diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0acdbeb..e7612a0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -127,10 +127,6 @@ Copy / Paste the .py files into your Pyplug dir, or edit the plugins location in
**[IDKeyer](/Keyer/IDKeyer/README.md)** : Extract an alpha matte from a ID-Pass to be used as a mask.
**[PIKDespill](/Keyer/PIKDespill/README.md)** : Despill tool based on the PIK Keyer.
**[PositionMask](/Keyer/PositionMask/README.md)** : Take a world position pass and generate a rounded mask from it.
**[lp_ChannelContactsheet](/Keyer/lp_ChannelContactsheet/README.md)** : Generate a Contactsheet to find a suitable channel for keying.
**[lp_ChillSpill](/Keyer/lp_ChillSpill/README.md)** : An alternative to buit-in Despill node that is quick and easy to setup.
@@ -141,6 +137,10 @@ Copy / Paste the .py files into your Pyplug dir, or edit the plugins location in
**[lp_SimpleKeyer](/Keyer/lp_SimpleKeyer/README.md)** : A very simple Keyer for a wide variety of operations. Inspired by Nukes Keyer-Node.
**[PIKDespill](/Keyer/PIKDespill/README.md)** : Despill tool based on the PIK Keyer.
**[PositionMask](/Keyer/PositionMask/README.md)** : Take a world position pass and generate a rounded mask from it.
**[PushPixel](/Keyer/PushPixel/README.md)** : Push pixels of the RGB on the edges of the alpha channel.
### Merge