This repository contains the source code for a tutorial on building a real-time fiat and cryptocurrency price application using the Vania Dart framework for the backend and Flutter for the client-side. The application integrates with Telegram's mini-apps to display real-time prices.
- Flutter Telegram Mini App: GitHub Repository
In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to:
- Use Vania as a backend framework in Dart.
- Develop a Flutter client application.
- Fetch real-time fiat and cryptocurrency prices.
- Integrate with Telegram Mini-Applications to enhance accessibility.
- Real-time Currency Prices API:
- Telegram Mini-Applications Documentation: Telegram WebApps
- Vania Framework: Vania Dart Framework
You can see the final implementation at:
- Telegram Bot: @GitSrcBot
- Telegram WebApp: GitSrcBot Currency
📺 Watch the full tutorial (Persian language) on YouTube:
Developed with ❤️ using Vania & Flutter