A broadcast system allows one to share a message with all nodes in the cluster. In Maelstrom, the broadcast workload lets you practice building broadcast system with a simple API:
- A
message informs the node of an (optional) network topology: a map of nodes to neighbors. - A
request sends a message into the network. - A
request reads all the messages present on a single node.
Maelstrom checks broadcast systems by verifying that every broadcast message is (eventually) present on every node, and can tell you how long it takes for that to happen--as well as how many messages were required.
In this chapter, we'll build a variety of gossip-based broadcast systems, build up a reusable abstraction for network servers, and see how network faults and different strategies for retries affect message delivery.
In the previous chapter we built a simple echo server from scratch. Many of those concepts: reading messages from STDIN, printing them to STDOUT, logging to STDERR, handling initialization, assigning message IDs, etc. are so universal that nearly every server we write is going to need them. Let's see if we can pull some of those things apart, so our servers can focus on logical state and message flow.
We'll create a new file called node.rb
, and create a Node class in it. We
know our node will need to keep track of its own node id, and those of the
other nodes in the cluster, as well as allocating message IDs:
require 'json'
class Node
attr_reader :node_id, :node_ids
def initialize
@node_id = nil
@node_ids = nil
@next_msg_id = 0
As our programs get more sophisticated, they'll need to operate concurrently. We could write this as a single-threaded event loop, using fibers or coroutines, or via threads, but for our purposes, threads will simplify a good deal. Multithreaded access means we need a lock--preferably re-entrant--to protect our IO operations, assigning messages, and so on. We'll want one for logging to STDERR too, so that our log messages don't get mixed up.
def initialize
@lock = Monitor.new
@log_lock = Mutex.new
Logging first. We're going to want a reliable way to write messages to STDERR, and make sure they don't interleave. This will help us figure out what's going on inside our servers:
# Writes a message to stderr
def log(message)
@log_lock.synchronize do
STDERR.puts message
Next, let's take the reply!
method we wrote for sending messages, and turn it
into a pair of methods: one for replying, and one for sending an arbitrary
# Send a body to the given node id. Fills in src with our own node_id.
def send!(dest, body)
msg = {dest: dest,
src: @node_id,
body: body}
@lock.synchronize do
log "Sent #{msg.inspect}"
JSON.dump msg, STDOUT
STDOUT << "\n"
# Reply to a request with a response body
def reply!(req, body)
body = body.merge({in_reply_to: req[:body][:msg_id]})
send! req[:src], body
Note our use of merge
to make changes to hashmaps here: we're trying to be
careful about not mutating our arguments in-place. Merge returns a new map with
Now, what about receiving messages? We'll need to parse our messages as JSON.
For convenience, we'll transform the message and body keys to use :keywords
rather than "strings"
, as their keys.
# Turns a line of STDIN into a message hash
def parse_msg(line)
msg = JSON.parse line
Finally, a simple mainloop, adapted from our echo server:
# Loops, processing messages from STDIN
def main!
while line = STDIN.gets
msg = parse_msg line
log "Received #{msg.inspect}"
@lock.synchronize do
# Now what?
What should we do with each message? It's going to depend on the kind of node we're building. Ideally, we'd like to be able to write something like:
node.on "broadcast" do |msg|
# Handle this broadcast message...
... and have that block called with any message which has type: "broadcast"
To facilitate this, we'll store a map of message types to closures, and define an on
method which updates that map.
def initialize
@handlers = {}
# Register a new message type handler
def on(type, &handler)
if @handlers[type]
raise "Already have a handler for #{type}!"
@handlers[type] = handler
Now our mainloop can look up the appropriate handler for each incoming message, and call it.
def main!
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
while line = STDIN.gets
msg = parse_msg line
log "Received #{msg.inspect}"
handler = nil
@lock.synchronize do
if handler = @handlers[msg[:body][:type]]
# Good!
raise "No handler for #{msg.inspect}"
handler.call msg
rescue => e
log "Exception handling #{msg}:\n#{e.full_message}"
Now our nodes can handle their own initialization. When we create a Node
instance, we'll have it register a handler for the init
def initialize
@node_id = nil
@node_ids = nil
@next_msg_id = 0
@handlers = {}
@lock = Monitor.new
@log_lock = Mutex.new
# Register an initial handler for the init message
on "init" do |msg|
# Set our node ID and IDs
@node_id = msg[:body][:node_id]
@node_ids = msg[:body][:node_ids]
reply! msg, type: "init_ok"
log "Node #{@node_id} initialized"
All right! Let's try it out! We'll create a new file for our broadcast server,
called broadcast.rb
. That file will require our node.rb
code, and create a
Broadcast class which wraps a Node.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require_relative 'node.rb'
class Broadcast
attr_reader :node
def initialize
@node = Node.new
Let's start our node, and see if it responds to an init
message appropriately:
$ chmod +x broadcast.rb
$ ./maelstrom test -w broadcast --bin broadcast.rb --time-limit 5 --log-stderr
INFO [2021-02-23 09:35:26,128] jepsen node n1 - maelstrom.db Setting up n1
INFO [2021-02-23 09:35:26,129] jepsen node n1 - maelstrom.process launching broadcast.rb nil
INFO [2021-02-23 09:35:26,228] n1 stderr - maelstrom.process Received {:dest=>"n1", :body=>{:type=>"init", :node_id=>"n1", :node_ids=>["n1"], :msg_id=>1}, :src=>"c0", :id=>0}
INFO [2021-02-23 09:35:26,229] n1 stderr - maelstrom.process Sent {:dest=>"c0", :src=>"n1", :body=>{:type=>"init_ok", :in_reply_to=>1}}
INFO [2021-02-23 09:35:26,230] n1 stderr - maelstrom.process Node n1 initialized
Very good! The test goes on to crash, but as distributed systems engineers, we're used to that. Let's see what went wrong:
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Node n1 crashed with exit status 1. Before crashing, it wrote to STDOUT:
And to STDERR:
Received {:dest=>"n1", :body=>{:type=>"init", :node_id=>"n1", :node_ids=>["n1"], :msg_id=>1}, :src=>"c0", :id=>0}
Sent {:dest=>"c0", :src=>"n1", :body=>{:type=>"init_ok", :in_reply_to=>1}}
Node n1 initialized
Received {:dest=>"n1", :body=>{:type=>"topology", :topology=>{"n1"=>[]}, :msg_id=>1}, :src=>"c1", :id=>2}
/home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:85:in `block in main!': No handler for {:dest=>"n1", :body=>{:type=>"topology", :topology=>{"n1"=>[]}, :msg_id=>1}, :src=>"c1", :id=>2} (RuntimeError)
from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:81:in `synchronize'
from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:81:in `main!'
from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/broadcast.rb:12:in `<main>'
Aha! We've received a type: "topology"
message. Let's figure out what to do
with THAT.
The Broadcast workload docs say that a
message is sent at the start of the test, and provides each node
with a map of node IDS to neighbors. We're not required to use this
information--we could compute our own neighbors--but it'll be nice to have
later. We'll add an @neighbors
field to our Broadcast server, and initialize
it when a topology message arrives.
def initialize
@node = Node.new
@neighbors = []
@node.on "topology" do |msg|
@neighbors = msg[:body][:topology][@node.node_id]
@node.log "My neighbors are #{@neighbors.inspect}"
@node.reply! msg, type: "topology_ok"
Let's give that a shot.
$ ./maelstrom test -w broadcast --bin broadcast.rb --time-limit 5 --log-stderr
INFO [2021-02-23 10:08:50,936] n3 stderr - maelstrom.process My neighbors are ["n2"]
INFO [2021-02-23 10:08:50,936] n5 stderr - maelstrom.process My neighbors are ["n2", "n4"]
INFO [2021-02-23 10:08:50,936] n4 stderr - maelstrom.process My neighbors are ["n1", "n5"]
INFO [2021-02-23 10:08:50,936] n1 stderr - maelstrom.process My neighbors are ["n4", "n2"]
INFO [2021-02-23 10:08:50,936] n2 stderr - maelstrom.process My neighbors are ["n5", "n3", "n1"]
Now we can see each node receiving a set of neighbors. The default topology arranges all nodes in a two-dimensional grid, like so:
| |
Next, we'll need to do the actual work of the broadcast system: accepting new messages, and letting Maelstrom read them.
The Broadcast workload docs docs say
that we'll receive broadcast
messages with a :message
field containing an
arbitrary payload, and read
messages which should return the set of all
messages present on a node. Let's add a message set, and a lock to control
access, to our Broadcast class:
require 'set'
def initialize
@node = Node.new
@neighbors = []
@lock = Mutex.new
@messages = Set.new
Next, we want to let Maelstrom read the message set. We'll add another
handler to the initialize
method for read
@node.on "read" do |msg|
@lock.synchronize do
@node.reply! msg, type: "read_ok", messages: @messages.to_a
And whenever we receive a broadcast
message, we'll add that message's message
(oh no) to the set:
@node.on "broadcast" do |msg|
m = msg[:body][:message]
@lock.synchronize do
@messages.add m
@node.reply! msg, type: "broadcast_ok"
Let's try that out! We'll dial up the request rate to see how nodes change over time:
$ ./maelstrom test -w broadcast --bin broadcast.rb --time-limit 5 --rate 10
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:56,288] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :invoke :broadcast 0
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:56,290] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :ok :broadcast 0
Here, worker 0 has made a request to the first node (n1
), asking it to
broadcast the message 0
. That node replied with broadcast_ok
, so Maelstrom
recorded the broadcast operation as :ok
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:56,514] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:56,516] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :ok :read [0]
A subsequent read
request returned read_ok
, and included the set of
messages received so far: [0]
. As time goes on, more broadcast messages are
added to the set on node n1
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:59,036] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :invoke :broadcast 9
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:59,038] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :ok :broadcast 9
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:59,204] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :invoke :broadcast 10
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:59,205] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :ok :broadcast 10
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:59,322] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :invoke :broadcast 11
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:59,323] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :ok :broadcast 11
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:59,656] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2021-02-23 10:30:59,658] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :ok :read [0 9 10 11]
At the end of the test, Maelstrom waits a bit for all nodes to converge, then asks each node for their final set of messages:
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:01,240] jepsen worker 2 - jepsen.generator.interpreter Waiting for recovery...
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,242] jepsen worker 2 - jepsen.util 2 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,243] jepsen worker 3 - jepsen.util 3 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,243] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,243] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 1 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,243] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,244] jepsen worker 3 - jepsen.util 3 :ok :read [1 3 6 12]
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,244] jepsen worker 2 - jepsen.util 2 :ok :read [4 16 20]
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,244] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :ok :read [0 9 10 11 15 18]
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,244] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 1 :ok :read [2 5 7 13 14 17 19]
INFO [2021-02-23 10:31:11,244] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4 :ok :read [8]
All the broadcast messages are present--but the test fails:
:attempt-count 21,
:stable-count 1,
:stale-count 1,
:stale (8),
:lost-count 20,
:lost (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20),
Out of 21 attempted broadcast messages, only one was stable: present durably
in all reads after some time t. One message was stale, meaning that it took
some time to appear in all reads, rather than being visible immediately. That
stale, stale message was number 8--which just so happens to correspond to the
only value in the very last read Maelstrom completed: worker 4 saw the set of
messages as just [8]
. All other messages were considered lost.
Why are these messages lost? We saw 0, 1, 2, and so on in the final reads--but
they weren't present across all nodes, and that's what the broadcast problem
is all about. Our nodes haven't done any communication. Indeed, if we look at
, we can see that each our server nodes haven't
exchanged any information.
We need to actually share state for this to work. Let's do that next.
It's time to use that topology information we got from Maelstrom. When we get a
new broadcast message, we'll send our own broadcast message to all our
neighbors. For each of our neighbors, we'll send them a broadcast. We won't
bother with acknowledgements here: this is a straightforward fire-and-forget
kind of message. We'll look for the presence of a msg_id
field in broadcast
messages to tell whether to reply or not.
@node.on "broadcast" do |msg|
m = msg[:body][:message]
@lock.synchronize do
@messages.add m
# Gossip this message to neighbors
@neighbors.each do |neighbor|
@node.send! neighbor, type: "broadcast", message: m
# Inter-server messages don't have a msg_id, and don't need a response
if msg[:body][:msg_id]
@node.reply! msg, type: "broadcast_ok"
Let's see what happens!
$ ./maelstrom test -w broadcast --bin broadcast.rb --time-limit 5 --rate 10
NFO [2021-02-23 11:21:52,923] jepsen worker 2 - jepsen.util 2 :invoke :broadcast 0
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:53,057] jepsen worker 3 - jepsen.util 3 :invoke :broadcast 1
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:53,128] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4 :invoke :broadcast 2
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:53,309] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :invoke :broadcast 3
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:53,446] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 1 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:54,686] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 1 :ok :read [0 1 2]
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:54,686] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 1 :invoke :read nil
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:57,929] jepsen worker 2 - jepsen.util 2 :info :broadcast 0 :net-timeout
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:58,057] jepsen worker 3 - jepsen.util 3 :info :broadcast 1 :net-timeout
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:58,128] jepsen worker 4 - jepsen.util 4 :info :broadcast 2 :net-timeout
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:58,309] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :info :broadcast 3 :net-timeout
INFO [2021-02-23 11:21:58,992] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 1 :ok :read [0 1 2 3]
That's not great! Some requests go through OK, but we're seeing an awful lot of
timeouts. Let's take a look at Maelstrom's network statistics, printed at the
end of the test (and in results.edn
:net {:stats {:all {:send-count 894469,
:recv-count 450941,
:msg-count 894469,
:msgs-per-op 81315.37},
:clients {:send-count 34,
:recv-count 30,
:msg-count 34},
:servers {:send-count 894435,
:recv-count 450911,
:msg-count 894435,
:msgs-per-op 81312.27}},
This tells us that there were 894469 unique messages sent in the course of this
test--almost 81,000 per logical operation. Almost all of that was inter-server
traffic. Let's take a look at messages.svg
to see what's going on:
Aha! We've constructed an infinite loop: when one server receives a message,
it tells its neighbors, who promptly turn around and tell their neighbors,
and the message ricochets around the network forever, amplified by a factor of
at each step. We should avoid broadcasting a message if we
already have it.
@node.on "broadcast" do |msg|
m = msg[:body][:message]
@lock.synchronize do
unless @messages.include? m
@messages.add m
# Gossip this message to neighbors
@neighbors.each do |neighbor|
@node.send! neighbor, type: "broadcast", message: m
# Inter-server messages don't have a msg_id, and don't need a response
if msg[:body][:msg_id]
@node.reply! msg, type: "broadcast_ok"
Let's see what happens:
$ ./maelstrom test -w broadcast --bin broadcast.rb --time-limit 5 --rate 10
:net {:stats {:all {:send-count 450,
:recv-count 450,
:msg-count 450,
:msgs-per-op 8.181818},
:clients {:send-count 130,
:recv-count 130,
:msg-count 130},
:servers {:send-count 320,
:recv-count 320,
:msg-count 320,
:msgs-per-op 5.818182}},
:valid? true},
:workload {:worst-stale (),
:duplicated-count 0,
:valid? true,
:lost-count 0,
:lost (),
:stable-count 32,
:stale-count 0,
:stale (),
:never-read-count 0,
:stable-latencies {0 0, 0.5 0, 0.95 0, 0.99 0, 1 0},
:attempt-count 32,
:never-read (),
:duplicated {}},
:valid? true}
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
Much better! The duplicate-message check stops our infinite loop, and it also
prevents message amplification when we receive a broadcast message from two
different paths. In this (very brief) run, we sent roughly 5.8 inter-server
messages per operation, which is pretty good for a five-node cluster. Checking
messages.svg, we can see that the broadcast pattern looks pretty much like what
we'd expect: the first server to receive a broadcast request sends out a
message to its neighbor(s), then responds with broadcast_ok
, while the
message bounces around the network until every node has received it.
In the next section, we'll ask about the performance of this broadcast model, and explore alternatives.
If you want to run the clojure
implementation of the gossip server, first install babashka and then run
$ ./maelstrom test -w broadcast --bin demo/clojure/gossip.clj --time-limit 10 --nemesis partition --log-stderr