diff --git a/src/assets/bubble_reflection.scn b/src/assets/bubble_reflection.scn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ac8623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/bubble_reflection.scn
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+	"canvas": {
+		"clear_color": true,
+		"clear_z": true,
+		"color": [
+			60,
+			85,
+			91,
+			255
+		]
+	},
+	"environment": {
+		"ambient": [
+			0,
+			0,
+			0,
+			255
+		],
+		"brdf_map": "core/pbr/brdf.dds",
+		"current_camera": null,
+		"fog_color": [
+			255,
+			255,
+			255,
+			255
+		],
+		"fog_far": 0.0,
+		"fog_near": 0.0,
+		"probe": {
+			"irradiance_map": "probes/scenery.hdr.irradiance",
+			"parallax": 0.0,
+			"pos": [
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"radiance_map": "probes/scenery.hdr.radiance",
+			"rot": [
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"scl": [
+				1.0,
+				1.0,
+				1.0
+			],
+			"type": "sphere"
+		}
+	},
+	"key_values": null,
+	"lights": [
+		{
+			"diffuse": [
+				255,
+				213,
+				133,
+				255
+			],
+			"diffuse_intensity": 5.0,
+			"inner_angle": 9.999999747378752e-05,
+			"outer_angle": 0.6108652353286743,
+			"priority": 0.0,
+			"pssm_split": [
+				10.0,
+				50.0,
+				100.0,
+				500.0
+			],
+			"radius": 0.0,
+			"shadow_bias": 9.999999747378752e-06,
+			"shadow_type": "map",
+			"specular": [
+				255,
+				180,
+				0,
+				255
+			],
+			"specular_intensity": 5.0,
+			"type": "spot"
+		}
+	],
+	"nodes": [
+		{
+			"components": [
+				0,
+				4294967295,
+				0,
+				4294967295,
+				4294967295
+			],
+			"disabled": false,
+			"idx": 0,
+			"name": "sphere_chrome"
+		},
+		{
+			"components": [
+				1,
+				4294967295,
+				4294967295,
+				0,
+				4294967295
+			],
+			"disabled": true,
+			"idx": 1,
+			"name": "Light"
+		}
+	],
+	"objects": [
+		{
+			"bones": [],
+			"material_infos": [
+				{
+					"name": "default"
+				}
+			],
+			"materials": [
+				{
+					"blend_mode": "add",
+					"depth_test": "less",
+					"face_culling": "disabled",
+					"flags": [],
+					"program": "core/shader/pbr.hps",
+					"values": [
+						{
+							"name": "uBaseOpacityColor",
+							"type": "vec4",
+							"value": [
+								0.0,
+								0.0,
+								0.0,
+								1.0
+							]
+						},
+						{
+							"name": "uOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessColor",
+							"type": "vec4",
+							"value": [
+								0.3580000102519989,
+								0.15199999511241913,
+								0.9639999866485596,
+								1.0
+							]
+						},
+						{
+							"name": "uSelfColor",
+							"type": "vec4",
+							"value": [
+								0.0,
+								0.0,
+								0.0,
+								1.0
+							]
+						},
+						{
+							"name": "uSpecBooster",
+							"type": "vec4",
+							"value": [
+								1.0,
+								2000.0,
+								2000.0,
+								1.0
+							]
+						}
+					],
+					"write_a": true,
+					"write_b": true,
+					"write_g": true,
+					"write_r": true,
+					"write_z": false
+				}
+			],
+			"name": "primitives/sphere.geo"
+		}
+	],
+	"transforms": [
+		{
+			"parent": null,
+			"pos": [
+				0.0,
+				1.604031718520287e-16,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"rot": [
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"scl": [
+				1.0,
+				1.0,
+				1.0
+			]
+		},
+		{
+			"parent": null,
+			"pos": [
+				0.0,
+				55.3507080078125,
+				22.0
+			],
+			"rot": [
+				89.99994659423828,
+				0.0,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"scl": [
+				1.0,
+				0.9999999403953552,
+				0.9999999403953552
+			]
+		}
+	]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/bubble_reflection.scn.aaa b/src/assets/bubble_reflection.scn.aaa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03b674f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/bubble_reflection.scn.aaa
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+	"bloom_bias": 0.5,
+	"bloom_intensity": 0.10000000149011612,
+	"bloom_threshold": 5.0,
+	"exposure": 1.0,
+	"gamma": 2.200000047683716,
+	"max_distance": 100.0,
+	"motion_blur": 1.0,
+	"sample_count": 2,
+	"taa_weight": 0.10000000149011612,
+	"z_thickness": 0.10000000149011612
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/bubble_reflection.scn.editor b/src/assets/bubble_reflection.scn.editor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25590a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/bubble_reflection.scn.editor
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+	"editor": {
+		"animeditor_plugin": {
+			"quantize_time": true,
+			"show_trajectories": null,
+			"trajectories_tick_seconds": 1.0,
+			"trajectories_tick_size": 0.10000000149011612
+		},
+		"explorer": {
+			"node_custom_order": {
+				"refs": null,
+				"roots": [
+					0,
+					1
+				]
+			},
+			"node_sort_method": "custom",
+			"show_node_uid": false
+		},
+		"grid_plugin": {
+			"enabled": true,
+			"grid_color_b": 1.0,
+			"grid_color_g": 1.0,
+			"grid_color_r": 1.0,
+			"n_subdivs": 10,
+			"offset": 0.0,
+			"opacity": 0.5,
+			"subdiv_size": 1.0
+		},
+		"navigation_plugin": {
+			"orbit_distance": 2.632981538772583,
+			"speed": 0.10000000149011612,
+			"turbo": 1.0
+		},
+		"transform_gizmo_plugin": {
+			"mode": "local",
+			"snap": "none",
+			"snap_rotation": 5.0,
+			"snap_rotation_fine": 1.0,
+			"snap_scale": 10.0,
+			"snap_scale_fine": 1.0,
+			"snap_translation": 1.0,
+			"snap_translation_fine": 0.10000000149011612,
+			"tool": "move"
+		},
+		"view_plugin": {
+			"show_cameras": true,
+			"show_collisions": false,
+			"show_lights": true,
+			"show_nodes": true,
+			"show_probe": true
+		},
+		"views": {
+			"back": [
+				-0.9999999403953552,
+				0.0,
+				-8.742277657347586e-08,
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				1.0,
+				-0.0,
+				0.0,
+				8.742277657347586e-08,
+				-0.0,
+				-0.9999999403953552,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"bottom": [
+				1.0,
+				-0.0,
+				-0.0,
+				0.0,
+				-0.0,
+				-8.742277657347586e-08,
+				1.0,
+				0.0,
+				-0.0,
+				-1.0,
+				-8.742277657347586e-08,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"bottom_zrange": {
+				"zfar": 1000.0,
+				"znear": -1000.0
+			},
+			"current_camera": 0,
+			"front": [
+				1.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				1.0,
+				-0.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				1.0,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"left": [
+				-8.742277657347586e-08,
+				0.0,
+				1.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				1.0,
+				-0.0,
+				0.0,
+				-1.0,
+				0.0,
+				-8.742277657347586e-08,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"left_zrange": {
+				"zfar": 1000.0,
+				"znear": -1000.0
+			},
+			"orthographic_size": 1.0,
+			"perspective": [
+				-0.7115512490272522,
+				-0.1653103530406952,
+				-0.6829080581665039,
+				1.7980844974517822,
+				0.0,
+				0.9719282388687134,
+				-0.23527324199676514,
+				0.6194703578948975,
+				0.7026358842849731,
+				-0.16740863025188446,
+				-0.6915751695632935,
+				1.8209043741226196
+			],
+			"perspective_fov": 0.6361725330352783,
+			"perspective_zrange": {
+				"zfar": 1000.0,
+				"znear": 0.009999999776482582
+			},
+			"right": [
+				-8.742277657347586e-08,
+				0.0,
+				-1.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				1.0,
+				-0.0,
+				0.0,
+				1.0,
+				-0.0,
+				-8.742277657347586e-08,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"right_zrange": {
+				"zfar": 1000.0,
+				"znear": -1000.0
+			},
+			"scale": 0.05000000074505806,
+			"top": [
+				1.0,
+				0.0,
+				-0.0,
+				0.0,
+				-0.0,
+				-8.742277657347586e-08,
+				-1.0,
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				1.0,
+				-8.742277657347586e-08,
+				0.0
+			],
+			"top_zrange": {
+				"zfar": 1000.0,
+				"znear": -1000.0
+			}
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/core/shader/pbr.hps b/src/assets/core/shader/pbr.hps
index 884a1a3..abb3be2 100644
--- a/src/assets/core/shader/pbr.hps
+++ b/src/assets/core/shader/pbr.hps
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 	"features": ["OptionalBaseColorOpacityMap", "OptionalOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessMap", "OptionalNormalMap", "OptionalSelfMap", "_OptionalSkinning"],
 	"uniforms": [
-		{"name": "uSelfCtrl", "type": "Vec4", "value": [3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]}
+		{"name": "uSelfCtrl", "type": "Vec4", "value": [3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]},
+		{"name": "uSpecBooster", "type": "Vec4", "value": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]}
diff --git a/src/assets/core/shader/pbr_fs.sc b/src/assets/core/shader/pbr_fs.sc
index 23270ec..df3fc72 100644
--- a/src/assets/core/shader/pbr_fs.sc
+++ b/src/assets/core/shader/pbr_fs.sc
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ uniform vec4 uBaseOpacityColor;
 uniform vec4 uOcclusionRoughnessMetalnessColor;
 uniform vec4 uSelfColor;
 uniform vec4 uSelfCtrl;
+uniform vec4 uSpecBooster;
 // Texture slots
 SAMPLER2D(uBaseOpacityMap, 0);
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ float SampleShadowPCF(sampler2DShadow map, vec4 coord, float inv_pixel_size, flo
 	float k = 0.0;
 	#define PCF_SAMPLE_COUNT 2 // 3x3
 	ARRAY_BEGIN(float, weights, 9) 0.011147, 0.083286, 0.011147, 0.083286, 0.622269, 0.083286, 0.011147, 0.083286, 0.011147 ARRAY_END();
@@ -51,6 +53,15 @@ float SampleShadowPCF(sampler2DShadow map, vec4 coord, float inv_pixel_size, flo
 			k += SampleHardShadow(map, coord + vec4(vec2(u, v) * k_pixel_size, 0.0, 0.0), bias) * weights[j * 3 + i];
+	// 2x2
+	k += SampleHardShadow(map, coord + vec4(vec2(-0.5, -0.5) * k_pixel_size, 0.0, 0.0), bias);
+	k += SampleHardShadow(map, coord + vec4(vec2( 0.5, -0.5) * k_pixel_size, 0.0, 0.0), bias);
+	k += SampleHardShadow(map, coord + vec4(vec2(-0.5,  0.5) * k_pixel_size, 0.0, 0.0), bias);
+	k += SampleHardShadow(map, coord + vec4(vec2( 0.5,  0.5) * k_pixel_size, 0.0, 0.0), bias);
+	k /= 4.0;
 	// 2x2
 	k += SampleHardShadow(map, coord + vec4(vec2(-0.5, -0.5) * k_pixel_size, 0.0, 0.0), bias);
@@ -204,7 +215,7 @@ void main() {
 #endif // SLOT0_SHADOWS
-		color += GGX(V, N, NdotV, uLightDir[0].xyz, base_opacity.xyz, occ_rough_metal.g, occ_rough_metal.b, F0, uLightDiffuse[0].xyz * k_shadow, uLightSpecular[0].xyz * k_shadow);
+		color += GGX(V, N, NdotV, uLightDir[0].xyz, base_opacity.xyz, occ_rough_metal.g, occ_rough_metal.b, F0, uLightDiffuse[0].xyz * k_shadow, uLightSpecular[0].xyz * k_shadow * uSpecBooster.x);
 	// SLOT 1: point/spot light (with optional shadows)
@@ -218,7 +229,7 @@ void main() {
 		shadow_atten = SampleShadowPCF(uSpotShadowMap, vSpotShadowCoord, uShadowState.y, uShadowState.w, jitter);
 		attenuation *= shadow_atten;
 #endif // SLOT1_SHADOWS
-		color += GGX(V, N, NdotV, L, base_opacity.xyz, occ_rough_metal.g, occ_rough_metal.b, F0, uLightDiffuse[1].xyz * attenuation, uLightSpecular[1].xyz * attenuation);
+		color += GGX(V, N, NdotV, L, base_opacity.xyz, occ_rough_metal.g, occ_rough_metal.b, F0, uLightDiffuse[1].xyz * attenuation, uLightSpecular[1].xyz * attenuation * uSpecBooster.y);
 		vec3 wave_caustics = WaterCaustics(P, N, uClock.x);
 		float shadow_mix = 1.0 - clamp(pow(cone_attenuation, 0.5), 0.0, 1.0);
 		color += mix(wave_caustics * shadow_atten * 4.0, wave_caustics * 0.25, shadow_mix) * occ_rough_metal.x;
@@ -232,7 +243,7 @@ void main() {
 			L /= max(distance, 1e-8);
 			float attenuation = LightAttenuation(L, uLightDir[i].xyz, distance, uLightPos[i].w, uLightDir[i].w, uLightDiffuse[i].w);
-			color += GGX(V, N, NdotV, L, base_opacity.xyz, occ_rough_metal.g, occ_rough_metal.b, F0, uLightDiffuse[i].xyz * attenuation, uLightSpecular[i].xyz * attenuation);
+			color += GGX(V, N, NdotV, L, base_opacity.xyz, occ_rough_metal.g, occ_rough_metal.b, F0, uLightDiffuse[i].xyz * attenuation, uLightSpecular[i].xyz * attenuation * uSpecBooster.z);
diff --git a/src/assets/shaders/compositer_fs.sc b/src/assets/shaders/compositer_fs.sc
index df6d426..e7d63b0 100644
--- a/src/assets/shaders/compositer_fs.sc
+++ b/src/assets/shaders/compositer_fs.sc
@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@ uniform vec4 fade;
 uniform vec4 uClock;
 uniform vec4 uZFrustum; // z_near, z_far, fov, ___
 SAMPLER2D(s_tex, 0); // main framebuffer
 SAMPLER2D(s_depth, 1);
 SAMPLER2D(b_tex, 2); // framebuffer for "bubbles fx"
 SAMPLER2D(b_depth, 3);
 #define WAV_FREQ_X 15.0
 #define WAV_FREQ_Y 6.0
@@ -57,8 +59,11 @@ void main() {
 	vignette *= mix(clamp(map(UV0.y, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.75, 1.0), clamp(map(UV0.y, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0, 1.0), UV0.x);
 	float inv_vignette = ((1.0 - vignette) * 5.0) + 1.0;
+	float zb = 0.0;
+	float i, j;
 	// get bubble masked by landscape
-	float i, j, z;
+	float z;
 	vec2 o;
 	// float z_bg = 0.0, z_bubbles = 0.0;
 	for(j = 0; j < MAX_BLUR_SAMPLE; j++)
@@ -74,8 +79,13 @@ void main() {
 	// 0.0 to 1.0 factor to exclude the walkman from the blur
-	float zb = clamp(1.0 - (get_zFromDepth(texture2D(s_depth, UV0).x) * 0.001), 0.0, 1.0);
+	zb = clamp(1.0 - (get_zFromDepth(texture2D(s_depth, UV0).x) * 0.001), 0.0, 1.0);
 	zb = clamp(map(zb, 0.97, 0.97225, 0.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0);
+	vec2 UV0r = vec2(clamp(UV0.x + 0.09 - UV0.y * 0.1, 0.0, 1.0), UV0.y + UV0.x * 0.4);
+	zb = pow(clamp(UV0r.x * 8.0, 0.0, 1.0), 4.0) * pow(clamp((0.4 - UV0r.x) * 8.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.75);
+	zb *= pow(min(UV0r.y * 6.0, 1.0), 2.0) * pow(clamp((0.4 - UV0r.y) * 12.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.75);
 	vignette = clamp(vignette + zb, 0.0, 1.0);
@@ -101,11 +111,10 @@ void main() {
 	overscan *= clamp(map(UV0.y, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0, 1.0);
 	waveUV0 = waveUV0 * vec2(0.01 * overscan * uClock.y, 0.01 * overscan * uClock.y);
-	// distort buffer along the bubbles
-#if 0
-	vec3 bubble_rgb = texture2D(b_tex, UV0).xyz;
+	vec2 bubbleUV0 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
 	vec3 bubble_rgb = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+	// distort buffer along the bubbles
 	for(j = 0; j < MAX_BLUR_SAMPLE; j++)
 			for(i = 0; i < MAX_BLUR_SAMPLE; i++)
@@ -115,9 +124,9 @@ void main() {
 	bubble_rgb /= (MAX_BLUR_SAMPLE * MAX_BLUR_SAMPLE);
+	bubbleUV0 = (vec2(bubble_rgb.x, bubble_rgb.y) - vec2(0.5, 0.5)) * 2.0 * 0.015 * z;
-	vec2 bubbleUV0 = (vec2(bubble_rgb.x, bubble_rgb.y) - vec2(0.5, 0.5)) * 2.0 * 0.015 * z;
-	// vec2 bubbleUV0 = (vec2(bubble_rgb.x, bubble_rgb.y)) * 2.0 * 0.015 * z;
 	// poorman's color dispersion
 	float dispersion = mix(clamp(map(UV0.x, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0), clamp(map(UV0.x, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0), UV0.y);
@@ -152,6 +161,7 @@ void main() {
 	// Bubble (fake fresnel) edges
 	float bubble_edges = pow(bubble_rgb.z, 4.0) * 0.75 * z; // * vignette;
@@ -166,6 +176,7 @@ void main() {
 	r += refl.x;
 	g += refl.y;
 	b += refl.z;
+ #endif
 	r = r * fade.x;
 	g = g * fade.x;
@@ -187,6 +198,7 @@ void main() {
 	// gl_FragColor = texture2D(b_tex, UV0);
 	// gl_FragColor = vec4(z, z, z, 1.0);
 	// gl_FragColor = vec4(zb, zb, zb, 1.0);
+	// gl_FragColor = vec4(r, g, b, 1.0) + vec4(zb, zb, zb, 0.0);
 	// gl_FragColor = vec4(bubble_rgb.x, bubble_rgb.y, bubble_rgb.z, 1.0);
 	// gl_FragColor = vec4(bubbleUV0 * 200.0, 0.0, 1.0);
diff --git a/src/config_gui.lua b/src/config_gui.lua
index 2e575ce..1af376a 100644
--- a/src/config_gui.lua
+++ b/src/config_gui.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-function config_gui()
+function config_gui(is_opengl)
+    is_opengl = is_opengl or false
     -- resolution selection
     local res_list = {{640, 360}, {768, 432}, {896, 504}, {1024, 576}, {1152, 648}, {1280, 720}, {1920, 1080}, {1920, 1200}, {2560, 1440}, {3840, 2160}, {5120, 2880}}
     local res_list_str = {}
@@ -26,7 +27,11 @@ function config_gui()
     local config_done = 0 -- 0 = stay, 1 = play demo, 2 = exit without playing the demo
     local win = hg.NewWindow("Marine Melodies - Config", res_x, res_y, 32)
-    hg.RenderInit(win) -- , hg.RT_OpenGL)
+    if is_opengl == false then
+        hg.RenderInit(win)
+    else
+        hg.RenderInit(win, hg.RT_OpenGL)
+    end
     local imgui_prg = hg.LoadProgramFromAssets('core/shader/imgui')
     local imgui_img_prg = hg.LoadProgramFromAssets('core/shader/imgui_image')
diff --git a/src/main.lua b/src/main.lua
index 069e5cc..7582890 100644
--- a/src/main.lua
+++ b/src/main.lua
@@ -24,9 +24,13 @@ function draw_line(pos_a, pos_b, line_color, vid, vtx_line_layout, line_shader)
 function main(cmd_arg)
-	local config = {enable_aaa=true, low_aaa=false, skip_intro=false}
+	local config = {enable_aaa=true, low_aaa=false, skip_intro=true, is_opengl=true}
 	local i
+	if package.config:sub(1,1) == '/' then
+		is_opengl=true
+	end
 	-- hg.SetLogLevel(hg.LL_Normal)
@@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ function main(cmd_arg)
 	local no_aa
-	config_done, default_res_x, default_res_y, default_fullscreen, full_aaa, low_aaa, no_aaa = config_gui()
+	config_done, default_res_x, default_res_y, default_fullscreen, full_aaa, low_aaa, no_aaa = config_gui(config.is_opengl)
 	-- set config
 	res_x, res_y = default_res_x, default_res_y
@@ -74,7 +78,11 @@ function main(cmd_arg)
 		-- local win = hg.RenderInit('Minisub Escape', res_x, res_y, hg.RF_VSync | hg.RF_MSAA4X)
 		win = hg.NewWindow("Marine Melodies^Resistance(2022)", res_x, res_y, 32, default_fullscreen) --, hg.WV_Fullscreen)
-		hg.RenderInit(win) --, hg.RT_OpenGL)
+		if config.is_opengl == false then
+			hg.RenderInit(win)
+		else
+			hg.RenderInit(win, hg.RT_OpenGL)
+		end
 		hg.RenderReset(res_x, res_y, hg.RF_MSAA4X | hg.RF_MaxAnisotropy)
 		-- create pipeline
@@ -104,16 +112,23 @@ function main(cmd_arg)
 		local scene_clocks = hg.SceneClocks()
 		-- specific scene to render the bubbles
-		local bubble_scene = hg.Scene()
+		local bubble_scene
+		if config.is_opengl == false then
+			bubble_scene = hg.Scene()
+		else
+			bubble_scene = scene
+		end
 		-- create a frame buffer to draw the scene to
 		local color = hg.CreateTexture(res_x, res_y, "color texture", hg.TF_RenderTarget, hg.TF_RGBA8)
-		local depth =  hg.CreateTexture(res_x, res_y, "depth texture", hg.TF_RenderTarget, hg.TF_D32F)
+		local depth =  hg.CreateTexture(res_x, res_y, "depth texture", hg.TF_RenderTarget, hg.TF_D24F)
 		local frame_buffer = hg.CreateFrameBuffer(color, depth, "framebuffer")
-		local bubble_color = hg.CreateTexture(res_x, res_y, "color texture", hg.TF_RenderTarget, hg.TF_RGBA8)
-		local bubble_depth =  hg.CreateTexture(res_x, res_y, "depth texture", hg.TF_RenderTarget, hg.TF_D32F)
-		local bubble_frame_buffer = hg.CreateFrameBuffer(bubble_color, bubble_depth, "bubble_framebuffer")
+		if config.is_opengl == false then
+			local bubble_color = hg.CreateTexture(res_x, res_y, "color texture", hg.TF_RenderTarget, hg.TF_RGBA8)
+			local bubble_depth =  hg.CreateTexture(res_x, res_y, "depth texture", hg.TF_RenderTarget, hg.TF_D24F)
+			local bubble_frame_buffer = hg.CreateFrameBuffer(bubble_color, bubble_depth, "bubble_framebuffer")
+		end
 		-- create a plane model for the final rendering stage
 		local vtx_layout = hg.VertexLayoutPosFloatNormUInt8TexCoord0UInt8()
@@ -160,8 +175,10 @@ function main(cmd_arg)
 		local z_far = cam:GetCamera():GetZFar()
 		local fov = cam:GetCamera():GetFov()
-		local bubble_cam = hg.CreateCamera(bubble_scene, cam:GetTransform():GetWorld(), z_near, z_far, fov)
-		bubble_scene:SetCurrentCamera(bubble_cam)
+		if config.is_opengl == false then
+			local bubble_cam = hg.CreateCamera(bubble_scene, cam:GetTransform():GetWorld(), z_near, z_far, fov)
+			bubble_scene:SetCurrentCamera(bubble_cam)
+		end
 		-- intro particles init
 		local intro_particles = {}
@@ -189,7 +206,12 @@ function main(cmd_arg)
 		-- bubbles init
 		local bubble_particles = {emitter={spawn_timeout=hg.time_from_sec_f(0.0)}, particles={}}
-		local blank_bubble = hg.CreateInstanceFromAssets(bubble_scene, hg.TranslationMat4(hg.Vec3(0,0,0)), "bubble.scn", res, hg.GetForwardPipelineInfo()) -- , hg.LSSF_Nodes | hg.LSSF_Scene | hg.LSSF_DoNotChangeCurrentCameraIfValid)
+		local blank_bubble
+		if config.is_opengl == false then
+			blank_bubble = hg.CreateInstanceFromAssets(bubble_scene, hg.TranslationMat4(hg.Vec3(0,0,0)), "bubble.scn", res, hg.GetForwardPipelineInfo()) -- , hg.LSSF_Nodes | hg.LSSF_Scene | hg.LSSF_DoNotChangeCurrentCameraIfValid)
+		else
+			blank_bubble = hg.CreateInstanceFromAssets(bubble_scene, hg.TranslationMat4(hg.Vec3(0,0,0)), "bubble_reflection.scn", res, hg.GetForwardPipelineInfo()) -- , hg.LSSF_Nodes | hg.LSSF_Scene | hg.LSSF_DoNotChangeCurrentCameraIfValid)
+		end
 		-- fish boids init
@@ -490,7 +512,9 @@ function main(cmd_arg)
 			hg.SceneUpdateSystems(scene, scene_clocks, dt, physics, hg.time_from_sec_f(1 / 60), 4)
 			-- physics:SyncTransformsToScene(scene)
 			-- scene:Update(dt)
-			bubble_scene:Update(dt)
+			if config.is_opengl == false then
+				bubble_scene:Update(dt)
+			end
 			-- main framebuffer
 			local view_id = 0
@@ -500,7 +524,7 @@ function main(cmd_arg)
 				view_id, pass_ids = hg.SubmitSceneToPipeline(view_id, scene, hg.IntRect(0, 0, res_x, res_y), true, pipeline, res, frame_buffer.handle)
 			-- view_id, pass_ids = hg.SubmitSceneToPipeline(view_id, scene, hg.IntRect(0, 0, res_x, res_y), true, pipeline, res)
 			-- debug draw lines
@@ -523,7 +547,9 @@ function main(cmd_arg)
 			fish_boids = boids_update_draw(opaque_view_id, vtx_line_layout, dt, fish_boids, boids_min_max, scene, physics, shader_for_line, scene:GetNode("sphere"))
 			-- bubble framebuffer
-			view_id, pass_ids = hg.SubmitSceneToPipeline(view_id, bubble_scene, hg.IntRect(0, 0, res_x, res_y), true, pipeline, res, bubble_frame_buffer.handle)
+			if config.is_opengl == false then
+				view_id, pass_ids = hg.SubmitSceneToPipeline(view_id, bubble_scene, hg.IntRect(0, 0, res_x, res_y), true, pipeline, res, bubble_frame_buffer.handle)
+			end
 			-- draw the render texture on a quad
 			hg.SetViewPerspective(view_id, 0, 0, res_x, res_y, hg.TranslationMat4(hg.Vec3(0, 0, -0.5)))
@@ -538,8 +564,13 @@ function main(cmd_arg)
 							hg.MakeUniformSetValue('uClock', hg.Vec4(hg.time_to_sec_f(clock), 0.1, 0.0, 0.0)),
 							hg.MakeUniformSetValue('uZFrustum', hg.Vec4(z_near, z_far, fov, 0))
-			tex_uniforms = {hg.MakeUniformSetTexture('s_tex', color, 0), hg.MakeUniformSetTexture('s_depth', depth, 1), 
+			if config.is_opengl == false then
+				tex_uniforms = {hg.MakeUniformSetTexture('s_tex', color, 0), hg.MakeUniformSetTexture('s_depth', depth, 1), 
 							hg.MakeUniformSetTexture('b_tex', bubble_color, 2), hg.MakeUniformSetTexture('b_depth', bubble_depth, 3)}
+			else
+				tex_uniforms = {hg.MakeUniformSetTexture('s_tex', color, 0)}
+			end
 			hg.DrawModel(view_id, screen_mdl, screen_prg, val_uniforms, tex_uniforms, 
 						hg.TransformationMat4(hg.Vec3(0, 0, 0), hg.Vec3(math.pi / 2, math.pi, 0)))