- upgrade nodejs to v8.10.0
- adds dashboard tab
- changes ident building when saving users
- write email, first and last name to clearbit traits group, add setIfNull for
- Fix Prospector UI not having a Source user to assign track & traits
- add pm2 max memory limit
- introduce separate babelJS configuration for server side code
- optimize node for memory usage and add flow control env vars
- fix batch endpoint by correcting Bottleneck signature
- make pm2 output raw logs without prefix
- adjust pm2 startup script
- upgrade Node to v8 and install pm2
- downgrade Node to v6
- improve test coverage and integration tests
- Fix prospector minimum anonymous user condition
- Even better metrics.
- Update dependencies
- use
to centralize mocha config, now atom'smocha-test-runner plugin can be used
- no need to open a terminal, open the test file and runctrl-alt-m
- Add Status Endpoint
- Improve Logging
- Improve Settings UI
- Use hull-node's metrics tooling
- update dependencies
- metrics calls
- upgrade hull to 0.13.9
- add support for smart-notifier
- Stores
in account domain - Looks in Accounts for domain attributes
- Has fallback strategy for domain looking into Account data
- factors tests
- Stores a
Clearbit Prospector Triggered
event on the user that triggers prospection, storing the following values:- query content
- number of results found
- list of prospected emails found
- Adds a
field on the prospected users with the identity of the User that triggered the prospection
- changes default behaviour of Reveal to only send users in a set of segments. Transition phase: Empty reveal_segments sends everyone.
- Deprecated: "reveal enabled" checkbox - empty revealed segment will achieve the same thing (in future version)
- Refactors reveal and enrich code to define responsibilities
- Refactors tests to abstract console parsing logic
- assign anonymousId for Prospected users to
- fix issues with non-human readable error messages in prospector UI
- filter error messages for 'unknown_ip' to classify errors properly
- fix issues with prospector UI
- handle errors on prospection and discovery API
- upgrade [email protected]
- prospector UI allows to define multiple roles, seniority levels and titles now
- prospector fetch strategy was changed - now we iterate over titles and fetch prospects for each title until we hit the fetch limit, without title
changed from string to an array
- set default cache ttl
- don't skip enrich if already revealed
- add better logging for reveal
- handle Clearbit API errors on the enrich method
- restructurized tests
- upgrade hull-node to 0.11.11
- upgrade hull-node to 0.11.9 to avoid logging the whole user object in the context of the logs
- require newrelic at the script start
- change the webhook endpoint for enrich to distinguish it from old webhook url
- log query and body for old webhook url
- fix old
- [feature] account support
- [feature] exclude invalid IPs and domains