This commands are summaraized from the vimtutor tutorial. The VIM tutorial can be access with the console command: vimtutor
h : go left j : go down h : go up l : go right
:w : write changes without exiting :wq : quit vim and write changes :q! : quit without wrting changes
ESCAPE : enter vim normal mode
i : enter insert mode SHIFT+A : enter append mode. Moves cursor to the end of the line and enters insert mode x : delete a character
dw : delete a word d$ : delete everything on a line after the place of the cursor dd : delete a line 4dd : delete 4 lines d4w : delete 4 words d SHIFT+G : delete everything from the file after the current line
2w : move cursor 2 words to the right 3e : move cursor to thend of the third word forward 0 : move the cursor to the start of the line $ : move the cursor to the end of the line
u : undo last action U : revert line to last state CRTL+R : redo last action
12yy : copy(yank) 12 lines. p will paste the yanked lines.
p : insert the last deleted line after line where the cursor is r : replace a character under the cursor with a newly typed character ce : deletes remainder of the word and enters insert mode cc : deletes the line and enters insert mode c$ : deletes everything from the line after the cursor and enters insert mode
gg : move to the opt of the file G : move to the end of the file CTRL+G : show the current line number 24gg : move to line 24 of the file
CTRL+O : move to the previous position CTRL+I : move to the next position
/term : search for "term", type n to find the next occurrence of "term" ?term : search for "term", type n to find the previous occurrence of "term"
% : go to matching [], {} or ()
:s/find/replace : find replace first occurrence on a line :s/find/replace/g : find replace all occurrences on a line :#,#s/find/replace/g : find replace all occurrences in a range of lines :%s/find/replace/g : find replace all occurrences in a file :%s/find/replace/gc : find replace all occurrences in a file with confirm
:set paste : retain formatting when pasting content from an external source
:!command : execute a command, hit ENTER to return to vim
vi -O : open two files in split mode
SHIFT+V : select lines with arrows up and down, use < > to indent, use . to repeat action
vim ~/.vimrc
set nu
set expandtab
set shiftwidth=2
set tabstop=2