A quick way to check if you may need a visa is to enter wiki visa requirements for [your country here] citizens
into a search engine. The first result is typically a
wikipedia page with a table of all countries' visa policy that would apply to you.
If you need a visa, don't worry! You can still apply for travel funds. You'll need to account for extra time to prepare your visa application, apply for the visa, and receive it before the date of travel.
We've provided here a checklist of items that a visa application could require. Thinking about how long it will take you to prepare these will give you an idea of how long it could take to prepare your visa application.
This is not a complete list! This is only a list of items that are typically requested when visas are being processed.
Typical visa applications may ask for any or all of the following:
- An original passport. If you don't have one, you'll need to apply for one first. Check with your passport issuing authority for the processing time.
- Passport-sized photos.
- An original proof of residency for the country where you live, assuming you are not a citizen. For example, if you live in Canada this could be a Permanent Residence Card or a Temporary Residence Visa.
- Copies of any of the above documents.
- A copy of your air ticket.
- A copy of your accommodation reservations.
- Proof of travel insurance.
- A fee for processing your application.
- An invitation letter. If it's an event hosted by the Foundation, you can use this form to request a letter. The Foundation can help with visa issues, so please use the request form as far ahead as possible. For Collaborator Summits, which are not hosted by the Foundation, it cannot provide an invitation letter.
For the actual requirements, check the website of the consulate of the country to which you will be traveling.
Check the visa application processing time and plan accordingly.
In some cases, a visitor or tourism or tourist visa is what you need. In other cases you may need a business visa, especially if you are speaking at a conference on the same trip. Check the visa policy on the consulate website for what you will need.
It's important to remember that border control always makes the final decision on your entry. A visa does not guarantee your getting into a country. It's worth noting that a country's border control authority still has the final say even if you didn't need a visa.
You may need to prove that you have a stable income and strong ties to your country of residence. Proof can take many forms, such as bank statements, letters from an employer, and documents certified by a notary public. See the relevant visa requirements for their preferences.
The consulate may not be in the city where you live; you'll need to check how you can apply. In some cases, you can apply online or by post. In others, your application may need a face-to-face interview at the consulate. Please factor this into your plans.
We are adding all VISA related information in this document but If you need more assistance or you have any question for your application, feel free to email us at [email protected]. We are not VISA experts but will try to assist as much as we can.