This directory contains the components to enable crosschain communication functionality to the Superform Protocol. It also includes wrapper contracts for different arbitrary message bridges (AMBs) leveraged by Superform: Layerzero, Hyperlane & Wormhole.
The following components are a key part of Superform's robust crosschain communication. New State Registries may be added by the Protocol Admin if new Form types are added to support new deposit/withdrawal flows.
Every cross-chain communication call should be made through the state registry, starting with dispatchPayload()
or broadcastPayload()
on individual state registries. State registry contracts are deployed on each of the supported networks and will be the point of cross-chain communication.
- dispatchPayload() - sends a payload to one destination chain
- broadcastPayload() - sends a payload to all supported chains
exposes the ability to receive any cross-chain message, which accepts incoming messages after specific validations from approved AMB wrapper contracts.
Updating payloads are performed in CoreStateRegistry
. This is only required for cross-chain deposits via updateDepositPayload()
but optional on cross-chain withdrawals via updateWithdrawPayload()
if the user didn't send in any liquidity data. Updating can only be performed if the appropriate quorum on the chain was met via sending through the appropriate number of proof AMBs.
The cross-chain payload contains remote chain execution information, which can be triggered by calling the processPayload()
function exposed by the state registry contracts. The logic is overridden in different state registries to provide flexibility in processing according to their needs.
On deposits, payloads must be processed once on the destination chain to deposit funds, and once the acknowledgement is sent back, processed again to mint SuperPositions (assuming a successful deposit).
On withdrawals, payloads must only be processed once on the destination chain to redeem funds.
Every AMB has their identifier for different chains/networks. In state registries assigned chains are used, which are mapped to the AMB-specific chain ids inside the amb implementation contracts.
- Only AMB implementation contracts can write new messages into state registry
- Sender should be authenticated to interact with the AMB implementation contract
- Updating and processing payloads can only be made by keepers with special privileges
modifier is overriden by all contracts inheriting base state registry
Base State Registry BaseStateRegistry.sol: The base implementation of the state registry, exposes sending and receiving payload interfaces. Any cross-chain message is also called a "payload".
Core State Registry CoreStateRegistry.sol: Contract inheriting BaseStateRegistry which enables core contracts, including routers & form implementations, to communicate with their counterparts on a different network. Contains its custom logic for payload processing & updating (during deposits).
Timelock Form State Registry TimelockStateRegistry.sol: Contract inheriting BaseStateRegistry, specifically designed to process withdrawal request for ERC4626TimelockForm. Inherits BaseStateRegistry to send acknowledgements on failed withdrawals for timelock forms.
Broadcast State Registry BroadcastRegistry.sol: BroadcastRegistry proposes a unique form of communication from Chain A to all chains Superform is on, as opposed to BaseStateRegistry which assumes communication between only two chains.
Each individual AMB is in the adapters folder and is named after the Arbitrary Message Bridge (AMB).
LayerzeroImplementation.sol: Adapter for Layerzero AMB
HyperlaneImplementation.sol: Adapter for Hyperlane AMB
WormholeARImplementation.sol: Adapter for Wormhole Automatic Relayer AMB
WormholeSRImplementation.sol: Adapter for Wormhole Specialized Relayer AMB, used specifically in