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Protractor Screenshots Alernatives

Marcin edited this page Apr 21, 2017 · 3 revisions

My solution

  • (MIT licence, disclaimer: I am the author)

    A brand new jasmine2 protractor plugin that captures for each browser instance a screenshot and console logs. The snapshot is made optionally for each expect or spec. Plugins comes with a beautiful angular based analytics tool to visually check and fix tests results.

    πŸ‘ Can create screenshots for each expect

    πŸ‘ Can fail if there are too many logs in your browser console

    πŸ‘ Support multiple forked browsers

    πŸ‘ Has tests coverage

    πŸ‘ Comes with an Angular based HTML reporter

    πŸ‘Ž Created just recently, so it is still a bit unknown


Here is a list of alternatives with a quick review of pros and cons of them. None of them satisfied my requirements, so I wrote protractor-screenshoter-plugin.

Sorted by stars as of October 14th, 2016.

  • (62 stars, 22 forks, MIT licence)

    Use the screenshot reporter to capture screenshots from your Selenium nodes after each executed Protractor test case.

    πŸ‘ A screenshot is saved as PNG image. Along with it, a JSON file with a matching filename is created.

    πŸ‘ Path builder

    πŸ‘Ž doens't capture browser's logs

    πŸ‘Ž doens't generate html report

    πŸ‘Ž doens't capture screen after each expectation

    πŸ‘Ž unmaintained at the moment

    πŸ‘Ž no tests

  • (54 stars, 55 forks, MIT licence)

    An npm module and grunt plugin which generates your Protractor test reports in HTML with screenshots

    πŸ‘ Add title for the html report (optional) πŸ‘ you will also get a summary report, Stack trace information also.

    πŸ‘Ž design looks so y2k.

    πŸ‘Ž No support for forked browsers

    πŸ‘Ž no tests

  • (49 stars, 56 forks, unknown licence)

    will capture a screenshot after each executed test case and store the results in a HTML report. Supports jasmine2.

    πŸ‘ capable to capture forked browsers.

    πŸ‘ tests

    πŸ‘Ž doesn't capture logs

    πŸ‘Ž doens't generate html report

    πŸ‘Ž doens't capture screen after each expectation

  • (12 stars, 9 forks, unknown licence)

    Integrates protractor and webdriver to let tests take and compare screenshots at different sizes.

    πŸ’₯ The name is misleading, it doesn't do any reporting as one would expect. πŸ‘ tests

  • (4 stars, 55 forks, MIT licence)

    An npm module and which generates your Protractor test reports in HTML (angular) with screenshots

    πŸ‘ angular base html reporter

    πŸ‘ screenshot reporter will generate JSON and PNG files for each test.

    πŸ‘Ž no support for forked browser instances

    πŸ‘Ž doens't provide your browsers console logs, only protractor one (a bit useless)

    πŸ‘Ž no tests

  • (10 stars, 4 forks, MIT licence)

    Utilities for Protractor with jasmine2 [Screenshot, Browser Console log and more]

    πŸ‘ Can create screenshots for each expect

    πŸ‘ Can fail if there are too many logs in your browser console

    πŸ‘Ž Doesn't support multiple browsers

    πŸ‘Ž Has no tests coverage

    πŸ‘Ž The reporter did not work out of box when I tried it.

  • (5 stars, 9 forks, unknow licence)

    Protractor screenshot and html snapshot utility. Create HTML snapshots and screenshots from anywhere in your end-to-end tests.

    πŸ‘ create html snapshot besides screenshot

    πŸ‘ can create screenshots with multiple resolutions

    πŸ‘ tests

    πŸ’₯ Do it yourself!

    πŸ‘Ž need to manually add a code into your tests, no reporting nor analytics.

  • (2 stars, 0 forks, MIT licence)

    An npm module and which generates your Protractor test reports in HTML (angular) with screenshots, durations, browser logs, and stack trace.

    πŸ‘ angular base html reporter

    πŸ‘ screenshot reporter will generate JSON and PNG files for each test.

    πŸ‘ provides browser console logs, test durations

    πŸ‘Ž no support for forked browser instances

    πŸ‘Ž no tests

  • ( 1 star, 0 forks, unknown licence)

    Take screenshots in protractor with a simple command

    πŸ’₯ Do it your self.

    πŸ‘Ž It makes screenshots on demand, no reporting no analytics.

    πŸ‘Ž no tests


    πŸ’₯ Do it all yourself

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