Tthe following script can be used with a script locator or other script event to detect the size of a page. If returns results like "A3" 98.5%. A scanned document will never have the perfect size, and Kofax VRS may crop the image - so a check needs to be fuzzy. This script will find the best page size out of more than 20 standard US and ISO 216 (A4, A5,..) paper sizes
Private Sub SL_Size_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
End Sub
Public Sub Page_GetSize(Page As CscCDocPage,alts As CscXDocFieldAlternatives)
'Returns "A4", "A3",... "US Letter", "unknown dpi", "unknown", as well as the confidence of the match
'Fuzzy match as VRS crops pages
Dim Dimension As String, Dimensions As String, Values() As String, Confidence As Double
If Page.XRes=0 Or Page.YRes=0 Then
With alts.Create
.Text="unknown dpi"
Exit Sub
End With
End If
If Page.Width=0 Or Page.Height=0 Then
With alts.Create
.Text="not a page"
Exit Sub
End With
End If
'Width and Height of various formats in inches.
Dimensions="A8:2.07:2.93,A7:2.93:4.14,A6:4.14:5.85,A5:5.85:8.27,A4:8.27:11.70,A3:11.70:16.54,A2:16.54:23.40,A1:23.40:33.08,A0:33.08:46.80,Credit Card:3.375:2.375"
Dimensions=Dimensions & ",Organizer J:2.75:5,Compact:4.25:6.75,Half Letter:5.5:8.5,Executive:7.25:10.5,Government-Letter:8:10.5,Foolscap:8.27:13"
Dimensions=Dimensions & ",Letter:8.5:11,Folio:8.5:13,Legal:8.5:14,Quarto:9:11,US Std Fanfold:11:14.875,Ledger:11:17,Super-B:13:19,Post:15.5:19.5"
Dimensions=Dimensions & ",Crown:15:20,Large Post:16.5:21,Demy:17.5:22.5,Medium:18:23,Broadsheet:18:24,Royal:20:25,Elephant:23:28,Double Demy:22.5:35,Quad Demy:35:45"
For Each Dimension In Split(Dimensions,",")
Confidence=Page_ScoreSize(Page,CDbl(Values(1)), CDbl(Values(2)))
If Confidence>0.4 Then
With alts.Create
End With
End If
End Sub
Public Function Page_ScoreSize(Page As CscCDocPage, width As Long, height As Long) As Double
'if the page has the same area and the same edge ratio it gets 100%, anything else gets less
Dim AreaRatio As Double, EdgeRatio As Double
If Page.Width=0 Or Page.Height=0 Then Return 0
If AreaRatio>1 Then AreaRatio=1/AreaRatio
EdgeRatio = Max(Page.Width/Page.Height,Page.Height/Page.Width)/Max(width/height,height/width)
If EdgeRatio>1 Then EdgeRatio=1/EdgeRatio
Return AreaRatio*EdgeRatio
End Function
Public Function Max(a,b)
Return IIf(a>b,a,b)
End Function