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template name description
rds/sc-rds-postgresql-ra.json Amazon RDS PostgreSQL Database This product builds an Amazon AWS RDS PostgreSQL master database instance with options for a single instance or multi-az instances.
rds/sc-rds-mysql-ra.json Amazon RDS MySQL Database This product builds an Amazon AWS RDS MySQL master database instance with options for a single instance or multi-az instances.
rds/sc-rds-mariadb-ra.json Amazon RDS MariaDB Database This product builds an Amazon AWS RDS MariaDB master database instance with options for a single instance or multi-az instances.
rds/sc-rds-mssql-ra.json Amazon RDS Microsoft SQL Database This product builds an Amazon AWS RDS Microsoft SQL master database instance with options for a single instance or multi-az instances.
vpc/sc-vpc-ra.json Amazon VPC This product builds a multi-availability zone Amazon AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with an option to include a single instance Amazon Linux bastion instance.
s3/sc-s3-public-ra.json Amazon S3 Public Bucket with Read Only Access This product builds an Amazon AWS S3 bucket with options for read only bucket with public access from any source.
s3/sc-s3-cidr-ra.json Amazon S3 Private Bucket with CIDR Restricted Access This product builds an Amazon AWS S3 bucket with private access accessible from a restricted source.
s3/sc-s3-encrypted-ra.json Amazon S3 Private Encrypted Bucket This product builds an Amazon AWS S3 bucket encrypted with private access accessible from any source.
s3/sc-s3-mfa-ra.json Amazon S3 Private Bucket with MFA Delete Restrictions This product builds an Amazon AWS S3 bucket with multi-factor authentication restricted bucket delete option.
s3/sc-s3-transition-ra.json Amazon S3 Private Bucket with Transition Ruleset This product builds an Amazon AWS S3 bucket with a transition ruleset to S3-IA and Glacier.
ec2/sc-ec2-linux-ra.json Amazon EC2 Linux "This product builds one Amazon Linux EC2 instance and create a SSM patch baseline, maintenance window, and patch task to scan for and install operating system updates the EC2 instance."
ec2/sc-ec2-windows-ra.json Amazon EC2 Windows "This product builds one Microsoft Windows EC2 instance and create a SSM patch baseline, maintenance window, and patch task to scan for and install operating system updates on the EC2 instance."
ec2/sc-ec2-linux-apache.json Amazon EC2 Linux Apache Webserver This product builds one Amazon Linux EC2 webserver Apache instance.
ec2/sc-ec2-linux-nginx.json Amazon EC2 Linux NGINX Webserver This product builds one Amazon Linux EC2 webserver NGINX instance.
emr/sc-emr-ra.json Amazon EMR This product builds an Amazon Elastic MapReduce cluster with 1 master nodes and 2 core nodes.
emr/sc-emr-SparkHbase.json Amazon EMR cluster for Spark or S3 backed Hbase This product builds an Amazon Elastic MapReduce cluster for Spark or S3 backed Hbase best practices.
ecs/fargate-private-vpc.yaml Amazon ECS Fargate Cluster This product builds an ECS cluster for Fargate.
ecs/fargate-service.json Amazon ECS Service This product creates a publicly loadbalanced ECS Service for Fargate.
ecs/container-codepipeline-ra.json Container CI/CD Automation Pipeline The product creates a CodePipeline for managing and deploying containers to ECR
glue/sc-glue-ra.yaml AWS Glue Crawler This product creates a glue crawler
elasticbeanstalk/sc-elasticbeanstalk-ra.json AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application This product creates an Elastic Beanstalk application.
workspaces/sc-workspaces-ra.json Amazon WorkSpaces This product creates an Amazon Workspace desktop.
blog_content/securing-third-party-data-and-ml-apps/network.yaml VPC infrastructure for ML Models "This product creates VPC infrastructure that can be used for deploy ML models and Amazon SageMaker notebooks "
blog_content/securing-third-party-data-and-ml-apps/notebook.yaml Amazon SageMaker Notebooks "This product creates an Amazon SageMaker notebook."
blog_content/securing-third-party-data-and-ml-apps/mlmodel.yaml Amazon SageMaker Model Package from AWS Marketplace "This product deploys a Model Package from AWS Marketplace in form of an Amazon SageMaker Endpoint for performing real-time inference."