Releases: bazaarvoice/bv-ios-sdk
Releases · bazaarvoice/bv-ios-sdk
7.0.0 - User Locale, Networking Delegate, and Conversations Display Cleanup
There are three major arms to this release:
- Support for new user locale settings in configuration
- Support for network operation delegation
- General cleanup of BVConversations display code
6.9.0 - Component Cleanup
- Splitting up of the various BVSDK components into UI/Non-UI
- Removal of BVAdvertising, BVLocation and BVPIN
6.8.1 - Conversations Photo Upload Large Images
- Added support for uploading photos that normally uncompressed are larger than the 5 MiB limit our backend imposes. The API is the same, and you just add
s to Submission requests by callingreview.addPhoto(image, withPhotoCaption: someCaption)
6.8.0 - Conversations Error Code Parsing, Custom Parameters
- Error Codes returned from the conversations API are now parsed into an enum
let bvSubmissionErrorCode = nsError.bvSubmissionErrorCode()
switch (bvSubmissionErrorCode) {
case .formRequired:
print("form required enum found")
formRequiredCount = formRequiredCount + 1
case .formDuplicate:
print("form duplicate enum found")
formDuplicateCount = formDuplicateCount + 1
case .formTooHigh:
print("form too high enum found")
formTooHighCount = formTooHighCount + 1
print("unknown enum")
- FormInput type for submission requests is now parsed
if let formFields = reviewSubmission.formFields {
for formFieldKey in formFields.keys {
if let formField = formFields[formFieldKey] as? BVFormField {
print("isRequired: \(formField.required), key: \(formField.identifier), option: \(formField.type)")
switch formField.bvFormInputType {
case BVFormInputType.selectInput:
// do something
let formOptions = formField.options
case BVFormInputType.booleanInput:
// do something
case BVFormInputType.fileInput:
// do something
case BVFormInputType.integerInput:
// do something
case BVFormInputType.textAreaInput:
// do something
case BVFormInputType.textInput:
// do something
case BVFormInputType.unknown:
// do something
// do something
- You can add custom key-value pairs to any Display or Submission requests now.
// Display Requests
displayRequest.addCustomDisplayParameter("foo", withValue: "bar")
// Submission Requests
submitRequest.addCustomSubmissionParameter("foo", withValue: "bar")
6.7.3 - Conversations SyndicatedSource
- add syndicatedSource to Comments, Questions, and Answers
6.7.2 Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Added ability to add a video link to Review submissions
- Including the isSyndicated flag for Questions & Answers
6.7.0 - Conversations Comments Display
- Support for fetching review comments with reviews, authors, or just fetching comments by themselves.
- Add in a search bar to do a product search in the /Examples/BVSDKDemo app. When you drop in your own conversations key, you can search your product catalog to test functionality for specific products.