as they output from the segmentation node
+        #   outputs.out1 is CSF
+        #   outputs.out2 is grey matter
+        #   outputs.out3 is white matter
+        split_segmentation_maps = Node(Split(), name = 'split_segmentation_maps')
+        split_segmentation_maps.inputs.splits = [1, 1, 1]
+        split_segmentation_maps.inputs.squeeze = True # Unfold one-element splits removing the list
+        # ANTs Node - Normalization of anatomical images to T1 MNI152 space
+        #   https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTs/wiki/Anatomy-of-an-antsRegistration-call
+        normalization_anat = Node(Registration(), name = 'normalization_anat')
+        normalization_anat.inputs.fixed_image = Info.standard_image('MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz')
+        normalization_anat.inputs.collapse_output_transforms = True
+        normalization_anat.inputs.convergence_threshold = [1e-06]
+        normalization_anat.inputs.convergence_window_size = [10]
+        normalization_anat.inputs.dimension = 3
+        normalization_anat.inputs.initial_moving_transform_com = True
+        normalization_anat.inputs.radius_or_number_of_bins = [32, 32, 4]
+        normalization_anat.inputs.sampling_percentage = [0.25, 0.25, 1]
+        normalization_anat.inputs.sampling_strategy = ['Regular', 'Regular', 'None']
+        normalization_anat.inputs.transforms = ['Rigid', 'Affine', 'SyN']
+        normalization_anat.inputs.metric = ['MI', 'MI', 'CC']
+        normalization_anat.inputs.transform_parameters = [(0.1,), (0.1,), (0.1, 3.0, 0.0)]
+        normalization_anat.inputs.metric_weight = [1.0]*3
+        normalization_anat.inputs.shrink_factors = [[8, 4, 2, 1]]*3
+        normalization_anat.inputs.smoothing_sigmas = [[3, 2, 1, 0]]*3
+        normalization_anat.inputs.sigma_units = ['vox']*3
+        normalization_anat.inputs.number_of_iterations = [
+            [1000, 500, 250, 100],
+            [1000, 500, 250, 100],
+            [100, 70, 50, 20]
+            ]
+        normalization_anat.inputs.use_histogram_matching = True
+        normalization_anat.inputs.winsorize_lower_quantile = 0.005
+        normalization_anat.inputs.winsorize_upper_quantile = 0.995
+        # Threshold Node - create white-matter mask
+        threshold_white_matter = Node(Threshold(), name = 'threshold_white_matter')
+        threshold_white_matter.inputs.thresh = 1
+        # Threshold Node - create CSF mask
+        threshold_csf = Node(Threshold(), name = 'threshold_csf')
+        threshold_csf.inputs.thresh = 1
+        # ErodeImage Node - Erode white-matter mask
+        erode_white_matter = Node(ErodeImage(), name = 'erode_white_matter')
+        erode_white_matter.inputs.kernel_shape = 'sphere'
+        erode_white_matter.inputs.kernel_size = 2.0 #mm
+        # ErodeImage Node - Erode CSF mask
+        erode_csf = Node(ErodeImage(), name = 'erode_csf')
+        erode_csf.inputs.kernel_shape = 'sphere'
+        erode_csf.inputs.kernel_size = 1.5 #mm
+        # BET Node - Brain extraction of magnitude images
+        brain_extraction_magnitude = Node(BET(), name = 'brain_extraction_magnitude')
+        brain_extraction_magnitude.inputs.frac = 0.5
+        # PrepareFieldmap Node - Convert phase and magnitude to fieldmap images
+        convert_to_fieldmap = Node(PrepareFieldmap(), name = 'convert_to_fieldmap')
+        # BET Node - Brain extraction for high contrast functional images
+        brain_extraction_sbref = Node(BET(), name = 'brain_extraction_sbref')
+        brain_extraction_sbref.inputs.frac = 0.3
+        brain_extraction_sbref.inputs.mask = True
+        brain_extraction_sbref.inputs.functional = False # 3D data
+        # FLIRT Node - Align high contrast functional images to anatomical
+        #   (i.e.: single-band reference images a.k.a. sbref)
+        coregistration_sbref = Node(FLIRT(), name = 'coregistration_sbref')
+        coregistration_sbref.inputs.interp = 'trilinear'
+        coregistration_sbref.inputs.cost = 'bbr' # boundary-based registration
+        # ConvertXFM Node - Inverse coregistration transform, to get anat to func transform
+        inverse_func_to_anat = Node(ConvertXFM(), name = 'inverse_func_to_anat')
+        inverse_func_to_anat.inputs.invert_xfm = True
+        # BET Node - Brain extraction for functional images
+        brain_extraction_func = Node(BET(), name = 'brain_extraction_func')
+        brain_extraction_func.inputs.frac = 0.3
+        brain_extraction_func.inputs.mask = True
+        brain_extraction_func.inputs.functional = True
+        # MCFLIRT Node - Motion correction of functional images
+        motion_correction = Node(MCFLIRT(), name = 'motion_correction')
+        motion_correction.inputs.cost = 'normcorr'
+        motion_correction.inputs.interpolation = 'spline' # should be 'trilinear'
+        motion_correction.inputs.save_plots = True # Save transformation parameters
+        # Function Nodes get_slice_timings - Create a file with acquisition timing for each slide
+        slice_timings = Node(Function(
+            function = list_to_file,
+            input_names = ['input_list', 'file_name'],
+            output_names = ['output_file']
+            ), name = 'slice_timings')
+        slice_timings.inputs.input_list = TaskInformation()['SliceTiming']
+        slice_timings.inputs.file_name = 'slice_timings.tsv'
+        # SliceTimer Node - Slice time correction
+        slice_time_correction = Node(SliceTimer(), name = 'slice_time_correction')
+        slice_time_correction.inputs.time_repetition = TaskInformation()['RepetitionTime']
+        # ImageStats Node - Compute median of voxel values to derive SUSAN's brightness_threshold
+        #   -k option adds a mask
+        #   -p computes the 50th percentile (= median)
+        #   we do not need to filter on not-zero values (option -P) because a mask is passed
+        #   Warning : these options must be passed in the right order
+        #       (i.e.: apply mask then compute stat)
+        compute_median = Node(ImageStats(), name = 'compute_median')
+        compute_median.inputs.op_string = '-k %s -p 50'
+        # SUSAN Node - smoothing of functional images
+        #   we set brightness_threshold to .75x median of the input file, as performed by fMRIprep
+        smoothing = Node(SUSAN(), name = 'smoothing')
+        smoothing.inputs.fwhm = self.fwhm
+        compute_brightness_threshold = lambda x : .75 * x
+        # ApplyXFM Node - Alignment of white matter to functional space
+        alignment_white_matter = Node(ApplyXFM(), name = 'alignment_white_matter')
+        alignment_white_matter.inputs.apply_xfm = True
+        alignment_white_matter.inputs.no_resample = True
+        # ApplyXFM Node - Alignment of CSF to functional space
+        alignment_csf = Node(ApplyXFM(), name = 'alignment_csf')
+        alignment_csf.inputs.apply_xfm = True
+        alignment_csf.inputs.no_resample = True
+        # FLIRT Node - Alignment of functional data to anatomical space
+        #   To save disk space we force isotropic resampling with 2.0 mm voxel dimension
+        #   instead of 1.0 mm as reference file would suggest.
+        #   We have to use FLIRT instead of ApplyXFM because there is a bug with
+        #   apply_isoxfm and the latter.
+        alignment_func_to_anat = Node(FLIRT(), name = 'alignment_func_to_anat')
+        alignment_func_to_anat.inputs.apply_isoxfm = 2.0
+        alignment_func_to_anat.inputs.no_resample = True
+        # ApplyTransforms Node - Alignment of functional brain mask to anatomical space
+        alignment_func_mask_to_anat = Node(ApplyXFM(), name = 'alignment_func_mask_to_anat')
+        alignment_func_mask_to_anat.inputs.apply_xfm = True
+        alignment_func_mask_to_anat.inputs.no_resample = True
+        # Select Node - Change the order of transforms coming from ANTs Registration
+        reverse_transform_order = Node(Select(), name = 'reverse_transform_order')
+        reverse_transform_order.inputs.index = [1, 0]
+        # ApplyWarp Node - Alignment of functional data to MNI space
+        alignment_func_to_mni = Node(WarpTimeSeriesImageMultiTransform(),
+            name = 'alignment_func_to_mni')
+        alignment_func_to_mni.inputs.reference_image = \
+            Info.standard_image('MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz')
+        # ApplyWarp Node - Alignment of functional data to MNI space
+        alignment_func_mask_to_mni = Node(WarpTimeSeriesImageMultiTransform(),
+            name = 'alignment_func_mask_to_mni')
+        alignment_func_mask_to_mni.inputs.reference_image = \
+            Info.standard_image('MNI152_T1_2mm_brain.nii.gz')
+        # Merge Node - Merge the two masks (WM and CSF) in one input for the next node
+        merge_masks = Node(Merge(2), name = 'merge_masks')
+        # CompCor Node - Compute anatomical confounds (regressors of no interest in the model)
+        #   from the WM and CSF masks
+        compute_confounds = Node(CompCor(), name = 'compute_confounds')
+        compute_confounds.inputs.num_components = 4
+        compute_confounds.inputs.merge_method = 'union'
+        compute_confounds.inputs.repetition_time = TaskInformation()['RepetitionTime']
+        # Merge Node - Merge file names to be removed after datasink node is performed
+        merge_removable_files = Node(Merge(8), name = 'merge_removable_files')
+        merge_removable_files.inputs.ravel_inputs = True
+        # Function Nodes remove_files - Remove sizeable files once they aren't needed
+        remove_after_datasink = MapNode(Function(
+            function = remove_file,
+            input_names = ['_', 'file_name'],
+            output_names = []
+            ), name = 'remove_after_datasink', iterfield = 'file_name')
+        remove_func = MapNode(Function(
+            function = remove_file,
+            input_names = ['_', 'file_name'],
+            output_names = []
+            ), name = 'remove_func', iterfield = 'file_name')
+        preprocessing = Workflow(base_dir = self.directories.working_dir, name = 'preprocessing')
+        preprocessing.config['execution']['stop_on_first_crash'] = 'true'
+        preprocessing.connect([
+            # Inputs
+            (information_source, select_files, [
+                ('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('run_id', 'run_id')
+                ]),
+            # Anatomical images
+            (select_files, bias_field_correction, [('anat', 'in_files')]),
+            (bias_field_correction, brain_extraction_anat, [('restored_image', 'in_file')]),
+            (brain_extraction_anat, segmentation_anat, [('out_file', 'in_files')]),
+            (brain_extraction_anat, normalization_anat, [('out_file', 'moving_image')]),
+            (segmentation_anat, split_segmentation_maps, [('partial_volume_files', 'inlist')]),
+            (split_segmentation_maps, threshold_white_matter, [('out3', 'in_file')]),
+            (split_segmentation_maps, threshold_csf, [('out1', 'in_file')]),
+            (threshold_white_matter, erode_white_matter, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (threshold_csf, erode_csf, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (erode_white_matter, alignment_white_matter, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (inverse_func_to_anat, alignment_white_matter, [('out_file', 'in_matrix_file')]),
+            (select_files, alignment_white_matter, [('sbref', 'reference')]),
+            (erode_csf, alignment_csf, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (inverse_func_to_anat, alignment_csf, [('out_file', 'in_matrix_file')]),
+            (select_files, alignment_csf, [('sbref', 'reference')]),
+            (alignment_csf, merge_masks, [('out_file', 'in1')]),
+            (alignment_white_matter, merge_masks, [('out_file', 'in2')]),
+            # Field maps
+            (select_files, brain_extraction_magnitude, [('magnitude', 'in_file')]),
+            (brain_extraction_magnitude, convert_to_fieldmap, [('out_file', 'in_magnitude')]),
+            (select_files, convert_to_fieldmap, [('phasediff', 'in_phase')]),
+            # High contrast functional volume
+            (select_files, brain_extraction_sbref, [('sbref', 'in_file')]),
+            (brain_extraction_sbref, coregistration_sbref, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (brain_extraction_anat, coregistration_sbref, [('out_file', 'reference')]),
+            (split_segmentation_maps, coregistration_sbref, [('out3', 'wm_seg')]),
+            (convert_to_fieldmap, coregistration_sbref, [('out_fieldmap', 'fieldmap')]),
+            (coregistration_sbref, inverse_func_to_anat, [('out_matrix_file', 'in_file')]),
+            # Functional images
+            (select_files, brain_extraction_func, [('func', 'in_file')]),
+            (brain_extraction_func, motion_correction, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (select_files, motion_correction, [('sbref', 'ref_file')]),
+            (slice_timings, slice_time_correction, [('output_file', 'custom_timings')]),
+            (motion_correction, slice_time_correction, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (slice_time_correction, smoothing, [('slice_time_corrected_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (slice_time_correction, compute_median, [('slice_time_corrected_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (brain_extraction_func, compute_median, [('mask_file', 'mask_file')]),
+            (compute_median, smoothing, [
+                (('out_stat', compute_brightness_threshold), 'brightness_threshold')
+                ]),
+            (smoothing, alignment_func_to_anat, [('smoothed_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (coregistration_sbref, alignment_func_to_anat, [
+                ('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')
+                ]),
+            (brain_extraction_anat, alignment_func_to_anat, [('out_file', 'reference')]),
+            (brain_extraction_func, alignment_func_mask_to_anat, [('mask_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (coregistration_sbref, alignment_func_mask_to_anat, [
+                ('out_matrix_file', 'in_matrix_file')
+                ]),
+            (brain_extraction_anat, alignment_func_mask_to_anat, [('out_file', 'reference')]),
+            (alignment_func_to_anat, alignment_func_to_mni, [('out_file', 'input_image')]),
+            (alignment_func_mask_to_anat, alignment_func_mask_to_mni, [
+                ('out_file', 'input_image')
+                ]),
+            (normalization_anat, reverse_transform_order, [('forward_transforms', 'inlist')]),
+            (reverse_transform_order, alignment_func_to_mni, [('out', 'transformation_series')]),
+            (reverse_transform_order, alignment_func_mask_to_mni, [
+                ('out', 'transformation_series')
+                ]),
+            (merge_masks, compute_confounds, [('out', 'mask_files')]), #Masks are in the func space
+            (slice_time_correction, compute_confounds, [
+                ('slice_time_corrected_file', 'realigned_file')
+                ]),
+            # Outputs of preprocessing
+            (motion_correction, data_sink, [('par_file', 'preprocessing.@par_file')]),
+            (compute_confounds, data_sink, [
+                ('components_file', 'preprocessing.@components_file')]),
+            (alignment_func_to_mni, data_sink, [('output_image', 'preprocessing.@output_image')]),
+            (alignment_func_mask_to_mni, data_sink, [
+                ('output_image', 'preprocessing.@output_mask')]),
+            # File removals
+            (alignment_func_to_anat, remove_func, [('out_file', 'file_name')]),
+            (alignment_func_to_mni, remove_func, [('output_image', '_')]),
+            (motion_correction, merge_removable_files, [('out_file', 'in1')]),
+            (slice_time_correction, merge_removable_files, [('slice_time_corrected_file', 'in2')]),
+            (smoothing, merge_removable_files, [('smoothed_file', 'in3')]),
+            (alignment_func_to_mni, merge_removable_files, [('output_image', 'in4')]),
+            (brain_extraction_func, merge_removable_files, [('out_file', 'in5')]),
+            (brain_extraction_anat, merge_removable_files, [('out_file', 'in6')]),
+            (bias_field_correction, merge_removable_files, [('restored_image', 'in7')]),
+            (normalization_anat, merge_removable_files, [('forward_transforms', 'in8')]),
+            (merge_removable_files, remove_after_datasink, [('out', 'file_name')]),
+            (data_sink, remove_after_datasink, [('out_file', '_')])
+        ])
+        return preprocessing
+    def get_preprocessing_outputs(self):
+        """ Return a list of the files generated by the preprocessing """
+        parameters = {
+            'subject_id': self.subject_list,
+            'run_id': self.run_list,
+            'file': [
+                'components_file.txt',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_brain_mcf.nii.gz.par',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_brain_mcf_st_smooth_flirt_wtsimt.nii.gz',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_brain_mask_flirt_wtsimt.nii.gz'
+            ]
+        }
+        parameter_sets = product(*parameters.values())
+        template = join(
+            self.directories.output_dir,
+            'preprocessing',
+            '_run_id_{run_id}_subject_id_{subject_id}',
+            '{file}'
+            )
+        return [template.format(**dict(zip(parameters.keys(), parameter_values)))\
+            for parameter_values in parameter_sets]
+    def get_subject_information(event_file):
+        """
+        Extract information from an event file, to setup the model. 4 regressors are extracted :
+        - event: a regressor with 4 second ON duration
+        - gain : a parametric modulation of events corresponding to gain magnitude. Mean centred.
+        - loss : a parametric modulation of events corresponding to loss magnitude. Mean centred.
+        - response : a regressor with 1 for accept and -1 for reject. Mean centred.
+        Parameters :
+        - event_file : str, event file corresponding to the run and the subject to analyze
+        Returns :
+        - subject_info : list of Bunch containing event information
+        """
+        from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch
+        condition_names = ['event', 'gain', 'loss', 'response']
+        onsets = {}
+        durations = {}
+        amplitudes = {}
+        # Create dictionary items with empty lists
+        for condition in condition_names:
+            onsets.update({condition : []})
+            durations.update({condition : []})
+            amplitudes.update({condition : []})
+        # Parse information in the event_file
+        with open(event_file, 'rt') as file:
+            next(file)  # skip the header
+            for line in file:
+                info = line.strip().split()
+                onsets['event'].append(float(info[0]))
+                durations['event'].append(float(info[1]))
+                amplitudes['event'].append(1.0)
+                onsets['gain'].append(float(info[0]))
+                durations['gain'].append(float(info[1]))
+                amplitudes['gain'].append(float(info[2]))
+                onsets['loss'].append(float(info[0]))
+                durations['loss'].append(float(info[1]))
+                amplitudes['loss'].append(float(info[3]))
+                onsets['response'].append(float(info[0]))
+                durations['response'].append(float(info[1]))
+                if 'accept' in info[5]:
+                    amplitudes['response'].append(1.0)
+                elif 'reject' in info[5]:
+                    amplitudes['response'].append(-1.0)
+                else:
+                    amplitudes['response'].append(0.0)
+        return [
+            Bunch(
+                conditions = condition_names,
+                onsets = [onsets[k] for k in condition_names],
+                durations = [durations[k] for k in condition_names],
+                amplitudes = [amplitudes[k] for k in condition_names],
+                regressor_names = None,
+                regressors = None)
+            ]
+    def get_run_level_analysis(self):
+        """ Return a Nipype workflow describing the run level analysis part of the pipeline
+        Returns:
+            - run_level_analysis : nipype.WorkFlow
+        """
+        # IdentityInterface node - allows to iterate over subjects and runs
+        information_source = Node(IdentityInterface(
+            fields = ['subject_id', 'run_id']),
+            name = 'information_source')
+        information_source.iterables = [
+            ('run_id', self.run_list),
+            ('subject_id', self.subject_list),
+        ]
+        # SelectFiles node - to select necessary files
+        templates = {
+            # Functional MRI - computed by preprocessing
+            'func' : join(self.directories.output_dir, 'preprocessing',
+                '_run_id_{run_id}_subject_id_{subject_id}',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_brain_mcf_st_smooth_flirt_wtsimt.nii.gz'
+                ),
+            # Event file - from the original dataset
+            'event' : join('sub-{subject_id}', 'func',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_events.tsv'
+                ),
+            # Motion parameters - computed by preprocessing's motion_correction Node
+            'motion' : join(self.directories.output_dir, 'preprocessing',
+                '_run_id_{run_id}_subject_id_{subject_id}',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-{run_id}_bold_brain_mcf.nii.gz.par',
+                )
+        }
+        select_files = Node(SelectFiles(templates), name = 'select_files')
+        select_files.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.dataset_dir
+        # DataSink Node - store the wanted results in the wanted directory
+        data_sink = Node(DataSink(), name = 'data_sink')
+        data_sink.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.output_dir
+        # Function Node get_subject_information - Get subject information from event files
+        subject_information = Node(Function(
+            function = self.get_subject_information,
+            input_names = ['event_file'],
+            output_names = ['subject_info']
+            ), name = 'subject_information')
+        # SpecifyModel Node - Generates a model
+        specify_model = Node(SpecifyModel(), name = 'specify_model')
+        specify_model.inputs.high_pass_filter_cutoff = 90
+        specify_model.inputs.input_units = 'secs'
+        specify_model.inputs.time_repetition = TaskInformation()['RepetitionTime']
+        specify_model.inputs.parameter_source = 'FSL' # Source of motion parameters.
+        # Level1Design Node - Generate files for first level computation
+        model_design = Node(Level1Design(), 'model_design')
+        model_design.inputs.bases = {
+            'dgamma':{'derivs' : True} # Canonical double gamma HRF plus temporal derivative
+            }
+        model_design.inputs.interscan_interval = TaskInformation()['RepetitionTime']
+        model_design.inputs.model_serial_correlations = True
+        model_design.inputs.contrasts = self.run_level_contasts
+        # FEATModel Node - Generate first level model
+        model_generation = Node(FEATModel(), name = 'model_generation')
+        # FILMGLS Node - Estimate first level model
+        model_estimate = Node(FILMGLS(), name = 'model_estimate')
+        # Create l1 analysis workflow and connect its nodes
+        run_level_analysis = Workflow(
+            base_dir = self.directories.working_dir,
+            name = 'run_level_analysis'
+            )
+        run_level_analysis.connect([
+            (information_source, select_files, [
+                ('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('run_id', 'run_id')
+                ]),
+            (select_files, subject_information, [('event', 'event_file')]),
+            (subject_information, specify_model, [('subject_info', 'subject_info')]),
+            (select_files, specify_model, [('motion', 'realignment_parameters')]),
+            (select_files, specify_model, [('func', 'functional_runs')]),
+            (specify_model, model_design, [('session_info', 'session_info')]),
+            (model_design, model_generation, [
+                ('ev_files', 'ev_files'),
+                ('fsf_files', 'fsf_file')]),
+            (select_files, model_estimate, [('func', 'in_file')]),
+            (model_generation, model_estimate, [
+                ('con_file', 'tcon_file'),
+                ('design_file', 'design_file')]),
+            (model_estimate, data_sink, [('results_dir', 'run_level_analysis.@results')]),
+            (model_generation, data_sink, [
+                ('design_file', 'run_level_analysis.@design_file'),
+                ('design_image', 'run_level_analysis.@design_img')]),
+            ])
+        return run_level_analysis
+    def get_run_level_outputs(self):
+        """ Return a list of the files generated by the run level analysis """
+        parameters = {
+            'run_id' : self.run_list,
+            'subject_id' : self.subject_list,
+            'file' : [
+                'run0.mat',
+                'run0.png'
+            ]
+        }
+        parameter_sets = product(*parameters.values())
+        template = join(
+            self.directories.output_dir,
+            'run_level_analysis', '_run_id_{run_id}_subject_id_{subject_id}','{file}'
+            )
+        return_list = [template.format(**dict(zip(parameters.keys(), parameter_values)))\
+            for parameter_values in parameter_sets]
+        parameters = {
+            'run_id' : self.run_list,
+            'subject_id' : self.subject_list,
+            'contrast_id' : self.contrast_list,
+            'file' : [
+                join('results', 'cope{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+                join('results', 'tstat{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+                join('results', 'varcope{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+                join('results', 'zstat{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+            ]
+        }
+        parameter_sets = product(*parameters.values())
+        template = join(
+            self.directories.output_dir,
+            'run_level_analysis', '_run_id_{run_id}_subject_id_{subject_id}','{file}'
+            )
+        return_list += [template.format(**dict(zip(parameters.keys(), parameter_values)))\
+            for parameter_values in parameter_sets]
+        return return_list
+    def get_subject_level_analysis(self):
+        """ Return a Nipype workflow describing the subject level analysis part of the pipeline """
+        # IdentityInterface node - allows to iterate over subjects and contrasts
+        information_source = Node(IdentityInterface(
+            fields = ['subject_id', 'contrast_id']),
+            name = 'information_source')
+        information_source.iterables = [
+            ('subject_id', self.subject_list),
+            ('contrast_id', self.contrast_list)
+            ]
+        # SelectFiles Node - select necessary files
+        templates = {
+            'copes' : join(self.directories.output_dir, 'run_level_analysis',
+                '_run_id_*_subject_id_{subject_id}', 'results', 'cope{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+            'varcopes' : join(self.directories.output_dir, 'run_level_analysis',
+                '_run_id_*_subject_id_{subject_id}', 'results', 'varcope{contrast_id}.nii.gz'),
+            'masks' : join(self.directories.output_dir, 'preprocessing',
+                '_run_id_*_subject_id_{subject_id}',
+                'sub-{subject_id}_task-MGT_run-*_bold_brain_mask_flirt_wtsimt.nii.gz')
+        }
+        select_files = Node(SelectFiles(templates), name = 'select_files')
+        select_files.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.dataset_dir
+        # DataSink Node - store the wanted results in the wanted directory
+        data_sink = Node(DataSink(), name = 'data_sink')
+        data_sink.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.output_dir
+        # L2Model Node - Generate subject specific second level model
+        generate_model = Node(L2Model(), name = 'generate_model')
+        generate_model.inputs.num_copes = len(self.run_list)
+        # Merge Node - Merge copes files for each subject
+        merge_copes = Node(MergeImages(), name = 'merge_copes')
+        merge_copes.inputs.dimension = 't'
+        # Merge Node - Merge varcopes files for each subject
+        merge_varcopes = Node(MergeImages(), name = 'merge_varcopes')
+        merge_varcopes.inputs.dimension = 't'
+        # Split Node - Split mask list to serve them as inputs of the MultiImageMaths node.
+        split_masks = Node(Split(), name = 'split_masks')
+        split_masks.inputs.splits = [1, len(self.run_list) - 1]
+        split_masks.inputs.squeeze = True # Unfold one-element splits removing the list
+        # MultiImageMaths Node - Create a subject mask by
+        #   computing the intersection of all run masks.
+        mask_intersection = Node(MultiImageMaths(), name = 'mask_intersection')
+        mask_intersection.inputs.op_string = '-mul %s ' * (len(self.run_list) - 1)
+        # FLAMEO Node - Estimate model
+        estimate_model = Node(FLAMEO(), name = 'estimate_model')
+        estimate_model.inputs.run_mode = 'fe' # Fixed effect
+        # Second level (single-subject, mean of all four scans) analyses: Fixed effects analysis.
+        subject_level_analysis = Workflow(
+            base_dir = self.directories.working_dir,
+            name = 'subject_level_analysis')
+        subject_level_analysis.connect([
+            (information_source, select_files, [
+                ('subject_id', 'subject_id'),
+                ('contrast_id', 'contrast_id')]),
+            (select_files, merge_copes, [('copes', 'in_files')]),
+            (select_files, merge_varcopes, [('varcopes', 'in_files')]),
+            (select_files, split_masks, [('masks', 'inlist')]),
+            (split_masks, mask_intersection, [('out1', 'in_file')]),
+            (split_masks, mask_intersection, [('out2', 'operand_files')]),
+            (merge_copes, estimate_model, [('merged_file', 'cope_file')]),
+            (merge_varcopes, estimate_model, [('merged_file', 'var_cope_file')]),
+            (mask_intersection, estimate_model, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]),
+            (generate_model, estimate_model, [
+                ('design_mat', 'design_file'),
+                ('design_con', 't_con_file'),
+                ('design_grp', 'cov_split_file')]),
+            (mask_intersection, data_sink, [('out_file', 'subject_level_analysis.@mask')]),
+            (estimate_model, data_sink, [
+                ('zstats', 'subject_level_analysis.@stats'),
+                ('tstats', 'subject_level_analysis.@tstats'),
+                ('copes', 'subject_level_analysis.@copes'),
+                ('var_copes', 'subject_level_analysis.@varcopes')])])
+        return subject_level_analysis
+    def get_subject_level_outputs(self):
+        """ Return a list of the files generated by the subject level analysis """
+        parameters = {
+            'contrast_id' : self.contrast_list,
+            'subject_id' : self.subject_list,
+            'file' : ['cope1.nii.gz', 'tstat1.nii.gz', 'varcope1.nii.gz', 'zstat1.nii.gz']
+        }
+        parameter_sets = product(*parameters.values())
+        template = join(
+            self.directories.output_dir,
+            'subject_level_analysis', '_contrast_id_{contrast_id}_subject_id_{subject_id}','{file}'
+            )
+        return [template.format(**dict(zip(parameters.keys(), parameter_values)))\
+            for parameter_values in parameter_sets]
+    def get_one_sample_t_test_regressors(subject_list: list) -> dict:
+        """
+        Create dictionary of regressors for one sample t-test group analysis.
+        Parameters:
+            - subject_list: ids of subject in the group for which to do the analysis
+        Returns:
+            - dict containing named lists of regressors.
+        """
+        return dict(group_mean = [1 for _ in subject_list])
+    def get_two_sample_t_test_regressors(
+        equal_range_ids: list,
+        equal_indifference_ids: list,
+        subject_list: list,
+        ) -> dict:
+        """
+        Create dictionary of regressors for two sample t-test group analysis.
+        Parameters:
+            - equal_range_ids: ids of subjects in equal range group
+            - equal_indifference_ids: ids of subjects in equal indifference group
+            - subject_list: ids of subject for which to do the analysis
+        Returns:
+            - regressors, dict: containing named lists of regressors.
+            - groups, list: group identifiers to distinguish groups in FSL analysis.
+        """
+        # Create 2 lists containing n_sub values which are
+        #  * 1 if the participant is on the group
+        #  * 0 otherwise
+        equal_range_regressors = [1 if i in equal_range_ids else 0 for i in subject_list]
+        equal_indifference_regressors = [
+            1 if i in equal_indifference_ids else 0 for i in subject_list
+            ]
+        # Create regressors output : a dict with the two list
+        regressors = dict(
+            equalRange = equal_range_regressors,
+            equalIndifference = equal_indifference_regressors
+        )
+        # Create groups outputs : a list with 1 for equalRange subjects and 2 for equalIndifference
+        groups = [1 if i == 1 else 2 for i in equal_range_regressors]
+        return regressors, groups
+    def get_group_level_analysis(self):
+        """ Return all workflows for the group level analysis. """
+        methods = ['equalRange', 'equalIndifference', 'groupComp']
+        return [self.get_group_level_analysis_sub_workflow(method) for method in methods]
+    def get_group_level_analysis_sub_workflow(self, method):
+        """
+        Return a workflow for the group level analysis.
+        Parameters:
+            - method: one of 'equalRange', 'equalIndifference' or 'groupComp'
+        Returns:
+            - group_level_analysis: nipype.WorkFlow
+        """
+        # Infosource Node - iterate over the contrasts generated by the subject level analysis
+        information_source = Node(
+            IdentityInterface(
+                fields = ['contrast_id']
+            ),
+            name = 'information_source',
+        )
+        information_source.iterables = [('contrast_id', self.contrast_list)]
+        # SelectFiles Node - select necessary files
+        templates = {
+            'copes' : join(self.directories.output_dir, 'subject_level_analysis',
+                '_contrast_id_{contrast_id}_subject_id_*', 'cope1.nii.gz'),
+            'varcopes' : join(self.directories.output_dir, 'subject_level_analysis',
+                '_contrast_id_{contrast_id}_subject_id_*', 'varcope1.nii.gz'),
+            'masks' : join(self.directories.output_dir, 'subject_level_analysis',
+                '_contrast_id_{contrast_id}_subject_id_*',
+                'sub-*_task-MGT_run-*_bold_brain_mask_flirt_wtsimt_maths.nii.gz')
+        }
+        select_files = Node(SelectFiles(templates), name = 'select_files')
+        select_files.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.dataset_dir
+        select_files.inputs.force_list = True
+        # Datasink Node - save important files
+        data_sink = Node(DataSink(), name = 'data_sink')
+        data_sink.inputs.base_directory = self.directories.output_dir
+        # Function Node elements_in_string
+        #   Get contrast of parameter estimates (cope) for these subjects
+        # Note : using a MapNode with elements_in_string requires using clean_list to remove
+        #   None values from the out_list
+        get_copes = MapNode(Function(
+            function = elements_in_string,
+            input_names = ['input_str', 'elements'],
+            output_names = ['out_list']
+            ),
+            name = 'get_copes', iterfield = 'input_str'
+        )
+        # Function Node elements_in_string
+        #   Get variance of the estimated copes (varcope) for these subjects
+        # Note : using a MapNode with elements_in_string requires using clean_list to remove
+        #   None values from the out_list
+        get_varcopes = MapNode(Function(
+            function = elements_in_string,
+            input_names = ['input_str', 'elements'],
+            output_names = ['out_list']
+            ),
+            name = 'get_varcopes', iterfield = 'input_str'
+        )
+        # Merge Node - Merge cope files
+        merge_copes = Node(MergeImages(), name = 'merge_copes')
+        merge_copes.inputs.dimension = 't'
+        # Merge Node - Merge cope files
+        merge_varcopes = Node(MergeImages(), name = 'merge_varcopes')
+        merge_varcopes.inputs.dimension = 't'
+        # Split Node - Split mask list to serve them as inputs of the MultiImageMaths node.
+        split_masks = Node(Split(), name = 'split_masks')
+        split_masks.inputs.splits = [1, len(self.subject_list) - 1]
+        split_masks.inputs.squeeze = True
+        # MultiImageMaths Node - Create a group mask by
+        #   computing the intersection of all subject masks.
+        mask_intersection = Node(MultiImageMaths(), name = 'mask_intersection')
+        mask_intersection.inputs.op_string = '-mul %s ' * (len(self.subject_list) - 1)
+        # MultipleRegressDesign Node - Specify model
+        specify_model = Node(MultipleRegressDesign(), name = 'specify_model')
+        # FLAMEO Node - Estimate model
+        estimate_model = Node(FLAMEO(), name = 'estimate_model')
+        estimate_model.inputs.run_mode = 'ols' # Ordinary least squares
+        # Randomise Node -
+        randomise = Node(Randomise(), name = 'randomise')
+        randomise.inputs.num_perm = 10000
+        randomise.inputs.tfce = True
+        randomise.inputs.vox_p_values = True
+        randomise.inputs.c_thresh = 0.05
+        randomise.inputs.tfce_E = 0.01
+        # Compute the number of participants used to do the analysis
+        nb_subjects = len(self.subject_list)
+        # Declare the workflow
+        group_level_analysis = Workflow(
+            base_dir = self.directories.working_dir,
+            name = f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}'
+        )
+        group_level_analysis.connect([
+            (information_source, select_files, [('contrast_id', 'contrast_id')]),
+            (select_files, get_copes, [('copes', 'input_str')]),
+            (select_files, get_varcopes, [('varcopes', 'input_str')]),
+            (select_files, split_masks, [('masks', 'inlist')]),
+            (split_masks, mask_intersection, [('out1', 'in_file')]),
+            (split_masks, mask_intersection, [('out2', 'operand_files')]),
+            (get_copes, merge_copes, [(('out_list', clean_list), 'in_files')]),
+            (get_varcopes, merge_varcopes,[(('out_list', clean_list), 'in_files')]),
+            (merge_copes, estimate_model, [('merged_file', 'cope_file')]),
+            (merge_varcopes, estimate_model, [('merged_file', 'var_cope_file')]),
+            (mask_intersection, estimate_model, [('out_file', 'mask_file')]),
+            (specify_model, estimate_model, [
+                ('design_mat', 'design_file'),
+                ('design_con', 't_con_file'),
+                ('design_grp', 'cov_split_file')
+                ]),
+            (merge_copes, randomise, [('merged_file', 'in_file')]),
+            (mask_intersection, randomise, [('out_file', 'mask')]),
+            (specify_model, randomise, [
+                ('design_mat', 'design_mat'),
+                ('design_con', 'tcon')
+                ]),
+            (randomise, data_sink, [
+                ('t_corrected_p_files',
+                    f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}.@tcorpfile'),
+                ('tstat_files', f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}.@tstat')
+                ]),
+            (estimate_model, data_sink, [
+                ('zstats', f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}.@zstats'),
+                ('tstats', f'group_level_analysis_{method}_nsub_{nb_subjects}.@tstats')
+                ])
+        ])
+        if method in ('equalRange', 'equalIndifference'):
+            # Setup a one sample t-test
+            specify_model.inputs.contrasts = [
+                ('Group', 'T', ['group_mean'], [1]),
+                ('Group', 'T', ['group_mean'], [-1])
+                ]
+            # Function Node get_group_subjects - Get subjects in the group and in the subject_list
+            get_group_subjects = Node(Function(
+                function = list_intersection,
+                input_names = ['list_1', 'list_2'],
+                output_names = ['out_list']
+                ),
+                name = 'get_group_subjects'
+            )
+            get_group_subjects.inputs.list_1 = get_group(method)
+            get_group_subjects.inputs.list_2 = self.subject_list
+            # Function Node get_one_sample_t_test_regressors
+            #   Get regressors in the equalRange and equalIndifference method case
+            regressors_one_sample = Node(
+                Function(
+                    function = self.get_one_sample_t_test_regressors,
+                    input_names = ['subject_list'],
+                    output_names = ['regressors']
+                ),
+                name = 'regressors_one_sample',
+            )
+            # Add missing connections
+            group_level_analysis.connect([
+                (get_group_subjects, get_copes, [('out_list', 'elements')]),
+                (get_group_subjects, get_varcopes, [('out_list', 'elements')]),
+                (get_group_subjects, regressors_one_sample, [('out_list', 'subject_list')]),
+                (regressors_one_sample, specify_model, [('regressors', 'regressors')])
+            ])
+        elif method == 'groupComp':
+            # Select copes and varcopes corresponding to the selected subjects
+            #   Indeed the SelectFiles node asks for all (*) subjects available
+            get_copes.inputs.elements = self.subject_list
+            get_varcopes.inputs.elements = self.subject_list
+            # Setup a two sample t-test
+            specify_model.inputs.contrasts = [(
+                'Eq range vs Eq indiff in loss',
+                'T',
+                ['equalRange', 'equalIndifference'],
+                [1, -1]
+                )]
+            # Function Node get_equal_range_subjects
+            #   Get subjects in the equalRange group and in the subject_list
+            get_equal_range_subjects = Node(Function(
+                function = list_intersection,
+                input_names = ['list_1', 'list_2'],
+                output_names = ['out_list']
+                ),
+                name = 'get_equal_range_subjects'
+            )
+            get_equal_range_subjects.inputs.list_1 = get_group('equalRange')
+            get_equal_range_subjects.inputs.list_2 = self.subject_list
+            # Function Node get_equal_indifference_subjects
+            #   Get subjects in the equalIndifference group and in the subject_list
+            get_equal_indifference_subjects = Node(Function(
+                function = list_intersection,
+                input_names = ['list_1', 'list_2'],
+                output_names = ['out_list']
+                ),
+                name = 'get_equal_indifference_subjects'
+            )
+            get_equal_indifference_subjects.inputs.list_1 = get_group('equalIndifference')
+            get_equal_indifference_subjects.inputs.list_2 = self.subject_list
+            # Function Node get_two_sample_t_test_regressors
+            #   Get regressors in the groupComp method case
+            regressors_two_sample = Node(
+                Function(
+                    function = self.get_two_sample_t_test_regressors,
+                    input_names = [
+                        'equal_range_ids',
+                        'equal_indifference_ids',
+                        'subject_list',
+                    ],
+                    output_names = ['regressors', 'groups']
+                ),
+                name = 'regressors_two_sample',
+            )
+            regressors_two_sample.inputs.subject_list = self.subject_list
+            # Add missing connections
+            group_level_analysis.connect([
+                (get_equal_range_subjects, regressors_two_sample, [
+                    ('out_list', 'equal_range_ids')
+                    ]),
+                (get_equal_indifference_subjects, regressors_two_sample, [
+                    ('out_list', 'equal_indifference_ids')
+                    ]),
+                (regressors_two_sample, specify_model, [
+                    ('regressors', 'regressors'),
+                    ('groups', 'groups')])
+            ])
+        return group_level_analysis
+    def get_hypotheses_outputs(self):
+        """ Return the names of the files used by the team to answer the hypotheses of NARPS. """
+        nb_sub = len(self.subject_list)
+        files = [
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_1', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat2.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat2.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat2.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat2.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalIndifference_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_equalRange_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_groupComp_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'randomise_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz'),
+            join(f'group_level_analysis_groupComp_nsub_{nb_sub}',
+                '_contrast_id_2', 'zstat1.nii.gz')
+        ]
+        return [join(self.directories.output_dir, f) for f in files]
diff --git a/narps_open/utils/configuration/testing_config.toml b/narps_open/utils/configuration/testing_config.toml
index b1fb28ba..40733c5a 100644
--- a/narps_open/utils/configuration/testing_config.toml
+++ b/narps_open/utils/configuration/testing_config.toml
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ title = "Testing configuration for the NARPS open pipelines project"
 config_type = "testing"
-dataset = "run/data/ds001734/"
+dataset = "data/original/ds001734/"
 reproduced_results = "run/data/reproduced/"
-narps_results = "run/data/results/"
+narps_results = "data/results/"
 test_data = "tests/test_data/"
 test_runs = "run/"
diff --git a/tests/core/test_common.py b/tests/core/test_common.py
index 3e00fd1b..64c385e9 100644
--- a/tests/core/test_common.py
+++ b/tests/core/test_common.py
@@ -317,3 +317,66 @@ def test_connect_list_intersection(remove_test_dir):
         test_file_2 = join(TEMPORARY_DIR, 'test_workflow', 'node_2', '_report', 'report.rst')
         with open(test_file_2, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
             assert f'* out_value : {output_list_2}' in file.read()
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_node_list_to_file_1():
+        """ Test the list_to_file function as a nipype.Node """
+        # Inputs
+        input_list = ['001', 23.560, 'azerty', False, None]
+        # Create a Nipype Node using list_to_file
+        test_node = Node(Function(
+            function = co.list_to_file,
+            input_names = ['input_list'],
+            output_names = ['out_file']
+            ), name = 'test_node')
+        test_node.inputs.input_list = input_list
+        test_node.run()
+        # Expected output (in the Node's working directory)
+        out_file = join(test_node.output_dir(), 'elements.tsv')
+        out_list = [str(a) for a in input_list]
+        # Check file was created
+        assert exists(out_file)
+        # Check file was created
+        with open(out_file, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
+            for list_element, file_element in zip(out_list, file.read().split('\n')):
+                assert list_element == file_element
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_node_list_to_file_2():
+        """ Test the list_to_file function as a nipype.Node
+            Test changing name of output file
+        """
+        # Inputs
+        input_list = ['001', 23.560, [2.0, 1, 53, True], False, None]
+        file_name = 'custom_filename.txt'
+        # Create a Nipype Node using list_to_file
+        test_node = Node(Function(
+            function = co.list_to_file,
+            input_names = ['input_list', 'file_name'],
+            output_names = ['out_file']
+            ), name = 'test_node')
+        test_node.inputs.input_list = input_list
+        test_node.inputs.file_name = file_name
+        test_node.run()
+        # Expected output
+        out_file = join(test_node.output_dir(), file_name)
+        out_list = [str(a) for a in input_list]
+        # Check file was created
+        assert exists(out_file)
+        # Check file was created
+        with open(out_file, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
+            for list_element, file_element in zip(out_list, file.read().split('\n')):
+                assert list_element == file_element
diff --git a/tests/pipelines/__init__.py b/tests/pipelines/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/tests/pipelines/test_team_08MQ.py b/tests/pipelines/test_team_08MQ.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b962557f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pipelines/test_team_08MQ.py
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+""" Tests of the 'narps_open.pipelines.team_08MQ' module.
+Launch this test with PyTest
+    pytest -q test_team_08MQ.py
+    pytest -q test_team_08MQ.py -k <selected_test>
+from os.path import join
+from pytest import helpers, mark
+from numpy import isclose
+from nipype import Workflow
+from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch
+from narps_open.utils.configuration import Configuration
+from narps_open.pipelines.team_08MQ import PipelineTeam08MQ
+class TestPipelinesTeam08MQ:
+    """ A class that contains all the unit tests for the PipelineTeam08MQ class."""
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_create():
+        """ Test the creation of a PipelineTeam08MQ object """
+        pipeline = PipelineTeam08MQ()
+        # 1 - check the parameters
+        assert pipeline.fwhm == 6.0
+        assert pipeline.team_id == '08MQ'
+        assert pipeline.contrast_list == ['1', '2', '3']
+        assert pipeline.run_level_contasts == [
+            ('positive_effect_gain', 'T', ['gain', 'loss'], [1, 0]),
+            ('positive_effect_loss', 'T', ['gain', 'loss'], [0, 1]),
+            ('negative_effect_loss', 'T', ['gain', 'loss'], [0, -1])
+        ]
+        # 2 - check workflows
+        assert isinstance(pipeline.get_preprocessing(), Workflow)
+        assert isinstance(pipeline.get_run_level_analysis(), Workflow)
+        assert isinstance(pipeline.get_subject_level_analysis(), Workflow)
+        group_level = pipeline.get_group_level_analysis()
+        assert len(group_level) == 3
+        for sub_workflow in group_level:
+            assert isinstance(sub_workflow, Workflow)
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_outputs():
+        """ Test the expected outputs of a PipelineTeam08MQ object """
+        pipeline = PipelineTeam08MQ()
+        # 1 - 1 subject outputs
+        pipeline.subject_list = ['001']
+        assert len(pipeline.get_preprocessing_outputs()) == 4*4
+        assert len(pipeline.get_run_level_outputs()) == 8+4*3*4
+        assert len(pipeline.get_subject_level_outputs()) == 4*3
+        assert len(pipeline.get_group_level_outputs()) == 0
+        assert len(pipeline.get_hypotheses_outputs()) == 18
+        # 2 - 4 subjects outputs
+        pipeline.subject_list = ['001', '002', '003', '004']
+        assert len(pipeline.get_preprocessing_outputs()) == 4*4*4
+        assert len(pipeline.get_run_level_outputs()) == (8+4*3*4)*4
+        assert len(pipeline.get_subject_level_outputs()) == 4*3*4
+        assert len(pipeline.get_group_level_outputs()) == 0
+        assert len(pipeline.get_hypotheses_outputs()) == 18
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_subject_information():
+        """ Test the get_subject_information method """
+        information = PipelineTeam08MQ.get_subject_information(join(
+            Configuration()['directories']['test_data'],
+            'pipelines',
+            'events.tsv'
+            ))[0]
+        assert isinstance(information, Bunch)
+        assert information.conditions == ['event', 'gain', 'loss', 'response']
+        reference_amplitudes = [
+            [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
+            [14.0, 34.0, 38.0, 10.0, 16.0],
+            [6.0, 14.0, 19.0, 15.0, 17.0],
+            [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0]
+            ]
+        for reference_array, test_array in zip(reference_amplitudes, information.amplitudes):
+            assert isclose(reference_array, test_array).all()
+        reference_durations = [
+            [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
+            [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
+            [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
+            [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0]
+            ]
+        for reference_array, test_array in zip(reference_durations, information.durations):
+            assert isclose(reference_array, test_array).all()
+        reference_onsets = [
+            [4.071, 11.834, 19.535, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [4.071, 11.834, 19.535, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [4.071, 11.834, 19.535, 27.535, 36.435],
+            [4.071, 11.834, 19.535, 27.535, 36.435]
+        ]
+        for reference_array, test_array in zip(reference_onsets, information.onsets):
+            assert isclose(reference_array, test_array).all()
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_one_sample_t_test_regressors():
+        """ Test the get_one_sample_t_test_regressors method """
+        regressors = PipelineTeam08MQ.get_one_sample_t_test_regressors(['001', '002'])
+        assert regressors == {'group_mean': [1, 1]}
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.unit_test
+    def test_two_sample_t_test_regressors():
+        """ Test the get_two_sample_t_test_regressors method """
+        regressors, groups = PipelineTeam08MQ.get_two_sample_t_test_regressors(
+            ['001', '003'], # equalRange group
+            ['002', '004'], # equalIndifference group
+            ['001', '002', '003', '004'] # all subjects
+            )
+        assert regressors == dict(
+                equalRange = [1, 0, 1, 0],
+                equalIndifference = [0, 1, 0, 1]
+            )
+        assert groups == [1, 2, 1, 2]
+    @staticmethod
+    @mark.pipeline_test
+    def test_execution():
+        """ Test the execution of a PipelineTeam08MQ and compare results """
+        helpers.test_pipeline_evaluation('08MQ')
diff --git a/tests/test_data/pipelines/events.tsv b/tests/test_data/pipelines/events.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b8f04e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_data/pipelines/events.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+onset	duration	gain	loss	RT	participant_response
+4.071	4	14	6	2.388	weakly_accept
+11.834	4	34	14	2.289	strongly_accept
+19.535	4	38	19	0	NoResp
+27.535	4	10	15	2.08	strongly_reject
+36.435	4	16	17	2.288	weakly_reject
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_runner.py b/tests/test_runner.py
index 12a2059c..bb2a62c3 100644
--- a/tests/test_runner.py
+++ b/tests/test_runner.py
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def test_create():
         # 3 - Instantiate a runner with a not implemented team id
         with raises(NotImplementedError):
-            PipelineRunner('08MQ')
+            PipelineRunner('1K0E')
         # 4 - Instantiate a runner with an implemented team id
         runner = PipelineRunner('2T6S')
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ def test_create():
         # 5 - Modify team id for an existing runner (with a not implemented team id)
         with raises(NotImplementedError):
-            runner.team_id = '08MQ'
+            runner.team_id = '1K0E'