diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5ab6d88..c6320ce 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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 A cross platform NS2 play-tester syncing client written in ruby. Tested to be working on Windows and Linux.
 ## Getting Started
-- If you are using the windows package, first extract it to a location of your choice.
 - When you run ptsync_rb for the first time, it will generate a config.yml file and tell you the s3 keys are missing.
 - Open the config.yml file in notepad and put in your two s3 keys and the correct path to your local NS2 directory.
 - Run ptsync_rb again and leave the console window open until it has completed syncing.
-## Windows
-Basic options can be set from the config.yml file. If you want to use any of the additional command like options, you can create a shortcut to ptsync which includes these options and use that to launch ptsync. If you do create a shortcut, make sure the working directory is correctly set to the folder you extracted pysync_rb to.
+### Windows
+- Extract the windows package rar file into a directory of your choice (outside of your NS2 directory)
+- Basic options can be set from the config.yml file.
+- If you want to use any of the additional command like options, you can create a shortcut to ptsync which includes these options and use that to launch ptsync. If you do create a shortcut, make sure the working directory is correctly set to the folder you extracted pysync_rb to.
+### Linux
+- Make sure you have ruby 1.9.x installed, ptsync-rb has been built and tested with ruby 1.9.3
+- Install Git if you do not already have it with `sudo apt-get install git-core`
+- Install dependencies for building native extensions with `sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev`
+- Change to a directory of your choice and use `git clone https://github.com/bawNg/ptsync-rb.git`
+- Use `cd ptsync-rb` to change to the sync clients directory
+- Run `sudo gem install bundler` if you do not already have the bundler gem installed
+- Run the `bundle` command to download and install all dependencies for ptsync-rb
+- Run `ruby ./ptsync.rb` to start the sync client. You can use `ruby ./ptsync.rb --help` to list all available options.
-A GUI interface will be added soon.
 ## Command line options:
             --verbose, -v:   Print extended information
+              --debug, -g:   Print detailed debug information
                --once, -o:   Exit after syncing has completed
-          --createdir, -c:   Creates the local NS2 directory
+          --createdir, -c:   Create the local NS2 directory
            --nodelete, -n:   Ignore additional/removed files
              --delete, -d:   Delete additional files without asking
-         --noexcludes, -e:   No not sync the .excludes directory
+         --noexcludes, -e:   Do not sync the .excludes directory
+      --ignorerunning, -r:   Ignore any running NS2 applications
              --verify, -y:   Verify the integrity of all local files
-            --dir, -p <s>:   Local NS2 Directory
+            --dir, -p <s>:   Local NS2 directory
     --afterupdate, -a <s>:   Command to run after each update
            --host, -h <s>:   S3 host address
           --idkey, -i <s>:   S3 ID key