The recipes section is where you can find useful snippets and tutorials on how to improve your Awesome setup.
- My First Awesome Setup
- A step by step Guide by Epsi (for Awesome 4.3)
- Lain
- Vicious
- [[Countdown|recipes/countdown]]
- [[MPD current song|recipes/mpc]]
- [[Awesome "Watch" widget usage examples|recipes/watch]]
- PulseAudio
- Connman (network manager)
- Battery Indicator (UPower)
- [[Google Play Music Desktop Player|recipes/gpmdp]]
- Set of simple widgets - widgets for battery, cpu, brightness, volume, email, etc.
- [[Wireless status|recipes/wirelessStatus]]
- [[Microphone state|recipes/mic]]
- Noobie - create a wibar widget based on the output of a script.
- Full Animated Setup
- Modern Bottom Panel, Dashboard Panel, Control Center, Notification Center
- Music Player Widget, Weather Widget, Calendar Widget, Battery Widget, Network Widget
- Word Clock Lockscreen, Minimalist Exitscreen
- Awesome-Revelation - Mac OSX like 'Expose' view of all clients
- awesome-cyclefocus - sensible Alt-Tab behavior
- Collision geometric navigation keybindings
- Tyrannical dynamic tag managment framework
- Repetitive dynamic keybindings and macros
- layout-machi - a manual layout with interactive editing
- nice - macOS-like seamless window decorations
- modalawesome - framework for modal, vi-like keybindings
- [[Swap Monitor Snippet|recipes/xrandr]]
- Poppin' - Pop over applications
- Awesome taglist
- Tag based screen rotation