The provided code is in PyTorch with support of DistributedDataParallel
. This repository requires Nvdiffrast and CUDA for differentiable rendering.
For installation and more information about Nvdiffrast, you may refer to their document. We recommend using with Docker as in their tutorial, and we also provide script for launching with docker.
To install Docker, visit -
To clone this repository and Nvdiffrast repositor, run
git clone
git clone
- To build docker image with nvdiffrast and the required python packages in this repository, one can modify the Dockerfile in nvdiffrast or simply swap in our provided Dockerfile
mv nvdiffrast/docker/Dockerfile nvdiffrast/docker/Dockerfile.original
cp multiface/Dockerfile nvdiffrast/docker/Dockerfile
cd nvdiffrast
chmod +x
./ --build-container
cd ..
Alternatively, one can install in local environment if all the CUDA dependencies are taken care of using
cd nvdiffrast
pip install .
However, we did NOT test instllation on this method, thus would strongly recommend using option 4.1.
- To download the mini-dataset (for sanity check), run
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 --dest "/path/to/mini_dataset/" --download_config "./mini_download_config.json"```
This will download 2 expressions (images, textures and mesh) from enity 6795937
under directory /path/to/mini_dataset/
In the last part of installation, we will instruct how to donwload the entire dataset (400TB).
6. You can run the training script in docker using command:
docker run --rm -it --gpus all --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v `pwd`:/app -v /path/to/mini_dataset/:/dataset --workdir /app --shm-size 256g TORCH_EXTENSIONS_DIR=/app/tmp gltorch:latest python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --data_dir /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS --krt_dir /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS/KRT --framelist_train /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS/frame_list.txt --framelist_test /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS/frame_list.txt --test_segment "./mini_test_segment.json --lambda_screen 1"
Assuming you have downloaded and put the dataset on your local directory /path/to/mini_dataset
. Running the above command sets the shm memory size to 256GB, and uses 1 gpus as specified by nproc_per_node
argument. It will launch training on the identity m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS
If you have installed Nvdiffrast to your system you can simply launch the training script by:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --data_dir /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS --krt_dir /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS/KRT --framelist_train /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS/frame_list.txt --framelist_test "./mini_frame_list.txt" --result_path "./mini_dataset" --test_segment "./mini_test_segment.json" --lambda_screen 1 --model_path "./mini_dataset/best_model.pth"
And the testing script by:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --data_dir /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS --krt_dir /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS/KRT --framelist_test /path/to/mini_dataset/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS/frame_list.txt --test_segment "./mini_test_segment.json"
We provide the pretrained model pretrained model on this minidataset. You can check your training result by comparing training and testing loss using split of mini_test_segment.json
Training Loss (screen/ mesh / tex) | Testing Loss (screen / mesh / tex) |
0.268333 / 0.769636 / 0.654152 | 0.154118 / 0.758897 / 0.379572 |
- To donwload the ENTIRE dataset (13 entities), you will need ~120 TB during downloading and ~65TB for storage in total. Size of images, mesh and textures of each entity is provided:
Entity ID | Name of Root Folder | Images (TB) | Mesh (GB) | Textures (GB) |
002645310 | m--20190828--1318--002645310--GHS | 7.8 | 45 | 2400 |
002643814 | m--20180426--0000--002643814--GHS | 1.6 | 21 | 412 |
002539136 | m--20180105--0000--002539136--GHS | 1.5 | 20 | 381 |
7889059 | m--20180927--0000--7889059--GHS | 1.8 | 29 | 493 |
002757580 | m--20171024--0000--002757580--GHS | 1.4 | 21 | 380 |
2183941 | m--20180418--0000--2183941--GHS | 2.1 | 32 | 577 |
5372021 | m--20180510--0000--5372021--GHS | 2.0 | 27 | 513 |
8870559 | m--20180406--0000--8870559--GHS | 2.4 | 32 | 611 |
6674443 | m--20180226--0000--6674443--GHS | 1.7 | 26 | 429 |
5067077 | m--20190529--1004--5067077--GHS | 11 | 49 | 3100 |
002914589 | m--20181017--0000--002914589--GHS | 1.1 | 21 | 367 |
6795937 | m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS | 1.9 | 27 | 521 |
002421669 | m--20190529--1300--002421669--GHS | 13 | 51 | 3100 |
Total | - | 49.3 | 401 | 13284 |
python3 --dest "path/to/dataset" --download_config "./download_config.json"
You may refer to to check the completness of data for each entity under its root folder.
You may select the directory of data to be downloaded by specifying --dest
. To make the download flexiable, you may use download_config.json
(specify by --download_config
) to select the data to be downloaded with the following variables:
Variable | Type | Default |
entity | list of string | all the entity will be downloaded |
image | boolean | raw images of enities selected will be downloaded |
mesh | boolean | tracked mesh of enities selected will be downloaded |
texture | boolean | unwrapped texture of enities selected will be downloaded |
metadata | boolean | metadata of enities selected will be downloaded |
audio | boolean | audio of enities selected will be downloaded |
expression | list of string | all the facial expression (contains both v1 and v2 scripts) will be downloaded |
Notice that
audio is NOT a necessity to train a deep appearance model.
download the entire dataset is time- and space-consumming, we STRONGLY recommend users to download the mini-dataset (specifying
--download_config "./path/to/mini_download_config.json"
) to check the flow works property first. -
entities are downloaded one-by-one, which means that all the
files will be deleted after files are unzipped.
- We provide pretrained models for each identity except
. The model is a simple VAE model that reconstruct mesh and view-specific texture. It is trained using ground-truth mesh and texture only. For entities002643814, 7889059, 2183941, 5372021, 8870559, 6674443, 002914589, 6795937
(V1), we use expressionEXP_ROM07_Facial_Expressions
as the testing set, and for entites002645310, 5067077, 002421669
(V2), we use expressionEXP_free_face
as the testing set.
Entity ID | Pretrained Model | Script | Testing Loss (mesh / tex) |
002645310 | 002645310_model.pth | training / testing | 0.0403 / 0.1928 |
002643814 | 002643814_model.pth | training / testing | 0.0373 / 0.1376 |
7889059 | 7889059_model.pth | training / testing | 0.0242 / 0.1133 |
5372021 | 5372021_model.pth | training / testing | 0.0580 / 0.1894 |
2183941 | 2183941_model.pth | training / testing | 0.0248 / 0.1127 |
8870559 | 8870559_model.pth | training / testing | 0.0222 / 0.1166 |
6674443 | TBA | ||
5067077 | TBA | ||
002914589 | 002914589_model.pth | training / testing | 0.0341 / 0.1411 |
6795937 | 6795937_model.pth | training / testing | 0.0254 / 0.1120 |
002421669 | TBA |