This is a command line application which generates a random maze given height and width dimensions. The maze can then be solved by moving a simple player icon to the bottom right corner.
The following instruction aim to help get a copy of this project running on your local machine.
The project uses the ncurses library to display maze and player movement. Ncurses usually comes with installation. The NCURSES Progamming HOW-TO guide by Pradeep Padala gives more information.
To compile the project run
make maze
Alternatively, you can compile directly with
g++ -Wall -Werror -pedantic -g --std=c++17 -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-comment main.cpp Maze.cpp -lncurses -o maze
Run by calling maze executable and passing height and width arguments
./maze [height] [width]
Currently the only maze generating algorithm implemented is depth-first search. More maze-generating algorithms can be implemented in the future so as to create mazes with differing characteristics.
- Adding color elements to make maze more visible.
- Randomized Kruskal's for maze generation.
- Adding enemy entities to make traversing maze harder for player.
- Adding time constraints to solving maze.