A postgres database instance is required to run the app locally. The below docker compose command will setup the initial database structure and run a postgres container:
docker compose -f ./tools/postgres/docker-compose.yml up -d
, met-web
Create a .env file based on the sample.env
Installing the packages:
npm install
Starting the app:
npm start
Running the unit test:
npm run test
Create a .env file based on the sample.env
Installing the packages:
make setup
Manually upgrading the database: This wil also create some default data for the app if it does not exist
make db
Starting the app (automatically upgrades the database):
make run
Running the unit test:
make test
Create a .env file based on the sample.env
Installing the packages:
make setup
This is a task scheduler project, to run tasks manually use the following commands:
make run_closeout
make run_publish
Create a .env file based on the sample.env
Running the app:
docker compose up
A custom redash project is used for some of the dashboards whithin MET.
To start an instance clone the following repository:
git clone https://github.com/bcgov/redash
create a .env file with the following:
Run the docker compose command:
docker compose up