diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 478398a9e..000000000
--- a/Gruntfile.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
- * Grunt File Usage:
- ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Export Documentation, TypeScript and Minify:
- *
- * grunt
- *
- * Export TypeScript and Minify:
- *
- * grunt lib
- *
- *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
- * Options
- *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * Export lib version, defaults to 'next' if not specified:
- *
- * grunt --libversion=0.0.1
- *
- ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
- * Installing Dependencies:
- ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
- *
- * To install Grunt
- *
- * 1) install the grunt cli:
- *
- * npm install -g grunt-cli
- *
- * 2) install the dependencies used by the build script:
- *
- * OSX : sudo npm install
- * Windows: npm install
- *
- ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************/
-module.exports = function(grunt) {
- var version = grunt.option('libversion') || 'next'; // Check for a version number | defaults to next if not specified
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Plugins used by Grunt Script
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-ts");
- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-yuidoc');
- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify');
- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat');
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Grunt Config
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- grunt.initConfig( {
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read the package.json
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Metadata / Configuration
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- meta: {
- tsFile: 'src/StageGLExtensions.ts', // TypeScript export source
- tsPath: 'src/', // TypeScript source folder
- tsExportFile: 'build/stagegl-extensions.' + version + '.js', // JavaScript export target
- tsExportUglyFile: 'build/stagegl-extensions.' + version + '.min.js', // JavaScript minified target
- tsExportFolder: 'build/', // Export folder
- docsPath: 'docs/' // Documentation export path
- },
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Export and compile TypeScript
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ts: {
- MainJsFile: {
- src: ['<%= meta.tsFile %>'],
- out: '<%= meta.tsExportFile %>',
- options: {
- target: 'es5',
- sourcemap: true,
- declaration: true,
- comments: true
- }
- }
- },
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Concatenate file ( currently not used )
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- concat: {
- options: {
- // define a string to put between each file in the concatenated output
- separator: ';'
- },
- dist: {
- // the files to concatenate
- src: [ '<%= meta.tsExportFile %>' ],
- // the location of the resulting JS file
- dest: ''
- }
- },
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Minify JavaScript source
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uglify: {
- options: {
- mangle: false
- },
- my_target: {
- files: {
- '<%= meta.tsExportUglyFile %>': [ '<%= meta.tsExportFile %>' ]
- }
- }
- },
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Export Documentation ( using multi export JS files )
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- yuidoc: {
- compile: {
- name: '<%= pkg.name %>',
- description: '<%= pkg.description %>',
- version: '<%= pkg.version %>',
- url: '<%= pkg.homepage %>',
- options: {
- extension:'.ts',
- paths: '<%= meta.tsPath %>',
- outdir: '<%= meta.docsPath %>'
- }
- }
- }
- } );
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Register Grunt tasks
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- grunt.option.init();
- grunt.registerTask('default', ['ts' , 'uglify' , 'yuidoc' ]); // Default Tasks
- grunt.registerTask('lib', ['ts' , 'uglify' ]); // Export TypeScript only
diff --git a/build/awayjs-renderergl.d.ts b/build/awayjs-renderergl.d.ts
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f8c60976a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/awayjs-renderergl.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6401 @@
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleData" {
+ import TriangleSubGeometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/TriangleSubGeometry");
+ class ParticleData {
+ particleIndex: number;
+ numVertices: number;
+ startVertexIndex: number;
+ subGeometry: TriangleSubGeometry;
+ }
+ export = ParticleData;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleAnimationData" {
+ import ParticleData = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleData");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleAnimationData {
+ index: number;
+ startTime: number;
+ totalTime: number;
+ duration: number;
+ delay: number;
+ startVertexIndex: number;
+ numVertices: number;
+ constructor(index: number, startTime: number, duration: number, delay: number, particle: ParticleData);
+ }
+ export = ParticleAnimationData;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry" {
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import IContextStageGL = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/IContextStageGL");
+ import IVertexBuffer = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/IVertexBuffer");
+ import ParticleAnimationData = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleAnimationData");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class AnimationSubGeometry {
+ static SUBGEOM_ID_COUNT: number;
+ _pVertexData: number[];
+ _pVertexBuffer: IVertexBuffer[];
+ _pBufferContext: IContextStageGL[];
+ _pBufferDirty: boolean[];
+ private _numVertices;
+ private _totalLenOfOneVertex;
+ numProcessedVertices: number;
+ previousTime: number;
+ animationParticles: ParticleAnimationData[];
+ /**
+ * An id for this animation subgeometry, used to identify animation subgeometries when using animation sets.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ _iUniqueId: number;
+ constructor();
+ createVertexData(numVertices: number, totalLenOfOneVertex: number): void;
+ activateVertexBuffer(index: number, bufferOffset: number, stage: Stage, format: string): void;
+ dispose(): void;
+ invalidateBuffer(): void;
+ vertexData: number[];
+ numVertices: number;
+ totalLenOfOneVertex: number;
+ }
+ export = AnimationSubGeometry;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties" {
+ /**
+ * Dynamic class for holding the local properties of a particle, used for processing the static properties
+ * of particles in the particle animation set before beginning upload to the GPU.
+ */
+ class ParticleProperties {
+ /**
+ * The index of the current particle being set.
+ */
+ index: number;
+ /**
+ * The total number of particles being processed by the particle animation set.
+ */
+ total: number;
+ /**
+ * The start time of the particle.
+ */
+ startTime: number;
+ /**
+ * The duration of the particle, an optional value used when the particle aniamtion set settings for useDuration
are enabled in the constructor.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
+ */
+ duration: number;
+ /**
+ * The delay between cycles of the particle, an optional value used when the particle aniamtion set settings for useLooping
and useDelay
are enabled in the constructor.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
+ */
+ delay: number;
+ }
+ export = ParticleProperties;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode" {
+ /**
+ * Options for setting the properties mode of a particle animation node.
+ */
+ class ParticlePropertiesMode {
+ /**
+ * Mode that defines the particle node as acting on global properties (ie. the properties set in the node constructor or the corresponding animation state).
+ */
+ static GLOBAL: number;
+ /**
+ * Mode that defines the particle node as acting on local static properties (ie. the properties of particles set in the initialising on the animation set).
+ */
+ static LOCAL_STATIC: number;
+ /**
+ * Mode that defines the particle node as acting on local dynamic properties (ie. the properties of the particles set in the corresponding animation state).
+ */
+ static LOCAL_DYNAMIC: number;
+ }
+ export = ParticlePropertiesMode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ /**
+ * Provides an abstract base class for particle animation nodes.
+ */
+ class ParticleNodeBase extends AnimationNodeBase {
+ private _priority;
+ _pMode: number;
+ _pDataLength: number;
+ _pOneData: number[];
+ _iDataOffset: number;
+ private static GLOBAL;
+ private static LOCAL_STATIC;
+ private static LOCAL_DYNAMIC;
+ private static MODES;
+ /**
+ * Returns the property mode of the particle animation node. Typically set in the node constructor
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticlePropertiesMode
+ */
+ mode: number;
+ /**
+ * Returns the priority of the particle animation node, used to order the agal generated in a particle animation set. Set automatically on instantiation.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
+ * @see #getAGALVertexCode
+ */
+ priority: number;
+ /**
+ * Returns the length of the data used by the node when in LOCAL_STATIC
mode. Used to generate the local static data of the particle animation set.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
+ * @see #getAGALVertexCode
+ */
+ dataLength: number;
+ /**
+ * Returns the generated data vector of the node after one particle pass during the generation of all local static data of the particle animation set.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
+ * @see #generatePropertyOfOneParticle
+ */
+ oneData: number[];
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleNodeBase
+ *
+ * @param name Defines the generic name of the particle animation node.
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param dataLength Defines the length of the data used by the node when in LOCAL_STATIC
+ * @param [optional] priority the priority of the particle animation node, used to order the agal generated in a particle animation set. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ constructor(name: string, mode: number, dataLength: number, priority?: number);
+ /**
+ * Returns the AGAL code of the particle animation node for use in the vertex shader.
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * Returns the AGAL code of the particle animation node for use in the fragment shader.
+ */
+ getAGALFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * Returns the AGAL code of the particle animation node for use in the fragment shader when UV coordinates are required.
+ */
+ getAGALUVCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * Called internally by the particle animation set when assigning the set of static properties originally defined by the initParticleFunc of the set.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet#initParticleFunc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ /**
+ * Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
+ */
+ _iProcessAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet: ParticleAnimationSet): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleNodeBase;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/events/AnimationStateEvent" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import Event = require("awayjs-core/lib/events/Event");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import IAnimationState = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/states/IAnimationState");
+ /**
+ * Dispatched to notify changes in an animation state's state.
+ */
+ class AnimationStateEvent extends Event {
+ /**
+ * Dispatched when a non-looping clip node inside an animation state reaches the end of its timeline.
+ */
+ static PLAYBACK_COMPLETE: string;
+ static TRANSITION_COMPLETE: string;
+ private _animator;
+ private _animationState;
+ private _animationNode;
+ /**
+ * Create a new AnimatonStateEvent
+ *
+ * @param type The event type.
+ * @param animator The animation state object that is the subject of this event.
+ * @param animationNode The animation node inside the animation state from which the event originated.
+ */
+ constructor(type: string, animator: AnimatorBase, animationState: IAnimationState, animationNode: AnimationNodeBase);
+ /**
+ * The animator object that is the subject of this event.
+ */
+ animator: AnimatorBase;
+ /**
+ * The animation state object that is the subject of this event.
+ */
+ animationState: IAnimationState;
+ /**
+ * The animation node inside the animation state from which the event originated.
+ */
+ animationNode: AnimationNodeBase;
+ /**
+ * Clones the event.
+ *
+ * @return An exact duplicate of the current object.
+ */
+ clone(): Event;
+ }
+ export = AnimationStateEvent;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import IAnimationState = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/states/IAnimationState");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class AnimationStateBase implements IAnimationState {
+ _pAnimationNode: AnimationNodeBase;
+ _pRootDelta: Vector3D;
+ _pPositionDeltaDirty: boolean;
+ _pTime: number;
+ _pStartTime: number;
+ _pAnimator: AnimatorBase;
+ /**
+ * Returns a 3d vector representing the translation delta of the animating entity for the current timestep of animation
+ */
+ positionDelta: Vector3D;
+ constructor(animator: AnimatorBase, animationNode: AnimationNodeBase);
+ /**
+ * Resets the start time of the node to a new value.
+ *
+ * @param startTime The absolute start time (in milliseconds) of the node's starting time.
+ */
+ offset(startTime: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the configuration of the node to its current state.
+ *
+ * @param time The absolute time (in milliseconds) of the animator's play head position.
+ *
+ * @see AnimatorBase#update()
+ */
+ update(time: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Sets the animation phase of the node.
+ *
+ * @param value The phase value to use. 0 represents the beginning of an animation clip, 1 represents the end.
+ */
+ phase(value: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the node's internal playhead position.
+ *
+ * @param time The local time (in milliseconds) of the node's playhead position.
+ */
+ _pUpdateTime(time: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the node's root delta position
+ */
+ _pUpdatePositionDelta(): void;
+ }
+ export = AnimationStateBase;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleStateBase extends AnimationStateBase {
+ private _particleNode;
+ _pDynamicProperties: Vector3D[];
+ _pDynamicPropertiesDirty: Object;
+ _pNeedUpdateTime: boolean;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleNode: ParticleNodeBase, needUpdateTime?: boolean);
+ needUpdateTime: boolean;
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ _pUpdateDynamicProperties(animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleStateBase;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+ /**
+ * Provides an interface for assigning paricle-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects
+ * and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be
+ * automatically updated or manually triggered.
+ *
+ * Requires that the containing geometry of the parent mesh is particle geometry
+ *
+ * @see away.base.ParticleGeometry
+ */
+ class ParticleAnimator extends AnimatorBase {
+ private _particleAnimationSet;
+ private _animationParticleStates;
+ private _animatorParticleStates;
+ private _timeParticleStates;
+ private _totalLenOfOneVertex;
+ private _animatorSubGeometries;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleAnimator
+ *
+ * @param particleAnimationSet The animation data set containing the particle animations used by the animator.
+ */
+ constructor(particleAnimationSet: ParticleAnimationSet);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ clone(): AnimatorBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ setRenderState(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, renderable: RenderableBase, stage: Stage, camera: Camera, vertexConstantOffset: number, vertexStreamOffset: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ testGPUCompatibility(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ start(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateDeltaTime(dt: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ resetTime(offset?: number): void;
+ dispose(): void;
+ private getAnimatorSubGeometry(subMesh);
+ }
+ export = ParticleAnimator;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleTimeState" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleTimeNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleTimeNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleTimeState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static TIME_STREAM_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static TIME_CONSTANT_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleTimeNode;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleTimeNode: ParticleTimeNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleTimeState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleTimeNode" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleTimeState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleTimeState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used as the base node for timekeeping inside a particle. Automatically added to a particle animation set on instatiation.
+ */
+ class ParticleTimeNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesDuration: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesDelay: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesLooping: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleTimeNode
+ *
+ * @param [optional] usesDuration Defines whether the node uses the duration
data in the static properties to determine how long a particle is visible for. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesDelay Defines whether the node uses the delay
data in the static properties to determine how long a particle is hidden for. Defaults to false. Requires usesDuration
to be true.
+ * @param [optional] usesLooping Defines whether the node creates a looping timeframe for each particle determined by the startTime
, duration
and delay
data in the static properties function. Defaults to false. Requires usesLooping
to be true.
+ */
+ constructor(usesDuration?: boolean, usesLooping?: boolean, usesDelay?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleTimeState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleTimeNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/core/base/ParticleGeometry" {
+ import Geometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/Geometry");
+ import ParticleData = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleData");
+ /**
+ * @class away.base.ParticleGeometry
+ */
+ class ParticleGeometry extends Geometry {
+ particles: ParticleData[];
+ numParticles: number;
+ }
+ export = ParticleGeometry;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet" {
+ import IAnimationSet = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/IAnimationSet");
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import ISubMesh = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/ISubMesh");
+ import Mesh = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Mesh");
+ import AnimationSetBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimationSetBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ /**
+ * The animation data set used by particle-based animators, containing particle animation data.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimator
+ */
+ class ParticleAnimationSet extends AnimationSetBase implements IAnimationSet {
+ /** @private */
+ _iAnimationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache;
+ private _timeNode;
+ /**
+ * Property used by particle nodes that require compilation at the end of the shader
+ */
+ static POST_PRIORITY: number;
+ /**
+ * Property used by particle nodes that require color compilation
+ */
+ static COLOR_PRIORITY: number;
+ private _animationSubGeometries;
+ private _particleNodes;
+ private _localDynamicNodes;
+ private _localStaticNodes;
+ private _totalLenOfOneVertex;
+ hasUVNode: boolean;
+ needVelocity: boolean;
+ hasBillboard: boolean;
+ hasColorMulNode: boolean;
+ hasColorAddNode: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Initialiser function for static particle properties. Needs to reference a with the following format
+ *
+ *
+ * initParticleFunc(prop:ParticleProperties)
+ * {
+ * //code for settings local properties
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ * Aside from setting any properties required in particle animation nodes using local static properties, the initParticleFunc function
+ * is required to time node requirements as they may be needed. These properties on the ParticleProperties object can include
+ * startTime
, duration
and delay
. The use of these properties is determined by the setting
+ * arguments passed in the constructor of the particle animation set. By default, only the startTime
property is required.
+ */
+ initParticleFunc: Function;
+ /**
+ * Initialiser function scope for static particle properties
+ */
+ initParticleScope: Object;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleAnimationSet
+ *
+ * @param [optional] usesDuration Defines whether the animation set uses the duration
data in its static properties to determine how long a particle is visible for. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesLooping Defines whether the animation set uses a looping timeframe for each particle determined by the startTime
, duration
and delay
data in its static properties function. Defaults to false. Requires usesDuration
to be true.
+ * @param [optional] usesDelay Defines whether the animation set uses the delay
data in its static properties to determine how long a particle is hidden for. Defaults to false. Requires usesLooping
to be true.
+ */
+ constructor(usesDuration?: boolean, usesLooping?: boolean, usesDelay?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector of the particle animation nodes contained within the set.
+ */
+ particleNodes: ParticleNodeBase[];
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ addAnimation(node: AnimationNodeBase): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ activate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ deactivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALUVCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, shadedTarget: string): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ doneAGALCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ usesCPU: boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ cancelGPUCompatibility(): void;
+ dispose(): void;
+ getAnimationSubGeometry(subMesh: ISubMesh): any;
+ /** @private */
+ _iGenerateAnimationSubGeometries(mesh: Mesh): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleAnimationSet;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/SkeletonAnimationSet" {
+ import IAnimationSet = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/IAnimationSet");
+ import AnimationSetBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimationSetBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ /**
+ * The animation data set used by skeleton-based animators, containing skeleton animation data.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.SkeletonAnimator
+ */
+ class SkeletonAnimationSet extends AnimationSetBase implements IAnimationSet {
+ private _jointsPerVertex;
+ /**
+ * Returns the amount of skeleton joints that can be linked to a single vertex via skinned weight values. For GPU-base animation, the
+ * maximum allowed value is 4.
+ */
+ jointsPerVertex: number;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonAnimationSet
+ *
+ * @param jointsPerVertex Sets the amount of skeleton joints that can be linked to a single vertex via skinned weight values. For GPU-base animation, the maximum allowed value is 4. Defaults to 4.
+ */
+ constructor(jointsPerVertex?: number);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ activate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ deactivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, shadedTarget: string): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALUVCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ doneAGALCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): void;
+ }
+ export = SkeletonAnimationSet;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/JointPose" {
+ import Matrix3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3D");
+ import Quaternion = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Quaternion");
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ /**
+ * Contains transformation data for a skeleton joint, used for skeleton animation.
+ *
+ * @see away.animation.Skeleton
+ * @see away.animation.SkeletonJoint
+ *
+ * todo: support (uniform) scale
+ */
+ class JointPose {
+ /**
+ * The name of the joint to which the pose is associated
+ */
+ name: string;
+ /**
+ * The rotation of the pose stored as a quaternion
+ */
+ orientation: Quaternion;
+ /**
+ * The translation of the pose
+ */
+ translation: Vector3D;
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * Converts the transformation to a Matrix3D representation.
+ *
+ * @param target An optional target matrix to store the transformation. If not provided, it will create a new instance.
+ * @return The transformation matrix of the pose.
+ */
+ toMatrix3D(target?: Matrix3D): Matrix3D;
+ /**
+ * Copies the transformation data from a source pose object into the existing pose object.
+ *
+ * @param pose The source pose to copy from.
+ */
+ copyFrom(pose: JointPose): void;
+ }
+ export = JointPose;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonJoint" {
+ /**
+ * A value obect representing a single joint in a skeleton object.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.Skeleton
+ */
+ class SkeletonJoint {
+ /**
+ * The index of the parent joint in the skeleton's joints vector.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.Skeleton#joints
+ */
+ parentIndex: number;
+ /**
+ * The name of the joint
+ */
+ name: string;
+ /**
+ * The inverse bind pose matrix, as raw data, used to transform vertices to bind joint space in preparation for transformation using the joint matrix.
+ */
+ inverseBindPose: number[];
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonJoint
+ */
+ constructor();
+ }
+ export = SkeletonJoint;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/Skeleton" {
+ import SkeletonJoint = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonJoint");
+ import IAsset = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/IAsset");
+ import NamedAssetBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/NamedAssetBase");
+ /**
+ * A Skeleton object is a hierarchical grouping of joint objects that can be used for skeletal animation.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.SkeletonJoint
+ */
+ class Skeleton extends NamedAssetBase implements IAsset {
+ /**
+ * A flat list of joint objects that comprise the skeleton. Every joint except for the root has a parentIndex
+ * property that is an index into this list.
+ * A child joint should always have a higher index than its parent.
+ */
+ joints: SkeletonJoint[];
+ /**
+ * The total number of joints in the skeleton.
+ */
+ numJoints: number;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new Skeleton
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * Returns the joint object in the skeleton with the given name, otherwise returns a null object.
+ *
+ * @param jointName The name of the joint object to be found.
+ * @return The joint object with the given name.
+ *
+ * @see #joints
+ */
+ jointFromName(jointName: string): SkeletonJoint;
+ /**
+ * Returns the joint index, given the joint name. -1 is returned if the joint name is not found.
+ *
+ * @param jointName The name of the joint object to be found.
+ * @return The index of the joint object in the joints Array
+ *
+ * @see #joints
+ */
+ jointIndexFromName(jointName: string): number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ dispose(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ assetType: string;
+ }
+ export = Skeleton;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose" {
+ import JointPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/JointPose");
+ import IAsset = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/IAsset");
+ import NamedAssetBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/NamedAssetBase");
+ /**
+ * A collection of pose objects, determining the pose for an entire skeleton.
+ * The jointPoses
vector object corresponds to a skeleton's joints
vector object, however, there is no
+ * reference to a skeleton's instance, since several skeletons can be influenced by the same pose (eg: animation
+ * clips are added to any animator with a valid skeleton)
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.Skeleton
+ * @see away.animators.JointPose
+ */
+ class SkeletonPose extends NamedAssetBase implements IAsset {
+ /**
+ * A flat list of pose objects that comprise the skeleton pose. The pose indices correspond to the target skeleton's joint indices.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.Skeleton#joints
+ */
+ jointPoses: JointPose[];
+ /**
+ * The total number of joint poses in the skeleton pose.
+ */
+ numJointPoses: number;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonPose
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ assetType: string;
+ /**
+ * Returns the joint pose object with the given joint name, otherwise returns a null object.
+ *
+ * @param jointName The name of the joint object whose pose is to be found.
+ * @return The pose object with the given joint name.
+ */
+ jointPoseFromName(jointName: string): JointPose;
+ /**
+ * Returns the pose index, given the joint name. -1 is returned if the joint name is not found in the pose.
+ *
+ * @param The name of the joint object whose pose is to be found.
+ * @return The index of the pose object in the jointPoses Array
+ *
+ * @see #jointPoses
+ */
+ jointPoseIndexFromName(jointName: string): number;
+ /**
+ * Creates a copy of the SkeletonPose
object, with a dulpicate of its component joint poses.
+ *
+ * @return SkeletonPose
+ */
+ clone(): SkeletonPose;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ dispose(): void;
+ }
+ export = SkeletonPose;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ISkeletonAnimationState" {
+ import IAnimationState = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/states/IAnimationState");
+ import Skeleton = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/Skeleton");
+ import SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+ interface ISkeletonAnimationState extends IAnimationState {
+ /**
+ * Returns the output skeleton pose of the animation node.
+ */
+ getSkeletonPose(skeleton: Skeleton): SkeletonPose;
+ }
+ export = ISkeletonAnimationState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/IAnimationTransition" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ interface IAnimationTransition {
+ getAnimationNode(animator: AnimatorBase, startNode: AnimationNodeBase, endNode: AnimationNodeBase, startTime: number): AnimationNodeBase;
+ }
+ export = IAnimationTransition;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/SkeletonAnimator" {
+ import TriangleSubGeometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/TriangleSubGeometry");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import TriangleSubMeshRenderable = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/TriangleSubMeshRenderable");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import SkeletonAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/SkeletonAnimationSet");
+ import Skeleton = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/Skeleton");
+ import SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+ import IAnimationTransition = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/IAnimationTransition");
+ /**
+ * Provides an interface for assigning skeleton-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects
+ * and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be
+ * automatically updated or manually triggered.
+ */
+ class SkeletonAnimator extends AnimatorBase {
+ private _globalMatrices;
+ private _globalPose;
+ private _globalPropertiesDirty;
+ private _numJoints;
+ private _morphedSubGeometry;
+ private _morphedSubGeometryDirty;
+ private _condensedMatrices;
+ private _skeleton;
+ private _forceCPU;
+ private _useCondensedIndices;
+ private _jointsPerVertex;
+ private _activeSkeletonState;
+ private _onTransitionCompleteDelegate;
+ private _onIndicesUpdateDelegate;
+ private _onVerticesUpdateDelegate;
+ /**
+ * returns the calculated global matrices of the current skeleton pose.
+ *
+ * @see #globalPose
+ */
+ globalMatrices: number[];
+ /**
+ * returns the current skeleton pose output from the animator.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.data.SkeletonPose
+ */
+ globalPose: SkeletonPose;
+ /**
+ * Returns the skeleton object in use by the animator - this defines the number and heirarchy of joints used by the
+ * skinned geoemtry to which skeleon animator is applied.
+ */
+ skeleton: Skeleton;
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether the skeleton animator is disabled by default for GPU rendering, something that allows the animator to perform calculation on the GPU.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ forceCPU: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Offers the option of enabling GPU accelerated animation on skeletons larger than 32 joints
+ * by condensing the number of joint index values required per mesh. Only applicable to
+ * skeleton animations that utilise more than one mesh object. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ useCondensedIndices: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonAnimator
+ *
+ * @param skeletonAnimationSet The animation data set containing the skeleton animations used by the animator.
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton object used for calculating the resulting global matrices for transforming skinned mesh data.
+ * @param forceCPU Optional value that only allows the animator to perform calculation on the CPU. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ constructor(animationSet: SkeletonAnimationSet, skeleton: Skeleton, forceCPU?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ clone(): AnimatorBase;
+ /**
+ * Plays an animation state registered with the given name in the animation data set.
+ *
+ * @param name The data set name of the animation state to be played.
+ * @param transition An optional transition object that determines how the animator will transition from the currently active animation state.
+ * @param offset An option offset time (in milliseconds) that resets the state's internal clock to the absolute time of the animator plus the offset value. Required for non-looping animation states.
+ */
+ play(name: string, transition?: IAnimationTransition, offset?: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ setRenderState(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, renderable: RenderableBase, stage: Stage, camera: Camera, vertexConstantOffset: number, vertexStreamOffset: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ testGPUCompatibility(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): void;
+ /**
+ * Applies the calculated time delta to the active animation state node or state transition object.
+ */
+ _pUpdateDeltaTime(dt: number): void;
+ private updateCondensedMatrices(condensedIndexLookUp, numJoints);
+ private updateGlobalProperties();
+ getRenderableSubGeometry(renderable: TriangleSubMeshRenderable, sourceSubGeometry: TriangleSubGeometry): TriangleSubGeometry;
+ /**
+ * If the animation can't be performed on GPU, transform vertices manually
+ * @param subGeom The subgeometry containing the weights and joint index data per vertex.
+ * @param pass The material pass for which we need to transform the vertices
+ */
+ morphSubGeometry(renderable: TriangleSubMeshRenderable, sourceSubGeometry: TriangleSubGeometry): void;
+ /**
+ * Converts a local hierarchical skeleton pose to a global pose
+ * @param targetPose The SkeletonPose object that will contain the global pose.
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton containing the joints, and as such, the hierarchical data to transform to global poses.
+ */
+ private localToGlobalPose(sourcePose, targetPose, skeleton);
+ private onTransitionComplete(event);
+ private onIndicesUpdate(event);
+ private onVerticesUpdate(event);
+ }
+ export = SkeletonAnimator;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/VertexAnimationMode" {
+ /**
+ * Options for setting the animation mode of a vertex animator object.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.VertexAnimator
+ */
+ class VertexAnimationMode {
+ /**
+ * Animation mode that adds all outputs from active vertex animation state to form the current vertex animation pose.
+ */
+ static ADDITIVE: string;
+ /**
+ * Animation mode that picks the output from a single vertex animation state to form the current vertex animation pose.
+ */
+ static ABSOLUTE: string;
+ }
+ export = VertexAnimationMode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/VertexAnimationSet" {
+ import IAnimationSet = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/IAnimationSet");
+ import AnimationSetBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimationSetBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ /**
+ * The animation data set used by vertex-based animators, containing vertex animation state data.
+ *
+ * @see VertexAnimator
+ */
+ class VertexAnimationSet extends AnimationSetBase implements IAnimationSet {
+ private _numPoses;
+ private _blendMode;
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of poses made available at once to the GPU animation code.
+ */
+ numPoses: number;
+ /**
+ * Returns the active blend mode of the vertex animator object.
+ */
+ blendMode: string;
+ /**
+ * Returns whether or not normal data is used in last set GPU pass of the vertex shader.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Creates a new VertexAnimationSet
+ *
+ * @param numPoses The number of poses made available at once to the GPU animation code.
+ * @param blendMode Optional value for setting the animation mode of the vertex animator object.
+ *
+ * @see away3d.animators.data.VertexAnimationMode
+ */
+ constructor(numPoses?: number, blendMode?: string);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ activate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ deactivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, shadedTarget: string): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALUVCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ doneAGALCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): void;
+ /**
+ * Generates the vertex AGAL code for absolute blending.
+ */
+ private getAbsoluteAGALCode(shaderObject);
+ /**
+ * Generates the vertex AGAL code for additive blending.
+ */
+ private getAdditiveAGALCode(shaderObject);
+ }
+ export = VertexAnimationSet;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/IVertexAnimationState" {
+ import Geometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/Geometry");
+ import IAnimationState = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/states/IAnimationState");
+ /**
+ * Provides an interface for animation node classes that hold animation data for use in the Vertex animator class.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.VertexAnimator
+ */
+ interface IVertexAnimationState extends IAnimationState {
+ /**
+ * Returns the current geometry frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ currentGeometry: Geometry;
+ /**
+ * Returns the current geometry frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ nextGeometry: Geometry;
+ /**
+ * Returns a fractional value between 0 and 1 representing the blending ratio of the current playhead position
+ * between the current geometry frame (0) and next geometry frame (1) of the animation.
+ */
+ blendWeight: number;
+ }
+ export = IVertexAnimationState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/VertexAnimator" {
+ import TriangleSubGeometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/TriangleSubGeometry");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import TriangleSubMeshRenderable = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/TriangleSubMeshRenderable");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import VertexAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/VertexAnimationSet");
+ import IAnimationTransition = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/IAnimationTransition");
+ /**
+ * Provides an interface for assigning vertex-based animation data sets to mesh-based entity objects
+ * and controlling the various available states of animation through an interative playhead that can be
+ * automatically updated or manually triggered.
+ */
+ class VertexAnimator extends AnimatorBase {
+ private _vertexAnimationSet;
+ private _poses;
+ private _weights;
+ private _numPoses;
+ private _blendMode;
+ private _activeVertexState;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new VertexAnimator
+ *
+ * @param vertexAnimationSet The animation data set containing the vertex animations used by the animator.
+ */
+ constructor(vertexAnimationSet: VertexAnimationSet);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ clone(): AnimatorBase;
+ /**
+ * Plays a sequence with a given name. If the sequence is not found, it may not be loaded yet, and it will retry every frame.
+ * @param sequenceName The name of the clip to be played.
+ */
+ play(name: string, transition?: IAnimationTransition, offset?: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateDeltaTime(dt: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ setRenderState(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, renderable: RenderableBase, stage: Stage, camera: Camera, vertexConstantOffset: number, vertexStreamOffset: number): void;
+ private setNullPose(shaderObject, renderable, stage, vertexConstantOffset, vertexStreamOffset);
+ /**
+ * Verifies if the animation will be used on cpu. Needs to be true for all passes for a material to be able to use it on gpu.
+ * Needs to be called if gpu code is potentially required.
+ */
+ testGPUCompatibility(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase): void;
+ getRenderableSubGeometry(renderable: TriangleSubMeshRenderable, sourceSubGeometry: TriangleSubGeometry): TriangleSubGeometry;
+ }
+ export = VertexAnimator;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationClipNodeBase" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ /**
+ * Provides an abstract base class for nodes with time-based animation data in an animation blend tree.
+ */
+ class AnimationClipNodeBase extends AnimationNodeBase {
+ _pLooping: boolean;
+ _pTotalDuration: number;
+ _pLastFrame: number;
+ _pStitchDirty: boolean;
+ _pStitchFinalFrame: boolean;
+ _pNumFrames: number;
+ _pDurations: number[];
+ _pTotalDelta: Vector3D;
+ fixedFrameRate: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Determines whether the contents of the animation node have looping characteristics enabled.
+ */
+ looping: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Defines if looping content blends the final frame of animation data with the first (true) or works on the
+ * assumption that both first and last frames are identical (false). Defaults to false.
+ */
+ stitchFinalFrame: boolean;
+ totalDuration: number;
+ totalDelta: Vector3D;
+ lastFrame: number;
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector of time values representing the duration (in milliseconds) of each animation frame in the clip.
+ */
+ durations: number[];
+ /**
+ * Creates a new AnimationClipNodeBase
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * Updates the node's final frame stitch state.
+ *
+ * @see #stitchFinalFrame
+ */
+ _pUpdateStitch(): void;
+ }
+ export = AnimationClipNodeBase;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationClipState" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationClipNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationClipNodeBase");
+ import AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class AnimationClipState extends AnimationStateBase {
+ private _animationClipNode;
+ private _animationStatePlaybackComplete;
+ _pBlendWeight: number;
+ _pCurrentFrame: number;
+ _pNextFrame: number;
+ _pOldFrame: number;
+ _pTimeDir: number;
+ _pFramesDirty: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Returns a fractional value between 0 and 1 representing the blending ratio of the current playhead position
+ * between the current frame (0) and next frame (1) of the animation.
+ *
+ * @see #currentFrame
+ * @see #nextFrame
+ */
+ blendWeight: number;
+ /**
+ * Returns the current frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ currentFrame: number;
+ /**
+ * Returns the next frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ nextFrame: number;
+ constructor(animator: AnimatorBase, animationClipNode: AnimationClipNodeBase);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ update(time: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ phase(value: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateTime(time: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the nodes internal playhead to determine the current and next animation frame, and the blendWeight between the two.
+ *
+ * @see #currentFrame
+ * @see #nextFrame
+ * @see #blendWeight
+ */
+ _pUpdateFrames(): void;
+ private notifyPlaybackComplete();
+ }
+ export = AnimationClipState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonClipState" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import Skeleton = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/Skeleton");
+ import SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+ import SkeletonClipNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonClipNode");
+ import AnimationClipState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationClipState");
+ import ISkeletonAnimationState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ISkeletonAnimationState");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class SkeletonClipState extends AnimationClipState implements ISkeletonAnimationState {
+ private _rootPos;
+ private _frames;
+ private _skeletonClipNode;
+ private _skeletonPose;
+ private _skeletonPoseDirty;
+ private _currentPose;
+ private _nextPose;
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ currentPose: SkeletonPose;
+ /**
+ * Returns the next skeleton pose frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ nextPose: SkeletonPose;
+ constructor(animator: AnimatorBase, skeletonClipNode: SkeletonClipNode);
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ getSkeletonPose(skeleton: Skeleton): SkeletonPose;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateTime(time: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateFrames(): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the internal playhead position.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ private updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdatePositionDelta(): void;
+ }
+ export = SkeletonClipState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonClipNode" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+ import AnimationClipNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationClipNodeBase");
+ import SkeletonClipState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonClipState");
+ /**
+ * A skeleton animation node containing time-based animation data as individual skeleton poses.
+ */
+ class SkeletonClipNode extends AnimationClipNodeBase {
+ private _frames;
+ /**
+ * Determines whether to use SLERP equations (true) or LERP equations (false) in the calculation
+ * of the output skeleton pose. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ highQuality: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector of skeleton poses representing the pose of each animation frame in the clip.
+ */
+ frames: SkeletonPose[];
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonClipNode
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * Adds a skeleton pose frame to the internal timeline of the animation node.
+ *
+ * @param skeletonPose The skeleton pose object to add to the timeline of the node.
+ * @param duration The specified duration of the frame in milliseconds.
+ */
+ addFrame(skeletonPose: SkeletonPose, duration: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): SkeletonClipState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateStitch(): void;
+ }
+ export = SkeletonClipNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/VertexClipState" {
+ import Geometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/Geometry");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import VertexClipNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/VertexClipNode");
+ import AnimationClipState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationClipState");
+ import IVertexAnimationState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/IVertexAnimationState");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class VertexClipState extends AnimationClipState implements IVertexAnimationState {
+ private _frames;
+ private _vertexClipNode;
+ private _currentGeometry;
+ private _nextGeometry;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ currentGeometry: Geometry;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ nextGeometry: Geometry;
+ constructor(animator: AnimatorBase, vertexClipNode: VertexClipNode);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateFrames(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdatePositionDelta(): void;
+ }
+ export = VertexClipState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/VertexClipNode" {
+ import Geometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/Geometry");
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimationClipNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationClipNodeBase");
+ /**
+ * A vertex animation node containing time-based animation data as individual geometry obejcts.
+ */
+ class VertexClipNode extends AnimationClipNodeBase {
+ private _frames;
+ private _translations;
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector of geometry frames representing the vertex values of each animation frame in the clip.
+ */
+ frames: Geometry[];
+ /**
+ * Creates a new VertexClipNode
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * Adds a geometry object to the internal timeline of the animation node.
+ *
+ * @param geometry The geometry object to add to the timeline of the node.
+ * @param duration The specified duration of the frame in milliseconds.
+ * @param translation The absolute translation of the frame, used in root delta calculations for mesh movement.
+ */
+ addFrame(geometry: Geometry, duration: number, translation?: Vector3D): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateStitch(): void;
+ }
+ export = VertexClipNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/AmbientEnvMapMethod" {
+ import CubeTextureBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/CubeTextureBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import AmbientBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/AmbientBasicMethod");
+ /**
+ * AmbientEnvMapMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a diffuse irradiance environment map to
+ * approximate global lighting rather than lights.
+ */
+ class AmbientEnvMapMethod extends AmbientBasicMethod {
+ private _cubeTexture;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new AmbientEnvMapMethod
+ *
+ * @param envMap The cube environment map to use for the ambient lighting.
+ */
+ constructor(envMap: CubeTextureBase);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The cube environment map to use for the diffuse lighting.
+ */
+ envMap: CubeTextureBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, regCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = AmbientEnvMapMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseDepthMethod" {
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+ /**
+ * DiffuseDepthMethod provides a debug method to visualise depth maps
+ */
+ class DiffuseDepthMethod extends DiffuseBasicMethod {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseBasicMethod object.
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPostLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = DiffuseDepthMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseCompositeMethod" {
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+ /**
+ * DiffuseCompositeMethod provides a base class for diffuse methods that wrap a diffuse method to alter the
+ * calculated diffuse reflection strength.
+ */
+ class DiffuseCompositeMethod extends DiffuseBasicMethod {
+ pBaseMethod: DiffuseBasicMethod;
+ private _onShaderInvalidatedDelegate;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseCompositeMethod
+ *
+ * @param modulateMethod The method which will add the code to alter the base method's strength. It needs to have the signature clampDiffuse(t:ShaderRegisterElement, regCache:ShaderRegisterCache):string, in which t.w will contain the diffuse strength.
+ * @param baseMethod The base diffuse method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ constructor(modulateMethod: (shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData) => string, baseMethod?: DiffuseBasicMethod);
+ /**
+ * The base diffuse method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ baseMethod: DiffuseBasicMethod;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ dispose(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ texture: Texture2DBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ diffuseColor: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ambientColor: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, lightDirReg: ShaderRegisterElement, lightColReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCodePerProbe(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, cubeMapReg: ShaderRegisterElement, weightRegister: string, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iSetRenderState(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, renderable: RenderableBase, stage: Stage, camera: Camera): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iDeactivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPostLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iReset(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * Called when the base method's shader code is invalidated.
+ */
+ private onShaderInvalidated(event);
+ }
+ export = DiffuseCompositeMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseCelMethod" {
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+ import DiffuseCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseCompositeMethod");
+ /**
+ * DiffuseCelMethod provides a shading method to add diffuse cel (cartoon) shading.
+ */
+ class DiffuseCelMethod extends DiffuseCompositeMethod {
+ private _levels;
+ private _dataReg;
+ private _smoothness;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseCelMethod object.
+ * @param levels The amount of shadow gradations.
+ * @param baseMethod An optional diffuse method on which the cartoon shading is based. If omitted, DiffuseBasicMethod is used.
+ */
+ constructor(levels?: number, baseMethod?: DiffuseBasicMethod);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The amount of shadow gradations.
+ */
+ levels: number;
+ /**
+ * The smoothness of the edge between 2 shading levels.
+ */
+ smoothness: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * Snaps the diffuse shading of the wrapped method to one of the levels.
+ * @param vo The MethodVO used to compile the current shader.
+ * @param t The register containing the diffuse strength in the "w" component.
+ * @param regCache The register cache used for the shader compilation.
+ * @param sharedRegisters The shared register data for this shader.
+ * @return The AGAL fragment code for the method.
+ */
+ private clampDiffuse(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ }
+ export = DiffuseCelMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseGradientMethod" {
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+ /**
+ * DiffuseGradientMethod is an alternative to DiffuseBasicMethod in which the shading can be modulated with a gradient
+ * to introduce color-tinted shading as opposed to the single-channel diffuse strength. This can be used as a crude
+ * approximation to subsurface scattering (for instance, the mid-range shading for skin can be tinted red to similate
+ * scattered light within the skin attributing to the final colour)
+ */
+ class DiffuseGradientMethod extends DiffuseBasicMethod {
+ private _gradientTextureRegister;
+ private _gradient;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseGradientMethod object.
+ * @param gradient A texture that contains the light colour based on the angle. This can be used to change
+ * the light colour due to subsurface scattering when the surface faces away from the light.
+ */
+ constructor(gradient: Texture2DBase);
+ /**
+ * A texture that contains the light colour based on the angle. This can be used to change the light colour
+ * due to subsurface scattering when the surface faces away from the light.
+ */
+ gradient: Texture2DBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, lightDirReg: ShaderRegisterElement, lightColReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ pApplyShadow(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, regCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ }
+ export = DiffuseGradientMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseLightMapMethod" {
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+ import DiffuseCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseCompositeMethod");
+ /**
+ * DiffuseLightMapMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a light map to modulate the calculated diffuse
+ * lighting. It is different from EffectLightMapMethod in that the latter modulates the entire calculated pixel color, rather
+ * than only the diffuse lighting value.
+ */
+ class DiffuseLightMapMethod extends DiffuseCompositeMethod {
+ /**
+ * Indicates the light map should be multiplied with the calculated shading result.
+ * This can be used to add pre-calculated shadows or occlusion.
+ */
+ static MULTIPLY: string;
+ /**
+ * Indicates the light map should be added into the calculated shading result.
+ * This can be used to add pre-calculated lighting or global illumination.
+ */
+ static ADD: string;
+ private _lightMapTexture;
+ private _blendMode;
+ private _useSecondaryUV;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseLightMapMethod method.
+ *
+ * @param lightMap The texture containing the light map.
+ * @param blendMode The blend mode with which the light map should be applied to the lighting result.
+ * @param useSecondaryUV Indicates whether the secondary UV set should be used to map the light map.
+ * @param baseMethod The diffuse method used to calculate the regular diffuse-based lighting.
+ */
+ constructor(lightMap: Texture2DBase, blendMode?: string, useSecondaryUV?: boolean, baseMethod?: DiffuseBasicMethod);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The blend mode with which the light map should be applied to the lighting result.
+ *
+ * @see DiffuseLightMapMethod.ADD
+ * @see DiffuseLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY
+ */
+ blendMode: string;
+ /**
+ * The texture containing the light map data.
+ */
+ lightMapTexture: Texture2DBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPostLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = DiffuseLightMapMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseWrapMethod" {
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+ /**
+ * DiffuseWrapMethod is an alternative to DiffuseBasicMethod in which the light is allowed to be "wrapped around" the normally dark area, to some extent.
+ * It can be used as a crude approximation to Oren-Nayar or simple subsurface scattering.
+ */
+ class DiffuseWrapMethod extends DiffuseBasicMethod {
+ private _wrapDataRegister;
+ private _wrapFactor;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseWrapMethod object.
+ * @param wrapFactor A factor to indicate the amount by which the light is allowed to wrap
+ */
+ constructor(wrapFactor?: number);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * A factor to indicate the amount by which the light is allowed to wrap.
+ */
+ wrapFactor: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, lightDirReg: ShaderRegisterElement, lightColReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ }
+ export = DiffuseWrapMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/EffectAlphaMaskMethod" {
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * EffectAlphaMaskMethod allows the use of an additional texture to specify the alpha value of the material. When used
+ * with the secondary uv set, it allows for a tiled main texture with independently varying alpha (useful for water
+ * etc).
+ */
+ class EffectAlphaMaskMethod extends EffectMethodBase {
+ private _texture;
+ private _useSecondaryUV;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectAlphaMaskMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param texture The texture to use as the alpha mask.
+ * @param useSecondaryUV Indicated whether or not the secondary uv set for the mask. This allows mapping alpha independently.
+ */
+ constructor(texture: Texture2DBase, useSecondaryUV?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * Indicated whether or not the secondary uv set for the mask. This allows mapping alpha independently, for
+ * instance to tile the main texture and normal map while providing untiled alpha, for example to define the
+ * transparency over a tiled water surface.
+ */
+ useSecondaryUV: boolean;
+ /**
+ * The texture to use as the alpha mask.
+ */
+ texture: Texture2DBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = EffectAlphaMaskMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/EffectColorMatrixMethod" {
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * EffectColorMatrixMethod provides a shading method that changes the colour of a material analogous to a ColorMatrixFilter.
+ */
+ class EffectColorMatrixMethod extends EffectMethodBase {
+ private _matrix;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectColorTransformMethod.
+ *
+ * @param matrix An array of 20 items for 4 x 5 color transform.
+ */
+ constructor(matrix: number[]);
+ /**
+ * The 4 x 5 matrix to transform the color of the material.
+ */
+ colorMatrix: number[];
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ }
+ export = EffectColorMatrixMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/EffectEnvMapMethod" {
+ import CubeTextureBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/CubeTextureBase");
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * EffectEnvMapMethod provides a material method to perform reflection mapping using cube maps.
+ */
+ class EffectEnvMapMethod extends EffectMethodBase {
+ private _cubeTexture;
+ private _alpha;
+ private _mask;
+ /**
+ * Creates an EffectEnvMapMethod object.
+ * @param envMap The environment map containing the reflected scene.
+ * @param alpha The reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ constructor(envMap: CubeTextureBase, alpha?: number);
+ /**
+ * An optional texture to modulate the reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ mask: Texture2DBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The cubic environment map containing the reflected scene.
+ */
+ envMap: CubeTextureBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ dispose(): void;
+ /**
+ * The reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ alpha: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = EffectEnvMapMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/EffectFogMethod" {
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * EffectFogMethod provides a method to add distance-based fog to a material.
+ */
+ class EffectFogMethod extends EffectMethodBase {
+ private _minDistance;
+ private _maxDistance;
+ private _fogColor;
+ private _fogR;
+ private _fogG;
+ private _fogB;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectFogMethod object.
+ * @param minDistance The distance from which the fog starts appearing.
+ * @param maxDistance The distance at which the fog is densest.
+ * @param fogColor The colour of the fog.
+ */
+ constructor(minDistance: number, maxDistance: number, fogColor?: number);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The distance from which the fog starts appearing.
+ */
+ minDistance: number;
+ /**
+ * The distance at which the fog is densest.
+ */
+ maxDistance: number;
+ /**
+ * The colour of the fog.
+ */
+ fogColor: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = EffectFogMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod" {
+ import CubeTextureBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/CubeTextureBase");
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod provides a method to add fresnel-based reflectivity to an object using cube maps, which gets
+ * stronger as the viewing angle becomes more grazing.
+ */
+ class EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod extends EffectMethodBase {
+ private _cubeTexture;
+ private _fresnelPower;
+ private _normalReflectance;
+ private _alpha;
+ private _mask;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod
+ *
+ * @param envMap The environment map containing the reflected scene.
+ * @param alpha The reflectivity of the material.
+ */
+ constructor(envMap: CubeTextureBase, alpha?: number);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * An optional texture to modulate the reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ mask: Texture2DBase;
+ /**
+ * The power used in the Fresnel equation. Higher values make the fresnel effect more pronounced. Defaults to 5.
+ */
+ fresnelPower: number;
+ /**
+ * The cubic environment map containing the reflected scene.
+ */
+ envMap: CubeTextureBase;
+ /**
+ * The reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ alpha: number;
+ /**
+ * The minimum amount of reflectance, ie the reflectance when the view direction is normal to the surface or light direction.
+ */
+ normalReflectance: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/EffectLightMapMethod" {
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * EffectLightMapMethod provides a method that allows applying a light map texture to the calculated pixel colour.
+ * It is different from DiffuseLightMapMethod in that the latter only modulates the diffuse shading value rather
+ * than the whole pixel colour.
+ */
+ class EffectLightMapMethod extends EffectMethodBase {
+ /**
+ * Indicates the light map should be multiplied with the calculated shading result.
+ */
+ static MULTIPLY: string;
+ /**
+ * Indicates the light map should be added into the calculated shading result.
+ */
+ static ADD: string;
+ private _texture;
+ private _blendMode;
+ private _useSecondaryUV;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectLightMapMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param texture The texture containing the light map.
+ * @param blendMode The blend mode with which the light map should be applied to the lighting result.
+ * @param useSecondaryUV Indicates whether the secondary UV set should be used to map the light map.
+ */
+ constructor(texture: Texture2DBase, blendMode?: string, useSecondaryUV?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The blend mode with which the light map should be applied to the lighting result.
+ *
+ * @see EffectLightMapMethod.ADD
+ * @see EffectLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY
+ */
+ blendMode: string;
+ /**
+ * The texture containing the light map.
+ */
+ texture: Texture2DBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = EffectLightMapMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/EffectRimLightMethod" {
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * EffectRimLightMethod provides a method to add rim lighting to a material. This adds a glow-like effect to edges of objects.
+ */
+ class EffectRimLightMethod extends EffectMethodBase {
+ static ADD: string;
+ static MULTIPLY: string;
+ static MIX: string;
+ private _color;
+ private _blendMode;
+ private _colorR;
+ private _colorG;
+ private _colorB;
+ private _strength;
+ private _power;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectRimLightMethod
+ *
+ * @param color The colour of the rim light.
+ * @param strength The strength of the rim light.
+ * @param power The power of the rim light. Higher values will result in a higher edge fall-off.
+ * @param blend The blend mode with which to add the light to the object.
+ */
+ constructor(color?: number, strength?: number, power?: number, blend?: string);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The blend mode with which to add the light to the object.
+ *
+ * EffectRimLightMethod.MULTIPLY multiplies the rim light with the material's colour.
+ * EffectRimLightMethod.ADD adds the rim light with the material's colour.
+ * EffectRimLightMethod.MIX provides normal alpha blending.
+ */
+ blendMode: string;
+ /**
+ * The color of the rim light.
+ */
+ color: number;
+ /**
+ * The strength of the rim light.
+ */
+ strength: number;
+ /**
+ * The power of the rim light. Higher values will result in a higher edge fall-off.
+ */
+ power: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = EffectRimLightMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/NormalSimpleWaterMethod" {
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import NormalBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/NormalBasicMethod");
+ /**
+ * NormalSimpleWaterMethod provides a basic normal map method to create water ripples by translating two wave normal maps.
+ */
+ class NormalSimpleWaterMethod extends NormalBasicMethod {
+ private _texture2;
+ private _normalTextureRegister2;
+ private _useSecondNormalMap;
+ private _water1OffsetX;
+ private _water1OffsetY;
+ private _water2OffsetX;
+ private _water2OffsetY;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new NormalSimpleWaterMethod object.
+ * @param waveMap1 A normal map containing one layer of a wave structure.
+ * @param waveMap2 A normal map containing a second layer of a wave structure.
+ */
+ constructor(waveMap1: Texture2DBase, waveMap2: Texture2DBase);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The translation of the first wave layer along the X-axis.
+ */
+ water1OffsetX: number;
+ /**
+ * The translation of the first wave layer along the Y-axis.
+ */
+ water1OffsetY: number;
+ /**
+ * The translation of the second wave layer along the X-axis.
+ */
+ water2OffsetX: number;
+ /**
+ * The translation of the second wave layer along the Y-axis.
+ */
+ water2OffsetY: number;
+ /**
+ * A second normal map that will be combined with the first to create a wave-like animation pattern.
+ */
+ secondaryNormalMap: Texture2DBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ dispose(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = NormalSimpleWaterMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowDitheredMethod" {
+ import DirectionalLight = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/DirectionalLight");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import ShadowMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * ShadowDitheredMethod provides a soft shadowing technique by randomly distributing sample points differently for each fragment.
+ */
+ class ShadowDitheredMethod extends ShadowMethodBase {
+ private static _grainTexture;
+ private static _grainUsages;
+ private static _grainBitmapData;
+ private _depthMapSize;
+ private _range;
+ private _numSamples;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ShadowDitheredMethod object.
+ * @param castingLight The light casting the shadows
+ * @param numSamples The amount of samples to take for dithering. Minimum 1, maximum 24.
+ */
+ constructor(castingLight: DirectionalLight, numSamples?: number, range?: number);
+ /**
+ * The amount of samples to take for dithering. Minimum 1, maximum 24. The actual maximum may depend on the
+ * complexity of the shader.
+ */
+ numSamples: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The range in the shadow map in which to distribute the samples.
+ */
+ range: number;
+ /**
+ * Creates a texture containing the dithering noise texture.
+ */
+ private initGrainTexture();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ dispose(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pGetPlanarFragmentCode(methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, regCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * Get the actual shader code for shadow mapping
+ * @param regCache The register cache managing the registers.
+ * @param depthMapRegister The texture register containing the depth map.
+ * @param decReg The register containing the depth map decoding data.
+ * @param targetReg The target register to add the shadow coverage.
+ */
+ private getSampleCode(customDataReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache, sharedRegisters);
+ /**
+ * Adds the code for another tap to the shader code.
+ * @param uvReg The uv register for the tap.
+ * @param depthMapRegister The texture register containing the depth map.
+ * @param decReg The register containing the depth map decoding data.
+ * @param targetReg The target register to add the tap comparison result.
+ * @param regCache The register cache managing the registers.
+ * @return
+ */
+ private addSample(uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivateForCascade(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGetCascadeFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, decodeRegister: ShaderRegisterElement, depthTexture: ShaderRegisterElement, depthProjection: ShaderRegisterElement, targetRegister: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = ShadowDitheredMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowFilteredMethod" {
+ import DirectionalLight = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/DirectionalLight");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import ShadowMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * ShadowFilteredMethod provides a softened shadowing technique by bilinearly interpolating shadow comparison
+ * results of neighbouring pixels.
+ */
+ class ShadowFilteredMethod extends ShadowMethodBase {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseBasicMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param castingLight The light casting the shadow
+ */
+ constructor(castingLight: DirectionalLight);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pGetPlanarFragmentCode(methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, regCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivateForCascade(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGetCascadeFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, decodeRegister: ShaderRegisterElement, depthTexture: ShaderRegisterElement, depthProjection: ShaderRegisterElement, targetRegister: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = ShadowFilteredMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularCompositeMethod" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import SpecularBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularBasicMethod");
+ import MaterialPassBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/passes/MaterialPassBase");
+ /**
+ * SpecularCompositeMethod provides a base class for specular methods that wrap a specular method to alter the
+ * calculated specular reflection strength.
+ */
+ class SpecularCompositeMethod extends SpecularBasicMethod {
+ private _baseMethod;
+ private _onShaderInvalidatedDelegate;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularCompositeMethod
+ *
+ * @param modulateMethod The method which will add the code to alter the base method's strength. It needs to have the signature modSpecular(t:ShaderRegisterElement, regCache:ShaderRegisterCache):string, in which t.w will contain the specular strength and t.xyz will contain the half-vector or the reflection vector.
+ * @param baseMethod The base specular method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ constructor(modulateMethod: (shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData) => string, baseMethod?: SpecularBasicMethod);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The base specular method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ baseMethod: SpecularBasicMethod;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ gloss: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ specular: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ passes: MaterialPassBase[];
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ dispose(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ texture: Texture2DBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iSetRenderState(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, renderable: RenderableBase, stage: Stage, camera: Camera): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iDeactivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, lightDirReg: ShaderRegisterElement, lightColReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ * @return
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCodePerProbe(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, cubeMapReg: ShaderRegisterElement, weightRegister: string, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPostLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iReset(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * Called when the base method's shader code is invalidated.
+ */
+ private onShaderInvalidated(event);
+ }
+ export = SpecularCompositeMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularFresnelMethod" {
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import SpecularBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularBasicMethod");
+ import SpecularCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularCompositeMethod");
+ /**
+ * SpecularFresnelMethod provides a specular shading method that causes stronger highlights on grazing view angles.
+ */
+ class SpecularFresnelMethod extends SpecularCompositeMethod {
+ private _dataReg;
+ private _incidentLight;
+ private _fresnelPower;
+ private _normalReflectance;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularFresnelMethod object.
+ * @param basedOnSurface Defines whether the fresnel effect should be based on the view angle on the surface (if true), or on the angle between the light and the view.
+ * @param baseMethod The specular method to which the fresnel equation. Defaults to SpecularBasicMethod.
+ */
+ constructor(basedOnSurface?: boolean, baseMethod?: SpecularBasicMethod);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * Defines whether the fresnel effect should be based on the view angle on the surface (if true), or on the angle between the light and the view.
+ */
+ basedOnSurface: boolean;
+ /**
+ * The power used in the Fresnel equation. Higher values make the fresnel effect more pronounced. Defaults to 5.
+ */
+ fresnelPower: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * The minimum amount of reflectance, ie the reflectance when the view direction is normal to the surface or light direction.
+ */
+ normalReflectance: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * Applies the fresnel effect to the specular strength.
+ *
+ * @param vo The MethodVO object containing the method data for the currently compiled material pass.
+ * @param target The register containing the specular strength in the "w" component, and the half-vector/reflection vector in "xyz".
+ * @param regCache The register cache used for the shader compilation.
+ * @param sharedRegisters The shared registers created by the compiler.
+ * @return The AGAL fragment code for the method.
+ */
+ private modulateSpecular(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ }
+ export = SpecularFresnelMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularAnisotropicMethod" {
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import SpecularBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularBasicMethod");
+ /**
+ * SpecularAnisotropicMethod provides a specular method resulting in anisotropic highlights. These are typical for
+ * surfaces with microfacet details such as tiny grooves. In particular, this uses the Heidrich-Seidel distrubution.
+ * The tangent vectors are used as the surface groove directions.
+ */
+ class SpecularAnisotropicMethod extends SpecularBasicMethod {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularAnisotropicMethod object.
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, lightDirReg: ShaderRegisterElement, lightColReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = SpecularAnisotropicMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularCelMethod" {
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import SpecularBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularBasicMethod");
+ import SpecularCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularCompositeMethod");
+ /**
+ * SpecularCelMethod provides a shading method to add specular cel (cartoon) shading.
+ */
+ class SpecularCelMethod extends SpecularCompositeMethod {
+ private _dataReg;
+ private _smoothness;
+ private _specularCutOff;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularCelMethod object.
+ * @param specularCutOff The threshold at which the specular highlight should be shown.
+ * @param baseMethod An optional specular method on which the cartoon shading is based. If ommitted, SpecularBasicMethod is used.
+ */
+ constructor(specularCutOff?: number, baseMethod?: SpecularBasicMethod);
+ /**
+ * The smoothness of the highlight edge.
+ */
+ smoothness: number;
+ /**
+ * The threshold at which the specular highlight should be shown.
+ */
+ specularCutOff: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * Snaps the specular shading strength of the wrapped method to zero or one, depending on whether or not it exceeds the specularCutOff
+ * @param vo The MethodVO used to compile the current shader.
+ * @param t The register containing the specular strength in the "w" component, and either the half-vector or the reflection vector in "xyz".
+ * @param regCache The register cache used for the shader compilation.
+ * @param sharedRegisters The shared register data for this shader.
+ * @return The AGAL fragment code for the method.
+ */
+ private clampSpecular(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = SpecularCelMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularPhongMethod" {
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import SpecularBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularBasicMethod");
+ /**
+ * SpecularPhongMethod provides a specular method that provides Phong highlights.
+ */
+ class SpecularPhongMethod extends SpecularBasicMethod {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularPhongMethod object.
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, lightDirReg: ShaderRegisterElement, lightColReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = SpecularPhongMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowNearMethod" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import ShadowMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * ShadowNearMethod provides a shadow map method that restricts the shadowed area near the camera to optimize
+ * shadow map usage. This method needs to be used in conjunction with a NearDirectionalShadowMapper.
+ *
+ * @see away.lights.NearDirectionalShadowMapper
+ */
+ class ShadowNearMethod extends ShadowMethodBase {
+ private _baseMethod;
+ private _fadeRatio;
+ private _nearShadowMapper;
+ private _onShaderInvalidatedDelegate;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ShadowNearMethod object.
+ * @param baseMethod The shadow map sampling method used to sample individual cascades (fe: ShadowHardMethod, ShadowSoftMethod)
+ * @param fadeRatio The amount of shadow fading to the outer shadow area. A value of 1 would mean the shadows start fading from the camera's near plane.
+ */
+ constructor(baseMethod: ShadowMethodBase, fadeRatio?: number);
+ /**
+ * The base shadow map method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ baseMethod: ShadowMethodBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ dispose(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ alpha: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ epsilon: number;
+ /**
+ * The amount of shadow fading to the outer shadow area. A value of 1 would mean the shadows start fading from the camera's near plane.
+ */
+ fadeRatio: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iDeactivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iSetRenderState(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, renderable: RenderableBase, stage: Stage, camera: Camera): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iReset(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * Called when the base method's shader code is invalidated.
+ */
+ private onShaderInvalidated(event);
+ }
+ export = ShadowNearMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowSoftMethod" {
+ import DirectionalLight = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/DirectionalLight");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import ShadowMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * ShadowSoftMethod provides a soft shadowing technique by randomly distributing sample points.
+ */
+ class ShadowSoftMethod extends ShadowMethodBase {
+ private _range;
+ private _numSamples;
+ private _offsets;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseBasicMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param castingLight The light casting the shadows
+ * @param numSamples The amount of samples to take for dithering. Minimum 1, maximum 32.
+ */
+ constructor(castingLight: DirectionalLight, numSamples?: number, range?: number);
+ /**
+ * The amount of samples to take for dithering. Minimum 1, maximum 32. The actual maximum may depend on the
+ * complexity of the shader.
+ */
+ numSamples: number;
+ /**
+ * The range in the shadow map in which to distribute the samples.
+ */
+ range: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pGetPlanarFragmentCode(methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, regCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * Adds the code for another tap to the shader code.
+ * @param uv The uv register for the tap.
+ * @param texture The texture register containing the depth map.
+ * @param decode The register containing the depth map decoding data.
+ * @param target The target register to add the tap comparison result.
+ * @param regCache The register cache managing the registers.
+ * @return
+ */
+ private addSample(uv, texture, decode, target, regCache);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivateForCascade(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGetCascadeFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, decodeRegister: ShaderRegisterElement, depthTexture: ShaderRegisterElement, depthProjection: ShaderRegisterElement, targetRegister: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * Get the actual shader code for shadow mapping
+ * @param regCache The register cache managing the registers.
+ * @param depthTexture The texture register containing the depth map.
+ * @param decodeRegister The register containing the depth map decoding data.
+ * @param targetReg The target register to add the shadow coverage.
+ * @param dataReg The register containing additional data.
+ */
+ private getSampleCode(regCache, depthTexture, decodeRegister, targetRegister, dataReg);
+ }
+ export = ShadowSoftMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/AWDBlock" {
+ import ByteArray = require("awayjs-core/lib/utils/ByteArray");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class AWDBlock {
+ id: number;
+ name: string;
+ data: any;
+ len: any;
+ geoID: number;
+ extras: Object;
+ bytes: ByteArray;
+ errorMessages: string[];
+ uvsForVertexAnimation: number[][];
+ constructor();
+ dispose(): void;
+ addError(errorMsg: string): void;
+ }
+ export = AWDBlock;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/AWDProperties" {
+ class AWDProperties {
+ set(key: number, value: any): void;
+ get(key: number, fallback: any): any;
+ }
+ export = AWDProperties;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/BitFlags" {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class BitFlags {
+ static FLAG1: number;
+ static FLAG2: number;
+ static FLAG3: number;
+ static FLAG4: number;
+ static FLAG5: number;
+ static FLAG6: number;
+ static FLAG7: number;
+ static FLAG8: number;
+ static FLAG9: number;
+ static FLAG10: number;
+ static FLAG11: number;
+ static FLAG12: number;
+ static FLAG13: number;
+ static FLAG14: number;
+ static FLAG15: number;
+ static FLAG16: number;
+ static test(flags: number, testFlag: number): boolean;
+ }
+ export = BitFlags;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/AWDParser" {
+ import IAsset = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/IAsset");
+ import ParserBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ParserBase");
+ import ResourceDependency = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ResourceDependency");
+ /**
+ * AWDParser provides a parser for the AWD data type.
+ */
+ class AWDParser extends ParserBase {
+ private _debug;
+ private _byteData;
+ private _startedParsing;
+ private _cur_block_id;
+ private _blocks;
+ private _newBlockBytes;
+ private _version;
+ private _compression;
+ private _accuracyOnBlocks;
+ private _accuracyMatrix;
+ private _accuracyGeo;
+ private _accuracyProps;
+ private _matrixNrType;
+ private _geoNrType;
+ private _propsNrType;
+ private _streaming;
+ private _texture_users;
+ private _parsed_header;
+ private _body;
+ private _defaultTexture;
+ private _cubeTextures;
+ private _defaultBitmapMaterial;
+ private _defaultCubeTexture;
+ static COMPRESSIONMODE_LZMA: string;
+ static UNCOMPRESSED: number;
+ static DEFLATE: number;
+ static LZMA: number;
+ static INT8: number;
+ static INT16: number;
+ static INT32: number;
+ static UINT8: number;
+ static UINT16: number;
+ static UINT32: number;
+ static FLOAT32: number;
+ static FLOAT64: number;
+ static BOOL: number;
+ static COLOR: number;
+ static BADDR: number;
+ static AWDSTRING: number;
+ static AWDBYTEARRAY: number;
+ static VECTOR2x1: number;
+ static VECTOR3x1: number;
+ static VECTOR4x1: number;
+ static MTX3x2: number;
+ static MTX3x3: number;
+ static MTX4x3: number;
+ static MTX4x4: number;
+ private blendModeDic;
+ private _depthSizeDic;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new AWDParser object.
+ * @param uri The url or id of the data or file to be parsed.
+ * @param extra The holder for extra contextual data that the parser might need.
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.
+ * @param extension The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given file type is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsType(extension: string): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.
+ * @param data The data block to potentially be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given data is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsData(data: any): boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iResolveDependency(resourceDependency: ResourceDependency): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iResolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency: ResourceDependency): void;
+ /**
+ * Resolve a dependency name
+ *
+ * @param resourceDependency The dependency to be resolved.
+ */
+ _iResolveDependencyName(resourceDependency: ResourceDependency, asset: IAsset): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pProceedParsing(): boolean;
+ _pStartParsing(frameLimit: number): void;
+ private dispose();
+ private parseNextBlock();
+ private parseTriangleGeometrieBlock(blockID);
+ private parsePrimitves(blockID);
+ private parseContainer(blockID);
+ private parseMeshInstance(blockID);
+ private parseSkyboxInstance(blockID);
+ private parseLight(blockID);
+ private parseCamera(blockID);
+ private parseLightPicker(blockID);
+ private parseMaterial(blockID);
+ private parseMaterial_v1(blockID);
+ private parseTexture(blockID);
+ private parseCubeTexture(blockID);
+ private parseSharedMethodBlock(blockID);
+ private parseShadowMethodBlock(blockID);
+ private parseCommand(blockID);
+ private parseMetaData(blockID);
+ private parseNameSpace(blockID);
+ private parseShadowMethodList(light, blockID);
+ private parseSkeleton(blockID);
+ private parseSkeletonPose(blockID);
+ private parseSkeletonAnimation(blockID);
+ private parseMeshPoseAnimation(blockID, poseOnly?);
+ private parseVertexAnimationSet(blockID);
+ private parseAnimatorSet(blockID);
+ private parseSharedMethodList(blockID);
+ private parseUserAttributes();
+ private parseProperties(expected);
+ private parseAttrValue(type, len);
+ private parseHeader();
+ private getUVForVertexAnimation(meshID);
+ private parseVarStr();
+ private getAssetByID(assetID, assetTypesToGet, extraTypeInfo?);
+ private getDefaultAsset(assetType, extraTypeInfo);
+ private getDefaultMaterial();
+ private getDefaultTexture();
+ private getDefaultCubeTexture();
+ private readNumber(precision?);
+ private parseMatrix3D();
+ private parseMatrix32RawData();
+ private parseMatrix43RawData();
+ }
+ export = AWDParser;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/MD2Parser" {
+ import ParserBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ParserBase");
+ import ResourceDependency = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ResourceDependency");
+ /**
+ * MD2Parser provides a parser for the MD2 data type.
+ */
+ class MD2Parser extends ParserBase {
+ static FPS: number;
+ private _clipNodes;
+ private _byteData;
+ private _startedParsing;
+ private _parsedHeader;
+ private _parsedUV;
+ private _parsedFaces;
+ private _parsedFrames;
+ private _ident;
+ private _version;
+ private _skinWidth;
+ private _skinHeight;
+ private _numSkins;
+ private _numVertices;
+ private _numST;
+ private _numTris;
+ private _numFrames;
+ private _offsetSkins;
+ private _offsetST;
+ private _offsetTris;
+ private _offsetFrames;
+ private _offsetEnd;
+ private _uvIndices;
+ private _indices;
+ private _vertIndices;
+ private _animationSet;
+ private _firstSubGeom;
+ private _uvs;
+ private _finalUV;
+ private _materialNames;
+ private _textureType;
+ private _ignoreTexturePath;
+ private _mesh;
+ private _geometry;
+ private materialFinal;
+ private geoCreated;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new MD2Parser object.
+ * @param textureType The extension of the texture (e.g. jpg/png/...)
+ * @param ignoreTexturePath If true, the path of the texture is ignored
+ */
+ constructor(textureType?: string, ignoreTexturePath?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.
+ * @param extension The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given file type is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsType(extension: string): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.
+ * @param data The data block to potentially be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given data is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsData(data: any): boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iResolveDependency(resourceDependency: ResourceDependency): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iResolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency: ResourceDependency): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pProceedParsing(): boolean;
+ _pStartParsing(frameLimit: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Reads in all that MD2 Header data that is declared as private variables.
+ * I know its a lot, and it looks ugly, but only way to do it in Flash
+ */
+ private parseHeader();
+ /**
+ * Parses the file names for the materials.
+ */
+ private parseMaterialNames();
+ /**
+ * Parses the uv data for the mesh.
+ */
+ private parseUV();
+ /**
+ * Parses unique indices for the faces.
+ */
+ private parseFaces();
+ /**
+ * Adds a face index to the list if it doesn't exist yet, based on vertexIndex and uvIndex, and adds the
+ * corresponding vertex and uv data in the correct location.
+ * @param vertexIndex The original index in the vertex list.
+ * @param uvIndex The original index in the uv list.
+ */
+ private addIndex(vertexIndex, uvIndex);
+ /**
+ * Finds the final index corresponding to the original MD2's vertex and uv indices. Returns -1 if it wasn't added yet.
+ * @param vertexIndex The original index in the vertex list.
+ * @param uvIndex The original index in the uv list.
+ * @return The index of the final mesh corresponding to the original vertex and uv index. -1 if it doesn't exist yet.
+ */
+ private findIndex(vertexIndex, uvIndex);
+ /**
+ * Parses all the frame geometries.
+ */
+ private parseFrames();
+ private readFrameName();
+ }
+ export = MD2Parser;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/BaseFrameData" {
+ import Quaternion = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Quaternion");
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class BaseFrameData {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ position: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ orientation: Quaternion;
+ }
+ export = BaseFrameData;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/BoundsData" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class BoundsData {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ min: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ max: Vector3D;
+ }
+ export = BoundsData;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/FrameData" {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class FrameData {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ index: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ components: number[];
+ }
+ export = FrameData;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/HierarchyData" {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class HierarchyData {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ name: string;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ parentIndex: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ flags: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ startIndex: number;
+ }
+ export = HierarchyData;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/MD5AnimParser" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import ParserBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ParserBase");
+ /**
+ * MD5AnimParser provides a parser for the md5anim data type, providing an animation sequence for the md5 format.
+ *
+ * todo: optimize
+ */
+ class MD5AnimParser extends ParserBase {
+ private _textData;
+ private _startedParsing;
+ static VERSION_TOKEN: string;
+ static COMMAND_LINE_TOKEN: string;
+ static NUM_FRAMES_TOKEN: string;
+ static NUM_JOINTS_TOKEN: string;
+ static FRAME_RATE_TOKEN: string;
+ static HIERARCHY_TOKEN: string;
+ static BOUNDS_TOKEN: string;
+ static BASE_FRAME_TOKEN: string;
+ static FRAME_TOKEN: string;
+ static COMMENT_TOKEN: string;
+ private _parseIndex;
+ private _reachedEOF;
+ private _line;
+ private _charLineIndex;
+ private _version;
+ private _frameRate;
+ private _numFrames;
+ private _numJoints;
+ private _numAnimatedComponents;
+ private _hierarchy;
+ private _bounds;
+ private _frameData;
+ private _baseFrameData;
+ private _rotationQuat;
+ private _clip;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new MD5AnimParser object.
+ * @param uri The url or id of the data or file to be parsed.
+ * @param extra The holder for extra contextual data that the parser might need.
+ */
+ constructor(additionalRotationAxis?: Vector3D, additionalRotationRadians?: number);
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.
+ * @param extension The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given file type is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsType(extension: string): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.
+ * @param data The data block to potentially be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given data is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsData(data: any): boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pProceedParsing(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Converts all key frame data to an SkinnedAnimationSequence.
+ */
+ private translateClip();
+ /**
+ * Converts a single key frame data to a SkeletonPose.
+ * @param frameData The actual frame data.
+ * @return A SkeletonPose containing the frame data's pose.
+ */
+ private translatePose(frameData);
+ /**
+ * Parses the skeleton's hierarchy data.
+ */
+ private parseHierarchy();
+ /**
+ * Parses frame bounds.
+ */
+ private parseBounds();
+ /**
+ * Parses the base frame.
+ */
+ private parseBaseFrame();
+ /**
+ * Parses a single frame.
+ */
+ private parseFrame();
+ /**
+ * Puts back the last read character into the data stream.
+ */
+ private putBack();
+ /**
+ * Gets the next token in the data stream.
+ */
+ private getNextToken();
+ /**
+ * Skips all whitespace in the data stream.
+ */
+ private skipWhiteSpace();
+ /**
+ * Skips to the next line.
+ */
+ private ignoreLine();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next single character in the data stream.
+ */
+ private getNextChar();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next integer in the data stream.
+ */
+ private getNextInt();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next floating point number in the data stream.
+ */
+ private getNextNumber();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next 3d vector in the data stream.
+ */
+ private parseVector3D();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next quaternion in the data stream.
+ */
+ private parseQuaternion();
+ /**
+ * Parses the command line data.
+ */
+ private parseCMD();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next literal string in the data stream. A literal string is a sequence of characters bounded
+ * by double quotes.
+ */
+ private parseLiteralstring();
+ /**
+ * Throws an end-of-file error when a premature end of file was encountered.
+ */
+ private sendEOFError();
+ /**
+ * Throws an error when an unexpected token was encountered.
+ * @param expected The token type that was actually expected.
+ */
+ private sendParseError(expected);
+ /**
+ * Throws an error when an unknown keyword was encountered.
+ */
+ private sendUnknownKeywordError();
+ }
+ export = MD5AnimParser;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/MD5MeshParser" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import ParserBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ParserBase");
+ /**
+ * MD5MeshParser provides a parser for the md5mesh data type, providing the geometry of the md5 format.
+ *
+ * todo: optimize
+ */
+ class MD5MeshParser extends ParserBase {
+ private _textData;
+ private _startedParsing;
+ static VERSION_TOKEN: string;
+ static COMMAND_LINE_TOKEN: string;
+ static NUM_JOINTS_TOKEN: string;
+ static NUM_MESHES_TOKEN: string;
+ static COMMENT_TOKEN: string;
+ static JOINTS_TOKEN: string;
+ static MESH_TOKEN: string;
+ static MESH_SHADER_TOKEN: string;
+ static MESH_NUM_VERTS_TOKEN: string;
+ static MESH_VERT_TOKEN: string;
+ static MESH_NUM_TRIS_TOKEN: string;
+ static MESH_TRI_TOKEN: string;
+ static MESH_NUM_WEIGHTS_TOKEN: string;
+ static MESH_WEIGHT_TOKEN: string;
+ private _parseIndex;
+ private _reachedEOF;
+ private _line;
+ private _charLineIndex;
+ private _version;
+ private _numJoints;
+ private _numMeshes;
+ private _mesh;
+ private _shaders;
+ private _maxJointCount;
+ private _meshData;
+ private _bindPoses;
+ private _geometry;
+ private _skeleton;
+ private _animationSet;
+ private _rotationQuat;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new MD5MeshParser object.
+ */
+ constructor(additionalRotationAxis?: Vector3D, additionalRotationRadians?: number);
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.
+ * @param extension The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given file type is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsType(extension: string): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.
+ * @param data The data block to potentially be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given data is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsData(data: any): boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pProceedParsing(): boolean;
+ _pStartParsing(frameLimit: number): void;
+ private calculateMaxJointCount();
+ private countZeroWeightJoints(vertex, weights);
+ /**
+ * Parses the skeleton's joints.
+ */
+ private parseJoints();
+ /**
+ * Puts back the last read character into the data stream.
+ */
+ private putBack();
+ /**
+ * Parses the mesh geometry.
+ */
+ private parseMesh();
+ /**
+ * Converts the mesh data to a SkinnedSub instance.
+ * @param vertexData The mesh's vertices.
+ * @param weights The joint weights per vertex.
+ * @param indices The indices for the faces.
+ * @return A SubGeometry instance containing all geometrical data for the current mesh.
+ */
+ private translateGeom(vertexData, weights, indices);
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the next triplet of vertex indices that form a face.
+ * @param indices The index list in which to store the read data.
+ */
+ private parseTri(indices);
+ /**
+ * Reads a new joint data set for a single joint.
+ * @param weights the target list to contain the weight data.
+ */
+ private parseJoint(weights);
+ /**
+ * Reads the data for a single vertex.
+ * @param vertexData The list to contain the vertex data.
+ */
+ private parseVertex(vertexData);
+ /**
+ * Reads the next uv coordinate.
+ * @param vertexData The vertexData to contain the UV coordinates.
+ */
+ private parseUV(vertexData);
+ /**
+ * Gets the next token in the data stream.
+ */
+ private getNextToken();
+ /**
+ * Skips all whitespace in the data stream.
+ */
+ private skipWhiteSpace();
+ /**
+ * Skips to the next line.
+ */
+ private ignoreLine();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next single character in the data stream.
+ */
+ private getNextChar();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next integer in the data stream.
+ */
+ private getNextInt();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next floating point number in the data stream.
+ */
+ private getNextNumber();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next 3d vector in the data stream.
+ */
+ private parseVector3D();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next quaternion in the data stream.
+ */
+ private parseQuaternion();
+ /**
+ * Parses the command line data.
+ */
+ private parseCMD();
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the next literal string in the data stream. A literal string is a sequence of characters bounded
+ * by double quotes.
+ */
+ private parseLiteralstring();
+ /**
+ * Throws an end-of-file error when a premature end of file was encountered.
+ */
+ private sendEOFError();
+ /**
+ * Throws an error when an unexpected token was encountered.
+ * @param expected The token type that was actually expected.
+ */
+ private sendParseError(expected);
+ /**
+ * Throws an error when an unknown keyword was encountered.
+ */
+ private sendUnknownKeywordError();
+ }
+ export = MD5MeshParser;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/FaceVO" {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class FaceVO {
+ a: number;
+ b: number;
+ c: number;
+ smoothGroup: number;
+ }
+ export = FaceVO;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/TextureVO" {
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class TextureVO {
+ url: string;
+ texture: Texture2DBase;
+ }
+ export = TextureVO;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/MaterialVO" {
+ import MaterialBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/materials/MaterialBase");
+ import TextureVO = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/TextureVO");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class MaterialVO {
+ name: string;
+ ambientColor: number;
+ diffuseColor: number;
+ specularColor: number;
+ twoSided: boolean;
+ colorMap: TextureVO;
+ specularMap: TextureVO;
+ material: MaterialBase;
+ }
+ export = MaterialVO;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/ObjectVO" {
+ class ObjectVO {
+ name: string;
+ type: string;
+ pivotX: number;
+ pivotY: number;
+ pivotZ: number;
+ transform: number[];
+ verts: number[];
+ indices: number[];
+ uvs: number[];
+ materialFaces: Object;
+ materials: string[];
+ smoothingGroups: number[];
+ }
+ export = ObjectVO;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/data/VertexVO" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ class VertexVO {
+ x: number;
+ y: number;
+ z: number;
+ u: number;
+ v: number;
+ normal: Vector3D;
+ tangent: Vector3D;
+ }
+ export = VertexVO;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/Max3DSParser" {
+ import ParserBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ParserBase");
+ import ResourceDependency = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ResourceDependency");
+ /**
+ * Max3DSParser provides a parser for the 3ds data type.
+ */
+ class Max3DSParser extends ParserBase {
+ private _byteData;
+ private _textures;
+ private _materials;
+ private _unfinalized_objects;
+ private _cur_obj_end;
+ private _cur_obj;
+ private _cur_mat_end;
+ private _cur_mat;
+ private _useSmoothingGroups;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new Max3DSParser
+ *
+ * @param useSmoothingGroups Determines whether the parser looks for smoothing groups in the 3ds file or assumes uniform smoothing. Defaults to true.
+ */
+ constructor(useSmoothingGroups?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.
+ * @param extension The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given file type is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsType(extension: string): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.
+ * @param data The data block to potentially be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given data is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsData(data: any): boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iResolveDependency(resourceDependency: ResourceDependency): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iResolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency: ResourceDependency): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pProceedParsing(): boolean;
+ _pStartParsing(frameLimit: number): void;
+ private parseMaterial();
+ private parseTexture(end);
+ private parseVertexList();
+ private parseFaceList();
+ private parseSmoothingGroups();
+ private parseUVList();
+ private parseFaceMaterialList();
+ private parseObjectAnimation(end);
+ private constructObject(obj, pivot?);
+ private prepareData(vertices, faces, obj);
+ private applySmoothGroups(vertices, faces);
+ private finalizeCurrentMaterial();
+ private readNulTermstring();
+ private readTransform();
+ private readColor();
+ }
+ export = Max3DSParser;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/OBJParser" {
+ import ParserBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ParserBase");
+ import ResourceDependency = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ResourceDependency");
+ /**
+ * OBJParser provides a parser for the OBJ data type.
+ */
+ class OBJParser extends ParserBase {
+ private _textData;
+ private _startedParsing;
+ private _charIndex;
+ private _oldIndex;
+ private _stringLength;
+ private _currentObject;
+ private _currentGroup;
+ private _currentMaterialGroup;
+ private _objects;
+ private _materialIDs;
+ private _materialLoaded;
+ private _materialSpecularData;
+ private _meshes;
+ private _lastMtlID;
+ private _objectIndex;
+ private _realIndices;
+ private _vertexIndex;
+ private _vertices;
+ private _vertexNormals;
+ private _uvs;
+ private _scale;
+ private _mtlLib;
+ private _mtlLibLoaded;
+ private _activeMaterialID;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new OBJParser object.
+ * @param uri The url or id of the data or file to be parsed.
+ * @param extra The holder for extra contextual data that the parser might need.
+ */
+ constructor(scale?: number);
+ /**
+ * Scaling factor applied directly to vertices data
+ * @param value The scaling factor.
+ */
+ scale: number;
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.
+ * @param extension The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given file type is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsType(extension: string): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.
+ * @param data The data block to potentially be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given data is supported.
+ */
+ static supportsData(data: any): boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iResolveDependency(resourceDependency: ResourceDependency): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iResolveDependencyFailure(resourceDependency: ResourceDependency): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pProceedParsing(): boolean;
+ _pStartParsing(frameLimit: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Parses a single line in the OBJ file.
+ */
+ private parseLine(trunk);
+ /**
+ * Converts the parsed data into an Away3D scenegraph structure
+ */
+ private translate();
+ /**
+ * Translates an obj's material group to a subgeometry.
+ * @param materialGroup The material group data to convert.
+ * @param geometry The Geometry to contain the converted SubGeometry.
+ */
+ private translateMaterialGroup(materialGroup, geometry);
+ private translateVertexData(face, vertexIndex, vertices, uvs, indices, normals);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new object group.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the object tag and its parameters
+ */
+ private createObject(trunk);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new group.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the group tag and its parameters
+ */
+ private createGroup(trunk);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new material group.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the material tag and its parameters
+ */
+ private createMaterialGroup(trunk);
+ /**
+ * Reads the next vertex coordinates.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the vertex tag and its parameters
+ */
+ private parseVertex(trunk);
+ /**
+ * Reads the next uv coordinates.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the uv tag and its parameters
+ */
+ private parseUV(trunk);
+ /**
+ * Reads the next vertex normal coordinates.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the vertex normal tag and its parameters
+ */
+ private parseVertexNormal(trunk);
+ /**
+ * Reads the next face's indices.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the face tag and its parameters
+ */
+ private parseFace(trunk);
+ /**
+ * This is a hack around negative face coords
+ */
+ private parseIndex(index, length);
+ private parseMtl(data);
+ private parseMapKdString(trunk);
+ private loadMtl(mtlurl);
+ private applyMaterial(lm);
+ private applyMaterials();
+ }
+ export = OBJParser;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/Parsers" {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class Parsers {
+ /**
+ * A list of all parsers that come bundled with Away3D. Use this to quickly
+ * enable support for all bundled parsers to the file format auto-detection
+ * feature, using any of the enableParsers() methods on loaders, e.g.:
+ *
+ * AssetLibrary.enableParsers(Parsers.ALL_BUNDLED);
+ *
+ * Beware however that this requires all parser classes to be included in the
+ * SWF file, which will add 50-100 kb to the file. When only a limited set of
+ * file formats are used, SWF file size can be saved by adding the parsers
+ * individually using AssetLibrary.enableParser()
+ *
+ * A third way is to specify a parser for each loaded file, thereby bypassing
+ * the auto-detection mechanisms altogether, while at the same time allowing
+ * any properties that are unique to that parser to be set for that load.
+ *
+ * The bundled parsers are:
+ *
+ *
object representing the direction of acceleration on the particle.
+ */
+ static ACCELERATION_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleAccelerationNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] acceleration Defines the default acceleration vector of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, acceleration?: Vector3D);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ pGetAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleAccelerationState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleAccelerationNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleBezierCurveState" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleBezierCurveNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleBezierCurveNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleBezierCurveState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static BEZIER_CONTROL_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static BEZIER_END_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleBezierCurveNode;
+ private _controlPoint;
+ private _endPoint;
+ /**
+ * Defines the default control point of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ controlPoint: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ * Defines the default end point of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ endPoint: Vector3D;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleBezierCurveNode: ParticleBezierCurveNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleBezierCurveState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleBezierCurveNode" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleBezierCurveState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleBezierCurveState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to control the position of a particle over time along a bezier curve.
+ */
+ class ParticleBezierCurveNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iControlPoint: Vector3D;
+ /** @private */
+ _iEndPoint: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ * Reference for bezier curve node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the control point position (0, 1, 2) of the curve.
+ */
+ static BEZIER_CONTROL_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Reference for bezier curve node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the end point position (0, 1, 2) of the curve.
+ */
+ static BEZIER_END_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleBezierCurveNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] controlPoint Defines the default control point of the node, used when in global mode.
+ * @param [optional] endPoint Defines the default end point of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, controlPoint?: Vector3D, endPoint?: Vector3D);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleBezierCurveState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleBezierCurveNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleBillboardState" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleBillboardNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleBillboardNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleBillboardState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static MATRIX_INDEX: number;
+ private _matrix;
+ private _billboardAxis;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleNode: ParticleBillboardNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ /**
+ * Defines the billboard axis.
+ */
+ billboardAxis: Vector3D;
+ }
+ export = ParticleBillboardState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleBillboardNode" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleBillboardState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleBillboardState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node that controls the rotation of a particle to always face the camera.
+ */
+ class ParticleBillboardNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iBillboardAxis: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleBillboardNode
+ */
+ constructor(billboardAxis?: Vector3D);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleBillboardState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iProcessAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet: ParticleAnimationSet): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleBillboardNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleColorState" {
+ import ColorTransform = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/ColorTransform");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleColorNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleColorNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ * @author ...
+ */
+ class ParticleColorState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static DELTA_MULTIPLIER_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static START_OFFSET_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static DELTA_OFFSET_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static CYCLE_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleColorNode;
+ private _usesMultiplier;
+ private _usesOffset;
+ private _usesCycle;
+ private _usesPhase;
+ private _startColor;
+ private _endColor;
+ private _cycleDuration;
+ private _cyclePhase;
+ private _cycleData;
+ private _startMultiplierData;
+ private _deltaMultiplierData;
+ private _startOffsetData;
+ private _deltaOffsetData;
+ /**
+ * Defines the start color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ startColor: ColorTransform;
+ /**
+ * Defines the end color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ endColor: ColorTransform;
+ /**
+ * Defines the duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ cycleDuration: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ cyclePhase: number;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleColorNode: ParticleColorNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ private updateColorData();
+ }
+ export = ParticleColorState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleColorNode" {
+ import ColorTransform = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/ColorTransform");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleColorState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleColorState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to control the color variation of a particle over time.
+ */
+ class ParticleColorNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesMultiplier: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesOffset: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesCycle: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesPhase: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iStartColor: ColorTransform;
+ /** @private */
+ _iEndColor: ColorTransform;
+ /** @private */
+ _iCycleDuration: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iCyclePhase: number;
+ /**
+ * Reference for color node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a ColorTransform
object representing the start color transform applied to the particle.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Reference for color node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a ColorTransform
object representing the end color transform applied to the particle.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleColorNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] usesMultiplier Defines whether the node uses multiplier data in the shader for its color transformations. Defaults to true.
+ * @param [optional] usesOffset Defines whether the node uses offset data in the shader for its color transformations. Defaults to true.
+ * @param [optional] usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration
property in the shader to calculate the period of the animation independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase
property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the cycle rotation of the particle. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] startColor Defines the default start color transform of the node, when in global mode.
+ * @param [optional] endColor Defines the default end color transform of the node, when in global mode.
+ * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, usesMultiplier?: boolean, usesOffset?: boolean, usesCycle?: boolean, usesPhase?: boolean, startColor?: ColorTransform, endColor?: ColorTransform, cycleDuration?: number, cyclePhase?: number);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleColorState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iProcessAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet: ParticleAnimationSet): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleColorNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleFollowState" {
+ import DisplayObject = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/DisplayObject");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleFollowNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleFollowNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleFollowState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static FOLLOW_POSITION_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static FOLLOW_ROTATION_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleFollowNode;
+ private _followTarget;
+ private _targetPos;
+ private _targetEuler;
+ private _prePos;
+ private _preEuler;
+ private _smooth;
+ private _temp;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleFollowNode: ParticleFollowNode);
+ followTarget: DisplayObject;
+ smooth: boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ private processPosition(currentTime, deltaTime, animationSubGeometry);
+ private precessRotation(currentTime, deltaTime, animationSubGeometry);
+ private processPositionAndRotation(currentTime, deltaTime, animationSubGeometry);
+ }
+ export = ParticleFollowState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleFollowNode" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleFollowState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleFollowState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to create a follow behaviour on a particle system.
+ */
+ class ParticleFollowNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesPosition: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesRotation: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iSmooth: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleFollowNode
+ *
+ * @param [optional] usesPosition Defines wehether the individual particle reacts to the position of the target.
+ * @param [optional] usesRotation Defines wehether the individual particle reacts to the rotation of the target.
+ * @param [optional] smooth Defines wehether the state calculate the interpolated value.
+ */
+ constructor(usesPosition?: boolean, usesRotation?: boolean, smooth?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleFollowState;
+ }
+ export = ParticleFollowNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleInitialColorState" {
+ import ColorTransform = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/ColorTransform");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleInitialColorNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleInitialColorNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class ParticleInitialColorState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static MULTIPLIER_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static OFFSET_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleInitialColorNode;
+ private _usesMultiplier;
+ private _usesOffset;
+ private _initialColor;
+ private _multiplierData;
+ private _offsetData;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleInitialColorNode: ParticleInitialColorNode);
+ /**
+ * Defines the initial color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ initialColor: ColorTransform;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ private updateColorData();
+ }
+ export = ParticleInitialColorState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleInitialColorNode" {
+ import ColorTransform = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/ColorTransform");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class ParticleInitialColorNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesMultiplier: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesOffset: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iInitialColor: ColorTransform;
+ /**
+ * Reference for color node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a ColorTransform
object representing the color transform applied to the particle.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, usesMultiplier?: boolean, usesOffset?: boolean, initialColor?: ColorTransform);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iProcessAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet: ParticleAnimationSet): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleInitialColorNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleOrbitState" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleOrbitNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleOrbitNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleOrbitState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static ORBIT_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static EULERS_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleOrbitNode;
+ private _usesEulers;
+ private _usesCycle;
+ private _usesPhase;
+ private _radius;
+ private _cycleDuration;
+ private _cyclePhase;
+ private _eulers;
+ private _orbitData;
+ private _eulersMatrix;
+ /**
+ * Defines the radius of the orbit when in global mode. Defaults to 100.
+ */
+ radius: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the duration of the orbit in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ cycleDuration: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the phase of the orbit in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ cyclePhase: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the euler rotation in degrees, applied to the orientation of the orbit when in global mode.
+ */
+ eulers: Vector3D;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleOrbitNode: ParticleOrbitNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ private updateOrbitData();
+ }
+ export = ParticleOrbitState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleOrbitNode" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleOrbitState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleOrbitState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to control the position of a particle over time around a circular orbit.
+ */
+ class ParticleOrbitNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesEulers: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesCycle: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesPhase: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iRadius: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iCycleDuration: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iCyclePhase: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iEulers: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ * Reference for orbit node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the radius (x), cycle speed (y) and cycle phase (z) of the motion on the particle.
+ */
+ static ORBIT_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleOrbitNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] usesEulers Defines whether the node uses the eulers
property in the shader to calculate a rotation on the orbit. Defaults to true.
+ * @param [optional] usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration
property in the shader to calculate the period of the orbit independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase
property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the cycle rotation of the particle. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] radius Defines the radius of the orbit when in global mode. Defaults to 100.
+ * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the duration of the orbit in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the phase of the orbit in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ * @param [optional] eulers Defines the euler rotation in degrees, applied to the orientation of the orbit when in global mode.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, usesEulers?: boolean, usesCycle?: boolean, usesPhase?: boolean, radius?: number, cycleDuration?: number, cyclePhase?: number, eulers?: Vector3D);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleOrbitState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleOrbitNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleOscillatorState" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleOscillatorNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleOscillatorNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleOscillatorState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static OSCILLATOR_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleOscillatorNode;
+ private _oscillator;
+ private _oscillatorData;
+ /**
+ * Defines the default oscillator axis (x, y, z) and cycleDuration (w) of the state, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ oscillator: Vector3D;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleOscillatorNode: ParticleOscillatorNode);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ private updateOscillatorData();
+ }
+ export = ParticleOscillatorState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleOscillatorNode" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleOscillatorState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleOscillatorState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to control the position of a particle over time using simple harmonic motion.
+ */
+ class ParticleOscillatorNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iOscillator: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ * Reference for ocsillator node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the axis (x,y,z) and cycle speed (w) of the motion on the particle.
+ */
+ static OSCILLATOR_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleOscillatorNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] oscillator Defines the default oscillator axis (x, y, z) and cycleDuration (w) of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, oscillator?: Vector3D);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleOscillatorState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleOscillatorNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticlePositionState" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticlePositionNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticlePositionNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ * @author ...
+ */
+ class ParticlePositionState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static POSITION_INDEX: number;
+ private _particlePositionNode;
+ private _position;
+ /**
+ * Defines the position of the particle when in global mode. Defaults to 0,0,0.
+ */
+ position: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ getPositions(): Vector3D[];
+ setPositions(value: Vector3D[]): void;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particlePositionNode: ParticlePositionNode);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticlePositionState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticlePositionNode" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticlePositionState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticlePositionState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to set the starting position of a particle.
+ */
+ class ParticlePositionNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iPosition: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ * Reference for position node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing position of the particle.
+ */
+ static POSITION_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticlePositionNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] position Defines the default position of the particle when in global mode. Defaults to 0,0,0.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, position?: Vector3D);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticlePositionState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticlePositionNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleRotateToHeadingState" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleRotateToHeadingState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static MATRIX_INDEX: number;
+ private _matrix;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleNode: ParticleNodeBase);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleRotateToHeadingState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleRotateToHeadingNode" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleRotateToHeadingState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleRotateToHeadingState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to control the rotation of a particle to match its heading vector.
+ */
+ class ParticleRotateToHeadingNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleBillboardNode
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleRotateToHeadingState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iProcessAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet: ParticleAnimationSet): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleRotateToHeadingNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleRotateToPositionState" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleRotateToPositionNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleRotateToPositionNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleRotateToPositionState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static MATRIX_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static POSITION_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleRotateToPositionNode;
+ private _position;
+ private _matrix;
+ private _offset;
+ /**
+ * Defines the position of the point the particle will rotate to face when in global mode. Defaults to 0,0,0.
+ */
+ position: Vector3D;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleRotateToPositionNode: ParticleRotateToPositionNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleRotateToPositionState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleRotateToPositionNode" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleRotateToPositionState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleRotateToPositionState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to control the rotation of a particle to face to a position
+ */
+ class ParticleRotateToPositionNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iPosition: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ * Reference for the position the particle will rotate to face for a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the position that the particle must face.
+ */
+ static POSITION_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleRotateToPositionNode
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, position?: Vector3D);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleRotateToPositionState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleRotateToPositionNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleRotationalVelocityState" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleRotationalVelocityNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleRotationalVelocityNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleRotationalVelocityState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ private _particleRotationalVelocityNode;
+ private _rotationalVelocityData;
+ private _rotationalVelocity;
+ /**
+ * Defines the default rotationalVelocity of the state, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ rotationalVelocity: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ getRotationalVelocities(): Vector3D[];
+ setRotationalVelocities(value: Vector3D[]): void;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleRotationNode: ParticleRotationalVelocityNode);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ private updateRotationalVelocityData();
+ }
+ export = ParticleRotationalVelocityState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleRotationalVelocityNode" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleRotationalVelocityState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleRotationalVelocityState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to set the starting rotational velocity of a particle.
+ */
+ class ParticleRotationalVelocityNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iRotationalVelocity: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ * Reference for rotational velocity node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the rotational velocity around an axis of the particle.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleRotationalVelocityNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, rotationalVelocity?: Vector3D);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleRotationalVelocityState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleRotationalVelocityNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleScaleState" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleScaleNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleScaleNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleScaleState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static SCALE_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleScaleNode;
+ private _usesCycle;
+ private _usesPhase;
+ private _minScale;
+ private _maxScale;
+ private _cycleDuration;
+ private _cyclePhase;
+ private _scaleData;
+ /**
+ * Defines the end scale of the state, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ minScale: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the end scale of the state, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ maxScale: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ cycleDuration: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ cyclePhase: number;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleScaleNode: ParticleScaleNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ private updateScaleData();
+ }
+ export = ParticleScaleState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleScaleNode" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleScaleState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleScaleState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to control the scale variation of a particle over time.
+ */
+ class ParticleScaleNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesCycle: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesPhase: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iMinScale: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iMaxScale: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iCycleDuration: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iCyclePhase: number;
+ /**
+ * Reference for scale node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
representing the min scale (x), max scale(y), optional cycle speed (z) and phase offset (w) applied to the particle.
+ */
+ static SCALE_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleScaleNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration
property in the shader to calculate the period of animation independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase
property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the animation cycle. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] minScale Defines the default min scale transform of the node, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] maxScale Defines the default max color transform of the node, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the default duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the default phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, usesCycle: boolean, usesPhase: boolean, minScale?: number, maxScale?: number, cycleDuration?: number, cyclePhase?: number);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleScaleState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleScaleNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleSegmentedColorState" {
+ import ColorTransform = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/ColorTransform");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ColorSegmentPoint = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ColorSegmentPoint");
+ import ParticleSegmentedColorNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleSegmentedColorNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class ParticleSegmentedColorState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static START_OFFSET_INDEX: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static TIME_DATA_INDEX: number;
+ private _usesMultiplier;
+ private _usesOffset;
+ private _startColor;
+ private _endColor;
+ private _segmentPoints;
+ private _numSegmentPoint;
+ private _timeLifeData;
+ private _multiplierData;
+ private _offsetData;
+ /**
+ * Defines the start color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ startColor: ColorTransform;
+ /**
+ * Defines the end color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ endColor: ColorTransform;
+ /**
+ * Defines the number of segments.
+ */
+ numSegmentPoint: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the key points of color
+ */
+ segmentPoints: ColorSegmentPoint[];
+ usesMultiplier: boolean;
+ usesOffset: boolean;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleSegmentedColorNode: ParticleSegmentedColorNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ private updateColorData();
+ }
+ export = ParticleSegmentedColorState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleSegmentedColorNode" {
+ import ColorTransform = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/ColorTransform");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+ import ColorSegmentPoint = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ColorSegmentPoint");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class ParticleSegmentedColorNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesMultiplier: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesOffset: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iStartColor: ColorTransform;
+ /** @private */
+ _iEndColor: ColorTransform;
+ /** @private */
+ _iNumSegmentPoint: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iSegmentPoints: ColorSegmentPoint[];
+ constructor(usesMultiplier: boolean, usesOffset: boolean, numSegmentPoint: number, startColor: ColorTransform, endColor: ColorTransform, segmentPoints: ColorSegmentPoint[]);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iProcessAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet: ParticleAnimationSet): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ }
+ export = ParticleSegmentedColorNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleSpriteSheetState" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleSpriteSheetNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleSpriteSheetNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleSpriteSheetState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static UV_INDEX_0: number;
+ /** @private */
+ static UV_INDEX_1: number;
+ private _particleSpriteSheetNode;
+ private _usesCycle;
+ private _usesPhase;
+ private _totalFrames;
+ private _numColumns;
+ private _numRows;
+ private _cycleDuration;
+ private _cyclePhase;
+ private _spriteSheetData;
+ /**
+ * Defines the cycle phase, when in global mode. Defaults to zero.
+ */
+ cyclePhase: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the cycle duration in seconds, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ cycleDuration: number;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleSpriteSheetNode: ParticleSpriteSheetNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ private updateSpriteSheetData();
+ }
+ export = ParticleSpriteSheetState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleSpriteSheetNode" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleSpriteSheetState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleSpriteSheetState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used when a spritesheet texture is required to animate the particle.
+ * NB: to enable use of this node, the repeat
property on the material has to be set to true.
+ */
+ class ParticleSpriteSheetNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesCycle: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iUsesPhase: boolean;
+ /** @private */
+ _iTotalFrames: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iNumColumns: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iNumRows: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iCycleDuration: number;
+ /** @private */
+ _iCyclePhase: number;
+ /**
+ * Reference for spritesheet node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
representing the cycleDuration (x), optional phaseTime (y).
+ */
+ static UV_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Defines the number of columns in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1. Read only.
+ */
+ numColumns: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the number of rows in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1. Read only.
+ */
+ numRows: number;
+ /**
+ * Defines the total number of frames used by the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to the number defined by numColumns and numRows. Read only.
+ */
+ totalFrames: number;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleSpriteSheetNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] numColumns Defines the number of columns in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] numRows Defines the number of rows in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the default cycle duration in seconds, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the default cycle phase, when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ * @param [optional] totalFrames Defines the total number of frames used by the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to the number defined by numColumns and numRows.
+ * @param [optional] looping Defines whether the spritesheet animation is set to loop indefinitely. Defaults to true.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, usesCycle: boolean, usesPhase: boolean, numColumns?: number, numRows?: number, cycleDuration?: number, cyclePhase?: number, totalFrames?: number);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALUVCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleSpriteSheetState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iProcessAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet: ParticleAnimationSet): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleSpriteSheetNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleUVState" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleUVNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleUVNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleUVState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static UV_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleUVNode;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleUVNode: ParticleUVNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleUVState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleUVNode" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleUVState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleUVState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to control the UV offset and scale of a particle over time.
+ */
+ class ParticleUVNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iUvData: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ static U_AXIS: string;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ static V_AXIS: string;
+ private _cycle;
+ private _scale;
+ private _axis;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleTimeNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] cycle Defines whether the time track is in loop mode. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] scale Defines whether the time track is in loop mode. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] axis Defines whether the time track is in loop mode. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, cycle?: number, scale?: number, axis?: string);
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ cycle: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ scale: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ axis: string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALUVCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleUVState;
+ private updateUVData();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iProcessAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet: ParticleAnimationSet): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleUVNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleVelocityState" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ParticleAnimator = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimator");
+ import AnimationSubGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/AnimationSubGeometry");
+ import ParticleVelocityNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleVelocityNode");
+ import ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleVelocityState extends ParticleStateBase {
+ /** @private */
+ static VELOCITY_INDEX: number;
+ private _particleVelocityNode;
+ private _velocity;
+ /**
+ * Defines the default velocity vector of the state, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ velocity: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ getVelocities(): Vector3D[];
+ setVelocities(value: Vector3D[]): void;
+ constructor(animator: ParticleAnimator, particleVelocityNode: ParticleVelocityNode);
+ setRenderState(stage: Stage, renderable: RenderableBase, animationSubGeometry: AnimationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache, camera: Camera): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleVelocityState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleVelocityNode" {
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import AnimationRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ParticleProperties = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties");
+ import ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+ import ParticleVelocityState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleVelocityState");
+ /**
+ * A particle animation node used to set the starting velocity of a particle.
+ */
+ class ParticleVelocityNode extends ParticleNodeBase {
+ /** @private */
+ _iVelocity: Vector3D;
+ /**
+ * Reference for velocity node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the direction of movement on the particle.
+ */
+ static VELOCITY_VECTOR3D: string;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleVelocityNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] velocity Defines the default velocity vector of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ constructor(mode: number, velocity?: Vector3D);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache: AnimationRegisterCache): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): ParticleVelocityState;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param: ParticleProperties): void;
+ }
+ export = ParticleVelocityNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonBinaryLERPState" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import Skeleton = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/Skeleton");
+ import SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+ import SkeletonBinaryLERPNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonBinaryLERPNode");
+ import AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ import ISkeletonAnimationState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ISkeletonAnimationState");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class SkeletonBinaryLERPState extends AnimationStateBase implements ISkeletonAnimationState {
+ private _blendWeight;
+ private _skeletonAnimationNode;
+ private _skeletonPose;
+ private _skeletonPoseDirty;
+ private _inputA;
+ private _inputB;
+ /**
+ * Defines a fractional value between 0 and 1 representing the blending ratio between inputA (0) and inputB (1),
+ * used to produce the skeleton pose output.
+ *
+ * @see inputA
+ * @see inputB
+ */
+ blendWeight: number;
+ constructor(animator: AnimatorBase, skeletonAnimationNode: SkeletonBinaryLERPNode);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ phase(value: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateTime(time: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ getSkeletonPose(skeleton: Skeleton): SkeletonPose;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdatePositionDelta(): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the blendWeight value between input nodes.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ private updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ }
+ export = SkeletonBinaryLERPState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonBinaryLERPNode" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import SkeletonBinaryLERPState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonBinaryLERPState");
+ /**
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses two animation node inputs to blend a lineraly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+ class SkeletonBinaryLERPNode extends AnimationNodeBase {
+ /**
+ * Defines input node A to use for the blended output.
+ */
+ inputA: AnimationNodeBase;
+ /**
+ * Defines input node B to use for the blended output.
+ */
+ inputB: AnimationNodeBase;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonBinaryLERPNode
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): SkeletonBinaryLERPState;
+ }
+ export = SkeletonBinaryLERPNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonDifferenceState" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import Skeleton = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/Skeleton");
+ import SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+ import SkeletonDifferenceNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonDifferenceNode");
+ import AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ import ISkeletonAnimationState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ISkeletonAnimationState");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class SkeletonDifferenceState extends AnimationStateBase implements ISkeletonAnimationState {
+ private _blendWeight;
+ private static _tempQuat;
+ private _skeletonAnimationNode;
+ private _skeletonPose;
+ private _skeletonPoseDirty;
+ private _baseInput;
+ private _differenceInput;
+ /**
+ * Defines a fractional value between 0 and 1 representing the blending ratio between the base input (0) and difference input (1),
+ * used to produce the skeleton pose output.
+ *
+ * @see #baseInput
+ * @see #differenceInput
+ */
+ blendWeight: number;
+ constructor(animator: AnimatorBase, skeletonAnimationNode: SkeletonDifferenceNode);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ phase(value: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateTime(time: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ getSkeletonPose(skeleton: Skeleton): SkeletonPose;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdatePositionDelta(): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the blendWeight value between base input and difference input nodes.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ private updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ }
+ export = SkeletonDifferenceState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonDifferenceNode" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import SkeletonDifferenceState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonDifferenceState");
+ /**
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses a difference input pose with a base input pose to blend a linearly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+ class SkeletonDifferenceNode extends AnimationNodeBase {
+ /**
+ * Defines a base input node to use for the blended output.
+ */
+ baseInput: AnimationNodeBase;
+ /**
+ * Defines a difference input node to use for the blended output.
+ */
+ differenceInput: AnimationNodeBase;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonAdditiveNode
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): SkeletonDifferenceState;
+ }
+ export = SkeletonDifferenceNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonDirectionalState" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import Skeleton = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/Skeleton");
+ import SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+ import SkeletonDirectionalNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonDirectionalNode");
+ import AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ import ISkeletonAnimationState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ISkeletonAnimationState");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class SkeletonDirectionalState extends AnimationStateBase implements ISkeletonAnimationState {
+ private _skeletonAnimationNode;
+ private _skeletonPose;
+ private _skeletonPoseDirty;
+ private _inputA;
+ private _inputB;
+ private _blendWeight;
+ private _direction;
+ private _blendDirty;
+ private _forward;
+ private _backward;
+ private _left;
+ private _right;
+ /**
+ * Defines the direction in degrees of the aniamtion between the forwards (0), right(90) backwards (180) and left(270) input nodes,
+ * used to produce the skeleton pose output.
+ */
+ direction: number;
+ constructor(animator: AnimatorBase, skeletonAnimationNode: SkeletonDirectionalNode);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ phase(value: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUdateTime(time: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ getSkeletonPose(skeleton: Skeleton): SkeletonPose;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdatePositionDelta(): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the direction value between forward, backwards, left and right input nodes.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ private updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ /**
+ * Updates the blend value for the animation output based on the direction value between forward, backwards, left and right input nodes.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ private updateBlend();
+ }
+ export = SkeletonDirectionalState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonDirectionalNode" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import SkeletonDirectionalState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonDirectionalState");
+ /**
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses four directional input poses with an input direction to blend a linearly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+ class SkeletonDirectionalNode extends AnimationNodeBase {
+ /**
+ * Defines the forward configured input node to use for the blended output.
+ */
+ forward: AnimationNodeBase;
+ /**
+ * Defines the backwards configured input node to use for the blended output.
+ */
+ backward: AnimationNodeBase;
+ /**
+ * Defines the left configured input node to use for the blended output.
+ */
+ left: AnimationNodeBase;
+ /**
+ * Defines the right configured input node to use for the blended output.
+ */
+ right: AnimationNodeBase;
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): SkeletonDirectionalState;
+ }
+ export = SkeletonDirectionalNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonNaryLERPState" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import Skeleton = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/Skeleton");
+ import SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+ import SkeletonNaryLERPNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonNaryLERPNode");
+ import AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ import ISkeletonAnimationState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ISkeletonAnimationState");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class SkeletonNaryLERPState extends AnimationStateBase implements ISkeletonAnimationState {
+ private _skeletonAnimationNode;
+ private _skeletonPose;
+ private _skeletonPoseDirty;
+ private _blendWeights;
+ private _inputs;
+ constructor(animator: AnimatorBase, skeletonAnimationNode: SkeletonNaryLERPNode);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ phase(value: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUdateTime(time: number): void;
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ getSkeletonPose(skeleton: Skeleton): SkeletonPose;
+ /**
+ * Returns the blend weight of the skeleton aniamtion node that resides at the given input index.
+ *
+ * @param index The input index for which the skeleton animation node blend weight is requested.
+ */
+ getBlendWeightAt(index: number): number;
+ /**
+ * Sets the blend weight of the skeleton aniamtion node that resides at the given input index.
+ *
+ * @param index The input index on which the skeleton animation node blend weight is to be set.
+ * @param blendWeight The blend weight value to use for the given skeleton animation node index.
+ */
+ setBlendWeightAt(index: number, blendWeight: number): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdatePositionDelta(): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the blend weight values given to the input nodes.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ private updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ }
+ export = SkeletonNaryLERPState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonNaryLERPNode" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import SkeletonNaryLERPState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonNaryLERPState");
+ /**
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses an n-dimensional array of animation node inputs to blend a lineraly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+ class SkeletonNaryLERPNode extends AnimationNodeBase {
+ _iInputs: AnimationNodeBase[];
+ private _numInputs;
+ numInputs: number;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonNaryLERPNode
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * Returns an integer representing the input index of the given skeleton animation node.
+ *
+ * @param input The skeleton animation node for with the input index is requested.
+ */
+ getInputIndex(input: AnimationNodeBase): number;
+ /**
+ * Returns the skeleton animation node object that resides at the given input index.
+ *
+ * @param index The input index for which the skeleton animation node is requested.
+ */
+ getInputAt(index: number): AnimationNodeBase;
+ /**
+ * Adds a new skeleton animation node input to the animation node.
+ */
+ addInput(input: AnimationNodeBase): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getAnimationState(animator: AnimatorBase): SkeletonNaryLERPState;
+ }
+ export = SkeletonNaryLERPNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/CrossfadeTransitionState" {
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import SkeletonBinaryLERPState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonBinaryLERPState");
+ import CrossfadeTransitionNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/CrossfadeTransitionNode");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class CrossfadeTransitionState extends SkeletonBinaryLERPState {
+ private _crossfadeTransitionNode;
+ private _animationStateTransitionComplete;
+ constructor(animator: AnimatorBase, skeletonAnimationNode: CrossfadeTransitionNode);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pUpdateTime(time: number): void;
+ }
+ export = CrossfadeTransitionState;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/CrossfadeTransitionNode" {
+ import SkeletonBinaryLERPNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonBinaryLERPNode");
+ /**
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses two animation node inputs to blend a lineraly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+ class CrossfadeTransitionNode extends SkeletonBinaryLERPNode {
+ blendSpeed: number;
+ startBlend: number;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new CrossfadeTransitionNode
+ */
+ constructor();
+ }
+ export = CrossfadeTransitionNode;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/CrossfadeTransition" {
+ import AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ import AnimatorBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase");
+ import IAnimationTransition = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/IAnimationTransition");
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class CrossfadeTransition implements IAnimationTransition {
+ blendSpeed: number;
+ constructor(blendSpeed: number);
+ getAnimationNode(animator: AnimatorBase, startNode: AnimationNodeBase, endNode: AnimationNodeBase, startBlend: number): AnimationNodeBase;
+ }
+ export = CrossfadeTransition;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/core/pick/PickingColliderBase" {
+ import PickingCollisionVO = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/pick/PickingCollisionVO");
+ import Point = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Point");
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import Billboard = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Billboard");
+ import Mesh = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Mesh");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ /**
+ * An abstract base class for all picking collider classes. It should not be instantiated directly.
+ *
+ * @class away.pick.PickingColliderBase
+ */
+ class PickingColliderBase {
+ private _billboardRenderablePool;
+ private _subMeshRenderablePool;
+ rayPosition: Vector3D;
+ rayDirection: Vector3D;
+ constructor();
+ _pPetCollisionNormal(indexData: number[], vertexData: number[], triangleIndex: number): Vector3D;
+ _pGetCollisionUV(indexData: number[], uvData: number[], triangleIndex: number, v: number, w: number, u: number, uvOffset: number, uvStride: number): Point;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pTestRenderableCollision(renderable: RenderableBase, pickingCollisionVO: PickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance: number): boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ setLocalRay(localPosition: Vector3D, localDirection: Vector3D): void;
+ /**
+ * Tests a Billboard
object for a collision with the picking ray.
+ *
+ * @param billboard The billboard instance to be tested.
+ * @param pickingCollisionVO The collision object used to store the collision results
+ * @param shortestCollisionDistance The current value of the shortest distance to a detected collision along the ray.
+ * @param findClosest
+ */
+ testBillboardCollision(billboard: Billboard, pickingCollisionVO: PickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance: number): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Tests a Mesh
object for a collision with the picking ray.
+ *
+ * @param mesh The mesh instance to be tested.
+ * @param pickingCollisionVO The collision object used to store the collision results
+ * @param shortestCollisionDistance The current value of the shortest distance to a detected collision along the ray.
+ * @param findClosest
+ */
+ testMeshCollision(mesh: Mesh, pickingCollisionVO: PickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance: number, findClosest: boolean): boolean;
+ }
+ export = PickingColliderBase;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/core/pick/JSPickingCollider" {
+ import PickingCollisionVO = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/pick/PickingCollisionVO");
+ import IPickingCollider = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/pick/IPickingCollider");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import PickingColliderBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/core/pick/PickingColliderBase");
+ /**
+ * Pure JS picking collider for display objects. Used with the RaycastPicker
picking object.
+ *
+ * @see away.base.DisplayObject#pickingCollider
+ * @see away.pick.RaycastPicker
+ *
+ * @class away.pick.JSPickingCollider
+ */
+ class JSPickingCollider extends PickingColliderBase implements IPickingCollider {
+ private _findClosestCollision;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new JSPickingCollider
+ *
+ * @param findClosestCollision Determines whether the picking collider searches for the closest collision along the ray. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ constructor(findClosestCollision?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _pTestRenderableCollision(renderable: RenderableBase, pickingCollisionVO: PickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance: number): boolean;
+ }
+ export = JSPickingCollider;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/core/pick/ShaderPicker" {
+ import Scene = require("awayjs-core/lib/containers/Scene");
+ import View = require("awayjs-core/lib/containers/View");
+ import Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ import IPicker = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/pick/IPicker");
+ import PickingCollisionVO = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/pick/PickingCollisionVO");
+ import EntityCollector = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/traverse/EntityCollector");
+ import ITextureBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ITextureBase");
+ /**
+ * Picks a 3d object from a view or scene by performing a separate render pass on the scene around the area being picked using key color values,
+ * then reading back the color value of the pixel in the render representing the picking ray. Requires multiple passes and readbacks for retriving details
+ * on an entity that has its shaderPickingDetails property set to true.
+ *
+ * A read-back operation from any GPU is not a very efficient process, and the amount of processing used can vary significantly between different hardware.
+ *
+ * @see away.entities.Entity#shaderPickingDetails
+ *
+ * @class away.pick.ShaderPicker
+ */
+ class ShaderPicker implements IPicker {
+ private _opaqueRenderableHead;
+ private _blendedRenderableHead;
+ private _stage;
+ private _context;
+ private _onlyMouseEnabled;
+ private _objectProgram;
+ private _triangleProgram;
+ private _bitmapData;
+ private _viewportData;
+ private _boundOffsetScale;
+ private _id;
+ private _interactives;
+ private _interactiveId;
+ private _hitColor;
+ private _projX;
+ private _projY;
+ private _hitRenderable;
+ private _hitEntity;
+ private _localHitPosition;
+ private _hitUV;
+ private _faceIndex;
+ private _subGeometryIndex;
+ private _localHitNormal;
+ private _rayPos;
+ private _rayDir;
+ private _potentialFound;
+ private static MOUSE_SCISSOR_RECT;
+ private _shaderPickingDetails;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ onlyMouseEnabled: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ShaderPicker
+ *
+ * @param shaderPickingDetails Determines whether the picker includes a second pass to calculate extra
+ * properties such as uv and normal coordinates.
+ */
+ constructor(shaderPickingDetails?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getViewCollision(x: number, y: number, view: View): PickingCollisionVO;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ getSceneCollision(position: Vector3D, direction: Vector3D, scene: Scene): PickingCollisionVO;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ pDraw(entityCollector: EntityCollector, target: ITextureBase): void;
+ /**
+ * Draw a list of renderables.
+ * @param renderables The renderables to draw.
+ * @param camera The camera for which to render.
+ */
+ private drawRenderables(renderable, camera);
+ private updateRay(camera);
+ /**
+ * Creates the Program that color-codes objects.
+ */
+ private initObjectProgram();
+ /**
+ * Creates the Program that renders positions.
+ */
+ private initTriangleProgram();
+ /**
+ * Gets more detailed information about the hir position, if required.
+ * @param camera The camera used to view the hit object.
+ */
+ private getHitDetails(camera);
+ /**
+ * Finds a first-guess approximate position about the hit position.
+ *
+ * @param camera The camera used to view the hit object.
+ */
+ private getApproximatePosition(camera);
+ /**
+ * Use the approximate position info to find the face under the mouse position from which we can derive the precise
+ * ray-face intersection point, then use barycentric coordinates to figure out the uv coordinates, etc.
+ * @param camera The camera used to view the hit object.
+ */
+ private getPreciseDetails(camera);
+ /**
+ * Finds the precise hit position by unprojecting the screen coordinate back unto the hit face's plane and
+ * calculating the intersection point.
+ * @param camera The camera used to render the object.
+ * @param invSceneTransform The inverse scene transformation of the hit object.
+ * @param nx The x-coordinate of the face's plane normal.
+ * @param ny The y-coordinate of the face plane normal.
+ * @param nz The z-coordinate of the face plane normal.
+ * @param px The x-coordinate of a point on the face's plane (ie a face vertex)
+ * @param py The y-coordinate of a point on the face's plane (ie a face vertex)
+ * @param pz The z-coordinate of a point on the face's plane (ie a face vertex)
+ */
+ private getPrecisePosition(invSceneTransform, nx, ny, nz, px, py, pz);
+ dispose(): void;
+ }
+ export = ShaderPicker;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/passes/SingleObjectDepthPass" {
+ import Matrix3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3D");
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import RenderTexture = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/RenderTexture");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MaterialPassData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/MaterialPassData");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import MaterialPassBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/passes/MaterialPassBase");
+ /**
+ * The SingleObjectDepthPass provides a material pass that renders a single object to a depth map from the point
+ * of view from a light.
+ */
+ class SingleObjectDepthPass extends MaterialPassBase {
+ private _textures;
+ private _projections;
+ private _textureSize;
+ private _polyOffset;
+ private _enc;
+ private _projectionTexturesInvalid;
+ /**
+ * The size of the depth map texture to render to.
+ */
+ textureSize: number;
+ /**
+ * The amount by which the rendered object will be inflated, to prevent depth map rounding errors.
+ */
+ polyOffset: number;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SingleObjectDepthPass object.
+ */
+ constructor();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ dispose(): void;
+ /**
+ * Updates the projection textures used to contain the depth renders.
+ */
+ private updateProjectionTextures();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGetVertexCode(): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * Gets the depth maps rendered for this object from all lights.
+ * @param renderable The renderable for which to retrieve the depth maps.
+ * @param stage3DProxy The Stage3DProxy object currently used for rendering.
+ * @return A list of depth map textures for all supported lights.
+ */
+ _iGetDepthMap(renderable: RenderableBase): RenderTexture;
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the depth map projection maps for all lights.
+ * @param renderable The renderable for which to retrieve the projection maps.
+ * @return A list of projection maps for all supported lights.
+ */
+ _iGetProjection(renderable: RenderableBase): Matrix3D;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iRender(pass: MaterialPassData, renderable: RenderableBase, stage: Stage, camera: Camera, viewProjection: Matrix3D): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ _iActivate(pass: MaterialPassData, stage: Stage, camera: Camera): void;
+ }
+ export = SingleObjectDepthPass;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+ import DiffuseCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseCompositeMethod");
+ /**
+ * DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod provides a depth map-based diffuse shading method that mimics the scattering of
+ * light inside translucent surfaces. It allows light to shine through an object and to soften the diffuse shading.
+ * It can be used for candle wax, ice, skin, ...
+ */
+ class DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod extends DiffuseCompositeMethod {
+ private _depthPass;
+ private _lightProjVarying;
+ private _propReg;
+ private _scattering;
+ private _translucency;
+ private _lightColorReg;
+ private _scatterColor;
+ private _colorReg;
+ private _decReg;
+ private _scatterR;
+ private _scatterG;
+ private _scatterB;
+ private _targetReg;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod
+ *
+ * @param depthMapSize The size of the depth map used.
+ * @param depthMapOffset The amount by which the rendered object will be inflated, to prevent depth map rounding errors.
+ * @param baseMethod The diffuse method used to calculate the regular diffuse-based lighting.
+ */
+ constructor(depthMapSize?: number, depthMapOffset?: number, baseMethod?: DiffuseBasicMethod);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * The amount by which the light scatters. It can be used to set the translucent surface's thickness. Use low
+ * values for skin.
+ */
+ scattering: number;
+ /**
+ * The translucency of the object.
+ */
+ translucency: number;
+ /**
+ * The colour of the "insides" of the object, ie: the colour the light becomes after leaving the object.
+ */
+ scatterColor: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, lightDirReg: ShaderRegisterElement, lightColReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentPostLightingCode(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iSetRenderState(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, renderable: RenderableBase, stage: Stage, camera: Camera): void;
+ /**
+ * Generates the code for this method
+ */
+ private scatterLight(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ }
+ export = DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod" {
+ import CubeTextureBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/CubeTextureBase");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod provides a method to add refracted transparency based on cube maps.
+ */
+ class EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod extends EffectMethodBase {
+ private _envMap;
+ private _dispersionR;
+ private _dispersionG;
+ private _dispersionB;
+ private _useDispersion;
+ private _refractionIndex;
+ private _alpha;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod object. Example values for dispersion are: dispersionR: -0.03, dispersionG: -0.01, dispersionB: = .0015
+ *
+ * @param envMap The environment map containing the refracted scene.
+ * @param refractionIndex The refractive index of the material.
+ * @param dispersionR The amount of chromatic dispersion of the red channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ * @param dispersionG The amount of chromatic dispersion of the green channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ * @param dispersionB The amount of chromatic dispersion of the blue channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ */
+ constructor(envMap: CubeTextureBase, refractionIndex?: number, dispersionR?: number, dispersionG?: number, dispersionB?: number);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * The cube environment map to use for the refraction.
+ */
+ envMap: CubeTextureBase;
+ /**
+ * The refractive index of the material.
+ */
+ refractionIndex: number;
+ /**
+ * The amount of chromatic dispersion of the red channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ */
+ dispersionR: number;
+ /**
+ * The amount of chromatic dispersion of the green channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ */
+ dispersionG: number;
+ /**
+ * The amount of chromatic dispersion of the blue channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ */
+ dispersionB: number;
+ /**
+ * The amount of transparency of the object. Warning: the alpha applies to the refracted color, not the actual
+ * material. A value of 1 will make it appear fully transparent.
+ */
+ alpha: number;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/NormalHeightMapMethod" {
+ import Texture2DBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/Texture2DBase");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import NormalBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/NormalBasicMethod");
+ import ShadingMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadingMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * NormalHeightMapMethod provides a normal map method that uses a height map to calculate the normals.
+ */
+ class NormalHeightMapMethod extends NormalBasicMethod {
+ private _worldXYRatio;
+ private _worldXZRatio;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new NormalHeightMapMethod method.
+ *
+ * @param heightMap The texture containing the height data. 0 means low, 1 means high.
+ * @param worldWidth The width of the 'world'. This is used to map uv coordinates' u component to scene dimensions.
+ * @param worldHeight The height of the 'world'. This is used to map the height map values to scene dimensions.
+ * @param worldDepth The depth of the 'world'. This is used to map uv coordinates' v component to scene dimensions.
+ */
+ constructor(heightMap: Texture2DBase, worldWidth: number, worldHeight: number, worldDepth: number);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ tangentSpace: boolean;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ copyFrom(method: ShadingMethodBase): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ }
+ export = NormalHeightMapMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowCascadeMethod" {
+ import Camera = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Camera");
+ import Stage = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage");
+ import RenderableBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/RenderableBase");
+ import MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+ import ShaderLightingObject = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject");
+ import ShaderObjectBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase");
+ import ShaderRegisterCache = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache");
+ import ShaderRegisterData = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData");
+ import ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+ import ShadowMapMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMapMethodBase");
+ import ShadowMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMethodBase");
+ /**
+ * ShadowCascadeMethod is a shadow map method to apply cascade shadow mapping on materials.
+ * Must be used with a DirectionalLight with a CascadeShadowMapper assigned to its shadowMapper property.
+ *
+ * @see away.lights.CascadeShadowMapper
+ */
+ class ShadowCascadeMethod extends ShadowMapMethodBase {
+ private _baseMethod;
+ private _cascadeShadowMapper;
+ private _depthMapCoordVaryings;
+ private _cascadeProjections;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ShadowCascadeMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param shadowMethodBase The shadow map sampling method used to sample individual cascades (fe: ShadowHardMethod, ShadowSoftMethod)
+ */
+ constructor(shadowMethodBase: ShadowMethodBase);
+ /**
+ * The shadow map sampling method used to sample individual cascades. These are typically those used in conjunction
+ * with a DirectionalShadowMapper.
+ *
+ * @see ShadowHardMethod
+ * @see ShadowSoftMethod
+ */
+ baseMethod: ShadowMethodBase;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitVO(shaderObject: ShaderLightingObject, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iInitConstants(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iCleanCompilationData(): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetVertexCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * Creates the registers for the cascades' projection coordinates.
+ */
+ private initProjectionsRegs(registerCache);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, targetReg: ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache: ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters: ShaderRegisterData): string;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iActivate(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, stage: Stage): void;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ iSetRenderState(shaderObject: ShaderObjectBase, methodVO: MethodVO, renderable: RenderableBase, stage: Stage, camera: Camera): void;
+ /**
+ * Called when the shadow mappers cascade configuration changes.
+ */
+ private onCascadeChange(event);
+ /**
+ * Called when the base method's shader code is invalidated.
+ */
+ private onShaderInvalidated(event);
+ }
+ export = ShadowCascadeMethod;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/tools/commands/Merge" {
+ import DisplayObjectContainer = require("awayjs-core/lib/containers/DisplayObjectContainer");
+ import Mesh = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Mesh");
+ /**
+ * Class Merge merges two or more static meshes into one.Merge
+ */
+ class Merge {
+ private _objectSpace;
+ private _keepMaterial;
+ private _disposeSources;
+ private _geomVOs;
+ private _toDispose;
+ /**
+ * @param keepMaterial [optional] Determines if the merged object uses the recevier mesh material information or keeps its source material(s). Defaults to false.
+ * If false and receiver object has multiple materials, the last material found in receiver submeshes is applied to the merged submesh(es).
+ * @param disposeSources [optional] Determines if the mesh and geometry source(s) used for the merging are disposed. Defaults to false.
+ * If true, only receiver geometry and resulting mesh are kept in memory.
+ * @param objectSpace [optional] Determines if source mesh(es) is/are merged using objectSpace or worldspace. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ constructor(keepMaterial?: boolean, disposeSources?: boolean, objectSpace?: boolean);
+ /**
+ * Determines if the mesh and geometry source(s) used for the merging are disposed. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ disposeSources: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Determines if the material source(s) used for the merging are disposed. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ keepMaterial: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Determines if source mesh(es) is/are merged using objectSpace or worldspace. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ objectSpace: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Merges all the children of a container into a single Mesh. If no Mesh object is found, method returns the receiver without modification.
+ *
+ * @param receiver The Mesh to receive the merged contents of the container.
+ * @param objectContainer The DisplayObjectContainer holding the meshes to be mergd.
+ *
+ * @return The merged Mesh instance.
+ */
+ applyToContainer(receiver: Mesh, objectContainer: DisplayObjectContainer): void;
+ /**
+ * Merges all the meshes found in the Array<Mesh> into a single Mesh.
+ *
+ * @param receiver The Mesh to receive the merged contents of the meshes.
+ * @param meshes A series of Meshes to be merged with the reciever mesh.
+ */
+ applyToMeshes(receiver: Mesh, meshes: Mesh[]): void;
+ /**
+ * Merges 2 meshes into one. It is recommand to use apply when 2 meshes are to be merged. If more need to be merged, use either applyToMeshes or applyToContainer methods.
+ *
+ * @param receiver The Mesh to receive the merged contents of both meshes.
+ * @param mesh The Mesh to be merged with the receiver mesh
+ */
+ apply(receiver: Mesh, mesh: Mesh): void;
+ private reset();
+ private merge(destMesh, dispose);
+ private collect(mesh, dispose);
+ private getSubGeomData(material);
+ private parseContainer(receiver, object);
+ }
+ export = Merge;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/tools/data/ParticleGeometryTransform" {
+ import Matrix = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix");
+ import Matrix3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3D");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleGeometryTransform {
+ private _defaultVertexTransform;
+ private _defaultInvVertexTransform;
+ private _defaultUVTransform;
+ vertexTransform: Matrix3D;
+ UVTransform: Matrix;
+ invVertexTransform: Matrix3D;
+ }
+ export = ParticleGeometryTransform;
+declare module "awayjs-renderergl/lib/tools/helpers/ParticleGeometryHelper" {
+ import Geometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/Geometry");
+ import ParticleGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/core/base/ParticleGeometry");
+ import ParticleGeometryTransform = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/tools/data/ParticleGeometryTransform");
+ /**
+ * ...
+ */
+ class ParticleGeometryHelper {
+ static MAX_VERTEX: number;
+ static generateGeometry(geometries: Geometry[], transforms?: ParticleGeometryTransform[]): ParticleGeometry;
+ }
+ export = ParticleGeometryHelper;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/awayjs-renderergl.js b/build/awayjs-renderergl.js
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1a98aa6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/awayjs-renderergl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17846 @@
+require=(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;oduration
data in its static properties to determine how long a particle is visible for. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesLooping Defines whether the animation set uses a looping timeframe for each particle determined by the startTime
, duration
and delay
data in its static properties function. Defaults to false. Requires usesDuration
to be true.
+ * @param [optional] usesDelay Defines whether the animation set uses the delay
data in its static properties to determine how long a particle is hidden for. Defaults to false. Requires usesLooping
to be true.
+ */
+ function ParticleAnimationSet(usesDuration, usesLooping, usesDelay) {
+ if (usesDuration === void 0) { usesDuration = false; }
+ if (usesLooping === void 0) { usesLooping = false; }
+ if (usesDelay === void 0) { usesDelay = false; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._animationSubGeometries = new Object();
+ this._particleNodes = new Array();
+ this._localDynamicNodes = new Array();
+ this._localStaticNodes = new Array();
+ this._totalLenOfOneVertex = 0;
+ //automatically add a particle time node to the set
+ this.addAnimation(this._timeNode = new ParticleTimeNode(usesDuration, usesLooping, usesDelay));
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleAnimationSet.prototype, "particleNodes", {
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector of the particle animation nodes contained within the set.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._particleNodes;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAnimationSet.prototype.addAnimation = function (node) {
+ var i /*int*/;
+ var n = node;
+ n._iProcessAnimationSetting(this);
+ if (n.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) {
+ n._iDataOffset = this._totalLenOfOneVertex;
+ this._totalLenOfOneVertex += n.dataLength;
+ this._localStaticNodes.push(n);
+ }
+ else if (n.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_DYNAMIC)
+ this._localDynamicNodes.push(n);
+ for (i = this._particleNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (this._particleNodes[i].priority <= n.priority)
+ break;
+ }
+ this._particleNodes.splice(i + 1, 0, n);
+ _super.prototype.addAnimation.call(this, node);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAnimationSet.prototype.activate = function (shaderObject, stage) {
+ // this._iAnimationRegisterCache = pass.animationRegisterCache;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAnimationSet.prototype.deactivate = function (shaderObject, stage) {
+ // var context:IContextStageGL = ParticleAnimator
+ *
+ * @param particleAnimationSet The animation data set containing the particle animations used by the animator.
+ */
+ function ParticleAnimator(particleAnimationSet) {
+ _super.call(this, particleAnimationSet);
+ this._animationParticleStates = new Array();
+ this._animatorParticleStates = new Array();
+ this._timeParticleStates = new Array();
+ this._totalLenOfOneVertex = 0;
+ this._animatorSubGeometries = new Object();
+ this._particleAnimationSet = particleAnimationSet;
+ var state;
+ var node;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._particleAnimationSet.particleNodes.length; i++) {
+ node = this._particleAnimationSet.particleNodes[i];
+ state = this.getAnimationState(node);
+ if (node.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_DYNAMIC) {
+ this._animatorParticleStates.push(state);
+ node._iDataOffset = this._totalLenOfOneVertex;
+ this._totalLenOfOneVertex += node.dataLength;
+ }
+ else {
+ this._animationParticleStates.push(state);
+ }
+ if (state.needUpdateTime)
+ this._timeParticleStates.push(state);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAnimator.prototype.clone = function () {
+ return new ParticleAnimator(this._particleAnimationSet);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAnimator.prototype.setRenderState = function (shaderObject, renderable, stage, camera, vertexConstantOffset /*int*/, vertexStreamOffset /*int*/) {
+ var animationRegisterCache = this._particleAnimationSet._iAnimationRegisterCache;
+ var subMesh = renderable.subMesh;
+ var state;
+ var i;
+ if (!subMesh)
+ throw (new Error("Must be subMesh"));
+ //process animation sub geometries
+ var animationSubGeometry = this._particleAnimationSet.getAnimationSubGeometry(subMesh);
+ for (i = 0; i < this._animationParticleStates.length; i++)
+ this._animationParticleStates[i].setRenderState(stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera);
+ //process animator subgeometries
+ var animatorSubGeometry = this.getAnimatorSubGeometry(subMesh);
+ for (i = 0; i < this._animatorParticleStates.length; i++)
+ this._animatorParticleStates[i].setRenderState(stage, renderable, animatorSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera);
+ stage.context.setProgramConstantsFromArray(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, animationRegisterCache.vertexConstantOffset, animationRegisterCache.vertexConstantData, animationRegisterCache.numVertexConstant);
+ if (animationRegisterCache.numFragmentConstant > 0)
+ stage.context.setProgramConstantsFromArray(ContextGLProgramType.FRAGMENT, animationRegisterCache.fragmentConstantOffset, animationRegisterCache.fragmentConstantData, animationRegisterCache.numFragmentConstant);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAnimator.prototype.testGPUCompatibility = function (shaderObject) {
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAnimator.prototype.start = function () {
+ _super.prototype.start.call(this);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._timeParticleStates.length; i++)
+ this._timeParticleStates[i].offset(this._pAbsoluteTime);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAnimator.prototype._pUpdateDeltaTime = function (dt) {
+ this._pAbsoluteTime += dt;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._timeParticleStates.length; i++)
+ this._timeParticleStates[i].update(this._pAbsoluteTime);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAnimator.prototype.resetTime = function (offset) {
+ if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._timeParticleStates.length; i++)
+ this._timeParticleStates[i].offset(this._pAbsoluteTime + offset);
+ this.update(this.time);
+ };
+ ParticleAnimator.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ for (var key in this._animatorSubGeometries)
+ this._animatorSubGeometries[key].dispose();
+ };
+ ParticleAnimator.prototype.getAnimatorSubGeometry = function (subMesh) {
+ if (!this._animatorParticleStates.length)
+ return;
+ var subGeometry = subMesh.subGeometry;
+ var animatorSubGeometry = this._animatorSubGeometries[subGeometry.id] = new AnimationSubGeometry();
+ //create the vertexData vector that will be used for local state data
+ animatorSubGeometry.createVertexData(subGeometry.numVertices, this._totalLenOfOneVertex);
+ //pass the particles data to the animator subGeometry
+ animatorSubGeometry.animationParticles = this._particleAnimationSet.getAnimationSubGeometry(subMesh).animationParticles;
+ };
+ return ParticleAnimator;
+module.exports = ParticleAnimator;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationSetBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimationSetBase");
+ * The animation data set used by skeleton-based animators, containing skeleton animation data.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.SkeletonAnimator
+ */
+var SkeletonAnimationSet = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonAnimationSet, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonAnimationSet
+ *
+ * @param jointsPerVertex Sets the amount of skeleton joints that can be linked to a single vertex via skinned weight values. For GPU-base animation, the maximum allowed value is 4. Defaults to 4.
+ */
+ function SkeletonAnimationSet(jointsPerVertex) {
+ if (jointsPerVertex === void 0) { jointsPerVertex = 4; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._jointsPerVertex = jointsPerVertex;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonAnimationSet.prototype, "jointsPerVertex", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the amount of skeleton joints that can be linked to a single vertex via skinned weight values. For GPU-base animation, the
+ * maximum allowed value is 4.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._jointsPerVertex;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimationSet.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject) {
+ var len = shaderObject.animatableAttributes.length;
+ var indexOffset0 = shaderObject.numUsedVertexConstants;
+ var indexOffset1 = indexOffset0 + 1;
+ var indexOffset2 = indexOffset0 + 2;
+ var indexStream = "va" + shaderObject.numUsedStreams;
+ var weightStream = "va" + (shaderObject.numUsedStreams + 1);
+ var indices = [indexStream + ".x", indexStream + ".y", indexStream + ".z", indexStream + ".w"];
+ var weights = [weightStream + ".x", weightStream + ".y", weightStream + ".z", weightStream + ".w"];
+ var temp1 = this._pFindTempReg(shaderObject.animationTargetRegisters);
+ var temp2 = this._pFindTempReg(shaderObject.animationTargetRegisters, temp1);
+ var dot = "dp4";
+ var code = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ var src = shaderObject.animatableAttributes[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < this._jointsPerVertex; ++j) {
+ code += dot + " " + temp1 + ".x, " + src + ", vc[" + indices[j] + "+" + indexOffset0 + "]\n" + dot + " " + temp1 + ".y, " + src + ", vc[" + indices[j] + "+" + indexOffset1 + "]\n" + dot + " " + temp1 + ".z, " + src + ", vc[" + indices[j] + "+" + indexOffset2 + "]\n" + "mov " + temp1 + ".w, " + src + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp1 + ", " + temp1 + ", " + weights[j] + "\n"; // apply weight
+ // add or mov to target. Need to write to a temp reg first, because an output can be a target
+ if (j == 0)
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + ", " + temp1 + "\n";
+ else
+ code += "add " + temp2 + ", " + temp2 + ", " + temp1 + "\n";
+ }
+ // switch to dp3 once positions have been transformed, from now on, it should only be vectors instead of points
+ dot = "dp3";
+ code += "mov " + shaderObject.animationTargetRegisters[i] + ", " + temp2 + "\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimationSet.prototype.activate = function (shaderObject, stage) {
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimationSet.prototype.deactivate = function (shaderObject, stage) {
+ // var streamOffset:number /*uint*/ = pass.numUsedStreams;
+ // var context:IContextStageGL = SkeletonAnimator
+ *
+ * @param skeletonAnimationSet The animation data set containing the skeleton animations used by the animator.
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton object used for calculating the resulting global matrices for transforming skinned mesh data.
+ * @param forceCPU Optional value that only allows the animator to perform calculation on the CPU. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ function SkeletonAnimator(animationSet, skeleton, forceCPU) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (forceCPU === void 0) { forceCPU = false; }
+ _super.call(this, animationSet);
+ this._globalPose = new SkeletonPose();
+ this._morphedSubGeometry = new Object();
+ this._morphedSubGeometryDirty = new Object();
+ this._skeleton = skeleton;
+ this._forceCPU = forceCPU;
+ this._jointsPerVertex = animationSet.jointsPerVertex;
+ this._numJoints = this._skeleton.numJoints;
+ this._globalMatrices = new Array(this._numJoints * 12);
+ var j = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._numJoints; ++i) {
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 1;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 0;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 0;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 0;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 0;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 1;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 0;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 0;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 0;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 0;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 1;
+ this._globalMatrices[j++] = 0;
+ }
+ this._onTransitionCompleteDelegate = function (event) { return _this.onTransitionComplete(event); };
+ this._onIndicesUpdateDelegate = function (event) { return _this.onIndicesUpdate(event); };
+ this._onVerticesUpdateDelegate = function (event) { return _this.onVerticesUpdate(event); };
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonAnimator.prototype, "globalMatrices", {
+ /**
+ * returns the calculated global matrices of the current skeleton pose.
+ *
+ * @see #globalPose
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._globalPropertiesDirty)
+ this.updateGlobalProperties();
+ return this._globalMatrices;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonAnimator.prototype, "globalPose", {
+ /**
+ * returns the current skeleton pose output from the animator.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.data.SkeletonPose
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._globalPropertiesDirty)
+ this.updateGlobalProperties();
+ return this._globalPose;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonAnimator.prototype, "skeleton", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the skeleton object in use by the animator - this defines the number and heirarchy of joints used by the
+ * skinned geoemtry to which skeleon animator is applied.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._skeleton;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonAnimator.prototype, "forceCPU", {
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether the skeleton animator is disabled by default for GPU rendering, something that allows the animator to perform calculation on the GPU.
+ * Defaults to false.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._forceCPU;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonAnimator.prototype, "useCondensedIndices", {
+ /**
+ * Offers the option of enabling GPU accelerated animation on skeletons larger than 32 joints
+ * by condensing the number of joint index values required per mesh. Only applicable to
+ * skeleton animations that utilise more than one mesh object. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._useCondensedIndices;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._useCondensedIndices = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.clone = function () {
+ /* The cast to SkeletonAnimationSet should never fail, as _animationSet can only be set
+ through the constructor, which will only accept a SkeletonAnimationSet. */
+ return new SkeletonAnimator(this._pAnimationSet, this._skeleton, this._forceCPU);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Plays an animation state registered with the given name in the animation data set.
+ *
+ * @param name The data set name of the animation state to be played.
+ * @param transition An optional transition object that determines how the animator will transition from the currently active animation state.
+ * @param offset An option offset time (in milliseconds) that resets the state's internal clock to the absolute time of the animator plus the offset value. Required for non-looping animation states.
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.play = function (name, transition, offset) {
+ if (transition === void 0) { transition = null; }
+ if (offset === void 0) { offset = NaN; }
+ if (this._pActiveAnimationName == name)
+ return;
+ this._pActiveAnimationName = name;
+ if (!this._pAnimationSet.hasAnimation(name))
+ throw new Error("Animation root node " + name + " not found!");
+ if (transition && this._pActiveNode) {
+ //setup the transition
+ this._pActiveNode = transition.getAnimationNode(this, this._pActiveNode, this._pAnimationSet.getAnimation(name), this._pAbsoluteTime);
+ this._pActiveNode.addEventListener(AnimationStateEvent.TRANSITION_COMPLETE, this._onTransitionCompleteDelegate);
+ }
+ else
+ this._pActiveNode = this._pAnimationSet.getAnimation(name);
+ this._pActiveState = this.getAnimationState(this._pActiveNode);
+ if (this.updatePosition) {
+ //update straight away to reset position deltas
+ this._pActiveState.update(this._pAbsoluteTime);
+ this._pActiveState.positionDelta;
+ }
+ this._activeSkeletonState = this._pActiveState;
+ this.start();
+ //apply a time offset if specified
+ if (!isNaN(offset))
+ this.reset(name, offset);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.setRenderState = function (shaderObject, renderable, stage, camera, vertexConstantOffset /*int*/, vertexStreamOffset /*int*/) {
+ // do on request of globalProperties
+ if (this._globalPropertiesDirty)
+ this.updateGlobalProperties();
+ var subGeometry = renderable.subMesh.subGeometry;
+ subGeometry.useCondensedIndices = this._useCondensedIndices;
+ if (this._useCondensedIndices) {
+ // using a condensed data set
+ this.updateCondensedMatrices(subGeometry.condensedIndexLookUp, subGeometry.numCondensedJoints);
+ stage.context.setProgramConstantsFromArray(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, vertexConstantOffset, this._condensedMatrices, subGeometry.numCondensedJoints * 3);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this._pAnimationSet.usesCPU) {
+ if (this._morphedSubGeometryDirty[subGeometry.id])
+ this.morphSubGeometry(renderable, subGeometry);
+ return;
+ }
+ stage.context.setProgramConstantsFromArray(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, vertexConstantOffset, this._globalMatrices, this._numJoints * 3);
+ }
+ stage.context.activateBuffer(vertexStreamOffset, renderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.JOINT_INDEX_DATA), renderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.JOINT_INDEX_DATA), renderable.JOINT_INDEX_FORMAT);
+ stage.context.activateBuffer(vertexStreamOffset + 1, renderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.JOINT_WEIGHT_DATA), renderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.JOINT_WEIGHT_DATA), renderable.JOINT_WEIGHT_FORMAT);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.testGPUCompatibility = function (shaderObject) {
+ if (!this._useCondensedIndices && (this._forceCPU || this._jointsPerVertex > 4 || shaderObject.numUsedVertexConstants + this._numJoints * 3 > 128))
+ this._pAnimationSet.cancelGPUCompatibility();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Applies the calculated time delta to the active animation state node or state transition object.
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype._pUpdateDeltaTime = function (dt) {
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateDeltaTime.call(this, dt);
+ //invalidate pose matrices
+ this._globalPropertiesDirty = true;
+ //trigger geometry invalidation if using CPU animation
+ if (this._pAnimationSet.usesCPU)
+ for (var key in this._morphedSubGeometryDirty)
+ this._morphedSubGeometryDirty[key] = true;
+ };
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.updateCondensedMatrices = function (condensedIndexLookUp /*uint*/, numJoints /*uint*/) {
+ var i = 0, j = 0;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ var srcIndex /*uint*/;
+ this._condensedMatrices = new Array();
+ do {
+ srcIndex = condensedIndexLookUp[i] * 4;
+ len = srcIndex + 12;
+ while (srcIndex < len)
+ this._condensedMatrices[j++] = this._globalMatrices[srcIndex++];
+ } while (++i < numJoints);
+ };
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.updateGlobalProperties = function () {
+ this._globalPropertiesDirty = false;
+ //get global pose
+ this.localToGlobalPose(this._activeSkeletonState.getSkeletonPose(this._skeleton), this._globalPose, this._skeleton);
+ // convert pose to matrix
+ var mtxOffset = 0;
+ var globalPoses = this._globalPose.jointPoses;
+ var raw;
+ var ox, oy, oz, ow;
+ var xy2, xz2, xw2;
+ var yz2, yw2, zw2;
+ var n11, n12, n13;
+ var n21, n22, n23;
+ var n31, n32, n33;
+ var m11, m12, m13, m14;
+ var m21, m22, m23, m24;
+ var m31, m32, m33, m34;
+ var joints = this._skeleton.joints;
+ var pose;
+ var quat;
+ var vec;
+ var t;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._numJoints; ++i) {
+ pose = globalPoses[i];
+ quat = pose.orientation;
+ vec = pose.translation;
+ ox = quat.x;
+ oy = quat.y;
+ oz = quat.z;
+ ow = quat.w;
+ xy2 = (t = 2.0 * ox) * oy;
+ xz2 = t * oz;
+ xw2 = t * ow;
+ yz2 = (t = 2.0 * oy) * oz;
+ yw2 = t * ow;
+ zw2 = 2.0 * oz * ow;
+ yz2 = 2.0 * oy * oz;
+ yw2 = 2.0 * oy * ow;
+ zw2 = 2.0 * oz * ow;
+ ox *= ox;
+ oy *= oy;
+ oz *= oz;
+ ow *= ow;
+ n11 = (t = ox - oy) - oz + ow;
+ n12 = xy2 - zw2;
+ n13 = xz2 + yw2;
+ n21 = xy2 + zw2;
+ n22 = -t - oz + ow;
+ n23 = yz2 - xw2;
+ n31 = xz2 - yw2;
+ n32 = yz2 + xw2;
+ n33 = -ox - oy + oz + ow;
+ // prepend inverse bind pose
+ raw = joints[i].inverseBindPose;
+ m11 = raw[0];
+ m12 = raw[4];
+ m13 = raw[8];
+ m14 = raw[12];
+ m21 = raw[1];
+ m22 = raw[5];
+ m23 = raw[9];
+ m24 = raw[13];
+ m31 = raw[2];
+ m32 = raw[6];
+ m33 = raw[10];
+ m34 = raw[14];
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset] = n11 * m11 + n12 * m21 + n13 * m31;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 1] = n11 * m12 + n12 * m22 + n13 * m32;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 2] = n11 * m13 + n12 * m23 + n13 * m33;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 3] = n11 * m14 + n12 * m24 + n13 * m34 + vec.x;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 4] = n21 * m11 + n22 * m21 + n23 * m31;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 5] = n21 * m12 + n22 * m22 + n23 * m32;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 6] = n21 * m13 + n22 * m23 + n23 * m33;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 7] = n21 * m14 + n22 * m24 + n23 * m34 + vec.y;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 8] = n31 * m11 + n32 * m21 + n33 * m31;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 9] = n31 * m12 + n32 * m22 + n33 * m32;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 10] = n31 * m13 + n32 * m23 + n33 * m33;
+ this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 11] = n31 * m14 + n32 * m24 + n33 * m34 + vec.z;
+ mtxOffset = mtxOffset + 12;
+ }
+ };
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.getRenderableSubGeometry = function (renderable, sourceSubGeometry) {
+ this._morphedSubGeometryDirty[sourceSubGeometry.id] = true;
+ //early out for GPU animations
+ if (!this._pAnimationSet.usesCPU)
+ return sourceSubGeometry;
+ var targetSubGeometry;
+ if (!(targetSubGeometry = this._morphedSubGeometry[sourceSubGeometry.id])) {
+ //not yet stored
+ targetSubGeometry = this._morphedSubGeometry[sourceSubGeometry.id] = sourceSubGeometry.clone();
+ //turn off auto calculations on the morphed geometry
+ targetSubGeometry.autoDeriveNormals = false;
+ targetSubGeometry.autoDeriveTangents = false;
+ targetSubGeometry.autoDeriveUVs = false;
+ //add event listeners for any changes in UV values on the source geometry
+ sourceSubGeometry.addEventListener(SubGeometryEvent.INDICES_UPDATED, this._onIndicesUpdateDelegate);
+ sourceSubGeometry.addEventListener(SubGeometryEvent.VERTICES_UPDATED, this._onVerticesUpdateDelegate);
+ }
+ return targetSubGeometry;
+ };
+ /**
+ * If the animation can't be performed on GPU, transform vertices manually
+ * @param subGeom The subgeometry containing the weights and joint index data per vertex.
+ * @param pass The material pass for which we need to transform the vertices
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.morphSubGeometry = function (renderable, sourceSubGeometry) {
+ this._morphedSubGeometryDirty[sourceSubGeometry.id] = false;
+ var sourcePositions = sourceSubGeometry.positions;
+ var sourceNormals = sourceSubGeometry.vertexNormals;
+ var sourceTangents = sourceSubGeometry.vertexTangents;
+ var jointIndices = sourceSubGeometry.jointIndices;
+ var jointWeights = sourceSubGeometry.jointWeights;
+ var targetSubGeometry = this._morphedSubGeometry[sourceSubGeometry.id];
+ var targetPositions = targetSubGeometry.positions;
+ var targetNormals = targetSubGeometry.vertexNormals;
+ var targetTangents = targetSubGeometry.vertexTangents;
+ var index = 0;
+ var j = 0;
+ var k /*uint*/;
+ var vx, vy, vz;
+ var nx, ny, nz;
+ var tx, ty, tz;
+ var len = sourcePositions.length;
+ var weight;
+ var vertX, vertY, vertZ;
+ var normX, normY, normZ;
+ var tangX, tangY, tangZ;
+ var m11, m12, m13, m14;
+ var m21, m22, m23, m24;
+ var m31, m32, m33, m34;
+ while (index < len) {
+ vertX = sourcePositions[index];
+ vertY = sourcePositions[index + 1];
+ vertZ = sourcePositions[index + 2];
+ normX = sourceNormals[index];
+ normY = sourceNormals[index + 1];
+ normZ = sourceNormals[index + 2];
+ tangX = sourceTangents[index];
+ tangY = sourceTangents[index + 1];
+ tangZ = sourceTangents[index + 2];
+ vx = 0;
+ vy = 0;
+ vz = 0;
+ nx = 0;
+ ny = 0;
+ nz = 0;
+ tx = 0;
+ ty = 0;
+ tz = 0;
+ k = 0;
+ while (k < this._jointsPerVertex) {
+ weight = jointWeights[j];
+ if (weight > 0) {
+ // implicit /3*12 (/3 because indices are multiplied by 3 for gpu matrix access, *12 because it's the matrix size)
+ var mtxOffset = jointIndices[j++] << 2;
+ m11 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset];
+ m12 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 1];
+ m13 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 2];
+ m14 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 3];
+ m21 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 4];
+ m22 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 5];
+ m23 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 6];
+ m24 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 7];
+ m31 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 8];
+ m32 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 9];
+ m33 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 10];
+ m34 = this._globalMatrices[mtxOffset + 11];
+ vx += weight * (m11 * vertX + m12 * vertY + m13 * vertZ + m14);
+ vy += weight * (m21 * vertX + m22 * vertY + m23 * vertZ + m24);
+ vz += weight * (m31 * vertX + m32 * vertY + m33 * vertZ + m34);
+ nx += weight * (m11 * normX + m12 * normY + m13 * normZ);
+ ny += weight * (m21 * normX + m22 * normY + m23 * normZ);
+ nz += weight * (m31 * normX + m32 * normY + m33 * normZ);
+ tx += weight * (m11 * tangX + m12 * tangY + m13 * tangZ);
+ ty += weight * (m21 * tangX + m22 * tangY + m23 * tangZ);
+ tz += weight * (m31 * tangX + m32 * tangY + m33 * tangZ);
+ ++k;
+ }
+ else {
+ j += (this._jointsPerVertex - k);
+ k = this._jointsPerVertex;
+ }
+ }
+ targetPositions[index] = vx;
+ targetPositions[index + 1] = vy;
+ targetPositions[index + 2] = vz;
+ targetNormals[index] = nx;
+ targetNormals[index + 1] = ny;
+ targetNormals[index + 2] = nz;
+ targetTangents[index] = tx;
+ targetTangents[index + 1] = ty;
+ targetTangents[index + 2] = tz;
+ index += 3;
+ }
+ targetSubGeometry.updatePositions(targetPositions);
+ targetSubGeometry.updateVertexNormals(targetNormals);
+ targetSubGeometry.updateVertexTangents(targetTangents);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Converts a local hierarchical skeleton pose to a global pose
+ * @param targetPose The SkeletonPose object that will contain the global pose.
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton containing the joints, and as such, the hierarchical data to transform to global poses.
+ */
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.localToGlobalPose = function (sourcePose, targetPose, skeleton) {
+ var globalPoses = targetPose.jointPoses;
+ var globalJointPose;
+ var joints = skeleton.joints;
+ var len = sourcePose.numJointPoses;
+ var jointPoses = sourcePose.jointPoses;
+ var parentIndex /*int*/;
+ var joint;
+ var parentPose;
+ var pose;
+ var or;
+ var tr;
+ var t;
+ var q;
+ var x1, y1, z1, w1;
+ var x2, y2, z2, w2;
+ var x3, y3, z3;
+ // :s
+ if (globalPoses.length != len)
+ globalPoses.length = len;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ globalJointPose = globalPoses[i];
+ if (globalJointPose == null)
+ globalJointPose = globalPoses[i] = new JointPose();
+ joint = joints[i];
+ parentIndex = joint.parentIndex;
+ pose = jointPoses[i];
+ q = globalJointPose.orientation;
+ t = globalJointPose.translation;
+ if (parentIndex < 0) {
+ tr = pose.translation;
+ or = pose.orientation;
+ q.x = or.x;
+ q.y = or.y;
+ q.z = or.z;
+ q.w = or.w;
+ t.x = tr.x;
+ t.y = tr.y;
+ t.z = tr.z;
+ }
+ else {
+ // append parent pose
+ parentPose = globalPoses[parentIndex];
+ // rotate point
+ or = parentPose.orientation;
+ tr = pose.translation;
+ x2 = or.x;
+ y2 = or.y;
+ z2 = or.z;
+ w2 = or.w;
+ x3 = tr.x;
+ y3 = tr.y;
+ z3 = tr.z;
+ w1 = -x2 * x3 - y2 * y3 - z2 * z3;
+ x1 = w2 * x3 + y2 * z3 - z2 * y3;
+ y1 = w2 * y3 - x2 * z3 + z2 * x3;
+ z1 = w2 * z3 + x2 * y3 - y2 * x3;
+ // append parent translation
+ tr = parentPose.translation;
+ t.x = -w1 * x2 + x1 * w2 - y1 * z2 + z1 * y2 + tr.x;
+ t.y = -w1 * y2 + x1 * z2 + y1 * w2 - z1 * x2 + tr.y;
+ t.z = -w1 * z2 - x1 * y2 + y1 * x2 + z1 * w2 + tr.z;
+ // append parent orientation
+ x1 = or.x;
+ y1 = or.y;
+ z1 = or.z;
+ w1 = or.w;
+ or = pose.orientation;
+ x2 = or.x;
+ y2 = or.y;
+ z2 = or.z;
+ w2 = or.w;
+ q.w = w1 * w2 - x1 * x2 - y1 * y2 - z1 * z2;
+ q.x = w1 * x2 + x1 * w2 + y1 * z2 - z1 * y2;
+ q.y = w1 * y2 - x1 * z2 + y1 * w2 + z1 * x2;
+ q.z = w1 * z2 + x1 * y2 - y1 * x2 + z1 * w2;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.onTransitionComplete = function (event) {
+ if (event.type == AnimationStateEvent.TRANSITION_COMPLETE) {
+ event.animationNode.removeEventListener(AnimationStateEvent.TRANSITION_COMPLETE, this._onTransitionCompleteDelegate);
+ //if this is the current active state transition, revert control to the active node
+ if (this._pActiveState == event.animationState) {
+ this._pActiveNode = this._pAnimationSet.getAnimation(this._pActiveAnimationName);
+ this._pActiveState = this.getAnimationState(this._pActiveNode);
+ this._activeSkeletonState = this._pActiveState;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.onIndicesUpdate = function (event) {
+ var subGeometry = event.target;
+ this._morphedSubGeometry[subGeometry.id].updateIndices(subGeometry.indices);
+ };
+ SkeletonAnimator.prototype.onVerticesUpdate = function (event) {
+ var subGeometry = event.target;
+ var morphGeometry = this._morphedSubGeometry[subGeometry.id];
+ switch (event.dataType) {
+ case TriangleSubGeometry.UV_DATA:
+ morphGeometry.updateUVs(subGeometry.uvs);
+ case TriangleSubGeometry.SECONDARY_UV_DATA:
+ morphGeometry.updateUVs(subGeometry.secondaryUVs);
+ }
+ };
+ return SkeletonAnimator;
+module.exports = SkeletonAnimator;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationSetBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimationSetBase");
+var VertexAnimationMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/VertexAnimationMode");
+ * The animation data set used by vertex-based animators, containing vertex animation state data.
+ *
+ * @see VertexAnimator
+ */
+var VertexAnimationSet = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(VertexAnimationSet, _super);
+ /**
+ * Returns whether or not normal data is used in last set GPU pass of the vertex shader.
+ */
+ // public get useNormals():boolean
+ // {
+ // return this._uploadNormals;
+ // }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new VertexAnimationSet
+ *
+ * @param numPoses The number of poses made available at once to the GPU animation code.
+ * @param blendMode Optional value for setting the animation mode of the vertex animator object.
+ *
+ * @see away3d.animators.data.VertexAnimationMode
+ */
+ function VertexAnimationSet(numPoses, blendMode) {
+ if (numPoses === void 0) { numPoses = 2; }
+ if (blendMode === void 0) { blendMode = "absolute"; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._numPoses = numPoses;
+ this._blendMode = blendMode;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(VertexAnimationSet.prototype, "numPoses", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of poses made available at once to the GPU animation code.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._numPoses;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(VertexAnimationSet.prototype, "blendMode", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the active blend mode of the vertex animator object.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._blendMode;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ VertexAnimationSet.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject) {
+ if (this._blendMode == VertexAnimationMode.ABSOLUTE)
+ return this.getAbsoluteAGALCode(shaderObject);
+ else
+ return this.getAdditiveAGALCode(shaderObject);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ VertexAnimationSet.prototype.activate = function (shaderObject, stage) {
+ // var uID:number = pass._iUniqueId;
+ // this._uploadNormals = VertexAnimator
+ *
+ * @param vertexAnimationSet The animation data set containing the vertex animations used by the animator.
+ */
+ function VertexAnimator(vertexAnimationSet) {
+ _super.call(this, vertexAnimationSet);
+ this._poses = new Array();
+ this._weights = Array(1, 0, 0, 0);
+ this._vertexAnimationSet = vertexAnimationSet;
+ this._numPoses = vertexAnimationSet.numPoses;
+ this._blendMode = vertexAnimationSet.blendMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ VertexAnimator.prototype.clone = function () {
+ return new VertexAnimator(this._vertexAnimationSet);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Plays a sequence with a given name. If the sequence is not found, it may not be loaded yet, and it will retry every frame.
+ * @param sequenceName The name of the clip to be played.
+ */
+ VertexAnimator.prototype.play = function (name, transition, offset) {
+ if (transition === void 0) { transition = null; }
+ if (offset === void 0) { offset = NaN; }
+ if (this._pActiveAnimationName == name)
+ return;
+ this._pActiveAnimationName = name;
+ //TODO: implement transitions in vertex animator
+ if (!this._pAnimationSet.hasAnimation(name))
+ throw new Error("Animation root node " + name + " not found!");
+ this._pActiveNode = this._pAnimationSet.getAnimation(name);
+ this._pActiveState = this.getAnimationState(this._pActiveNode);
+ if (this.updatePosition) {
+ //update straight away to reset position deltas
+ this._pActiveState.update(this._pAbsoluteTime);
+ this._pActiveState.positionDelta;
+ }
+ this._activeVertexState = this._pActiveState;
+ this.start();
+ //apply a time offset if specified
+ if (!isNaN(offset))
+ this.reset(name, offset);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ VertexAnimator.prototype._pUpdateDeltaTime = function (dt) {
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateDeltaTime.call(this, dt);
+ var geometryFlag = false;
+ if (this._poses[0] != this._activeVertexState.currentGeometry) {
+ this._poses[0] = this._activeVertexState.currentGeometry;
+ geometryFlag = true;
+ }
+ if (this._poses[1] != this._activeVertexState.nextGeometry) {
+ this._poses[1] = this._activeVertexState.nextGeometry;
+ geometryFlag = true;
+ }
+ this._weights[0] = 1 - (this._weights[1] = this._activeVertexState.blendWeight);
+ if (geometryFlag) {
+ //invalidate meshes
+ var mesh;
+ var len = this._pOwners.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ mesh = this._pOwners[i];
+ mesh._iInvalidateRenderableGeometries();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ VertexAnimator.prototype.setRenderState = function (shaderObject, renderable, stage, camera, vertexConstantOffset /*int*/, vertexStreamOffset /*int*/) {
+ // todo: add code for when running on cpu
+ // if no poses defined, set temp data
+ if (!this._poses.length) {
+ this.setNullPose(shaderObject, renderable, stage, vertexConstantOffset, vertexStreamOffset);
+ return;
+ }
+ // this type of animation can only be SubMesh
+ var subMesh = renderable.subMesh;
+ var subGeom;
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var len = this._numPoses;
+ stage.context.setProgramConstantsFromArray(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, vertexConstantOffset, this._weights, 1);
+ if (this._blendMode == VertexAnimationMode.ABSOLUTE)
+ i = 1;
+ else
+ i = 0;
+ for (; i < len; ++i) {
+ subGeom = this._poses[i].subGeometries[subMesh._iIndex] || subMesh.subGeometry;
+ stage.context.activateBuffer(vertexStreamOffset++, VertexDataPool.getItem(subGeom, renderable.getIndexData(), TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA), subGeom.getOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA), TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_FORMAT);
+ if (shaderObject.normalDependencies > 0)
+ stage.context.activateBuffer(vertexStreamOffset++, VertexDataPool.getItem(subGeom, renderable.getIndexData(), TriangleSubGeometry.NORMAL_DATA), subGeom.getOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.NORMAL_DATA), TriangleSubGeometry.NORMAL_FORMAT);
+ }
+ };
+ VertexAnimator.prototype.setNullPose = function (shaderObject, renderable, stage, vertexConstantOffset /*int*/, vertexStreamOffset /*int*/) {
+ stage.context.setProgramConstantsFromArray(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, vertexConstantOffset, this._weights, 1);
+ if (this._blendMode == VertexAnimationMode.ABSOLUTE) {
+ var len = this._numPoses;
+ for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
+ stage.context.activateBuffer(vertexStreamOffset++, renderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA), renderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA), TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_FORMAT);
+ if (shaderObject.normalDependencies > 0)
+ stage.context.activateBuffer(vertexStreamOffset++, renderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.NORMAL_DATA), renderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.NORMAL_DATA), TriangleSubGeometry.NORMAL_FORMAT);
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: set temp data for additive?
+ };
+ /**
+ * Verifies if the animation will be used on cpu. Needs to be true for all passes for a material to be able to use it on gpu.
+ * Needs to be called if gpu code is potentially required.
+ */
+ VertexAnimator.prototype.testGPUCompatibility = function (shaderObject) {
+ };
+ VertexAnimator.prototype.getRenderableSubGeometry = function (renderable, sourceSubGeometry) {
+ if (this._blendMode == VertexAnimationMode.ABSOLUTE && this._poses.length)
+ return this._poses[0].subGeometries[renderable.subMesh._iIndex] || sourceSubGeometry;
+ //nothing to do here
+ return sourceSubGeometry;
+ };
+ return VertexAnimator;
+module.exports = VertexAnimator;
+ * ...
+ */
+var AnimationSubGeometry = (function () {
+ function AnimationSubGeometry() {
+ this._pVertexBuffer = new Array(8);
+ this._pBufferContext = new Array(8);
+ this._pBufferDirty = new Array(8);
+ this.numProcessedVertices = 0;
+ this.previousTime = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ this.animationParticles = new Array();
+ for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ this._pBufferDirty[i] = true;
+ this._iUniqueId = AnimationSubGeometry.SUBGEOM_ID_COUNT++;
+ }
+ AnimationSubGeometry.prototype.createVertexData = function (numVertices /*uint*/, totalLenOfOneVertex /*uint*/) {
+ this._numVertices = numVertices;
+ this._totalLenOfOneVertex = totalLenOfOneVertex;
+ this._pVertexData = new Array(numVertices * totalLenOfOneVertex);
+ };
+ AnimationSubGeometry.prototype.activateVertexBuffer = function (index /*int*/, bufferOffset /*int*/, stage, format) {
+ var contextIndex = stage.stageIndex;
+ var context = stage.context;
+ var buffer = this._pVertexBuffer[contextIndex];
+ if (!buffer || this._pBufferContext[contextIndex] != context) {
+ buffer = this._pVertexBuffer[contextIndex] = context.createVertexBuffer(this._numVertices, this._totalLenOfOneVertex);
+ this._pBufferContext[contextIndex] = context;
+ this._pBufferDirty[contextIndex] = true;
+ }
+ if (this._pBufferDirty[contextIndex]) {
+ buffer.uploadFromArray(this._pVertexData, 0, this._numVertices);
+ this._pBufferDirty[contextIndex] = false;
+ }
+ context.setVertexBufferAt(index, buffer, bufferOffset, format);
+ };
+ AnimationSubGeometry.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ while (this._pVertexBuffer.length) {
+ var vertexBuffer = this._pVertexBuffer.pop();
+ if (vertexBuffer)
+ vertexBuffer.dispose();
+ }
+ };
+ AnimationSubGeometry.prototype.invalidateBuffer = function () {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ this._pBufferDirty[i] = true;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationSubGeometry.prototype, "vertexData", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._pVertexData;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationSubGeometry.prototype, "numVertices", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._numVertices;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationSubGeometry.prototype, "totalLenOfOneVertex", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._totalLenOfOneVertex;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ AnimationSubGeometry.SUBGEOM_ID_COUNT = 0;
+ return AnimationSubGeometry;
+module.exports = AnimationSubGeometry;
+var ColorSegmentPoint = (function () {
+ function ColorSegmentPoint(life, color) {
+ //0SkeletonJoint
+ */
+ function SkeletonJoint() {
+ /**
+ * The index of the parent joint in the skeleton's joints vector.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.Skeleton#joints
+ */
+ this.parentIndex = -1;
+ }
+ return SkeletonJoint;
+module.exports = SkeletonJoint;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var JointPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/JointPose");
+var AssetType = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/AssetType");
+var NamedAssetBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/NamedAssetBase");
+ * A collection of pose objects, determining the pose for an entire skeleton.
+ * The jointPoses
vector object corresponds to a skeleton's joints
vector object, however, there is no
+ * reference to a skeleton's instance, since several skeletons can be influenced by the same pose (eg: animation
+ * clips are added to any animator with a valid skeleton)
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.Skeleton
+ * @see away.animators.JointPose
+ */
+var SkeletonPose = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonPose, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonPose
+ */
+ function SkeletonPose() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this.jointPoses = new Array();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonPose.prototype, "numJointPoses", {
+ /**
+ * The total number of joint poses in the skeleton pose.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this.jointPoses.length;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonPose.prototype, "assetType", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return AssetType.SKELETON_POSE;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Returns the joint pose object with the given joint name, otherwise returns a null object.
+ *
+ * @param jointName The name of the joint object whose pose is to be found.
+ * @return The pose object with the given joint name.
+ */
+ SkeletonPose.prototype.jointPoseFromName = function (jointName) {
+ var jointPoseIndex = this.jointPoseIndexFromName(jointName);
+ if (jointPoseIndex != -1)
+ return this.jointPoses[jointPoseIndex];
+ else
+ return null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the pose index, given the joint name. -1 is returned if the joint name is not found in the pose.
+ *
+ * @param The name of the joint object whose pose is to be found.
+ * @return The index of the pose object in the jointPoses Array
+ *
+ * @see #jointPoses
+ */
+ SkeletonPose.prototype.jointPoseIndexFromName = function (jointName) {
+ // this is implemented as a linear search, rather than a possibly
+ // more optimal method (Dictionary lookup, for example) because:
+ // a) it is assumed that it will be called once for each joint
+ // b) it is assumed that it will be called only during load, and not during main loop
+ // c) maintaining a dictionary (for safety) would dictate an interface to access JointPoses,
+ // rather than direct array access. this would be sub-optimal.
+ var jointPoseIndex /*int*/;
+ var jointPose;
+ for (var i /*uint*/; i < this.jointPoses.length; i++) {
+ jointPose = this.jointPoses[i];
+ if (jointPose.name == jointName)
+ return jointPoseIndex;
+ jointPoseIndex++;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a copy of the SkeletonPose
object, with a dulpicate of its component joint poses.
+ *
+ * @return SkeletonPose
+ */
+ SkeletonPose.prototype.clone = function () {
+ var clone = new SkeletonPose();
+ var numJointPoses = this.jointPoses.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numJointPoses; i++) {
+ var cloneJointPose = new JointPose();
+ var thisJointPose = this.jointPoses[i];
+ cloneJointPose.name = thisJointPose.name;
+ cloneJointPose.copyFrom(thisJointPose);
+ clone.jointPoses[i] = cloneJointPose;
+ }
+ return clone;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonPose.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ this.jointPoses.length = 0;
+ };
+ return SkeletonPose;
+module.exports = SkeletonPose;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AssetType = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/AssetType");
+var NamedAssetBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/NamedAssetBase");
+ * A Skeleton object is a hierarchical grouping of joint objects that can be used for skeletal animation.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.SkeletonJoint
+ */
+var Skeleton = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(Skeleton, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new Skeleton
+ */
+ function Skeleton() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ // in the long run, it might be a better idea to not store Joint objects, but keep all data in Vectors, that we can upload easily?
+ this.joints = new Array();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(Skeleton.prototype, "numJoints", {
+ /**
+ * The total number of joints in the skeleton.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this.joints.length;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Returns the joint object in the skeleton with the given name, otherwise returns a null object.
+ *
+ * @param jointName The name of the joint object to be found.
+ * @return The joint object with the given name.
+ *
+ * @see #joints
+ */
+ Skeleton.prototype.jointFromName = function (jointName) {
+ var jointIndex = this.jointIndexFromName(jointName);
+ if (jointIndex != -1)
+ return this.joints[jointIndex];
+ else
+ return null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the joint index, given the joint name. -1 is returned if the joint name is not found.
+ *
+ * @param jointName The name of the joint object to be found.
+ * @return The index of the joint object in the joints Array
+ *
+ * @see #joints
+ */
+ Skeleton.prototype.jointIndexFromName = function (jointName) {
+ // this is implemented as a linear search, rather than a possibly
+ // more optimal method (Dictionary lookup, for example) because:
+ // a) it is assumed that it will be called once for each joint
+ // b) it is assumed that it will be called only during load, and not during main loop
+ // c) maintaining a dictionary (for safety) would dictate an interface to access SkeletonJoints,
+ // rather than direct array access. this would be sub-optimal.
+ var jointIndex /*int*/;
+ var joint;
+ for (var i /*int*/; i < this.joints.length; i++) {
+ joint = this.joints[i];
+ if (joint.name == jointName)
+ return jointIndex;
+ jointIndex++;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ Skeleton.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ this.joints.length = 0;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(Skeleton.prototype, "assetType", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return AssetType.SKELETON;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ return Skeleton;
+module.exports = Skeleton;
+ * Options for setting the animation mode of a vertex animator object.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.VertexAnimator
+ */
+var VertexAnimationMode = (function () {
+ function VertexAnimationMode() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Animation mode that adds all outputs from active vertex animation state to form the current vertex animation pose.
+ */
+ VertexAnimationMode.ADDITIVE = "additive";
+ /**
+ * Animation mode that picks the output from a single vertex animation state to form the current vertex animation pose.
+ */
+ VertexAnimationMode.ABSOLUTE = "absolute";
+ return VertexAnimationMode;
+module.exports = VertexAnimationMode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ * Provides an abstract base class for nodes with time-based animation data in an animation blend tree.
+ */
+var AnimationClipNodeBase = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(AnimationClipNodeBase, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new AnimationClipNodeBase
+ */
+ function AnimationClipNodeBase() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._pLooping = true;
+ this._pTotalDuration = 0;
+ this._pStitchDirty = true;
+ this._pStitchFinalFrame = false;
+ this._pNumFrames = 0;
+ this._pDurations = new Array();
+ /*uint*/
+ this._pTotalDelta = new Vector3D();
+ this.fixedFrameRate = true;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationClipNodeBase.prototype, "looping", {
+ /**
+ * Determines whether the contents of the animation node have looping characteristics enabled.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._pLooping;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (this._pLooping == value)
+ return;
+ this._pLooping = value;
+ this._pStitchDirty = true;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationClipNodeBase.prototype, "stitchFinalFrame", {
+ /**
+ * Defines if looping content blends the final frame of animation data with the first (true) or works on the
+ * assumption that both first and last frames are identical (false). Defaults to false.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._pStitchFinalFrame;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (this._pStitchFinalFrame == value)
+ return;
+ this._pStitchFinalFrame = value;
+ this._pStitchDirty = true;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationClipNodeBase.prototype, "totalDuration", {
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pStitchDirty)
+ this._pUpdateStitch();
+ return this._pTotalDuration;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationClipNodeBase.prototype, "totalDelta", {
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pStitchDirty)
+ this._pUpdateStitch();
+ return this._pTotalDelta;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationClipNodeBase.prototype, "lastFrame", {
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pStitchDirty)
+ this._pUpdateStitch();
+ return this._pLastFrame;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationClipNodeBase.prototype, "durations", {
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector of time values representing the duration (in milliseconds) of each animation frame in the clip.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._pDurations;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Updates the node's final frame stitch state.
+ *
+ * @see #stitchFinalFrame
+ */
+ AnimationClipNodeBase.prototype._pUpdateStitch = function () {
+ this._pStitchDirty = false;
+ this._pLastFrame = (this._pStitchFinalFrame) ? this._pNumFrames : this._pNumFrames - 1;
+ this._pTotalDuration = 0;
+ this._pTotalDelta.x = 0;
+ this._pTotalDelta.y = 0;
+ this._pTotalDelta.z = 0;
+ };
+ return AnimationClipNodeBase;
+module.exports = AnimationClipNodeBase;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleAccelerationState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleAccelerationState");
+ * A particle animation node used to apply a constant acceleration vector to the motion of a particle.
+ */
+var ParticleAccelerationNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleAccelerationNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleAccelerationNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] acceleration Defines the default acceleration vector of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ function ParticleAccelerationNode(mode /*uint*/, acceleration) {
+ if (acceleration === void 0) { acceleration = null; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleAcceleration", mode, 3);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleAccelerationState;
+ this._acceleration = acceleration || new Vector3D();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAccelerationNode.prototype.pGetAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var accelerationValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleAccelerationState.ACCELERATION_INDEX, accelerationValue.index);
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var code = "mul " + temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + accelerationValue + "\n";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity) {
+ var temp2 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ code += "mul " + temp2 + "," + temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz," + temp2 + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);
+ code += "mul " + temp + "," + temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz," + temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAccelerationNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAccelerationNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ var tempAcceleration = param[ParticleAccelerationNode.ACCELERATION_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!tempAcceleration)
+ throw new Error("there is no " + ParticleAccelerationNode.ACCELERATION_VECTOR3D + " in param!");
+ this._pOneData[0] = tempAcceleration.x / 2;
+ this._pOneData[1] = tempAcceleration.y / 2;
+ this._pOneData[2] = tempAcceleration.z / 2;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for acceleration node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the direction of acceleration on the particle.
+ */
+ ParticleAccelerationNode.ACCELERATION_VECTOR3D = "AccelerationVector3D";
+ return ParticleAccelerationNode;
+module.exports = ParticleAccelerationNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleBezierCurveState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleBezierCurveState");
+ * A particle animation node used to control the position of a particle over time along a bezier curve.
+ */
+var ParticleBezierCurveNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleBezierCurveNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleBezierCurveNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] controlPoint Defines the default control point of the node, used when in global mode.
+ * @param [optional] endPoint Defines the default end point of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ function ParticleBezierCurveNode(mode /*uint*/, controlPoint, endPoint) {
+ if (controlPoint === void 0) { controlPoint = null; }
+ if (endPoint === void 0) { endPoint = null; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleBezierCurve", mode, 6);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleBezierCurveState;
+ this._iControlPoint = controlPoint || new Vector3D();
+ this._iEndPoint = endPoint || new Vector3D();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleBezierCurveNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var controlValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleBezierCurveState.BEZIER_CONTROL_INDEX, controlValue.index);
+ var endValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleBezierCurveState.BEZIER_END_INDEX, endValue.index);
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var rev_time = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 0);
+ var time_2 = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 1);
+ var time_temp = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 2);
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var temp2 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var distance = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);
+ var code = "";
+ code += "sub " + rev_time + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + time_2 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + time_temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "," + rev_time + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + time_temp + "," + time_temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + distance + ".xyz," + time_temp + "," + controlValue + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz," + distance + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + distance + ".xyz," + time_2 + "," + endValue + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz," + distance + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity) {
+ code += "mul " + time_2 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + time_temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + time_2 + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + time_temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + "," + time_temp + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + distance + ".xyz," + controlValue + "," + time_temp + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz," + distance + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + distance + ".xyz," + endValue + "," + time_2 + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz," + distance + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleBezierCurveNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleBezierCurveNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ var bezierControl = param[ParticleBezierCurveNode.BEZIER_CONTROL_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!bezierControl)
+ throw new Error("there is no " + ParticleBezierCurveNode.BEZIER_CONTROL_VECTOR3D + " in param!");
+ var bezierEnd = param[ParticleBezierCurveNode.BEZIER_END_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!bezierEnd)
+ throw new Error("there is no " + ParticleBezierCurveNode.BEZIER_END_VECTOR3D + " in param!");
+ this._pOneData[0] = bezierControl.x;
+ this._pOneData[1] = bezierControl.y;
+ this._pOneData[2] = bezierControl.z;
+ this._pOneData[3] = bezierEnd.x;
+ this._pOneData[4] = bezierEnd.y;
+ this._pOneData[5] = bezierEnd.z;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for bezier curve node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the control point position (0, 1, 2) of the curve.
+ */
+ ParticleBezierCurveNode.BEZIER_CONTROL_VECTOR3D = "BezierControlVector3D";
+ /**
+ * Reference for bezier curve node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the end point position (0, 1, 2) of the curve.
+ */
+ ParticleBezierCurveNode.BEZIER_END_VECTOR3D = "BezierEndVector3D";
+ return ParticleBezierCurveNode;
+module.exports = ParticleBezierCurveNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleBillboardState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleBillboardState");
+ * A particle animation node that controls the rotation of a particle to always face the camera.
+ */
+var ParticleBillboardNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleBillboardNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleBillboardNode
+ */
+ function ParticleBillboardNode(billboardAxis) {
+ if (billboardAxis === void 0) { billboardAxis = null; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleBillboard", ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, 0, 4);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleBillboardState;
+ this._iBillboardAxis = billboardAxis;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleBillboardNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var rotationMatrixRegister = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleBillboardState.MATRIX_INDEX, rotationMatrixRegister.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var code = "m33 " + temp + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + "," + rotationMatrixRegister + "\n" + "mov " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + temp + "\n";
+ var shaderRegisterElement;
+ for (var i = 0; i < animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length; i++) {
+ shaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i];
+ code += "m33 " + temp + ".xyz," + shaderRegisterElement + "," + rotationMatrixRegister + "\n" + "mov " + shaderRegisterElement + ".xyz," + shaderRegisterElement + "\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleBillboardNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleBillboardNode.prototype._iProcessAnimationSetting = function (particleAnimationSet) {
+ particleAnimationSet.hasBillboard = true;
+ };
+ return ParticleBillboardNode;
+module.exports = ParticleBillboardNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ColorTransform = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/ColorTransform");
+var ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleColorState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleColorState");
+ * A particle animation node used to control the color variation of a particle over time.
+ */
+var ParticleColorNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleColorNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleColorNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] usesMultiplier Defines whether the node uses multiplier data in the shader for its color transformations. Defaults to true.
+ * @param [optional] usesOffset Defines whether the node uses offset data in the shader for its color transformations. Defaults to true.
+ * @param [optional] usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration
property in the shader to calculate the period of the animation independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase
property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the cycle rotation of the particle. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] startColor Defines the default start color transform of the node, when in global mode.
+ * @param [optional] endColor Defines the default end color transform of the node, when in global mode.
+ * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ function ParticleColorNode(mode /*uint*/, usesMultiplier, usesOffset, usesCycle, usesPhase, startColor, endColor, cycleDuration, cyclePhase) {
+ if (usesMultiplier === void 0) { usesMultiplier = true; }
+ if (usesOffset === void 0) { usesOffset = true; }
+ if (usesCycle === void 0) { usesCycle = false; }
+ if (usesPhase === void 0) { usesPhase = false; }
+ if (startColor === void 0) { startColor = null; }
+ if (endColor === void 0) { endColor = null; }
+ if (cycleDuration === void 0) { cycleDuration = 1; }
+ if (cyclePhase === void 0) { cyclePhase = 0; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleColor", mode, (usesMultiplier && usesOffset) ? 16 : 8, ParticleAnimationSet.COLOR_PRIORITY);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleColorState;
+ this._iUsesMultiplier = usesMultiplier;
+ this._iUsesOffset = usesOffset;
+ this._iUsesCycle = usesCycle;
+ this._iUsesPhase = usesPhase;
+ this._iStartColor = startColor || new ColorTransform();
+ this._iEndColor = endColor || new ColorTransform();
+ this._iCycleDuration = cycleDuration;
+ this._iCyclePhase = cyclePhase;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleColorNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var code = "";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needFragmentAnimation) {
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ if (this._iUsesCycle) {
+ var cycleConst = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.CYCLE_INDEX, cycleConst.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var sin = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);
+ code += "mul " + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + cycleConst + ".x\n";
+ if (this._iUsesPhase)
+ code += "add " + sin + "," + sin + "," + cycleConst + ".y\n";
+ code += "sin " + sin + "," + sin + "\n";
+ }
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier) {
+ var startMultiplierValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ var deltaMultiplierValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX, startMultiplierValue.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.DELTA_MULTIPLIER_INDEX, deltaMultiplierValue.index);
+ code += "mul " + temp + "," + deltaMultiplierValue + "," + (this._iUsesCycle ? sin : animationRegisterCache.vertexLife) + "\n";
+ code += "add " + temp + "," + temp + "," + startMultiplierValue + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + "," + temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + "\n";
+ }
+ if (this._iUsesOffset) {
+ var startOffsetValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ var deltaOffsetValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.START_OFFSET_INDEX, startOffsetValue.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.DELTA_OFFSET_INDEX, deltaOffsetValue.index);
+ code += "mul " + temp + "," + deltaOffsetValue + "," + (this._iUsesCycle ? sin : animationRegisterCache.vertexLife) + "\n";
+ code += "add " + temp + "," + temp + "," + startOffsetValue + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "," + temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleColorNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleColorNode.prototype._iProcessAnimationSetting = function (particleAnimationSet) {
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier)
+ particleAnimationSet.hasColorMulNode = true;
+ if (this._iUsesOffset)
+ particleAnimationSet.hasColorAddNode = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleColorNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ var startColor = param[ParticleColorNode.COLOR_START_COLORTRANSFORM];
+ if (!startColor)
+ throw (new Error("there is no " + ParticleColorNode.COLOR_START_COLORTRANSFORM + " in param!"));
+ var endColor = param[ParticleColorNode.COLOR_END_COLORTRANSFORM];
+ if (!endColor)
+ throw (new Error("there is no " + ParticleColorNode.COLOR_END_COLORTRANSFORM + " in param!"));
+ var i = 0;
+ if (!this._iUsesCycle) {
+ //multiplier
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier) {
+ this._pOneData[i++] = startColor.redMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = startColor.greenMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = startColor.blueMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = startColor.alphaMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = endColor.redMultiplier - startColor.redMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = endColor.greenMultiplier - startColor.greenMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = endColor.blueMultiplier - startColor.blueMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = endColor.alphaMultiplier - startColor.alphaMultiplier;
+ }
+ //offset
+ if (this._iUsesOffset) {
+ this._pOneData[i++] = startColor.redOffset / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = startColor.greenOffset / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = startColor.blueOffset / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = startColor.alphaOffset / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (endColor.redOffset - startColor.redOffset) / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (endColor.greenOffset - startColor.greenOffset) / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (endColor.blueOffset - startColor.blueOffset) / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (endColor.alphaOffset - startColor.alphaOffset) / 255;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //multiplier
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier) {
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.redMultiplier + endColor.redMultiplier) / 2;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.greenMultiplier + endColor.greenMultiplier) / 2;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.blueMultiplier + endColor.blueMultiplier) / 2;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.alphaMultiplier + endColor.alphaMultiplier) / 2;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.redMultiplier - endColor.redMultiplier) / 2;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.greenMultiplier - endColor.greenMultiplier) / 2;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.blueMultiplier - endColor.blueMultiplier) / 2;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.alphaMultiplier - endColor.alphaMultiplier) / 2;
+ }
+ //offset
+ if (this._iUsesOffset) {
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.redOffset + endColor.redOffset) / (255 * 2);
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.greenOffset + endColor.greenOffset) / (255 * 2);
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.blueOffset + endColor.blueOffset) / (255 * 2);
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.alphaOffset + endColor.alphaOffset) / (255 * 2);
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.redOffset - endColor.redOffset) / (255 * 2);
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.greenOffset - endColor.greenOffset) / (255 * 2);
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.blueOffset - endColor.blueOffset) / (255 * 2);
+ this._pOneData[i++] = (startColor.alphaOffset - endColor.alphaOffset) / (255 * 2);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for color node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a ColorTransform
object representing the start color transform applied to the particle.
+ */
+ ParticleColorNode.COLOR_START_COLORTRANSFORM = "ColorStartColorTransform";
+ /**
+ * Reference for color node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a ColorTransform
object representing the end color transform applied to the particle.
+ */
+ ParticleColorNode.COLOR_END_COLORTRANSFORM = "ColorEndColorTransform";
+ return ParticleColorNode;
+module.exports = ParticleColorNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleFollowState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleFollowState");
+ * A particle animation node used to create a follow behaviour on a particle system.
+ */
+var ParticleFollowNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleFollowNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleFollowNode
+ *
+ * @param [optional] usesPosition Defines wehether the individual particle reacts to the position of the target.
+ * @param [optional] usesRotation Defines wehether the individual particle reacts to the rotation of the target.
+ * @param [optional] smooth Defines wehether the state calculate the interpolated value.
+ */
+ function ParticleFollowNode(usesPosition, usesRotation, smooth) {
+ if (usesPosition === void 0) { usesPosition = true; }
+ if (usesRotation === void 0) { usesRotation = true; }
+ if (smooth === void 0) { smooth = false; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleFollow", ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_DYNAMIC, (usesPosition && usesRotation) ? 6 : 3, ParticleAnimationSet.POST_PRIORITY);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleFollowState;
+ this._iUsesPosition = usesPosition;
+ this._iUsesRotation = usesRotation;
+ this._iSmooth = smooth;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleFollowNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ //TODO: use Quaternion to implement this function
+ var code = "";
+ if (this._iUsesRotation) {
+ var rotationAttribute = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_ROTATION_INDEX, rotationAttribute.index);
+ var temp1 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp1, 1);
+ var temp2 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp2, 1);
+ var temp3 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var temp4;
+ if (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp3, 1);
+ temp4 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ }
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp1);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp2);
+ if (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard)
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp3);
+ var len = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length;
+ var i /*int*/;
+ //x axis
+ code += "mov " + temp1 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp1 + ".x," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "sin " + temp3 + ".y," + rotationAttribute + ".x\n";
+ code += "cos " + temp3 + ".z," + rotationAttribute + ".x\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + ".x," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + ".y," + temp3 + ".z\n";
+ code += "neg " + temp2 + ".z," + temp3 + ".y\n";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard)
+ code += "m33 " + temp4 + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz," + temp1 + "\n";
+ else {
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + temp1 + "\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + "," + temp1 + "\n";
+ }
+ //y axis
+ code += "mov " + temp1 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "cos " + temp1 + ".x," + rotationAttribute + ".y\n";
+ code += "sin " + temp1 + ".z," + rotationAttribute + ".y\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + ".y," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "neg " + temp3 + ".x," + temp1 + ".z\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + ".z," + temp1 + ".x\n";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard)
+ code += "m33 " + temp4 + ".xyz," + temp4 + ".xyz," + temp1 + "\n";
+ else {
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + temp1 + "\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + "," + temp1 + "\n";
+ }
+ //z axis
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "sin " + temp2 + ".x," + rotationAttribute + ".z\n";
+ code += "cos " + temp2 + ".y," + rotationAttribute + ".z\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp1 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp1 + ".x," + temp2 + ".y\n";
+ code += "neg " + temp1 + ".y," + temp2 + ".x\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + ".z," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {
+ code += "m33 " + temp4 + ".xyz," + temp4 + ".xyz," + temp1 + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + temp4 + ".xyz," + temp4 + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + temp4 + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + temp1 + "\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + "," + temp1 + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._iUsesPosition) {
+ var positionAttribute = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_POSITION_INDEX, positionAttribute.index);
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + positionAttribute + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleFollowNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ return ParticleFollowNode;
+module.exports = ParticleFollowNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ColorTransform = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/ColorTransform");
+var ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleInitialColorState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleInitialColorState");
+ *
+ */
+var ParticleInitialColorNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleInitialColorNode, _super);
+ function ParticleInitialColorNode(mode /*uint*/, usesMultiplier, usesOffset, initialColor) {
+ if (usesMultiplier === void 0) { usesMultiplier = true; }
+ if (usesOffset === void 0) { usesOffset = false; }
+ if (initialColor === void 0) { initialColor = null; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleInitialColor", mode, (usesMultiplier && usesOffset) ? 8 : 4, ParticleAnimationSet.COLOR_PRIORITY);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleInitialColorState;
+ this._iUsesMultiplier = usesMultiplier;
+ this._iUsesOffset = usesOffset;
+ this._iInitialColor = initialColor || new ColorTransform();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleInitialColorNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var code = "";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needFragmentAnimation) {
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier) {
+ var multiplierValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleInitialColorState.MULTIPLIER_INDEX, multiplierValue.index);
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + "," + multiplierValue + "," + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + "\n";
+ }
+ if (this._iUsesOffset) {
+ var offsetValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleInitialColorState.OFFSET_INDEX, offsetValue.index);
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "," + offsetValue + "," + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleInitialColorNode.prototype._iProcessAnimationSetting = function (particleAnimationSet) {
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier)
+ particleAnimationSet.hasColorMulNode = true;
+ if (this._iUsesOffset)
+ particleAnimationSet.hasColorAddNode = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleInitialColorNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ var initialColor = param[ParticleInitialColorNode.COLOR_INITIAL_COLORTRANSFORM];
+ if (!initialColor)
+ throw (new Error("there is no " + ParticleInitialColorNode.COLOR_INITIAL_COLORTRANSFORM + " in param!"));
+ var i = 0;
+ //multiplier
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier) {
+ this._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.redMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.greenMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.blueMultiplier;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.alphaMultiplier;
+ }
+ //offset
+ if (this._iUsesOffset) {
+ this._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.redOffset / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.greenOffset / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.blueOffset / 255;
+ this._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.alphaOffset / 255;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for color node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a ColorTransform
object representing the color transform applied to the particle.
+ */
+ ParticleInitialColorNode.COLOR_INITIAL_COLORTRANSFORM = "ColorInitialColorTransform";
+ return ParticleInitialColorNode;
+module.exports = ParticleInitialColorNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+ * Provides an abstract base class for particle animation nodes.
+ */
+var ParticleNodeBase = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleNodeBase, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleNodeBase
+ *
+ * @param name Defines the generic name of the particle animation node.
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param dataLength Defines the length of the data used by the node when in LOCAL_STATIC
+ * @param [optional] priority the priority of the particle animation node, used to order the agal generated in a particle animation set. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ function ParticleNodeBase(name, mode /*uint*/, dataLength /*uint*/, priority) {
+ if (priority === void 0) { priority = 1; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._pDataLength = 3;
+ name = name + ParticleNodeBase.MODES[mode];
+ this.name = name;
+ this._pMode = mode;
+ this._priority = priority;
+ this._pDataLength = dataLength;
+ this._pOneData = new Array(this._pDataLength);
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleNodeBase.prototype, "mode", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the property mode of the particle animation node. Typically set in the node constructor
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticlePropertiesMode
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._pMode;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleNodeBase.prototype, "priority", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the priority of the particle animation node, used to order the agal generated in a particle animation set. Set automatically on instantiation.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
+ * @see #getAGALVertexCode
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._priority;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleNodeBase.prototype, "dataLength", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the length of the data used by the node when in LOCAL_STATIC
mode. Used to generate the local static data of the particle animation set.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
+ * @see #getAGALVertexCode
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._pDataLength;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleNodeBase.prototype, "oneData", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the generated data vector of the node after one particle pass during the generation of all local static data of the particle animation set.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet
+ * @see #generatePropertyOfOneParticle
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._pOneData;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Returns the AGAL code of the particle animation node for use in the vertex shader.
+ */
+ ParticleNodeBase.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ return "";
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the AGAL code of the particle animation node for use in the fragment shader.
+ */
+ ParticleNodeBase.prototype.getAGALFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ return "";
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the AGAL code of the particle animation node for use in the fragment shader when UV coordinates are required.
+ */
+ ParticleNodeBase.prototype.getAGALUVCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ return "";
+ };
+ /**
+ * Called internally by the particle animation set when assigning the set of static properties originally defined by the initParticleFunc of the set.
+ *
+ * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet#initParticleFunc
+ */
+ ParticleNodeBase.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ };
+ /**
+ * Called internally by the particle animation set when determining the requirements of the particle animation node AGAL.
+ */
+ ParticleNodeBase.prototype._iProcessAnimationSetting = function (particleAnimationSet) {
+ };
+ //modes alias
+ ParticleNodeBase.GLOBAL = 'Global';
+ ParticleNodeBase.LOCAL_STATIC = 'LocalStatic';
+ ParticleNodeBase.LOCAL_DYNAMIC = 'LocalDynamic';
+ //modes list
+ ParticleNodeBase.MODES = {
+ 0: ParticleNodeBase.GLOBAL,
+ 1: ParticleNodeBase.LOCAL_STATIC,
+ 2: ParticleNodeBase.LOCAL_DYNAMIC
+ };
+ return ParticleNodeBase;
+module.exports = ParticleNodeBase;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleOrbitState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleOrbitState");
+ * A particle animation node used to control the position of a particle over time around a circular orbit.
+ */
+var ParticleOrbitNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleOrbitNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleOrbitNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] usesEulers Defines whether the node uses the eulers
property in the shader to calculate a rotation on the orbit. Defaults to true.
+ * @param [optional] usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration
property in the shader to calculate the period of the orbit independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase
property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the cycle rotation of the particle. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] radius Defines the radius of the orbit when in global mode. Defaults to 100.
+ * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the duration of the orbit in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the phase of the orbit in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ * @param [optional] eulers Defines the euler rotation in degrees, applied to the orientation of the orbit when in global mode.
+ */
+ function ParticleOrbitNode(mode /*uint*/, usesEulers, usesCycle, usesPhase, radius, cycleDuration, cyclePhase, eulers) {
+ if (usesEulers === void 0) { usesEulers = true; }
+ if (usesCycle === void 0) { usesCycle = false; }
+ if (usesPhase === void 0) { usesPhase = false; }
+ if (radius === void 0) { radius = 100; }
+ if (cycleDuration === void 0) { cycleDuration = 1; }
+ if (cyclePhase === void 0) { cyclePhase = 0; }
+ if (eulers === void 0) { eulers = null; }
+ var len = 3;
+ if (usesPhase)
+ len++;
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleOrbit", mode, len);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleOrbitState;
+ this._iUsesEulers = usesEulers;
+ this._iUsesCycle = usesCycle;
+ this._iUsesPhase = usesPhase;
+ this._iRadius = radius;
+ this._iCycleDuration = cycleDuration;
+ this._iCyclePhase = cyclePhase;
+ this._iEulers = eulers || new Vector3D();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleOrbitNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var orbitRegister = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleOrbitState.ORBIT_INDEX, orbitRegister.index);
+ var eulersMatrixRegister = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleOrbitState.EULERS_INDEX, eulersMatrixRegister.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ var temp1 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp1, 1);
+ var distance = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp1.regName, temp1.index);
+ var temp2 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var cos = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index, 0);
+ var sin = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index, 1);
+ var degree = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index, 2);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp1);
+ var code = "";
+ if (this._iUsesCycle) {
+ code += "mul " + degree + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + orbitRegister + ".y\n";
+ if (this._iUsesPhase)
+ code += "add " + degree + "," + degree + "," + orbitRegister + ".w\n";
+ }
+ else
+ code += "mul " + degree + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "," + orbitRegister + ".y\n";
+ code += "cos " + cos + "," + degree + "\n";
+ code += "sin " + sin + "," + degree + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + distance + ".x," + cos + "," + orbitRegister + ".x\n";
+ code += "mul " + distance + ".y," + sin + "," + orbitRegister + ".x\n";
+ code += "mov " + distance + ".wz" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ if (this._iUsesEulers)
+ code += "m44 " + distance + "," + distance + "," + eulersMatrixRegister + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz," + distance + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity) {
+ code += "neg " + distance + ".x," + sin + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + distance + ".y," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + distance + ".zw," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ if (this._iUsesEulers)
+ code += "m44 " + distance + "," + distance + "," + eulersMatrixRegister + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + distance + "," + distance + "," + orbitRegister + ".z\n";
+ code += "div " + distance + "," + distance + "," + orbitRegister + ".y\n";
+ if (!this._iUsesCycle)
+ code += "div " + distance + "," + distance + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz," + distance + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleOrbitNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleOrbitNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ //Vector3D.x is radius, Vector3D.y is cycle duration, Vector3D.z is phase
+ var orbit = param[ParticleOrbitNode.ORBIT_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!orbit)
+ throw new Error("there is no " + ParticleOrbitNode.ORBIT_VECTOR3D + " in param!");
+ this._pOneData[0] = orbit.x;
+ if (this._iUsesCycle && orbit.y <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must be greater than zero"));
+ this._pOneData[1] = Math.PI * 2 / (!this._iUsesCycle ? 1 : orbit.y);
+ this._pOneData[2] = orbit.x * Math.PI * 2;
+ if (this._iUsesPhase)
+ this._pOneData[3] = orbit.z * Math.PI / 180;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for orbit node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the radius (x), cycle speed (y) and cycle phase (z) of the motion on the particle.
+ */
+ ParticleOrbitNode.ORBIT_VECTOR3D = "OrbitVector3D";
+ return ParticleOrbitNode;
+module.exports = ParticleOrbitNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleOscillatorState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleOscillatorState");
+ * A particle animation node used to control the position of a particle over time using simple harmonic motion.
+ */
+var ParticleOscillatorNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleOscillatorNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleOscillatorNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] oscillator Defines the default oscillator axis (x, y, z) and cycleDuration (w) of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ function ParticleOscillatorNode(mode /*uint*/, oscillator) {
+ if (oscillator === void 0) { oscillator = null; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleOscillator", mode, 4);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleOscillatorState;
+ this._iOscillator = oscillator || new Vector3D();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleOscillatorNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var oscillatorRegister = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleOscillatorState.OSCILLATOR_INDEX, oscillatorRegister.index);
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var dgree = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 0);
+ var sin = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 1);
+ var cos = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 2);
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var temp2 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var distance = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);
+ var code = "";
+ code += "mul " + dgree + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + oscillatorRegister + ".w\n";
+ code += "sin " + sin + "," + dgree + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + distance + ".xyz," + sin + "," + oscillatorRegister + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz," + distance + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity) {
+ code += "cos " + cos + "," + dgree + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + distance + ".xyz," + cos + "," + oscillatorRegister + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz," + distance + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleOscillatorNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleOscillatorNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ //(Vector3D.x,Vector3D.y,Vector3D.z) is oscillator axis, Vector3D.w is oscillator cycle duration
+ var drift = param[ParticleOscillatorNode.OSCILLATOR_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!drift)
+ throw (new Error("there is no " + ParticleOscillatorNode.OSCILLATOR_VECTOR3D + " in param!"));
+ this._pOneData[0] = drift.x;
+ this._pOneData[1] = drift.y;
+ this._pOneData[2] = drift.z;
+ if (drift.w <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must greater than zero"));
+ this._pOneData[3] = Math.PI * 2 / drift.w;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for ocsillator node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the axis (x,y,z) and cycle speed (w) of the motion on the particle.
+ */
+ ParticleOscillatorNode.OSCILLATOR_VECTOR3D = "OscillatorVector3D";
+ return ParticleOscillatorNode;
+module.exports = ParticleOscillatorNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticlePositionState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticlePositionState");
+ * A particle animation node used to set the starting position of a particle.
+ */
+var ParticlePositionNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticlePositionNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticlePositionNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] position Defines the default position of the particle when in global mode. Defaults to 0,0,0.
+ */
+ function ParticlePositionNode(mode /*uint*/, position) {
+ if (position === void 0) { position = null; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticlePosition", mode, 3);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticlePositionState;
+ this._iPosition = position || new Vector3D();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticlePositionNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var positionAttribute = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticlePositionState.POSITION_INDEX, positionAttribute.index);
+ return "add " + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz," + positionAttribute + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticlePositionNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticlePositionNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ var offset = param[ParticlePositionNode.POSITION_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!offset)
+ throw (new Error("there is no " + ParticlePositionNode.POSITION_VECTOR3D + " in param!"));
+ this._pOneData[0] = offset.x;
+ this._pOneData[1] = offset.y;
+ this._pOneData[2] = offset.z;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for position node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing position of the particle.
+ */
+ ParticlePositionNode.POSITION_VECTOR3D = "PositionVector3D";
+ return ParticlePositionNode;
+module.exports = ParticlePositionNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleRotateToHeadingState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleRotateToHeadingState");
+ * A particle animation node used to control the rotation of a particle to match its heading vector.
+ */
+var ParticleRotateToHeadingNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleRotateToHeadingNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleBillboardNode
+ */
+ function ParticleRotateToHeadingNode() {
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleRotateToHeading", ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, 0, 3);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleRotateToHeadingState;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotateToHeadingNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var code = "";
+ var len = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length;
+ var i /*int*/;
+ if (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {
+ var temp1 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp1, 1);
+ var temp2 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp2, 1);
+ var temp3 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var rotationMatrixRegister = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleRotateToHeadingState.MATRIX_INDEX, rotationMatrixRegister.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp1);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp2);
+ //process the velocity
+ code += "m33 " + temp1 + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz," + rotationMatrixRegister + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + ".xy," + temp1 + ".xy\n";
+ code += "nrm " + temp3 + ".xyz," + temp3 + ".xyz\n";
+ //temp3.x=cos,temp3.y=sin
+ //only process z axis
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + ".x," + temp3 + ".y\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + ".y," + temp3 + ".x\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp1 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp1 + ".x," + temp3 + ".x\n";
+ code += "neg " + temp1 + ".y," + temp3 + ".y\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + ".z," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + temp1 + "\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + "," + temp1 + "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ var nrmVel = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(nrmVel, 1);
+ var xAxis = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(xAxis, 1);
+ var R = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(R, 1);
+ var R_rev = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var cos = new ShaderRegisterElement(R.regName, R.index, 3);
+ var sin = new ShaderRegisterElement(R_rev.regName, R_rev.index, 3);
+ var cos2 = new ShaderRegisterElement(nrmVel.regName, nrmVel.index, 3);
+ var tempSingle = sin;
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(nrmVel);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(xAxis);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(R);
+ code += "mov " + xAxis + ".x," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + xAxis + ".yz," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "nrm " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + cos2 + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "crs " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "nrm " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ //use R as temp to judge if nrm is (0,0,0).
+ //if nrm is (0,0,0) ,change it to (0,0,1).
+ code += "dp3 " + R + ".x," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "sge " + R + ".x," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "," + R + ".x\n";
+ code += "add " + nrmVel + ".z," + R + ".x," + nrmVel + ".z\n";
+ code += "add " + tempSingle + "," + cos2 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "div " + tempSingle + "," + tempSingle + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + "\n";
+ code += "sqt " + cos + "," + tempSingle + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + tempSingle + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + cos2 + "\n";
+ code += "div " + tempSingle + "," + tempSingle + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + "\n";
+ code += "sqt " + sin + "," + tempSingle + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".xyz," + sin + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ //use cos as R.w
+ code += "mul " + R_rev + ".xyz," + sin + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "neg " + R_rev + ".xyz," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ //use cos as R_rev.w
+ //nrmVel and xAxis are used as temp register
+ code += "crs " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + R + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ //use cos as R.w
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyz," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + xAxis + ".w," + R + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "neg " + nrmVel + ".w," + xAxis + ".w\n";
+ code += "crs " + R + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ //code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyzw," + nrmVel + ".xyzw," +R_rev + ".w\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyzw," + nrmVel + ".xyzw," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "add " + R + ".xyz," + R + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".w," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + R + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ //just repeat the calculate above
+ //because of the limited registers, no need to optimise
+ code += "mov " + xAxis + ".x," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + xAxis + ".yz," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "nrm " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + cos2 + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "crs " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "nrm " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + R + ".x," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "sge " + R + ".x," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "," + R + ".x\n";
+ code += "add " + nrmVel + ".z," + R + ".x," + nrmVel + ".z\n";
+ code += "add " + tempSingle + "," + cos2 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "div " + tempSingle + "," + tempSingle + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + "\n";
+ code += "sqt " + cos + "," + tempSingle + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + tempSingle + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + cos2 + "\n";
+ code += "div " + tempSingle + "," + tempSingle + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + "\n";
+ code += "sqt " + sin + "," + tempSingle + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".xyz," + sin + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + R_rev + ".xyz," + sin + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "neg " + R_rev + ".xyz," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "crs " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + R + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyz," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + xAxis + ".w," + R + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "neg " + nrmVel + ".w," + xAxis + ".w\n";
+ code += "crs " + R + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyzw," + nrmVel + ".xyzw," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "add " + R + ".xyz," + R + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".w," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz," + R + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotateToHeadingNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotateToHeadingNode.prototype._iProcessAnimationSetting = function (particleAnimationSet) {
+ particleAnimationSet.needVelocity = true;
+ };
+ return ParticleRotateToHeadingNode;
+module.exports = ParticleRotateToHeadingNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleRotateToPositionState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleRotateToPositionState");
+ * A particle animation node used to control the rotation of a particle to face to a position
+ */
+var ParticleRotateToPositionNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleRotateToPositionNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleRotateToPositionNode
+ */
+ function ParticleRotateToPositionNode(mode /*uint*/, position) {
+ if (position === void 0) { position = null; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleRotateToPosition", mode, 3, 3);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleRotateToPositionState;
+ this._iPosition = position || new Vector3D();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotateToPositionNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var positionAttribute = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleRotateToPositionState.POSITION_INDEX, positionAttribute.index);
+ var code = "";
+ var len = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length;
+ var i /*int*/;
+ if (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {
+ var temp1 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp1, 1);
+ var temp2 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp2, 1);
+ var temp3 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var rotationMatrixRegister = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleRotateToPositionState.MATRIX_INDEX, rotationMatrixRegister.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp1);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp2);
+ //process the position
+ code += "sub " + temp1 + ".xyz," + positionAttribute + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "m33 " + temp1 + ".xyz," + temp1 + ".xyz," + rotationMatrixRegister + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + ".xy," + temp1 + ".xy\n";
+ code += "nrm " + temp3 + ".xyz," + temp3 + ".xyz\n";
+ //temp3.x=cos,temp3.y=sin
+ //only process z axis
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + ".x," + temp3 + ".y\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp2 + ".y," + temp3 + ".x\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp1 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp1 + ".x," + temp3 + ".x\n";
+ code += "neg " + temp1 + ".y," + temp3 + ".y\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + temp3 + ".z," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + temp1 + "\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ code += "m33 " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + "," + temp1 + "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ var nrmDirection = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(nrmDirection, 1);
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var cos = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 0);
+ var sin = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 1);
+ var o_temp = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 2);
+ var tempSingle = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 3);
+ var R = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(R, 1);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(nrmDirection);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(R);
+ code += "sub " + nrmDirection + ".xyz," + positionAttribute + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "nrm " + nrmDirection + ".xyz," + nrmDirection + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mov " + sin + "," + nrmDirection + ".y\n";
+ code += "mul " + cos + "," + sin + "," + sin + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "sqt " + cos + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".x," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".y\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".y," + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".z\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".z," + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".y\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".w," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".z\n";
+ code += "sub " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".y," + R + ".x," + R + ".y\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".z," + R + ".z," + R + ".w\n";
+ code += "abs " + R + ".y," + nrmDirection + ".y\n";
+ code += "sge " + R + ".z," + R + ".y," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".x," + R + ".y," + nrmDirection + ".y\n";
+ //judgu if nrmDirection=(0,1,0);
+ code += "mov " + nrmDirection + ".y," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + sin + "," + nrmDirection + ".xyz," + nrmDirection + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "sge " + tempSingle + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "," + sin + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + nrmDirection + ".y," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "nrm " + nrmDirection + ".xyz," + nrmDirection + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "sub " + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + tempSingle + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + sin + "," + sin + "," + nrmDirection + ".x\n";
+ code += "mov " + cos + "," + nrmDirection + ".z\n";
+ code += "neg " + cos + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + o_temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + o_temp + "," + R + ".x," + tempSingle + "\n";
+ code += "add " + cos + "," + cos + "," + o_temp + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".x," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".x\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".y," + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".z\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".z," + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".x\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".w," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".z\n";
+ code += "sub " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".x," + R + ".x," + R + ".y\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".z," + R + ".z," + R + ".w\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ //just repeat the calculate above
+ //because of the limited registers, no need to optimise
+ code += "sub " + nrmDirection + ".xyz," + positionAttribute + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "nrm " + nrmDirection + ".xyz," + nrmDirection + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mov " + sin + "," + nrmDirection + ".y\n";
+ code += "mul " + cos + "," + sin + "," + sin + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "sqt " + cos + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".x," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".y\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".y," + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".z\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".z," + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".y\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".w," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".z\n";
+ code += "sub " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".y," + R + ".x," + R + ".y\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".z," + R + ".z," + R + ".w\n";
+ code += "abs " + R + ".y," + nrmDirection + ".y\n";
+ code += "sge " + R + ".z," + R + ".y," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".x," + R + ".y," + nrmDirection + ".y\n";
+ code += "mov " + nrmDirection + ".y," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + sin + "," + nrmDirection + ".xyz," + nrmDirection + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "sge " + tempSingle + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "," + sin + "\n";
+ code += "mov " + nrmDirection + ".y," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "nrm " + nrmDirection + ".xyz," + nrmDirection + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "sub " + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + tempSingle + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + sin + "," + sin + "," + nrmDirection + ".x\n";
+ code += "mov " + cos + "," + nrmDirection + ".z\n";
+ code += "neg " + cos + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + o_temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + o_temp + "," + R + ".x," + tempSingle + "\n";
+ code += "add " + cos + "," + cos + "," + o_temp + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".x," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".x\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".y," + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".z\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".z," + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".x\n";
+ code += "mul " + R + ".w," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".z\n";
+ code += "sub " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".x," + R + ".x," + R + ".y\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".z," + R + ".z," + R + ".w\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotateToPositionNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotateToPositionNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ var offset = param[ParticleRotateToPositionNode.POSITION_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!offset)
+ throw (new Error("there is no " + ParticleRotateToPositionNode.POSITION_VECTOR3D + " in param!"));
+ this._pOneData[0] = offset.x;
+ this._pOneData[1] = offset.y;
+ this._pOneData[2] = offset.z;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for the position the particle will rotate to face for a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the position that the particle must face.
+ */
+ ParticleRotateToPositionNode.POSITION_VECTOR3D = "RotateToPositionVector3D";
+ return ParticleRotateToPositionNode;
+module.exports = ParticleRotateToPositionNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleRotationalVelocityState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleRotationalVelocityState");
+ * A particle animation node used to set the starting rotational velocity of a particle.
+ */
+var ParticleRotationalVelocityNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleRotationalVelocityNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleRotationalVelocityNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ */
+ function ParticleRotationalVelocityNode(mode /*uint*/, rotationalVelocity) {
+ if (rotationalVelocity === void 0) { rotationalVelocity = null; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleRotationalVelocity", mode, 4);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleRotationalVelocityState;
+ this._iRotationalVelocity = rotationalVelocity || new Vector3D();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotationalVelocityNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var rotationRegister = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleRotationalVelocityState.ROTATIONALVELOCITY_INDEX, rotationRegister.index);
+ var nrmVel = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(nrmVel, 1);
+ var xAxis = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(xAxis, 1);
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var Rtemp = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index);
+ var R_rev = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ R_rev = new ShaderRegisterElement(R_rev.regName, R_rev.index);
+ var cos = new ShaderRegisterElement(Rtemp.regName, Rtemp.index, 3);
+ var sin = new ShaderRegisterElement(R_rev.regName, R_rev.index, 3);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(nrmVel);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(xAxis);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);
+ var code = "";
+ code += "mov " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + rotationRegister + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mov " + nrmVel + ".w," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + rotationRegister + ".w\n";
+ code += "sin " + sin + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "cos " + cos + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + Rtemp + ".xyz," + sin + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + R_rev + ".xyz," + sin + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "neg " + R_rev + ".xyz," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ //nrmVel and xAxis are used as temp register
+ code += "crs " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + Rtemp + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyz," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + xAxis + ".w," + Rtemp + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "neg " + nrmVel + ".w," + xAxis + ".w\n";
+ code += "crs " + Rtemp + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ //use cos as R_rev.w
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyzw," + nrmVel + ".xyzw," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "add " + Rtemp + ".xyz," + Rtemp + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".w," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + Rtemp + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ var len = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ code += "mov " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + rotationRegister + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mov " + nrmVel + ".w," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + rotationRegister + ".w\n";
+ code += "sin " + sin + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "cos " + cos + "," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + Rtemp + ".xyz," + sin + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + R_rev + ".xyz," + sin + "," + nrmVel + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "neg " + R_rev + ".xyz," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "crs " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + Rtemp + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyz," + cos + "," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + "\n";
+ code += "add " + nrmVel + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + xAxis + ".w," + Rtemp + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + "\n";
+ code += "neg " + nrmVel + ".w," + xAxis + ".w\n";
+ code += "crs " + Rtemp + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".xyz," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyzw," + nrmVel + ".xyzw," + cos + "\n";
+ code += "add " + Rtemp + ".xyz," + Rtemp + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "mul " + xAxis + ".xyz," + nrmVel + ".w," + R_rev + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + "," + Rtemp + ".xyz," + xAxis + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotationalVelocityNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotationalVelocityNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ //(Vector3d.x,Vector3d.y,Vector3d.z) is rotation axis,Vector3d.w is cycle duration
+ var rotate = param[ParticleRotationalVelocityNode.ROTATIONALVELOCITY_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!rotate)
+ throw (new Error("there is no " + ParticleRotationalVelocityNode.ROTATIONALVELOCITY_VECTOR3D + " in param!"));
+ if (rotate.length <= 0)
+ rotate.z = 1; //set the default direction
+ else
+ rotate.normalize();
+ this._pOneData[0] = rotate.x;
+ this._pOneData[1] = rotate.y;
+ this._pOneData[2] = rotate.z;
+ if (rotate.w <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must greater than zero"));
+ // it's used as angle/2 in agal
+ this._pOneData[3] = Math.PI / rotate.w;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for rotational velocity node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the rotational velocity around an axis of the particle.
+ */
+ ParticleRotationalVelocityNode.ROTATIONALVELOCITY_VECTOR3D = "RotationalVelocityVector3D";
+ return ParticleRotationalVelocityNode;
+module.exports = ParticleRotationalVelocityNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleScaleState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleScaleState");
+ * A particle animation node used to control the scale variation of a particle over time.
+ */
+var ParticleScaleNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleScaleNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleScaleNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration
property in the shader to calculate the period of animation independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase
property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the animation cycle. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] minScale Defines the default min scale transform of the node, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] maxScale Defines the default max color transform of the node, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the default duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the default phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ function ParticleScaleNode(mode /*uint*/, usesCycle, usesPhase, minScale, maxScale, cycleDuration, cyclePhase) {
+ if (minScale === void 0) { minScale = 1; }
+ if (maxScale === void 0) { maxScale = 1; }
+ if (cycleDuration === void 0) { cycleDuration = 1; }
+ if (cyclePhase === void 0) { cyclePhase = 0; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleScale", mode, (usesCycle && usesPhase) ? 4 : ((usesCycle || usesPhase) ? 3 : 2), 3);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleScaleState;
+ this._iUsesCycle = usesCycle;
+ this._iUsesPhase = usesPhase;
+ this._iMinScale = minScale;
+ this._iMaxScale = maxScale;
+ this._iCycleDuration = cycleDuration;
+ this._iCyclePhase = cyclePhase;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleScaleNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var code = "";
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();
+ var scaleRegister = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleScaleState.SCALE_INDEX, scaleRegister.index);
+ if (this._iUsesCycle) {
+ code += "mul " + temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + scaleRegister + ".z\n";
+ if (this._iUsesPhase)
+ code += "add " + temp + "," + temp + "," + scaleRegister + ".w\n";
+ code += "sin " + temp + "," + temp + "\n";
+ }
+ code += "mul " + temp + "," + scaleRegister + ".y," + ((this._iUsesCycle) ? temp : animationRegisterCache.vertexLife) + "\n";
+ code += "add " + temp + "," + scaleRegister + ".x," + temp + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + temp + "\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleScaleNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleScaleNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ var scale = param[ParticleScaleNode.SCALE_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!scale)
+ throw (new Error("there is no " + ParticleScaleNode.SCALE_VECTOR3D + " in param!"));
+ if (this._iUsesCycle) {
+ this._pOneData[0] = (scale.x + scale.y) / 2;
+ this._pOneData[1] = Math.abs(scale.x - scale.y) / 2;
+ if (scale.z <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must be greater than zero"));
+ this._pOneData[2] = Math.PI * 2 / scale.z;
+ if (this._iUsesPhase)
+ this._pOneData[3] = scale.w * Math.PI / 180;
+ }
+ else {
+ this._pOneData[0] = scale.x;
+ this._pOneData[1] = scale.y - scale.x;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for scale node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
representing the min scale (x), max scale(y), optional cycle speed (z) and phase offset (w) applied to the particle.
+ */
+ ParticleScaleNode.SCALE_VECTOR3D = "ScaleVector3D";
+ return ParticleScaleNode;
+module.exports = ParticleScaleNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+var ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleSegmentedColorState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleSegmentedColorState");
+ *
+ */
+var ParticleSegmentedColorNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleSegmentedColorNode, _super);
+ function ParticleSegmentedColorNode(usesMultiplier, usesOffset, numSegmentPoint /*int*/, startColor, endColor, segmentPoints) {
+ //because of the stage3d register limitation, it only support the global mode
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleSegmentedColor", ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, 0, ParticleAnimationSet.COLOR_PRIORITY);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleSegmentedColorState;
+ if (numSegmentPoint > 4)
+ throw (new Error("the numSegmentPoint must be less or equal 4"));
+ this._iUsesMultiplier = usesMultiplier;
+ this._iUsesOffset = usesOffset;
+ this._iNumSegmentPoint = numSegmentPoint;
+ this._iStartColor = startColor;
+ this._iEndColor = endColor;
+ this._iSegmentPoints = segmentPoints;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleSegmentedColorNode.prototype._iProcessAnimationSetting = function (particleAnimationSet) {
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier)
+ particleAnimationSet.hasColorMulNode = true;
+ if (this._iUsesOffset)
+ particleAnimationSet.hasColorAddNode = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleSegmentedColorNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var code = "";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needFragmentAnimation) {
+ var accMultiplierColor;
+ //var accOffsetColor:ShaderRegisterElement;
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier) {
+ accMultiplierColor = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(accMultiplierColor, 1);
+ }
+ var tempColor = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ animationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(tempColor, 1);
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var accTime = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 0);
+ var tempTime = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 1);
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier)
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(accMultiplierColor);
+ animationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(tempColor);
+ //for saving all the life values (at most 4)
+ var lifeTimeRegister = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleSegmentedColorState.TIME_DATA_INDEX, lifeTimeRegister.index);
+ var i /*int*/;
+ var startMulValue;
+ var deltaMulValues;
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier) {
+ startMulValue = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleSegmentedColorState.START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX, startMulValue.index);
+ deltaMulValues = new Array();
+ for (i = 0; i < this._iNumSegmentPoint + 1; i++)
+ deltaMulValues.push(animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant());
+ }
+ var startOffsetValue;
+ var deltaOffsetValues;
+ if (this._iUsesOffset) {
+ startOffsetValue = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleSegmentedColorState.START_OFFSET_INDEX, startOffsetValue.index);
+ deltaOffsetValues = new Array();
+ for (i = 0; i < this._iNumSegmentPoint + 1; i++)
+ deltaOffsetValues.push(animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant());
+ }
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier)
+ code += "mov " + accMultiplierColor + "," + startMulValue + "\n";
+ if (this._iUsesOffset)
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "," + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "," + startOffsetValue + "\n";
+ for (i = 0; i < this._iNumSegmentPoint; i++) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0:
+ code += "min " + tempTime + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".x\n";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ code += "sub " + accTime + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".x\n";
+ code += "max " + tempTime + "," + accTime + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "min " + tempTime + "," + tempTime + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".y\n";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ code += "sub " + accTime + "," + accTime + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".y\n";
+ code += "max " + tempTime + "," + accTime + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "min " + tempTime + "," + tempTime + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".z\n";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ code += "sub " + accTime + "," + accTime + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".z\n";
+ code += "max " + tempTime + "," + accTime + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "min " + tempTime + "," + tempTime + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".w\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier) {
+ code += "mul " + tempColor + "," + tempTime + "," + deltaMulValues[i] + "\n";
+ code += "add " + accMultiplierColor + "," + accMultiplierColor + "," + tempColor + "\n";
+ }
+ if (this._iUsesOffset) {
+ code += "mul " + tempColor + "," + tempTime + "," + deltaOffsetValues[i] + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "," + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "," + tempColor + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ //for the last segment:
+ if (this._iNumSegmentPoint == 0)
+ tempTime = animationRegisterCache.vertexLife;
+ else {
+ switch (this._iNumSegmentPoint) {
+ case 1:
+ code += "sub " + accTime + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".x\n";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ code += "sub " + accTime + "," + accTime + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".y\n";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ code += "sub " + accTime + "," + accTime + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".z\n";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ code += "sub " + accTime + "," + accTime + "," + lifeTimeRegister + ".w\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ code += "max " + tempTime + "," + accTime + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ }
+ if (this._iUsesMultiplier) {
+ code += "mul " + tempColor + "," + tempTime + "," + deltaMulValues[this._iNumSegmentPoint] + "\n";
+ code += "add " + accMultiplierColor + "," + accMultiplierColor + "," + tempColor + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + "," + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + "," + accMultiplierColor + "\n";
+ }
+ if (this._iUsesOffset) {
+ code += "mul " + tempColor + "," + tempTime + "," + deltaOffsetValues[this._iNumSegmentPoint] + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "," + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + "," + tempColor + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ return ParticleSegmentedColorNode;
+module.exports = ParticleSegmentedColorNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+var ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleSpriteSheetState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleSpriteSheetState");
+ * A particle animation node used when a spritesheet texture is required to animate the particle.
+ * NB: to enable use of this node, the repeat
property on the material has to be set to true.
+ */
+var ParticleSpriteSheetNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleSpriteSheetNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleSpriteSheetNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] numColumns Defines the number of columns in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] numRows Defines the number of rows in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the default cycle duration in seconds, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the default cycle phase, when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ * @param [optional] totalFrames Defines the total number of frames used by the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to the number defined by numColumns and numRows.
+ * @param [optional] looping Defines whether the spritesheet animation is set to loop indefinitely. Defaults to true.
+ */
+ function ParticleSpriteSheetNode(mode /*uint*/, usesCycle, usesPhase, numColumns, numRows, cycleDuration, cyclePhase, totalFrames) {
+ if (numColumns === void 0) { numColumns = 1; }
+ if (numRows === void 0) { numRows = 1; }
+ if (cycleDuration === void 0) { cycleDuration = 1; }
+ if (cyclePhase === void 0) { cyclePhase = 0; }
+ if (totalFrames === void 0) { totalFrames = Number.MAX_VALUE; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleSpriteSheet", mode, usesCycle ? (usesPhase ? 3 : 2) : 1, ParticleAnimationSet.POST_PRIORITY + 1);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleSpriteSheetState;
+ this._iUsesCycle = usesCycle;
+ this._iUsesPhase = usesPhase;
+ this._iNumColumns = numColumns;
+ this._iNumRows = numRows;
+ this._iCyclePhase = cyclePhase;
+ this._iCycleDuration = cycleDuration;
+ this._iTotalFrames = Math.min(totalFrames, numColumns * numRows);
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSpriteSheetNode.prototype, "numColumns", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the number of columns in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1. Read only.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._iNumColumns;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSpriteSheetNode.prototype, "numRows", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the number of rows in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1. Read only.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._iNumRows;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSpriteSheetNode.prototype, "totalFrames", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the total number of frames used by the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to the number defined by numColumns and numRows. Read only.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._iTotalFrames;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleSpriteSheetNode.prototype.getAGALUVCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ //get 2 vc
+ var uvParamConst1 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ var uvParamConst2 = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleSpriteSheetState.UV_INDEX_0, uvParamConst1.index);
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleSpriteSheetState.UV_INDEX_1, uvParamConst2.index);
+ var uTotal = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst1.regName, uvParamConst1.index, 0);
+ var uStep = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst1.regName, uvParamConst1.index, 1);
+ var vStep = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst1.regName, uvParamConst1.index, 2);
+ var uSpeed = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst2.regName, uvParamConst2.index, 0);
+ var cycle = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst2.regName, uvParamConst2.index, 1);
+ var phaseTime = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst2.regName, uvParamConst2.index, 2);
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var time = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 0);
+ var vOffset = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 1);
+ temp = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 2);
+ var temp2 = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 3);
+ var u = new ShaderRegisterElement(animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.regName, animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.index, 0);
+ var v = new ShaderRegisterElement(animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.regName, animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.index, 1);
+ var code = "";
+ //scale uv
+ code += "mul " + u + "," + u + "," + uStep + "\n";
+ if (this._iNumRows > 1)
+ code += "mul " + v + "," + v + "," + vStep + "\n";
+ if (this._iUsesCycle) {
+ if (this._iUsesPhase)
+ code += "add " + time + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + phaseTime + "\n";
+ else
+ code += "mov " + time + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "\n";
+ code += "div " + time + "," + time + "," + cycle + "\n";
+ code += "frc " + time + "," + time + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + time + "," + time + "," + cycle + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + temp + "," + time + "," + uSpeed + "\n";
+ }
+ else
+ code += "mul " + temp.toString() + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "," + uTotal + "\n";
+ if (this._iNumRows > 1) {
+ code += "frc " + temp2 + "," + temp + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + vOffset + "," + temp + "," + temp2 + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + vOffset + "," + vOffset + "," + vStep + "\n";
+ code += "add " + v + "," + v + "," + vOffset + "\n";
+ }
+ code += "div " + temp2 + "," + temp + "," + uStep + "\n";
+ code += "frc " + temp + "," + temp2 + "\n";
+ code += "sub " + temp2 + "," + temp2 + "," + temp + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + temp + "," + temp2 + "," + uStep + "\n";
+ if (this._iNumRows > 1)
+ code += "frc " + temp + "," + temp + "\n";
+ code += "add " + u + "," + u + "," + temp + "\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleSpriteSheetNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleSpriteSheetNode.prototype._iProcessAnimationSetting = function (particleAnimationSet) {
+ particleAnimationSet.hasUVNode = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleSpriteSheetNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ if (this._iUsesCycle) {
+ var uvCycle = param[ParticleSpriteSheetNode.UV_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!uvCycle)
+ throw (new Error("there is no " + ParticleSpriteSheetNode.UV_VECTOR3D + " in param!"));
+ if (uvCycle.x <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must be greater than zero"));
+ var uTotal = this._iTotalFrames / this._iNumColumns;
+ this._pOneData[0] = uTotal / uvCycle.x;
+ this._pOneData[1] = uvCycle.x;
+ if (this._iUsesPhase)
+ this._pOneData[2] = uvCycle.y;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for spritesheet node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
representing the cycleDuration (x), optional phaseTime (y).
+ */
+ ParticleSpriteSheetNode.UV_VECTOR3D = "UVVector3D";
+ return ParticleSpriteSheetNode;
+module.exports = ParticleSpriteSheetNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleTimeState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleTimeState");
+ * A particle animation node used as the base node for timekeeping inside a particle. Automatically added to a particle animation set on instatiation.
+ */
+var ParticleTimeNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleTimeNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleTimeNode
+ *
+ * @param [optional] usesDuration Defines whether the node uses the duration
data in the static properties to determine how long a particle is visible for. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] usesDelay Defines whether the node uses the delay
data in the static properties to determine how long a particle is hidden for. Defaults to false. Requires usesDuration
to be true.
+ * @param [optional] usesLooping Defines whether the node creates a looping timeframe for each particle determined by the startTime
, duration
and delay
data in the static properties function. Defaults to false. Requires usesLooping
to be true.
+ */
+ function ParticleTimeNode(usesDuration, usesLooping, usesDelay) {
+ if (usesDuration === void 0) { usesDuration = false; }
+ if (usesLooping === void 0) { usesLooping = false; }
+ if (usesDelay === void 0) { usesDelay = false; }
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleTimeState;
+ this._iUsesDuration = usesDuration;
+ this._iUsesLooping = usesLooping;
+ this._iUsesDelay = usesDelay;
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleTime", ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC, 4, 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleTimeNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var timeStreamRegister = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute(); //timeStreamRegister.x is start,timeStreamRegister.y is during time
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleTimeState.TIME_STREAM_INDEX, timeStreamRegister.index);
+ var timeConst = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleTimeState.TIME_CONSTANT_INDEX, timeConst.index);
+ var code = "";
+ code += "sub " + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + timeConst + "," + timeStreamRegister + ".x\n";
+ //if time=0,set the position to zero.
+ var temp = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();
+ code += "sge " + temp + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + temp + "\n";
+ if (this._iUsesDuration) {
+ if (this._iUsesLooping) {
+ var div = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();
+ if (this._iUsesDelay) {
+ code += "div " + div + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + timeStreamRegister + ".z\n";
+ code += "frc " + div + "," + div + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + div + "," + timeStreamRegister + ".z\n";
+ code += "slt " + div + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + timeStreamRegister + ".y\n";
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + div + "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ code += "mul " + div + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + timeStreamRegister + ".w\n";
+ code += "frc " + div + "," + div + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + div + "," + timeStreamRegister + ".y\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ var sge = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();
+ code += "sge " + sge + "," + timeStreamRegister + ".y," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + ".xyz," + sge + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ code += "mul " + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + timeStreamRegister + ".w\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleTimeNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleTimeNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ this._pOneData[0] = param.startTime;
+ this._pOneData[1] = param.duration;
+ this._pOneData[2] = param.delay + param.duration;
+ this._pOneData[3] = 1 / param.duration;
+ };
+ return ParticleTimeNode;
+module.exports = ParticleTimeNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ShaderRegisterElement = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement");
+var ParticleAnimationSet = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleUVState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleUVState");
+ * A particle animation node used to control the UV offset and scale of a particle over time.
+ */
+var ParticleUVNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleUVNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleTimeNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] cycle Defines whether the time track is in loop mode. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] scale Defines whether the time track is in loop mode. Defaults to false.
+ * @param [optional] axis Defines whether the time track is in loop mode. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ function ParticleUVNode(mode /*uint*/, cycle, scale, axis) {
+ if (cycle === void 0) { cycle = 1; }
+ if (scale === void 0) { scale = 1; }
+ if (axis === void 0) { axis = "x"; }
+ //because of the stage3d register limitation, it only support the global mode
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleUV", ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, 4, ParticleAnimationSet.POST_PRIORITY + 1);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleUVState;
+ this._cycle = cycle;
+ this._scale = scale;
+ this._axis = axis;
+ this.updateUVData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleUVNode.prototype, "cycle", {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cycle;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cycle = value;
+ this.updateUVData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleUVNode.prototype, "scale", {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._scale;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._scale = value;
+ this.updateUVData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleUVNode.prototype, "axis", {
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._axis;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._axis = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleUVNode.prototype.getAGALUVCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var code = "";
+ var uvConst = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleUVState.UV_INDEX, uvConst.index);
+ var axisIndex = this._axis == "x" ? 0 : (this._axis == "y" ? 1 : 2);
+ var target = new ShaderRegisterElement(animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.regName, animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.index, axisIndex);
+ var sin = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();
+ if (this._scale != 1)
+ code += "mul " + target + "," + target + "," + uvConst + ".y\n";
+ code += "mul " + sin + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + uvConst + ".x\n";
+ code += "sin " + sin + "," + sin + "\n";
+ code += "add " + target + "," + target + "," + sin + "\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleUVNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ ParticleUVNode.prototype.updateUVData = function () {
+ this._iUvData = new Vector3D(Math.PI * 2 / this._cycle, this._scale, 0, 0);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleUVNode.prototype._iProcessAnimationSetting = function (particleAnimationSet) {
+ particleAnimationSet.hasUVNode = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ ParticleUVNode.U_AXIS = "x";
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ ParticleUVNode.V_AXIS = "y";
+ return ParticleUVNode;
+module.exports = ParticleUVNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase");
+var ParticleVelocityState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleVelocityState");
+ * A particle animation node used to set the starting velocity of a particle.
+ */
+var ParticleVelocityNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleVelocityNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ParticleVelocityNode
+ *
+ * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.
+ * @param [optional] velocity Defines the default velocity vector of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ function ParticleVelocityNode(mode /*uint*/, velocity) {
+ if (velocity === void 0) { velocity = null; }
+ _super.call(this, "ParticleVelocity", mode, 3);
+ this._pStateClass = ParticleVelocityState;
+ this._iVelocity = velocity || new Vector3D();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleVelocityNode.prototype.getAGALVertexCode = function (shaderObject, animationRegisterCache) {
+ var velocityValue = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) ? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();
+ animationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleVelocityState.VELOCITY_INDEX, velocityValue.index);
+ var distance = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ var code = "";
+ code += "mul " + distance + "," + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + "," + velocityValue + "\n";
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz," + distance + "," + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity)
+ code += "add " + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz," + velocityValue + ".xyz," + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + ".xyz\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleVelocityNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleVelocityNode.prototype._iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle = function (param) {
+ var _tempVelocity = param[ParticleVelocityNode.VELOCITY_VECTOR3D];
+ if (!_tempVelocity)
+ throw new Error("there is no " + ParticleVelocityNode.VELOCITY_VECTOR3D + " in param!");
+ this._pOneData[0] = _tempVelocity.x;
+ this._pOneData[1] = _tempVelocity.y;
+ this._pOneData[2] = _tempVelocity.z;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reference for velocity node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).
+ * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the direction of movement on the particle.
+ */
+ ParticleVelocityNode.VELOCITY_VECTOR3D = "VelocityVector3D";
+ return ParticleVelocityNode;
+module.exports = ParticleVelocityNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+var SkeletonBinaryLERPState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonBinaryLERPState");
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses two animation node inputs to blend a lineraly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+var SkeletonBinaryLERPNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonBinaryLERPNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonBinaryLERPNode
+ */
+ function SkeletonBinaryLERPNode() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._pStateClass = SkeletonBinaryLERPState;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonBinaryLERPNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ return SkeletonBinaryLERPNode;
+module.exports = SkeletonBinaryLERPNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationClipNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationClipNodeBase");
+var SkeletonClipState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonClipState");
+ * A skeleton animation node containing time-based animation data as individual skeleton poses.
+ */
+var SkeletonClipNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonClipNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonClipNode
+ */
+ function SkeletonClipNode() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._frames = new Array();
+ /**
+ * Determines whether to use SLERP equations (true) or LERP equations (false) in the calculation
+ * of the output skeleton pose. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ this.highQuality = false;
+ this._pStateClass = SkeletonClipState;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonClipNode.prototype, "frames", {
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector of skeleton poses representing the pose of each animation frame in the clip.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._frames;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Adds a skeleton pose frame to the internal timeline of the animation node.
+ *
+ * @param skeletonPose The skeleton pose object to add to the timeline of the node.
+ * @param duration The specified duration of the frame in milliseconds.
+ */
+ SkeletonClipNode.prototype.addFrame = function (skeletonPose, duration /*number /*uint*/) {
+ this._frames.push(skeletonPose);
+ this._pDurations.push(duration);
+ this._pNumFrames = this._pDurations.length;
+ this._pStitchDirty = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonClipNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonClipNode.prototype._pUpdateStitch = function () {
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateStitch.call(this);
+ var i = this._pNumFrames - 1;
+ var p1, p2, delta;
+ while (i--) {
+ this._pTotalDuration += this._pDurations[i];
+ p1 = this._frames[i].jointPoses[0].translation;
+ p2 = this._frames[i + 1].jointPoses[0].translation;
+ delta = p2.subtract(p1);
+ this._pTotalDelta.x += delta.x;
+ this._pTotalDelta.y += delta.y;
+ this._pTotalDelta.z += delta.z;
+ }
+ if (this._pStitchFinalFrame || !this._pLooping) {
+ this._pTotalDuration += this._pDurations[this._pNumFrames - 1];
+ p1 = this._frames[0].jointPoses[0].translation;
+ p2 = this._frames[1].jointPoses[0].translation;
+ delta = p2.subtract(p1);
+ this._pTotalDelta.x += delta.x;
+ this._pTotalDelta.y += delta.y;
+ this._pTotalDelta.z += delta.z;
+ }
+ };
+ return SkeletonClipNode;
+module.exports = SkeletonClipNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+var SkeletonDifferenceState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonDifferenceState");
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses a difference input pose with a base input pose to blend a linearly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+var SkeletonDifferenceNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonDifferenceNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonAdditiveNode
+ */
+ function SkeletonDifferenceNode() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._pStateClass = SkeletonDifferenceState;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonDifferenceNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ return SkeletonDifferenceNode;
+module.exports = SkeletonDifferenceNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+var SkeletonDirectionalState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonDirectionalState");
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses four directional input poses with an input direction to blend a linearly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+var SkeletonDirectionalNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonDirectionalNode, _super);
+ function SkeletonDirectionalNode() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._pStateClass = SkeletonDirectionalState;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonDirectionalNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ return SkeletonDirectionalNode;
+module.exports = SkeletonDirectionalNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationNodeBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase");
+var SkeletonNaryLERPState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonNaryLERPState");
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses an n-dimensional array of animation node inputs to blend a lineraly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+var SkeletonNaryLERPNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonNaryLERPNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SkeletonNaryLERPNode
+ */
+ function SkeletonNaryLERPNode() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._iInputs = new Array();
+ this._pStateClass = SkeletonNaryLERPState;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonNaryLERPNode.prototype, "numInputs", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._numInputs;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Returns an integer representing the input index of the given skeleton animation node.
+ *
+ * @param input The skeleton animation node for with the input index is requested.
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPNode.prototype.getInputIndex = function (input) {
+ return this._iInputs.indexOf(input);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the skeleton animation node object that resides at the given input index.
+ *
+ * @param index The input index for which the skeleton animation node is requested.
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPNode.prototype.getInputAt = function (index /*uint*/) {
+ return this._iInputs[index];
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds a new skeleton animation node input to the animation node.
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPNode.prototype.addInput = function (input) {
+ this._iInputs[this._numInputs++] = input;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPNode.prototype.getAnimationState = function (animator) {
+ return animator.getAnimationState(this);
+ };
+ return SkeletonNaryLERPNode;
+module.exports = SkeletonNaryLERPNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var AnimationClipNodeBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationClipNodeBase");
+var VertexClipState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/VertexClipState");
+ * A vertex animation node containing time-based animation data as individual geometry obejcts.
+ */
+var VertexClipNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(VertexClipNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new VertexClipNode
+ */
+ function VertexClipNode() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._frames = new Array();
+ this._translations = new Array();
+ this._pStateClass = VertexClipState;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(VertexClipNode.prototype, "frames", {
+ /**
+ * Returns a vector of geometry frames representing the vertex values of each animation frame in the clip.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._frames;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Adds a geometry object to the internal timeline of the animation node.
+ *
+ * @param geometry The geometry object to add to the timeline of the node.
+ * @param duration The specified duration of the frame in milliseconds.
+ * @param translation The absolute translation of the frame, used in root delta calculations for mesh movement.
+ */
+ VertexClipNode.prototype.addFrame = function (geometry, duration /*uint*/, translation) {
+ if (translation === void 0) { translation = null; }
+ this._frames.push(geometry);
+ this._pDurations.push(duration);
+ this._translations.push(translation || new Vector3D());
+ this._pNumFrames = this._pDurations.length;
+ this._pStitchDirty = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ VertexClipNode.prototype._pUpdateStitch = function () {
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateStitch.call(this);
+ var i = this._pNumFrames - 1;
+ var p1, p2, delta;
+ while (i--) {
+ this._pTotalDuration += this._pDurations[i];
+ p1 = this._translations[i];
+ p2 = this._translations[i + 1];
+ delta = p2.subtract(p1);
+ this._pTotalDelta.x += delta.x;
+ this._pTotalDelta.y += delta.y;
+ this._pTotalDelta.z += delta.z;
+ }
+ if (this._pNumFrames > 1 && (this._pStitchFinalFrame || !this._pLooping)) {
+ this._pTotalDuration += this._pDurations[this._pNumFrames - 1];
+ p1 = this._translations[0];
+ p2 = this._translations[1];
+ delta = p2.subtract(p1);
+ this._pTotalDelta.x += delta.x;
+ this._pTotalDelta.y += delta.y;
+ this._pTotalDelta.z += delta.z;
+ }
+ };
+ return VertexClipNode;
+module.exports = VertexClipNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+var AnimationStateEvent = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/events/AnimationStateEvent");
+ *
+ */
+var AnimationClipState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(AnimationClipState, _super);
+ function AnimationClipState(animator, animationClipNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, animationClipNode);
+ this._pFramesDirty = true;
+ this._animationClipNode = animationClipNode;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationClipState.prototype, "blendWeight", {
+ /**
+ * Returns a fractional value between 0 and 1 representing the blending ratio of the current playhead position
+ * between the current frame (0) and next frame (1) of the animation.
+ *
+ * @see #currentFrame
+ * @see #nextFrame
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pFramesDirty)
+ this._pUpdateFrames();
+ return this._pBlendWeight;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationClipState.prototype, "currentFrame", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the current frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pFramesDirty)
+ this._pUpdateFrames();
+ return this._pCurrentFrame;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationClipState.prototype, "nextFrame", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the next frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pFramesDirty)
+ this._pUpdateFrames();
+ return this._pNextFrame;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ AnimationClipState.prototype.update = function (time /*int*/) {
+ if (!this._animationClipNode.looping) {
+ if (time > this._pStartTime + this._animationClipNode.totalDuration)
+ time = this._pStartTime + this._animationClipNode.totalDuration;
+ else if (time < this._pStartTime)
+ time = this._pStartTime;
+ }
+ if (this._pTime == time - this._pStartTime)
+ return;
+ this._pUpdateTime(time);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ AnimationClipState.prototype.phase = function (value) {
+ var time = value * this._animationClipNode.totalDuration + this._pStartTime;
+ if (this._pTime == time - this._pStartTime)
+ return;
+ this._pUpdateTime(time);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ AnimationClipState.prototype._pUpdateTime = function (time /*int*/) {
+ this._pFramesDirty = true;
+ this._pTimeDir = (time - this._pStartTime > this._pTime) ? 1 : -1;
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateTime.call(this, time);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the nodes internal playhead to determine the current and next animation frame, and the blendWeight between the two.
+ *
+ * @see #currentFrame
+ * @see #nextFrame
+ * @see #blendWeight
+ */
+ AnimationClipState.prototype._pUpdateFrames = function () {
+ this._pFramesDirty = false;
+ var looping = this._animationClipNode.looping;
+ var totalDuration = this._animationClipNode.totalDuration;
+ var lastFrame = this._animationClipNode.lastFrame;
+ var time = this._pTime;
+ //trace("time", time, totalDuration)
+ if (looping && (time >= totalDuration || time < 0)) {
+ time %= totalDuration;
+ if (time < 0)
+ time += totalDuration;
+ }
+ if (!looping && time >= totalDuration) {
+ this.notifyPlaybackComplete();
+ this._pCurrentFrame = lastFrame;
+ this._pNextFrame = lastFrame;
+ this._pBlendWeight = 0;
+ }
+ else if (!looping && time <= 0) {
+ this._pCurrentFrame = 0;
+ this._pNextFrame = 0;
+ this._pBlendWeight = 0;
+ }
+ else if (this._animationClipNode.fixedFrameRate) {
+ var t = time / totalDuration * lastFrame;
+ this._pCurrentFrame = Math.floor(t);
+ this._pBlendWeight = t - this._pCurrentFrame;
+ this._pNextFrame = this._pCurrentFrame + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ this._pCurrentFrame = 0;
+ this._pNextFrame = 0;
+ var dur = 0, frameTime /*uint*/;
+ var durations = this._animationClipNode.durations;
+ do {
+ frameTime = dur;
+ dur += durations[this._pNextFrame];
+ this._pCurrentFrame = this._pNextFrame++;
+ } while (time > dur);
+ if (this._pCurrentFrame == lastFrame) {
+ this._pCurrentFrame = 0;
+ this._pNextFrame = 1;
+ }
+ this._pBlendWeight = (time - frameTime) / durations[this._pCurrentFrame];
+ }
+ };
+ AnimationClipState.prototype.notifyPlaybackComplete = function () {
+ if (this._animationStatePlaybackComplete == null)
+ this._animationStatePlaybackComplete = new AnimationStateEvent(AnimationStateEvent.PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, this._pAnimator, this, this._animationClipNode);
+ this._animationClipNode.dispatchEvent(this._animationStatePlaybackComplete);
+ };
+ return AnimationClipState;
+module.exports = AnimationClipState;
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+ *
+ */
+var AnimationStateBase = (function () {
+ function AnimationStateBase(animator, animationNode) {
+ this._pRootDelta = new Vector3D();
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ this._pStartTime = 0;
+ this._pAnimator = animator;
+ this._pAnimationNode = animationNode;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationStateBase.prototype, "positionDelta", {
+ /**
+ * Returns a 3d vector representing the translation delta of the animating entity for the current timestep of animation
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pPositionDeltaDirty) {
+ this._pUpdatePositionDelta();
+ }
+ return this._pRootDelta;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Resets the start time of the node to a new value.
+ *
+ * @param startTime The absolute start time (in milliseconds) of the node's starting time.
+ */
+ AnimationStateBase.prototype.offset = function (startTime) {
+ this._pStartTime = startTime;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the configuration of the node to its current state.
+ *
+ * @param time The absolute time (in milliseconds) of the animator's play head position.
+ *
+ * @see AnimatorBase#update()
+ */
+ AnimationStateBase.prototype.update = function (time) {
+ if (this._pTime == time - this._pStartTime) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._pUpdateTime(time);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets the animation phase of the node.
+ *
+ * @param value The phase value to use. 0 represents the beginning of an animation clip, 1 represents the end.
+ */
+ AnimationStateBase.prototype.phase = function (value) {
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the node's internal playhead position.
+ *
+ * @param time The local time (in milliseconds) of the node's playhead position.
+ */
+ AnimationStateBase.prototype._pUpdateTime = function (time) {
+ this._pTime = time - this._pStartTime;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the node's root delta position
+ */
+ AnimationStateBase.prototype._pUpdatePositionDelta = function () {
+ };
+ return AnimationStateBase;
+module.exports = AnimationStateBase;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleAccelerationState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleAccelerationState, _super);
+ function ParticleAccelerationState(animator, particleAccelerationNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleAccelerationNode);
+ this._particleAccelerationNode = particleAccelerationNode;
+ this._acceleration = this._particleAccelerationNode._acceleration;
+ this.updateAccelerationData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleAccelerationState.prototype, "acceleration", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the acceleration vector of the state, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._acceleration;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._acceleration.x = value.x;
+ this._acceleration.y = value.y;
+ this._acceleration.z = value.z;
+ this.updateAccelerationData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleAccelerationState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleAccelerationState.ACCELERATION_INDEX);
+ if (this._particleAccelerationNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC)
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleAccelerationNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ else
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, this._halfAcceleration.x, this._halfAcceleration.y, this._halfAcceleration.z);
+ };
+ ParticleAccelerationState.prototype.updateAccelerationData = function () {
+ if (this._particleAccelerationNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)
+ this._halfAcceleration = new Vector3D(this._acceleration.x / 2, this._acceleration.y / 2, this._acceleration.z / 2);
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleAccelerationState.ACCELERATION_INDEX = 0;
+ return ParticleAccelerationState;
+module.exports = ParticleAccelerationState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleBezierCurveState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleBezierCurveState, _super);
+ function ParticleBezierCurveState(animator, particleBezierCurveNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleBezierCurveNode);
+ this._particleBezierCurveNode = particleBezierCurveNode;
+ this._controlPoint = this._particleBezierCurveNode._iControlPoint;
+ this._endPoint = this._particleBezierCurveNode._iEndPoint;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleBezierCurveState.prototype, "controlPoint", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the default control point of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._controlPoint;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._controlPoint = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleBezierCurveState.prototype, "endPoint", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the default end point of the node, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._endPoint;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._endPoint = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ ParticleBezierCurveState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ var controlIndex = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleBezierCurveState.BEZIER_CONTROL_INDEX);
+ var endIndex = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleBezierCurveState.BEZIER_END_INDEX);
+ if (this._particleBezierCurveNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) {
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(controlIndex, this._particleBezierCurveNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(endIndex, this._particleBezierCurveNode._iDataOffset + 3, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ }
+ else {
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(controlIndex, this._controlPoint.x, this._controlPoint.y, this._controlPoint.z);
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(endIndex, this._endPoint.x, this._endPoint.y, this._endPoint.z);
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleBezierCurveState.BEZIER_CONTROL_INDEX = 0;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleBezierCurveState.BEZIER_END_INDEX = 1;
+ return ParticleBezierCurveState;
+module.exports = ParticleBezierCurveState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var MathConsts = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/MathConsts");
+var Matrix3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3D");
+var Orientation3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Orientation3D");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleBillboardState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleBillboardState, _super);
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ function ParticleBillboardState(animator, particleNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleNode);
+ this._matrix = new Matrix3D;
+ this._billboardAxis = particleNode._iBillboardAxis;
+ }
+ ParticleBillboardState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ var comps;
+ if (this._billboardAxis) {
+ var pos = renderable.sourceEntity.sceneTransform.position;
+ var look = camera.sceneTransform.position.subtract(pos);
+ var right = look.crossProduct(this._billboardAxis);
+ right.normalize();
+ look = this.billboardAxis.crossProduct(right);
+ look.normalize();
+ //create a quick inverse projection matrix
+ this._matrix.copyFrom(renderable.sourceEntity.sceneTransform);
+ comps = this._matrix.decompose(Orientation3D.AXIS_ANGLE);
+ this._matrix.copyColumnFrom(0, right);
+ this._matrix.copyColumnFrom(1, this.billboardAxis);
+ this._matrix.copyColumnFrom(2, look);
+ this._matrix.copyColumnFrom(3, pos);
+ this._matrix.appendRotation(-comps[1].w * MathConsts.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, comps[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ //create a quick inverse projection matrix
+ this._matrix.copyFrom(renderable.sourceEntity.sceneTransform);
+ this._matrix.append(camera.inverseSceneTransform);
+ //decompose using axis angle rotations
+ comps = this._matrix.decompose(Orientation3D.AXIS_ANGLE);
+ //recreate the matrix with just the rotation data
+ this._matrix.identity();
+ this._matrix.appendRotation(-comps[1].w * MathConsts.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, comps[1]);
+ }
+ //set a new matrix transform constant
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConstFromMatrix(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleBillboardState.MATRIX_INDEX), this._matrix);
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleBillboardState.prototype, "billboardAxis", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the billboard axis.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this.billboardAxis;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this.billboardAxis = value ? value.clone() : null;
+ if (this.billboardAxis)
+ this.billboardAxis.normalize();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleBillboardState.MATRIX_INDEX = 0;
+ return ParticleBillboardState;
+module.exports = ParticleBillboardState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ * @author ...
+ */
+var ParticleColorState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleColorState, _super);
+ function ParticleColorState(animator, particleColorNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleColorNode);
+ this._particleColorNode = particleColorNode;
+ this._usesMultiplier = this._particleColorNode._iUsesMultiplier;
+ this._usesOffset = this._particleColorNode._iUsesOffset;
+ this._usesCycle = this._particleColorNode._iUsesCycle;
+ this._usesPhase = this._particleColorNode._iUsesPhase;
+ this._startColor = this._particleColorNode._iStartColor;
+ this._endColor = this._particleColorNode._iEndColor;
+ this._cycleDuration = this._particleColorNode._iCycleDuration;
+ this._cyclePhase = this._particleColorNode._iCyclePhase;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleColorState.prototype, "startColor", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the start color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._startColor;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._startColor = value;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleColorState.prototype, "endColor", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the end color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._endColor;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._endColor = value;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleColorState.prototype, "cycleDuration", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cycleDuration;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cycleDuration = value;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleColorState.prototype, "cyclePhase", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cyclePhase;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cyclePhase = value;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ ParticleColorState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needFragmentAnimation) {
+ var dataOffset = this._particleColorNode._iDataOffset;
+ if (this._usesCycle)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleColorState.CYCLE_INDEX), this._cycleData.x, this._cycleData.y, this._cycleData.z, this._cycleData.w);
+ if (this._usesMultiplier) {
+ if (this._particleColorNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) {
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleColorState.START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX), dataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ dataOffset += 4;
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleColorState.DELTA_MULTIPLIER_INDEX), dataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ dataOffset += 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleColorState.START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX), this._startMultiplierData.x, this._startMultiplierData.y, this._startMultiplierData.z, this._startMultiplierData.w);
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleColorState.DELTA_MULTIPLIER_INDEX), this._deltaMultiplierData.x, this._deltaMultiplierData.y, this._deltaMultiplierData.z, this._deltaMultiplierData.w);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._usesOffset) {
+ if (this._particleColorNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) {
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleColorState.START_OFFSET_INDEX), dataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ dataOffset += 4;
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleColorState.DELTA_OFFSET_INDEX), dataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ dataOffset += 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleColorState.START_OFFSET_INDEX), this._startOffsetData.x, this._startOffsetData.y, this._startOffsetData.z, this._startOffsetData.w);
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleColorState.DELTA_OFFSET_INDEX), this._deltaOffsetData.x, this._deltaOffsetData.y, this._deltaOffsetData.z, this._deltaOffsetData.w);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ParticleColorState.prototype.updateColorData = function () {
+ if (this._usesCycle) {
+ if (this._cycleDuration <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must be greater than zero"));
+ this._cycleData = new Vector3D(Math.PI * 2 / this._cycleDuration, this._cyclePhase * Math.PI / 180, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (this._particleColorNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) {
+ if (this._usesCycle) {
+ if (this._usesMultiplier) {
+ this._startMultiplierData = new Vector3D((this._startColor.redMultiplier + this._endColor.redMultiplier) / 2, (this._startColor.greenMultiplier + this._endColor.greenMultiplier) / 2, (this._startColor.blueMultiplier + this._endColor.blueMultiplier) / 2, (this._startColor.alphaMultiplier + this._endColor.alphaMultiplier) / 2);
+ this._deltaMultiplierData = new Vector3D((this._endColor.redMultiplier - this._startColor.redMultiplier) / 2, (this._endColor.greenMultiplier - this._startColor.greenMultiplier) / 2, (this._endColor.blueMultiplier - this._startColor.blueMultiplier) / 2, (this._endColor.alphaMultiplier - this._startColor.alphaMultiplier) / 2);
+ }
+ if (this._usesOffset) {
+ this._startOffsetData = new Vector3D((this._startColor.redOffset + this._endColor.redOffset) / (255 * 2), (this._startColor.greenOffset + this._endColor.greenOffset) / (255 * 2), (this._startColor.blueOffset + this._endColor.blueOffset) / (255 * 2), (this._startColor.alphaOffset + this._endColor.alphaOffset) / (255 * 2));
+ this._deltaOffsetData = new Vector3D((this._endColor.redOffset - this._startColor.redOffset) / (255 * 2), (this._endColor.greenOffset - this._startColor.greenOffset) / (255 * 2), (this._endColor.blueOffset - this._startColor.blueOffset) / (255 * 2), (this._endColor.alphaOffset - this._startColor.alphaOffset) / (255 * 2));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this._usesMultiplier) {
+ this._startMultiplierData = new Vector3D(this._startColor.redMultiplier, this._startColor.greenMultiplier, this._startColor.blueMultiplier, this._startColor.alphaMultiplier);
+ this._deltaMultiplierData = new Vector3D((this._endColor.redMultiplier - this._startColor.redMultiplier), (this._endColor.greenMultiplier - this._startColor.greenMultiplier), (this._endColor.blueMultiplier - this._startColor.blueMultiplier), (this._endColor.alphaMultiplier - this._startColor.alphaMultiplier));
+ }
+ if (this._usesOffset) {
+ this._startOffsetData = new Vector3D(this._startColor.redOffset / 255, this._startColor.greenOffset / 255, this._startColor.blueOffset / 255, this._startColor.alphaOffset / 255);
+ this._deltaOffsetData = new Vector3D((this._endColor.redOffset - this._startColor.redOffset) / 255, (this._endColor.greenOffset - this._startColor.greenOffset) / 255, (this._endColor.blueOffset - this._startColor.blueOffset) / 255, (this._endColor.alphaOffset - this._startColor.alphaOffset) / 255);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleColorState.START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX = 0;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleColorState.DELTA_MULTIPLIER_INDEX = 1;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleColorState.START_OFFSET_INDEX = 2;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleColorState.DELTA_OFFSET_INDEX = 3;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleColorState.CYCLE_INDEX = 4;
+ return ParticleColorState;
+module.exports = ParticleColorState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var MathConsts = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/MathConsts");
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleFollowState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleFollowState, _super);
+ function ParticleFollowState(animator, particleFollowNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleFollowNode, true);
+ this._targetPos = new Vector3D();
+ this._targetEuler = new Vector3D();
+ //temporary vector3D for calculation
+ this._temp = new Vector3D();
+ this._particleFollowNode = particleFollowNode;
+ this._smooth = particleFollowNode._iSmooth;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleFollowState.prototype, "followTarget", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._followTarget;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._followTarget = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleFollowState.prototype, "smooth", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._smooth;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._smooth = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleFollowState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ if (this._followTarget) {
+ if (this._particleFollowNode._iUsesPosition) {
+ this._targetPos.x = this._followTarget.transform.position.x / renderable.sourceEntity.scaleX;
+ this._targetPos.y = this._followTarget.transform.position.y / renderable.sourceEntity.scaleY;
+ this._targetPos.z = this._followTarget.transform.position.z / renderable.sourceEntity.scaleZ;
+ }
+ if (this._particleFollowNode._iUsesRotation) {
+ this._targetEuler.x = this._followTarget.rotationX;
+ this._targetEuler.y = this._followTarget.rotationY;
+ this._targetEuler.z = this._followTarget.rotationZ;
+ this._targetEuler.scaleBy(MathConsts.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ }
+ }
+ //initialization
+ if (!this._prePos)
+ this._prePos = this._targetPos.clone();
+ if (!this._preEuler)
+ this._preEuler = this._targetEuler.clone();
+ var currentTime = this._pTime / 1000;
+ var previousTime = animationSubGeometry.previousTime;
+ var deltaTime = currentTime - previousTime;
+ var needProcess = previousTime != currentTime;
+ if (this._particleFollowNode._iUsesPosition && this._particleFollowNode._iUsesRotation) {
+ if (needProcess)
+ this.processPositionAndRotation(currentTime, deltaTime, animationSubGeometry);
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_POSITION_INDEX), this._particleFollowNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_ROTATION_INDEX), this._particleFollowNode._iDataOffset + 3, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ }
+ else if (this._particleFollowNode._iUsesPosition) {
+ if (needProcess)
+ this.processPosition(currentTime, deltaTime, animationSubGeometry);
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_POSITION_INDEX), this._particleFollowNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ }
+ else if (this._particleFollowNode._iUsesRotation) {
+ if (needProcess)
+ this.precessRotation(currentTime, deltaTime, animationSubGeometry);
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_ROTATION_INDEX), this._particleFollowNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ }
+ this._prePos.copyFrom(this._targetPos);
+ this._targetEuler.copyFrom(this._targetEuler);
+ animationSubGeometry.previousTime = currentTime;
+ };
+ ParticleFollowState.prototype.processPosition = function (currentTime, deltaTime, animationSubGeometry) {
+ var data = animationSubGeometry.animationParticles;
+ var vertexData = animationSubGeometry.vertexData;
+ var changed = false;
+ var len = data.length;
+ var interpolatedPos;
+ var posVelocity;
+ if (this._smooth) {
+ posVelocity = this._prePos.subtract(this._targetPos);
+ posVelocity.scaleBy(1 / deltaTime);
+ }
+ else
+ interpolatedPos = this._targetPos;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ var k = (currentTime - data[i].startTime) / data[i].totalTime;
+ var t = (k - Math.floor(k)) * data[i].totalTime;
+ if (t - deltaTime <= 0) {
+ var inc = data[i].startVertexIndex * animationSubGeometry.totalLenOfOneVertex + this._particleFollowNode._iDataOffset;
+ if (this._smooth) {
+ this._temp.copyFrom(posVelocity);
+ this._temp.scaleBy(t);
+ interpolatedPos = this._targetPos.add(this._temp);
+ }
+ if (vertexData[inc] != interpolatedPos.x || vertexData[inc + 1] != interpolatedPos.y || vertexData[inc + 2] != interpolatedPos.z) {
+ changed = true;
+ for (var j = 0; j < data[i].numVertices; j++) {
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedPos.x;
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedPos.y;
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedPos.z;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed)
+ animationSubGeometry.invalidateBuffer();
+ };
+ ParticleFollowState.prototype.precessRotation = function (currentTime, deltaTime, animationSubGeometry) {
+ var data = animationSubGeometry.animationParticles;
+ var vertexData = animationSubGeometry.vertexData;
+ var changed = false;
+ var len = data.length;
+ var interpolatedRotation;
+ var rotationVelocity;
+ if (this._smooth) {
+ rotationVelocity = this._preEuler.subtract(this._targetEuler);
+ rotationVelocity.scaleBy(1 / deltaTime);
+ }
+ else
+ interpolatedRotation = this._targetEuler;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ var k = (currentTime - data[i].startTime) / data[i].totalTime;
+ var t = (k - Math.floor(k)) * data[i].totalTime;
+ if (t - deltaTime <= 0) {
+ var inc = data[i].startVertexIndex * animationSubGeometry.totalLenOfOneVertex + this._particleFollowNode._iDataOffset;
+ if (this._smooth) {
+ this._temp.copyFrom(rotationVelocity);
+ this._temp.scaleBy(t);
+ interpolatedRotation = this._targetEuler.add(this._temp);
+ }
+ if (vertexData[inc] != interpolatedRotation.x || vertexData[inc + 1] != interpolatedRotation.y || vertexData[inc + 2] != interpolatedRotation.z) {
+ changed = true;
+ for (var j = 0; j < data[i].numVertices; j++) {
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedRotation.x;
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedRotation.y;
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedRotation.z;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed)
+ animationSubGeometry.invalidateBuffer();
+ };
+ ParticleFollowState.prototype.processPositionAndRotation = function (currentTime, deltaTime, animationSubGeometry) {
+ var data = animationSubGeometry.animationParticles;
+ var vertexData = animationSubGeometry.vertexData;
+ var changed = false;
+ var len = data.length;
+ var interpolatedPos;
+ var interpolatedRotation;
+ var posVelocity;
+ var rotationVelocity;
+ if (this._smooth) {
+ posVelocity = this._prePos.subtract(this._targetPos);
+ posVelocity.scaleBy(1 / deltaTime);
+ rotationVelocity = this._preEuler.subtract(this._targetEuler);
+ rotationVelocity.scaleBy(1 / deltaTime);
+ }
+ else {
+ interpolatedPos = this._targetPos;
+ interpolatedRotation = this._targetEuler;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ var k = (currentTime - data[i].startTime) / data[i].totalTime;
+ var t = (k - Math.floor(k)) * data[i].totalTime;
+ if (t - deltaTime <= 0) {
+ var inc = data[i].startVertexIndex * animationSubGeometry.totalLenOfOneVertex + this._particleFollowNode._iDataOffset;
+ if (this._smooth) {
+ this._temp.copyFrom(posVelocity);
+ this._temp.scaleBy(t);
+ interpolatedPos = this._targetPos.add(this._temp);
+ this._temp.copyFrom(rotationVelocity);
+ this._temp.scaleBy(t);
+ interpolatedRotation = this._targetEuler.add(this._temp);
+ }
+ if (vertexData[inc] != interpolatedPos.x || vertexData[inc + 1] != interpolatedPos.y || vertexData[inc + 2] != interpolatedPos.z || vertexData[inc + 3] != interpolatedRotation.x || vertexData[inc + 4] != interpolatedRotation.y || vertexData[inc + 5] != interpolatedRotation.z) {
+ changed = true;
+ for (var j = 0; j < data[i].numVertices; j++) {
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedPos.x;
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedPos.y;
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedPos.z;
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedRotation.x;
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedRotation.y;
+ vertexData[inc++] = interpolatedRotation.z;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed)
+ animationSubGeometry.invalidateBuffer();
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_POSITION_INDEX = 0;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_ROTATION_INDEX = 1;
+ return ParticleFollowState;
+module.exports = ParticleFollowState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+var ParticleInitialColorState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleInitialColorState, _super);
+ function ParticleInitialColorState(animator, particleInitialColorNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleInitialColorNode);
+ this._particleInitialColorNode = particleInitialColorNode;
+ this._usesMultiplier = particleInitialColorNode._iUsesMultiplier;
+ this._usesOffset = particleInitialColorNode._iUsesOffset;
+ this._initialColor = particleInitialColorNode._iInitialColor;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleInitialColorState.prototype, "initialColor", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the initial color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._initialColor;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._initialColor = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleInitialColorState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ // TODO: not used
+ renderable = renderable;
+ camera = camera;
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needFragmentAnimation) {
+ if (this._particleInitialColorNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) {
+ var dataOffset = this._particleInitialColorNode._iDataOffset;
+ if (this._usesMultiplier) {
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleInitialColorState.MULTIPLIER_INDEX), dataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ dataOffset += 4;
+ }
+ if (this._usesOffset)
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleInitialColorState.OFFSET_INDEX), dataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (this._usesMultiplier)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleInitialColorState.MULTIPLIER_INDEX), this._multiplierData.x, this._multiplierData.y, this._multiplierData.z, this._multiplierData.w);
+ if (this._usesOffset)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleInitialColorState.OFFSET_INDEX), this._offsetData.x, this._offsetData.y, this._offsetData.z, this._offsetData.w);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ParticleInitialColorState.prototype.updateColorData = function () {
+ if (this._particleInitialColorNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) {
+ if (this._usesMultiplier)
+ this._multiplierData = new Vector3D(this._initialColor.redMultiplier, this._initialColor.greenMultiplier, this._initialColor.blueMultiplier, this._initialColor.alphaMultiplier);
+ if (this._usesOffset)
+ this._offsetData = new Vector3D(this._initialColor.redOffset / 255, this._initialColor.greenOffset / 255, this._initialColor.blueOffset / 255, this._initialColor.alphaOffset / 255);
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleInitialColorState.MULTIPLIER_INDEX = 0;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleInitialColorState.OFFSET_INDEX = 1;
+ return ParticleInitialColorState;
+module.exports = ParticleInitialColorState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Matrix3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3D");
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleOrbitState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleOrbitState, _super);
+ function ParticleOrbitState(animator, particleOrbitNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleOrbitNode);
+ this._particleOrbitNode = particleOrbitNode;
+ this._usesEulers = this._particleOrbitNode._iUsesEulers;
+ this._usesCycle = this._particleOrbitNode._iUsesCycle;
+ this._usesPhase = this._particleOrbitNode._iUsesPhase;
+ this._eulers = this._particleOrbitNode._iEulers;
+ this._radius = this._particleOrbitNode._iRadius;
+ this._cycleDuration = this._particleOrbitNode._iCycleDuration;
+ this._cyclePhase = this._particleOrbitNode._iCyclePhase;
+ this.updateOrbitData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleOrbitState.prototype, "radius", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the radius of the orbit when in global mode. Defaults to 100.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._radius;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._radius = value;
+ this.updateOrbitData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleOrbitState.prototype, "cycleDuration", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the duration of the orbit in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cycleDuration;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cycleDuration = value;
+ this.updateOrbitData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleOrbitState.prototype, "cyclePhase", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the phase of the orbit in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cyclePhase;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cyclePhase = value;
+ this.updateOrbitData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleOrbitState.prototype, "eulers", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the euler rotation in degrees, applied to the orientation of the orbit when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._eulers;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._eulers = value;
+ this.updateOrbitData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ ParticleOrbitState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleOrbitState.ORBIT_INDEX);
+ if (this._particleOrbitNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) {
+ if (this._usesPhase)
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleOrbitNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ else
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleOrbitNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ }
+ else
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, this._orbitData.x, this._orbitData.y, this._orbitData.z, this._orbitData.w);
+ if (this._usesEulers)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConstFromMatrix(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleOrbitState.EULERS_INDEX), this._eulersMatrix);
+ };
+ ParticleOrbitState.prototype.updateOrbitData = function () {
+ if (this._usesEulers) {
+ this._eulersMatrix = new Matrix3D();
+ this._eulersMatrix.appendRotation(this._eulers.x, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
+ this._eulersMatrix.appendRotation(this._eulers.y, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
+ this._eulersMatrix.appendRotation(this._eulers.z, Vector3D.Z_AXIS);
+ }
+ if (this._particleOrbitNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) {
+ this._orbitData = new Vector3D(this._radius, 0, this._radius * Math.PI * 2, this._cyclePhase * Math.PI / 180);
+ if (this._usesCycle) {
+ if (this._cycleDuration <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must be greater than zero"));
+ this._orbitData.y = Math.PI * 2 / this._cycleDuration;
+ }
+ else
+ this._orbitData.y = Math.PI * 2;
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleOrbitState.ORBIT_INDEX = 0;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleOrbitState.EULERS_INDEX = 1;
+ return ParticleOrbitState;
+module.exports = ParticleOrbitState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleOscillatorState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleOscillatorState, _super);
+ function ParticleOscillatorState(animator, particleOscillatorNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleOscillatorNode);
+ this._particleOscillatorNode = particleOscillatorNode;
+ this._oscillator = this._particleOscillatorNode._iOscillator;
+ this.updateOscillatorData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleOscillatorState.prototype, "oscillator", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the default oscillator axis (x, y, z) and cycleDuration (w) of the state, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._oscillator;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._oscillator = value;
+ this.updateOscillatorData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleOscillatorState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleOscillatorState.OSCILLATOR_INDEX);
+ if (this._particleOscillatorNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC)
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleOscillatorNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ else
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, this._oscillatorData.x, this._oscillatorData.y, this._oscillatorData.z, this._oscillatorData.w);
+ };
+ ParticleOscillatorState.prototype.updateOscillatorData = function () {
+ if (this._particleOscillatorNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) {
+ if (this._oscillator.w <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must greater than zero"));
+ if (this._oscillatorData == null)
+ this._oscillatorData = new Vector3D();
+ this._oscillatorData.x = this._oscillator.x;
+ this._oscillatorData.y = this._oscillator.y;
+ this._oscillatorData.z = this._oscillator.z;
+ this._oscillatorData.w = Math.PI * 2 / this._oscillator.w;
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleOscillatorState.OSCILLATOR_INDEX = 0;
+ return ParticleOscillatorState;
+module.exports = ParticleOscillatorState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ * @author ...
+ */
+var ParticlePositionState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticlePositionState, _super);
+ function ParticlePositionState(animator, particlePositionNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particlePositionNode);
+ this._particlePositionNode = particlePositionNode;
+ this._position = this._particlePositionNode._iPosition;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticlePositionState.prototype, "position", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the position of the particle when in global mode. Defaults to 0,0,0.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._position;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._position = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ ParticlePositionState.prototype.getPositions = function () {
+ return this._pDynamicProperties;
+ };
+ ParticlePositionState.prototype.setPositions = function (value) {
+ this._pDynamicProperties = value;
+ this._pDynamicPropertiesDirty = new Object();
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticlePositionState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ if (this._particlePositionNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_DYNAMIC && !this._pDynamicPropertiesDirty[animationSubGeometry._iUniqueId])
+ this._pUpdateDynamicProperties(animationSubGeometry);
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticlePositionState.POSITION_INDEX);
+ if (this._particlePositionNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, this._position.x, this._position.y, this._position.z);
+ else
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particlePositionNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticlePositionState.POSITION_INDEX = 0;
+ return ParticlePositionState;
+module.exports = ParticlePositionState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Matrix3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3D");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleRotateToHeadingState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleRotateToHeadingState, _super);
+ function ParticleRotateToHeadingState(animator, particleNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleNode);
+ this._matrix = new Matrix3D();
+ }
+ ParticleRotateToHeadingState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ if (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {
+ this._matrix.copyFrom(renderable.sourceEntity.sceneTransform);
+ this._matrix.append(camera.inverseSceneTransform);
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConstFromMatrix(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleRotateToHeadingState.MATRIX_INDEX), this._matrix);
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleRotateToHeadingState.MATRIX_INDEX = 0;
+ return ParticleRotateToHeadingState;
+module.exports = ParticleRotateToHeadingState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Matrix3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3D");
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleRotateToPositionState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleRotateToPositionState, _super);
+ function ParticleRotateToPositionState(animator, particleRotateToPositionNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleRotateToPositionNode);
+ this._matrix = new Matrix3D();
+ this._particleRotateToPositionNode = particleRotateToPositionNode;
+ this._position = this._particleRotateToPositionNode._iPosition;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleRotateToPositionState.prototype, "position", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the position of the point the particle will rotate to face when in global mode. Defaults to 0,0,0.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._position;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._position = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ ParticleRotateToPositionState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleRotateToPositionState.POSITION_INDEX);
+ if (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {
+ this._matrix.copyFrom(renderable.sourceEntity.sceneTransform);
+ this._matrix.append(camera.inverseSceneTransform);
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConstFromMatrix(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleRotateToPositionState.MATRIX_INDEX), this._matrix);
+ }
+ if (this._particleRotateToPositionNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) {
+ this._offset = renderable.sourceEntity.inverseSceneTransform.transformVector(this._position);
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, this._offset.x, this._offset.y, this._offset.z);
+ }
+ else
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleRotateToPositionNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleRotateToPositionState.MATRIX_INDEX = 0;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleRotateToPositionState.POSITION_INDEX = 1;
+ return ParticleRotateToPositionState;
+module.exports = ParticleRotateToPositionState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleRotationalVelocityState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleRotationalVelocityState, _super);
+ function ParticleRotationalVelocityState(animator, particleRotationNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleRotationNode);
+ this._particleRotationalVelocityNode = particleRotationNode;
+ this._rotationalVelocity = this._particleRotationalVelocityNode._iRotationalVelocity;
+ this.updateRotationalVelocityData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleRotationalVelocityState.prototype, "rotationalVelocity", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the default rotationalVelocity of the state, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._rotationalVelocity;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._rotationalVelocity = value;
+ this.updateRotationalVelocityData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ ParticleRotationalVelocityState.prototype.getRotationalVelocities = function () {
+ return this._pDynamicProperties;
+ };
+ ParticleRotationalVelocityState.prototype.setRotationalVelocities = function (value) {
+ this._pDynamicProperties = value;
+ this._pDynamicPropertiesDirty = new Object();
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ParticleRotationalVelocityState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ if (this._particleRotationalVelocityNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_DYNAMIC && !this._pDynamicPropertiesDirty[animationSubGeometry._iUniqueId])
+ this._pUpdateDynamicProperties(animationSubGeometry);
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleRotationalVelocityState.ROTATIONALVELOCITY_INDEX);
+ if (this._particleRotationalVelocityNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, this._rotationalVelocityData.x, this._rotationalVelocityData.y, this._rotationalVelocityData.z, this._rotationalVelocityData.w);
+ else
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleRotationalVelocityNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ };
+ ParticleRotationalVelocityState.prototype.updateRotationalVelocityData = function () {
+ if (this._particleRotationalVelocityNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) {
+ if (this._rotationalVelocity.w <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must greater than zero"));
+ var rotation = this._rotationalVelocity.clone();
+ if (rotation.length <= 0)
+ rotation.z = 1; //set the default direction
+ else
+ rotation.normalize();
+ // w is used as angle/2 in agal
+ this._rotationalVelocityData = new Vector3D(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, Math.PI / rotation.w);
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleRotationalVelocityState.ROTATIONALVELOCITY_INDEX = 0;
+ return ParticleRotationalVelocityState;
+module.exports = ParticleRotationalVelocityState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleScaleState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleScaleState, _super);
+ function ParticleScaleState(animator, particleScaleNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleScaleNode);
+ this._particleScaleNode = particleScaleNode;
+ this._usesCycle = this._particleScaleNode._iUsesCycle;
+ this._usesPhase = this._particleScaleNode._iUsesPhase;
+ this._minScale = this._particleScaleNode._iMinScale;
+ this._maxScale = this._particleScaleNode._iMaxScale;
+ this._cycleDuration = this._particleScaleNode._iCycleDuration;
+ this._cyclePhase = this._particleScaleNode._iCyclePhase;
+ this.updateScaleData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleScaleState.prototype, "minScale", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the end scale of the state, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._minScale;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._minScale = value;
+ this.updateScaleData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleScaleState.prototype, "maxScale", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the end scale of the state, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._maxScale;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._maxScale = value;
+ this.updateScaleData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleScaleState.prototype, "cycleDuration", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cycleDuration;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cycleDuration = value;
+ this.updateScaleData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleScaleState.prototype, "cyclePhase", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cyclePhase;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cyclePhase = value;
+ this.updateScaleData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ ParticleScaleState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleScaleState.SCALE_INDEX);
+ if (this._particleScaleNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) {
+ if (this._usesCycle) {
+ if (this._usesPhase)
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleScaleNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ else
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleScaleNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ }
+ else
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleScaleNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_2);
+ }
+ else
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, this._scaleData.x, this._scaleData.y, this._scaleData.z, this._scaleData.w);
+ };
+ ParticleScaleState.prototype.updateScaleData = function () {
+ if (this._particleScaleNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL) {
+ if (this._usesCycle) {
+ if (this._cycleDuration <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must be greater than zero"));
+ this._scaleData = new Vector3D((this._minScale + this._maxScale) / 2, Math.abs(this._minScale - this._maxScale) / 2, Math.PI * 2 / this._cycleDuration, this._cyclePhase * Math.PI / 180);
+ }
+ else
+ this._scaleData = new Vector3D(this._minScale, this._maxScale - this._minScale, 0, 0);
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleScaleState.SCALE_INDEX = 0;
+ return ParticleScaleState;
+module.exports = ParticleScaleState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ *
+ */
+var ParticleSegmentedColorState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleSegmentedColorState, _super);
+ function ParticleSegmentedColorState(animator, particleSegmentedColorNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleSegmentedColorNode);
+ this._usesMultiplier = particleSegmentedColorNode._iUsesMultiplier;
+ this._usesOffset = particleSegmentedColorNode._iUsesOffset;
+ this._startColor = particleSegmentedColorNode._iStartColor;
+ this._endColor = particleSegmentedColorNode._iEndColor;
+ this._segmentPoints = particleSegmentedColorNode._iSegmentPoints;
+ this._numSegmentPoint = particleSegmentedColorNode._iNumSegmentPoint;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSegmentedColorState.prototype, "startColor", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the start color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._startColor;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._startColor = value;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSegmentedColorState.prototype, "endColor", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the end color transform of the state, when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._endColor;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._endColor = value;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSegmentedColorState.prototype, "numSegmentPoint", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the number of segments.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._numSegmentPoint;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSegmentedColorState.prototype, "segmentPoints", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the key points of color
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._segmentPoints;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._segmentPoints = value;
+ this.updateColorData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSegmentedColorState.prototype, "usesMultiplier", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._usesMultiplier;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSegmentedColorState.prototype, "usesOffset", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._usesOffset;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ ParticleSegmentedColorState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needFragmentAnimation) {
+ if (this._numSegmentPoint > 0)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleSegmentedColorState.TIME_DATA_INDEX), this._timeLifeData[0], this._timeLifeData[1], this._timeLifeData[2], this._timeLifeData[3]);
+ if (this._usesMultiplier)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConstFromArray(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleSegmentedColorState.START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX), this._multiplierData);
+ if (this._usesOffset)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConstFromArray(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleSegmentedColorState.START_OFFSET_INDEX), this._offsetData);
+ }
+ };
+ ParticleSegmentedColorState.prototype.updateColorData = function () {
+ this._timeLifeData = new Array();
+ this._multiplierData = new Array();
+ this._offsetData = new Array();
+ var i /*int*/;
+ for (i = 0; i < this._numSegmentPoint; i++) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ this._timeLifeData.push(this._segmentPoints[i].life);
+ else
+ this._timeLifeData.push(this._segmentPoints[i].life - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].life);
+ }
+ if (this._numSegmentPoint == 0)
+ this._timeLifeData.push(1);
+ else
+ this._timeLifeData.push(1 - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].life);
+ if (this._usesMultiplier) {
+ this._multiplierData.push(this._startColor.redMultiplier, this._startColor.greenMultiplier, this._startColor.blueMultiplier, this._startColor.alphaMultiplier);
+ for (i = 0; i < this._numSegmentPoint; i++) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ this._multiplierData.push((this._segmentPoints[i].color.redMultiplier - this._startColor.redMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i], (this._segmentPoints[i].color.greenMultiplier - this._startColor.greenMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i], (this._segmentPoints[i].color.blueMultiplier - this._startColor.blueMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i], (this._segmentPoints[i].color.alphaMultiplier - this._startColor.alphaMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i]);
+ else
+ this._multiplierData.push((this._segmentPoints[i].color.redMultiplier - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.redMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i], (this._segmentPoints[i].color.greenMultiplier - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.greenMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i], (this._segmentPoints[i].color.blueMultiplier - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.blueMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i], (this._segmentPoints[i].color.alphaMultiplier - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.alphaMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i]);
+ }
+ if (this._numSegmentPoint == 0)
+ this._multiplierData.push(this._endColor.redMultiplier - this._startColor.redMultiplier, this._endColor.greenMultiplier - this._startColor.greenMultiplier, this._endColor.blueMultiplier - this._startColor.blueMultiplier, this._endColor.alphaMultiplier - this._startColor.alphaMultiplier);
+ else
+ this._multiplierData.push((this._endColor.redMultiplier - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.redMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i], (this._endColor.greenMultiplier - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.greenMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i], (this._endColor.blueMultiplier - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.blueMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i], (this._endColor.alphaMultiplier - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.alphaMultiplier) / this._timeLifeData[i]);
+ }
+ if (this._usesOffset) {
+ this._offsetData.push(this._startColor.redOffset / 255, this._startColor.greenOffset / 255, this._startColor.blueOffset / 255, this._startColor.alphaOffset / 255);
+ for (i = 0; i < this._numSegmentPoint; i++) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ this._offsetData.push((this._segmentPoints[i].color.redOffset - this._startColor.redOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255, (this._segmentPoints[i].color.greenOffset - this._startColor.greenOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255, (this._segmentPoints[i].color.blueOffset - this._startColor.blueOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255, (this._segmentPoints[i].color.alphaOffset - this._startColor.alphaOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255);
+ else
+ this._offsetData.push((this._segmentPoints[i].color.redOffset - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.redOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255, (this._segmentPoints[i].color.greenOffset - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.greenOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255, (this._segmentPoints[i].color.blueOffset - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.blueOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255, (this._segmentPoints[i].color.alphaOffset - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.alphaOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255);
+ }
+ if (this._numSegmentPoint == 0)
+ this._offsetData.push((this._endColor.redOffset - this._startColor.redOffset) / 255, (this._endColor.greenOffset - this._startColor.greenOffset) / 255, (this._endColor.blueOffset - this._startColor.blueOffset) / 255, (this._endColor.alphaOffset - this._startColor.alphaOffset) / 255);
+ else
+ this._offsetData.push((this._endColor.redOffset - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.redOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255, (this._endColor.greenOffset - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.greenOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255, (this._endColor.blueOffset - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.blueOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255, (this._endColor.alphaOffset - this._segmentPoints[i - 1].color.alphaOffset) / this._timeLifeData[i] / 255);
+ }
+ //cut off the data
+ this._timeLifeData.length = 4;
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleSegmentedColorState.START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX = 0;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleSegmentedColorState.START_OFFSET_INDEX = 1;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleSegmentedColorState.TIME_DATA_INDEX = 2;
+ return ParticleSegmentedColorState;
+module.exports = ParticleSegmentedColorState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleSpriteSheetState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleSpriteSheetState, _super);
+ function ParticleSpriteSheetState(animator, particleSpriteSheetNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleSpriteSheetNode);
+ this._particleSpriteSheetNode = particleSpriteSheetNode;
+ this._usesCycle = this._particleSpriteSheetNode._iUsesCycle;
+ this._usesPhase = this._particleSpriteSheetNode._iUsesCycle;
+ this._totalFrames = this._particleSpriteSheetNode._iTotalFrames;
+ this._numColumns = this._particleSpriteSheetNode._iNumColumns;
+ this._numRows = this._particleSpriteSheetNode._iNumRows;
+ this._cycleDuration = this._particleSpriteSheetNode._iCycleDuration;
+ this._cyclePhase = this._particleSpriteSheetNode._iCyclePhase;
+ this.updateSpriteSheetData();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSpriteSheetState.prototype, "cyclePhase", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the cycle phase, when in global mode. Defaults to zero.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cyclePhase;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cyclePhase = value;
+ this.updateSpriteSheetData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleSpriteSheetState.prototype, "cycleDuration", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the cycle duration in seconds, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cycleDuration;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cycleDuration = value;
+ this.updateSpriteSheetData();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ ParticleSpriteSheetState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needUVAnimation) {
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleSpriteSheetState.UV_INDEX_0), this._spriteSheetData[0], this._spriteSheetData[1], this._spriteSheetData[2], this._spriteSheetData[3]);
+ if (this._usesCycle) {
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleSpriteSheetState.UV_INDEX_1);
+ if (this._particleSpriteSheetNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC) {
+ if (this._usesPhase)
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleSpriteSheetNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ else
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleSpriteSheetNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_2);
+ }
+ else
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, this._spriteSheetData[4], this._spriteSheetData[5]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ParticleSpriteSheetState.prototype.updateSpriteSheetData = function () {
+ this._spriteSheetData = new Array(8);
+ var uTotal = this._totalFrames / this._numColumns;
+ this._spriteSheetData[0] = uTotal;
+ this._spriteSheetData[1] = 1 / this._numColumns;
+ this._spriteSheetData[2] = 1 / this._numRows;
+ if (this._usesCycle) {
+ if (this._cycleDuration <= 0)
+ throw (new Error("the cycle duration must be greater than zero"));
+ this._spriteSheetData[4] = uTotal / this._cycleDuration;
+ this._spriteSheetData[5] = this._cycleDuration;
+ if (this._usesPhase)
+ this._spriteSheetData[6] = this._cyclePhase;
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleSpriteSheetState.UV_INDEX_0 = 0;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleSpriteSheetState.UV_INDEX_1 = 1;
+ return ParticleSpriteSheetState;
+module.exports = ParticleSpriteSheetState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleStateBase = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleStateBase, _super);
+ function ParticleStateBase(animator, particleNode, needUpdateTime) {
+ if (needUpdateTime === void 0) { needUpdateTime = false; }
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleNode);
+ this._pDynamicProperties = new Array();
+ this._pDynamicPropertiesDirty = new Object();
+ this._particleNode = particleNode;
+ this._pNeedUpdateTime = needUpdateTime;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleStateBase.prototype, "needUpdateTime", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._pNeedUpdateTime;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ ParticleStateBase.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ };
+ ParticleStateBase.prototype._pUpdateDynamicProperties = function (animationSubGeometry) {
+ this._pDynamicPropertiesDirty[animationSubGeometry._iUniqueId] = true;
+ var animationParticles = animationSubGeometry.animationParticles;
+ var vertexData = animationSubGeometry.vertexData;
+ var totalLenOfOneVertex = animationSubGeometry.totalLenOfOneVertex;
+ var dataLength = this._particleNode.dataLength;
+ var dataOffset = this._particleNode._iDataOffset;
+ var vertexLength /*uint*/;
+ // var particleOffset:number /*uint*/;
+ var startingOffset /*uint*/;
+ var vertexOffset /*uint*/;
+ var data;
+ var animationParticle;
+ // var numParticles:number /*uint*/ = _positions.length/dataLength;
+ var numParticles = this._pDynamicProperties.length;
+ var i = 0;
+ var j = 0;
+ var k = 0;
+ while (i < numParticles) {
+ while (j < numParticles && (animationParticle = animationParticles[j]).index == i) {
+ data = this._pDynamicProperties[i];
+ vertexLength = animationParticle.numVertices * totalLenOfOneVertex;
+ startingOffset = animationParticle.startVertexIndex * totalLenOfOneVertex + dataOffset;
+ for (k = 0; k < vertexLength; k += totalLenOfOneVertex) {
+ vertexOffset = startingOffset + k;
+ for (k = 0; k < vertexLength; k += totalLenOfOneVertex) {
+ vertexOffset = startingOffset + k;
+ vertexData[vertexOffset++] = data.x;
+ vertexData[vertexOffset++] = data.y;
+ vertexData[vertexOffset++] = data.z;
+ if (dataLength == 4)
+ vertexData[vertexOffset++] = data.w;
+ }
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ animationSubGeometry.invalidateBuffer();
+ };
+ return ParticleStateBase;
+module.exports = ParticleStateBase;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleTimeState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleTimeState, _super);
+ function ParticleTimeState(animator, particleTimeNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleTimeNode, true);
+ this._particleTimeNode = particleTimeNode;
+ }
+ ParticleTimeState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleTimeState.TIME_STREAM_INDEX), this._particleTimeNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_4);
+ var particleTime = this._pTime / 1000;
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleTimeState.TIME_CONSTANT_INDEX), particleTime, particleTime, particleTime, particleTime);
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleTimeState.TIME_STREAM_INDEX = 0;
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleTimeState.TIME_CONSTANT_INDEX = 1;
+ return ParticleTimeState;
+module.exports = ParticleTimeState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleUVState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleUVState, _super);
+ function ParticleUVState(animator, particleUVNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleUVNode);
+ this._particleUVNode = particleUVNode;
+ }
+ ParticleUVState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ if (animationRegisterCache.needUVAnimation) {
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleUVState.UV_INDEX);
+ var data = this._particleUVNode._iUvData;
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, data.x, data.y);
+ }
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleUVState.UV_INDEX = 0;
+ return ParticleUVState;
+module.exports = ParticleUVState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ContextGLVertexBufferFormat = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLVertexBufferFormat");
+var ParticlePropertiesMode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode");
+var ParticleStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleStateBase");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleVelocityState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleVelocityState, _super);
+ function ParticleVelocityState(animator, particleVelocityNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, particleVelocityNode);
+ this._particleVelocityNode = particleVelocityNode;
+ this._velocity = this._particleVelocityNode._iVelocity;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleVelocityState.prototype, "velocity", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the default velocity vector of the state, used when in global mode.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._velocity;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._velocity = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ ParticleVelocityState.prototype.getVelocities = function () {
+ return this._pDynamicProperties;
+ };
+ ParticleVelocityState.prototype.setVelocities = function (value) {
+ this._pDynamicProperties = value;
+ this._pDynamicPropertiesDirty = new Object();
+ };
+ ParticleVelocityState.prototype.setRenderState = function (stage, renderable, animationSubGeometry, animationRegisterCache, camera) {
+ if (this._particleVelocityNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_DYNAMIC && !this._pDynamicPropertiesDirty[animationSubGeometry._iUniqueId])
+ this._pUpdateDynamicProperties(animationSubGeometry);
+ var index = animationRegisterCache.getRegisterIndex(this._pAnimationNode, ParticleVelocityState.VELOCITY_INDEX);
+ if (this._particleVelocityNode.mode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)
+ animationRegisterCache.setVertexConst(index, this._velocity.x, this._velocity.y, this._velocity.z);
+ else
+ animationSubGeometry.activateVertexBuffer(index, this._particleVelocityNode._iDataOffset, stage, ContextGLVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
+ };
+ /** @private */
+ ParticleVelocityState.VELOCITY_INDEX = 0;
+ return ParticleVelocityState;
+module.exports = ParticleVelocityState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var JointPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/JointPose");
+var SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+var AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ *
+ */
+var SkeletonBinaryLERPState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonBinaryLERPState, _super);
+ function SkeletonBinaryLERPState(animator, skeletonAnimationNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, skeletonAnimationNode);
+ this._blendWeight = 0;
+ this._skeletonPose = new SkeletonPose();
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._skeletonAnimationNode = skeletonAnimationNode;
+ this._inputA = animator.getAnimationState(this._skeletonAnimationNode.inputA);
+ this._inputB = animator.getAnimationState(this._skeletonAnimationNode.inputB);
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonBinaryLERPState.prototype, "blendWeight", {
+ /**
+ * Defines a fractional value between 0 and 1 representing the blending ratio between inputA (0) and inputB (1),
+ * used to produce the skeleton pose output.
+ *
+ * @see inputA
+ * @see inputB
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._blendWeight;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._blendWeight = value;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonBinaryLERPState.prototype.phase = function (value) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ this._inputA.phase(value);
+ this._inputB.phase(value);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonBinaryLERPState.prototype._pUpdateTime = function (time /*int*/) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._inputA.update(time);
+ this._inputB.update(time);
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateTime.call(this, time);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ SkeletonBinaryLERPState.prototype.getSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ if (this._skeletonPoseDirty)
+ this.updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ return this._skeletonPose;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonBinaryLERPState.prototype._pUpdatePositionDelta = function () {
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = false;
+ var deltA = this._inputA.positionDelta;
+ var deltB = this._inputB.positionDelta;
+ this._pRootDelta.x = deltA.x + this._blendWeight * (deltB.x - deltA.x);
+ this._pRootDelta.y = deltA.y + this._blendWeight * (deltB.y - deltA.y);
+ this._pRootDelta.z = deltA.z + this._blendWeight * (deltB.z - deltA.z);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the blendWeight value between input nodes.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ SkeletonBinaryLERPState.prototype.updateSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = false;
+ var endPose;
+ var endPoses = this._skeletonPose.jointPoses;
+ var poses1 = this._inputA.getSkeletonPose(skeleton).jointPoses;
+ var poses2 = this._inputB.getSkeletonPose(skeleton).jointPoses;
+ var pose1, pose2;
+ var p1, p2;
+ var tr;
+ var numJoints = skeleton.numJoints;
+ // :s
+ if (endPoses.length != numJoints)
+ endPoses.length = numJoints;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i) {
+ endPose = endPoses[i];
+ if (endPose == null)
+ endPose = endPoses[i] = new JointPose();
+ pose1 = poses1[i];
+ pose2 = poses2[i];
+ p1 = pose1.translation;
+ p2 = pose2.translation;
+ endPose.orientation.lerp(pose1.orientation, pose2.orientation, this._blendWeight);
+ tr = endPose.translation;
+ tr.x = p1.x + this._blendWeight * (p2.x - p1.x);
+ tr.y = p1.y + this._blendWeight * (p2.y - p1.y);
+ tr.z = p1.z + this._blendWeight * (p2.z - p1.z);
+ }
+ };
+ return SkeletonBinaryLERPState;
+module.exports = SkeletonBinaryLERPState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var JointPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/JointPose");
+var SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+var AnimationClipState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationClipState");
+ *
+ */
+var SkeletonClipState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonClipState, _super);
+ function SkeletonClipState(animator, skeletonClipNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, skeletonClipNode);
+ this._rootPos = new Vector3D();
+ this._skeletonPose = new SkeletonPose();
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._skeletonClipNode = skeletonClipNode;
+ this._frames = this._skeletonClipNode.frames;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonClipState.prototype, "currentPose", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pFramesDirty)
+ this._pUpdateFrames();
+ return this._currentPose;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonClipState.prototype, "nextPose", {
+ /**
+ * Returns the next skeleton pose frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pFramesDirty)
+ this._pUpdateFrames();
+ return this._nextPose;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ SkeletonClipState.prototype.getSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ if (this._skeletonPoseDirty)
+ this.updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ return this._skeletonPose;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonClipState.prototype._pUpdateTime = function (time /*int*/) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateTime.call(this, time);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonClipState.prototype._pUpdateFrames = function () {
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateFrames.call(this);
+ this._currentPose = this._frames[this._pCurrentFrame];
+ if (this._skeletonClipNode.looping && this._pNextFrame >= this._skeletonClipNode.lastFrame) {
+ this._nextPose = this._frames[0];
+ this._pAnimator.dispatchCycleEvent();
+ }
+ else
+ this._nextPose = this._frames[this._pNextFrame];
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the internal playhead position.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ SkeletonClipState.prototype.updateSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = false;
+ if (!this._skeletonClipNode.totalDuration)
+ return;
+ if (this._pFramesDirty)
+ this._pUpdateFrames();
+ var currentPose = this._currentPose.jointPoses;
+ var nextPose = this._nextPose.jointPoses;
+ var numJoints = skeleton.numJoints;
+ var p1, p2;
+ var pose1, pose2;
+ var endPoses = this._skeletonPose.jointPoses;
+ var endPose;
+ var tr;
+ // :s
+ if (endPoses.length != numJoints)
+ endPoses.length = numJoints;
+ if ((numJoints != currentPose.length) || (numJoints != nextPose.length))
+ throw new Error("joint counts don't match!");
+ for (var i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i) {
+ endPose = endPoses[i];
+ if (endPose == null)
+ endPose = endPoses[i] = new JointPose();
+ pose1 = currentPose[i];
+ pose2 = nextPose[i];
+ p1 = pose1.translation;
+ p2 = pose2.translation;
+ if (this._skeletonClipNode.highQuality)
+ endPose.orientation.slerp(pose1.orientation, pose2.orientation, this._pBlendWeight);
+ else
+ endPose.orientation.lerp(pose1.orientation, pose2.orientation, this._pBlendWeight);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ tr = endPose.translation;
+ tr.x = p1.x + this._pBlendWeight * (p2.x - p1.x);
+ tr.y = p1.y + this._pBlendWeight * (p2.y - p1.y);
+ tr.z = p1.z + this._pBlendWeight * (p2.z - p1.z);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonClipState.prototype._pUpdatePositionDelta = function () {
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = false;
+ if (this._pFramesDirty)
+ this._pUpdateFrames();
+ var p1, p2, p3;
+ var totalDelta = this._skeletonClipNode.totalDelta;
+ // jumping back, need to reset position
+ if ((this._pTimeDir > 0 && this._pNextFrame < this._pOldFrame) || (this._pTimeDir < 0 && this._pNextFrame > this._pOldFrame)) {
+ this._rootPos.x -= totalDelta.x * this._pTimeDir;
+ this._rootPos.y -= totalDelta.y * this._pTimeDir;
+ this._rootPos.z -= totalDelta.z * this._pTimeDir;
+ }
+ var dx = this._rootPos.x;
+ var dy = this._rootPos.y;
+ var dz = this._rootPos.z;
+ if (this._skeletonClipNode.stitchFinalFrame && this._pNextFrame == this._skeletonClipNode.lastFrame) {
+ p1 = this._frames[0].jointPoses[0].translation;
+ p2 = this._frames[1].jointPoses[0].translation;
+ p3 = this._currentPose.jointPoses[0].translation;
+ this._rootPos.x = p3.x + p1.x + this._pBlendWeight * (p2.x - p1.x);
+ this._rootPos.y = p3.y + p1.y + this._pBlendWeight * (p2.y - p1.y);
+ this._rootPos.z = p3.z + p1.z + this._pBlendWeight * (p2.z - p1.z);
+ }
+ else {
+ p1 = this._currentPose.jointPoses[0].translation;
+ p2 = this._frames[this._pNextFrame].jointPoses[0].translation; //cover the instances where we wrap the pose but still want the final frame translation values
+ this._rootPos.x = p1.x + this._pBlendWeight * (p2.x - p1.x);
+ this._rootPos.y = p1.y + this._pBlendWeight * (p2.y - p1.y);
+ this._rootPos.z = p1.z + this._pBlendWeight * (p2.z - p1.z);
+ }
+ this._pRootDelta.x = this._rootPos.x - dx;
+ this._pRootDelta.y = this._rootPos.y - dy;
+ this._pRootDelta.z = this._rootPos.z - dz;
+ this._pOldFrame = this._pNextFrame;
+ };
+ return SkeletonClipState;
+module.exports = SkeletonClipState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Quaternion = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Quaternion");
+var JointPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/JointPose");
+var SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+var AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ *
+ */
+var SkeletonDifferenceState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonDifferenceState, _super);
+ function SkeletonDifferenceState(animator, skeletonAnimationNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, skeletonAnimationNode);
+ this._blendWeight = 0;
+ this._skeletonPose = new SkeletonPose();
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._skeletonAnimationNode = skeletonAnimationNode;
+ this._baseInput = animator.getAnimationState(this._skeletonAnimationNode.baseInput);
+ this._differenceInput = animator.getAnimationState(this._skeletonAnimationNode.differenceInput);
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonDifferenceState.prototype, "blendWeight", {
+ /**
+ * Defines a fractional value between 0 and 1 representing the blending ratio between the base input (0) and difference input (1),
+ * used to produce the skeleton pose output.
+ *
+ * @see #baseInput
+ * @see #differenceInput
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._blendWeight;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._blendWeight = value;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonDifferenceState.prototype.phase = function (value) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ this._baseInput.phase(value);
+ this._baseInput.phase(value);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonDifferenceState.prototype._pUpdateTime = function (time /*int*/) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._baseInput.update(time);
+ this._differenceInput.update(time);
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateTime.call(this, time);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ SkeletonDifferenceState.prototype.getSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ if (this._skeletonPoseDirty)
+ this.updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ return this._skeletonPose;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonDifferenceState.prototype._pUpdatePositionDelta = function () {
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = false;
+ var deltA = this._baseInput.positionDelta;
+ var deltB = this._differenceInput.positionDelta;
+ this.positionDelta.x = deltA.x + this._blendWeight * deltB.x;
+ this.positionDelta.y = deltA.y + this._blendWeight * deltB.y;
+ this.positionDelta.z = deltA.z + this._blendWeight * deltB.z;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the blendWeight value between base input and difference input nodes.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ SkeletonDifferenceState.prototype.updateSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = false;
+ var endPose;
+ var endPoses = this._skeletonPose.jointPoses;
+ var basePoses = this._baseInput.getSkeletonPose(skeleton).jointPoses;
+ var diffPoses = this._differenceInput.getSkeletonPose(skeleton).jointPoses;
+ var base, diff;
+ var basePos, diffPos;
+ var tr;
+ var numJoints = skeleton.numJoints;
+ // :s
+ if (endPoses.length != numJoints)
+ endPoses.length = numJoints;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i) {
+ endPose = endPoses[i];
+ if (endPose == null)
+ endPose = endPoses[i] = new JointPose();
+ base = basePoses[i];
+ diff = diffPoses[i];
+ basePos = base.translation;
+ diffPos = diff.translation;
+ SkeletonDifferenceState._tempQuat.multiply(diff.orientation, base.orientation);
+ endPose.orientation.lerp(base.orientation, SkeletonDifferenceState._tempQuat, this._blendWeight);
+ tr = endPose.translation;
+ tr.x = basePos.x + this._blendWeight * diffPos.x;
+ tr.y = basePos.y + this._blendWeight * diffPos.y;
+ tr.z = basePos.z + this._blendWeight * diffPos.z;
+ }
+ };
+ SkeletonDifferenceState._tempQuat = new Quaternion();
+ return SkeletonDifferenceState;
+module.exports = SkeletonDifferenceState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var JointPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/JointPose");
+var SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+var AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ *
+ */
+var SkeletonDirectionalState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonDirectionalState, _super);
+ function SkeletonDirectionalState(animator, skeletonAnimationNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, skeletonAnimationNode);
+ this._skeletonPose = new SkeletonPose();
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._blendWeight = 0;
+ this._direction = 0;
+ this._blendDirty = true;
+ this._skeletonAnimationNode = skeletonAnimationNode;
+ this._forward = animator.getAnimationState(this._skeletonAnimationNode.forward);
+ this._backward = animator.getAnimationState(this._skeletonAnimationNode.backward);
+ this._left = animator.getAnimationState(this._skeletonAnimationNode.left);
+ this._right = animator.getAnimationState(this._skeletonAnimationNode.right);
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SkeletonDirectionalState.prototype, "direction", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._direction;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Defines the direction in degrees of the aniamtion between the forwards (0), right(90) backwards (180) and left(270) input nodes,
+ * used to produce the skeleton pose output.
+ */
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (this._direction == value)
+ return;
+ this._direction = value;
+ this._blendDirty = true;
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonDirectionalState.prototype.phase = function (value) {
+ if (this._blendDirty)
+ this.updateBlend();
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ this._inputA.phase(value);
+ this._inputB.phase(value);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonDirectionalState.prototype._pUdateTime = function (time /*int*/) {
+ if (this._blendDirty)
+ this.updateBlend();
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._inputA.update(time);
+ this._inputB.update(time);
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateTime.call(this, time);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ SkeletonDirectionalState.prototype.getSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ if (this._skeletonPoseDirty)
+ this.updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ return this._skeletonPose;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonDirectionalState.prototype._pUpdatePositionDelta = function () {
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = false;
+ if (this._blendDirty)
+ this.updateBlend();
+ var deltA = this._inputA.positionDelta;
+ var deltB = this._inputB.positionDelta;
+ this.positionDelta.x = deltA.x + this._blendWeight * (deltB.x - deltA.x);
+ this.positionDelta.y = deltA.y + this._blendWeight * (deltB.y - deltA.y);
+ this.positionDelta.z = deltA.z + this._blendWeight * (deltB.z - deltA.z);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the direction value between forward, backwards, left and right input nodes.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ SkeletonDirectionalState.prototype.updateSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = false;
+ if (this._blendDirty)
+ this.updateBlend();
+ var endPose;
+ var endPoses = this._skeletonPose.jointPoses;
+ var poses1 = this._inputA.getSkeletonPose(skeleton).jointPoses;
+ var poses2 = this._inputB.getSkeletonPose(skeleton).jointPoses;
+ var pose1, pose2;
+ var p1, p2;
+ var tr;
+ var numJoints = skeleton.numJoints;
+ // :s
+ if (endPoses.length != numJoints)
+ endPoses.length = numJoints;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i) {
+ endPose = endPoses[i];
+ if (endPose == null)
+ endPose = endPoses[i] = new JointPose();
+ pose1 = poses1[i];
+ pose2 = poses2[i];
+ p1 = pose1.translation;
+ p2 = pose2.translation;
+ endPose.orientation.lerp(pose1.orientation, pose2.orientation, this._blendWeight);
+ tr = endPose.translation;
+ tr.x = p1.x + this._blendWeight * (p2.x - p1.x);
+ tr.y = p1.y + this._blendWeight * (p2.y - p1.y);
+ tr.z = p1.z + this._blendWeight * (p2.z - p1.z);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the blend value for the animation output based on the direction value between forward, backwards, left and right input nodes.
+ *
+ * @private
+ */
+ SkeletonDirectionalState.prototype.updateBlend = function () {
+ this._blendDirty = false;
+ if (this._direction < 0 || this._direction > 360) {
+ this._direction %= 360;
+ if (this._direction < 0)
+ this._direction += 360;
+ }
+ if (this._direction < 90) {
+ this._inputA = this._forward;
+ this._inputB = this._right;
+ this._blendWeight = this._direction / 90;
+ }
+ else if (this._direction < 180) {
+ this._inputA = this._right;
+ this._inputB = this._backward;
+ this._blendWeight = (this._direction - 90) / 90;
+ }
+ else if (this._direction < 270) {
+ this._inputA = this._backward;
+ this._inputB = this._left;
+ this._blendWeight = (this._direction - 180) / 90;
+ }
+ else {
+ this._inputA = this._left;
+ this._inputB = this._forward;
+ this._blendWeight = (this._direction - 270) / 90;
+ }
+ };
+ return SkeletonDirectionalState;
+module.exports = SkeletonDirectionalState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var JointPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/JointPose");
+var SkeletonPose = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonPose");
+var AnimationStateBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase");
+ *
+ */
+var SkeletonNaryLERPState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SkeletonNaryLERPState, _super);
+ function SkeletonNaryLERPState(animator, skeletonAnimationNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, skeletonAnimationNode);
+ this._skeletonPose = new SkeletonPose();
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._blendWeights = new Array();
+ this._inputs = new Array();
+ this._skeletonAnimationNode = skeletonAnimationNode;
+ var i = this._skeletonAnimationNode.numInputs;
+ while (i--)
+ this._inputs[i] = animator.getAnimationState(this._skeletonAnimationNode._iInputs[i]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPState.prototype.phase = function (value) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ for (var j = 0; j < this._skeletonAnimationNode.numInputs; ++j) {
+ if (this._blendWeights[j])
+ this._inputs[j].update(value);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPState.prototype._pUdateTime = function (time /*int*/) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < this._skeletonAnimationNode.numInputs; ++j) {
+ if (this._blendWeights[j])
+ this._inputs[j].update(time);
+ }
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateTime.call(this, time);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the current skeleton pose of the animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPState.prototype.getSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ if (this._skeletonPoseDirty)
+ this.updateSkeletonPose(skeleton);
+ return this._skeletonPose;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the blend weight of the skeleton aniamtion node that resides at the given input index.
+ *
+ * @param index The input index for which the skeleton animation node blend weight is requested.
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPState.prototype.getBlendWeightAt = function (index /*uint*/) {
+ return this._blendWeights[index];
+ };
+ /**
+ * Sets the blend weight of the skeleton aniamtion node that resides at the given input index.
+ *
+ * @param index The input index on which the skeleton animation node blend weight is to be set.
+ * @param blendWeight The blend weight value to use for the given skeleton animation node index.
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPState.prototype.setBlendWeightAt = function (index /*uint*/, blendWeight) {
+ this._blendWeights[index] = blendWeight;
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = true;
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPState.prototype._pUpdatePositionDelta = function () {
+ this._pPositionDeltaDirty = false;
+ var delta;
+ var weight;
+ this.positionDelta.x = 0;
+ this.positionDelta.y = 0;
+ this.positionDelta.z = 0;
+ for (var j = 0; j < this._skeletonAnimationNode.numInputs; ++j) {
+ weight = this._blendWeights[j];
+ if (weight) {
+ delta = this._inputs[j].positionDelta;
+ this.positionDelta.x += weight * delta.x;
+ this.positionDelta.y += weight * delta.y;
+ this.positionDelta.z += weight * delta.z;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Updates the output skeleton pose of the node based on the blend weight values given to the input nodes.
+ *
+ * @param skeleton The skeleton used by the animator requesting the ouput pose.
+ */
+ SkeletonNaryLERPState.prototype.updateSkeletonPose = function (skeleton) {
+ this._skeletonPoseDirty = false;
+ var weight;
+ var endPoses = this._skeletonPose.jointPoses;
+ var poses;
+ var endPose, pose;
+ var endTr, tr;
+ var endQuat, q;
+ var firstPose;
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var w0, x0, y0, z0;
+ var w1, x1, y1, z1;
+ var numJoints = skeleton.numJoints;
+ // :s
+ if (endPoses.length != numJoints)
+ endPoses.length = numJoints;
+ for (var j = 0; j < this._skeletonAnimationNode.numInputs; ++j) {
+ weight = this._blendWeights[j];
+ if (!weight)
+ continue;
+ poses = this._inputs[j].getSkeletonPose(skeleton).jointPoses;
+ if (!firstPose) {
+ firstPose = poses;
+ for (i = 0; i < numJoints; ++i) {
+ endPose = endPoses[i];
+ if (endPose == null)
+ endPose = endPoses[i] = new JointPose();
+ pose = poses[i];
+ q = pose.orientation;
+ tr = pose.translation;
+ endQuat = endPose.orientation;
+ endQuat.x = weight * q.x;
+ endQuat.y = weight * q.y;
+ endQuat.z = weight * q.z;
+ endQuat.w = weight * q.w;
+ endTr = endPose.translation;
+ endTr.x = weight * tr.x;
+ endTr.y = weight * tr.y;
+ endTr.z = weight * tr.z;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i = 0; i < skeleton.numJoints; ++i) {
+ endPose = endPoses[i];
+ pose = poses[i];
+ q = firstPose[i].orientation;
+ x0 = q.x;
+ y0 = q.y;
+ z0 = q.z;
+ w0 = q.w;
+ q = pose.orientation;
+ tr = pose.translation;
+ x1 = q.x;
+ y1 = q.y;
+ z1 = q.z;
+ w1 = q.w;
+ // find shortest direction
+ if (x0 * x1 + y0 * y1 + z0 * z1 + w0 * w1 < 0) {
+ x1 = -x1;
+ y1 = -y1;
+ z1 = -z1;
+ w1 = -w1;
+ }
+ endQuat = endPose.orientation;
+ endQuat.x += weight * x1;
+ endQuat.y += weight * y1;
+ endQuat.z += weight * z1;
+ endQuat.w += weight * w1;
+ endTr = endPose.translation;
+ endTr.x += weight * tr.x;
+ endTr.y += weight * tr.y;
+ endTr.z += weight * tr.z;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < skeleton.numJoints; ++i)
+ endPoses[i].orientation.normalize();
+ };
+ return SkeletonNaryLERPState;
+module.exports = SkeletonNaryLERPState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AnimationClipState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationClipState");
+ *
+ */
+var VertexClipState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(VertexClipState, _super);
+ function VertexClipState(animator, vertexClipNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, vertexClipNode);
+ this._vertexClipNode = vertexClipNode;
+ this._frames = this._vertexClipNode.frames;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(VertexClipState.prototype, "currentGeometry", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pFramesDirty)
+ this._pUpdateFrames();
+ return this._currentGeometry;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(VertexClipState.prototype, "nextGeometry", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._pFramesDirty)
+ this._pUpdateFrames();
+ return this._nextGeometry;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ VertexClipState.prototype._pUpdateFrames = function () {
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateFrames.call(this);
+ this._currentGeometry = this._frames[this._pCurrentFrame];
+ if (this._vertexClipNode.looping && this._pNextFrame >= this._vertexClipNode.lastFrame) {
+ this._nextGeometry = this._frames[0];
+ this._pAnimator.dispatchCycleEvent();
+ }
+ else
+ this._nextGeometry = this._frames[this._pNextFrame];
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ VertexClipState.prototype._pUpdatePositionDelta = function () {
+ //TODO:implement positiondelta functionality for vertex animations
+ };
+ return VertexClipState;
+module.exports = VertexClipState;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var SkeletonBinaryLERPNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonBinaryLERPNode");
+var CrossfadeTransitionState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/CrossfadeTransitionState");
+ * A skeleton animation node that uses two animation node inputs to blend a lineraly interpolated output of a skeleton pose.
+ */
+var CrossfadeTransitionNode = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(CrossfadeTransitionNode, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new CrossfadeTransitionNode
+ */
+ function CrossfadeTransitionNode() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._pStateClass = CrossfadeTransitionState;
+ }
+ return CrossfadeTransitionNode;
+module.exports = CrossfadeTransitionNode;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var SkeletonBinaryLERPState = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonBinaryLERPState");
+var AnimationStateEvent = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/events/AnimationStateEvent");
+ *
+ */
+var CrossfadeTransitionState = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(CrossfadeTransitionState, _super);
+ function CrossfadeTransitionState(animator, skeletonAnimationNode) {
+ _super.call(this, animator, skeletonAnimationNode);
+ this._crossfadeTransitionNode = skeletonAnimationNode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ CrossfadeTransitionState.prototype._pUpdateTime = function (time /*int*/) {
+ this.blendWeight = Math.abs(time - this._crossfadeTransitionNode.startBlend) / (1000 * this._crossfadeTransitionNode.blendSpeed);
+ if (this.blendWeight >= 1) {
+ this.blendWeight = 1;
+ if (this._animationStateTransitionComplete == null)
+ this._animationStateTransitionComplete = new AnimationStateEvent(AnimationStateEvent.TRANSITION_COMPLETE, this._pAnimator, this, this._crossfadeTransitionNode);
+ this._crossfadeTransitionNode.dispatchEvent(this._animationStateTransitionComplete);
+ }
+ _super.prototype._pUpdateTime.call(this, time);
+ };
+ return CrossfadeTransitionState;
+module.exports = CrossfadeTransitionState;
+var CrossfadeTransitionNode = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/CrossfadeTransitionNode");
+ *
+ */
+var CrossfadeTransition = (function () {
+ function CrossfadeTransition(blendSpeed) {
+ this.blendSpeed = 0.5;
+ this.blendSpeed = blendSpeed;
+ }
+ CrossfadeTransition.prototype.getAnimationNode = function (animator, startNode, endNode, startBlend /*int*/) {
+ var crossFadeTransitionNode = new CrossfadeTransitionNode();
+ crossFadeTransitionNode.inputA = startNode;
+ crossFadeTransitionNode.inputB = endNode;
+ crossFadeTransitionNode.blendSpeed = this.blendSpeed;
+ crossFadeTransitionNode.startBlend = startBlend;
+ return crossFadeTransitionNode;
+ };
+ return CrossfadeTransition;
+module.exports = CrossfadeTransition;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Geometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/Geometry");
+ * @class away.base.ParticleGeometry
+ */
+var ParticleGeometry = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ParticleGeometry, _super);
+ function ParticleGeometry() {
+ _super.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return ParticleGeometry;
+module.exports = ParticleGeometry;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var TriangleSubGeometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/TriangleSubGeometry");
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var PickingColliderBase = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/core/pick/PickingColliderBase");
+ * Pure JS picking collider for display objects. Used with the RaycastPicker
picking object.
+ *
+ * @see away.base.DisplayObject#pickingCollider
+ * @see away.pick.RaycastPicker
+ *
+ * @class away.pick.JSPickingCollider
+ */
+var JSPickingCollider = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(JSPickingCollider, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new JSPickingCollider
+ *
+ * @param findClosestCollision Determines whether the picking collider searches for the closest collision along the ray. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ function JSPickingCollider(findClosestCollision) {
+ if (findClosestCollision === void 0) { findClosestCollision = false; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._findClosestCollision = findClosestCollision;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ JSPickingCollider.prototype._pTestRenderableCollision = function (renderable, pickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance) {
+ var t;
+ var i0, i1, i2;
+ var rx, ry, rz;
+ var nx, ny, nz;
+ var cx, cy, cz;
+ var coeff, u, v, w;
+ var p0x, p0y, p0z;
+ var p1x, p1y, p1z;
+ var p2x, p2y, p2z;
+ var s0x, s0y, s0z;
+ var s1x, s1y, s1z;
+ var nl, nDotV, D, disToPlane;
+ var Q1Q2, Q1Q1, Q2Q2, RQ1, RQ2;
+ var indexData = renderable.getIndexData().data;
+ var collisionTriangleIndex = -1;
+ var bothSides = renderable.materialOwner.material.bothSides;
+ var positionData = renderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA).data;
+ var positionStride = renderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA).dataPerVertex;
+ var positionOffset = renderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA);
+ var uvData = renderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.UV_DATA).data;
+ var uvStride = renderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.UV_DATA).dataPerVertex;
+ var uvOffset = renderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.UV_DATA);
+ var numIndices = indexData.length;
+ for (var index = 0; index < numIndices; index += 3) {
+ // evaluate triangle indices
+ i0 = positionOffset + indexData[index] * positionStride;
+ i1 = positionOffset + indexData[(index + 1)] * positionStride;
+ i2 = positionOffset + indexData[(index + 2)] * positionStride;
+ // evaluate triangle positions
+ p0x = positionData[i0];
+ p0y = positionData[(i0 + 1)];
+ p0z = positionData[(i0 + 2)];
+ p1x = positionData[i1];
+ p1y = positionData[(i1 + 1)];
+ p1z = positionData[(i1 + 2)];
+ p2x = positionData[i2];
+ p2y = positionData[(i2 + 1)];
+ p2z = positionData[(i2 + 2)];
+ // evaluate sides and triangle normal
+ s0x = p1x - p0x; // s0 = p1 - p0
+ s0y = p1y - p0y;
+ s0z = p1z - p0z;
+ s1x = p2x - p0x; // s1 = p2 - p0
+ s1y = p2y - p0y;
+ s1z = p2z - p0z;
+ nx = s0y * s1z - s0z * s1y; // n = s0 x s1
+ ny = s0z * s1x - s0x * s1z;
+ nz = s0x * s1y - s0y * s1x;
+ nl = 1 / Math.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz); // normalize n
+ nx *= nl;
+ ny *= nl;
+ nz *= nl;
+ // -- plane intersection test --
+ nDotV = nx * this.rayDirection.x + ny * +this.rayDirection.y + nz * this.rayDirection.z; // rayDirection . normal
+ if ((!bothSides && nDotV < 0.0) || (bothSides && nDotV != 0.0)) {
+ // find collision t
+ D = -(nx * p0x + ny * p0y + nz * p0z);
+ disToPlane = -(nx * this.rayPosition.x + ny * this.rayPosition.y + nz * this.rayPosition.z + D);
+ t = disToPlane / nDotV;
+ // find collision point
+ cx = this.rayPosition.x + t * this.rayDirection.x;
+ cy = this.rayPosition.y + t * this.rayDirection.y;
+ cz = this.rayPosition.z + t * this.rayDirection.z;
+ // collision point inside triangle? ( using barycentric coordinates )
+ Q1Q2 = s0x * s1x + s0y * s1y + s0z * s1z;
+ Q1Q1 = s0x * s0x + s0y * s0y + s0z * s0z;
+ Q2Q2 = s1x * s1x + s1y * s1y + s1z * s1z;
+ rx = cx - p0x;
+ ry = cy - p0y;
+ rz = cz - p0z;
+ RQ1 = rx * s0x + ry * s0y + rz * s0z;
+ RQ2 = rx * s1x + ry * s1y + rz * s1z;
+ coeff = 1 / (Q1Q1 * Q2Q2 - Q1Q2 * Q1Q2);
+ v = coeff * (Q2Q2 * RQ1 - Q1Q2 * RQ2);
+ w = coeff * (-Q1Q2 * RQ1 + Q1Q1 * RQ2);
+ if (v < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (w < 0)
+ continue;
+ u = 1 - v - w;
+ if (!(u < 0) && t > 0 && t < shortestCollisionDistance) {
+ shortestCollisionDistance = t;
+ collisionTriangleIndex = index / 3;
+ pickingCollisionVO.rayEntryDistance = t;
+ pickingCollisionVO.localPosition = new Vector3D(cx, cy, cz);
+ pickingCollisionVO.localNormal = new Vector3D(nx, ny, nz);
+ pickingCollisionVO.uv = this._pGetCollisionUV(indexData, uvData, index, v, w, u, uvOffset, uvStride);
+ pickingCollisionVO.index = index;
+ // pickingCollisionVO.subGeometryIndex = this.pGetMeshSubMeshIndex(renderable);
+ // if not looking for best hit, first found will do...
+ if (!this._findClosestCollision)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (collisionTriangleIndex >= 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ };
+ return JSPickingCollider;
+module.exports = JSPickingCollider;
+var RenderablePool = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/pool/RenderablePool");
+var Point = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Point");
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var AbstractMethodError = require("awayjs-core/lib/errors/AbstractMethodError");
+var BillboardRenderable = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/BillboardRenderable");
+var TriangleSubMeshRenderable = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/pool/TriangleSubMeshRenderable");
+ * An abstract base class for all picking collider classes. It should not be instantiated directly.
+ *
+ * @class away.pick.PickingColliderBase
+ */
+var PickingColliderBase = (function () {
+ function PickingColliderBase() {
+ this._billboardRenderablePool = RenderablePool.getPool(BillboardRenderable);
+ this._subMeshRenderablePool = RenderablePool.getPool(TriangleSubMeshRenderable);
+ }
+ PickingColliderBase.prototype._pPetCollisionNormal = function (indexData /*uint*/, vertexData, triangleIndex) {
+ var normal = new Vector3D();
+ var i0 = indexData[triangleIndex] * 3;
+ var i1 = indexData[triangleIndex + 1] * 3;
+ var i2 = indexData[triangleIndex + 2] * 3;
+ var p0 = new Vector3D(vertexData[i0], vertexData[i0 + 1], vertexData[i0 + 2]);
+ var p1 = new Vector3D(vertexData[i1], vertexData[i1 + 1], vertexData[i1 + 2]);
+ var p2 = new Vector3D(vertexData[i2], vertexData[i2 + 1], vertexData[i2 + 2]);
+ var side0 = p1.subtract(p0);
+ var side1 = p2.subtract(p0);
+ normal = side0.crossProduct(side1);
+ normal.normalize();
+ return normal;
+ };
+ PickingColliderBase.prototype._pGetCollisionUV = function (indexData /*uint*/, uvData, triangleIndex, v, w, u, uvOffset, uvStride) {
+ var uv = new Point();
+ var uIndex = indexData[triangleIndex] * uvStride + uvOffset;
+ var uv0 = new Vector3D(uvData[uIndex], uvData[uIndex + 1]);
+ uIndex = indexData[triangleIndex + 1] * uvStride + uvOffset;
+ var uv1 = new Vector3D(uvData[uIndex], uvData[uIndex + 1]);
+ uIndex = indexData[triangleIndex + 2] * uvStride + uvOffset;
+ var uv2 = new Vector3D(uvData[uIndex], uvData[uIndex + 1]);
+ uv.x = u * uv0.x + v * uv1.x + w * uv2.x;
+ uv.y = u * uv0.y + v * uv1.y + w * uv2.y;
+ return uv;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ PickingColliderBase.prototype._pTestRenderableCollision = function (renderable, pickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance) {
+ throw new AbstractMethodError();
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ PickingColliderBase.prototype.setLocalRay = function (localPosition, localDirection) {
+ this.rayPosition = localPosition;
+ this.rayDirection = localDirection;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Tests a Billboard
object for a collision with the picking ray.
+ *
+ * @param billboard The billboard instance to be tested.
+ * @param pickingCollisionVO The collision object used to store the collision results
+ * @param shortestCollisionDistance The current value of the shortest distance to a detected collision along the ray.
+ * @param findClosest
+ */
+ PickingColliderBase.prototype.testBillboardCollision = function (billboard, pickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance) {
+ this.setLocalRay(pickingCollisionVO.localRayPosition, pickingCollisionVO.localRayDirection);
+ pickingCollisionVO.materialOwner = null;
+ if (this._pTestRenderableCollision(this._billboardRenderablePool.getItem(billboard), pickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance)) {
+ shortestCollisionDistance = pickingCollisionVO.rayEntryDistance;
+ pickingCollisionVO.materialOwner = billboard;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Tests a Mesh
object for a collision with the picking ray.
+ *
+ * @param mesh The mesh instance to be tested.
+ * @param pickingCollisionVO The collision object used to store the collision results
+ * @param shortestCollisionDistance The current value of the shortest distance to a detected collision along the ray.
+ * @param findClosest
+ */
+ PickingColliderBase.prototype.testMeshCollision = function (mesh, pickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance, findClosest) {
+ this.setLocalRay(pickingCollisionVO.localRayPosition, pickingCollisionVO.localRayDirection);
+ pickingCollisionVO.materialOwner = null;
+ var subMesh;
+ var len = mesh.subMeshes.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ subMesh = mesh.subMeshes[i];
+ if (this._pTestRenderableCollision(this._subMeshRenderablePool.getItem(subMesh), pickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance)) {
+ shortestCollisionDistance = pickingCollisionVO.rayEntryDistance;
+ pickingCollisionVO.materialOwner = subMesh;
+ if (!findClosest)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return pickingCollisionVO.materialOwner != null;
+ };
+ return PickingColliderBase;
+module.exports = PickingColliderBase;
+var Debug = require("awayjs-core/lib/utils/Debug");
+var BitmapData = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/BitmapData");
+var TriangleSubGeometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/TriangleSubGeometry");
+var Matrix3DUtils = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3DUtils");
+var Point = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Point");
+var Rectangle = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Rectangle");
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var AGALMiniAssembler = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/aglsl/assembler/AGALMiniAssembler");
+var ContextGLBlendFactor = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLBlendFactor");
+var ContextGLClearMask = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLClearMask");
+var ContextGLCompareMode = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLCompareMode");
+var ContextGLProgramType = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLProgramType");
+var ContextGLTriangleFace = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLTriangleFace");
+ * Picks a 3d object from a view or scene by performing a separate render pass on the scene around the area being picked using key color values,
+ * then reading back the color value of the pixel in the render representing the picking ray. Requires multiple passes and readbacks for retriving details
+ * on an entity that has its shaderPickingDetails property set to true.
+ *
+ * A read-back operation from any GPU is not a very efficient process, and the amount of processing used can vary significantly between different hardware.
+ *
+ * @see away.entities.Entity#shaderPickingDetails
+ *
+ * @class away.pick.ShaderPicker
+ */
+var ShaderPicker = (function () {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ShaderPicker
+ *
+ * @param shaderPickingDetails Determines whether the picker includes a second pass to calculate extra
+ * properties such as uv and normal coordinates.
+ */
+ function ShaderPicker(shaderPickingDetails) {
+ if (shaderPickingDetails === void 0) { shaderPickingDetails = false; }
+ this._onlyMouseEnabled = true;
+ this._interactives = new Array();
+ this._localHitPosition = new Vector3D();
+ this._hitUV = new Point();
+ this._localHitNormal = new Vector3D();
+ this._rayPos = new Vector3D();
+ this._rayDir = new Vector3D();
+ this._shaderPickingDetails = shaderPickingDetails;
+ this._id = new Array(4);
+ this._viewportData = new Array(4); // first 2 contain scale, last 2 translation
+ this._boundOffsetScale = new Array(8); // first 2 contain scale, last 2 translation
+ this._boundOffsetScale[3] = 0;
+ this._boundOffsetScale[7] = 1;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ShaderPicker.prototype, "onlyMouseEnabled", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._onlyMouseEnabled;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._onlyMouseEnabled = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.getViewCollision = function (x, y, view) {
+ var collector = view.iEntityCollector;
+ this._stage = view.renderer.stage;
+ if (!this._stage)
+ return null;
+ this._context = this._stage.context;
+ this._viewportData[0] = view.width;
+ this._viewportData[1] = view.height;
+ this._viewportData[2] = -(this._projX = 2 * x / view.width - 1);
+ this._viewportData[3] = this._projY = 2 * y / view.height - 1;
+ // _potentialFound will be set to true if any object is actually rendered
+ this._potentialFound = false;
+ //reset head values
+ this._blendedRenderableHead = null;
+ this._opaqueRenderableHead = null;
+ this.pDraw(collector, null);
+ // clear buffers
+ this._context.setVertexBufferAt(0, null);
+ if (!this._context || !this._potentialFound)
+ return null;
+ if (!this._bitmapData)
+ this._bitmapData = new BitmapData(1, 1, false, 0);
+ this._context.drawToBitmapData(this._bitmapData);
+ this._hitColor = this._bitmapData.getPixel(0, 0);
+ if (!this._hitColor) {
+ this._context.present();
+ return null;
+ }
+ this._hitRenderable = this._interactives[this._hitColor - 1];
+ this._hitEntity = this._hitRenderable.sourceEntity;
+ if (this._onlyMouseEnabled && !this._hitEntity._iIsMouseEnabled())
+ return null;
+ var _collisionVO = this._hitEntity._iPickingCollisionVO;
+ if (this._shaderPickingDetails) {
+ this.getHitDetails(view.camera);
+ _collisionVO.localPosition = this._localHitPosition;
+ _collisionVO.localNormal = this._localHitNormal;
+ _collisionVO.uv = this._hitUV;
+ _collisionVO.index = this._faceIndex;
+ }
+ else {
+ _collisionVO.localPosition = null;
+ _collisionVO.localNormal = null;
+ _collisionVO.uv = null;
+ _collisionVO.index = 0;
+ }
+ return _collisionVO;
+ };
+ //*/
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.getSceneCollision = function (position, direction, scene) {
+ return null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.pDraw = function (entityCollector, target) {
+ var camera = entityCollector.camera;
+ this._context.clear(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ this._stage.scissorRect = ShaderPicker.MOUSE_SCISSOR_RECT;
+ this._interactives.length = this._interactiveId = 0;
+ if (!this._objectProgram)
+ this.initObjectProgram();
+ this._context.setBlendFactors(ContextGLBlendFactor.ONE, ContextGLBlendFactor.ZERO);
+ this._context.setDepthTest(true, ContextGLCompareMode.LESS);
+ this._context.setProgram(this._objectProgram);
+ this._context.setProgramConstantsFromArray(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, 4, this._viewportData, 1);
+ //this.drawRenderables(entityCollector.opaqueRenderableHead, camera);
+ //this.drawRenderables(entityCollector.blendedRenderableHead, camera);
+ //TODO: reimplement ShaderPicker inheriting from RendererBase
+ };
+ /**
+ * Draw a list of renderables.
+ * @param renderables The renderables to draw.
+ * @param camera The camera for which to render.
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.drawRenderables = function (renderable, camera) {
+ var matrix = Matrix3DUtils.CALCULATION_MATRIX;
+ var viewProjection = camera.viewProjection;
+ while (renderable) {
+ // it's possible that the renderable was already removed from the scene
+ if (!renderable.sourceEntity.scene || !renderable.sourceEntity._iIsMouseEnabled()) {
+ renderable = renderable.next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ this._potentialFound = true;
+ this._context.setCulling(renderable.materialOwner.material.bothSides ? ContextGLTriangleFace.NONE : ContextGLTriangleFace.BACK, camera.projection.coordinateSystem);
+ this._interactives[this._interactiveId++] = renderable;
+ // color code so that reading from bitmapdata will contain the correct value
+ this._id[1] = (this._interactiveId >> 8) / 255; // on green channel
+ this._id[2] = (this._interactiveId & 0xff) / 255; // on blue channel
+ matrix.copyFrom(renderable.sourceEntity.getRenderSceneTransform(camera));
+ matrix.append(viewProjection);
+ this._context.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, 0, matrix, true);
+ this._context.setProgramConstantsFromArray(ContextGLProgramType.FRAGMENT, 0, this._id, 1);
+ this._context.activateBuffer(0, renderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA), renderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA), TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_FORMAT);
+ this._context.drawTriangles(this._context.getIndexBuffer(renderable.getIndexData()), 0, renderable.numTriangles);
+ renderable = renderable.next;
+ }
+ };
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.updateRay = function (camera) {
+ this._rayPos = camera.scenePosition;
+ this._rayDir = camera.getRay(this._projX, this._projY, 1);
+ this._rayDir.normalize();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates the Program that color-codes objects.
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.initObjectProgram = function () {
+ var vertexCode;
+ var fragmentCode;
+ this._objectProgram = this._context.createProgram();
+ vertexCode = "m44 vt0, va0, vc0 \n" + "mul vt1.xy, vt0.w, vc4.zw \n" + "add vt0.xy, vt0.xy, vt1.xy \n" + "mul vt0.xy, vt0.xy, vc4.xy \n" + "mov op, vt0 \n";
+ fragmentCode = "mov oc, fc0"; // write identifier
+ Debug.throwPIR('ShaderPicker', 'initTriangleProgram', 'Dependency: initObjectProgram');
+ //_objectProgram.upload(new AGALMiniAssembler().assemble(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, vertexCode),new AGALMiniAssembler().assemble(ContextGLProgramType.FRAGMENT, fragmentCode));
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates the Program that renders positions.
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.initTriangleProgram = function () {
+ var vertexCode;
+ var fragmentCode;
+ this._triangleProgram = this._context.createProgram();
+ // todo: add animation code
+ vertexCode = "add vt0, va0, vc5 \n" + "mul vt0, vt0, vc6 \n" + "mov v0, vt0 \n" + "m44 vt0, va0, vc0 \n" + "mul vt1.xy, vt0.w, vc4.zw \n" + "add vt0.xy, vt0.xy, vt1.xy \n" + "mul vt0.xy, vt0.xy, vc4.xy \n" + "mov op, vt0 \n";
+ fragmentCode = "mov oc, v0"; // write identifier
+ var vertexByteCode = (new AGALMiniAssembler().assemble("part vertex 1\n" + vertexCode + "endpart"))['vertex'].data;
+ var fragmentByteCode = (new AGALMiniAssembler().assemble("part fragment 1\n" + fragmentCode + "endpart"))['fragment'].data;
+ this._triangleProgram.upload(vertexByteCode, fragmentByteCode);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets more detailed information about the hir position, if required.
+ * @param camera The camera used to view the hit object.
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.getHitDetails = function (camera) {
+ this.getApproximatePosition(camera);
+ this.getPreciseDetails(camera);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Finds a first-guess approximate position about the hit position.
+ *
+ * @param camera The camera used to view the hit object.
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.getApproximatePosition = function (camera) {
+ var bounds = this._hitRenderable.sourceEntity.bounds.aabb;
+ var col;
+ var scX, scY, scZ;
+ var offsX, offsY, offsZ;
+ var localViewProjection = Matrix3DUtils.CALCULATION_MATRIX;
+ localViewProjection.copyFrom(this._hitRenderable.sourceEntity.getRenderSceneTransform(camera));
+ localViewProjection.append(camera.viewProjection);
+ if (!this._triangleProgram) {
+ this.initTriangleProgram();
+ }
+ this._boundOffsetScale[4] = 1 / (scX = bounds.width);
+ this._boundOffsetScale[5] = 1 / (scY = bounds.height);
+ this._boundOffsetScale[6] = 1 / (scZ = bounds.depth);
+ this._boundOffsetScale[0] = offsX = -bounds.x;
+ this._boundOffsetScale[1] = offsY = -bounds.y;
+ this._boundOffsetScale[2] = offsZ = -bounds.z;
+ this._context.setProgram(this._triangleProgram);
+ this._context.clear(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ContextGLClearMask.DEPTH);
+ this._context.setScissorRectangle(ShaderPicker.MOUSE_SCISSOR_RECT);
+ this._context.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, 0, localViewProjection, true);
+ this._context.setProgramConstantsFromArray(ContextGLProgramType.VERTEX, 5, this._boundOffsetScale, 2);
+ this._context.activateBuffer(0, this._hitRenderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA), this._hitRenderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA), TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_FORMAT);
+ this._context.drawTriangles(this._context.getIndexBuffer(this._hitRenderable.getIndexData()), 0, this._hitRenderable.numTriangles);
+ this._context.drawToBitmapData(this._bitmapData);
+ col = this._bitmapData.getPixel(0, 0);
+ this._localHitPosition.x = ((col >> 16) & 0xff) * scX / 255 - offsX;
+ this._localHitPosition.y = ((col >> 8) & 0xff) * scY / 255 - offsY;
+ this._localHitPosition.z = (col & 0xff) * scZ / 255 - offsZ;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Use the approximate position info to find the face under the mouse position from which we can derive the precise
+ * ray-face intersection point, then use barycentric coordinates to figure out the uv coordinates, etc.
+ * @param camera The camera used to view the hit object.
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.getPreciseDetails = function (camera) {
+ var len = indices.length;
+ var x1, y1, z1;
+ var x2, y2, z2;
+ var x3, y3, z3;
+ var i = 0, j = 1, k = 2;
+ var t1, t2, t3;
+ var v0x, v0y, v0z;
+ var v1x, v1y, v1z;
+ var v2x, v2y, v2z;
+ var ni1, ni2, ni3;
+ var n1, n2, n3, nLength;
+ var dot00, dot01, dot02, dot11, dot12;
+ var s, t, invDenom;
+ var x = this._localHitPosition.x, y = this._localHitPosition.y, z = this._localHitPosition.z;
+ var u, v;
+ var ui1, ui2, ui3;
+ var s0x, s0y, s0z;
+ var s1x, s1y, s1z;
+ var nl;
+ var indices = this._hitRenderable.getIndexData().data;
+ var positions = this._hitRenderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA).data;
+ var positionStride = this._hitRenderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA).dataPerVertex;
+ var positionOffset = this._hitRenderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.POSITION_DATA);
+ var uvs = this._hitRenderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.UV_DATA).data;
+ var uvStride = this._hitRenderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.UV_DATA).dataPerVertex;
+ var uvOffset = this._hitRenderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.UV_DATA);
+ var normals = this._hitRenderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.NORMAL_DATA).data;
+ var normalStride = this._hitRenderable.getVertexData(TriangleSubGeometry.NORMAL_DATA).dataPerVertex;
+ var normalOffset = this._hitRenderable.getVertexOffset(TriangleSubGeometry.NORMAL_DATA);
+ this.updateRay(camera);
+ while (i < len) {
+ t1 = positionOffset + indices[i] * positionStride;
+ t2 = positionOffset + indices[j] * positionStride;
+ t3 = positionOffset + indices[k] * positionStride;
+ x1 = positions[t1];
+ y1 = positions[t1 + 1];
+ z1 = positions[t1 + 2];
+ x2 = positions[t2];
+ y2 = positions[t2 + 1];
+ z2 = positions[t2 + 2];
+ x3 = positions[t3];
+ y3 = positions[t3 + 1];
+ z3 = positions[t3 + 2];
+ // if within bounds
+ if (!((x < x1 && x < x2 && x < x3) || (y < y1 && y < y2 && y < y3) || (z < z1 && z < z2 && z < z3) || (x > x1 && x > x2 && x > x3) || (y > y1 && y > y2 && y > y3) || (z > z1 && z > z2 && z > z3))) {
+ // calculate barycentric coords for approximated position
+ v0x = x3 - x1;
+ v0y = y3 - y1;
+ v0z = z3 - z1;
+ v1x = x2 - x1;
+ v1y = y2 - y1;
+ v1z = z2 - z1;
+ v2x = x - x1;
+ v2y = y - y1;
+ v2z = z - z1;
+ dot00 = v0x * v0x + v0y * v0y + v0z * v0z;
+ dot01 = v0x * v1x + v0y * v1y + v0z * v1z;
+ dot02 = v0x * v2x + v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z;
+ dot11 = v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y + v1z * v1z;
+ dot12 = v1x * v2x + v1y * v2y + v1z * v2z;
+ invDenom = 1 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
+ s = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;
+ t = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;
+ // if inside the current triangle, fetch details hit information
+ if (s >= 0 && t >= 0 && (s + t) <= 1) {
+ ni1 = normalOffset + indices[i] * normalStride;
+ ni2 = normalOffset + indices[j] * normalStride;
+ ni3 = normalOffset + indices[k] * normalStride;
+ n1 = indices[ni1] + indices[ni2] + indices[ni3];
+ n2 = indices[ni1 + 1] + indices[ni2 + 1] + indices[ni3 + 1];
+ n3 = indices[ni1 + 2] + indices[ni2 + 2] + indices[ni3 + 2];
+ nLength = Math.sqrt(n1 * n1 + n2 * n2 + n3 * n3);
+ n1 /= nLength;
+ n2 /= nLength;
+ n3 /= nLength;
+ // this is def the triangle, now calculate precise coords
+ this.getPrecisePosition(this._hitRenderable.sourceEntity.inverseSceneTransform, n1, n2, n3, x1, y1, z1);
+ v2x = this._localHitPosition.x - x1;
+ v2y = this._localHitPosition.y - y1;
+ v2z = this._localHitPosition.z - z1;
+ s0x = x2 - x1; // s0 = p1 - p0
+ s0y = y2 - y1;
+ s0z = z2 - z1;
+ s1x = x3 - x1; // s1 = p2 - p0
+ s1y = y3 - y1;
+ s1z = z3 - z1;
+ this._localHitNormal.x = s0y * s1z - s0z * s1y; // n = s0 x s1
+ this._localHitNormal.y = s0z * s1x - s0x * s1z;
+ this._localHitNormal.z = s0x * s1y - s0y * s1x;
+ nl = 1 / Math.sqrt(this._localHitNormal.x * this._localHitNormal.x + this._localHitNormal.y * this._localHitNormal.y + this._localHitNormal.z * this._localHitNormal.z); // normalize n
+ this._localHitNormal.x *= nl;
+ this._localHitNormal.y *= nl;
+ this._localHitNormal.z *= nl;
+ dot02 = v0x * v2x + v0y * v2y + v0z * v2z;
+ dot12 = v1x * v2x + v1y * v2y + v1z * v2z;
+ s = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;
+ t = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;
+ ui1 = uvOffset + indices[i] * uvStride;
+ ui2 = uvOffset + indices[j] * uvStride;
+ ui3 = uvOffset + indices[k] * uvStride;
+ u = uvs[ui1];
+ v = uvs[ui1 + 1];
+ this._hitUV.x = u + t * (uvs[ui2] - u) + s * (uvs[ui3] - u);
+ this._hitUV.y = v + t * (uvs[ui2 + 1] - v) + s * (uvs[ui3 + 1] - v);
+ this._faceIndex = i;
+ //TODO add back subGeometryIndex value
+ //this._subGeometryIndex = away.utils.GeometryUtils.getMeshSubGeometryIndex(subGeom);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ i += 3;
+ j += 3;
+ k += 3;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Finds the precise hit position by unprojecting the screen coordinate back unto the hit face's plane and
+ * calculating the intersection point.
+ * @param camera The camera used to render the object.
+ * @param invSceneTransform The inverse scene transformation of the hit object.
+ * @param nx The x-coordinate of the face's plane normal.
+ * @param ny The y-coordinate of the face plane normal.
+ * @param nz The z-coordinate of the face plane normal.
+ * @param px The x-coordinate of a point on the face's plane (ie a face vertex)
+ * @param py The y-coordinate of a point on the face's plane (ie a face vertex)
+ * @param pz The z-coordinate of a point on the face's plane (ie a face vertex)
+ */
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.getPrecisePosition = function (invSceneTransform, nx, ny, nz, px, py, pz) {
+ // calculate screen ray and find exact intersection position with triangle
+ var rx, ry, rz;
+ var ox, oy, oz;
+ var t;
+ var raw = Matrix3DUtils.RAW_DATA_CONTAINER;
+ var cx = this._rayPos.x, cy = this._rayPos.y, cz = this._rayPos.z;
+ // unprojected projection point, gives ray dir in cam space
+ ox = this._rayDir.x;
+ oy = this._rayDir.y;
+ oz = this._rayDir.z;
+ // transform ray dir and origin (cam pos) to object space
+ //invSceneTransform.copyRawDataTo( raw );
+ invSceneTransform.copyRawDataTo(raw);
+ rx = raw[0] * ox + raw[4] * oy + raw[8] * oz;
+ ry = raw[1] * ox + raw[5] * oy + raw[9] * oz;
+ rz = raw[2] * ox + raw[6] * oy + raw[10] * oz;
+ ox = raw[0] * cx + raw[4] * cy + raw[8] * cz + raw[12];
+ oy = raw[1] * cx + raw[5] * cy + raw[9] * cz + raw[13];
+ oz = raw[2] * cx + raw[6] * cy + raw[10] * cz + raw[14];
+ t = ((px - ox) * nx + (py - oy) * ny + (pz - oz) * nz) / (rx * nx + ry * ny + rz * nz);
+ this._localHitPosition.x = ox + rx * t;
+ this._localHitPosition.y = oy + ry * t;
+ this._localHitPosition.z = oz + rz * t;
+ };
+ ShaderPicker.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ this._bitmapData.dispose();
+ if (this._triangleProgram)
+ this._triangleProgram.dispose();
+ if (this._objectProgram)
+ this._objectProgram.dispose();
+ this._triangleProgram = null;
+ this._objectProgram = null;
+ this._bitmapData = null;
+ this._hitRenderable = null;
+ this._hitEntity = null;
+ };
+ ShaderPicker.MOUSE_SCISSOR_RECT = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ return ShaderPicker;
+module.exports = ShaderPicker;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Event = require("awayjs-core/lib/events/Event");
+ * Dispatched to notify changes in an animation state's state.
+ */
+var AnimationStateEvent = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(AnimationStateEvent, _super);
+ /**
+ * Create a new AnimatonStateEvent
+ *
+ * @param type The event type.
+ * @param animator The animation state object that is the subject of this event.
+ * @param animationNode The animation node inside the animation state from which the event originated.
+ */
+ function AnimationStateEvent(type, animator, animationState, animationNode) {
+ _super.call(this, type);
+ this._animator = animator;
+ this._animationState = animationState;
+ this._animationNode = animationNode;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationStateEvent.prototype, "animator", {
+ /**
+ * The animator object that is the subject of this event.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._animator;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationStateEvent.prototype, "animationState", {
+ /**
+ * The animation state object that is the subject of this event.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._animationState;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(AnimationStateEvent.prototype, "animationNode", {
+ /**
+ * The animation node inside the animation state from which the event originated.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._animationNode;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Clones the event.
+ *
+ * @return An exact duplicate of the current object.
+ */
+ AnimationStateEvent.prototype.clone = function () {
+ return new AnimationStateEvent(this.type, this._animator, this._animationState, this._animationNode);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Dispatched when a non-looping clip node inside an animation state reaches the end of its timeline.
+ */
+ AnimationStateEvent.PLAYBACK_COMPLETE = "playbackComplete";
+ AnimationStateEvent.TRANSITION_COMPLETE = "transitionComplete";
+ return AnimationStateEvent;
+module.exports = AnimationStateEvent;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var AmbientBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/AmbientBasicMethod");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * AmbientEnvMapMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a diffuse irradiance environment map to
+ * approximate global lighting rather than lights.
+ */
+var AmbientEnvMapMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(AmbientEnvMapMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new AmbientEnvMapMethod
+ *
+ * @param envMap The cube environment map to use for the ambient lighting.
+ */
+ function AmbientEnvMapMethod(envMap) {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._cubeTexture = envMap;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ AmbientEnvMapMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ _super.prototype.iInitVO.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO);
+ methodVO.needsNormals = true;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(AmbientEnvMapMethod.prototype, "envMap", {
+ /**
+ * The cube environment map to use for the diffuse lighting.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cubeTexture;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cubeTexture = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ AmbientEnvMapMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ stage.context.activateCubeTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex, this._cubeTexture);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ AmbientEnvMapMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, regCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = "";
+ var ambientInputRegister;
+ var cubeMapReg = regCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = cubeMapReg.index;
+ code += ShaderCompilerHelper.getTexCubeSampleCode(targetReg, cubeMapReg, this._cubeTexture, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, sharedRegisters.normalFragment);
+ ambientInputRegister = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = ambientInputRegister.index;
+ code += "add " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + ambientInputRegister + ".xyz\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ return AmbientEnvMapMethod;
+module.exports = AmbientEnvMapMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var DiffuseCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseCompositeMethod");
+ * DiffuseCelMethod provides a shading method to add diffuse cel (cartoon) shading.
+ */
+var DiffuseCelMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(DiffuseCelMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseCelMethod object.
+ * @param levels The amount of shadow gradations.
+ * @param baseMethod An optional diffuse method on which the cartoon shading is based. If omitted, DiffuseBasicMethod is used.
+ */
+ function DiffuseCelMethod(levels, baseMethod) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (levels === void 0) { levels = 3; }
+ if (baseMethod === void 0) { baseMethod = null; }
+ _super.call(this, null, baseMethod);
+ this._smoothness = .1;
+ this.baseMethod._iModulateMethod = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) { return _this.clampDiffuse(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters); };
+ this._levels = levels;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCelMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ _super.prototype.iInitConstants.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO);
+ data[index + 1] = 1;
+ data[index + 2] = 0;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseCelMethod.prototype, "levels", {
+ /**
+ * The amount of shadow gradations.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._levels;
+ },
+ set: function (value /*uint*/) {
+ this._levels = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseCelMethod.prototype, "smoothness", {
+ /**
+ * The smoothness of the edge between 2 shading levels.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._smoothness;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._smoothness = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCelMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._dataReg = null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCelMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ this._dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex = this._dataReg.index * 4;
+ return _super.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCelMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ data[index] = this._levels;
+ data[index + 3] = this._smoothness;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Snaps the diffuse shading of the wrapped method to one of the levels.
+ * @param vo The MethodVO used to compile the current shader.
+ * @param t The register containing the diffuse strength in the "w" component.
+ * @param regCache The register cache used for the shader compilation.
+ * @param sharedRegisters The shared register data for this shader.
+ * @return The AGAL fragment code for the method.
+ */
+ DiffuseCelMethod.prototype.clampDiffuse = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return "mul " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + this._dataReg + ".x\n" + "frc " + targetReg + ".z, " + targetReg + ".w\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".z\n" + "mov " + targetReg + ".x, " + this._dataReg + ".x\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".x, " + targetReg + ".x, " + this._dataReg + ".y\n" + "rcp " + targetReg + ".x," + targetReg + ".x\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".x\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".x\n" + "div " + targetReg + ".z, " + targetReg + ".z, " + this._dataReg + ".w\n" + "sat " + targetReg + ".z, " + targetReg + ".z\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".z\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".z, " + this._dataReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".z\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".z\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".y\n" + "sat " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w\n";
+ };
+ return DiffuseCelMethod;
+module.exports = DiffuseCelMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ShadingMethodEvent = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/events/ShadingMethodEvent");
+var DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+ * DiffuseCompositeMethod provides a base class for diffuse methods that wrap a diffuse method to alter the
+ * calculated diffuse reflection strength.
+ */
+var DiffuseCompositeMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(DiffuseCompositeMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseCompositeMethod
+ *
+ * @param modulateMethod The method which will add the code to alter the base method's strength. It needs to have the signature clampDiffuse(t:ShaderRegisterElement, regCache:ShaderRegisterCache):string, in which t.w will contain the diffuse strength.
+ * @param baseMethod The base diffuse method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ function DiffuseCompositeMethod(modulateMethod, baseMethod) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (baseMethod === void 0) { baseMethod = null; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate = function (event) { return _this.onShaderInvalidated(event); };
+ this.pBaseMethod = baseMethod || new DiffuseBasicMethod();
+ this.pBaseMethod._iModulateMethod = modulateMethod;
+ this.pBaseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype, "baseMethod", {
+ /**
+ * The base diffuse method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this.pBaseMethod;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (this.pBaseMethod == value)
+ return;
+ this.pBaseMethod.removeEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ this.pBaseMethod = value;
+ this.pBaseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ this.pBaseMethod.iInitVO(shaderObject, methodVO);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ this.pBaseMethod.iInitConstants(shaderObject, methodVO);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ this.pBaseMethod.removeEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ this.pBaseMethod.dispose();
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype, "texture", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this.pBaseMethod.texture;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ set: function (value) {
+ this.pBaseMethod.texture = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype, "diffuseColor", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this.pBaseMethod.diffuseColor;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ set: function (value) {
+ this.pBaseMethod.diffuseColor = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype, "ambientColor", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this.pBaseMethod.ambientColor;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ set: function (value) {
+ this.pBaseMethod.ambientColor = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return this.pBaseMethod.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerLight = function (shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = this.pBaseMethod.iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ this._pTotalLightColorReg = this.pBaseMethod._pTotalLightColorReg;
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerProbe = function (shaderObject, methodVO, cubeMapReg, weightRegister, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = this.pBaseMethod.iGetFragmentCodePerProbe(shaderObject, methodVO, cubeMapReg, weightRegister, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ this._pTotalLightColorReg = this.pBaseMethod._pTotalLightColorReg;
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ this.pBaseMethod.iActivate(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iSetRenderState = function (shaderObject, methodVO, renderable, stage, camera) {
+ this.pBaseMethod.iSetRenderState(shaderObject, methodVO, renderable, stage, camera);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iDeactivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ this.pBaseMethod.iDeactivate(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetVertexCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return this.pBaseMethod.iGetVertexCode(shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return this.pBaseMethod.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iReset = function () {
+ this.pBaseMethod.iReset();
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this.pBaseMethod.iCleanCompilationData();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Called when the base method's shader code is invalidated.
+ */
+ DiffuseCompositeMethod.prototype.onShaderInvalidated = function (event) {
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ };
+ return DiffuseCompositeMethod;
+module.exports = DiffuseCompositeMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * DiffuseDepthMethod provides a debug method to visualise depth maps
+ */
+var DiffuseDepthMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(DiffuseDepthMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseBasicMethod object.
+ */
+ function DiffuseDepthMethod() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseDepthMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ data[index] = 1.0;
+ data[index + 1] = 1 / 255.0;
+ data[index + 2] = 1 / 65025.0;
+ data[index + 3] = 1 / 16581375.0;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseDepthMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = "";
+ var temp;
+ var decReg;
+ if (!this._pUseTexture)
+ throw new Error("DiffuseDepthMethod requires texture!");
+ // incorporate input from ambient
+ if (shaderObject.numLights > 0) {
+ if (sharedRegisters.shadowTarget)
+ code += "mul " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.shadowTarget + ".w\n";
+ code += "add " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz\n" + "sat " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(this._pTotalLightColorReg);
+ }
+ temp = shaderObject.numLights > 0 ? registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp() : targetReg;
+ this._pDiffuseInputRegister = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = this._pDiffuseInputRegister.index;
+ decReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = decReg.index * 4;
+ code += ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(temp, sharedRegisters, this._pDiffuseInputRegister, this.texture, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping) + "dp4 " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ", " + decReg + "\n" + "mov " + temp + ".yz, " + temp + ".xx \n" + "mov " + temp + ".w, " + decReg + ".x\n" + "sub " + temp + ".xyz, " + decReg + ".xxx, " + temp + ".xyz\n";
+ if (shaderObject.numLights == 0)
+ return code;
+ code += "mul " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz\n" + "mov " + targetReg + ".w, " + temp + ".w\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ return DiffuseDepthMethod;
+module.exports = DiffuseDepthMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * DiffuseGradientMethod is an alternative to DiffuseBasicMethod in which the shading can be modulated with a gradient
+ * to introduce color-tinted shading as opposed to the single-channel diffuse strength. This can be used as a crude
+ * approximation to subsurface scattering (for instance, the mid-range shading for skin can be tinted red to similate
+ * scattered light within the skin attributing to the final colour)
+ */
+var DiffuseGradientMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(DiffuseGradientMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseGradientMethod object.
+ * @param gradient A texture that contains the light colour based on the angle. This can be used to change
+ * the light colour due to subsurface scattering when the surface faces away from the light.
+ */
+ function DiffuseGradientMethod(gradient) {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._gradient = gradient;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseGradientMethod.prototype, "gradient", {
+ /**
+ * A texture that contains the light colour based on the angle. This can be used to change the light colour
+ * due to subsurface scattering when the surface faces away from the light.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._gradient;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (value.hasMipmaps != this._gradient.hasMipmaps || value.format != this._gradient.format)
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ this._gradient = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseGradientMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._gradientTextureRegister = null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseGradientMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = _super.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ this._pIsFirstLight = true;
+ if (shaderObject.numLights > 0) {
+ this._gradientTextureRegister = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ methodVO.secondaryTexturesIndex = this._gradientTextureRegister.index;
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseGradientMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerLight = function (shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = "";
+ var t;
+ // write in temporary if not first light, so we can add to total diffuse colour
+ if (this._pIsFirstLight)
+ t = this._pTotalLightColorReg;
+ else {
+ t = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(t, 1);
+ }
+ code += "dp3 " + t + ".w, " + lightDirReg + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.normalFragment + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + sharedRegisters.commons + ".x\n" + "add " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + sharedRegisters.commons + ".x\n" + "mul " + t + ".xyz, " + t + ".w, " + lightDirReg + ".w\n";
+ if (this._iModulateMethod != null)
+ code += this._iModulateMethod(shaderObject, methodVO, t, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ code += ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(t, sharedRegisters, this._gradientTextureRegister, this._gradient, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, t, "clamp") + "mul " + t + ".xyz, " + t + ".xyz, " + lightColReg + ".xyz\n";
+ if (!this._pIsFirstLight) {
+ code += "add " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + t + ".xyz\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(t);
+ }
+ this._pIsFirstLight = false;
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseGradientMethod.prototype.pApplyShadow = function (shaderObject, methodVO, regCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var t = regCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ return "mov " + t + ", " + sharedRegisters.shadowTarget + ".wwww\n" + ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(t, sharedRegisters, this._gradientTextureRegister, this._gradient, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, t, "clamp") + "mul " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ", " + t + "\n";
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseGradientMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.secondaryTexturesIndex, this._gradient);
+ };
+ return DiffuseGradientMethod;
+module.exports = DiffuseGradientMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+var DiffuseCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseCompositeMethod");
+ * DiffuseLightMapMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a light map to modulate the calculated diffuse
+ * lighting. It is different from EffectLightMapMethod in that the latter modulates the entire calculated pixel color, rather
+ * than only the diffuse lighting value.
+ */
+var DiffuseLightMapMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(DiffuseLightMapMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseLightMapMethod method.
+ *
+ * @param lightMap The texture containing the light map.
+ * @param blendMode The blend mode with which the light map should be applied to the lighting result.
+ * @param useSecondaryUV Indicates whether the secondary UV set should be used to map the light map.
+ * @param baseMethod The diffuse method used to calculate the regular diffuse-based lighting.
+ */
+ function DiffuseLightMapMethod(lightMap, blendMode, useSecondaryUV, baseMethod) {
+ if (blendMode === void 0) { blendMode = "multiply"; }
+ if (useSecondaryUV === void 0) { useSecondaryUV = false; }
+ if (baseMethod === void 0) { baseMethod = null; }
+ _super.call(this, null, baseMethod);
+ this._useSecondaryUV = useSecondaryUV;
+ this._lightMapTexture = lightMap;
+ this.blendMode = blendMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseLightMapMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ methodVO.needsSecondaryUV = this._useSecondaryUV;
+ methodVO.needsUV = !this._useSecondaryUV;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseLightMapMethod.prototype, "blendMode", {
+ /**
+ * The blend mode with which the light map should be applied to the lighting result.
+ *
+ * @see DiffuseLightMapMethod.ADD
+ * @see DiffuseLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._blendMode;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (value != DiffuseLightMapMethod.ADD && value != DiffuseLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY)
+ throw new Error("Unknown blendmode!");
+ if (this._blendMode == value)
+ return;
+ this._blendMode = value;
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseLightMapMethod.prototype, "lightMapTexture", {
+ /**
+ * The texture containing the light map data.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._lightMapTexture;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._lightMapTexture = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseLightMapMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.secondaryTexturesIndex, this._lightMapTexture);
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseLightMapMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code;
+ var lightMapReg = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ methodVO.secondaryTexturesIndex = lightMapReg.index;
+ code = ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(temp, sharedRegisters, lightMapReg, this._lightMapTexture, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, sharedRegisters.secondaryUVVarying);
+ switch (this._blendMode) {
+ case DiffuseLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY:
+ code += "mul " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ", " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ", " + temp + "\n";
+ break;
+ case DiffuseLightMapMethod.ADD:
+ code += "add " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ", " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ", " + temp + "\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ code += _super.prototype.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Indicates the light map should be multiplied with the calculated shading result.
+ * This can be used to add pre-calculated shadows or occlusion.
+ */
+ DiffuseLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY = "multiply";
+ /**
+ * Indicates the light map should be added into the calculated shading result.
+ * This can be used to add pre-calculated lighting or global illumination.
+ */
+ DiffuseLightMapMethod.ADD = "add";
+ return DiffuseLightMapMethod;
+module.exports = DiffuseLightMapMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var DiffuseCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseCompositeMethod");
+var SingleObjectDepthPass = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/passes/SingleObjectDepthPass");
+ * DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod provides a depth map-based diffuse shading method that mimics the scattering of
+ * light inside translucent surfaces. It allows light to shine through an object and to soften the diffuse shading.
+ * It can be used for candle wax, ice, skin, ...
+ */
+var DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod
+ *
+ * @param depthMapSize The size of the depth map used.
+ * @param depthMapOffset The amount by which the rendered object will be inflated, to prevent depth map rounding errors.
+ * @param baseMethod The diffuse method used to calculate the regular diffuse-based lighting.
+ */
+ function DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod(depthMapSize, depthMapOffset, baseMethod) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (depthMapSize === void 0) { depthMapSize = 512; }
+ if (depthMapOffset === void 0) { depthMapOffset = 15; }
+ if (baseMethod === void 0) { baseMethod = null; }
+ _super.call(this, null, baseMethod);
+ this._translucency = 1;
+ this._scatterColor = 0xffffff;
+ this._scatterR = 1.0;
+ this._scatterG = 1.0;
+ this._scatterB = 1.0;
+ this.pBaseMethod._iModulateMethod = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) { return _this.scatterLight(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters); };
+ this._passes = new Array();
+ this._depthPass = new SingleObjectDepthPass();
+ this._depthPass.textureSize = depthMapSize;
+ this._depthPass.polyOffset = depthMapOffset;
+ this._passes.push(this._depthPass);
+ this._scattering = 0.2;
+ this._translucency = 1;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ _super.prototype.iInitConstants.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO);
+ var data = shaderObject.vertexConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryVertexConstantsIndex;
+ data[index] = .5;
+ data[index + 1] = -.5;
+ data[index + 2] = 0;
+ data[index + 3] = 1;
+ data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ data[index + 3] = 1.0;
+ data[index + 4] = 1.0;
+ data[index + 5] = 1 / 255;
+ data[index + 6] = 1 / 65025;
+ data[index + 7] = 1 / 16581375;
+ data[index + 10] = .5;
+ data[index + 11] = -.1;
+ };
+ DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._lightProjVarying = null;
+ this._propReg = null;
+ this._lightColorReg = null;
+ this._colorReg = null;
+ this._decReg = null;
+ this._targetReg = null;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype, "scattering", {
+ /**
+ * The amount by which the light scatters. It can be used to set the translucent surface's thickness. Use low
+ * values for skin.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._scattering;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._scattering = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype, "translucency", {
+ /**
+ * The translucency of the object.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._translucency;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._translucency = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype, "scatterColor", {
+ /**
+ * The colour of the "insides" of the object, ie: the colour the light becomes after leaving the object.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._scatterColor;
+ },
+ set: function (scatterColor /*uint*/) {
+ this._scatterColor = scatterColor;
+ this._scatterR = ((scatterColor >> 16) & 0xff) / 0xff;
+ this._scatterG = ((scatterColor >> 8) & 0xff) / 0xff;
+ this._scatterB = (scatterColor & 0xff) / 0xff;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype.iGetVertexCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = _super.prototype.iGetVertexCode.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ var lightProjection;
+ var toTexRegister;
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ toTexRegister = registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ methodVO.secondaryVertexConstantsIndex = toTexRegister.index * 4;
+ this._lightProjVarying = registerCache.getFreeVarying();
+ lightProjection = registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ code += "m44 " + temp + ", vt0, " + lightProjection + "\n" + "div " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".xy, " + temp + ".xy, " + toTexRegister + ".xy\n" + "add " + temp + ".xy, " + temp + ".xy, " + toTexRegister + ".xx\n" + "mov " + this._lightProjVarying + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz\n" + "mov " + this._lightProjVarying + ".w, va0.w\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ this._colorReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ this._decReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ this._propReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex = this._colorReg.index * 4;
+ return _super.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerLight = function (shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ this._pIsFirstLight = true;
+ this._lightColorReg = lightColReg;
+ return _super.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerLight.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = _super.prototype.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ code += "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + this._lightColorReg + ".xyz, " + this._targetReg + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz, " + this._colorReg + ".xyz\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz\n";
+ if (this._targetReg != sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment)
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(targetReg);
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ data[index] = this._scatterR;
+ data[index + 1] = this._scatterG;
+ data[index + 2] = this._scatterB;
+ data[index + 8] = this._scattering;
+ data[index + 9] = this._translucency;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype.iSetRenderState = function (shaderObject, methodVO, renderable, stage, camera) {
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.secondaryTexturesIndex, this._depthPass._iGetDepthMap(renderable));
+ this._depthPass._iGetProjection(renderable).copyRawDataTo(shaderObject.vertexConstantData, methodVO.secondaryVertexConstantsIndex + 4, true);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Generates the code for this method
+ */
+ DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod.prototype.scatterLight = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ // only scatter first light
+ if (!this._pIsFirstLight)
+ return "";
+ this._pIsFirstLight = false;
+ var code = "";
+ var depthReg = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ if (sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment) {
+ this._targetReg = sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment;
+ }
+ else {
+ this._targetReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(this._targetReg, 1);
+ }
+ methodVO.secondaryTexturesIndex = depthReg.index;
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ code += "tex " + temp + ", " + this._lightProjVarying + ", " + depthReg + " <2d,nearest,clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + targetReg + ".z, " + temp + ", " + this._decReg + "\n";
+ // currentDistanceToLight - closestDistanceToLight
+ code += "sub " + targetReg + ".z, " + this._lightProjVarying + ".z, " + targetReg + ".z\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".z, " + this._propReg + ".x, " + targetReg + ".z\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".z, " + this._propReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".z\n" + "sat " + targetReg + ".z, " + targetReg + ".z\n" + "neg " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".x\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".y, " + this._propReg + ".z\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".y, " + this._propReg + ".z\n" + "mul " + this._targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".z, " + targetReg + ".y\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".y, " + this._colorReg + ".w, " + this._targetReg + ".w\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".y\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ return DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod;
+module.exports = DiffuseSubSurfaceMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var DiffuseBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod");
+ * DiffuseWrapMethod is an alternative to DiffuseBasicMethod in which the light is allowed to be "wrapped around" the normally dark area, to some extent.
+ * It can be used as a crude approximation to Oren-Nayar or simple subsurface scattering.
+ */
+var DiffuseWrapMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(DiffuseWrapMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseWrapMethod object.
+ * @param wrapFactor A factor to indicate the amount by which the light is allowed to wrap
+ */
+ function DiffuseWrapMethod(wrapFactor) {
+ if (wrapFactor === void 0) { wrapFactor = .5; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this.wrapFactor = wrapFactor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseWrapMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._wrapDataRegister = null;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(DiffuseWrapMethod.prototype, "wrapFactor", {
+ /**
+ * A factor to indicate the amount by which the light is allowed to wrap.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._wrapFactor;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._wrapFactor = value;
+ this._wrapFactor = 1 / (value + 1);
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseWrapMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = _super.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ this._pIsFirstLight = true;
+ this._wrapDataRegister = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex = this._wrapDataRegister.index * 4;
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseWrapMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerLight = function (shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = "";
+ var t;
+ // write in temporary if not first light, so we can add to total diffuse colour
+ if (this._pIsFirstLight) {
+ t = this._pTotalLightColorReg;
+ }
+ else {
+ t = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(t, 1);
+ }
+ code += "dp3 " + t + ".x, " + lightDirReg + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.normalFragment + ".xyz\n" + "add " + t + ".y, " + t + ".x, " + this._wrapDataRegister + ".x\n" + "mul " + t + ".y, " + t + ".y, " + this._wrapDataRegister + ".y\n" + "sat " + t + ".w, " + t + ".y\n" + "mul " + t + ".xz, " + t + ".w, " + lightDirReg + ".wz\n";
+ if (this._iModulateMethod != null)
+ code += this._iModulateMethod(shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ code += "mul " + t + ", " + t + ".x, " + lightColReg + "\n";
+ if (!this._pIsFirstLight) {
+ code += "add " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + t + ".xyz\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(t);
+ }
+ this._pIsFirstLight = false;
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ DiffuseWrapMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ data[index] = this._wrapFactor;
+ data[index + 1] = 1 / (this._wrapFactor + 1);
+ };
+ return DiffuseWrapMethod;
+module.exports = DiffuseWrapMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * EffectAlphaMaskMethod allows the use of an additional texture to specify the alpha value of the material. When used
+ * with the secondary uv set, it allows for a tiled main texture with independently varying alpha (useful for water
+ * etc).
+ */
+var EffectAlphaMaskMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(EffectAlphaMaskMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectAlphaMaskMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param texture The texture to use as the alpha mask.
+ * @param useSecondaryUV Indicated whether or not the secondary uv set for the mask. This allows mapping alpha independently.
+ */
+ function EffectAlphaMaskMethod(texture, useSecondaryUV) {
+ if (useSecondaryUV === void 0) { useSecondaryUV = false; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._texture = texture;
+ this._useSecondaryUV = useSecondaryUV;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectAlphaMaskMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ methodVO.needsSecondaryUV = this._useSecondaryUV;
+ methodVO.needsUV = !this._useSecondaryUV;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectAlphaMaskMethod.prototype, "useSecondaryUV", {
+ /**
+ * Indicated whether or not the secondary uv set for the mask. This allows mapping alpha independently, for
+ * instance to tile the main texture and normal map while providing untiled alpha, for example to define the
+ * transparency over a tiled water surface.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._useSecondaryUV;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (this._useSecondaryUV == value)
+ return;
+ this._useSecondaryUV = value;
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectAlphaMaskMethod.prototype, "texture", {
+ /**
+ * The texture to use as the alpha mask.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._texture;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._texture = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectAlphaMaskMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex, this._texture);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectAlphaMaskMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var textureReg = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var uvReg = this._useSecondaryUV ? sharedRegisters.secondaryUVVarying : sharedRegisters.uvVarying;
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = textureReg.index;
+ return ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(temp, sharedRegisters, textureReg, this._texture, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, uvReg) + "mul " + targetReg + ", " + targetReg + ", " + temp + ".x\n";
+ };
+ return EffectAlphaMaskMethod;
+module.exports = EffectAlphaMaskMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ * EffectColorMatrixMethod provides a shading method that changes the colour of a material analogous to a ColorMatrixFilter.
+ */
+var EffectColorMatrixMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(EffectColorMatrixMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectColorTransformMethod.
+ *
+ * @param matrix An array of 20 items for 4 x 5 color transform.
+ */
+ function EffectColorMatrixMethod(matrix) {
+ _super.call(this);
+ if (matrix.length != 20)
+ throw new Error("Matrix length must be 20!");
+ this._matrix = matrix;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectColorMatrixMethod.prototype, "colorMatrix", {
+ /**
+ * The 4 x 5 matrix to transform the color of the material.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._matrix;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._matrix = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectColorMatrixMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = "";
+ var colorMultReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var colorOffsetReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = colorMultReg.index * 4;
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ code += "m44 " + temp + ", " + targetReg + ", " + colorMultReg + "\n" + "add " + targetReg + ", " + temp + ", " + colorOffsetReg + "\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectColorMatrixMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ var matrix = this._matrix;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ // r
+ data[index] = matrix[0];
+ data[index + 1] = matrix[1];
+ data[index + 2] = matrix[2];
+ data[index + 3] = matrix[3];
+ // g
+ data[index + 4] = matrix[5];
+ data[index + 5] = matrix[6];
+ data[index + 6] = matrix[7];
+ data[index + 7] = matrix[8];
+ // b
+ data[index + 8] = matrix[10];
+ data[index + 9] = matrix[11];
+ data[index + 10] = matrix[12];
+ data[index + 11] = matrix[13];
+ // a
+ data[index + 12] = matrix[15];
+ data[index + 13] = matrix[16];
+ data[index + 14] = matrix[17];
+ data[index + 15] = matrix[18];
+ // rgba offset
+ data[index + 16] = matrix[4];
+ data[index + 17] = matrix[9];
+ data[index + 18] = matrix[14];
+ data[index + 19] = matrix[19];
+ };
+ return EffectColorMatrixMethod;
+module.exports = EffectColorMatrixMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * EffectEnvMapMethod provides a material method to perform reflection mapping using cube maps.
+ */
+var EffectEnvMapMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(EffectEnvMapMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates an EffectEnvMapMethod object.
+ * @param envMap The environment map containing the reflected scene.
+ * @param alpha The reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ function EffectEnvMapMethod(envMap, alpha) {
+ if (alpha === void 0) { alpha = 1; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._cubeTexture = envMap;
+ this._alpha = alpha;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectEnvMapMethod.prototype, "mask", {
+ /**
+ * An optional texture to modulate the reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._mask;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (value != this._mask || (value && this._mask && (value.hasMipmaps != this._mask.hasMipmaps || value.format != this._mask.format)))
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ this._mask = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectEnvMapMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ methodVO.needsNormals = true;
+ methodVO.needsView = true;
+ methodVO.needsUV = this._mask != null;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectEnvMapMethod.prototype, "envMap", {
+ /**
+ * The cubic environment map containing the reflected scene.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cubeTexture;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cubeTexture = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectEnvMapMethod.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectEnvMapMethod.prototype, "alpha", {
+ /**
+ * The reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._alpha;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._alpha = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectEnvMapMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ shaderObject.fragmentConstantData[methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex] = this._alpha;
+ stage.context.activateCubeTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex, this._cubeTexture);
+ if (this._mask)
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex + 1, this._mask);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectEnvMapMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var dataRegister = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var code = "";
+ var cubeMapReg = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = cubeMapReg.index;
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = dataRegister.index * 4;
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var temp2 = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ // r = I - 2(I.N)*N
+ code += "dp3 " + temp + ".w, " + sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.normalFragment + ".xyz\n" + "add " + temp + ".w, " + temp + ".w, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.normalFragment + ".xyz, " + temp + ".w\n" + "sub " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment + ".xyz\n" + ShaderCompilerHelper.getTexCubeSampleCode(temp, cubeMapReg, this._cubeTexture, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, temp) + "sub " + temp2 + ".w, " + temp + ".w, fc0.x\n" + "kil " + temp2 + ".w\n" + "sub " + temp + ", " + temp + ", " + targetReg + "\n";
+ if (this._mask)
+ code += ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(temp2, sharedRegisters, registerCache.getFreeTextureReg(), this._mask, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping) + "mul " + temp + ", " + temp2 + ", " + temp + "\n";
+ code += "mul " + temp + ", " + temp + ", " + dataRegister + ".x\n" + "add " + targetReg + ", " + targetReg + ", " + temp + "\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(temp);
+ return code;
+ };
+ return EffectEnvMapMethod;
+module.exports = EffectEnvMapMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ * EffectFogMethod provides a method to add distance-based fog to a material.
+ */
+var EffectFogMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(EffectFogMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectFogMethod object.
+ * @param minDistance The distance from which the fog starts appearing.
+ * @param maxDistance The distance at which the fog is densest.
+ * @param fogColor The colour of the fog.
+ */
+ function EffectFogMethod(minDistance, maxDistance, fogColor) {
+ if (fogColor === void 0) { fogColor = 0x808080; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._minDistance = 0;
+ this._maxDistance = 1000;
+ this.minDistance = minDistance;
+ this.maxDistance = maxDistance;
+ this.fogColor = fogColor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectFogMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ methodVO.needsProjection = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectFogMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ data[index + 3] = 1;
+ data[index + 6] = 0;
+ data[index + 7] = 0;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectFogMethod.prototype, "minDistance", {
+ /**
+ * The distance from which the fog starts appearing.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._minDistance;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._minDistance = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectFogMethod.prototype, "maxDistance", {
+ /**
+ * The distance at which the fog is densest.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._maxDistance;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._maxDistance = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectFogMethod.prototype, "fogColor", {
+ /**
+ * The colour of the fog.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._fogColor;
+ },
+ set: function (value /*uint*/) {
+ this._fogColor = value;
+ this._fogR = ((value >> 16) & 0xff) / 0xff;
+ this._fogG = ((value >> 8) & 0xff) / 0xff;
+ this._fogB = (value & 0xff) / 0xff;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectFogMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ data[index] = this._fogR;
+ data[index + 1] = this._fogG;
+ data[index + 2] = this._fogB;
+ data[index + 4] = this._minDistance;
+ data[index + 5] = 1 / (this._maxDistance - this._minDistance);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectFogMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var fogColor = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var fogData = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var temp2 = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var code = "";
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = fogColor.index * 4;
+ code += "sub " + temp2 + ".w, " + sharedRegisters.projectionFragment + ".z, " + fogData + ".x\n" + "mul " + temp2 + ".w, " + temp2 + ".w, " + fogData + ".y\n" + "sat " + temp2 + ".w, " + temp2 + ".w\n" + "sub " + temp + ", " + fogColor + ", " + targetReg + "\n" + "mul " + temp + ", " + temp + ", " + temp2 + ".w\n" + "add " + targetReg + ", " + targetReg + ", " + temp + "\n"; // fogRatio*(fogColor- col) + col
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(temp);
+ return code;
+ };
+ return EffectFogMethod;
+module.exports = EffectFogMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod provides a method to add fresnel-based reflectivity to an object using cube maps, which gets
+ * stronger as the viewing angle becomes more grazing.
+ */
+var EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod
+ *
+ * @param envMap The environment map containing the reflected scene.
+ * @param alpha The reflectivity of the material.
+ */
+ function EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod(envMap, alpha) {
+ if (alpha === void 0) { alpha = 1; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._fresnelPower = 5;
+ this._normalReflectance = 0;
+ this._cubeTexture = envMap;
+ this._alpha = alpha;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ methodVO.needsNormals = true;
+ methodVO.needsView = true;
+ methodVO.needsUV = this._mask != null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ shaderObject.fragmentConstantData[methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex + 3] = 1;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod.prototype, "mask", {
+ /**
+ * An optional texture to modulate the reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._mask;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (Boolean(value) != Boolean(this._mask) || (value && this._mask && (value.hasMipmaps != this._mask.hasMipmaps || value.format != this._mask.format))) {
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ }
+ this._mask = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod.prototype, "fresnelPower", {
+ /**
+ * The power used in the Fresnel equation. Higher values make the fresnel effect more pronounced. Defaults to 5.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._fresnelPower;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._fresnelPower = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod.prototype, "envMap", {
+ /**
+ * The cubic environment map containing the reflected scene.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._cubeTexture;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._cubeTexture = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod.prototype, "alpha", {
+ /**
+ * The reflectivity of the surface.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._alpha;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._alpha = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod.prototype, "normalReflectance", {
+ /**
+ * The minimum amount of reflectance, ie the reflectance when the view direction is normal to the surface or light direction.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._normalReflectance;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._normalReflectance = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ data[index] = this._alpha;
+ data[index + 1] = this._normalReflectance;
+ data[index + 2] = this._fresnelPower;
+ stage.context.activateCubeTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex, this._cubeTexture);
+ if (this._mask)
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex + 1, this._mask);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var dataRegister = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var code = "";
+ var cubeMapReg = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var viewDirReg = sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment;
+ var normalReg = sharedRegisters.normalFragment;
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = cubeMapReg.index;
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = dataRegister.index * 4;
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var temp2 = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ // r = V - 2(V.N)*N
+ code += "dp3 " + temp + ".w, " + viewDirReg + ".xyz, " + normalReg + ".xyz\n" + "add " + temp + ".w, " + temp + ".w, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + normalReg + ".xyz, " + temp + ".w\n" + "sub " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz, " + viewDirReg + ".xyz\n" + ShaderCompilerHelper.getTexCubeSampleCode(temp, cubeMapReg, this._cubeTexture, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, temp) + "sub " + temp2 + ".w, " + temp + ".w, fc0.x\n" + "kil " + temp2 + ".w\n" + "sub " + temp + ", " + temp + ", " + targetReg + "\n";
+ // calculate fresnel term
+ code += "dp3 " + viewDirReg + ".w, " + viewDirReg + ".xyz, " + normalReg + ".xyz\n" + "sub " + viewDirReg + ".w, " + dataRegister + ".w, " + viewDirReg + ".w\n" + "pow " + viewDirReg + ".w, " + viewDirReg + ".w, " + dataRegister + ".z\n" + "sub " + normalReg + ".w, " + dataRegister + ".w, " + viewDirReg + ".w\n" + "mul " + normalReg + ".w, " + dataRegister + ".y, " + normalReg + ".w\n" + "add " + viewDirReg + ".w, " + viewDirReg + ".w, " + normalReg + ".w\n" + "mul " + viewDirReg + ".w, " + dataRegister + ".x, " + viewDirReg + ".w\n";
+ if (this._mask) {
+ var maskReg = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ code += ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(temp2, sharedRegisters, maskReg, this._mask, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping) + "mul " + viewDirReg + ".w, " + temp2 + ".x, " + viewDirReg + ".w\n";
+ }
+ // blend
+ code += "mul " + temp + ", " + temp + ", " + viewDirReg + ".w\n" + "add " + targetReg + ", " + targetReg + ", " + temp + "\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(temp);
+ return code;
+ };
+ return EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod;
+module.exports = EffectFresnelEnvMapMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * EffectLightMapMethod provides a method that allows applying a light map texture to the calculated pixel colour.
+ * It is different from DiffuseLightMapMethod in that the latter only modulates the diffuse shading value rather
+ * than the whole pixel colour.
+ */
+var EffectLightMapMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(EffectLightMapMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectLightMapMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param texture The texture containing the light map.
+ * @param blendMode The blend mode with which the light map should be applied to the lighting result.
+ * @param useSecondaryUV Indicates whether the secondary UV set should be used to map the light map.
+ */
+ function EffectLightMapMethod(texture, blendMode, useSecondaryUV) {
+ if (blendMode === void 0) { blendMode = "multiply"; }
+ if (useSecondaryUV === void 0) { useSecondaryUV = false; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._useSecondaryUV = useSecondaryUV;
+ this._texture = texture;
+ this.blendMode = blendMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectLightMapMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ methodVO.needsUV = !this._useSecondaryUV;
+ methodVO.needsSecondaryUV = this._useSecondaryUV;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectLightMapMethod.prototype, "blendMode", {
+ /**
+ * The blend mode with which the light map should be applied to the lighting result.
+ *
+ * @see EffectLightMapMethod.ADD
+ * @see EffectLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._blendMode;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (value != EffectLightMapMethod.ADD && value != EffectLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY)
+ throw new Error("Unknown blendmode!");
+ if (this._blendMode == value)
+ return;
+ this._blendMode = value;
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectLightMapMethod.prototype, "texture", {
+ /**
+ * The texture containing the light map.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._texture;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (value.hasMipmaps != this._texture.hasMipmaps || value.format != this._texture.format)
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ this._texture = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectLightMapMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex, this._texture);
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectLightMapMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code;
+ var lightMapReg = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = lightMapReg.index;
+ code = ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(temp, sharedRegisters, lightMapReg, this._texture, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, this._useSecondaryUV ? sharedRegisters.secondaryUVVarying : sharedRegisters.uvVarying);
+ switch (this._blendMode) {
+ case EffectLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY:
+ code += "mul " + targetReg + ", " + targetReg + ", " + temp + "\n";
+ break;
+ case EffectLightMapMethod.ADD:
+ code += "add " + targetReg + ", " + targetReg + ", " + temp + "\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Indicates the light map should be multiplied with the calculated shading result.
+ */
+ EffectLightMapMethod.MULTIPLY = "multiply";
+ /**
+ * Indicates the light map should be added into the calculated shading result.
+ */
+ EffectLightMapMethod.ADD = "add";
+ return EffectLightMapMethod;
+module.exports = EffectLightMapMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod provides a method to add refracted transparency based on cube maps.
+ */
+var EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod object. Example values for dispersion are: dispersionR: -0.03, dispersionG: -0.01, dispersionB: = .0015
+ *
+ * @param envMap The environment map containing the refracted scene.
+ * @param refractionIndex The refractive index of the material.
+ * @param dispersionR The amount of chromatic dispersion of the red channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ * @param dispersionG The amount of chromatic dispersion of the green channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ * @param dispersionB The amount of chromatic dispersion of the blue channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ */
+ function EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod(envMap, refractionIndex, dispersionR, dispersionG, dispersionB) {
+ if (refractionIndex === void 0) { refractionIndex = .1; }
+ if (dispersionR === void 0) { dispersionR = 0; }
+ if (dispersionG === void 0) { dispersionG = 0; }
+ if (dispersionB === void 0) { dispersionB = 0; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._dispersionR = 0;
+ this._dispersionG = 0;
+ this._dispersionB = 0;
+ this._alpha = 1;
+ this._envMap = envMap;
+ this._dispersionR = dispersionR;
+ this._dispersionG = dispersionG;
+ this._dispersionB = dispersionB;
+ this._useDispersion = !(this._dispersionR == this._dispersionB && this._dispersionR == this._dispersionG);
+ this._refractionIndex = refractionIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ data[index + 4] = 1;
+ data[index + 5] = 0;
+ data[index + 7] = 1;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ methodVO.needsNormals = true;
+ methodVO.needsView = true;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype, "envMap", {
+ /**
+ * The cube environment map to use for the refraction.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._envMap;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._envMap = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype, "refractionIndex", {
+ /**
+ * The refractive index of the material.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._refractionIndex;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._refractionIndex = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype, "dispersionR", {
+ /**
+ * The amount of chromatic dispersion of the red channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._dispersionR;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._dispersionR = value;
+ var useDispersion = !(this._dispersionR == this._dispersionB && this._dispersionR == this._dispersionG);
+ if (this._useDispersion != useDispersion) {
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ this._useDispersion = useDispersion;
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype, "dispersionG", {
+ /**
+ * The amount of chromatic dispersion of the green channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._dispersionG;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._dispersionG = value;
+ var useDispersion = !(this._dispersionR == this._dispersionB && this._dispersionR == this._dispersionG);
+ if (this._useDispersion != useDispersion) {
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ this._useDispersion = useDispersion;
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype, "dispersionB", {
+ /**
+ * The amount of chromatic dispersion of the blue channel. Defaults to 0 (none).
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._dispersionB;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._dispersionB = value;
+ var useDispersion = !(this._dispersionR == this._dispersionB && this._dispersionR == this._dispersionG);
+ if (this._useDispersion != useDispersion) {
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ this._useDispersion = useDispersion;
+ }
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype, "alpha", {
+ /**
+ * The amount of transparency of the object. Warning: the alpha applies to the refracted color, not the actual
+ * material. A value of 1 will make it appear fully transparent.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._alpha;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._alpha = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ data[index] = this._dispersionR + this._refractionIndex;
+ if (this._useDispersion) {
+ data[index + 1] = this._dispersionG + this._refractionIndex;
+ data[index + 2] = this._dispersionB + this._refractionIndex;
+ }
+ data[index + 3] = this._alpha;
+ stage.context.activateCubeTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex, this._envMap);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ // todo: data2.x could use common reg, so only 1 reg is used
+ var data = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var data2 = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var code = "";
+ var cubeMapReg = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var refractionDir;
+ var refractionColor;
+ var temp;
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = cubeMapReg.index;
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = data.index * 4;
+ refractionDir = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(refractionDir, 1);
+ refractionColor = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(refractionColor, 1);
+ temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var viewDirReg = sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment;
+ var normalReg = sharedRegisters.normalFragment;
+ code += "neg " + viewDirReg + ".xyz, " + viewDirReg + ".xyz\n";
+ code += "dp3 " + temp + ".x, " + viewDirReg + ".xyz, " + normalReg + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + temp + ".w, " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".x\n" + "sub " + temp + ".w, " + data2 + ".x, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".w, " + data + ".x, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".w, " + data + ".x, " + temp + ".w\n" + "sub " + temp + ".w, " + data2 + ".x, " + temp + ".w\n" + "sqt " + temp + ".y, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".x, " + data + ".x, " + temp + ".x\n" + "add " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".y\n" + "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".x, " + normalReg + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + refractionDir + ", " + data + ".x, " + viewDirReg + "\n" + "sub " + refractionDir + ".xyz, " + refractionDir + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz\n" + "nrm " + refractionDir + ".xyz, " + refractionDir + ".xyz\n";
+ code += ShaderCompilerHelper.getTexCubeSampleCode(refractionColor, cubeMapReg, this._envMap, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, refractionDir) + "sub " + refractionColor + ".w, " + refractionColor + ".w, fc0.x \n" + "kil " + refractionColor + ".w\n";
+ if (this._useDispersion) {
+ // GREEN
+ code += "dp3 " + temp + ".x, " + viewDirReg + ".xyz, " + normalReg + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + temp + ".w, " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".x\n" + "sub " + temp + ".w, " + data2 + ".x, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".w, " + data + ".y, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".w, " + data + ".y, " + temp + ".w\n" + "sub " + temp + ".w, " + data2 + ".x, " + temp + ".w\n" + "sqt " + temp + ".y, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".x, " + data + ".y, " + temp + ".x\n" + "add " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".y\n" + "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".x, " + normalReg + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + refractionDir + ", " + data + ".y, " + viewDirReg + "\n" + "sub " + refractionDir + ".xyz, " + refractionDir + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz\n" + "nrm " + refractionDir + ".xyz, " + refractionDir + ".xyz\n";
+ code += ShaderCompilerHelper.getTexCubeSampleCode(temp, cubeMapReg, this._envMap, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, refractionDir) + "mov " + refractionColor + ".y, " + temp + ".y\n";
+ // BLUE
+ code += "dp3 " + temp + ".x, " + viewDirReg + ".xyz, " + normalReg + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + temp + ".w, " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".x\n" + "sub " + temp + ".w, " + data2 + ".x, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".w, " + data + ".z, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".w, " + data + ".z, " + temp + ".w\n" + "sub " + temp + ".w, " + data2 + ".x, " + temp + ".w\n" + "sqt " + temp + ".y, " + temp + ".w\n" + "mul " + temp + ".x, " + data + ".z, " + temp + ".x\n" + "add " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".y\n" + "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".x, " + normalReg + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + refractionDir + ", " + data + ".z, " + viewDirReg + "\n" + "sub " + refractionDir + ".xyz, " + refractionDir + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz\n" + "nrm " + refractionDir + ".xyz, " + refractionDir + ".xyz\n";
+ code += ShaderCompilerHelper.getTexCubeSampleCode(temp, cubeMapReg, this._envMap, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, refractionDir) + "mov " + refractionColor + ".z, " + temp + ".z\n";
+ }
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(refractionDir);
+ code += "sub " + refractionColor + ".xyz, " + refractionColor + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + refractionColor + ".xyz, " + refractionColor + ".xyz, " + data + ".w\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + refractionColor + ".xyz\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(refractionColor);
+ // restore
+ code += "neg " + viewDirReg + ".xyz, " + viewDirReg + ".xyz\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ return EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod;
+module.exports = EffectRefractionEnvMapMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var EffectMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/EffectMethodBase");
+ * EffectRimLightMethod provides a method to add rim lighting to a material. This adds a glow-like effect to edges of objects.
+ */
+var EffectRimLightMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(EffectRimLightMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new EffectRimLightMethod
+ *
+ * @param color The colour of the rim light.
+ * @param strength The strength of the rim light.
+ * @param power The power of the rim light. Higher values will result in a higher edge fall-off.
+ * @param blend The blend mode with which to add the light to the object.
+ */
+ function EffectRimLightMethod(color, strength, power, blend) {
+ if (color === void 0) { color = 0xffffff; }
+ if (strength === void 0) { strength = .4; }
+ if (power === void 0) { power = 2; }
+ if (blend === void 0) { blend = "mix"; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._blendMode = blend;
+ this._strength = strength;
+ this._power = power;
+ this.color = color;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectRimLightMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ shaderObject.fragmentConstantData[methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex + 3] = 1;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectRimLightMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ methodVO.needsNormals = true;
+ methodVO.needsView = true;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRimLightMethod.prototype, "blendMode", {
+ /**
+ * The blend mode with which to add the light to the object.
+ *
+ * EffectRimLightMethod.MULTIPLY multiplies the rim light with the material's colour.
+ * EffectRimLightMethod.ADD adds the rim light with the material's colour.
+ * EffectRimLightMethod.MIX provides normal alpha blending.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._blendMode;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (this._blendMode == value)
+ return;
+ this._blendMode = value;
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRimLightMethod.prototype, "color", {
+ /**
+ * The color of the rim light.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._color;
+ },
+ set: function (value /*uint*/) {
+ this._color = value;
+ this._colorR = ((value >> 16) & 0xff) / 0xff;
+ this._colorG = ((value >> 8) & 0xff) / 0xff;
+ this._colorB = (value & 0xff) / 0xff;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRimLightMethod.prototype, "strength", {
+ /**
+ * The strength of the rim light.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._strength;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._strength = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(EffectRimLightMethod.prototype, "power", {
+ /**
+ * The power of the rim light. Higher values will result in a higher edge fall-off.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._power;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._power = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectRimLightMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ data[index] = this._colorR;
+ data[index + 1] = this._colorG;
+ data[index + 2] = this._colorB;
+ data[index + 4] = this._strength;
+ data[index + 5] = this._power;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ EffectRimLightMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var dataRegister = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var dataRegister2 = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var code = "";
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = dataRegister.index * 4;
+ code += "dp3 " + temp + ".x, " + sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.normalFragment + ".xyz\n" + "sat " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".x\n" + "sub " + temp + ".x, " + dataRegister + ".w, " + temp + ".x\n" + "pow " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".x, " + dataRegister2 + ".y\n" + "mul " + temp + ".x, " + temp + ".x, " + dataRegister2 + ".x\n" + "sub " + temp + ".x, " + dataRegister + ".w, " + temp + ".x\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + temp + ".x\n" + "sub " + temp + ".w, " + dataRegister + ".w, " + temp + ".x\n";
+ if (this._blendMode == EffectRimLightMethod.ADD) {
+ code += "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".w, " + dataRegister + ".xyz\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ else if (this._blendMode == EffectRimLightMethod.MULTIPLY) {
+ code += "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".w, " + dataRegister + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ code += "sub " + temp + ".xyz, " + dataRegister + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz\n" + "mul " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz, " + temp + ".w\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + temp + ".xyz\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ EffectRimLightMethod.ADD = "add";
+ EffectRimLightMethod.MULTIPLY = "multiply";
+ EffectRimLightMethod.MIX = "mix";
+ return EffectRimLightMethod;
+module.exports = EffectRimLightMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var NormalBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/NormalBasicMethod");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * NormalHeightMapMethod provides a normal map method that uses a height map to calculate the normals.
+ */
+var NormalHeightMapMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(NormalHeightMapMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new NormalHeightMapMethod method.
+ *
+ * @param heightMap The texture containing the height data. 0 means low, 1 means high.
+ * @param worldWidth The width of the 'world'. This is used to map uv coordinates' u component to scene dimensions.
+ * @param worldHeight The height of the 'world'. This is used to map the height map values to scene dimensions.
+ * @param worldDepth The depth of the 'world'. This is used to map uv coordinates' v component to scene dimensions.
+ */
+ function NormalHeightMapMethod(heightMap, worldWidth, worldHeight, worldDepth) {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this.normalMap = heightMap;
+ this._worldXYRatio = worldWidth / worldHeight;
+ this._worldXZRatio = worldDepth / worldHeight;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ NormalHeightMapMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ data[index] = 1 / this.normalMap.width;
+ data[index + 1] = 1 / this.normalMap.height;
+ data[index + 2] = 0;
+ data[index + 3] = 1;
+ data[index + 4] = this._worldXYRatio;
+ data[index + 5] = this._worldXZRatio;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(NormalHeightMapMethod.prototype, "tangentSpace", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return false;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ NormalHeightMapMethod.prototype.copyFrom = function (method) {
+ _super.prototype.copyFrom.call(this, method);
+ this._worldXYRatio = method._worldXYRatio;
+ this._worldXZRatio = method._worldXZRatio;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ NormalHeightMapMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var dataReg2 = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ this._pNormalTextureRegister = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = this._pNormalTextureRegister.index;
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = dataReg.index * 4;
+ return ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(targetReg, sharedRegisters, this._pNormalTextureRegister, this.normalMap, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, sharedRegisters.uvVarying, "clamp") + "add " + temp + ", " + sharedRegisters.uvVarying + ", " + dataReg + ".xzzz\n" + ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(temp, sharedRegisters, this._pNormalTextureRegister, this.normalMap, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, temp, "clamp") + "sub " + targetReg + ".x, " + targetReg + ".x, " + temp + ".x\n" + "add " + temp + ", " + sharedRegisters.uvVarying + ", " + dataReg + ".zyzz\n" + ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(temp, sharedRegisters, this._pNormalTextureRegister, this.normalMap, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, temp, "clamp") + "sub " + targetReg + ".z, " + targetReg + ".z, " + temp + ".x\n" + "mov " + targetReg + ".y, " + dataReg + ".w\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".xz, " + targetReg + ".xz, " + dataReg2 + ".xy\n" + "nrm " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz\n";
+ };
+ return NormalHeightMapMethod;
+module.exports = NormalHeightMapMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var NormalBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/NormalBasicMethod");
+var ShaderCompilerHelper = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper");
+ * NormalSimpleWaterMethod provides a basic normal map method to create water ripples by translating two wave normal maps.
+ */
+var NormalSimpleWaterMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(NormalSimpleWaterMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new NormalSimpleWaterMethod object.
+ * @param waveMap1 A normal map containing one layer of a wave structure.
+ * @param waveMap2 A normal map containing a second layer of a wave structure.
+ */
+ function NormalSimpleWaterMethod(waveMap1, waveMap2) {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._useSecondNormalMap = false;
+ this._water1OffsetX = 0;
+ this._water1OffsetY = 0;
+ this._water2OffsetX = 0;
+ this._water2OffsetY = 0;
+ this.normalMap = waveMap1;
+ this.secondaryNormalMap = waveMap2;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ data[index] = .5;
+ data[index + 1] = 0;
+ data[index + 2] = 0;
+ data[index + 3] = 1;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ _super.prototype.iInitVO.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO);
+ this._useSecondNormalMap = this.normalMap != this.secondaryNormalMap;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype, "water1OffsetX", {
+ /**
+ * The translation of the first wave layer along the X-axis.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._water1OffsetX;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._water1OffsetX = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype, "water1OffsetY", {
+ /**
+ * The translation of the first wave layer along the Y-axis.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._water1OffsetY;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._water1OffsetY = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype, "water2OffsetX", {
+ /**
+ * The translation of the second wave layer along the X-axis.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._water2OffsetX;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._water2OffsetX = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype, "water2OffsetY", {
+ /**
+ * The translation of the second wave layer along the Y-axis.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._water2OffsetY;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._water2OffsetY = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype, "secondaryNormalMap", {
+ /**
+ * A second normal map that will be combined with the first to create a wave-like animation pattern.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._texture2;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._texture2 = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._normalTextureRegister2 = null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ _super.prototype.dispose.call(this);
+ this._texture2 = null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ data[index + 4] = this._water1OffsetX;
+ data[index + 5] = this._water1OffsetY;
+ data[index + 6] = this._water2OffsetX;
+ data[index + 7] = this._water2OffsetY;
+ //if (this._useSecondNormalMap >= 0)
+ if (this._useSecondNormalMap)
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex + 1, this._texture2);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ NormalSimpleWaterMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var dataReg2 = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ this._pNormalTextureRegister = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ this._normalTextureRegister2 = this._useSecondNormalMap ? registerCache.getFreeTextureReg() : this._pNormalTextureRegister;
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = this._pNormalTextureRegister.index;
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = dataReg.index * 4;
+ return "add " + temp + ", " + sharedRegisters.uvVarying + ", " + dataReg2 + ".xyxy\n" + ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(targetReg, sharedRegisters, this._pNormalTextureRegister, this.normalMap, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, temp) + "add " + temp + ", " + sharedRegisters.uvVarying + ", " + dataReg2 + ".zwzw\n" + ShaderCompilerHelper.getTex2DSampleCode(temp, sharedRegisters, this._normalTextureRegister2, this._texture2, shaderObject.useSmoothTextures, shaderObject.repeatTextures, shaderObject.useMipmapping, temp) + "add " + targetReg + ", " + targetReg + ", " + temp + " \n" + "mul " + targetReg + ", " + targetReg + ", " + dataReg + ".x \n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.commons + ".xxx \n" + "nrm " + targetReg + ".xyz, " + targetReg + ".xyz \n";
+ };
+ return NormalSimpleWaterMethod;
+module.exports = NormalSimpleWaterMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var DirectionalLight = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/DirectionalLight");
+var Event = require("awayjs-core/lib/events/Event");
+var ShadingMethodEvent = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/events/ShadingMethodEvent");
+var MethodVO = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO");
+var ShadowMapMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMapMethodBase");
+ * ShadowCascadeMethod is a shadow map method to apply cascade shadow mapping on materials.
+ * Must be used with a DirectionalLight with a CascadeShadowMapper assigned to its shadowMapper property.
+ *
+ * @see away.lights.CascadeShadowMapper
+ */
+var ShadowCascadeMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ShadowCascadeMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ShadowCascadeMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param shadowMethodBase The shadow map sampling method used to sample individual cascades (fe: ShadowHardMethod, ShadowSoftMethod)
+ */
+ function ShadowCascadeMethod(shadowMethodBase) {
+ var _this = this;
+ _super.call(this, shadowMethodBase.castingLight);
+ this._baseMethod = shadowMethodBase;
+ if (!(this._pCastingLight instanceof DirectionalLight))
+ throw new Error("ShadowCascadeMethod is only compatible with DirectionalLight");
+ this._cascadeShadowMapper = this._pCastingLight.shadowMapper;
+ if (!this._cascadeShadowMapper)
+ throw new Error("ShadowCascadeMethod requires a light that has a CascadeShadowMapper instance assigned to shadowMapper.");
+ this._cascadeShadowMapper.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, function (event) { return _this.onCascadeChange(event); });
+ this._baseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, function (event) { return _this.onShaderInvalidated(event); });
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype, "baseMethod", {
+ /**
+ * The shadow map sampling method used to sample individual cascades. These are typically those used in conjunction
+ * with a DirectionalShadowMapper.
+ *
+ * @see ShadowHardMethod
+ * @see ShadowSoftMethod
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._baseMethod;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (this._baseMethod == value)
+ return;
+ this._baseMethod.removeEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, function (event) { return _this.onShaderInvalidated(event); });
+ this._baseMethod = value;
+ this._baseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, function (event) { return _this.onShaderInvalidated(event); });
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ var tempVO = new MethodVO(this._baseMethod);
+ this._baseMethod.iInitVO(shaderObject, tempVO);
+ methodVO.needsGlobalVertexPos = true;
+ methodVO.needsProjection = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ var fragmentData = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var vertexData = shaderObject.vertexConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ fragmentData[index] = 1.0;
+ fragmentData[index + 1] = 1 / 255.0;
+ fragmentData[index + 2] = 1 / 65025.0;
+ fragmentData[index + 3] = 1 / 16581375.0;
+ fragmentData[index + 6] = .5;
+ fragmentData[index + 7] = -.5;
+ index = methodVO.vertexConstantsIndex;
+ vertexData[index] = .5;
+ vertexData[index + 1] = -.5;
+ vertexData[index + 2] = 0;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._cascadeProjections = null;
+ this._depthMapCoordVaryings = null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.iGetVertexCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = "";
+ var dataReg = registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ this.initProjectionsRegs(registerCache);
+ methodVO.vertexConstantsIndex = dataReg.index * 4;
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._cascadeShadowMapper.numCascades; ++i) {
+ code += "m44 " + temp + ", " + sharedRegisters.globalPositionVertex + ", " + this._cascadeProjections[i] + "\n" + "add " + this._depthMapCoordVaryings[i] + ", " + temp + ", " + dataReg + ".zzwz\n";
+ }
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates the registers for the cascades' projection coordinates.
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.initProjectionsRegs = function (registerCache) {
+ this._cascadeProjections = new Array(this._cascadeShadowMapper.numCascades);
+ this._depthMapCoordVaryings = new Array(this._cascadeShadowMapper.numCascades);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._cascadeShadowMapper.numCascades; ++i) {
+ this._depthMapCoordVaryings[i] = registerCache.getFreeVarying();
+ this._cascadeProjections[i] = registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ registerCache.getFreeVertexConstant();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var numCascades = this._cascadeShadowMapper.numCascades;
+ var depthMapRegister = registerCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var decReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var planeDistanceReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var planeDistances = Array(planeDistanceReg + ".x", planeDistanceReg + ".y", planeDistanceReg + ".z", planeDistanceReg + ".w");
+ var code;
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = decReg.index * 4;
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = depthMapRegister.index;
+ var inQuad = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(inQuad, 1);
+ var uvCoord = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(uvCoord, 1);
+ // assume lowest partition is selected, will be overwritten later otherwise
+ code = "mov " + uvCoord + ", " + this._depthMapCoordVaryings[numCascades - 1] + "\n";
+ for (var i = numCascades - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var uvProjection = this._depthMapCoordVaryings[i];
+ // calculate if in texturemap (result == 0 or 1, only 1 for a single partition)
+ code += "slt " + inQuad + ".z, " + sharedRegisters.projectionFragment + ".z, " + planeDistances[i] + "\n"; // z = x > minX, w = y > minY
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ // linearly interpolate between old and new uv coords using predicate value == conditional toggle to new value if predicate == 1 (true)
+ code += "sub " + temp + ", " + uvProjection + ", " + uvCoord + "\n" + "mul " + temp + ", " + temp + ", " + inQuad + ".z\n" + "add " + uvCoord + ", " + uvCoord + ", " + temp + "\n";
+ }
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(inQuad);
+ code += "div " + uvCoord + ", " + uvCoord + ", " + uvCoord + ".w\n" + "mul " + uvCoord + ".xy, " + uvCoord + ".xy, " + dataReg + ".zw\n" + "add " + uvCoord + ".xy, " + uvCoord + ".xy, " + dataReg + ".zz\n";
+ code += this._baseMethod._iGetCascadeFragmentCode(shaderObject, methodVO, decReg, depthMapRegister, uvCoord, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) + "add " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + dataReg + ".y\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(uvCoord);
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex, this._pCastingLight.shadowMapper.depthMap);
+ var vertexData = shaderObject.vertexConstantData;
+ var vertexIndex = methodVO.vertexConstantsIndex;
+ shaderObject.vertexConstantData[methodVO.vertexConstantsIndex + 3] = -1 / (this._cascadeShadowMapper.depth * this._pEpsilon);
+ var numCascades = this._cascadeShadowMapper.numCascades;
+ vertexIndex += 4;
+ for (var k = 0; k < numCascades; ++k) {
+ this._cascadeShadowMapper.getDepthProjections(k).copyRawDataTo(vertexData, vertexIndex, true);
+ vertexIndex += 16;
+ }
+ var fragmentData = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var fragmentIndex = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ fragmentData[fragmentIndex + 5] = 1 - this._pAlpha;
+ var nearPlaneDistances = this._cascadeShadowMapper._iNearPlaneDistances;
+ fragmentIndex += 8;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numCascades; ++i)
+ fragmentData[fragmentIndex + i] = nearPlaneDistances[i];
+ this._baseMethod.iActivateForCascade(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.iSetRenderState = function (shaderObject, methodVO, renderable, stage, camera) {
+ };
+ /**
+ * Called when the shadow mappers cascade configuration changes.
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.onCascadeChange = function (event) {
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Called when the base method's shader code is invalidated.
+ */
+ ShadowCascadeMethod.prototype.onShaderInvalidated = function (event) {
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ };
+ return ShadowCascadeMethod;
+module.exports = ShadowCascadeMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var BitmapData = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/BitmapData");
+var BitmapTexture = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/BitmapTexture");
+var ShadowMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMethodBase");
+ * ShadowDitheredMethod provides a soft shadowing technique by randomly distributing sample points differently for each fragment.
+ */
+var ShadowDitheredMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ShadowDitheredMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ShadowDitheredMethod object.
+ * @param castingLight The light casting the shadows
+ * @param numSamples The amount of samples to take for dithering. Minimum 1, maximum 24.
+ */
+ function ShadowDitheredMethod(castingLight, numSamples, range) {
+ if (numSamples === void 0) { numSamples = 4; }
+ if (range === void 0) { range = 1; }
+ _super.call(this, castingLight);
+ this._depthMapSize = this._pCastingLight.shadowMapper.depthMapSize;
+ this.numSamples = numSamples;
+ this.range = range;
+ ++ShadowDitheredMethod._grainUsages;
+ if (!ShadowDitheredMethod._grainTexture)
+ this.initGrainTexture();
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype, "numSamples", {
+ /**
+ * The amount of samples to take for dithering. Minimum 1, maximum 24. The actual maximum may depend on the
+ * complexity of the shader.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._numSamples;
+ },
+ set: function (value /*int*/) {
+ this._numSamples = value;
+ if (this._numSamples < 1)
+ this._numSamples = 1;
+ else if (this._numSamples > 24)
+ this._numSamples = 24;
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ _super.prototype.iInitVO.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO);
+ methodVO.needsProjection = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ _super.prototype.iInitConstants.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO);
+ var fragmentData = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ fragmentData[index + 8] = 1 / this._numSamples;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype, "range", {
+ /**
+ * The range in the shadow map in which to distribute the samples.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._range * 2;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._range = value / 2;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Creates a texture containing the dithering noise texture.
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype.initGrainTexture = function () {
+ ShadowDitheredMethod._grainBitmapData = new BitmapData(64, 64, false);
+ var vec = new Array();
+ var len = 4096;
+ var step = 1 / (this._depthMapSize * this._range);
+ var r, g;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ r = 2 * (Math.random() - .5);
+ g = 2 * (Math.random() - .5);
+ if (r < 0)
+ r -= step;
+ else
+ r += step;
+ if (g < 0)
+ g -= step;
+ else
+ g += step;
+ if (r > 1)
+ r = 1;
+ else if (r < -1)
+ r = -1;
+ if (g > 1)
+ g = 1;
+ else if (g < -1)
+ g = -1;
+ vec[i] = (Math.floor((r * .5 + .5) * 0xff) << 16) | (Math.floor((g * .5 + .5) * 0xff) << 8);
+ }
+ ShadowDitheredMethod._grainBitmapData.setVector(ShadowDitheredMethod._grainBitmapData.rect, vec);
+ ShadowDitheredMethod._grainTexture = new BitmapTexture(ShadowDitheredMethod._grainBitmapData);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ if (--ShadowDitheredMethod._grainUsages == 0) {
+ ShadowDitheredMethod._grainTexture.dispose();
+ ShadowDitheredMethod._grainBitmapData.dispose();
+ ShadowDitheredMethod._grainTexture = null;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ data[index + 9] = (stage.width - 1) / 63;
+ data[index + 10] = (stage.height - 1) / 63;
+ data[index + 11] = 2 * this._range / this._depthMapSize;
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex + 1, ShadowDitheredMethod._grainTexture);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype._pGetPlanarFragmentCode = function (methodVO, targetReg, regCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var depthMapRegister = regCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var decReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var dataReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var customDataReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = decReg.index * 4;
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = depthMapRegister.index;
+ return this.getSampleCode(customDataReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get the actual shader code for shadow mapping
+ * @param regCache The register cache managing the registers.
+ * @param depthMapRegister The texture register containing the depth map.
+ * @param decReg The register containing the depth map decoding data.
+ * @param targetReg The target register to add the shadow coverage.
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype.getSampleCode = function (customDataReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = "";
+ var grainRegister = regCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var uvReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var numSamples = this._numSamples;
+ regCache.addFragmentTempUsages(uvReg, 1);
+ var temp = regCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var projectionReg = sharedRegisters.projectionFragment;
+ code += "div " + uvReg + ", " + projectionReg + ", " + projectionReg + ".w\n" + "mul " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".xy, " + customDataReg + ".yz\n";
+ while (numSamples > 0) {
+ if (numSamples == this._numSamples)
+ code += "tex " + uvReg + ", " + uvReg + ", " + grainRegister + " <2d,nearest,repeat,mipnone>\n";
+ else
+ code += "tex " + uvReg + ", " + uvReg + ".zwxy, " + grainRegister + " <2d,nearest,repeat,mipnone>\n";
+ // keep grain in uvReg.zw
+ code += "sub " + uvReg + ".zw, " + uvReg + ".xy, fc0.xx\n" + "mul " + uvReg + ".zw, " + uvReg + ".zw, " + customDataReg + ".w\n"; // (tex unpack scale and tex scale in one)
+ if (numSamples == this._numSamples) {
+ // first sample
+ code += "add " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".zw, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".xy\n" + "tex " + temp + ", " + uvReg + ", " + depthMapRegister + " <2d,nearest,clamp,mipnone>\n" + "dp4 " + temp + ".z, " + temp + ", " + decReg + "\n" + "slt " + targetReg + ".w, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".z, " + temp + ".z\n"; // 0 if in shadow
+ }
+ else {
+ code += this.addSample(uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache);
+ }
+ if (numSamples > 4)
+ code += "add " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".zw\n" + this.addSample(uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache);
+ if (numSamples > 1)
+ code += "sub " + uvReg + ".xy, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".zw\n" + this.addSample(uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache);
+ if (numSamples > 5)
+ code += "sub " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".zw\n" + this.addSample(uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache);
+ if (numSamples > 2) {
+ code += "neg " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".w\n"; // will be rotated 90 degrees when being accessed as wz
+ code += "add " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".wz, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".xy\n" + this.addSample(uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache);
+ }
+ if (numSamples > 6)
+ code += "add " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".wz\n" + this.addSample(uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache);
+ if (numSamples > 3)
+ code += "sub " + uvReg + ".xy, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".wz\n" + this.addSample(uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache);
+ if (numSamples > 7)
+ code += "sub " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".xy, " + uvReg + ".wz\n" + this.addSample(uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache);
+ numSamples -= 8;
+ }
+ regCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(uvReg);
+ code += "mul " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + customDataReg + ".x\n"; // average
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds the code for another tap to the shader code.
+ * @param uvReg The uv register for the tap.
+ * @param depthMapRegister The texture register containing the depth map.
+ * @param decReg The register containing the depth map decoding data.
+ * @param targetReg The target register to add the tap comparison result.
+ * @param regCache The register cache managing the registers.
+ * @return
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype.addSample = function (uvReg, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, regCache) {
+ var temp = regCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ return "tex " + temp + ", " + uvReg + ", " + depthMapRegister + " <2d,nearest,clamp,mipnone>\n" + "dp4 " + temp + ".z, " + temp + ", " + decReg + "\n" + "slt " + temp + ".z, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".z, " + temp + ".z\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + temp + ".z\n";
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype.iActivateForCascade = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ data[index] = 1 / this._numSamples;
+ data[index + 1] = (stage.width - 1) / 63;
+ data[index + 2] = (stage.height - 1) / 63;
+ data[index + 3] = 2 * this._range / this._depthMapSize;
+ stage.context.activateTexture(methodVO.texturesIndex + 1, ShadowDitheredMethod._grainTexture);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowDitheredMethod.prototype._iGetCascadeFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, decodeRegister, depthTexture, depthProjection, targetRegister, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ this._pDepthMapCoordReg = depthProjection;
+ var dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex = dataReg.index * 4;
+ return this.getSampleCode(dataReg, depthTexture, decodeRegister, targetRegister, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ return ShadowDitheredMethod;
+module.exports = ShadowDitheredMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ShadowMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMethodBase");
+ * ShadowFilteredMethod provides a softened shadowing technique by bilinearly interpolating shadow comparison
+ * results of neighbouring pixels.
+ */
+var ShadowFilteredMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ShadowFilteredMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseBasicMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param castingLight The light casting the shadow
+ */
+ function ShadowFilteredMethod(castingLight) {
+ _super.call(this, castingLight);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowFilteredMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ _super.prototype.iInitConstants.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO);
+ var fragmentData = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex;
+ fragmentData[index + 8] = .5;
+ var size = this.castingLight.shadowMapper.depthMapSize;
+ fragmentData[index + 9] = size;
+ fragmentData[index + 10] = 1 / size;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowFilteredMethod.prototype._pGetPlanarFragmentCode = function (methodVO, targetReg, regCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var depthMapRegister = regCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var decReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var dataReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ // TODO: not used
+ dataReg = dataReg;
+ var customDataReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var depthCol = regCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var uvReg;
+ var code = "";
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = decReg.index * 4;
+ regCache.addFragmentTempUsages(depthCol, 1);
+ uvReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ regCache.addFragmentTempUsages(uvReg, 1);
+ code += "mov " + uvReg + ", " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + "\n" + "tex " + depthCol + ", " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ", " + depthMapRegister + " <2d, nearest, clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + depthCol + ".z, " + depthCol + ", " + decReg + "\n" + "slt " + uvReg + ".z, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".z, " + depthCol + ".z\n" + "add " + uvReg + ".x, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".x, " + customDataReg + ".z\n" + "tex " + depthCol + ", " + uvReg + ", " + depthMapRegister + " <2d, nearest, clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + depthCol + ".z, " + depthCol + ", " + decReg + "\n" + "slt " + uvReg + ".w, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".z, " + depthCol + ".z\n" + "mul " + depthCol + ".x, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".x, " + customDataReg + ".y\n" + "frc " + depthCol + ".x, " + depthCol + ".x\n" + "sub " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".z\n" + "mul " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".w, " + depthCol + ".x\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".z, " + uvReg + ".w\n" + "mov " + uvReg + ".x, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".x\n" + "add " + uvReg + ".y, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".y, " + customDataReg + ".z\n" + "tex " + depthCol + ", " + uvReg + ", " + depthMapRegister + " <2d, nearest, clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + depthCol + ".z, " + depthCol + ", " + decReg + "\n" + "slt " + uvReg + ".z, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".z, " + depthCol + ".z\n" + "add " + uvReg + ".x, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".x, " + customDataReg + ".z\n" + "tex " + depthCol + ", " + uvReg + ", " + depthMapRegister + " <2d, nearest, clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + depthCol + ".z, " + depthCol + ", " + decReg + "\n" + "slt " + uvReg + ".w, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".z, " + depthCol + ".z\n" + "mul " + depthCol + ".x, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".x, " + customDataReg + ".y\n" + "frc " + depthCol + ".x, " + depthCol + ".x\n" + "sub " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".z\n" + "mul " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".w, " + depthCol + ".x\n" + "add " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".z, " + uvReg + ".w\n" + "mul " + depthCol + ".x, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".y, " + customDataReg + ".y\n" + "frc " + depthCol + ".x, " + depthCol + ".x\n" + "sub " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w\n" + "mul " + uvReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".w, " + depthCol + ".x\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + uvReg + ".w\n";
+ regCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(depthCol);
+ regCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(uvReg);
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = depthMapRegister.index;
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowFilteredMethod.prototype.iActivateForCascade = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ var size = this.castingLight.shadowMapper.depthMapSize;
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ data[index] = size;
+ data[index + 1] = 1 / size;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowFilteredMethod.prototype._iGetCascadeFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, decodeRegister, depthTexture, depthProjection, targetRegister, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code;
+ var dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex = dataReg.index * 4;
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(temp, 1);
+ var predicate = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(predicate, 1);
+ code = "tex " + temp + ", " + depthProjection + ", " + depthTexture + " <2d, nearest, clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + temp + ".z, " + temp + ", " + decodeRegister + "\n" + "slt " + predicate + ".x, " + depthProjection + ".z, " + temp + ".z\n" + "add " + depthProjection + ".x, " + depthProjection + ".x, " + dataReg + ".y\n" + "tex " + temp + ", " + depthProjection + ", " + depthTexture + " <2d, nearest, clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + temp + ".z, " + temp + ", " + decodeRegister + "\n" + "slt " + predicate + ".z, " + depthProjection + ".z, " + temp + ".z\n" + "add " + depthProjection + ".y, " + depthProjection + ".y, " + dataReg + ".y\n" + "tex " + temp + ", " + depthProjection + ", " + depthTexture + " <2d, nearest, clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + temp + ".z, " + temp + ", " + decodeRegister + "\n" + "slt " + predicate + ".w, " + depthProjection + ".z, " + temp + ".z\n" + "sub " + depthProjection + ".x, " + depthProjection + ".x, " + dataReg + ".y\n" + "tex " + temp + ", " + depthProjection + ", " + depthTexture + " <2d, nearest, clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + temp + ".z, " + temp + ", " + decodeRegister + "\n" + "slt " + predicate + ".y, " + depthProjection + ".z, " + temp + ".z\n" + "mul " + temp + ".xy, " + depthProjection + ".xy, " + dataReg + ".x\n" + "frc " + temp + ".xy, " + temp + ".xy\n" + "sub " + depthProjection + ", " + predicate + ".xyzw, " + predicate + ".zwxy\n" + "mul " + depthProjection + ", " + depthProjection + ", " + temp + ".x\n" + "add " + predicate + ".xy, " + predicate + ".xy, " + depthProjection + ".zw\n" + "sub " + predicate + ".y, " + predicate + ".y, " + predicate + ".x\n" + "mul " + predicate + ".y, " + predicate + ".y, " + temp + ".y\n" + "add " + targetRegister + ".w, " + predicate + ".x, " + predicate + ".y\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(temp);
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(predicate);
+ return code;
+ };
+ return ShadowFilteredMethod;
+module.exports = ShadowFilteredMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ShadingMethodEvent = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/events/ShadingMethodEvent");
+var ShadowMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMethodBase");
+// TODO: shadow mappers references in materials should be an interface so that this class should NOT extend ShadowMapMethodBase just for some delegation work
+ * ShadowNearMethod provides a shadow map method that restricts the shadowed area near the camera to optimize
+ * shadow map usage. This method needs to be used in conjunction with a NearDirectionalShadowMapper.
+ *
+ * @see away.lights.NearDirectionalShadowMapper
+ */
+var ShadowNearMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ShadowNearMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ShadowNearMethod object.
+ * @param baseMethod The shadow map sampling method used to sample individual cascades (fe: ShadowHardMethod, ShadowSoftMethod)
+ * @param fadeRatio The amount of shadow fading to the outer shadow area. A value of 1 would mean the shadows start fading from the camera's near plane.
+ */
+ function ShadowNearMethod(baseMethod, fadeRatio) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (fadeRatio === void 0) { fadeRatio = .1; }
+ _super.call(this, baseMethod.castingLight);
+ this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate = function (event) { return _this.onShaderInvalidated(event); };
+ this._baseMethod = baseMethod;
+ this._fadeRatio = fadeRatio;
+ this._nearShadowMapper = this._pCastingLight.shadowMapper;
+ if (!this._nearShadowMapper)
+ throw new Error("ShadowNearMethod requires a light that has a NearDirectionalShadowMapper instance assigned to shadowMapper.");
+ this._baseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ShadowNearMethod.prototype, "baseMethod", {
+ /**
+ * The base shadow map method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._baseMethod;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (this._baseMethod == value)
+ return;
+ this._baseMethod.removeEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ this._baseMethod = value;
+ this._baseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ _super.prototype.iInitConstants.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO);
+ this._baseMethod.iInitConstants(shaderObject, methodVO);
+ var fragmentData = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ fragmentData[index + 2] = 0;
+ fragmentData[index + 3] = 1;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ this._baseMethod.iInitVO(shaderObject, methodVO);
+ methodVO.needsProjection = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ this._baseMethod.removeEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(ShadowNearMethod.prototype, "alpha", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._baseMethod.alpha;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._baseMethod.alpha = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ShadowNearMethod.prototype, "epsilon", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._baseMethod.epsilon;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._baseMethod.epsilon = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ShadowNearMethod.prototype, "fadeRatio", {
+ /**
+ * The amount of shadow fading to the outer shadow area. A value of 1 would mean the shadows start fading from the camera's near plane.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._fadeRatio;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._fadeRatio = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = this._baseMethod.iGetFragmentCode(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ var dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var temp = registerCache.getFreeFragmentSingleTemp();
+ methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex = dataReg.index * 4;
+ code += "abs " + temp + ", " + sharedRegisters.projectionFragment + ".w\n" + "sub " + temp + ", " + temp + ", " + dataReg + ".x\n" + "mul " + temp + ", " + temp + ", " + dataReg + ".y\n" + "sat " + temp + ", " + temp + "\n" + "sub " + temp + ", " + dataReg + ".w," + temp + "\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".w, " + dataReg + ".w," + targetReg + ".w\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + temp + "\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".w, " + dataReg + ".w," + targetReg + ".w\n";
+ return code;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ this._baseMethod.iActivate(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.iDeactivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ this._baseMethod.iDeactivate(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.iSetRenderState = function (shaderObject, methodVO, renderable, stage, camera) {
+ // todo: move this to activate (needs camera)
+ var near = camera.projection.near;
+ var d = camera.projection.far - near;
+ var maxDistance = this._nearShadowMapper.coverageRatio;
+ var minDistance = maxDistance * (1 - this._fadeRatio);
+ maxDistance = near + maxDistance * d;
+ minDistance = near + minDistance * d;
+ var fragmentData = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ fragmentData[index] = minDistance;
+ fragmentData[index + 1] = 1 / (maxDistance - minDistance);
+ this._baseMethod.iSetRenderState(shaderObject, methodVO, renderable, stage, camera);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.iGetVertexCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return this._baseMethod.iGetVertexCode(shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.iReset = function () {
+ this._baseMethod.iReset();
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._baseMethod.iCleanCompilationData();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Called when the base method's shader code is invalidated.
+ */
+ ShadowNearMethod.prototype.onShaderInvalidated = function (event) {
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ };
+ return ShadowNearMethod;
+module.exports = ShadowNearMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var PoissonLookup = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/PoissonLookup");
+var ShadowMethodBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/ShadowMethodBase");
+ * ShadowSoftMethod provides a soft shadowing technique by randomly distributing sample points.
+ */
+var ShadowSoftMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(ShadowSoftMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new DiffuseBasicMethod object.
+ *
+ * @param castingLight The light casting the shadows
+ * @param numSamples The amount of samples to take for dithering. Minimum 1, maximum 32.
+ */
+ function ShadowSoftMethod(castingLight, numSamples, range) {
+ if (numSamples === void 0) { numSamples = 5; }
+ if (range === void 0) { range = 1; }
+ _super.call(this, castingLight);
+ this._range = 1;
+ this.numSamples = numSamples;
+ this.range = range;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ShadowSoftMethod.prototype, "numSamples", {
+ /**
+ * The amount of samples to take for dithering. Minimum 1, maximum 32. The actual maximum may depend on the
+ * complexity of the shader.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._numSamples;
+ },
+ set: function (value /*int*/) {
+ this._numSamples = value;
+ if (this._numSamples < 1)
+ this._numSamples = 1;
+ else if (this._numSamples > 32)
+ this._numSamples = 32;
+ this._offsets = PoissonLookup.getDistribution(this._numSamples);
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ShadowSoftMethod.prototype, "range", {
+ /**
+ * The range in the shadow map in which to distribute the samples.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._range;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._range = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowSoftMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ _super.prototype.iInitConstants.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO);
+ shaderObject.fragmentConstantData[methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex + 8] = 1 / this._numSamples;
+ shaderObject.fragmentConstantData[methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex + 9] = 0;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowSoftMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ var texRange = .5 * this._range / this._pCastingLight.shadowMapper.depthMapSize;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex + 10;
+ var len = this._numSamples << 1;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ data[index + i] = this._offsets[i] * texRange;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowSoftMethod.prototype._pGetPlanarFragmentCode = function (methodVO, targetReg, regCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ // todo: move some things to super
+ var depthMapRegister = regCache.getFreeTextureReg();
+ var decReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var dataReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ var customDataReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.fragmentConstantsIndex = decReg.index * 4;
+ methodVO.texturesIndex = depthMapRegister.index;
+ return this.getSampleCode(regCache, depthMapRegister, decReg, targetReg, customDataReg);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds the code for another tap to the shader code.
+ * @param uv The uv register for the tap.
+ * @param texture The texture register containing the depth map.
+ * @param decode The register containing the depth map decoding data.
+ * @param target The target register to add the tap comparison result.
+ * @param regCache The register cache managing the registers.
+ * @return
+ */
+ ShadowSoftMethod.prototype.addSample = function (uv, texture, decode, target, regCache) {
+ var temp = regCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ return "tex " + temp + ", " + uv + ", " + texture + " <2d,nearest,clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + temp + ".z, " + temp + ", " + decode + "\n" + "slt " + uv + ".w, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".z, " + temp + ".z\n" + "add " + target + ".w, " + target + ".w, " + uv + ".w\n";
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowSoftMethod.prototype.iActivateForCascade = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ var texRange = this._range / this._pCastingLight.shadowMapper.depthMapSize;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var len = this._numSamples << 1;
+ data[index] = 1 / this._numSamples;
+ data[index + 1] = 0;
+ index += 2;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ data[index + i] = this._offsets[i] * texRange;
+ if (len % 4 == 0) {
+ data[index + len] = 0;
+ data[index + len + 1] = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ ShadowSoftMethod.prototype._iGetCascadeFragmentCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, decodeRegister, depthTexture, depthProjection, targetRegister, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ this._pDepthMapCoordReg = depthProjection;
+ var dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex = dataReg.index * 4;
+ return this.getSampleCode(registerCache, depthTexture, decodeRegister, targetRegister, dataReg);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get the actual shader code for shadow mapping
+ * @param regCache The register cache managing the registers.
+ * @param depthTexture The texture register containing the depth map.
+ * @param decodeRegister The register containing the depth map decoding data.
+ * @param targetReg The target register to add the shadow coverage.
+ * @param dataReg The register containing additional data.
+ */
+ ShadowSoftMethod.prototype.getSampleCode = function (regCache, depthTexture, decodeRegister, targetRegister, dataReg) {
+ var uvReg;
+ var code;
+ var offsets = new Array(dataReg + ".zw");
+ uvReg = regCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ regCache.addFragmentTempUsages(uvReg, 1);
+ var temp = regCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ var numRegs = this._numSamples >> 1;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numRegs; ++i) {
+ var reg = regCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ offsets.push(reg + ".xy");
+ offsets.push(reg + ".zw");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this._numSamples; ++i) {
+ if (i == 0) {
+ code = "add " + uvReg + ", " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ", " + dataReg + ".zwyy\n" + "tex " + temp + ", " + uvReg + ", " + depthTexture + " <2d,nearest,clamp>\n" + "dp4 " + temp + ".z, " + temp + ", " + decodeRegister + "\n" + "slt " + targetRegister + ".w, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".z, " + temp + ".z\n"; // 0 if in shadow;
+ }
+ else {
+ code += "add " + uvReg + ".xy, " + this._pDepthMapCoordReg + ".xy, " + offsets[i] + "\n" + this.addSample(uvReg, depthTexture, decodeRegister, targetRegister, regCache);
+ }
+ }
+ regCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(uvReg);
+ code += "mul " + targetRegister + ".w, " + targetRegister + ".w, " + dataReg + ".x\n"; // average
+ return code;
+ };
+ return ShadowSoftMethod;
+module.exports = ShadowSoftMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var SpecularBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularBasicMethod");
+ * SpecularAnisotropicMethod provides a specular method resulting in anisotropic highlights. These are typical for
+ * surfaces with microfacet details such as tiny grooves. In particular, this uses the Heidrich-Seidel distrubution.
+ * The tangent vectors are used as the surface groove directions.
+ */
+var SpecularAnisotropicMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SpecularAnisotropicMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularAnisotropicMethod object.
+ */
+ function SpecularAnisotropicMethod() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularAnisotropicMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ methodVO.needsTangents = true;
+ methodVO.needsView = true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularAnisotropicMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerLight = function (shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = "";
+ var t;
+ if (this._pIsFirstLight)
+ t = this._pTotalLightColorReg;
+ else {
+ t = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(t, 1);
+ }
+ // (sin(l,t) * sin(v,t) - cos(l,t)*cos(v,t)) ^ k
+ code += "nrm " + t + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.tangentVarying + ".xyz\n" + "dp3 " + t + ".w, " + t + ".xyz, " + lightDirReg + ".xyz\n" + "dp3 " + t + ".z, " + t + ".xyz, " + sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment + ".xyz\n";
+ // (sin(t.w) * sin(t.z) - cos(t.w)*cos(t.z)) ^ k
+ code += "sin " + t + ".x, " + t + ".w\n" + "sin " + t + ".y, " + t + ".z\n" + "mul " + t + ".x, " + t + ".x, " + t + ".y\n" + "cos " + t + ".z, " + t + ".z\n" + "cos " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w\n" + "mul " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + t + ".z\n" + "sub " + t + ".w, " + t + ".x, " + t + ".w\n";
+ if (this._pUseTexture) {
+ // apply gloss modulation from texture
+ code += "mul " + this._pSpecularTexData + ".w, " + this._pSpecularTexData + ".y, " + this._pSpecularDataRegister + ".w\n" + "pow " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + this._pSpecularTexData + ".w\n";
+ }
+ else
+ code += "pow " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + this._pSpecularDataRegister + ".w\n";
+ // attenuate
+ code += "mul " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + lightDirReg + ".w\n";
+ if (this._iModulateMethod != null)
+ code += this._iModulateMethod(shaderObject, methodVO, t, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ code += "mul " + t + ".xyz, " + lightColReg + ".xyz, " + t + ".w\n";
+ if (!this._pIsFirstLight) {
+ code += "add " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + t + ".xyz\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(t);
+ }
+ this._pIsFirstLight = false;
+ return code;
+ };
+ return SpecularAnisotropicMethod;
+module.exports = SpecularAnisotropicMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var SpecularCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularCompositeMethod");
+ * SpecularCelMethod provides a shading method to add specular cel (cartoon) shading.
+ */
+var SpecularCelMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SpecularCelMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularCelMethod object.
+ * @param specularCutOff The threshold at which the specular highlight should be shown.
+ * @param baseMethod An optional specular method on which the cartoon shading is based. If ommitted, SpecularBasicMethod is used.
+ */
+ function SpecularCelMethod(specularCutOff, baseMethod) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (specularCutOff === void 0) { specularCutOff = .5; }
+ if (baseMethod === void 0) { baseMethod = null; }
+ _super.call(this, null, baseMethod);
+ this._smoothness = .1;
+ this._specularCutOff = .1;
+ this.baseMethod._iModulateMethod = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) { return _this.clampSpecular(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters); };
+ this._specularCutOff = specularCutOff;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularCelMethod.prototype, "smoothness", {
+ /**
+ * The smoothness of the highlight edge.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._smoothness;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._smoothness = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularCelMethod.prototype, "specularCutOff", {
+ /**
+ * The threshold at which the specular highlight should be shown.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._specularCutOff;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._specularCutOff = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCelMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ var data = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ data[index] = this._smoothness;
+ data[index + 1] = this._specularCutOff;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCelMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._dataReg = null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Snaps the specular shading strength of the wrapped method to zero or one, depending on whether or not it exceeds the specularCutOff
+ * @param vo The MethodVO used to compile the current shader.
+ * @param t The register containing the specular strength in the "w" component, and either the half-vector or the reflection vector in "xyz".
+ * @param regCache The register cache used for the shader compilation.
+ * @param sharedRegisters The shared register data for this shader.
+ * @return The AGAL fragment code for the method.
+ */
+ SpecularCelMethod.prototype.clampSpecular = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return "sub " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".w, " + this._dataReg + ".y\n" + "div " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".y, " + this._dataReg + ".x\n" + "sat " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".y\n" + "sge " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + this._dataReg + ".y\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".y\n";
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCelMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ this._dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex = this._dataReg.index * 4;
+ return _super.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ return SpecularCelMethod;
+module.exports = SpecularCelMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var ShadingMethodEvent = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/events/ShadingMethodEvent");
+var SpecularBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularBasicMethod");
+ * SpecularCompositeMethod provides a base class for specular methods that wrap a specular method to alter the
+ * calculated specular reflection strength.
+ */
+var SpecularCompositeMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SpecularCompositeMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularCompositeMethod
+ *
+ * @param modulateMethod The method which will add the code to alter the base method's strength. It needs to have the signature modSpecular(t:ShaderRegisterElement, regCache:ShaderRegisterCache):string, in which t.w will contain the specular strength and t.xyz will contain the half-vector or the reflection vector.
+ * @param baseMethod The base specular method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ function SpecularCompositeMethod(modulateMethod, baseMethod) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (baseMethod === void 0) { baseMethod = null; }
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate = function (event) { return _this.onShaderInvalidated(event); };
+ this._baseMethod = baseMethod || new SpecularBasicMethod();
+ this._baseMethod._iModulateMethod = modulateMethod;
+ this._baseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iInitVO = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ this._baseMethod.iInitVO(shaderObject, methodVO);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ this._baseMethod.iInitConstants(shaderObject, methodVO);
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype, "baseMethod", {
+ /**
+ * The base specular method on which this method's shading is based.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._baseMethod;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (this._baseMethod == value)
+ return;
+ this._baseMethod.removeEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ this._baseMethod = value;
+ this._baseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype, "gloss", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._baseMethod.gloss;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._baseMethod.gloss = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype, "specular", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._baseMethod.specular;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._baseMethod.specular = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype, "passes", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._baseMethod.passes;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.dispose = function () {
+ this._baseMethod.removeEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);
+ this._baseMethod.dispose();
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype, "texture", {
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._baseMethod.texture;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._baseMethod.texture = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ this._baseMethod.iActivate(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iSetRenderState = function (shaderObject, methodVO, renderable, stage, camera) {
+ this._baseMethod.iSetRenderState(shaderObject, methodVO, renderable, stage, camera);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iDeactivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ this._baseMethod.iDeactivate(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetVertexCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return this._baseMethod.iGetVertexCode(shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return this._baseMethod.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerLight = function (shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return this._baseMethod.iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ * @return
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerProbe = function (shaderObject, methodVO, cubeMapReg, weightRegister, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return this._baseMethod.iGetFragmentCodePerProbe(shaderObject, methodVO, cubeMapReg, weightRegister, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ return this._baseMethod.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iReset = function () {
+ this._baseMethod.iReset();
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._baseMethod.iCleanCompilationData();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Called when the base method's shader code is invalidated.
+ */
+ SpecularCompositeMethod.prototype.onShaderInvalidated = function (event) {
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ };
+ return SpecularCompositeMethod;
+module.exports = SpecularCompositeMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var SpecularCompositeMethod = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularCompositeMethod");
+ * SpecularFresnelMethod provides a specular shading method that causes stronger highlights on grazing view angles.
+ */
+var SpecularFresnelMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SpecularFresnelMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularFresnelMethod object.
+ * @param basedOnSurface Defines whether the fresnel effect should be based on the view angle on the surface (if true), or on the angle between the light and the view.
+ * @param baseMethod The specular method to which the fresnel equation. Defaults to SpecularBasicMethod.
+ */
+ function SpecularFresnelMethod(basedOnSurface, baseMethod) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (basedOnSurface === void 0) { basedOnSurface = true; }
+ if (baseMethod === void 0) { baseMethod = null; }
+ // may want to offer diff speculars
+ _super.call(this, null, baseMethod);
+ this._fresnelPower = 5;
+ this._normalReflectance = .028; // default value for skin
+ this.baseMethod._iModulateMethod = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) { return _this.modulateSpecular(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters); };
+ this._incidentLight = !basedOnSurface;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularFresnelMethod.prototype.iInitConstants = function (shaderObject, methodVO) {
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ shaderObject.fragmentConstantData[index + 2] = 1;
+ shaderObject.fragmentConstantData[index + 3] = 0;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularFresnelMethod.prototype, "basedOnSurface", {
+ /**
+ * Defines whether the fresnel effect should be based on the view angle on the surface (if true), or on the angle between the light and the view.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return !this._incidentLight;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (this._incidentLight != value)
+ return;
+ this._incidentLight = !value;
+ this.iInvalidateShaderProgram();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularFresnelMethod.prototype, "fresnelPower", {
+ /**
+ * The power used in the Fresnel equation. Higher values make the fresnel effect more pronounced. Defaults to 5.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._fresnelPower;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._fresnelPower = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularFresnelMethod.prototype.iCleanCompilationData = function () {
+ _super.prototype.iCleanCompilationData.call(this);
+ this._dataReg = null;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(SpecularFresnelMethod.prototype, "normalReflectance", {
+ /**
+ * The minimum amount of reflectance, ie the reflectance when the view direction is normal to the surface or light direction.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._normalReflectance;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._normalReflectance = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularFresnelMethod.prototype.iActivate = function (shaderObject, methodVO, stage) {
+ _super.prototype.iActivate.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, stage);
+ var fragmentData = shaderObject.fragmentConstantData;
+ var index = methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex;
+ fragmentData[index] = this._normalReflectance;
+ fragmentData[index + 1] = this._fresnelPower;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularFresnelMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode = function (shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ this._dataReg = registerCache.getFreeFragmentConstant();
+ console.log('SpecularFresnelMethod', 'iGetFragmentPreLightingCode', this._dataReg);
+ methodVO.secondaryFragmentConstantsIndex = this._dataReg.index * 4;
+ return _super.prototype.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode.call(this, shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Applies the fresnel effect to the specular strength.
+ *
+ * @param vo The MethodVO object containing the method data for the currently compiled material pass.
+ * @param target The register containing the specular strength in the "w" component, and the half-vector/reflection vector in "xyz".
+ * @param regCache The register cache used for the shader compilation.
+ * @param sharedRegisters The shared registers created by the compiler.
+ * @return The AGAL fragment code for the method.
+ */
+ SpecularFresnelMethod.prototype.modulateSpecular = function (shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code;
+ code = "dp3 " + targetReg + ".y, " + sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment + ".xyz, " + (this._incidentLight ? targetReg : sharedRegisters.normalFragment) + ".xyz\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".y, " + this._dataReg + ".z, " + targetReg + ".y\n" + "pow " + targetReg + ".x, " + targetReg + ".y, " + this._dataReg + ".y\n" + "sub " + targetReg + ".y, " + this._dataReg + ".z, " + targetReg + ".y\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".y, " + this._dataReg + ".x, " + targetReg + ".y\n" + "add " + targetReg + ".y, " + targetReg + ".x, " + targetReg + ".y\n" + "mul " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".w, " + targetReg + ".y\n";
+ console.log('SpecularFresnelMethod', 'modulateSpecular', code);
+ return code;
+ };
+ return SpecularFresnelMethod;
+module.exports = SpecularFresnelMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var SpecularBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularBasicMethod");
+ * SpecularPhongMethod provides a specular method that provides Phong highlights.
+ */
+var SpecularPhongMethod = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SpecularPhongMethod, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SpecularPhongMethod object.
+ */
+ function SpecularPhongMethod() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ SpecularPhongMethod.prototype.iGetFragmentCodePerLight = function (shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters) {
+ var code = "";
+ var t;
+ if (this._pIsFirstLight) {
+ t = this._pTotalLightColorReg;
+ }
+ else {
+ t = registerCache.getFreeFragmentVectorTemp();
+ registerCache.addFragmentTempUsages(t, 1);
+ }
+ var viewDirReg = sharedRegisters.viewDirFragment;
+ var normalReg = sharedRegisters.normalFragment;
+ // phong model
+ code += "dp3 " + t + ".w, " + lightDirReg + ", " + normalReg + "\n" + "add " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w\n" + "mul " + t + ".xyz, " + normalReg + ", " + t + ".w\n" + "sub " + t + ".xyz, " + t + ", " + lightDirReg + "\n" + "add " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + sharedRegisters.commons + ".w\n" + "sat " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w\n" + "mul " + t + ".xyz, " + t + ", " + t + ".w\n" + "dp3 " + t + ".w, " + t + ", " + viewDirReg + "\n" + "sat " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w\n";
+ if (this._pUseTexture) {
+ // apply gloss modulation from texture
+ code += "mul " + this._pSpecularTexData + ".w, " + this._pSpecularTexData + ".y, " + this._pSpecularDataRegister + ".w\n" + "pow " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + this._pSpecularTexData + ".w\n";
+ }
+ else
+ code += "pow " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + this._pSpecularDataRegister + ".w\n";
+ // attenuate
+ if (shaderObject.usesLightFallOff)
+ code += "mul " + t + ".w, " + t + ".w, " + lightDirReg + ".w\n";
+ if (this._iModulateMethod != null)
+ code += this._iModulateMethod(shaderObject, methodVO, t, registerCache, sharedRegisters);
+ code += "mul " + t + ".xyz, " + lightColReg + ".xyz, " + t + ".w\n";
+ if (!this._pIsFirstLight) {
+ code += "add " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + this._pTotalLightColorReg + ".xyz, " + t + ".xyz\n";
+ registerCache.removeFragmentTempUsage(t);
+ }
+ this._pIsFirstLight = false;
+ return code;
+ };
+ return SpecularPhongMethod;
+module.exports = SpecularPhongMethod;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var TriangleSubGeometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/TriangleSubGeometry");
+var Matrix3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3D");
+var RenderTexture = require("awayjs-core/lib/textures/RenderTexture");
+var ContextGLProgramType = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/ContextGLProgramType");
+var MaterialPassBase = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/passes/MaterialPassBase");
+ * The SingleObjectDepthPass provides a material pass that renders a single object to a depth map from the point
+ * of view from a light.
+ */
+var SingleObjectDepthPass = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(SingleObjectDepthPass, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SingleObjectDepthPass object.
+ */
+ function SingleObjectDepthPass() {
+ _super.call(this);
+ this._textureSize = 512;
+ this._polyOffset = Array(15, 0, 0, 0);
+ this._projectionTexturesInvalid = true;
+ //this._pNumUsedStreams = 2;
+ //this._pNumUsedVertexConstants = 7;
+ //this._enc = ArrayMax3DSParser
+ *
+ * @param useSmoothingGroups Determines whether the parser looks for smoothing groups in the 3ds file or assumes uniform smoothing. Defaults to true.
+ */
+ function Max3DSParser(useSmoothingGroups) {
+ if (useSmoothingGroups === void 0) { useSmoothingGroups = true; }
+ _super.call(this, URLLoaderDataFormat.ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ this._useSmoothingGroups = useSmoothingGroups;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.
+ * @param extension The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given file type is supported.
+ */
+ Max3DSParser.supportsType = function (extension) {
+ extension = extension.toLowerCase();
+ return extension == "3ds";
+ };
+ /**
+ * Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.
+ * @param data The data block to potentially be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given data is supported.
+ */
+ Max3DSParser.supportsData = function (data) {
+ var ba;
+ ba = ParserUtils.toByteArray(data);
+ if (ba) {
+ ba.position = 0;
+ if (ba.readShort() == 0x4d4d)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ Max3DSParser.prototype._iResolveDependency = function (resourceDependency) {
+ if (resourceDependency.assets.length == 1) {
+ var asset;
+ asset = resourceDependency.assets[0];
+ if (asset.assetType == AssetType.TEXTURE) {
+ var tex;
+ tex = this._textures[resourceDependency.id];
+ tex.texture = asset;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ Max3DSParser.prototype._iResolveDependencyFailure = function (resourceDependency) {
+ // TODO: Implement
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ Max3DSParser.prototype._pProceedParsing = function () {
+ if (!this._byteData) {
+ this._byteData = this._pGetByteData();
+ this._byteData.position = 0;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LITTLE_ENDIAN - Default for ArrayBuffer / Not implemented in ByteArray
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //this._byteData.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;// Should be default
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ this._textures = {};
+ this._materials = {};
+ this._unfinalized_objects = {};
+ }
+ while (this._pHasTime()) {
+ // If we are currently working on an object, and the most recent chunk was
+ // the last one in that object, finalize the current object.
+ if (this._cur_mat && this._byteData.position >= this._cur_mat_end)
+ this.finalizeCurrentMaterial();
+ else if (this._cur_obj && this._byteData.position >= this._cur_obj_end) {
+ // Can't finalize at this point, because we have to wait until the full
+ // animation section has been parsed for any potential pivot definitions
+ this._unfinalized_objects[this._cur_obj.name] = this._cur_obj;
+ this._cur_obj_end = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ this._cur_obj = null;
+ }
+ if (this._byteData.getBytesAvailable() > 0) {
+ var cid /*uint*/;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ var end /*uint*/;
+ cid = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ len = this._byteData.readUnsignedInt();
+ end = this._byteData.position + (len - 6);
+ switch (cid) {
+ case 0x4D4D:
+ case 0x3D3D:
+ case 0xB000:
+ continue;
+ break;
+ case 0xAFFF:
+ this._cur_mat_end = end;
+ this._cur_mat = this.parseMaterial();
+ break;
+ case 0x4000:
+ this._cur_obj_end = end;
+ this._cur_obj = new ObjectVO();
+ this._cur_obj.name = this.readNulTermstring();
+ this._cur_obj.materials = new Array();
+ this._cur_obj.materialFaces = {};
+ break;
+ case 0x4100:
+ this._cur_obj.type = AssetType.MESH;
+ break;
+ case 0x4110:
+ this.parseVertexList();
+ break;
+ case 0x4120:
+ this.parseFaceList();
+ break;
+ case 0x4140:
+ this.parseUVList();
+ break;
+ case 0x4130:
+ this.parseFaceMaterialList();
+ break;
+ case 0x4160:
+ this._cur_obj.transform = this.readTransform();
+ break;
+ case 0xB002:
+ this.parseObjectAnimation(end);
+ break;
+ case 0x4150:
+ this.parseSmoothingGroups();
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Skip this (unknown) chunk
+ this._byteData.position += (len - 6);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Pause parsing if there were any dependencies found during this
+ // iteration (i.e. if there are any dependencies that need to be
+ // retrieved at this time.)
+ if (this.dependencies.length) {
+ this._pPauseAndRetrieveDependencies();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // More parsing is required if the entire byte array has not yet
+ // been read, or if there is a currently non-finalized object in
+ // the pipeline.
+ if (this._byteData.getBytesAvailable() || this._cur_obj || this._cur_mat) {
+ return ParserBase.MORE_TO_PARSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ var name;
+ for (name in this._unfinalized_objects) {
+ var obj;
+ obj = this.constructObject(this._unfinalized_objects[name]);
+ if (obj) {
+ //add to the content property
+ this._pContent.addChild(obj);
+ this._pFinalizeAsset(obj, name);
+ }
+ }
+ return ParserBase.PARSING_DONE;
+ }
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype._pStartParsing = function (frameLimit) {
+ _super.prototype._pStartParsing.call(this, frameLimit);
+ //create a content object for Loaders
+ this._pContent = new DisplayObjectContainer();
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.parseMaterial = function () {
+ var mat;
+ mat = new MaterialVO();
+ while (this._byteData.position < this._cur_mat_end) {
+ var cid /*uint*/;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ var end /*uint*/;
+ cid = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ len = this._byteData.readUnsignedInt();
+ end = this._byteData.position + (len - 6);
+ switch (cid) {
+ case 0xA000:
+ mat.name = this.readNulTermstring();
+ break;
+ case 0xA010:
+ mat.ambientColor = this.readColor();
+ break;
+ case 0xA020:
+ mat.diffuseColor = this.readColor();
+ break;
+ case 0xA030:
+ mat.specularColor = this.readColor();
+ break;
+ case 0xA081:
+ mat.twoSided = true;
+ break;
+ case 0xA200:
+ mat.colorMap = this.parseTexture(end);
+ break;
+ case 0xA204:
+ mat.specularMap = this.parseTexture(end);
+ break;
+ default:
+ this._byteData.position = end;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return mat;
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.parseTexture = function (end /*uint*/) {
+ var tex;
+ tex = new TextureVO();
+ while (this._byteData.position < end) {
+ var cid /*uint*/;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ cid = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ len = this._byteData.readUnsignedInt();
+ switch (cid) {
+ case 0xA300:
+ tex.url = this.readNulTermstring();
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Skip this unknown texture sub-chunk
+ this._byteData.position += (len - 6);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this._textures[tex.url] = tex;
+ this._pAddDependency(tex.url, new URLRequest(tex.url));
+ return tex;
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.parseVertexList = function () {
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ var count /*uint*/;
+ count = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ this._cur_obj.verts = new Array(count * 3);
+ i = 0;
+ len = this._cur_obj.verts.length;
+ while (i < len) {
+ var x, y, z;
+ x = this._byteData.readFloat();
+ y = this._byteData.readFloat();
+ z = this._byteData.readFloat();
+ this._cur_obj.verts[i++] = x;
+ this._cur_obj.verts[i++] = z;
+ this._cur_obj.verts[i++] = y;
+ }
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.parseFaceList = function () {
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ var count /*uint*/;
+ count = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ this._cur_obj.indices = new Array(count * 3);
+ i = 0;
+ len = this._cur_obj.indices.length;
+ while (i < len) {
+ var i0 /*uint*/, i1 /*uint*/, i2 /*uint*/;
+ i0 = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ i1 = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ i2 = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ this._cur_obj.indices[i++] = i0;
+ this._cur_obj.indices[i++] = i2;
+ this._cur_obj.indices[i++] = i1;
+ // Skip "face info", irrelevant in Away3D
+ this._byteData.position += 2;
+ }
+ this._cur_obj.smoothingGroups = new Array(count);
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.parseSmoothingGroups = function () {
+ var len = this._cur_obj.indices.length / 3;
+ var i = 0;
+ while (i < len) {
+ this._cur_obj.smoothingGroups[i] = this._byteData.readUnsignedInt();
+ i++;
+ }
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.parseUVList = function () {
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ var count /*uint*/;
+ count = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ this._cur_obj.uvs = new Array(count * 2);
+ i = 0;
+ len = this._cur_obj.uvs.length;
+ while (i < len) {
+ this._cur_obj.uvs[i++] = this._byteData.readFloat();
+ this._cur_obj.uvs[i++] = 1.0 - this._byteData.readFloat();
+ }
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.parseFaceMaterialList = function () {
+ var mat;
+ var count /*uint*/;
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var faces /*uint*/;
+ mat = this.readNulTermstring();
+ count = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ faces = new Array(count);
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < faces.length)
+ faces[i++] = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ this._cur_obj.materials.push(mat);
+ this._cur_obj.materialFaces[mat] = faces;
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.parseObjectAnimation = function (end) {
+ var vo;
+ var obj;
+ var pivot;
+ var name;
+ var hier /*uint*/;
+ // Pivot defaults to origin
+ pivot = new Vector3D;
+ while (this._byteData.position < end) {
+ var cid /*uint*/;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ cid = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ len = this._byteData.readUnsignedInt();
+ switch (cid) {
+ case 0xb010:
+ name = this.readNulTermstring();
+ this._byteData.position += 4;
+ hier = this._byteData.readShort();
+ break;
+ case 0xb013:
+ pivot.x = this._byteData.readFloat();
+ pivot.z = this._byteData.readFloat();
+ pivot.y = this._byteData.readFloat();
+ break;
+ default:
+ this._byteData.position += (len - 6);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If name is "$$$DUMMY" this is an empty object (e.g. a container)
+ // and will be ignored in this version of the parser
+ // TODO: Implement containers in 3DS parser.
+ if (name != '$$$DUMMY' && this._unfinalized_objects.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+ vo = this._unfinalized_objects[name];
+ obj = this.constructObject(vo, pivot);
+ if (obj) {
+ //add to the content property
+ this._pContent.addChild(obj);
+ this._pFinalizeAsset(obj, vo.name);
+ }
+ delete this._unfinalized_objects[name];
+ }
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.constructObject = function (obj, pivot) {
+ if (pivot === void 0) { pivot = null; }
+ if (obj.type == AssetType.MESH) {
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var sub;
+ var geom;
+ var mat;
+ var mesh;
+ var mtx;
+ var vertices;
+ var faces;
+ if (obj.materials.length > 1)
+ console.log("The Away3D 3DS parser does not support multiple materials per mesh at this point.");
+ // Ignore empty objects
+ if (!obj.indices || obj.indices.length == 0)
+ return null;
+ vertices = new Array(obj.verts.length / 3);
+ faces = new Array(obj.indices.length / 3);
+ this.prepareData(vertices, faces, obj);
+ if (this._useSmoothingGroups)
+ this.applySmoothGroups(vertices, faces);
+ obj.verts = new Array(vertices.length * 3);
+ for (i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
+ obj.verts[i * 3] = vertices[i].x;
+ obj.verts[i * 3 + 1] = vertices[i].y;
+ obj.verts[i * 3 + 2] = vertices[i].z;
+ }
+ obj.indices = new Array(faces.length * 3);
+ for (i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
+ obj.indices[i * 3] = faces[i].a;
+ obj.indices[i * 3 + 1] = faces[i].b;
+ obj.indices[i * 3 + 2] = faces[i].c;
+ }
+ if (obj.uvs) {
+ // If the object had UVs to start with, use UVs generated by
+ // smoothing group splitting algorithm. Otherwise those UVs
+ // will be nonsense and should be skipped.
+ obj.uvs = new Array(vertices.length * 2);
+ for (i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
+ obj.uvs[i * 2] = vertices[i].u;
+ obj.uvs[i * 2 + 1] = vertices[i].v;
+ }
+ }
+ geom = new Geometry();
+ // Construct sub-geometries (potentially splitting buffers)
+ // and add them to geometry.
+ sub = new TriangleSubGeometry(true);
+ sub.updateIndices(obj.indices);
+ sub.updatePositions(obj.verts);
+ sub.updateUVs(obj.uvs);
+ geom.addSubGeometry(sub);
+ if (obj.materials.length > 0) {
+ var mname;
+ mname = obj.materials[0];
+ mat = this._materials[mname].material;
+ }
+ // Apply pivot translation to geometry if a pivot was
+ // found while parsing the keyframe chunk earlier.
+ if (pivot) {
+ if (obj.transform) {
+ // If a transform was found while parsing the
+ // object chunk, use it to find the local pivot vector
+ var dat = obj.transform.concat();
+ dat[12] = 0;
+ dat[13] = 0;
+ dat[14] = 0;
+ mtx = new Matrix3D(dat);
+ pivot = mtx.transformVector(pivot);
+ }
+ pivot.scaleBy(-1);
+ mtx = new Matrix3D();
+ mtx.appendTranslation(pivot.x, pivot.y, pivot.z);
+ geom.applyTransformation(mtx);
+ }
+ // Apply transformation to geometry if a transformation
+ // was found while parsing the object chunk earlier.
+ if (obj.transform) {
+ mtx = new Matrix3D(obj.transform);
+ mtx.invert();
+ geom.applyTransformation(mtx);
+ }
+ // Final transform applied to geometry. Finalize the geometry,
+ // which will no longer be modified after this point.
+ this._pFinalizeAsset(geom, obj.name.concat('_geom'));
+ // Build mesh and return it
+ mesh = new Mesh(geom, mat);
+ mesh.transform.matrix3D = new Matrix3D(obj.transform);
+ return mesh;
+ }
+ // If reached, unknown
+ return null;
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.prepareData = function (vertices, faces, obj) {
+ // convert raw ObjectVO's data to structured VertexVO and FaceVO
+ var i /*int*/;
+ var j /*int*/;
+ var k /*int*/;
+ var len = obj.verts.length;
+ for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < len;) {
+ var v = new VertexVO;
+ v.x = obj.verts[i++];
+ v.y = obj.verts[i++];
+ v.z = obj.verts[i++];
+ if (obj.uvs) {
+ v.u = obj.uvs[j++];
+ v.v = obj.uvs[j++];
+ }
+ vertices[k++] = v;
+ }
+ len = obj.indices.length;
+ for (i = 0, k = 0; i < len;) {
+ var f = new FaceVO();
+ f.a = obj.indices[i++];
+ f.b = obj.indices[i++];
+ f.c = obj.indices[i++];
+ f.smoothGroup = obj.smoothingGroups[k] || 0;
+ faces[k++] = f;
+ }
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.applySmoothGroups = function (vertices, faces) {
+ // clone vertices according to following rule:
+ // clone if vertex's in faces from groups 1+2 and 3
+ // don't clone if vertex's in faces from groups 1+2, 3 and 1+3
+ var i /*int*/;
+ var j /*int*/;
+ var k /*int*/;
+ var l /*int*/;
+ var len /*int*/;
+ var numVerts = vertices.length;
+ var numFaces = faces.length;
+ // extract groups data for vertices
+ var vGroups = new Array(numVerts) /*uint*/;
+ for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++)
+ vGroups[i] = new Array();
+ for (i = 0; i < numFaces; i++) {
+ var face = faces[i];
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ var groups = vGroups[(j == 0) ? face.a : ((j == 1) ? face.b : face.c)];
+ var group = face.smoothGroup;
+ for (k = groups.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
+ if ((group & groups[k]) > 0) {
+ group |= groups[k];
+ groups.splice(k, 1);
+ k = groups.length - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ groups.push(group);
+ }
+ }
+ // clone vertices
+ var vClones = new Array(numVerts) /*uint*/;
+ for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) {
+ if ((len = vGroups[i].length) < 1)
+ continue;
+ var clones = new Array(len) /*uint*/;
+ vClones[i] = clones;
+ clones[0] = i;
+ var v0 = vertices[i];
+ for (j = 1; j < len; j++) {
+ var v1 = new VertexVO;
+ v1.x = v0.x;
+ v1.y = v0.y;
+ v1.z = v0.z;
+ v1.u = v0.u;
+ v1.v = v0.v;
+ clones[j] = vertices.length;
+ vertices.push(v1);
+ }
+ }
+ numVerts = vertices.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < numFaces; i++) {
+ face = faces[i];
+ group = face.smoothGroup;
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ k = (j == 0) ? face.a : ((j == 1) ? face.b : face.c);
+ groups = vGroups[k];
+ len = groups.length;
+ clones = vClones[k];
+ for (l = 0; l < len; l++) {
+ if (((group == 0) && (groups[l] == 0)) || ((group & groups[l]) > 0)) {
+ var index = clones[l];
+ if (group == 0) {
+ // vertex is unique if no smoothGroup found
+ groups.splice(l, 1);
+ clones.splice(l, 1);
+ }
+ if (j == 0)
+ face.a = index;
+ else if (j == 1)
+ face.b = index;
+ else
+ face.c = index;
+ l = len;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.finalizeCurrentMaterial = function () {
+ var mat;
+ if (this._cur_mat.colorMap)
+ mat = new TriangleMethodMaterial(this._cur_mat.colorMap.texture || DefaultMaterialManager.getDefaultTexture());
+ else
+ mat = new TriangleMethodMaterial(this._cur_mat.ambientColor);
+ mat.diffuseColor = this._cur_mat.diffuseColor;
+ mat.specularColor = this._cur_mat.specularColor;
+ if (this.materialMode >= 2)
+ mat.materialMode = TriangleMaterialMode.MULTI_PASS;
+ mat.bothSides = this._cur_mat.twoSided;
+ this._pFinalizeAsset(mat, this._cur_mat.name);
+ this._materials[this._cur_mat.name] = this._cur_mat;
+ this._cur_mat.material = mat;
+ this._cur_mat = null;
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.readNulTermstring = function () {
+ var chr /*int*/;
+ var str = "";
+ while ((chr = this._byteData.readUnsignedByte()) > 0)
+ str += String.fromCharCode(chr);
+ return str;
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.readTransform = function () {
+ var data;
+ data = new Array(16);
+ // X axis
+ data[0] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // X
+ data[2] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // Z
+ data[1] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // Y
+ data[3] = 0;
+ // Z axis
+ data[8] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // X
+ data[10] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // Z
+ data[9] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // Y
+ data[11] = 0;
+ // Y Axis
+ data[4] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // X
+ data[6] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // Z
+ data[5] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // Y
+ data[7] = 0;
+ // Translation
+ data[12] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // X
+ data[14] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // Z
+ data[13] = this._byteData.readFloat(); // Y
+ data[15] = 1;
+ return data;
+ };
+ Max3DSParser.prototype.readColor = function () {
+ var cid /*int*/;
+ var len /*int*/;
+ var r /*int*/, g /*int*/, b /*int*/;
+ cid = this._byteData.readUnsignedShort();
+ len = this._byteData.readUnsignedInt();
+ switch (cid) {
+ case 0x0010:
+ r = this._byteData.readFloat() * 255;
+ g = this._byteData.readFloat() * 255;
+ b = this._byteData.readFloat() * 255;
+ break;
+ case 0x0011:
+ r = this._byteData.readUnsignedByte();
+ g = this._byteData.readUnsignedByte();
+ b = this._byteData.readUnsignedByte();
+ break;
+ default:
+ this._byteData.position += (len - 6);
+ break;
+ }
+ return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
+ };
+ return Max3DSParser;
+module.exports = Max3DSParser;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var DisplayObjectContainer = require("awayjs-core/lib/containers/DisplayObjectContainer");
+var TriangleSubGeometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/TriangleSubGeometry");
+var Geometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/Geometry");
+var AssetType = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/AssetType");
+var URLLoaderDataFormat = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/net/URLLoaderDataFormat");
+var URLRequest = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/net/URLRequest");
+var Mesh = require("awayjs-core/lib/entities/Mesh");
+var ParserBase = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ParserBase");
+var ParserUtils = require("awayjs-core/lib/parsers/ParserUtils");
+var DefaultMaterialManager = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/DefaultMaterialManager");
+var SpecularBasicMethod = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/SpecularBasicMethod");
+var TriangleMethodMaterial = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/TriangleMethodMaterial");
+var TriangleMaterialMode = require("awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/TriangleMaterialMode");
+ * OBJParser provides a parser for the OBJ data type.
+ */
+var OBJParser = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(OBJParser, _super);
+ /**
+ * Creates a new OBJParser object.
+ * @param uri The url or id of the data or file to be parsed.
+ * @param extra The holder for extra contextual data that the parser might need.
+ */
+ function OBJParser(scale) {
+ if (scale === void 0) { scale = 1; }
+ _super.call(this, URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT);
+ this._mtlLibLoaded = true;
+ this._activeMaterialID = "";
+ this._scale = scale;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(OBJParser.prototype, "scale", {
+ /**
+ * Scaling factor applied directly to vertices data
+ * @param value The scaling factor.
+ */
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._scale = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether or not a given file extension is supported by the parser.
+ * @param extension The file extension of a potential file to be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given file type is supported.
+ */
+ OBJParser.supportsType = function (extension) {
+ extension = extension.toLowerCase();
+ return extension == "obj";
+ };
+ /**
+ * Tests whether a data block can be parsed by the parser.
+ * @param data The data block to potentially be parsed.
+ * @return Whether or not the given data is supported.
+ */
+ OBJParser.supportsData = function (data) {
+ var content = ParserUtils.toString(data);
+ var hasV = false;
+ var hasF = false;
+ if (content) {
+ hasV = content.indexOf("\nv ") != -1;
+ hasF = content.indexOf("\nf ") != -1;
+ }
+ return hasV && hasF;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype._iResolveDependency = function (resourceDependency) {
+ if (resourceDependency.id == 'mtl') {
+ var str = ParserUtils.toString(resourceDependency.data);
+ this.parseMtl(str);
+ }
+ else {
+ var asset;
+ if (resourceDependency.assets.length != 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ asset = resourceDependency.assets[0];
+ if (asset.assetType == AssetType.TEXTURE) {
+ var lm = new LoadedMaterial();
+ lm.materialID = resourceDependency.id;
+ lm.texture = asset;
+ this._materialLoaded.push(lm);
+ if (this._meshes.length > 0) {
+ this.applyMaterial(lm);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype._iResolveDependencyFailure = function (resourceDependency) {
+ if (resourceDependency.id == "mtl") {
+ this._mtlLib = false;
+ this._mtlLibLoaded = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ var lm = new LoadedMaterial();
+ lm.materialID = resourceDependency.id;
+ this._materialLoaded.push(lm);
+ }
+ if (this._meshes.length > 0)
+ this.applyMaterial(lm);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype._pProceedParsing = function () {
+ var line;
+ var creturn = String.fromCharCode(10);
+ var trunk;
+ if (!this._startedParsing) {
+ this._textData = this._pGetTextData();
+ // Merge linebreaks that are immediately preceeded by
+ // the "escape" backward slash into single lines.
+ this._textData = this._textData.replace(/\\[\r\n]+\s*/gm, ' ');
+ }
+ if (this._textData.indexOf(creturn) == -1)
+ creturn = String.fromCharCode(13);
+ if (!this._startedParsing) {
+ this._startedParsing = true;
+ this._vertices = new Array();
+ this._vertexNormals = new Array();
+ this._materialIDs = new Array();
+ this._materialLoaded = new Array();
+ this._meshes = new Array();
+ this._uvs = new Array();
+ this._stringLength = this._textData.length;
+ this._charIndex = this._textData.indexOf(creturn, 0);
+ this._oldIndex = 0;
+ this._objects = new Array();
+ this._objectIndex = 0;
+ }
+ while (this._charIndex < this._stringLength && this._pHasTime()) {
+ this._charIndex = this._textData.indexOf(creturn, this._oldIndex);
+ if (this._charIndex == -1)
+ this._charIndex = this._stringLength;
+ line = this._textData.substring(this._oldIndex, this._charIndex);
+ line = line.split('\r').join("");
+ line = line.replace(" ", " ");
+ trunk = line.split(" ");
+ this._oldIndex = this._charIndex + 1;
+ this.parseLine(trunk);
+ // If whatever was parsed on this line resulted in the
+ // parsing being paused to retrieve dependencies, break
+ // here and do not continue parsing until un-paused.
+ if (this.parsingPaused) {
+ return ParserBase.MORE_TO_PARSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._charIndex >= this._stringLength) {
+ if (this._mtlLib && !this._mtlLibLoaded) {
+ return ParserBase.MORE_TO_PARSE;
+ }
+ this.translate();
+ this.applyMaterials();
+ return ParserBase.PARSING_DONE;
+ }
+ return ParserBase.MORE_TO_PARSE;
+ };
+ OBJParser.prototype._pStartParsing = function (frameLimit) {
+ _super.prototype._pStartParsing.call(this, frameLimit);
+ //create a content object for Loaders
+ this._pContent = new DisplayObjectContainer();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Parses a single line in the OBJ file.
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.parseLine = function (trunk) {
+ switch (trunk[0]) {
+ case "mtllib":
+ this._mtlLib = true;
+ this._mtlLibLoaded = false;
+ this.loadMtl(trunk[1]);
+ break;
+ case "g":
+ this.createGroup(trunk);
+ break;
+ case "o":
+ this.createObject(trunk);
+ break;
+ case "usemtl":
+ if (this._mtlLib) {
+ if (!trunk[1])
+ trunk[1] = "def000";
+ this._materialIDs.push(trunk[1]);
+ this._activeMaterialID = trunk[1];
+ if (this._currentGroup)
+ this._currentGroup.materialID = this._activeMaterialID;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "v":
+ this.parseVertex(trunk);
+ break;
+ case "vt":
+ this.parseUV(trunk);
+ break;
+ case "vn":
+ this.parseVertexNormal(trunk);
+ break;
+ case "f":
+ this.parseFace(trunk);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Converts the parsed data into an Away3D scenegraph structure
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.translate = function () {
+ for (var objIndex = 0; objIndex < this._objects.length; ++objIndex) {
+ var groups = this._objects[objIndex].groups;
+ var numGroups = groups.length;
+ var materialGroups;
+ var numMaterialGroups;
+ var geometry;
+ var mesh;
+ var m;
+ var sm;
+ var bmMaterial;
+ for (var g = 0; g < numGroups; ++g) {
+ geometry = new Geometry();
+ materialGroups = groups[g].materialGroups;
+ numMaterialGroups = materialGroups.length;
+ for (m = 0; m < numMaterialGroups; ++m)
+ this.translateMaterialGroup(materialGroups[m], geometry);
+ if (geometry.subGeometries.length == 0)
+ continue;
+ // Finalize and force type-based name
+ this._pFinalizeAsset(geometry); //, "");
+ bmMaterial = new TriangleMethodMaterial(DefaultMaterialManager.getDefaultTexture());
+ //check for multipass
+ if (this.materialMode >= 2)
+ bmMaterial.materialMode = TriangleMaterialMode.MULTI_PASS;
+ mesh = new Mesh(geometry, bmMaterial);
+ if (this._objects[objIndex].name) {
+ // this is a full independent object ('o' tag in OBJ file)
+ mesh.name = this._objects[objIndex].name;
+ }
+ else if (groups[g].name) {
+ // this is a group so the sub groups contain the actual mesh object names ('g' tag in OBJ file)
+ mesh.name = groups[g].name;
+ }
+ else {
+ // No name stored. Use empty string which will force it
+ // to be overridden by finalizeAsset() to type default.
+ mesh.name = "";
+ }
+ this._meshes.push(mesh);
+ if (groups[g].materialID != "")
+ bmMaterial.name = groups[g].materialID + "~" + mesh.name;
+ else
+ bmMaterial.name = this._lastMtlID + "~" + mesh.name;
+ if (mesh.subMeshes.length > 1) {
+ for (sm = 1; sm < mesh.subMeshes.length; ++sm)
+ mesh.subMeshes[sm].material = bmMaterial;
+ }
+ //add to the content property
+ this._pContent.addChild(mesh);
+ this._pFinalizeAsset(mesh);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Translates an obj's material group to a subgeometry.
+ * @param materialGroup The material group data to convert.
+ * @param geometry The Geometry to contain the converted SubGeometry.
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.translateMaterialGroup = function (materialGroup, geometry) {
+ var faces = materialGroup.faces;
+ var face;
+ var numFaces = faces.length;
+ var numVerts;
+ var sub;
+ var vertices = new Array();
+ var uvs = new Array();
+ var normals = new Array();
+ var indices = new Array();
+ this._realIndices = [];
+ this._vertexIndex = 0;
+ var j;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numFaces; ++i) {
+ face = faces[i];
+ numVerts = face.indexIds.length - 1;
+ for (j = 1; j < numVerts; ++j) {
+ this.translateVertexData(face, j, vertices, uvs, indices, normals);
+ this.translateVertexData(face, 0, vertices, uvs, indices, normals);
+ this.translateVertexData(face, j + 1, vertices, uvs, indices, normals);
+ }
+ }
+ if (vertices.length > 0) {
+ sub = new TriangleSubGeometry(true);
+ sub.autoDeriveNormals = normals.length ? false : true;
+ sub.updateIndices(indices);
+ sub.updatePositions(vertices);
+ sub.updateVertexNormals(normals);
+ sub.updateUVs(uvs);
+ geometry.addSubGeometry(sub);
+ }
+ };
+ OBJParser.prototype.translateVertexData = function (face, vertexIndex, vertices, uvs, indices /*uint*/, normals) {
+ var index;
+ var vertex;
+ var vertexNormal;
+ var uv;
+ if (!this._realIndices[face.indexIds[vertexIndex]]) {
+ index = this._vertexIndex;
+ this._realIndices[face.indexIds[vertexIndex]] = ++this._vertexIndex;
+ vertex = this._vertices[face.vertexIndices[vertexIndex] - 1];
+ vertices.push(vertex.x * this._scale, vertex.y * this._scale, vertex.z * this._scale);
+ if (face.normalIndices.length > 0) {
+ vertexNormal = this._vertexNormals[face.normalIndices[vertexIndex] - 1];
+ normals.push(vertexNormal.x, vertexNormal.y, vertexNormal.z);
+ }
+ if (face.uvIndices.length > 0) {
+ try {
+ uv = this._uvs[face.uvIndices[vertexIndex] - 1];
+ uvs.push(uv.u, uv.v);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ switch (vertexIndex) {
+ case 0:
+ uvs.push(0, 1);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ uvs.push(.5, 0);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ uvs.push(1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ index = this._realIndices[face.indexIds[vertexIndex]] - 1;
+ }
+ indices.push(index);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new object group.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the object tag and its parameters
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.createObject = function (trunk) {
+ this._currentGroup = null;
+ this._currentMaterialGroup = null;
+ this._objects.push(this._currentObject = new ObjectGroup());
+ if (trunk)
+ this._currentObject.name = trunk[1];
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new group.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the group tag and its parameters
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.createGroup = function (trunk) {
+ if (!this._currentObject)
+ this.createObject(null);
+ this._currentGroup = new Group();
+ this._currentGroup.materialID = this._activeMaterialID;
+ if (trunk)
+ this._currentGroup.name = trunk[1];
+ this._currentObject.groups.push(this._currentGroup);
+ this.createMaterialGroup(null);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates a new material group.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the material tag and its parameters
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.createMaterialGroup = function (trunk) {
+ this._currentMaterialGroup = new MaterialGroup();
+ if (trunk)
+ this._currentMaterialGroup.url = trunk[1];
+ this._currentGroup.materialGroups.push(this._currentMaterialGroup);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reads the next vertex coordinates.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the vertex tag and its parameters
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.parseVertex = function (trunk) {
+ //for the very rare cases of other delimiters/charcodes seen in some obj files
+ var v1, v2, v3;
+ if (trunk.length > 4) {
+ var nTrunk = [];
+ var val;
+ for (var i = 1; i < trunk.length; ++i) {
+ val = parseFloat(trunk[i]);
+ if (!isNaN(val))
+ nTrunk.push(val);
+ }
+ v1 = nTrunk[0];
+ v2 = nTrunk[1];
+ v3 = -nTrunk[2];
+ this._vertices.push(new Vertex(v1, v2, v3));
+ }
+ else {
+ v1 = parseFloat(trunk[1]);
+ v2 = parseFloat(trunk[2]);
+ v3 = -parseFloat(trunk[3]);
+ this._vertices.push(new Vertex(v1, v2, v3));
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reads the next uv coordinates.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the uv tag and its parameters
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.parseUV = function (trunk) {
+ if (trunk.length > 3) {
+ var nTrunk = [];
+ var val;
+ for (var i = 1; i < trunk.length; ++i) {
+ val = parseFloat(trunk[i]);
+ if (!isNaN(val))
+ nTrunk.push(val);
+ }
+ this._uvs.push(new UV(nTrunk[0], 1 - nTrunk[1]));
+ }
+ else {
+ this._uvs.push(new UV(parseFloat(trunk[1]), 1 - parseFloat(trunk[2])));
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reads the next vertex normal coordinates.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the vertex normal tag and its parameters
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.parseVertexNormal = function (trunk) {
+ if (trunk.length > 4) {
+ var nTrunk = [];
+ var val;
+ for (var i = 1; i < trunk.length; ++i) {
+ val = parseFloat(trunk[i]);
+ if (!isNaN(val))
+ nTrunk.push(val);
+ }
+ this._vertexNormals.push(new Vertex(nTrunk[0], nTrunk[1], -nTrunk[2]));
+ }
+ else {
+ this._vertexNormals.push(new Vertex(parseFloat(trunk[1]), parseFloat(trunk[2]), -parseFloat(trunk[3])));
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Reads the next face's indices.
+ * @param trunk The data block containing the face tag and its parameters
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.parseFace = function (trunk) {
+ var len = trunk.length;
+ var face = new FaceData();
+ if (!this._currentGroup) {
+ this.createGroup(null);
+ }
+ var indices;
+ for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (trunk[i] == "") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ indices = trunk[i].split("/");
+ face.vertexIndices.push(this.parseIndex(parseInt(indices[0]), this._vertices.length));
+ if (indices[1] && String(indices[1]).length > 0)
+ face.uvIndices.push(this.parseIndex(parseInt(indices[1]), this._uvs.length));
+ if (indices[2] && String(indices[2]).length > 0)
+ face.normalIndices.push(this.parseIndex(parseInt(indices[2]), this._vertexNormals.length));
+ face.indexIds.push(trunk[i]);
+ }
+ this._currentMaterialGroup.faces.push(face);
+ };
+ /**
+ * This is a hack around negative face coords
+ */
+ OBJParser.prototype.parseIndex = function (index, length) {
+ if (index < 0)
+ return index + length + 1;
+ else
+ return index;
+ };
+ OBJParser.prototype.parseMtl = function (data) {
+ var materialDefinitions = data.split('newmtl');
+ var lines;
+ var trunk;
+ var j;
+ var basicSpecularMethod;
+ var useSpecular;
+ var useColor;
+ var diffuseColor;
+ var color;
+ var specularColor;
+ var specular;
+ var alpha;
+ var mapkd;
+ for (var i = 0; i < materialDefinitions.length; ++i) {
+ lines = (materialDefinitions[i].split('\r')).join("").split('\n');
+ //lines = (materialDefinitions[i].split('\r') as Array).join("").split('\n');
+ if (lines.length == 1)
+ lines = materialDefinitions[i].split(String.fromCharCode(13));
+ diffuseColor = color = specularColor = 0xFFFFFF;
+ specular = 0;
+ useSpecular = false;
+ useColor = false;
+ alpha = 1;
+ mapkd = "";
+ for (j = 0; j < lines.length; ++j) {
+ lines[j] = lines[j].replace(/\s+$/, "");
+ if (lines[j].substring(0, 1) != "#" && (j == 0 || lines[j] != "")) {
+ trunk = lines[j].split(" ");
+ if (String(trunk[0]).charCodeAt(0) == 9 || String(trunk[0]).charCodeAt(0) == 32)
+ trunk[0] = trunk[0].substring(1, trunk[0].length);
+ if (j == 0) {
+ this._lastMtlID = trunk.join("");
+ this._lastMtlID = (this._lastMtlID == "") ? "def000" : this._lastMtlID;
+ }
+ else {
+ switch (trunk[0]) {
+ case "Ka":
+ if (trunk[1] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[1])) && trunk[2] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[2])) && trunk[3] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[3])))
+ color = trunk[1] * 255 << 16 | trunk[2] * 255 << 8 | trunk[3] * 255;
+ break;
+ case "Ks":
+ if (trunk[1] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[1])) && trunk[2] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[2])) && trunk[3] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[3]))) {
+ specularColor = trunk[1] * 255 << 16 | trunk[2] * 255 << 8 | trunk[3] * 255;
+ useSpecular = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "Ns":
+ if (trunk[1] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[1])))
+ specular = Number(trunk[1]) * 0.001;
+ if (specular == 0)
+ useSpecular = false;
+ break;
+ case "Kd":
+ if (trunk[1] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[1])) && trunk[2] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[2])) && trunk[3] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[3]))) {
+ diffuseColor = trunk[1] * 255 << 16 | trunk[2] * 255 << 8 | trunk[3] * 255;
+ useColor = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "tr":
+ case "d":
+ if (trunk[1] && !isNaN(Number(trunk[1])))
+ alpha = Number(trunk[1]);
+ break;
+ case "map_Kd":
+ mapkd = this.parseMapKdString(trunk);
+ mapkd = mapkd.replace(/\\/g, "/");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mapkd != "") {
+ if (useSpecular) {
+ basicSpecularMethod = new SpecularBasicMethod();
+ basicSpecularMethod.specularColor = specularColor;
+ basicSpecularMethod.specular = specular;
+ var specularData = new SpecularData();
+ specularData.alpha = alpha;
+ specularData.basicSpecularMethod = basicSpecularMethod;
+ specularData.materialID = this._lastMtlID;
+ if (!this._materialSpecularData)
+ this._materialSpecularData = new Array();
+ this._materialSpecularData.push(specularData);
+ }
+ this._pAddDependency(this._lastMtlID, new URLRequest(mapkd));
+ }
+ else if (useColor && !isNaN(color)) {
+ var lm = new LoadedMaterial();
+ lm.materialID = this._lastMtlID;
+ if (alpha == 0)
+ console.log("Warning: an alpha value of 0 was found in mtl color tag (Tr or d) ref:" + this._lastMtlID + ", mesh(es) using it will be invisible!");
+ var cm;
+ if (this.materialMode < 2) {
+ cm = new TriangleMethodMaterial(color);
+ var colorMat = cm;
+ colorMat.alpha = alpha;
+ colorMat.diffuseColor = diffuseColor;
+ colorMat.repeat = true;
+ if (useSpecular) {
+ colorMat.specularColor = specularColor;
+ colorMat.specular = specular;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ cm = new TriangleMethodMaterial(color);
+ cm.materialMode = TriangleMaterialMode.MULTI_PASS;
+ var colorMultiMat = cm;
+ colorMultiMat.diffuseColor = diffuseColor;
+ colorMultiMat.repeat = true;
+ if (useSpecular) {
+ colorMultiMat.specularColor = specularColor;
+ colorMultiMat.specular = specular;
+ }
+ }
+ lm.cm = cm;
+ this._materialLoaded.push(lm);
+ if (this._meshes.length > 0)
+ this.applyMaterial(lm);
+ }
+ }
+ this._mtlLibLoaded = true;
+ };
+ OBJParser.prototype.parseMapKdString = function (trunk) {
+ var url = "";
+ var i;
+ var breakflag;
+ for (i = 1; i < trunk.length;) {
+ switch (trunk[i]) {
+ case "-blendu":
+ case "-blendv":
+ case "-cc":
+ case "-clamp":
+ case "-texres":
+ i += 2; //Skip ahead 1 attribute
+ break;
+ case "-mm":
+ i += 3; //Skip ahead 2 attributes
+ break;
+ case "-o":
+ case "-s":
+ case "-t":
+ i += 4; //Skip ahead 3 attributes
+ continue;
+ default:
+ breakflag = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (breakflag)
+ break;
+ }
+ for (i; i < trunk.length; i++) {
+ url += trunk[i];
+ url += " ";
+ }
+ //Remove the extraneous space and/or newline from the right side
+ url = url.replace(/\s+$/, "");
+ return url;
+ };
+ OBJParser.prototype.loadMtl = function (mtlurl) {
+ // Add raw-data dependency to queue and load dependencies now,
+ // which will pause the parsing in the meantime.
+ this._pAddDependency('mtl', new URLRequest(mtlurl), true);
+ this._pPauseAndRetrieveDependencies(); //
+ };
+ OBJParser.prototype.applyMaterial = function (lm) {
+ var decomposeID;
+ var mesh;
+ var tm;
+ var j;
+ var specularData;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._meshes.length; ++i) {
+ mesh = this._meshes[i];
+ decomposeID = mesh.material.name.split("~");
+ if (decomposeID[0] == lm.materialID) {
+ if (lm.cm) {
+ if (mesh.material)
+ mesh.material = null;
+ mesh.material = lm.cm;
+ }
+ else if (lm.texture) {
+ if (this.materialMode < 2) {
+ tm = mesh.material;
+ tm.texture = lm.texture;
+ tm.color = lm.color;
+ tm.alpha = lm.alpha;
+ tm.repeat = true;
+ if (lm.specularMethod) {
+ // By setting the specularMethod property to null before assigning
+ // the actual method instance, we avoid having the properties of
+ // the new method being overridden with the settings from the old
+ // one, which is default behavior of the setter.
+ tm.specularMethod = null;
+ tm.specularMethod = lm.specularMethod;
+ }
+ else if (this._materialSpecularData) {
+ for (j = 0; j < this._materialSpecularData.length; ++j) {
+ specularData = this._materialSpecularData[j];
+ if (specularData.materialID == lm.materialID) {
+ tm.specularMethod = null; // Prevent property overwrite (see above)
+ tm.specularMethod = specularData.basicSpecularMethod;
+ tm.color = specularData.color;
+ tm.alpha = specularData.alpha;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tm = mesh.material;
+ tm.materialMode = TriangleMaterialMode.MULTI_PASS;
+ tm.texture = lm.texture;
+ tm.color = lm.color;
+ tm.repeat = true;
+ if (lm.specularMethod) {
+ // By setting the specularMethod property to null before assigning
+ // the actual method instance, we avoid having the properties of
+ // the new method being overridden with the settings from the old
+ // one, which is default behavior of the setter.
+ tm.specularMethod = null;
+ tm.specularMethod = lm.specularMethod;
+ }
+ else if (this._materialSpecularData) {
+ for (j = 0; j < this._materialSpecularData.length; ++j) {
+ specularData = this._materialSpecularData[j];
+ if (specularData.materialID == lm.materialID) {
+ tm.specularMethod = null; // Prevent property overwrite (see above)
+ tm.specularMethod = specularData.basicSpecularMethod;
+ tm.color = specularData.color;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mesh.material.name = decomposeID[1] ? decomposeID[1] : decomposeID[0];
+ this._meshes.splice(i, 1);
+ --i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lm.cm || tm)
+ this._pFinalizeAsset(lm.cm || tm);
+ };
+ OBJParser.prototype.applyMaterials = function () {
+ if (this._materialLoaded.length == 0)
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._materialLoaded.length; ++i)
+ this.applyMaterial(this._materialLoaded[i]);
+ };
+ return OBJParser;
+var ObjectGroup = (function () {
+ function ObjectGroup() {
+ this.groups = new Array();
+ }
+ return ObjectGroup;
+var Group = (function () {
+ function Group() {
+ this.materialGroups = new Array();
+ }
+ return Group;
+var MaterialGroup = (function () {
+ function MaterialGroup() {
+ this.faces = new Array();
+ }
+ return MaterialGroup;
+var SpecularData = (function () {
+ function SpecularData() {
+ this.color = 0xFFFFFF;
+ this.alpha = 1;
+ }
+ return SpecularData;
+var LoadedMaterial = (function () {
+ function LoadedMaterial() {
+ this.color = 0xFFFFFF;
+ this.alpha = 1;
+ }
+ return LoadedMaterial;
+var FaceData = (function () {
+ function FaceData() {
+ this.vertexIndices = new Array();
+ this.uvIndices = new Array();
+ this.normalIndices = new Array();
+ this.indexIds = new Array(); // used for real index lookups
+ }
+ return FaceData;
+* Texture coordinates value object.
+var UV = (function () {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new UV
+ *
+ * @param u [optional] The horizontal coordinate of the texture value. Defaults to 0.
+ * @param v [optional] The vertical coordinate of the texture value. Defaults to 0.
+ */
+ function UV(u, v) {
+ if (u === void 0) { u = 0; }
+ if (v === void 0) { v = 0; }
+ this._u = u;
+ this._v = v;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(UV.prototype, "v", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the vertical coordinate of the texture value.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._v;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._v = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(UV.prototype, "u", {
+ /**
+ * Defines the horizontal coordinate of the texture value.
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._u;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._u = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * returns a new UV value Object
+ */
+ UV.prototype.clone = function () {
+ return new UV(this._u, this._v);
+ };
+ /**
+ * returns the value object as a string for trace/debug purpose
+ */
+ UV.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return this._u + "," + this._v;
+ };
+ return UV;
+var Vertex = (function () {
+ /**
+ * Creates a new Vertex
value object.
+ *
+ * @param x [optional] The x value. Defaults to 0.
+ * @param y [optional] The y value. Defaults to 0.
+ * @param z [optional] The z value. Defaults to 0.
+ * @param index [optional] The index value. Defaults is NaN.
+ */
+ function Vertex(x, y, z, index) {
+ if (x === void 0) { x = 0; }
+ if (y === void 0) { y = 0; }
+ if (z === void 0) { z = 0; }
+ if (index === void 0) { index = 0; }
+ this._x = x;
+ this._y = y;
+ this._z = z;
+ this._index = index;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(Vertex.prototype, "index", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._index;
+ },
+ /**
+ * To define/store the index of value object
+ * @param ind The index
+ */
+ set: function (ind) {
+ this._index = ind;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(Vertex.prototype, "x", {
+ /**
+ * To define/store the x value of the value object
+ * @param value The x value
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._x;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._x = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(Vertex.prototype, "y", {
+ /**
+ * To define/store the y value of the value object
+ * @param value The y value
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._y;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._y = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(Vertex.prototype, "z", {
+ /**
+ * To define/store the z value of the value object
+ * @param value The z value
+ */
+ get: function () {
+ return this._z;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._z = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * returns a new Vertex value Object
+ */
+ Vertex.prototype.clone = function () {
+ return new Vertex(this._x, this._y, this._z);
+ };
+ return Vertex;
+module.exports = OBJParser;
+var AssetLoader = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/library/AssetLoader");
+var AWDParser = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/AWDParser");
+var Max3DSParser = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/Max3DSParser");
+var MD2Parser = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/MD2Parser");
+var OBJParser = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/parsers/OBJParser");
+ *
+ */
+var Parsers = (function () {
+ function Parsers() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Short-hand function to enable all bundled parsers for auto-detection. In practice,
+ * this is the same as invoking enableParsers(Parsers.ALL_BUNDLED) on any of the
+ * loader classes SingleFileLoader, AssetLoader, AssetLibrary or Loader3D.
+ *
+ * See notes about file size in the documentation for the ALL_BUNDLED constant.
+ *
+ * @see away.parsers.Parsers.ALL_BUNDLED
+ */
+ Parsers.enableAllBundled = function () {
+ AssetLoader.enableParsers(Parsers.ALL_BUNDLED);
+ };
+ /**
+ * A list of all parsers that come bundled with Away3D. Use this to quickly
+ * enable support for all bundled parsers to the file format auto-detection
+ * feature, using any of the enableParsers() methods on loaders, e.g.:
+ *
+ * AssetLibrary.enableParsers(Parsers.ALL_BUNDLED);
+ *
+ * Beware however that this requires all parser classes to be included in the
+ * SWF file, which will add 50-100 kb to the file. When only a limited set of
+ * file formats are used, SWF file size can be saved by adding the parsers
+ * individually using AssetLibrary.enableParser()
+ *
+ * A third way is to specify a parser for each loaded file, thereby bypassing
+ * the auto-detection mechanisms altogether, while at the same time allowing
+ * any properties that are unique to that parser to be set for that load.
+ *
+ * The bundled parsers are:
+ *
+ * Merge
+ */
+var Merge = (function () {
+ /**
+ * @param keepMaterial [optional] Determines if the merged object uses the recevier mesh material information or keeps its source material(s). Defaults to false.
+ * If false and receiver object has multiple materials, the last material found in receiver submeshes is applied to the merged submesh(es).
+ * @param disposeSources [optional] Determines if the mesh and geometry source(s) used for the merging are disposed. Defaults to false.
+ * If true, only receiver geometry and resulting mesh are kept in memory.
+ * @param objectSpace [optional] Determines if source mesh(es) is/are merged using objectSpace or worldspace. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ function Merge(keepMaterial, disposeSources, objectSpace) {
+ if (keepMaterial === void 0) { keepMaterial = false; }
+ if (disposeSources === void 0) { disposeSources = false; }
+ if (objectSpace === void 0) { objectSpace = false; }
+ this._keepMaterial = keepMaterial;
+ this._disposeSources = disposeSources;
+ this._objectSpace = objectSpace;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(Merge.prototype, "disposeSources", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._disposeSources;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determines if the mesh and geometry source(s) used for the merging are disposed. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ set: function (b) {
+ this._disposeSources = b;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(Merge.prototype, "keepMaterial", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._keepMaterial;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determines if the material source(s) used for the merging are disposed. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ set: function (b) {
+ this._keepMaterial = b;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(Merge.prototype, "objectSpace", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._objectSpace;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determines if source mesh(es) is/are merged using objectSpace or worldspace. Defaults to false.
+ */
+ set: function (b) {
+ this._objectSpace = b;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ /**
+ * Merges all the children of a container into a single Mesh. If no Mesh object is found, method returns the receiver without modification.
+ *
+ * @param receiver The Mesh to receive the merged contents of the container.
+ * @param objectContainer The DisplayObjectContainer holding the meshes to be mergd.
+ *
+ * @return The merged Mesh instance.
+ */
+ Merge.prototype.applyToContainer = function (receiver, objectContainer) {
+ this.reset();
+ //collect container meshes
+ this.parseContainer(receiver, objectContainer);
+ //collect receiver
+ this.collect(receiver, false);
+ //merge to receiver
+ this.merge(receiver, this._disposeSources);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Merges all the meshes found in the Array<Mesh> into a single Mesh.
+ *
+ * @param receiver The Mesh to receive the merged contents of the meshes.
+ * @param meshes A series of Meshes to be merged with the reciever mesh.
+ */
+ Merge.prototype.applyToMeshes = function (receiver, meshes) {
+ this.reset();
+ if (!meshes.length)
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < meshes.length; i++)
+ if (meshes[i] != receiver)
+ this.collect(meshes[i], this._disposeSources);
+ //collect receiver
+ this.collect(receiver, false);
+ //merge to receiver
+ this.merge(receiver, this._disposeSources);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Merges 2 meshes into one. It is recommand to use apply when 2 meshes are to be merged. If more need to be merged, use either applyToMeshes or applyToContainer methods.
+ *
+ * @param receiver The Mesh to receive the merged contents of both meshes.
+ * @param mesh The Mesh to be merged with the receiver mesh
+ */
+ Merge.prototype.apply = function (receiver, mesh) {
+ this.reset();
+ //collect mesh
+ this.collect(mesh, this._disposeSources);
+ //collect receiver
+ this.collect(receiver, false);
+ //merge to receiver
+ this.merge(receiver, this._disposeSources);
+ };
+ Merge.prototype.reset = function () {
+ this._toDispose = new Array();
+ this._geomVOs = new Array();
+ };
+ Merge.prototype.merge = function (destMesh, dispose) {
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var subIdx /*uint*/;
+ var oldGeom;
+ var destGeom;
+ var useSubMaterials;
+ oldGeom = destMesh.geometry;
+ destGeom = destMesh.geometry = new Geometry();
+ subIdx = destMesh.subMeshes.length;
+ // Only apply materials directly to sub-meshes if necessary,
+ // i.e. if there is more than one material available.
+ useSubMaterials = (this._geomVOs.length > 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < this._geomVOs.length; i++) {
+ var s /*uint*/;
+ var data;
+ var sub = new TriangleSubGeometry(true);
+ sub.autoDeriveNormals = false;
+ sub.autoDeriveTangents = false;
+ data = this._geomVOs[i];
+ sub.updateIndices(data.indices);
+ sub.updatePositions(data.vertices);
+ sub.updateVertexNormals(data.normals);
+ sub.updateVertexTangents(data.tangents);
+ sub.updateUVs(data.uvs);
+ destGeom.addSubGeometry(sub);
+ if (this._keepMaterial && useSubMaterials)
+ destMesh.subMeshes[subIdx].material = data.material;
+ }
+ if (this._keepMaterial && !useSubMaterials && this._geomVOs.length)
+ destMesh.material = this._geomVOs[0].material;
+ if (dispose) {
+ var m;
+ var len = this._toDispose.length;
+ for (var i; i < len; i++) {
+ m = this._toDispose[i];
+ m.geometry.dispose();
+ m.dispose();
+ }
+ //dispose of the original receiver geometry
+ oldGeom.dispose();
+ }
+ this._toDispose = null;
+ };
+ Merge.prototype.collect = function (mesh, dispose) {
+ if (mesh.geometry) {
+ var subIdx /*uint*/;
+ var subGeometries = mesh.geometry.subGeometries;
+ var calc /*uint*/;
+ for (subIdx = 0; subIdx < subGeometries.length; subIdx++) {
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ var iIdx /*uint*/, vIdx /*uint*/, nIdx /*uint*/, tIdx /*uint*/, uIdx /*uint*/;
+ var indexOffset /*uint*/;
+ var subGeom;
+ var vo;
+ var vertices;
+ var normals;
+ var tangents;
+ var pd, nd, td, ud;
+ subGeom = subGeometries[subIdx];
+ pd = subGeom.positions;
+ nd = subGeom.vertexNormals;
+ td = subGeom.vertexTangents;
+ ud = subGeom.uvs;
+ // Get (or create) a VO for this material
+ vo = this.getSubGeomData(mesh.subMeshes[subIdx].material || mesh.material);
+ // Vertices and normals are copied to temporary vectors, to be transformed
+ // before concatenated onto those of the data. This is unnecessary if no
+ // transformation will be performed, i.e. for object space merging.
+ vertices = (this._objectSpace) ? vo.vertices : new Array();
+ normals = (this._objectSpace) ? vo.normals : new Array();
+ tangents = (this._objectSpace) ? vo.tangents : new Array();
+ // Copy over vertex attributes
+ vIdx = vertices.length;
+ nIdx = normals.length;
+ tIdx = tangents.length;
+ uIdx = vo.uvs.length;
+ len = subGeom.numVertices;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ calc = i * 3;
+ // Position
+ vertices[vIdx++] = pd[calc];
+ vertices[vIdx++] = pd[calc + 1];
+ vertices[vIdx++] = pd[calc + 2];
+ // Normal
+ normals[nIdx++] = nd[calc];
+ normals[nIdx++] = nd[calc + 1];
+ normals[nIdx++] = nd[calc + 2];
+ // Tangent
+ tangents[tIdx++] = td[calc];
+ tangents[tIdx++] = td[calc + 1];
+ tangents[tIdx++] = td[calc + 2];
+ // UV
+ vo.uvs[uIdx++] = ud[i * 2];
+ vo.uvs[uIdx++] = ud[i * 2 + 1];
+ }
+ // Copy over triangle indices
+ indexOffset = (!this._objectSpace) ? vo.vertices.length / 3 : 0;
+ iIdx = vo.indices.length;
+ len = subGeom.numTriangles;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ calc = i * 3;
+ vo.indices[iIdx++] = subGeom.indices[calc] + indexOffset;
+ vo.indices[iIdx++] = subGeom.indices[calc + 1] + indexOffset;
+ vo.indices[iIdx++] = subGeom.indices[calc + 2] + indexOffset;
+ }
+ if (!this._objectSpace) {
+ mesh.sceneTransform.transformVectors(vertices, vertices);
+ Matrix3DUtils.deltaTransformVectors(mesh.sceneTransform, normals, normals);
+ Matrix3DUtils.deltaTransformVectors(mesh.sceneTransform, tangents, tangents);
+ // Copy vertex data from temporary (transformed) vectors
+ vIdx = vo.vertices.length;
+ nIdx = vo.normals.length;
+ tIdx = vo.tangents.length;
+ len = vertices.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ vo.vertices[vIdx++] = vertices[i];
+ vo.normals[nIdx++] = normals[i];
+ vo.tangents[tIdx++] = tangents[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dispose)
+ this._toDispose.push(mesh);
+ }
+ };
+ Merge.prototype.getSubGeomData = function (material) {
+ var data;
+ if (this._keepMaterial) {
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ var len /*uint*/;
+ len = this._geomVOs.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (this._geomVOs[i].material == material) {
+ data = this._geomVOs[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this._geomVOs.length) {
+ // If materials are not to be kept, all data can be
+ // put into a single VO, so return that one.
+ data = this._geomVOs[0];
+ }
+ // No data (for this material) found, create new.
+ if (!data) {
+ data = new GeometryVO();
+ data.vertices = new Array();
+ data.normals = new Array();
+ data.tangents = new Array();
+ data.uvs = new Array();
+ data.indices = new Array();
+ data.material = material;
+ this._geomVOs.push(data);
+ }
+ return data;
+ };
+ Merge.prototype.parseContainer = function (receiver, object) {
+ var child;
+ var i /*uint*/;
+ if (object instanceof Mesh && object != receiver)
+ this.collect(object, this._disposeSources);
+ for (i = 0; i < object.numChildren; ++i) {
+ child = object.getChildAt(i);
+ this.parseContainer(receiver, child);
+ }
+ };
+ return Merge;
+var GeometryVO = (function () {
+ function GeometryVO() {
+ }
+ return GeometryVO;
+module.exports = Merge;
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleGeometryTransform = (function () {
+ function ParticleGeometryTransform() {
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleGeometryTransform.prototype, "vertexTransform", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._defaultVertexTransform;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._defaultVertexTransform = value;
+ this._defaultInvVertexTransform = value.clone();
+ this._defaultInvVertexTransform.invert();
+ this._defaultInvVertexTransform.transpose();
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleGeometryTransform.prototype, "UVTransform", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._defaultUVTransform;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ this._defaultUVTransform = value;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ParticleGeometryTransform.prototype, "invVertexTransform", {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._defaultInvVertexTransform;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ return ParticleGeometryTransform;
+module.exports = ParticleGeometryTransform;
+var TriangleSubGeometry = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/base/TriangleSubGeometry");
+var Point = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Point");
+var Vector3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D");
+var ParticleData = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleData");
+var ParticleGeometry = require("awayjs-renderergl/lib/core/base/ParticleGeometry");
+ * ...
+ */
+var ParticleGeometryHelper = (function () {
+ function ParticleGeometryHelper() {
+ }
+ ParticleGeometryHelper.generateGeometry = function (geometries, transforms) {
+ if (transforms === void 0) { transforms = null; }
+ var indicesVector = new Array() /*uint*/;
+ var positionsVector = new Array();
+ var normalsVector = new Array();
+ var tangentsVector = new Array();
+ var uvsVector = new Array();
+ var vertexCounters = new Array() /*uint*/;
+ var particles = new Array();
+ var subGeometries = new Array();
+ var numParticles = geometries.length;
+ var sourceSubGeometries;
+ var sourceSubGeometry;
+ var numSubGeometries /*uint*/;
+ var indices /*uint*/;
+ var positions;
+ var normals;
+ var tangents;
+ var uvs;
+ var vertexCounter /*uint*/;
+ var subGeometry;
+ var i /*int*/;
+ var j /*int*/;
+ var sub2SubMap = new Array() /*int*/;
+ var tempVertex = new Vector3D;
+ var tempNormal = new Vector3D;
+ var tempTangents = new Vector3D;
+ var tempUV = new Point;
+ for (i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
+ sourceSubGeometries = geometries[i].subGeometries;
+ numSubGeometries = sourceSubGeometries.length;
+ for (var srcIndex = 0; srcIndex < numSubGeometries; srcIndex++) {
+ //create a different particle subgeometry group for each source subgeometry in a particle.
+ if (sub2SubMap.length <= srcIndex) {
+ sub2SubMap.push(subGeometries.length);
+ indicesVector.push(new Array());
+ positionsVector.push(new Array());
+ normalsVector.push(new Array());
+ tangentsVector.push(new Array());
+ uvsVector.push(new Array());
+ subGeometries.push(new TriangleSubGeometry(true));
+ vertexCounters.push(0);
+ }
+ sourceSubGeometry = sourceSubGeometries[srcIndex];
+ //add a new particle subgeometry if this source subgeometry will take us over the maxvertex limit
+ if (sourceSubGeometry.numVertices + vertexCounters[sub2SubMap[srcIndex]] > ParticleGeometryHelper.MAX_VERTEX) {
+ //update submap and add new subgeom vectors
+ sub2SubMap[srcIndex] = subGeometries.length;
+ indicesVector.push(new Array());
+ positionsVector.push(new Array());
+ normalsVector.push(new Array());
+ tangentsVector.push(new Array());
+ uvsVector.push(new Array());
+ subGeometries.push(new TriangleSubGeometry(true));
+ vertexCounters.push(0);
+ }
+ j = sub2SubMap[srcIndex];
+ //select the correct vector
+ indices = indicesVector[j];
+ positions = positionsVector[j];
+ normals = normalsVector[j];
+ tangents = tangentsVector[j];
+ uvs = uvsVector[j];
+ vertexCounter = vertexCounters[j];
+ subGeometry = subGeometries[j];
+ var particleData = new ParticleData();
+ particleData.numVertices = sourceSubGeometry.numVertices;
+ particleData.startVertexIndex = vertexCounter;
+ particleData.particleIndex = i;
+ particleData.subGeometry = subGeometry;
+ particles.push(particleData);
+ vertexCounters[j] += sourceSubGeometry.numVertices;
+ var k /*int*/;
+ var tempLen /*int*/;
+ var compact = sourceSubGeometry;
+ var product /*uint*/;
+ var sourcePositions;
+ var sourceNormals;
+ var sourceTangents;
+ var sourceUVs;
+ if (compact) {
+ tempLen = compact.numVertices;
+ compact.numTriangles;
+ sourcePositions = compact.positions;
+ sourceNormals = compact.vertexNormals;
+ sourceTangents = compact.vertexTangents;
+ sourceUVs = compact.uvs;
+ if (transforms) {
+ var particleGeometryTransform = transforms[i];
+ var vertexTransform = particleGeometryTransform.vertexTransform;
+ var invVertexTransform = particleGeometryTransform.invVertexTransform;
+ var UVTransform = particleGeometryTransform.UVTransform;
+ for (k = 0; k < tempLen; k++) {
+ /*
+ * 0 - 2: vertex position X, Y, Z
+ * 3 - 5: normal X, Y, Z
+ * 6 - 8: tangent X, Y, Z
+ * 9 - 10: U V
+ * 11 - 12: Secondary U V*/
+ product = k * 3;
+ tempVertex.x = sourcePositions[product];
+ tempVertex.y = sourcePositions[product + 1];
+ tempVertex.z = sourcePositions[product + 2];
+ tempNormal.x = sourceNormals[product];
+ tempNormal.y = sourceNormals[product + 1];
+ tempNormal.z = sourceNormals[product + 2];
+ tempTangents.x = sourceTangents[product];
+ tempTangents.y = sourceTangents[product + 1];
+ tempTangents.z = sourceTangents[product + 2];
+ tempUV.x = sourceUVs[k * 2];
+ tempUV.y = sourceUVs[k * 2 + 1];
+ if (vertexTransform) {
+ tempVertex = vertexTransform.transformVector(tempVertex);
+ tempNormal = invVertexTransform.deltaTransformVector(tempNormal);
+ tempTangents = invVertexTransform.deltaTransformVector(tempNormal);
+ }
+ if (UVTransform)
+ tempUV = UVTransform.transformPoint(tempUV);
+ //this is faster than that only push one data
+ sourcePositions.push(tempVertex.x, tempVertex.y, tempVertex.z);
+ sourceNormals.push(tempNormal.x, tempNormal.y, tempNormal.z);
+ sourceTangents.push(tempTangents.x, tempTangents.y, tempTangents.z);
+ sourceUVs.push(tempUV.x, tempUV.y);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (k = 0; k < tempLen; k++) {
+ product = k * 3;
+ //this is faster than that only push one data
+ positions.push(sourcePositions[product], sourcePositions[product + 1], sourcePositions[product + 2]);
+ normals.push(sourceNormals[product], sourceNormals[product + 1], sourceNormals[product + 2]);
+ tangents.push(sourceTangents[product], sourceTangents[product + 1], sourceTangents[product + 2]);
+ uvs.push(sourceUVs[k * 2], sourceUVs[k * 2 + 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ var sourceIndices = sourceSubGeometry.indices;
+ tempLen = sourceSubGeometry.numTriangles;
+ for (k = 0; k < tempLen; k++) {
+ product = k * 3;
+ indices.push(sourceIndices[product] + vertexCounter, sourceIndices[product + 1] + vertexCounter, sourceIndices[product + 2] + vertexCounter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var particleGeometry = new ParticleGeometry();
+ particleGeometry.particles = particles;
+ particleGeometry.numParticles = numParticles;
+ numParticles = subGeometries.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
+ subGeometry = subGeometries[i];
+ subGeometry.autoDeriveNormals = false;
+ subGeometry.autoDeriveTangents = false;
+ subGeometry.updateIndices(indicesVector[i]);
+ subGeometry.updatePositions(positionsVector[i]);
+ subGeometry.updateVertexNormals(normalsVector[i]);
+ subGeometry.updateVertexTangents(tangentsVector[i]);
+ subGeometry.updateUVs(uvsVector[i]);
+ particleGeometry.addSubGeometry(subGeometry);
+ }
+ return particleGeometry;
+ };
+ ParticleGeometryHelper.MAX_VERTEX = 65535;
+ return ParticleGeometryHelper;
+module.exports = ParticleGeometryHelper;
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var Matrix3D = require("awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Matrix3D");
+ *
+ */
+var PerspectiveMatrix3D = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(PerspectiveMatrix3D, _super);
+ function PerspectiveMatrix3D(v) {
+ if (v === void 0) { v = null; }
+ _super.call(this, v);
+ }
+ PerspectiveMatrix3D.prototype.perspectiveFieldOfViewLH = function (fieldOfViewY, aspectRatio, zNear, zFar) {
+ var yScale = 1 / Math.tan(fieldOfViewY / 2);
+ var xScale = yScale / aspectRatio;
+ this.copyRawDataFrom([xScale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, yScale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, zFar / (zFar - zNear), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, (zNear * zFar) / (zNear - zFar), 0.0]);
+ };
+ return PerspectiveMatrix3D;
+module.exports = PerspectiveMatrix3D;
+//# sourceMappingURL=awayjs-renderergl.js.map
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/awayjs-renderergl.js.map b/build/awayjs-renderergl.js.map
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a765c2e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/awayjs-renderergl.js.map
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ "version": 3,
+ "sources": [
+ "node_modules/browserify/node_modules/browser-pack/_prelude.js",
+ "animators/particleanimationset.ts",
+ "animators/particleanimator.ts",
+ "animators/skeletonanimationset.ts",
+ "animators/skeletonanimator.ts",
+ "animators/vertexanimationset.ts",
+ "animators/vertexanimator.ts",
+ "animators/data/animationsubgeometry.ts",
+ "animators/data/colorsegmentpoint.ts",
+ "animators/data/jointpose.ts",
+ "animators/data/particleanimationdata.ts",
+ "animators/data/particledata.ts",
+ "animators/data/particlepropertiesmode.ts",
+ "animators/data/particleproperties.ts",
+ "animators/data/skeletonjoint.ts",
+ "animators/data/skeletonpose.ts",
+ "animators/data/skeleton.ts",
+ "animators/data/vertexanimationmode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/animationclipnodebase.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particleaccelerationnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlebeziercurvenode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlebillboardnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlecolornode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlefollownode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particleinitialcolornode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlenodebase.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particleorbitnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particleoscillatornode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlepositionnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlerotatetoheadingnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlerotatetopositionnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlerotationalvelocitynode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlescalenode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlesegmentedcolornode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlespritesheetnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particletimenode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particleuvnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/particlevelocitynode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/skeletonbinarylerpnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/skeletonclipnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/skeletondifferencenode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/skeletondirectionalnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/skeletonnarylerpnode.ts",
+ "animators/nodes/vertexclipnode.ts",
+ "animators/states/animationclipstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/animationstatebase.ts",
+ "animators/states/iskeletonanimationstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/ivertexanimationstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particleaccelerationstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlebeziercurvestate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlebillboardstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlecolorstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlefollowstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particleinitialcolorstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particleorbitstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particleoscillatorstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlepositionstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlerotatetoheadingstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlerotatetopositionstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlerotationalvelocitystate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlescalestate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlesegmentedcolorstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlespritesheetstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlestatebase.ts",
+ "animators/states/particletimestate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particleuvstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/particlevelocitystate.ts",
+ "animators/states/skeletonbinarylerpstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/skeletonclipstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/skeletondifferencestate.ts",
+ "animators/states/skeletondirectionalstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/skeletonnarylerpstate.ts",
+ "animators/states/vertexclipstate.ts",
+ "animators/transitions/crossfadetransitionnode.ts",
+ "animators/transitions/crossfadetransitionstate.ts",
+ "animators/transitions/crossfadetransition.ts",
+ "animators/transitions/ianimationtransition.ts",
+ "core/base/particlegeometry.ts",
+ "core/pick/jspickingcollider.ts",
+ "core/pick/pickingcolliderbase.ts",
+ "core/pick/shaderpicker.ts",
+ "events/animationstateevent.ts",
+ "materials/methods/ambientenvmapmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/diffusecelmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/diffusecompositemethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/diffusedepthmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/diffusegradientmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/diffuselightmapmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/diffusesubsurfacemethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/diffusewrapmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/effectalphamaskmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/effectcolormatrixmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/effectenvmapmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/effectfogmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/effectfresnelenvmapmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/effectlightmapmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/effectrefractionenvmapmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/effectrimlightmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/normalheightmapmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/normalsimplewatermethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/shadowcascademethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/shadowditheredmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/shadowfilteredmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/shadownearmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/shadowsoftmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/specularanisotropicmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/specularcelmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/specularcompositemethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/specularfresnelmethod.ts",
+ "materials/methods/specularphongmethod.ts",
+ "materials/passes/singleobjectdepthpass.ts",
+ "parsers/awdparser.ts",
+ "parsers/md2parser.ts",
+ "parsers/md5animparser.ts",
+ "parsers/md5meshparser.ts",
+ "parsers/max3dsparser.ts",
+ "parsers/objparser.ts",
+ "parsers/parsers.ts",
+ "parsers/data/awdblock.ts",
+ "parsers/data/awdproperties.ts",
+ "parsers/data/baseframedata.ts",
+ "parsers/data/bitflags.ts",
+ "parsers/data/boundsdata.ts",
+ "parsers/data/facevo.ts",
+ "parsers/data/framedata.ts",
+ "parsers/data/hierarchydata.ts",
+ "parsers/data/materialvo.ts",
+ "parsers/data/objectvo.ts",
+ "parsers/data/texturevo.ts",
+ "parsers/data/vertexvo.ts",
+ "tools/commands/merge.ts",
+ "tools/data/particlegeometrytransform.ts",
+ "tools/helpers/particlegeometryhelper.ts",
+ "utils/perspectivematrix3d.ts"
+ ],
+ "names": [],
+ "file": "generated.js",
+ "sourceRoot": "",
+ "sourcesContent": [
+ "(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require==\"function\"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error(\"Cannot find module '\"+o+\"'\");throw f.code=\"MODULE_NOT_FOUND\",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require==\"function\"&&require;for(var o=0;o\n\t * initParticleFunc(prop:ParticleProperties)\n\t * {\n\t * \t\t//code for settings local properties\n\t * }\n\t *
\n\t *\n\t * Aside from setting any properties required in particle animation nodes using local static properties, the initParticleFunc function\n\t * is required to time node requirements as they may be needed. These properties on the ParticleProperties object can include\n\t * startTime
, duration
and delay
. The use of these properties is determined by the setting\n\t * arguments passed in the constructor of the particle animation set. By default, only the startTime
property is required.\n\t */\n\tpublic initParticleFunc:Function;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Initialiser function scope for static particle properties\n\t */\n\tpublic initParticleScope:Object;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleAnimationSet
\n\t *\n\t * @param [optional] usesDuration Defines whether the animation set uses the duration
data in its static properties to determine how long a particle is visible for. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] usesLooping Defines whether the animation set uses a looping timeframe for each particle determined by the startTime
, duration
and delay
data in its static properties function. Defaults to false. Requires usesDuration
to be true.\n\t * @param [optional] usesDelay Defines whether the animation set uses the delay
data in its static properties to determine how long a particle is hidden for. Defaults to false. Requires usesLooping
to be true.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(usesDuration:boolean = false, usesLooping:boolean = false, usesDelay:boolean = false)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\t//automatically add a particle time node to the set\n\t\tthis.addAnimation(this._timeNode = new ParticleTimeNode(usesDuration, usesLooping, usesDelay));\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns a vector of the particle animation nodes contained within the set.\n\t */\n\tpublic get particleNodes():ArrayParticleAnimator
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param particleAnimationSet The animation data set containing the particle animations used by the animator.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(particleAnimationSet:ParticleAnimationSet)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(particleAnimationSet);\n\t\tthis._particleAnimationSet = particleAnimationSet;\n\n\t\tvar state:ParticleStateBase;\n\t\tvar node:ParticleNodeBase;\n\n\t\tfor (var i:number = 0; i < this._particleAnimationSet.particleNodes.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tnode = this._particleAnimationSet.particleNodes[i];\n\t\t\tstate = SkeletonAnimationSet
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param jointsPerVertex Sets the amount of skeleton joints that can be linked to a single vertex via skinned weight values. For GPU-base animation, the maximum allowed value is 4. Defaults to 4.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(jointsPerVertex:number /*uint*/ = 4)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis._jointsPerVertex = jointsPerVertex;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar len:number /*uint*/ = shaderObject.animatableAttributes.length;\n\n\t\tvar indexOffset0:number /*uint*/ = shaderObject.numUsedVertexConstants;\n\t\tvar indexOffset1:number /*uint*/ = indexOffset0 + 1;\n\t\tvar indexOffset2:number /*uint*/ = indexOffset0 + 2;\n\t\tvar indexStream:string = \"va\" + shaderObject.numUsedStreams;\n\t\tvar weightStream:string = \"va\" + (shaderObject.numUsedStreams + 1);\n\t\tvar indices:ArraySkeletonAnimator
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param skeletonAnimationSet The animation data set containing the skeleton animations used by the animator.\n\t * @param skeleton The skeleton object used for calculating the resulting global matrices for transforming skinned mesh data.\n\t * @param forceCPU Optional value that only allows the animator to perform calculation on the CPU. Defaults to false.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(animationSet:SkeletonAnimationSet, skeleton:Skeleton, forceCPU:boolean = false)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(animationSet);\n\n\t\tthis._skeleton = skeleton;\n\t\tthis._forceCPU = forceCPU;\n\t\tthis._jointsPerVertex = animationSet.jointsPerVertex;\n\n\t\tthis._numJoints = this._skeleton.numJoints;\n\t\tthis._globalMatrices = new ArrayVertexAnimationSet
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param numPoses The number of poses made available at once to the GPU animation code.\n\t * @param blendMode Optional value for setting the animation mode of the vertex animator object.\n\t *\n\t * @see away3d.animators.data.VertexAnimationMode\n\t */\n\tconstructor(numPoses:number /*uint*/ = 2, blendMode:string = \"absolute\")\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\t\tthis._numPoses = numPoses;\n\t\tthis._blendMode = blendMode;\n\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase):string\n\t{\n\t\tif (this._blendMode == VertexAnimationMode.ABSOLUTE)\n\t\t\treturn this.getAbsoluteAGALCode(shaderObject);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\treturn this.getAdditiveAGALCode(shaderObject);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic activate(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, stage:Stage)\n\t{\n//\t\t\tvar uID:number = pass._iUniqueId;\n//\t\t\tthis._uploadNormals = VertexAnimator
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param vertexAnimationSet The animation data set containing the vertex animations used by the animator.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(vertexAnimationSet:VertexAnimationSet)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(vertexAnimationSet);\n\n\t\tthis._vertexAnimationSet = vertexAnimationSet;\n\t\tthis._numPoses = vertexAnimationSet.numPoses;\n\t\tthis._blendMode = vertexAnimationSet.blendMode;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic clone():AnimatorBase\n\t{\n\t\treturn new VertexAnimator(this._vertexAnimationSet);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Plays a sequence with a given name. If the sequence is not found, it may not be loaded yet, and it will retry every frame.\n\t * @param sequenceName The name of the clip to be played.\n\t */\n\tpublic play(name:string, transition:IAnimationTransition = null, offset:number = NaN)\n\t{\n\t\tif (this._pActiveAnimationName == name)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\n\t\tthis._pActiveAnimationName = name;\n\n\t\t//TODO: implement transitions in vertex animator\n\n\t\tif (!this._pAnimationSet.hasAnimation(name))\n\t\t\tthrow new Error(\"Animation root node \" + name + \" not found!\");\n\n\t\tthis._pActiveNode = this._pAnimationSet.getAnimation(name);\n\n\t\tthis._pActiveState = this.getAnimationState(this._pActiveNode);\n\n\t\tif (this.updatePosition) {\n\t\t\t//update straight away to reset position deltas\n\t\t\tthis._pActiveState.update(this._pAbsoluteTime);\n\t\t\tthis._pActiveState.positionDelta;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tthis._activeVertexState = useDuration
are enabled in the constructor.\n\t *\n\t * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet\n\t */\n\tpublic duration:number;\n\n\t/**\n\t * The delay between cycles of the particle, an optional value used when the particle aniamtion set settings for useLooping
and useDelay
are enabled in the constructor.\n\t *\n\t * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet\n\t */\n\tpublic delay:number;\n}\n\nexport = ParticleProperties;",
+ "/**\n * A value obect representing a single joint in a skeleton object.\n *\n * @see away.animators.Skeleton\n */\nclass SkeletonJoint\n{\n\t/**\n\t * The index of the parent joint in the skeleton's joints vector.\n\t *\n\t * @see away.animators.Skeleton#joints\n\t */\n\tpublic parentIndex:number /*int*/ = -1;\n\n\t/**\n\t * The name of the joint\n\t */\n\tpublic name:string; // intention is that this should be used only at load time, not in the main loop\n\n\t/**\n\t * The inverse bind pose matrix, as raw data, used to transform vertices to bind joint space in preparation for transformation using the joint matrix.\n\t */\n\tpublic inverseBindPose:ArraySkeletonJoint
object\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t}\n}\n\nexport = SkeletonJoint;",
+ "import JointPose\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/JointPose\");\n\nimport AssetType\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-core/lib/core/library/AssetType\");\nimport IAsset\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-core/lib/core/library/IAsset\");\nimport NamedAssetBase\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-core/lib/core/library/NamedAssetBase\");\n\n/**\n * A collection of pose objects, determining the pose for an entire skeleton.\n * The jointPoses
vector object corresponds to a skeleton's joints
vector object, however, there is no\n * reference to a skeleton's instance, since several skeletons can be influenced by the same pose (eg: animation\n * clips are added to any animator with a valid skeleton)\n *\n * @see away.animators.Skeleton\n * @see away.animators.JointPose\n */\nclass SkeletonPose extends NamedAssetBase implements IAsset\n{\n\t/**\n\t * A flat list of pose objects that comprise the skeleton pose. The pose indices correspond to the target skeleton's joint indices.\n\t *\n\t * @see away.animators.Skeleton#joints\n\t */\n\tpublic jointPoses:ArraySkeletonPose
object.\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis.jointPoses = new ArraySkeletonPose
object, with a dulpicate of its component joint poses.\n\t *\n\t * @return SkeletonPose\n\t */\n\tpublic clone():SkeletonPose\n\t{\n\t\tvar clone:SkeletonPose = new SkeletonPose();\n\t\tvar numJointPoses:number /*uint*/ = this.jointPoses.length;\n\t\tfor (var i:number /*uint*/ = 0; i < numJointPoses; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar cloneJointPose:JointPose = new JointPose();\n\t\t\tvar thisJointPose:JointPose = this.jointPoses[i];\n\t\t\tcloneJointPose.name = thisJointPose.name;\n\t\t\tcloneJointPose.copyFrom(thisJointPose);\n\t\t\tclone.jointPoses[i] = cloneJointPose;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn clone;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic dispose()\n\t{\n\t\tthis.jointPoses.length = 0;\n\t}\n}\n\nexport = SkeletonPose;",
+ "import SkeletonJoint\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/SkeletonJoint\");\n\nimport AssetType\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-core/lib/core/library/AssetType\");\nimport IAsset\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-core/lib/core/library/IAsset\");\nimport NamedAssetBase\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-core/lib/core/library/NamedAssetBase\");\n\n/**\n * A Skeleton object is a hierarchical grouping of joint objects that can be used for skeletal animation.\n *\n * @see away.animators.SkeletonJoint\n */\nclass Skeleton extends NamedAssetBase implements IAsset\n{\n\t/**\n\t * A flat list of joint objects that comprise the skeleton. Every joint except for the root has a parentIndex\n\t * property that is an index into this list.\n\t * A child joint should always have a higher index than its parent.\n\t */\n\tpublic joints:ArraySkeleton
object\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\t// in the long run, it might be a better idea to not store Joint objects, but keep all data in Vectors, that we can upload easily?\n\t\tthis.joints = new ArrayAnimationClipNodeBase
object.\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Updates the node's final frame stitch state.\n\t *\n\t * @see #stitchFinalFrame\n\t */\n\tpublic _pUpdateStitch()\n\t{\n\t\tthis._pStitchDirty = false;\n\n\t\tthis._pLastFrame = (this._pStitchFinalFrame)? this._pNumFrames : this._pNumFrames - 1;\n\n\t\tthis._pTotalDuration = 0;\n\t\tthis._pTotalDelta.x = 0;\n\t\tthis._pTotalDelta.y = 0;\n\t\tthis._pTotalDelta.z = 0;\n\t}\n}\n\nexport = AnimationClipNodeBase;",
+ "import Vector3D\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-core/lib/core/geom/Vector3D\");\n\nimport AnimatorBase\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase\");\nimport AnimationRegisterCache\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache\");\nimport ShaderObjectBase\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase\");\nimport ShaderRegisterElement\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement\");\n\nimport ParticleProperties\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties\");\nimport ParticlePropertiesMode\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticlePropertiesMode\");\nimport ParticleNodeBase\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/ParticleNodeBase\");\nimport ParticleAccelerationState\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/ParticleAccelerationState\");\n\n/**\n * A particle animation node used to apply a constant acceleration vector to the motion of a particle.\n */\nclass ParticleAccelerationNode extends ParticleNodeBase\n{\n\t/** @private */\n\tpublic _acceleration:Vector3D;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Reference for acceleration node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).\n\t * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the direction of acceleration on the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static ACCELERATION_VECTOR3D:string = \"AccelerationVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleAccelerationNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] acceleration Defines the default acceleration vector of the node, used when in global mode.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, acceleration:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleAcceleration\", mode, 3);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleAccelerationState;\n\n\t\tthis._acceleration = acceleration || new Vector3D();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic pGetAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar accelerationValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleAccelerationState.ACCELERATION_INDEX, accelerationValue.index);\n\n\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);\n\n\t\tvar code:string = \"mul \" + temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + accelerationValue + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity) {\n\t\t\tvar temp2:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + temp2 + \",\" + temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp2 + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);\n\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + temp + \",\" + temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleAccelerationState\n\t{\n\t\treturn Vector3D
object representing the control point position (0, 1, 2) of the curve.\n\t */\n\tpublic static BEZIER_CONTROL_VECTOR3D:string = \"BezierControlVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Reference for bezier curve node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).\n\t * Expects a Vector3D
object representing the end point position (0, 1, 2) of the curve.\n\t */\n\tpublic static BEZIER_END_VECTOR3D:string = \"BezierEndVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleBezierCurveNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] controlPoint Defines the default control point of the node, used when in global mode.\n\t * @param [optional] endPoint Defines the default end point of the node, used when in global mode.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, controlPoint:Vector3D = null, endPoint:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleBezierCurve\", mode, 6);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleBezierCurveState;\n\n\t\tthis._iControlPoint = controlPoint || new Vector3D();\n\t\tthis._iEndPoint = endPoint || new Vector3D();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar controlValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleBezierCurveState.BEZIER_CONTROL_INDEX, controlValue.index);\n\n\t\tvar endValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleBezierCurveState.BEZIER_END_INDEX, endValue.index);\n\n\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tvar rev_time:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 0);\n\t\tvar time_2:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 1);\n\t\tvar time_temp:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 2);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);\n\t\tvar temp2:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tvar distance:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);\n\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tcode += \"sub \" + rev_time + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + time_2 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + time_temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + \",\" + rev_time + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + time_temp + \",\" + time_temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \".xyz,\" + time_temp + \",\" + controlValue + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz,\" + distance + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \".xyz,\" + time_2 + \",\" + endValue + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz,\" + distance + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity) {\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + time_2 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + time_temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + time_2 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + time_temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + \",\" + time_temp + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \".xyz,\" + controlValue + \",\" + time_temp + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz,\" + distance + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \".xyz,\" + endValue + \",\" + time_2 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz,\" + distance + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleBezierCurveState\n\t{\n\t\treturn ParticleBillboardNode
\n\t */\n\tconstructor(billboardAxis:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleBillboard\", ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, 0, 4);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleBillboardState;\n\n\t\tthis._iBillboardAxis = billboardAxis;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar rotationMatrixRegister:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleBillboardState.MATRIX_INDEX, rotationMatrixRegister.index);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\n\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\n\t\tvar code:string = \"m33 \" + temp + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \",\" + rotationMatrixRegister + \"\\n\" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t \"mov \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\tvar shaderRegisterElement:ShaderRegisterElement;\n\t\tfor (var i:number /*uint*/ = 0; i < animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tshaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i];\n\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + temp + \".xyz,\" + shaderRegisterElement + \",\" + rotationMatrixRegister + \"\\n\" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"mov \" + shaderRegisterElement + \".xyz,\" + shaderRegisterElement + \"\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleBillboardState\n\t{\n\t\treturn ColorTransform
object representing the start color transform applied to the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static COLOR_START_COLORTRANSFORM:string = \"ColorStartColorTransform\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Reference for color node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).\n\t * Expects a ColorTransform
object representing the end color transform applied to the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static COLOR_END_COLORTRANSFORM:string = \"ColorEndColorTransform\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleColorNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] usesMultiplier Defines whether the node uses multiplier data in the shader for its color transformations. Defaults to true.\n\t * @param [optional] usesOffset Defines whether the node uses offset data in the shader for its color transformations. Defaults to true.\n\t * @param [optional] usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration
property in the shader to calculate the period of the animation independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase
property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the cycle rotation of the particle. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] startColor Defines the default start color transform of the node, when in global mode.\n\t * @param [optional] endColor Defines the default end color transform of the node, when in global mode.\n\t * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.\n\t * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, usesMultiplier:boolean = true, usesOffset:boolean = true, usesCycle:boolean = false, usesPhase:boolean = false, startColor:ColorTransform = null, endColor:ColorTransform = null, cycleDuration:number = 1, cyclePhase:number = 0)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleColor\", mode, (usesMultiplier && usesOffset)? 16 : 8, ParticleAnimationSet.COLOR_PRIORITY);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleColorState;\n\n\t\tthis._iUsesMultiplier = usesMultiplier;\n\t\tthis._iUsesOffset = usesOffset;\n\t\tthis._iUsesCycle = usesCycle;\n\t\tthis._iUsesPhase = usesPhase;\n\n\t\tthis._iStartColor = startColor || new ColorTransform();\n\t\tthis._iEndColor = endColor || new ColorTransform();\n\t\tthis._iCycleDuration = cycleDuration;\n\t\tthis._iCyclePhase = cyclePhase;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.needFragmentAnimation) {\n\t\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesCycle) {\n\t\t\t\tvar cycleConst:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.CYCLE_INDEX, cycleConst.index);\n\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);\n\t\t\t\tvar sin:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);\n\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + cycleConst + \".x\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t\tif (this._iUsesPhase)\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + sin + \",\" + sin + \",\" + cycleConst + \".y\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sin \" + sin + \",\" + sin + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesMultiplier) {\n\t\t\t\tvar startMultiplierValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\t\t\tvar deltaMultiplierValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.START_MULTIPLIER_INDEX, startMultiplierValue.index);\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.DELTA_MULTIPLIER_INDEX, deltaMultiplierValue.index);\n\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + temp + \",\" + deltaMultiplierValue + \",\" + (this._iUsesCycle? sin : animationRegisterCache.vertexLife) + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + temp + \",\" + temp + \",\" + startMultiplierValue + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + \",\" + temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesOffset) {\n\t\t\t\tvar startOffsetValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\t\t\tvar deltaOffsetValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.START_OFFSET_INDEX, startOffsetValue.index);\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleColorState.DELTA_OFFSET_INDEX, deltaOffsetValue.index);\n\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + temp + \",\" + deltaOffsetValue + \",\" + (this._iUsesCycle? sin : animationRegisterCache.vertexLife) + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + temp + \",\" + temp + \",\" + startOffsetValue + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + \",\" + temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleColorState\n\t{\n\t\treturn ParticleFollowNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param [optional] usesPosition Defines wehether the individual particle reacts to the position of the target.\n\t * @param [optional] usesRotation Defines wehether the individual particle reacts to the rotation of the target.\n\t * @param [optional] smooth Defines wehether the state calculate the interpolated value.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(usesPosition:boolean = true, usesRotation:boolean = true, smooth:boolean = false)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleFollow\", ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_DYNAMIC, (usesPosition && usesRotation)? 6 : 3, ParticleAnimationSet.POST_PRIORITY);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleFollowState;\n\n\t\tthis._iUsesPosition = usesPosition;\n\t\tthis._iUsesRotation = usesRotation;\n\t\tthis._iSmooth = smooth;\n\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\t//TODO: use Quaternion to implement this function\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tif (this._iUsesRotation) {\n\t\t\tvar rotationAttribute:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_ROTATION_INDEX, rotationAttribute.index);\n\n\t\t\tvar temp1:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp1, 1);\n\t\t\tvar temp2:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp2, 1);\n\t\t\tvar temp3:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\n\t\t\tvar temp4:ShaderRegisterElement;\n\t\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp3, 1);\n\t\t\t\ttemp4 = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp1);\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp2);\n\t\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard)\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp3);\n\n\t\t\tvar len:number /*int*/ = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length;\n\t\t\tvar i:number /*int*/;\n\n\t\t\t//x axis\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp1 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp1 + \".x,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sin \" + temp3 + \".y,\" + rotationAttribute + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"cos \" + temp3 + \".z,\" + rotationAttribute + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \".x,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \".y,\" + temp3 + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + temp2 + \".z,\" + temp3 + \".y\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard)\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + temp4 + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++)\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \",\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t//y axis\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp1 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"cos \" + temp1 + \".x,\" + rotationAttribute + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sin \" + temp1 + \".z,\" + rotationAttribute + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \".y,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + temp3 + \".x,\" + temp1 + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \".z,\" + temp1 + \".x\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard)\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + temp4 + \".xyz,\" + temp4 + \".xyz,\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++)\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \",\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t//z axis\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sin \" + temp2 + \".x,\" + rotationAttribute + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"cos \" + temp2 + \".y,\" + rotationAttribute + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp1 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp1 + \".x,\" + temp2 + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + temp1 + \".y,\" + temp2 + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \".z,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + temp4 + \".xyz,\" + temp4 + \".xyz,\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + temp4 + \".xyz,\" + temp4 + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp4 + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++)\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \",\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this._iUsesPosition) {\n\t\t\tvar positionAttribute:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleFollowState.FOLLOW_POSITION_INDEX, positionAttribute.index);\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + positionAttribute + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleFollowState\n\t{\n\t\treturn ColorTransform
object representing the color transform applied to the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static COLOR_INITIAL_COLORTRANSFORM:string = \"ColorInitialColorTransform\";\n\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, usesMultiplier:boolean = true, usesOffset:boolean = false, initialColor:ColorTransform = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleInitialColor\", mode, (usesMultiplier && usesOffset)? 8 : 4, ParticleAnimationSet.COLOR_PRIORITY);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleInitialColorState;\n\n\t\tthis._iUsesMultiplier = usesMultiplier;\n\t\tthis._iUsesOffset = usesOffset;\n\t\tthis._iInitialColor = initialColor || new ColorTransform();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.needFragmentAnimation) {\n\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesMultiplier) {\n\t\t\t\tvar multiplierValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleInitialColorState.MULTIPLIER_INDEX, multiplierValue.index);\n\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + \",\" + multiplierValue + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.colorMulTarget + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesOffset) {\n\t\t\t\tvar offsetValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleInitialColorState.OFFSET_INDEX, offsetValue.index);\n\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + \",\" + offsetValue + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.colorAddTarget + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic _iProcessAnimationSetting(particleAnimationSet:ParticleAnimationSet)\n\t{\n\t\tif (this._iUsesMultiplier)\n\t\t\tparticleAnimationSet.hasColorMulNode = true;\n\t\tif (this._iUsesOffset)\n\t\t\tparticleAnimationSet.hasColorAddNode = true;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic _iGeneratePropertyOfOneParticle(param:ParticleProperties)\n\t{\n\t\tvar initialColor:ColorTransform = param[ParticleInitialColorNode.COLOR_INITIAL_COLORTRANSFORM];\n\t\tif (!initialColor)\n\t\t\tthrow(new Error(\"there is no \" + ParticleInitialColorNode.COLOR_INITIAL_COLORTRANSFORM + \" in param!\"));\n\n\t\tvar i:number /*uint*/ = 0;\n\n\t\t//multiplier\n\t\tif (this._iUsesMultiplier) {\n\t\t\tthis._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.redMultiplier;\n\t\t\tthis._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.greenMultiplier;\n\t\t\tthis._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.blueMultiplier;\n\t\t\tthis._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.alphaMultiplier;\n\t\t}\n\t\t//offset\n\t\tif (this._iUsesOffset) {\n\t\t\tthis._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.redOffset/255;\n\t\t\tthis._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.greenOffset/255;\n\t\t\tthis._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.blueOffset/255;\n\t\t\tthis._pOneData[i++] = initialColor.alphaOffset/255;\n\t\t}\n\n\t}\n\n}\n\nexport = ParticleInitialColorNode;",
+ "import AnimationNodeBase\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-core/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationNodeBase\");\n\nimport AnimationRegisterCache\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/data/AnimationRegisterCache\");\nimport ShaderObjectBase\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase\");\n\nimport ParticleAnimationSet\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/ParticleAnimationSet\");\nimport ParticleProperties\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/data/ParticleProperties\");\n\n/**\n * Provides an abstract base class for particle animation nodes.\n */\nclass ParticleNodeBase extends AnimationNodeBase\n{\n\tprivate _priority:number /*int*/;\n\n\tpublic _pMode:number /*uint*/;\n\tpublic _pDataLength:number /*uint*/ = 3;\n\tpublic _pOneData:ArrayLOCAL_STATIC
mode. Used to generate the local static data of the particle animation set.\n\t *\n\t * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet\n\t * @see #getAGALVertexCode\n\t */\n\tpublic get dataLength():number /*int*/\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._pDataLength;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns the generated data vector of the node after one particle pass during the generation of all local static data of the particle animation set.\n\t *\n\t * @see away.animators.ParticleAnimationSet\n\t * @see #generatePropertyOfOneParticle\n\t */\n\tpublic get oneData():ArrayParticleNodeBase
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param name Defines the generic name of the particle animation node.\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param dataLength Defines the length of the data used by the node when in LOCAL_STATIC
mode.\n\t * @param [optional] priority the priority of the particle animation node, used to order the agal generated in a particle animation set. Defaults to 1.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(name:string, mode:number /*uint*/, dataLength:number /*uint*/, priority:number /*int*/ = 1)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tname = name + ParticleNodeBase.MODES[mode];\n\n\t\tthis.name = name;\n\t\tthis._pMode = mode;\n\t\tthis._priority = priority;\n\t\tthis._pDataLength = dataLength;\n\n\t\tthis._pOneData = new ArrayVector3D
object representing the radius (x), cycle speed (y) and cycle phase (z) of the motion on the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static ORBIT_VECTOR3D:string = \"OrbitVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleOrbitNode
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] usesEulers Defines whether the node uses the eulers
property in the shader to calculate a rotation on the orbit. Defaults to true.\n\t * @param [optional] usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration
property in the shader to calculate the period of the orbit independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase
property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the cycle rotation of the particle. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] radius Defines the radius of the orbit when in global mode. Defaults to 100.\n\t * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the duration of the orbit in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.\n\t * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the phase of the orbit in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.\n\t * @param [optional] eulers Defines the euler rotation in degrees, applied to the orientation of the orbit when in global mode.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, usesEulers:boolean = true, usesCycle:boolean = false, usesPhase:boolean = false, radius:number = 100, cycleDuration:number = 1, cyclePhase:number = 0, eulers:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tvar len:number /*int*/ = 3;\n\t\tif (usesPhase)\n\t\t\tlen++;\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleOrbit\", mode, len);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleOrbitState;\n\n\t\tthis._iUsesEulers = usesEulers;\n\t\tthis._iUsesCycle = usesCycle;\n\t\tthis._iUsesPhase = usesPhase;\n\n\t\tthis._iRadius = radius;\n\t\tthis._iCycleDuration = cycleDuration;\n\t\tthis._iCyclePhase = cyclePhase;\n\t\tthis._iEulers = eulers || new Vector3D();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar orbitRegister:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleOrbitState.ORBIT_INDEX, orbitRegister.index);\n\n\t\tvar eulersMatrixRegister:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleOrbitState.EULERS_INDEX, eulersMatrixRegister.index);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\n\t\tvar temp1:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp1, 1);\n\t\tvar distance:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp1.regName, temp1.index);\n\n\t\tvar temp2:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tvar cos:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index, 0);\n\t\tvar sin:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index, 1);\n\t\tvar degree:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index, 2);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp1);\n\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\n\t\tif (this._iUsesCycle) {\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + degree + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + orbitRegister + \".y\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesPhase)\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + degree + \",\" + degree + \",\" + orbitRegister + \".w\\n\";\n\t\t} else\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + degree + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + \",\" + orbitRegister + \".y\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"cos \" + cos + \",\" + degree + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"sin \" + sin + \",\" + degree + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \".x,\" + cos + \",\" + orbitRegister + \".x\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \".y,\" + sin + \",\" + orbitRegister + \".x\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mov \" + distance + \".wz\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\tif (this._iUsesEulers)\n\t\t\tcode += \"m44 \" + distance + \",\" + distance + \",\" + eulersMatrixRegister + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz,\" + distance + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity) {\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + distance + \".x,\" + sin + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + distance + \".y,\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + distance + \".zw,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesEulers)\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"m44 \" + distance + \",\" + distance + \",\" + eulersMatrixRegister + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \",\" + distance + \",\" + orbitRegister + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"div \" + distance + \",\" + distance + \",\" + orbitRegister + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tif (!this._iUsesCycle)\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"div \" + distance + \",\" + distance + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz,\" + distance + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleOrbitState\n\t{\n\t\treturn Vector3D
object representing the axis (x,y,z) and cycle speed (w) of the motion on the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static OSCILLATOR_VECTOR3D:string = \"OscillatorVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleOscillatorNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] oscillator Defines the default oscillator axis (x, y, z) and cycleDuration (w) of the node, used when in global mode.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, oscillator:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleOscillator\", mode, 4);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleOscillatorState;\n\n\t\tthis._iOscillator = oscillator || new Vector3D();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar oscillatorRegister:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleOscillatorState.OSCILLATOR_INDEX, oscillatorRegister.index);\n\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tvar dgree:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 0);\n\t\tvar sin:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 1);\n\t\tvar cos:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 2);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);\n\t\tvar temp2:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tvar distance:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp2.regName, temp2.index);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);\n\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + dgree + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + oscillatorRegister + \".w\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"sin \" + sin + \",\" + dgree + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \".xyz,\" + sin + \",\" + oscillatorRegister + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz,\" + distance + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity) {\n\t\t\tcode += \"cos \" + cos + \",\" + dgree + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \".xyz,\" + cos + \",\" + oscillatorRegister + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz,\" + distance + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleOscillatorState\n\t{\n\t\treturn Vector3D
object representing position of the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static POSITION_VECTOR3D:string = \"PositionVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticlePositionNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] position Defines the default position of the particle when in global mode. Defaults to 0,0,0.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, position:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticlePosition\", mode, 3);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticlePositionState;\n\n\t\tthis._iPosition = position || new Vector3D();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar positionAttribute:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticlePositionState.POSITION_INDEX, positionAttribute.index);\n\n\t\treturn \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz,\" + positionAttribute + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticlePositionState\n\t{\n\t\treturn ParticleBillboardNode
\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleRotateToHeading\", ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, 0, 3);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleRotateToHeadingState;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tvar len:number /*int*/ = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length;\n\t\tvar i:number /*int*/;\n\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {\n\t\t\tvar temp1:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp1, 1);\n\t\t\tvar temp2:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp2, 1);\n\t\t\tvar temp3:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\n\t\t\tvar rotationMatrixRegister:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleRotateToHeadingState.MATRIX_INDEX, rotationMatrixRegister.index);\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp1);\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp2);\n\n\t\t\t//process the velocity\n\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + temp1 + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz,\" + rotationMatrixRegister + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \".xy,\" + temp1 + \".xy\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + temp3 + \".xyz,\" + temp3 + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t//temp3.x=cos,temp3.y=sin\n\t\t\t//only process z axis\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \".x,\" + temp3 + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \".y,\" + temp3 + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp1 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp1 + \".x,\" + temp3 + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + temp1 + \".y,\" + temp3 + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \".z,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++)\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \",\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tvar nrmVel:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(nrmVel, 1);\n\n\t\t\tvar xAxis:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(xAxis, 1);\n\n\t\t\tvar R:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(R, 1);\n\t\t\tvar R_rev:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tvar cos:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(R.regName, R.index, 3);\n\t\t\tvar sin:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(R_rev.regName, R_rev.index, 3);\n\t\t\tvar cos2:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(nrmVel.regName, nrmVel.index, 3);\n\t\t\tvar tempSingle:ShaderRegisterElement = sin;\n\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(nrmVel);\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(xAxis);\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(R);\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + xAxis + \".x,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + xAxis + \".yz,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + cos2 + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"crs \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t//use R as temp to judge if nrm is (0,0,0).\n\t\t\t//if nrm is (0,0,0) ,change it to (0,0,1).\n\t\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + R + \".x,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sge \" + R + \".x,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \",\" + R + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + nrmVel + \".z,\" + R + \".x,\" + nrmVel + \".z\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + tempSingle + \",\" + cos2 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"div \" + tempSingle + \",\" + tempSingle + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sqt \" + cos + \",\" + tempSingle + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + tempSingle + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + cos2 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"div \" + tempSingle + \",\" + tempSingle + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sqt \" + sin + \",\" + tempSingle + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".xyz,\" + sin + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t//use cos as R.w\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R_rev + \".xyz,\" + sin + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + R_rev + \".xyz,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t//use cos as R_rev.w\n\n\t\t\t//nrmVel and xAxis are used as temp register\n\t\t\tcode += \"crs \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + R + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t//use cos as R.w\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + xAxis + \".w,\" + R + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + xAxis + \".w\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"crs \" + R + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t//code += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyzw,\" + nrmVel + \".xyzw,\" +R_rev + \".w\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyzw,\" + nrmVel + \".xyzw,\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + R + \".xyz,\" + R + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + R + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n\t\t\t\t//just repeat the calculate above\n\t\t\t\t//because of the limited registers, no need to optimise\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + xAxis + \".x,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + xAxis + \".yz,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + cos2 + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"crs \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + R + \".x,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sge \" + R + \".x,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \",\" + R + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + nrmVel + \".z,\" + R + \".x,\" + nrmVel + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + tempSingle + \",\" + cos2 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"div \" + tempSingle + \",\" + tempSingle + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sqt \" + cos + \",\" + tempSingle + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + tempSingle + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + cos2 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"div \" + tempSingle + \",\" + tempSingle + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTwoConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sqt \" + sin + \",\" + tempSingle + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".xyz,\" + sin + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R_rev + \".xyz,\" + sin + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + R_rev + \".xyz,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"crs \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + R + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + xAxis + \".w,\" + R + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + xAxis + \".w\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"crs \" + R + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyzw,\" + nrmVel + \".xyzw,\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + R + \".xyz,\" + R + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz,\" + R + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleRotateToHeadingState\n\t{\n\t\treturn Vector3D
object representing the position that the particle must face.\n\t */\n\tpublic static POSITION_VECTOR3D:string = \"RotateToPositionVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleRotateToPositionNode
\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, position:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleRotateToPosition\", mode, 3, 3);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleRotateToPositionState;\n\n\t\tthis._iPosition = position || new Vector3D();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar positionAttribute:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleRotateToPositionState.POSITION_INDEX, positionAttribute.index);\n\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tvar len:number /*int*/ = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length;\n\t\tvar i:number /*int*/;\n\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.hasBillboard) {\n\t\t\tvar temp1:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp1, 1);\n\t\t\tvar temp2:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp2, 1);\n\t\t\tvar temp3:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\n\t\t\tvar rotationMatrixRegister:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleRotateToPositionState.MATRIX_INDEX, rotationMatrixRegister.index);\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp1);\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp2);\n\n\t\t\t//process the position\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + temp1 + \".xyz,\" + positionAttribute + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + temp1 + \".xyz,\" + temp1 + \".xyz,\" + rotationMatrixRegister + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \".xy,\" + temp1 + \".xy\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + temp3 + \".xyz,\" + temp3 + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t//temp3.x=cos,temp3.y=sin\n\t\t\t//only process z axis\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \".x,\" + temp3 + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp2 + \".y,\" + temp3 + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp1 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp1 + \".x,\" + temp3 + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + temp1 + \".y,\" + temp3 + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + temp3 + \".z,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++)\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"m33 \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \",\" + temp1 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tvar nrmDirection:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(nrmDirection, 1);\n\n\t\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);\n\t\t\tvar cos:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 0);\n\t\t\tvar sin:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 1);\n\t\t\tvar o_temp:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 2);\n\t\t\tvar tempSingle:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 3);\n\n\t\t\tvar R:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(R, 1);\n\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(nrmDirection);\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);\n\t\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(R);\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + nrmDirection + \".xyz,\" + positionAttribute + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + nrmDirection + \".xyz,\" + nrmDirection + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + sin + \",\" + nrmDirection + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + cos + \",\" + sin + \",\" + sin + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sqt \" + cos + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".x,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".y,\" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".z,\" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".w,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".z\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".y,\" + R + \".x,\" + R + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".z,\" + R + \".z,\" + R + \".w\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"abs \" + R + \".y,\" + nrmDirection + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sge \" + R + \".z,\" + R + \".y,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".x,\" + R + \".y,\" + nrmDirection + \".y\\n\";\n\n\t\t\t//judgu if nrmDirection=(0,1,0);\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + nrmDirection + \".y,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + sin + \",\" + nrmDirection + \".xyz,\" + nrmDirection + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sge \" + tempSingle + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \",\" + sin + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + nrmDirection + \".y,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + nrmDirection + \".xyz,\" + nrmDirection + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + tempSingle + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + sin + \",\" + sin + \",\" + nrmDirection + \".x\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + cos + \",\" + nrmDirection + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + cos + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + o_temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + o_temp + \",\" + R + \".x,\" + tempSingle + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + cos + \",\" + cos + \",\" + o_temp + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".x,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".y,\" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".z,\" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".w,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".z\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".x,\" + R + \".x,\" + R + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".z,\" + R + \".z,\" + R + \".w\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n\t\t\t\t//just repeat the calculate above\n\t\t\t\t//because of the limited registers, no need to optimise\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + nrmDirection + \".xyz,\" + positionAttribute + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + nrmDirection + \".xyz,\" + nrmDirection + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + sin + \",\" + nrmDirection + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + cos + \",\" + sin + \",\" + sin + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sqt \" + cos + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".x,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".y,\" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".z,\" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".w,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".y,\" + R + \".x,\" + R + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".z,\" + R + \".z,\" + R + \".w\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"abs \" + R + \".y,\" + nrmDirection + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sge \" + R + \".z,\" + R + \".y,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".x,\" + R + \".y,\" + nrmDirection + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + nrmDirection + \".y,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + sin + \",\" + nrmDirection + \".xyz,\" + nrmDirection + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sge \" + tempSingle + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \",\" + sin + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + nrmDirection + \".y,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"nrm \" + nrmDirection + \".xyz,\" + nrmDirection + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + tempSingle + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + sin + \",\" + sin + \",\" + nrmDirection + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + cos + \",\" + nrmDirection + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + cos + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + o_temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexOneConst + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + o_temp + \",\" + R + \".x,\" + tempSingle + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + cos + \",\" + cos + \",\" + o_temp + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".x,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".y,\" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".z,\" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R + \".w,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".x,\" + R + \".x,\" + R + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".z,\" + R + \".z,\" + R + \".w\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleRotateToPositionState\n\t{\n\t\treturn Vector3D
object representing the rotational velocity around an axis of the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static ROTATIONALVELOCITY_VECTOR3D:string = \"RotationalVelocityVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleRotationalVelocityNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, rotationalVelocity:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleRotationalVelocity\", mode, 4);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleRotationalVelocityState;\n\n\t\tthis._iRotationalVelocity = rotationalVelocity || new Vector3D();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar rotationRegister:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleRotationalVelocityState.ROTATIONALVELOCITY_INDEX, rotationRegister.index);\n\n\t\tvar nrmVel:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(nrmVel, 1);\n\n\t\tvar xAxis:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(xAxis, 1);\n\n\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.addVertexTempUsages(temp, 1);\n\t\tvar Rtemp:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index);\n\t\tvar R_rev:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tR_rev = new ShaderRegisterElement(R_rev.regName, R_rev.index);\n\n\t\tvar cos:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(Rtemp.regName, Rtemp.index, 3);\n\t\tvar sin:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(R_rev.regName, R_rev.index, 3);\n\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(nrmVel);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(xAxis);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.removeVertexTempUsage(temp);\n\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tcode += \"mov \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + rotationRegister + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mov \" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + rotationRegister + \".w\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"sin \" + sin + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"cos \" + cos + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + sin + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R_rev + \".xyz,\" + sin + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"neg \" + R_rev + \".xyz,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t//nrmVel and xAxis are used as temp register\n\t\tcode += \"crs \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + xAxis + \".w,\" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"neg \" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + xAxis + \".w\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"crs \" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\t//use cos as R_rev.w\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyzw,\" + nrmVel + \".xyzw,\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\tvar len:number /*int*/ = animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters.length;\n\t\tfor (var i:number /*int*/ = 0; i < len; i++) {\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + rotationRegister + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + rotationRegister + \".w\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sin \" + sin + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"cos \" + cos + \",\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + sin + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + R_rev + \".xyz,\" + sin + \",\" + nrmVel + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + R_rev + \".xyz,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"crs \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + cos + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"dp3 \" + xAxis + \".w,\" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"neg \" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + xAxis + \".w\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"crs \" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".xyz,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyzw,\" + nrmVel + \".xyzw,\" + cos + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + xAxis + \".xyz,\" + nrmVel + \".w,\" + R_rev + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.rotationRegisters[i] + \",\" + Rtemp + \".xyz,\" + xAxis + \".xyz\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleRotationalVelocityState\n\t{\n\t\treturn Vector3D
representing the min scale (x), max scale(y), optional cycle speed (z) and phase offset (w) applied to the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static SCALE_VECTOR3D:string = \"ScaleVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleScaleNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] usesCycle Defines whether the node uses the cycleDuration
property in the shader to calculate the period of animation independent of particle duration. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] usesPhase Defines whether the node uses the cyclePhase
property in the shader to calculate a starting offset to the animation cycle. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] minScale Defines the default min scale transform of the node, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.\n\t * @param [optional] maxScale Defines the default max color transform of the node, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.\n\t * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the default duration of the animation in seconds, used as a period independent of particle duration when in global mode. Defaults to 1.\n\t * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the default phase of the cycle in degrees, used as the starting offset of the cycle when in global mode. Defaults to 0.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, usesCycle:boolean, usesPhase:boolean, minScale:number = 1, maxScale:number = 1, cycleDuration:number = 1, cyclePhase:number = 0)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleScale\", mode, (usesCycle && usesPhase)? 4 : ((usesCycle || usesPhase)? 3 : 2), 3);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleScaleState;\n\n\t\tthis._iUsesCycle = usesCycle;\n\t\tthis._iUsesPhase = usesPhase;\n\n\t\tthis._iMinScale = minScale;\n\t\tthis._iMaxScale = maxScale;\n\t\tthis._iCycleDuration = cycleDuration;\n\t\tthis._iCyclePhase = cyclePhase;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();\n\n\t\tvar scaleRegister:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleScaleState.SCALE_INDEX, scaleRegister.index);\n\n\t\tif (this._iUsesCycle) {\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + scaleRegister + \".z\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesPhase)\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + temp + \",\" + temp + \",\" + scaleRegister + \".w\\n\";\n\n\t\t\tcode += \"sin \" + temp + \",\" + temp + \"\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + temp + \",\" + scaleRegister + \".y,\" + ((this._iUsesCycle)? temp : animationRegisterCache.vertexLife) + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + temp + \",\" + scaleRegister + \".x,\" + temp + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleScaleState\n\t{\n\t\treturn repeat
property on the material has to be set to true.\n */\nclass ParticleSpriteSheetNode extends ParticleNodeBase\n{\n\t/** @private */\n\tpublic _iUsesCycle:boolean;\n\n\t/** @private */\n\tpublic _iUsesPhase:boolean;\n\n\t/** @private */\n\tpublic _iTotalFrames:number /*int*/;\n\t/** @private */\n\tpublic _iNumColumns:number /*int*/;\n\t/** @private */\n\tpublic _iNumRows:number /*int*/;\n\t/** @private */\n\tpublic _iCycleDuration:number;\n\t/** @private */\n\tpublic _iCyclePhase:number;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Reference for spritesheet node properties on a single particle (when in local property mode).\n\t * Expects a Vector3D
representing the cycleDuration (x), optional phaseTime (y).\n\t */\n\tpublic static UV_VECTOR3D:string = \"UVVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Defines the number of columns in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1. Read only.\n\t */\n\tpublic get numColumns():number\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._iNumColumns;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Defines the number of rows in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1. Read only.\n\t */\n\tpublic get numRows():number\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._iNumRows;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Defines the total number of frames used by the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to the number defined by numColumns and numRows. Read only.\n\t */\n\tpublic get totalFrames():number\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._iTotalFrames;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleSpriteSheetNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] numColumns Defines the number of columns in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.\n\t * @param [optional] numRows Defines the number of rows in the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.\n\t * @param [optional] cycleDuration Defines the default cycle duration in seconds, when in global mode. Defaults to 1.\n\t * @param [optional] cyclePhase Defines the default cycle phase, when in global mode. Defaults to 0.\n\t * @param [optional] totalFrames Defines the total number of frames used by the spritesheet, when in global mode. Defaults to the number defined by numColumns and numRows.\n\t * @param [optional] looping Defines whether the spritesheet animation is set to loop indefinitely. Defaults to true.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, usesCycle:boolean, usesPhase:boolean, numColumns:number /*int*/ = 1, numRows:number /*uint*/ = 1, cycleDuration:number = 1, cyclePhase:number = 0, totalFrames:number /*uint*/ = Number.MAX_VALUE)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleSpriteSheet\", mode, usesCycle? (usesPhase? 3 : 2) : 1, ParticleAnimationSet.POST_PRIORITY + 1);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleSpriteSheetState;\n\n\t\tthis._iUsesCycle = usesCycle;\n\t\tthis._iUsesPhase = usesPhase;\n\n\t\tthis._iNumColumns = numColumns;\n\t\tthis._iNumRows = numRows;\n\t\tthis._iCyclePhase = cyclePhase;\n\t\tthis._iCycleDuration = cycleDuration;\n\t\tthis._iTotalFrames = Math.min(totalFrames, numColumns*numRows);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALUVCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\t//get 2 vc\n\t\tvar uvParamConst1:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\tvar uvParamConst2:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleSpriteSheetState.UV_INDEX_0, uvParamConst1.index);\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleSpriteSheetState.UV_INDEX_1, uvParamConst2.index);\n\n\t\tvar uTotal:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst1.regName, uvParamConst1.index, 0);\n\t\tvar uStep:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst1.regName, uvParamConst1.index, 1);\n\t\tvar vStep:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst1.regName, uvParamConst1.index, 2);\n\n\t\tvar uSpeed:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst2.regName, uvParamConst2.index, 0);\n\t\tvar cycle:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst2.regName, uvParamConst2.index, 1);\n\t\tvar phaseTime:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(uvParamConst2.regName, uvParamConst2.index, 2);\n\n\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tvar time:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 0);\n\t\tvar vOffset:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 1);\n\t\ttemp = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 2);\n\t\tvar temp2:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(temp.regName, temp.index, 3);\n\n\t\tvar u:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.regName, animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.index, 0);\n\t\tvar v:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.regName, animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.index, 1);\n\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\t//scale uv\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + u + \",\" + u + \",\" + uStep + \"\\n\";\n\t\tif (this._iNumRows > 1)\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + v + \",\" + v + \",\" + vStep + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\tif (this._iUsesCycle) {\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesPhase)\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + time + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + phaseTime + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mov \" + time + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"div \" + time + \",\" + time + \",\" + cycle + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"frc \" + time + \",\" + time + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + time + \",\" + time + \",\" + cycle + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + temp + \",\" + time + \",\" + uSpeed + \"\\n\";\n\t\t} else\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + temp.toString() + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + \",\" + uTotal + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\tif (this._iNumRows > 1) {\n\t\t\tcode += \"frc \" + temp2 + \",\" + temp + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"sub \" + vOffset + \",\" + temp + \",\" + temp2 + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + vOffset + \",\" + vOffset + \",\" + vStep + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + v + \",\" + v + \",\" + vOffset + \"\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tcode += \"div \" + temp2 + \",\" + temp + \",\" + uStep + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"frc \" + temp + \",\" + temp2 + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"sub \" + temp2 + \",\" + temp2 + \",\" + temp + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + temp + \",\" + temp2 + \",\" + uStep + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\tif (this._iNumRows > 1)\n\t\t\tcode += \"frc \" + temp + \",\" + temp + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + u + \",\" + u + \",\" + temp + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleSpriteSheetState\n\t{\n\t\treturn ParticleTimeNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param [optional] usesDuration Defines whether the node uses the duration
data in the static properties to determine how long a particle is visible for. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] usesDelay Defines whether the node uses the delay
data in the static properties to determine how long a particle is hidden for. Defaults to false. Requires usesDuration
to be true.\n\t * @param [optional] usesLooping Defines whether the node creates a looping timeframe for each particle determined by the startTime
, duration
and delay
data in the static properties function. Defaults to false. Requires usesLooping
to be true.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(usesDuration:boolean = false, usesLooping:boolean = false, usesDelay:boolean = false)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleTimeState;\n\n\t\tthis._iUsesDuration = usesDuration;\n\t\tthis._iUsesLooping = usesLooping;\n\t\tthis._iUsesDelay = usesDelay;\n\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleTime\", ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC, 4, 0);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar timeStreamRegister:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute(); //timeStreamRegister.x is start,timeStreamRegister.y is during time\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleTimeState.TIME_STREAM_INDEX, timeStreamRegister.index);\n\t\tvar timeConst:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleTimeState.TIME_CONSTANT_INDEX, timeConst.index);\n\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tcode += \"sub \" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + timeConst + \",\" + timeStreamRegister + \".x\\n\";\n\t\t//if time=0,set the position to zero.\n\t\tvar temp:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();\n\t\tcode += \"sge \" + temp + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexZeroConst + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + temp + \"\\n\";\n\t\tif (this._iUsesDuration) {\n\t\t\tif (this._iUsesLooping) {\n\t\t\t\tvar div:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();\n\t\t\t\tif (this._iUsesDelay) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"div \" + div + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + timeStreamRegister + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"frc \" + div + \",\" + div + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + div + \",\" + timeStreamRegister + \".z\\n\";\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"slt \" + div + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + timeStreamRegister + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + div + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + div + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + timeStreamRegister + \".w\\n\";\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"frc \" + div + \",\" + div + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + div + \",\" + timeStreamRegister + \".y\\n\";\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tvar sge:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"sge \" + sge + \",\" + timeStreamRegister + \".y,\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.scaleAndRotateTarget + \".xyz,\" + sge + \"\\n\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + animationRegisterCache.vertexLife + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + timeStreamRegister + \".w\\n\";\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleTimeState\n\t{\n\t\treturn ParticleTimeNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] cycle Defines whether the time track is in loop mode. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] scale Defines whether the time track is in loop mode. Defaults to false.\n\t * @param [optional] axis Defines whether the time track is in loop mode. Defaults to false.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, cycle:number = 1, scale:number = 1, axis:string = \"x\")\n\t{\n\t\t//because of the stage3d register limitation, it only support the global mode\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleUV\", ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL, 4, ParticleAnimationSet.POST_PRIORITY + 1);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleUVState;\n\n\t\tthis._cycle = cycle;\n\t\tthis._scale = scale;\n\t\tthis._axis = axis;\n\n\t\tthis.updateUVData();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t *\n\t */\n\tpublic get cycle():number\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._cycle;\n\t}\n\n\tpublic set cycle(value:number)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._cycle = value;\n\n\t\tthis.updateUVData();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t *\n\t */\n\tpublic get scale():number\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._scale;\n\t}\n\n\tpublic set scale(value:number)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._scale = value;\n\n\t\tthis.updateUVData();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t *\n\t */\n\tpublic get axis():string\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._axis;\n\t}\n\n\tpublic set axis(value:string)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._axis = value;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALUVCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\n\t\tvar uvConst:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleUVState.UV_INDEX, uvConst.index);\n\n\t\tvar axisIndex:number = this._axis == \"x\"? 0 : (this._axis == \"y\"? 1 : 2);\n\n\t\tvar target:ShaderRegisterElement = new ShaderRegisterElement(animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.regName, animationRegisterCache.uvTarget.index, axisIndex);\n\n\t\tvar sin:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexSingleTemp();\n\n\t\tif (this._scale != 1)\n\t\t\tcode += \"mul \" + target + \",\" + target + \",\" + uvConst + \".y\\n\";\n\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + sin + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + uvConst + \".x\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"sin \" + sin + \",\" + sin + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + target + \",\" + target + \",\" + sin + \"\\n\";\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleUVState\n\t{\n\t\treturn Vector3D
object representing the direction of movement on the particle.\n\t */\n\tpublic static VELOCITY_VECTOR3D:string = \"VelocityVector3D\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new ParticleVelocityNode
\n\t *\n\t * @param mode Defines whether the mode of operation acts on local properties of a particle or global properties of the node.\n\t * @param [optional] velocity Defines the default velocity vector of the node, used when in global mode.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(mode:number /*uint*/, velocity:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(\"ParticleVelocity\", mode, 3);\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = ParticleVelocityState;\n\n\t\tthis._iVelocity = velocity || new Vector3D();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAGALVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, animationRegisterCache:AnimationRegisterCache):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar velocityValue:ShaderRegisterElement = (this._pMode == ParticlePropertiesMode.GLOBAL)? animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexConstant() : animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexAttribute();\n\t\tanimationRegisterCache.setRegisterIndex(this, ParticleVelocityState.VELOCITY_INDEX, velocityValue.index);\n\n\t\tvar distance:ShaderRegisterElement = animationRegisterCache.getFreeVertexVectorTemp();\n\t\tvar code:string = \"\";\n\t\tcode += \"mul \" + distance + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.vertexTime + \",\" + velocityValue + \"\\n\";\n\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz,\" + distance + \",\" + animationRegisterCache.positionTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\tif (animationRegisterCache.needVelocity)\n\t\t\tcode += \"add \" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz,\" + velocityValue + \".xyz,\" + animationRegisterCache.velocityTarget + \".xyz\\n\";\n\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):ParticleVelocityState\n\t{\n\t\treturn SkeletonBinaryLERPNode
object.\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = SkeletonBinaryLERPState;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):SkeletonBinaryLERPState\n\t{\n\t\treturn SkeletonClipNode
object.\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = SkeletonClipState;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Adds a skeleton pose frame to the internal timeline of the animation node.\n\t *\n\t * @param skeletonPose The skeleton pose object to add to the timeline of the node.\n\t * @param duration The specified duration of the frame in milliseconds.\n\t */\n\tpublic addFrame(skeletonPose:SkeletonPose, duration:number /*number /*uint*/)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._frames.push(skeletonPose);\n\t\tthis._pDurations.push(duration);\n\n\t\tthis._pNumFrames = this._pDurations.length;\n\n\t\tthis._pStitchDirty = true;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):SkeletonClipState\n\t{\n\t\treturn SkeletonAdditiveNode
object.\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = SkeletonDifferenceState;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):SkeletonDifferenceState\n\t{\n\t\treturn SkeletonNaryLERPNode
object.\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = SkeletonNaryLERPState;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns an integer representing the input index of the given skeleton animation node.\n\t *\n\t * @param input The skeleton animation node for with the input index is requested.\n\t */\n\tpublic getInputIndex(input:AnimationNodeBase):number /*int*/\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._iInputs.indexOf(input);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns the skeleton animation node object that resides at the given input index.\n\t *\n\t * @param index The input index for which the skeleton animation node is requested.\n\t */\n\tpublic getInputAt(index:number /*uint*/):AnimationNodeBase\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._iInputs[index];\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Adds a new skeleton animation node input to the animation node.\n\t */\n\tpublic addInput(input:AnimationNodeBase)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._iInputs[this._numInputs++] = input;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic getAnimationState(animator:AnimatorBase):SkeletonNaryLERPState\n\t{\n\t\treturn VertexClipNode
object.\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = VertexClipState;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Adds a geometry object to the internal timeline of the animation node.\n\t *\n\t * @param geometry The geometry object to add to the timeline of the node.\n\t * @param duration The specified duration of the frame in milliseconds.\n\t * @param translation The absolute translation of the frame, used in root delta calculations for mesh movement.\n\t */\n\tpublic addFrame(geometry:Geometry, duration:number /*uint*/, translation:Vector3D = null)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._frames.push(geometry);\n\t\tthis._pDurations.push(duration);\n\t\tthis._translations.push(translation || new Vector3D());\n\n\t\tthis._pNumFrames = this._pDurations.length;\n\n\t\tthis._pStitchDirty = true;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic _pUpdateStitch()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper._pUpdateStitch();\n\n\t\tvar i:number /*uint*/ = this._pNumFrames - 1;\n\t\tvar p1:Vector3D, p2:Vector3D, delta:Vector3D;\n\t\twhile (i--) {\n\t\t\tthis._pTotalDuration += this._pDurations[i];\n\t\t\tp1 = this._translations[i];\n\t\t\tp2 = this._translations[i + 1];\n\t\t\tdelta = p2.subtract(p1);\n\t\t\tthis._pTotalDelta.x += delta.x;\n\t\t\tthis._pTotalDelta.y += delta.y;\n\t\t\tthis._pTotalDelta.z += delta.z;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this._pNumFrames > 1 && (this._pStitchFinalFrame || !this._pLooping)) {\n\t\t\tthis._pTotalDuration += this._pDurations[this._pNumFrames - 1];\n\t\t\tp1 = this._translations[0];\n\t\t\tp2 = this._translations[1];\n\t\t\tdelta = p2.subtract(p1);\n\t\t\tthis._pTotalDelta.x += delta.x;\n\t\t\tthis._pTotalDelta.y += delta.y;\n\t\t\tthis._pTotalDelta.z += delta.z;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nexport = VertexClipNode;",
+ "import AnimatorBase\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase\");\n\nimport AnimationClipNodeBase\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/AnimationClipNodeBase\");\nimport AnimationStateBase\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/AnimationStateBase\");\nimport AnimationStateEvent\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/events/AnimationStateEvent\");\n\n/**\n *\n */\nclass AnimationClipState extends AnimationStateBase\n{\n\tprivate _animationClipNode:AnimationClipNodeBase;\n\tprivate _animationStatePlaybackComplete:AnimationStateEvent;\n\tpublic _pBlendWeight:number;\n\tpublic _pCurrentFrame:number /*uint*/;\n\tpublic _pNextFrame:number /*uint*/;\n\n\tpublic _pOldFrame:number /*uint*/;\n\tpublic _pTimeDir:number /*int*/;\n\tpublic _pFramesDirty:boolean = true;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns a fractional value between 0 and 1 representing the blending ratio of the current playhead position\n\t * between the current frame (0) and next frame (1) of the animation.\n\t *\n\t * @see #currentFrame\n\t * @see #nextFrame\n\t */\n\tpublic get blendWeight():number\n\t{\n\t\tif (this._pFramesDirty)\n\t\t\tthis._pUpdateFrames();\n\n\t\treturn this._pBlendWeight;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns the current frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.\n\t */\n\tpublic get currentFrame():number /*uint*/\n\t{\n\t\tif (this._pFramesDirty)\n\t\t\tthis._pUpdateFrames();\n\n\t\treturn this._pCurrentFrame;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Returns the next frame of animation in the clip based on the internal playhead position.\n\t */\n\tpublic get nextFrame():number /*uint*/\n\t{\n\t\tif (this._pFramesDirty)\n\t\t\tthis._pUpdateFrames();\n\n\t\treturn this._pNextFrame;\n\t}\n\n\tconstructor(animator:AnimatorBase, animationClipNode:AnimationClipNodeBase)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(animator, animationClipNode);\n\n\t\tthis._animationClipNode = animationClipNode;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic update(time:number /*int*/)\n\t{\n\t\tif (!this._animationClipNode.looping) {\n\t\t\tif (time > this._pStartTime + this._animationClipNode.totalDuration)\n\t\t\t\ttime = this._pStartTime + this._animationClipNode.totalDuration; else if (time < this._pStartTime)\n\t\t\t\ttime = this._pStartTime;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (this._pTime == time - this._pStartTime)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\n\t\tthis._pUpdateTime(time);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic phase(value:number)\n\t{\n\t\tvar time:number /*int*/ = value*this._animationClipNode.totalDuration + this._pStartTime;\n\n\t\tif (this._pTime == time - this._pStartTime)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\n\t\tthis._pUpdateTime(time);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic _pUpdateTime(time:number /*int*/)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._pFramesDirty = true;\n\n\t\tthis._pTimeDir = (time - this._pStartTime > this._pTime)? 1 : -1;\n\n\t\tsuper._pUpdateTime(time);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Updates the nodes internal playhead to determine the current and next animation frame, and the blendWeight between the two.\n\t *\n\t * @see #currentFrame\n\t * @see #nextFrame\n\t * @see #blendWeight\n\t */\n\tpublic _pUpdateFrames()\n\t{\n\t\tthis._pFramesDirty = false;\n\n\t\tvar looping:boolean = this._animationClipNode.looping;\n\t\tvar totalDuration:number /*uint*/ = this._animationClipNode.totalDuration;\n\t\tvar lastFrame:number /*uint*/ = this._animationClipNode.lastFrame;\n\t\tvar time:number /*int*/ = this._pTime;\n\n\t\t//trace(\"time\", time, totalDuration)\n\t\tif (looping && (time >= totalDuration || time < 0)) {\n\t\t\ttime %= totalDuration;\n\t\t\tif (time < 0)\n\t\t\t\ttime += totalDuration;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (!looping && time >= totalDuration) {\n\t\t\tthis.notifyPlaybackComplete();\n\t\t\tthis._pCurrentFrame = lastFrame;\n\t\t\tthis._pNextFrame = lastFrame;\n\t\t\tthis._pBlendWeight = 0;\n\t\t} else if (!looping && time <= 0) {\n\t\t\tthis._pCurrentFrame = 0;\n\t\t\tthis._pNextFrame = 0;\n\t\t\tthis._pBlendWeight = 0;\n\t\t} else if (this._animationClipNode.fixedFrameRate) {\n\t\t\tvar t:number = time/totalDuration*lastFrame;\n\t\t\tthis._pCurrentFrame = Math.floor(t);\n\t\t\tthis._pBlendWeight = t - this._pCurrentFrame;\n\t\t\tthis._pNextFrame = this._pCurrentFrame + 1;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis._pCurrentFrame = 0;\n\t\t\tthis._pNextFrame = 0;\n\n\t\t\tvar dur:number /*uint*/ = 0, frameTime:number /*uint*/;\n\t\t\tvar durations:ArrayCrossfadeTransitionNode
object.\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis._pStateClass = CrossfadeTransitionState;\n\t}\n}\n\nexport = CrossfadeTransitionNode;",
+ "import AnimatorBase\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/animators/AnimatorBase\");\n\nimport SkeletonBinaryLERPNode\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/nodes/SkeletonBinaryLERPNode\");\nimport SkeletonBinaryLERPState\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/states/SkeletonBinaryLERPState\");\nimport CrossfadeTransitionNode\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/animators/transitions/CrossfadeTransitionNode\");\nimport AnimationStateEvent\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-renderergl/lib/events/AnimationStateEvent\");\n\n/**\n *\n */\nclass CrossfadeTransitionState extends SkeletonBinaryLERPState\n{\n\tprivate _crossfadeTransitionNode:CrossfadeTransitionNode;\n\tprivate _animationStateTransitionComplete:AnimationStateEvent;\n\n\tconstructor(animator:AnimatorBase, skeletonAnimationNode:CrossfadeTransitionNode)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(animator, RaycastPicker
picking object.\n *\n * @see away.base.DisplayObject#pickingCollider\n * @see away.pick.RaycastPicker\n *\n * @class away.pick.JSPickingCollider\n */\nclass JSPickingCollider extends PickingColliderBase implements IPickingCollider\n{\n\tprivate _findClosestCollision:boolean;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new JSPickingCollider
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param findClosestCollision Determines whether the picking collider searches for the closest collision along the ray. Defaults to false.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(findClosestCollision:boolean = false)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis._findClosestCollision = findClosestCollision;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic _pTestRenderableCollision(renderable:RenderableBase, pickingCollisionVO:PickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance:number):boolean\n\t{\n\t\tvar t:number;\n\t\tvar i0:number, i1:number, i2:number;\n\t\tvar rx:number, ry:number, rz:number;\n\t\tvar nx:number, ny:number, nz:number;\n\t\tvar cx:number, cy:number, cz:number;\n\t\tvar coeff:number, u:number, v:number, w:number;\n\t\tvar p0x:number, p0y:number, p0z:number;\n\t\tvar p1x:number, p1y:number, p1z:number;\n\t\tvar p2x:number, p2y:number, p2z:number;\n\t\tvar s0x:number, s0y:number, s0z:number;\n\t\tvar s1x:number, s1y:number, s1z:number;\n\t\tvar nl:number, nDotV:number, D:number, disToPlane:number;\n\t\tvar Q1Q2:number, Q1Q1:number, Q2Q2:number, RQ1:number, RQ2:number;\n\t\tvar indexData:ArrayBillboard
object for a collision with the picking ray.\n\t *\n\t * @param billboard The billboard instance to be tested.\n\t * @param pickingCollisionVO The collision object used to store the collision results\n\t * @param shortestCollisionDistance The current value of the shortest distance to a detected collision along the ray.\n\t * @param findClosest\n\t */\n\tpublic testBillboardCollision(billboard:Billboard, pickingCollisionVO:PickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance:number)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.setLocalRay(pickingCollisionVO.localRayPosition, pickingCollisionVO.localRayDirection);\n\t\tpickingCollisionVO.materialOwner = null;\n\n\t\tif (this._pTestRenderableCollision(Mesh
object for a collision with the picking ray.\n\t *\n\t * @param mesh The mesh instance to be tested.\n\t * @param pickingCollisionVO The collision object used to store the collision results\n\t * @param shortestCollisionDistance The current value of the shortest distance to a detected collision along the ray.\n\t * @param findClosest\n\t */\n\tpublic testMeshCollision(mesh:Mesh, pickingCollisionVO:PickingCollisionVO, shortestCollisionDistance:number, findClosest:boolean):boolean\n\t{\n\t\tthis.setLocalRay(pickingCollisionVO.localRayPosition, pickingCollisionVO.localRayDirection);\n\t\tpickingCollisionVO.materialOwner = null;\n\n\t\tvar subMesh:ISubMesh;\n\n\t\tvar len:number = mesh.subMeshes.length;\n\t\tfor (var i:number = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n\t\t\tsubMesh = mesh.subMeshes[i];\n\n\t\t\tif (this._pTestRenderableCollision(ShaderPicker
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param shaderPickingDetails Determines whether the picker includes a second pass to calculate extra\n\t * properties such as uv and normal coordinates.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(shaderPickingDetails:boolean = false)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._shaderPickingDetails = shaderPickingDetails;\n\n\t\tthis._id = new ArrayAnimatonStateEvent
\n\t *\n\t * @param type The event type.\n\t * @param animator The animation state object that is the subject of this event.\n\t * @param animationNode The animation node inside the animation state from which the event originated.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(type:string, animator:AnimatorBase, animationState:IAnimationState, animationNode:AnimationNodeBase)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(type);\n\n\t\tthis._animator = animator;\n\t\tthis._animationState = animationState;\n\t\tthis._animationNode = animationNode;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The animator object that is the subject of this event.\n\t */\n\tpublic get animator():AnimatorBase\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._animator;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The animation state object that is the subject of this event.\n\t */\n\tpublic get animationState():IAnimationState\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._animationState;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The animation node inside the animation state from which the event originated.\n\t */\n\tpublic get animationNode():AnimationNodeBase\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._animationNode;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Clones the event.\n\t *\n\t * @return An exact duplicate of the current object.\n\t */\n\tpublic clone():Event\n\t{\n\t\treturn new AnimationStateEvent(this.type, this._animator, this._animationState, this._animationNode);\n\t}\n}\n\nexport = AnimationStateEvent;",
+ "import CubeTextureBase\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-core/lib/textures/CubeTextureBase\");\n\nimport Stage\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/base/Stage\");\nimport IContextStageGL\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/core/stagegl/IContextStageGL\");\nimport MethodVO\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO\");\nimport ShaderObjectBase\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase\");\nimport ShaderRegisterCache\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache\");\nimport ShaderRegisterData\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData\");\nimport ShaderRegisterElement\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement\");\nimport AmbientBasicMethod\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/AmbientBasicMethod\");\nimport ShaderCompilerHelper\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper\");\n\n/**\n * AmbientEnvMapMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a diffuse irradiance environment map to\n * approximate global lighting rather than lights.\n */\nclass AmbientEnvMapMethod extends AmbientBasicMethod\n{\n\tprivate _cubeTexture:CubeTextureBase;\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new AmbientEnvMapMethod
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param envMap The cube environment map to use for the ambient lighting.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(envMap:CubeTextureBase)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\t\tthis._cubeTexture = envMap;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iInitVO(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, methodVO:MethodVO)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper.iInitVO(shaderObject, methodVO);\n\n\t\tmethodVO.needsNormals = true;\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * The cube environment map to use for the diffuse lighting.\n\t */\n\tpublic get envMap():CubeTextureBase\n\t{\n\t\treturn this._cubeTexture;\n\t}\n\t\n\tpublic set envMap(value:CubeTextureBase)\n\t{\n\t\tthis._cubeTexture = value;\n\t}\n\t\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iActivate(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, methodVO:MethodVO, stage:Stage)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper.iActivate(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);\n\n\t\t(DiffuseCompositeMethod
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param modulateMethod The method which will add the code to alter the base method's strength. It needs to have the signature clampDiffuse(t:ShaderRegisterElement, regCache:ShaderRegisterCache):string, in which t.w will contain the diffuse strength.\n\t * @param baseMethod The base diffuse method on which this method's shading is based.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(modulateMethod:(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, methodVO:MethodVO, targetReg:ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache:ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters:ShaderRegisterData) => string, baseMethod:DiffuseBasicMethod = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\n\t\tthis._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate = (event:ShadingMethodEvent) => this.onShaderInvalidated(event);\n\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod = baseMethod || new DiffuseBasicMethod();\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod._iModulateMethod = modulateMethod;\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The base diffuse method on which this method's shading is based.\n\t */\n\tpublic get baseMethod():DiffuseBasicMethod\n\t{\n\t\treturn this.pBaseMethod;\n\t}\n\n\tpublic set baseMethod(value:DiffuseBasicMethod)\n\t{\n\t\tif (this.pBaseMethod == value)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.removeEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod = value;\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.addEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);\n\t\tthis.iInvalidateShaderProgram();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iInitVO(shaderObject:ShaderLightingObject, methodVO:MethodVO)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.iInitVO(shaderObject, methodVO);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iInitConstants(shaderObject:ShaderLightingObject, methodVO:MethodVO)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.iInitConstants(shaderObject, methodVO);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic dispose()\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.removeEventListener(ShadingMethodEvent.SHADER_INVALIDATED, this._onShaderInvalidatedDelegate);\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.dispose();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic get texture():Texture2DBase\n\t{\n\t\treturn this.pBaseMethod.texture;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic set texture(value:Texture2DBase)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.texture = value;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic get diffuseColor():number\n\t{\n\t\treturn this.pBaseMethod.diffuseColor;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic set diffuseColor(value:number)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.diffuseColor = value;\n\t}\n\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic get ambientColor():number\n\t{\n\t\treturn this.pBaseMethod.ambientColor;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic set ambientColor(value:number)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.ambientColor = value;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject:ShaderLightingObject, methodVO:MethodVO, registerCache:ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters:ShaderRegisterData):string\n\t{\n\t\treturn this.pBaseMethod.iGetFragmentPreLightingCode(shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject:ShaderLightingObject, methodVO:MethodVO, lightDirReg:ShaderRegisterElement, lightColReg:ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache:ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters:ShaderRegisterData):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar code:string = this.pBaseMethod.iGetFragmentCodePerLight(shaderObject, methodVO, lightDirReg, lightColReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);\n\t\tthis._pTotalLightColorReg = this.pBaseMethod._pTotalLightColorReg;\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iGetFragmentCodePerProbe(shaderObject:ShaderLightingObject, methodVO:MethodVO, cubeMapReg:ShaderRegisterElement, weightRegister:string, registerCache:ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters:ShaderRegisterData):string\n\t{\n\t\tvar code:string = this.pBaseMethod.iGetFragmentCodePerProbe(shaderObject, methodVO, cubeMapReg, weightRegister, registerCache, sharedRegisters);\n\t\tthis._pTotalLightColorReg = this.pBaseMethod._pTotalLightColorReg;\n\t\treturn code;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iActivate(shaderObject:ShaderLightingObject, methodVO:MethodVO, stage:Stage)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.iActivate(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iSetRenderState(shaderObject:ShaderLightingObject, methodVO:MethodVO, renderable:RenderableBase, stage:Stage, camera:Camera)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.iSetRenderState(shaderObject, methodVO, renderable, stage, camera);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iDeactivate(shaderObject:ShaderLightingObject, methodVO:MethodVO, stage:Stage)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.iDeactivate(shaderObject, methodVO, stage);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iGetVertexCode(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, methodVO:MethodVO, registerCache:ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters:ShaderRegisterData):string\n\t{\n\t\treturn this.pBaseMethod.iGetVertexCode(shaderObject, methodVO, registerCache, sharedRegisters);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iGetFragmentPostLightingCode(shaderObject:ShaderLightingObject, methodVO:MethodVO, targetReg:ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache:ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters:ShaderRegisterData):string\n\t{\n\t\treturn this.pBaseMethod.iGetFragmentPostLightingCode(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iReset()\n\t{\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.iReset();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iCleanCompilationData()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper.iCleanCompilationData();\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod.iCleanCompilationData();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Called when the base method's shader code is invalidated.\n\t */\n\tprivate onShaderInvalidated(event:ShadingMethodEvent)\n\t{\n\t\tthis.iInvalidateShaderProgram();\n\t}\n}\n\nexport = DiffuseCompositeMethod;",
+ "import MethodVO\t\t\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/MethodVO\");\nimport ShaderLightingObject\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderLightingObject\");\nimport ShaderObjectBase\t\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderObjectBase\");\nimport ShaderRegisterCache\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterCache\");\nimport ShaderRegisterData\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterData\");\nimport ShaderRegisterElement\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/compilation/ShaderRegisterElement\");\nimport DiffuseBasicMethod\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/methods/DiffuseBasicMethod\");\nimport ShaderCompilerHelper\t\t\t\t= require(\"awayjs-stagegl/lib/materials/utils/ShaderCompilerHelper\");\n\n/**\n * DiffuseDepthMethod provides a debug method to visualise depth maps\n */\nclass DiffuseDepthMethod extends DiffuseBasicMethod\n{\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a new DiffuseBasicMethod object.\n\t */\n\tconstructor()\n\t{\n\t\tsuper();\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @inheritDoc\n\t */\n\tpublic iInitConstants(shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, methodVO:MethodVO)\n\t{\n\t\tvar data:ArrayDiffuseSubSurfaceMethod
object.\n\t *\n\t * @param depthMapSize The size of the depth map used.\n\t * @param depthMapOffset The amount by which the rendered object will be inflated, to prevent depth map rounding errors.\n\t * @param baseMethod The diffuse method used to calculate the regular diffuse-based lighting.\n\t */\n\tconstructor(depthMapSize:number /*int*/ = 512, depthMapOffset:number = 15, baseMethod:DiffuseBasicMethod = null)\n\t{\n\t\tsuper(null, baseMethod);\n\n\t\tthis.pBaseMethod._iModulateMethod = (shaderObject:ShaderObjectBase, methodVO:MethodVO, targetReg:ShaderRegisterElement, registerCache:ShaderRegisterCache, sharedRegisters:ShaderRegisterData) => this.scatterLight(shaderObject, methodVO, targetReg, registerCache, sharedRegisters);\n\n\t\tthis._passes = new Array