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Database Restore

jatindersingh93 edited this page Nov 1, 2024 · 5 revisions

Step 1: Identify Your Repository

You can restore the COMS test and production databases from either:

  • repo1 (backed up on PVC in OpenShift)
  • repo2 (stored in an S3 bucket)

Step 2: Update the Helm Chart

To prepare for restoration:

  1. Access the corresponding namespace in your environment
  2. Modify the Helm chart to enable restoration by setting enabled to true in the following code:

Step 3: Configure Restoration Options

In your Helm values file, locate the restoration section and modify it as follows:

  enabled: true  # Set to true to enable restoration
  repoName: repo1 # Change to `repo2` if restoring from S3
    - --type=time
    - --target="2024-10-28 14:15:11-04"  # Specify your desired timestamp

Step 4: Run the Helm Upgrade Command

Execute the following Helm command to initiate the restoration:

helm upgrade --install
  --atomic master common-object-management-service
  --namespace <namespace>
  --values ./.github/environments/values.<env>.yaml
  --set image.tag=sha-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
  --timeout 15m --wait

Step 5: Trigger the Restoration

To finalize the restoration process, run the following command to annotate the OpenShift namespace:

oc annotate -n <namespace> postgrescluster postgres-master --overwrite"$(date)"

This will trigger the restore operation using the specified repository and options.

Make sure to run Helm upgrade after setting restore to false in step 3

In some database restore scenarios, if the replica pod fails to start successfully, you can try adjusting the number of replicas in the Postgres-master YAML file.

Steps to Modify Replicas:

  1. Set Replicas to 1:

    • Update the replicas field in the Postgres-master configuration to 1. This allows the primary pod to run without the additional replicas.
      replicas: 1
  2. Wait for Pods to Decommission:

    • Monitor the status of the pods to ensure that the failed replicas are fully decommissioned.
  3. Reset Replicas to Original Value:

    • Once the failed pods have been removed, reset the replicas field back to its original value (e.g., 2 or 3).
      replicas: 2  # or 3, as needed

Following these steps can help mitigate issues during the recovery process and ensure the primary database instance is operational.

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