Releases: bcgov/tfrs
Releases · bcgov/tfrs
Add migration and fix frontend defect for previous release.
Implemented Trello Cards
Data Migrations
The fixtures loaded
Technical information
- This release fixes a missed migration and a frontend defect for previous release.
- This minor release is deployed on Test at May 29, 2018.
- The pull request merges from release-v0.2.0 branch to master is:
PR 319 Release v0.2.0.2
Implemented Trello Cards are:
- Trello 620 - When you navigate away from the Administration page and then return to it, the Confirmation Alerts should be cleared or reset back to their defaults.
- Trello 616 - In TFRS, there is a "Contact Us" link on the bottom bar of every webpage. The link currently leads nowhere. This card is to create and add content to the "Contact Us" page.
- Trello 616 - This card is for displaying the version number in TFRS
- Trello 641 - UX Refactor | CSS Animations for PVR
Data Migration and Fixture
The fixture loaded is
Technical information
- This minor release is deployed on Test at May 29, 2018. No prod deployment was executed.
- The pull request merges from release-v0.2.0 branch to master is:
PR 315 Release v0.2.0.1 - There is a missed migration identified during the deployment. Also a defect found for frontend. Release v0.2.0.2 was immediately created to fix these errors.
User Features
Features | Scheduled |
A company can view the list of their transactions | June 2018 |
A company can view the transaction details | June 2018 |
A company can view their low carbon fuel credit balance | June 2018 |
Data Migrations
Technical Changes
- Openshift resource optimization
Deleted transfers
This minor release fixes deleted transfer:
- Cancelled Transfers should be considered "deleted" ie should no longer show up in the tables.
Data Migration and Fixture
Implemented Trello Cards
Technical information
- This minor release is deployed on test at May 8, 2018 and on prod at May 10, 2018
Adds a new fixture for Vancouver Island Propane Services
This release includes:
organization_vancouver_island_propane_services.json loaded on all three environment
test_tfrs_users_MichaelRensing.json loaded on test and prod
Technical Information:
This release is deployed on Test and Prod both at May 1, 2018
This release is merged back to develop at 2018-05-03, PR#267
Backup - Tagging Develop before merging with v0.1.0.4
This tag is a backup for develop branch and created before merging release-v0.1.0.4 to develop.
Hides the government row from the list of Fuel Suppliers
This release includes:
Trello 575 UX Refactor | Hide / Adjust Parts of the Fuel Suppliers Page to IDIR Users
Technical Information:
This release is deployed on Test at Apr 26, 2018 and deployed on prod at May 1, 2018.
Compliance period
This minor release adds the compliance period dropdown to the Historical Data Entry:
- Added Compliance Period column in Historical Data Entry Table
- Added Compliance Period column dropdown in Historical Data Entry Form
- Credit From, Credit To and Transfer Type are all disabled in Historical Data Entry Form Edit*
- Added backend code to support the Compliance Period
Data Migration and Fixture
The following migrations are included:
The fixture loaded is
- compliance_periods.json
Implemented Trello Cards
Technical information
- This minor release is deployed on Test at Apr 26, 2018.
- The pull request merges from release-v0.1.0 branch to master is:
PR 240 Release v0.1.0.2
Updated the Fuel Suppliers Tab
This minor release updates the Fuel Suppliers page:
- Use the same table style as Credit Transactions and Historical Data Entry
- Unused buttons and filters are hidden
- Credit Balance are displayed properly for each organization
- Other columns are also populated
Implemented Trello Cards
- Trello 574 UX Refactor | View Company Credit Balances as Gov User
- Trello 575 UX Refactor | Hide / Adjust Parts of the Fuel Suppliers Page to IDIR Users
Technical information
This minor release is deployed on Test at Apr 25, 2018.
The pull request merges from release-v0.1.0 branch to master is:
Historical Data Entry
User Features
Government Analyst can:
- enter historical credit transfers,
- enter historical credit validations from the supply of fuel,
- enter historical part 3 credit awards,
- enter historical credit reductions
- process approved credit transfers
- view credit balances for fuel suppliers
- view pending, approved and completed credit transfers
Technical Changes
- The docs folder is moved from tfrs report to tfrs-docs repo
- Https communication between proxy server and pathfinder route has ben established. Non-secured route is blocked
- The number of Gunicorn worker thread has been limited in case it consumes too many recources
- Asset files have been remapped to use absolute path to fix refresh issue