img -
The codebase is being roughed out, but finer details are likely to change.
Time and billing management tool
note: Database needs to be setup prior
Step 1: Provide all the environment variables in .env file (including local db info). You can use the sample.env as a basis.
Step 2: Verify and update keycloak.json in 'web/public/statics'
Step 3: Verify local database info in api/src/app/config/env-confi.ts is correct
Step 4: In both /api and /web directories run
npm install
Step 5: In the /api directory run
npm run serve
Step 6: In the /web directory run
npm run start
Step 7: visit http://localhost:8080
Step 1: Provide all the environment variables in .env file. You can use the sample.env as a basis.
Step 2: Verify and update keycloak.json in 'web/public/statics'
Step 3: docker-compose build
Step 4: docker-compose up
Step 5: http://localhost:8080
note: if you prefer to use Docker, see below
Step 1: Create a postgres database (To run application in docker, make sure the database is in a public ip or cloud).
Step 2: Provide the database details in .env file
Step 3: Once you run the application all the schema will be created.
Step 4: Execute BC_Timesheet_MasterData.sql to create all master data required by default.
Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed (docker-compose --version
# Download + run Postgress
docker-compose -f dev-docker-compose.yaml up -d
# get "Name" or "Contaienr ID" of Postgress
docker ps
# ssh in - replace {container} with name from above, or if yours is the same as mine copy the name
docker exec -it {container} bash
docker exec -it projectandtimetracker_db_1 bash
# Login to postgress process
psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username "$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname "$POSTGRES_DB"
# import sql - tip: use tab completion
\i BC_Timesheet_MasterData.sql
\i Risk_MasterData_Latest.sql
# log out of container
Addenda March 4, 2019
Question: The opportunity lists the following as the milestone for payment. My concern with this approach is that our team will be forced to almost work in waterfall model and not agile. We would be focussed on achieving these phases and not necessarily the agile manifesto where we can make decisions based on your priority.
Answer: The intent of this procurement is the development of a pilot project for the intake form, time tracker, project tracker and dashboard. The critical need here is to demonstrate to senior leadership the opportunity in these pilots so that continuous development will be considered where we can develop these tools further in an Agile framework.