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219 lines (137 loc) · 12.2 KB


Scripts and data for adaptive sampling analysis


  • data/cps/Clusters directory: contains CBL sequences clusterd by scheme in [Mavroidi et al.] (
  • data/cps/Sequences directory: genomes for pnuemococcal strains used frequently during analysis.
  • data/cps/split_cps directory: reference sequences for CBL.
  • data/cps/updated_cps.fasta: file containing up-to-date sequences for all known CBL (as of Decemeber 19th 2022)
  • data/cps/ Details of sources for all CBL sequences within data/cps/updated_cps.fasta.

Analysing adaptive sampling performance is an edited version of the script available here. This edited script allows removal of multimapping reads from Minimap2 and filtering based on % identity to the aligning reference.

To use, direct it to a read directory containing fastq_pass and fastq_fail folders containing fastq.gz files generated by a basecaller:

python -f /path/to/read/directory/ -p 0.84 -o /output/prefix -c 1-256 -i /path/to/reference.fasta -t "23F,19A,19F"

To specify which sequence(s) the reference.fasta to align to, use the -t flag using a comman separated list as above. The names must match fasta headers in the reference.fasta file.

To specify which channels to separate (e.g. if you have used adaptive sampling on some channels), use -c, followed by a hyphen separated pair of integers between 1 and 512.

To change the proportion of an ALIGNMENT (NOTE: not the full read) that must match a reference to be deemed as correct, use the -p flag. As default, a multimapping read will assigned to the sequence it has the greatest aligning proportion to (turn this off using -r).

By default, both pass and fail reads are used. To use pass only, specify -b

This will generate a _summary.txt file containing statistics about read mapping and yield, and _bootstrap.txt, which contains bootstrap enrichment calculations (change number of bootstrap samples with -bs)

Works in a similar way to Determines the length of the overhang of each aligned read outside of the target locus.

To use, direct it to a read directory containing fastq_pass and fastq_fail folders containing fastq.gz files generated by a basecaller:

python -f /path/to/read/directory/ -p 0.84 -o /output/prefix -c 1-256 -i /path/to/reference.fasta -t "23F,19A,19F"

This will generate a summary file, which details the largest overhang for each barcode, and a dataframe describing the amount of overhang for each read in the dataset. determines the proportion of a reference covered by reads.

Run with:

python -f /path/to/read/directory/ -p 0.84 -o output/prefix -i /path/to/reference.fasta -t "23F,19A,19F"

-p, -c, -b, -r and -t behave the same as with

This will output a X_adaptive_hist.csv (for channels specified by -c) and X_control_hist.csv (for all other channels) for each barcode, which details the coverage at each position in the reference. X specifies which reference was been aligned to. Additionally, a _summary.txt file detailing total bases aligning and the average coverage to each reference sequence is generated. generates an output file summarising read lengths from a sequencing run. It can be used to analyse simulated runs from bulk recordings.

Run with:

python --indir /path/to/read/directory/ --out /output/filename"

This generates a file detailing the read length of all reads along with their barcode, channel, and whether they passed quality filtering.

Parsing sequences can be used to split reads into two separated files depending on specified channel. For use when adaptive sampling has been used on some but not all channels.

Run with:

python --infile /path/to/reads.fastq --out /output/prefix --channels 1-256

This will output target.fastq for reads from the stipulated channels, and nontarget.fastq for all others. splits reads into different fasta files based on the time since sequencing began. This is useful when simulating time-series analysis of run performance e.g. real-time assembly.

Run with:

python --dir /path/to/reads/directory --output /output/prefix --start 2023-04-20T14:29:36.956327+01:00 --end 2023-04-21T14:30:40.938064+01:00 --breaks 6

--dir is a directory containing unzipped fastq files. If analysing pass and fail reads together, these must be combined into a single fastq file for each individual barcode.

--start and --end are required, and detail the time and date of the run's start and end. These can be pasted directly from final_summary.txt file present in a sequencing run's read output directory generated by MinKNOW.

--breaks describes the number of time breaks to separate the run into. For example, a 24 hour run separated into 6 breaks will generate 6 fastq files per barcode, one for every 4 hour period of sequencing.

This will generate _time_X.fastq for each file in the --dir, where X defines the time break number. parses reads based on their alignment to a given reference, placing them in separate files.

To run

python --indir /path/to/read/directory/ --pid 0.84 --outdir /output/directory --channels 1-256 --ref /path/to/reference.fasta --target "23F,19A,19F"

To specify which sequence(s) the reference.fasta to align to, use the --target flag using a comman separated list as above. The names must match fasta headers in the reference.fasta file.

To specify which channels to separate (e.g. if you have used adaptive sampling on some channels), use --channels, followed by a hyphen separated pair of integers between 1 and 512.

To change the proportion of an ALIGNMENT (NOTE: not the full read) that must match a reference to be deemed as correct, use the --pid flag. As default, a multimapping read will assigned to the sequence it has the greatest aligning proportion to (turn this off using --remove).

By default, both pass and fail reads are used. To use pass only, specify --pass-only

This will generate fastq files for each of the references specified to --target if any read align. Reads not aligning will be placed in _unaligned.fastq. Reads generated by channels specified in --channels will be placed into _adaptive_*.fastq, all others will be placed into _control_*.fastq aligns a database containing loci of interest to individual genomes and 'cuts' it out, generating fasta files containing the locus and the remainder of the genome.

Run with:

python --infile /path/to/infile.txt --query /path/to/locus.fasta --cutoff 0.7 --outpref /output/prefix --separate --count

--infile is a list of file paths to fasta files containing sequences from which to cut loci from (one path per line).

--query is a fasta file containing the loci to align and cut.

--cutoff defines the minimum identity between the input sequence and an aligned locus to cut.

--separate places the cut loci and remaining sequence in different files, otherwise placed in the same file.

--count generates an output file detailing the number of each loci in --query found in the fasta within --infile.

This will generate _cut.fa which contains the locus, and _rem.fa which is the remainder of the sequence. If no locus is found, the sequence will be generated as _nocut.fa



kmer_simulation.R is an R script set up to simulate error-prone reads from a target and non-target genome and determine the sensitity and specificity of pseudoalignment using different read lengths (read.lengths variable), mutation rates (mu.rates variable) and k-mer lengths (kmer.sizes variable).

This script will automatically generate plots describing:

  • pseudoalignment sensitivity (kmer_mu_comp_readlen plot)
  • pseudoalignment specificity (kmer_random_match_readlen plot)
  • effect of identity cut-off (kmer_cutoff_mu plot)
  • Reciever operator curve (ROC_len plot)
  • Concordance between estimated and real read identity (mash_mu_concordance plot)
  • RMSE between estimate and real read identity (RMSE_mash plot)

To avoid rerunning simulations, k-mer sequences are placed in all_simulations.csv and all_cutoffs.csv for re-generating plots. aligns reads to a given reference and parses their length. It can be used to analyse simulated runs from bulk recordings.

Run with:

python --indir /path/to/read/directory/ --out /output/filename --ref /path/to/reference.fasta --target "23F" --loci /path/to/locus.fasta --mux-period 480

To specify which sequence(s) the reference.fasta to align to, use the --target flag using a comman separated list as above. The names must match fasta headers in the reference.fasta file.

If you have loci of interest within the reference.fasta, you can separately supply it to --loci in fasta format. These will be aligned to the reference, and the coordinates used in read mapping to assign reads at correctly mapping to or missing the locus.

To ignore reads from the start of the run e.g. during the mux period, specify using --mux-period (in seconds). is used to parse simulated reads based on their place of origin for use in

First generate simulated reads using NanoSim-H

nanosim-h-train -i /path/to/training.fasta /path/to/reference/genome.fasta output_dir
nanosim-h -n 500000 -p output_dir /path/to/reference_genome.fasta

This will generated simulated.fa, which details where each read was generated from in reference_genome.fasta in terms of locus

Then parse reads based on their position with:

python --infile /path/to/simulated.fa --names "Genome_X" --pos 0-1000 --min-overlap 50 --out parsed_simulated

--names defines the header of the specific sequence in reference_genome.fasta to be used as a reference. --pos defines the locus to split reads generated from that region. --min-overlap defines how small of an overlap is required between the locus defined in --pos and the read for the read to be parsed.

This will output parsed_simulated_target.fasta (true positive reads) containing reads generated from the locus of interest, and parsed_simulated_nontarget.fasta (true negative reads) for all others. compares the time taken to align reads to a Bifrost and Minimap2 index.

First install Minimap2 and the graph alignment branch of readfish.

Then, generate Bifrost and Minimap2 indexes:

minimap2 -d index.mmi /path/to/input.fasta
ru_generate_graph --refs /path/to/reference/input.txt --kmer 19 --out index

Finally run with:

python --infile /path/to/reads.fasta --mappy-index index.mmi --graph-index index.gfa --id 0.75 --min-len 50 --out output_file.txt --avg-poi 180

--infile is a path to the reads to be aligned. Usually they would have been simulated and parsed using above.

--mappy-index and --graph-index are the indexes generated above. --id and --min-len control the cutoff of to graph pseudoalignment identity and minimum read length respectively. --avg-poi defines the average length taken from the start of each read during alignment to the index to mimic the process of NAS.

This will output output_file.txt, which has for columns:

  • The tool used (Graph or Mappy)
  • Time taken for alignment
  • Fragment length aligned
  • Whether the read was rejected (1) or not (0)