diff --git a/sample encodings/test.mpm b/sample encodings/test.mpm
deleted file mode 100644
index ec3bb52..0000000
--- a/sample encodings/test.mpm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- Axel Berndt
- Max Mustermann
- dikvbwiehvg ergbvieuprbger gtergrwth
- wsrthwr
- th
- wrt sfgnsrtjn rthwrthrth 2309vg ergt
- wrthwrthwrthwrth
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/mpm.odd b/src/mpm.odd
index ce83beb..028dcaf 100644
--- a/src/mpm.odd
+++ b/src/mpm.odd
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
- Each continuous dynamics transition should be followed by another dynamics instruction (continuous or constant) as it provides the end date of the transition. Otherwise the transition would stretch to infinity. The second dynamics instruction sets the optional attribute subNoteDynamics true (default value is false) which expresses that the dynamics transition is performed not only in a note-wise fashion but also within each tone. This feature may not be applicable to, e.g., struck instruments such as piano and harp. Other instruments, however, have the possibility to modulate the dynamics of a held tone, such as the human voice, wind and string instruments.
+ Each continuous dynamics transition should be followed by another dynamics instruction (continuous or constant) as it provides the end date of the transition. Otherwise the transition would stretch to infinity. The second dynamics instruction sets the optional attribute subNoteDynamics true (default value is false) which expresses that the dynamics transition is performed not only in a note-wise fashion but also within each tone. This feature may not be applicable to, e.g., struck instruments such as piano and harp. Other instruments, however, are able to modulate the dynamics of a held tone, such as the human voice, wind and bowed string instruments. Switching from non-subnote dynamics to subnote dynamics or vice versa should be done at the beginning of a note or during a rest, not within a note, to avoid artifacts.
The shape of continuous dynamics transitions can be further refined by attributes curvature and protraction. Attribute curvature is defined in the interval [0.0, 1.0] and indicates a distinct sigmoidal (S) shape of the dynamics curve (value > 0.0) or a straight linear transition (value = 0.0). The higher the value the more accentuated is the transition. Attribute protraction is defined in the interval [-1.0, 1.0] and indicates whether the transition comes relatively early (value < 0.0), relatively late (value > 0.0) or is equally shared between first and second half of the interval between date and the subsequent dynamics instruction'sdate. The mathematical model to construct dynamics curves translates these attributes into cubic Bézier curves as shown in the following figures.