diff --git a/source/bao_hyp/config.rst b/source/bao_hyp/config.rst
index 8206198..f4cce45 100644
--- a/source/bao_hyp/config.rst
+++ b/source/bao_hyp/config.rst
@@ -65,41 +65,523 @@ describe the image running on the VM (see `Guest Image`_);
2. A C string with the guest image's binary file path. It can be either an absolute path or a path
relative to the config source file.
-Guests Configuration
+VM Configuration
+Bao's configuration file allows you to partition the platforms' hardware resources, such as CPU
+cores, memory, or devices, by assigning them to one or more VMs. It also allows you to configure
+the guest image to run on that VM. In Bao, resources are exclusively assigned to each VM, including
+communication channels between two or more VMs, which may utilize shared memory or dedicated links.
+.. figure:: img/guest-config.svg
+ :align: center
+ :name: guest-config-fig
+Each entry in the ``vmlist`` mentioned earlier is a ``vm_config`` struct, which defines the
+configuration of each individual guest:
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct vm_config {
+ struct {
+ vaddr_t base_addr;
+ paddr_t load_addr;
+ size_t size;
+ bool separately_loaded;
+ bool inplace;
+ } image;
+ vaddr_t entry;
+ cpumap_t cpu_affinity;
+ colormap_t colors;
+ struct vm_platform platform;
+ };
+Each entry in this list represents a unique VM configuration, defining its image, memory address,
+CPU affinity, color mapping, and platform details. For each VM, the following parameters must be
+- ``image`` [mandatory] - a structure containing information about guest image loading (see details
+ in `Guest Image`_)
+- ``entry`` [mandatory] - defines the entry point address in guest's address space;
+- ``platform description`` [mandatory] - a description of the VM platform, defining its resource
+ assignments and requirements (see details in `Virtual Machine Configuration`_);
+- ``cpu_affinity`` [optional] - defines the affinity of the VM's vCPUs to the physical CPUs
+ assigned to the virtual platform. The affinity will be followed as best as possible, but it is
+ not guaranteed (see details in `CPU Affinity`_).;
+- ``colors`` [optional] - assignment of shared LLC cache colors (or partitions) to this VM (see
+ details in `Coloring`_).
Guest Image
+.. _Guest Image:
+The guest ``image`` comprises a structure that describes the image configuration running on the
+guest side. It encompasses the following options:
+- ``image`` [mandatory] - definition of the ``image`` to run on a given VM. The ``image``
+ corresponds to the following structure:
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct vm_image {
+ vaddr_t base_addr;
+ paddr_t load_addr;
+ size_t size;
+ bool separately_loaded;
+ bool inplace;
+ } image;
+- ``base_addr`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the ``image`` load ``guest address``;
+- ``load_addr`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the ``image`` load ``physical address``. This value
+ can be defined using the macro ``VM_IMAGE_OFFSET(img_name)``;
+- ``size`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the image size. For builtin images declared using
+ `VM_IMAGE`, this value can be defined using the macro ``VM_IMAGE_SIZE(img_name)``;
+- ``separately_loaded`` [optional] - informs the hypervisor if the VM image is to be loaded
+ separately by a bootloader; By default, separately_loaded is set as false;
+- ``inplace`` [optional]- use the image inplace and don’t copy the image. By default, inplace is
+ set as false;
+To ensure accurate and efficient configuration of VM images, it is strongly recommended to leverage
+the designated macros provided by Bao. These macros, namely ``VM_IMAGE_BUILTIN`` and
+``VM_IMAGE_LOADED``, are specifically designed to simplify the image configuration process and
+enhance compatibility with the hypervisor.
+1. ``VM_IMAGE_BUILTIN`` - This macro simplifies image configuration by requiring only the
+ ``img_name`` and the image ``base_addr``. This macro specifies both the base address and image
+ size.
+2. ``VM_IMAGE_LOADED`` - This macro requires additional configurations. It requires the definition
+ of image ``base_addr``, the image ``load_addr``, and the image ``size``.
+Using these macros not only streamlines the configuration steps but also ensures adherence to the
+correct syntax and parameters. Attempting to manually configure image details without utilizing
+these macros may result in errors or unintended behavior.
+The integration of the appropriate macro, tailored to your specific use case, is crucial for
+ensuring consistency and reliability in your VM setup. This macro should encompass essential
+parameters such as ``img_name``, ``base_addr``, ``load_addr``, and size. For instance:
+- ``IMAGE_BUILTIN``: Simplifies system configuration by leveraging Bao's default knowledge of the
+ image location. No separate configuration or loading of guest images through a bootloader is
+ required, and adjustments to the size of guest images are unnecessary.
+- ``IMAGE_LOADED``: Highly recommended, especially for MPU systems, where manual allocation of
+ space for the guest image can be challenging if embedded in Bao's binary. Without utilizing
+ LOADED, Bao may need to copy the image, potentially resulting in wasted space.
+Moreover, if the ``separately_loaded`` parameter is configured as false, the hypervisor interprets
+this setting as the offset of the built-in guest image within its own image, denoted as
+``VM_IMAGE_OFFSET``. During run-time, the hypervisor adjusts this value to be subsequently
+interpreted as a physical address. This adjustment involves adding the address at which the
+hypervisor itself was loaded. However, if the ``separately_loaded`` parameter is configured as
+true, the guest image is not embedded in the hypervisor image; instead, it is loaded independently.
+For more details, refer to the figure below.
+.. figure:: img/guest-image.svg
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ :name: vm-image-fig
Virtual Machine Configuration
+The VM configuration enables users to define the characteristics of each virtualized platform. It
+capabilities. The virtual machine configuration is performed by populating the structure ``struct
+vm_platform``, outlined below:
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct vm_platform {
+ size_t cpu_num;
+ size_t region_num;
+ struct vm_mem_region* regions;
+ size_t ipc_num;
+ struct ipc* ipcs;
+ size_t dev_num;
+ struct vm_dev_region* devs;
+ bool mmu;
+ struct arch_vm_platform arch;
+ }
+By customizing this configuration, users can tailor the virtual platform to suit specific workload
+requirements and application needs for their virtual machines. The configuration includes the
+definition of:
+- **Number of CPUs** - see details in `Number of vCPUs`_;
+- **Memory regions** - see details in `Memory Regions`_;`
+- **Inter-Partition Comunication (IPC)** - see details in `Inter-Partition Communication (IPC)`_;
+- **Devices** - see details in `Devices`_;
+- **Architectural-Specific Configurations** - see details in `Architectural-Specific
+ Configurations`_;
1. Number of vCPUs
+.. _Number of vCPUs:
+- ``cpu_num`` [mandatory] - defines the number of CPUs assigned to the VM;
-2. Memory Mapping
+.. warning::
+ Ensure that the cumulative count of CPUs allocated across all VMs listed in the ``vmlist`` does not
+ exceed the total number of available CPUs on the platform. Failing to adhere to this requirement
+ might result in the guest failing to boot without any warning.
+2. Memory Regions
+.. _Memory Regions:
+For each VM, users can define multiple memory regions. To facilitate this, users first define the
+total number of memory regions via the ``region_num`` parameter:
+- ``region_num`` [mandatory] - defines the number of memory regions in the VM, specifically, the
+ number of ``vm_mem_region`` entries in the ``vm_platform``'s ``regions`` list.
+Then, each memory region is described by populating the ``struct vm_mem_region``:
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct vm_mem_region {
+ paddr_t base;
+ size_t size;
+ bool place_phys;
+ paddr_t phys;
+ };
-3. Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
+- ``base`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the base ``guest address`` of the memory region;
+- ``size`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the size of the memory region;
+.. note::
+ It is mandatory for ``base`` and ``size`` to align with the smallest page size of the architecture.
+ For MMU systems, this typically aligns to 4K, while for MPU systems, it aligns to 64 bytes.
+- ``place_phys`` [optional] - the memory region is mapped into the virtual memory, and it's
+ important to note that the virtual address (VA) might not necessarily be the same as the physical
+ address (PA). When "place_phys" is set to true, the guest address corresponds to the physical
+ address. If ``place_phys`` equals to true, it allows to specify the physical address of the
+ memory region. By default, ``place_phys`` equals to false;
+- ``phys`` [mandatory if ``place_phys`` is true] - it corresponds to the physical address where the
+ memory region should be mapped;
+.. note::
+ - For enhanced performance, especially in MMU-based targets, it's recommended to align ``base``
+ and ``size`` to the architecture's huge pages (e.g., 2MiB for Arm and RISC-V). Similarly, if
+ ``place_phys`` is enabled, aligning ``phys`` to the architecture's huge pages can also
+ improve performance.
+ - In MPU systems, place_phys and phys are ignored.
+The usage of ``place_phys`` and ``phys`` allows users to manually allocate memory and obtain
+physical mappings. This feature provides a means to define the physical memory region explicitly.
+3. Inter-Partition Communication (IPC)
+.. _Inter-Partition Communication (IPC):
+Inter-Partition Communication (IPC) enables communication between distinct partitions in a
+computing system, facilitating data exchange, synchronization, and coordination between partitions.
+.. figure:: img/ipc.svg
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ :name: ipc-fig
+Bao provides support for IPC, allowing VMs to establish communication channels. The IPC
+configuration involves defining the number of IPCs using the ``ipc_num`` field within the
+``vm_platform`` struct. The specifics of each IPC are then outlined through the ``ipcs`` structure,
+including fields such as ``base``, ``size``, ``shmem_id``, ``interrupt_num``, and ``interrupts``.
+- ``ipc_num`` [optional] - defines the number of IPCs assigned to the VM. By default, ``ipc_num``
+ equals to zero;
+- ``ipcs`` [mandatory if ``ipc_num`` > 0] - corresponds to the specification of the IPC and is
+ configured through the following structure:
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct ipc {
+ paddr_t base;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t shmem_id;
+ size_t interrupt_num;
+ irqid_t *interrupts;
+ };
+- ``base`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the base ``guest address`` of the IPC memory region;
+- ``size`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the size of the IPC memory region;
+.. note::
+ The ``size`` field must be less than or equal to the size of the shared memory. Additionally, for
+ MPU systems, the ``base`` field is ignored, as the region address is the same as the shared
+ memory object address. Also, it is mandatory for both ``base`` and ``size`` to be aligned with
+ the architecture's smallest page size. For MMU systems, this corresponds to 4K in all
+ architectures, while for MPU systems, the alignment corresponds to 64 bytes.
+- ``shmem_id`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the ID of the shared memory associated with the IPC;
+- ``interrupt_num`` [mandatory] - defines the number of interrupts assigned to the IPC;
+- ``interrupts`` [mandatory if *interrupt_num* > 0] - defines a list of interrupt IDs assigned to
+ the IPC - ``(irqid_t[]) {irq_1, ..., irq_n}``;
+.. warning::
+ Specifying a number of interrupts in the ``interrupts`` buffer that differs from the
+ ``interrupt_num`` may result in unforeseen behavior.
4. Devices
+.. _Devices:
+- ``dev_num`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the number of devices assigned to the VM;
+- ``devs`` [mandatory if ``dev_num`` > 0] - corresponds to the specification of the VM's devices
+ and is configured through the following structure:
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct vm_dev_region {
+ paddr_t pa;
+ vaddr_t va;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t interrupt_num;
+ irqid_t *interrupts;
+ streamid_t id; /* bus master id for iommu effects */
+ };
+- ``pa`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the base ``physical address`` of the device;
+- ``va`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the base guest ``physical address`` of the device;
+- ``size`` [mandatory] - corresponds to the size of the device memory region;
-5. Memory Management
+.. note::
+ It is mandatory for ``base`` and ``size`` to align with the smallest page size of the
+ architecture. For MMU systems, this typically aligns to 4K, while for MPU systems, it aligns to
+ 64 bytes. Please note that for MPU systems, the virtual address (``va``) must match the physical
+ address (``pa``).
-6. Architectural-Specific Configurations
+- ``interrupt_num`` [optional] - corresponds to the number of interrupts generated by the device to
+ the VM. By default, ``interrupt_num`` equals to 0;
+- ``interrupts`` [mandatory if *interrupt_num*>0] - defines a list of interrupt IDs generated by
+ the device - ``(irqid_t[]) {irq_1, ..., irq_n};``
+- ``id`` [optional] - corresponds to the bus master id for iommu effects:
+.. warning::
+ Specifying a number of interrupts in the ``interrupts`` buffer that differs from the
+ ``interrupt_num`` may result in unforeseen behavior.
+5. Architectural-Specific Configurations
+.. _Architectural-Specific Configurations:
+- ``arch`` [mandatory] - allows the definition of architecture dependent configurations and is
+ configured through the following structure:
+.. tabs::
+ .. tab:: Arm
+ For the Arm architecture:
+ .. code-block:: c
+ struct arch_platform {
+ struct gic_dscrp {
+ paddr_t gicc_addr;
+ paddr_t gich_addr;
+ paddr_t gicv_addr;
+ paddr_t gicd_addr;
+ paddr_t gicr_addr;
+ irqid_t maintenance_id;
+ } gic;
+ struct smmu_dscrp {
+ paddr_t base;
+ streamid_t global_mask;
+ } smmu;
+ struct clusters {
+ size_t num;
+ size_t* core_num;
+ } clusters;
+ };
+ Where, for the GIC interrupt controller ``struct gic_dscrp`` description:
+ - ``gic.gicc_addr`` [mandatory for GICv2 platforms] - base address for the GIC's CPU Interface;
+ - ``gic.gich_addr`` [mandatory for GICv2 platforms] - base address for the GIC's Virtual
+ Interface Control Registers;
+ - ``gic.gicv_addr`` [mandatory for GICv2 platforms] - base address for the GIC's Virtual CPU
+ Interface;
+ - ``gic.gicd_addr`` [mandatory] - base address for the GIC's Distributor;
+ - ``gic.gicr_addr`` [mandatory for GICv3/4 platforms] - base address for the GIC's
+ Redistributor;
+ - ``gic.maintenance_id`` [mandatory] - The interrupt ID for the GIC's maintenance interrupt;
+ For the SMMU `struct smmu_dscrp`:
+ - ``smmu.base`` [mandatory] - is the base address for the SMMU;
+ - ``smmu.global_mask`` [optional; only valid for SMMUv2] - a mask to be applied to all SMMUv2's
+ Stream Match Registers;
+ Finally, when CPUs are organized in clusters, in the Arm architecture their IDs are assigned
+ using an hierarchical schema. To be able to calculate the linearized ID for each core, we
+ require the port to provide the number of CPUs of cluster in ascending order of AFF1.
+ .. tab:: RISC-V
+ For the RISC-V architecture:
+ .. code-block:: c
+ struct arch_platform {
+ union irqc_dscrp {
+ struct {
+ paddr_t base;
+ } plic;
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ paddr_t base;
+ } aplic;
+ } aia;
+ } irqc;
+ struct {
+ paddr_t base; // Base address of the IOMMU mmapped IF
+ irqid_t fq_irq_id;
+ } iommu;
+ struct {
+ paddr_t base;
+ } aclint_sswi;
+ };
+ In case the available interrupt controller is the legacy PLIC:
+ - ``irqc.plic.base`` [mandatory if PLIC is available] - is the base address for the PLIC;
+ In case the available interrupt controller is an AIA containing an APLIC:
+ - ``irqc.aia.aplic.base`` [mandatory if APLIC is available] - is the base address for the APLIC;
+ When an IOMMU is available:
+ - ``iommu.base`` [mandatory if IOMMU is available] - is the base address for the IOMMU;
+ - ``iommu.fq_irq_id`` [mandatory if IOMMU is available] - the Fault Queue interrupt ID (the
+ current implementation assumes this is a wired interrupt);
+.. note::
+ When mapping MMIO regions for guests, the memory regions associated with the interrupt
+ controller (only interrupt controllers are target of MMIO trap and emulate in Bao) must be
+ excluded. Mapping these regions can lead to conflicts or incorrect behavior, as they are
+ typically managed by Bao through trap-and-emulate mechanisms.
+ For instance, if a large MMIO range includes the GIC, the range should be split to create a
+ "hole" for the GIC. This ensures that GIC memory regions (or their equivalents in other
+ architectures, such as RISC-V) are not directly mapped into the guest's virtual address space.
CPU Affinity
+The configuration file of the Bao hypervisor also enables the definition of core affinity, which
+involves selecting the physical core where the guest should run.
+.. figure:: img/cpu-affinity.svg
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ :name: cpu-affinity-fig
+This functionality is achieved through the following configuration parameter:
+- ``cpu_affinity`` [optional] - corresponds to a bitmap signaling the preferred physical CPUs
+ assigned to the VM. If this value is mutually exclusive for all the VMs, the physical CPUs
+ assigned to each VM follow the bitmap. Otherwise (in case of bit overlap or lack of affinity
+ definition), the CPU assignment is defined by the hypervisor;
+Cache coloring is a technique used to partition shared Last Level Cache (LLC) sets among different
+guests (i.e., VMs). The main goal is to minimize cache conflicts and enhance overall system
+performance by carefully assigning specific colors, representing cache sets, to different entities.
+Bao supports cache coloring which can be configured using the ``colors`` field within the
+``vm_config`` struct.
+- ``colors`` [optional] - corresponds to a bitmap for the assigned cache colors of the VM. This
+ value is truncated depending on the number of available colors calculated at run-time, i.e., its
+ platform-dependent. By default, the coloring mechanism is not active. For instance, the following
+ picture depicts a hypothetical setup with a 50/50 coloring scheme;
+.. figure:: img/llc-colors.svg
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ :name: llc-colors-fig
+It's important to note that cache coloring relies on the careful assignment of colors to each VM.
+However, this mechanism may not take effect if the physical mapping feature is enabled for a
+specific memory region. Cache coloring exclusively operates in virtual memory systems, i.e.,
+systems featuring Memory Management Units (MMUs) for address translation.
Shared Memory Configuration
+.. _Shared Memory Configuration:
+In Bao's configuration, you can set multiple shared memory regions (e.g., ``shmem0``, ``shmem1``,
+...) or none at all. An ID is assigned to each shared memory object. Later, this ID can be linked
+to an IPC in the multi-guest configuration.
+.. figure:: img/shmem.svg
+ :align: center
+ :name: shmem-fig
+The configuration of shared memory is done by populating a struct called ``shmem``. The struct
+definition is presented bellow:
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct shmem {
+ size_t size;
+ bool place_phys;
+ union {
+ paddr_t base;
+ paddr_t phys;
+ };
+ };
+This struct contains the following parameters:
+- ``size`` [mandatory] - defines the total size of the shared memory. The size of the shared \
+ memory must always be multiples of 4Kb (0x1000);
+- ``place_phys`` [optional] - This flag determines the mapping of shared memory into virtual \
+ memory. When ``place_phys`` is set to ``false`` (default value), the base address is a guest \
+ (virtual) address. When set to ``true``, the guest address directly corresponds to the physical \
+ address (PA) of the shared memory.
+- ``base / phys`` [optional] - When ``place_phys`` is set to ``false``, the ``base`` parameter \
+ should be used to specify the guest virtual address of the shared memory. When place_phys is \
+ ``true``, the ``phys`` parameter should be used to specify the physical address of the shared \
+ memory.
Configuration File Location
diff --git a/source/bao_hyp/img/cpu-affinity.svg b/source/bao_hyp/img/cpu-affinity.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/bao_hyp/img/cpu-affinity.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/source/bao_hyp/img/guest-config.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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new file mode 100644
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index b5cb0f2..cc81406 100644
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@@ -71,3 +71,13 @@ config