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vkjha2000 edited this page Sep 20, 2019 · 27 revisions

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Zerocode helps us to design better Test Cases for our business functionalities, then maintain and update them easily to avoid sleepless nights.

Super Easy and Reduced Complexity

Simply annotate your test method with @Test and run like JUnit tests.

Testing becomes an easy and effortless job due to the simplicity nature of YAML/JSON formats and their native support by popular IDEs e.g. Eclipse /IntelliJ /NetBeans etc with no extra plugin. Super easy!

Reduced Complexity

It enables us to write tests for our API End Point Validations, Performance(Load/Stress) Validations, Consumer Contract Validations, End to End User Journey, In Memory Application Validations and API Security Validations etc, at the speed of writing JUnit tests.

It makes the tests declarative, configurable, and accurate.

Plug and Play Security Testing

Zerocode gives you out of the box SSL enabled Http Client and SOAP Client along with the optional MIME type converters e.g. XML to JSON if needed to increase test readability. It provides you with the options to configure Corporate Proxy at runtime to allow API invocations via corporate-proxies.

Zerocode has built general functionality which enables you to extend and enrich the framework behaviour by simply executing external Java methods as utility-functions to achieve business goals rather than putting every feature into the core framework.

Beautiful and Useful Reporting

Zerocode prints the request, response into the console as well as to the log file in the /target folder in a human/business readable format, along with producing granular report in the CSV format and Interactive Fuzzy Search Enabled Chart report.

You can search and filter the test report by author or test-scenario or test-step or any relevant matching text making it super easy to trace a step in the context of a scenario or user-journey.

Easy to Collaborate

Zerocode aims to make development and testing easier and faster, not harder and slower. Allows both Dev team and Test team to collaborate towards the better quality of the software.

Zerocode Tokens

Zerocode provides built-in tokens that help with your testing ranging from generating random numbers through to accessing system properties. Currently Zerocode offers the following tokens:

Verifications/Assertions Tokens:

Sample Test Report

Test reports are generated into /target folder every time the tests are run. Sample reports are here format.

Traceable Test Logs

Test logs are generated in the console as well as an user-defined log file. Default log location is target/logs/zerocode_rest_bdd_logs.log .

::Note:: Every step can be traced with an auto generated STEP-ID to correlate a request with its response.


If the test passed:

--------- CORRELATION-ID: e6170365-94e7-49dc-a1a3-5e102468acd9 ---------
{ } 
--------- CORRELATION-ID: e6170365-94e7-49dc-a1a3-5e102468acd9 ---------
  "status" : 200,
  "headers" : {
    "Date" : [ [ "Wed, 20 Dec 2016 03:00:48 GMT" ] ]
  "body" : {
    "id" : "UK1001",
    "name" : "Gov UK",
    "addresses" : [ {
      "line1" : "HOME, AECS Layout, ZIP-56094"
*Response delay:7.0 milli-secs 
---------> Expected Response: <----------
  "status" : 200,
  "body" : {
    "id" : "UK1001"

If the test failed:

Scenario failed for :-

	+---Step --> [get_an_employee_detail] 

Assertion path '$.status' with actual value '200' did not match the expected value '400'

Inspired By

Honorable references and credits

Pyresttest's JSON/YAML based test-DSL inspired many of Zerocode's Http DSL and test-config features.

Apache JMeter's intuitive load configuration inspired various Zerocode's declarative Load Testing DSL.

SkyScreamer's lenient mode smart JSON comparison inspired Zerocode's lenient JSON comparison feature.

Spring's popular token/placeholder resolver inspired Zerocode's runtime token/placeholder resolver feature.

Jupiter Junit5's easy and declarative approach to parameterized testing inspired Zerocode's parameterized testing feature.

Powered by open-source software.

IDE Credits Jetbrains


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