This site highlights several concepts working together on Helix.
- Use the admin console to easily traverse complex content trees.
- Use the admin console to edit the content (no save support).
- Use the admin console to view the content.
- A server-side proxy pattern to:
- Eliminate local CORs issues
- Sanitize un-wanted code or content (src, .gitignore, etc.)
- Aleviate redundant direct GitHub API calls
- Cache query paramed responses (probably?)
- Inteligently build full URLs of content.
- Leverage Helix's new
feature for GitHub's Tree API.
- A Single page application (SPA) built with:
- React
- Spectrum
- Parcel
- Babel
- Leverage query params for passing data from client to server.
- Query Param Support - New Helix Simulator December 2018 feature
- Query Param whitelist -